Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Three international female scientists are to lead a series of webinars focusing on cutting-edge regenerative therapeutic medicine for humans and animals at University of Galway. Taking a One Health approach, University of Galway researchers Dr Ana Ivanovska from North Macedonia, Dr Laura Barrachina from Spain, and Dr Tarlan Eslami Arshaghi from Iran, will join Professor Frank Barry, Professor of Cellular Therapy with REMEDI, will discuss their current research and how they try to advance new therapies for use in both human and veterinary medicine. Joining the University of Galway scientists for the webinars are Professor Valerie Johnson, Michigan State University, USA, and Professor Steven Dow, Colorado State University, USA. The six webinar masterclasses will run each Tuesday from November 1 to December 13 (except Tuesday November 15) at 4pm. The webinar series is organised by Celtic Advanced Life Science Innovation Network (CALIN), in collaboration with the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) at University of Galway. The six webinars include: November 1: One Health and Regenerative Medicine by Professor Frank Barry November 8: Cell Therapies for Wildlife and Exotic Animals by Professor Valerie Johnson November 22: Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapies for Osteoarthritis by Dr Ana Ivanovska November 29: Cell Therapies for Bacterial Infections by Professor Steven Dow December 6: Animal Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Dr Laura Barrachina December 13: Animal Cell-Free Therapies  by Dr Tarlan Eslami Arshaghi Professor Barry said: “We hope to provide information about the kind of cutting-edge research that is going on around the world in advanced therapeutics in veterinary medicine. We are interested in using our research skills to develop advanced therapeutics for veterinary patients and have gathered together an exceptionally talented international team of qualified vets, all with profound scientific expertise.” For more information visit http://www.calin.wales/en/events. Ends

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Clinical trial shows positive results for patients across three European countries  University of Galway, in collaboration with the EU Horizon 2020-funded NEPHSTROM Consortium, has announced promising results from a new cell therapy trial for people living with diabetes. The NEPHSTROM clinical trial is taking the first steps to investigate the value of a novel cell therapy for adults who have type 2 diabetes and worsening kidney disease, despite best medical treatment.  Results from the NEPHSTROM clinical trial were presented in November at the American Society of Nephrology’s Kidney Week meeting in Orlando, Florida. It showed that a single dose of ORBCEL-M, given intravenously to carefully selected adults with worsening kidney disease due to diabetes was safe and associated with better preservation of kidney function compared to a placebo. Patients taking part in the trial were followed closely for 18 months after receiving ORBCEL-M.  The ORBCEL-M cell therapy is a mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) preparation manufactured from healthy bone marrow which was discovered and developed in Galway by Orbsen Therapeutics Ltd, a spinout company from University of Galway.  The clinical trial is being led from the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research IRCCS in Bergamo, Italy and carried out jointly at leading medical centres in Galway, Bergamo, Birmingham and Belfast.  Trial investigator, Professor Matt Griffin, a senior researcher at University of Galway’s Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) and a Consultant Nephrologist at Galway University Hospitals said: “Nearly a quarter of a million people in Ireland are living with diabetes and we know that more than 40% of them have evidence of kidney disease - often referred to as diabetic kidney disease or DKD for short.  “In type 2 diabetes, as many as one third of those with DKD have worsening kidney function despite the best medical therapy we can offer. These people are at high risk for requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation in the years ahead - both of which are complex treatments with potentially serious complications. “In NEPHSTROM, our goal is to secure evidence that a cell therapy, such as ORBCEL-M, is safe and can slow the course of DKD to help more people with diabetes avoid the need for dialysis or transplantation. It was exciting to report that our first analysis of results from the trial supports that goal.” Dr Steve Elliman, who discovered the ORBCEL-M therapy, is Chief Scientific Officer for Orbsen Therapeutics. Dr Elliman said: “At Orbsen Therapeutics we are motivated by improving patient care. Diabetic patients with progressive kidney disease eventually require dialysis and often a kidney transplant. While dialysis improves the quality of life of patients with kidney failure, it is expensive and does not prevent further decline of kidney function. Additionally, dialysis takes four hours per session and three times a week - creating logistic and economic challenges for the patient. Our goal with ORBCEL-M is to resolve systemic inflammation and improve kidney function, so that patients will not require dialysis or a kidney transplant. We’re encouraged by the safety profile and the preliminary efficacy signals in patients with DKD reported by the NEPHSTROM trial. We look forward to continued collaboration with our University of Galway and NEPHSTROM partners to advance this new medicine through Phase 3 efficacy trials and a market approval.” Dr Veronica McInerney, Administrative Director at the HRB Clinical Research Facility at University of Galway said: “Without patient involvement in clinical trials, advances in new treatments are simply not possible. We are fortunate to have the HRB Clinical Research Facility Galway, a clinically equipped space to see and treat patients on trials. We are hopeful that future generations will benefit from the willingness of patients to participate in trials, such as the NEPHSTROM trial.” Professor Timothy O’Brien, Director of the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), at the University of Galway and Consultant Physician in Endocrinology at Galway University Hospitals and the overall lead of the NEPHSTROM project, said: “University of Galway’s ecosystem is set up to facilitate and lead international trials of this nature. The Cell Therapy GMP manufacturing facilities at the Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland, located in the University, along with the HRB Clinical Research Facility, the close partnership with Saolta University Heath Care Group and REMEDI have been instrumental in making the progression of this potential new therapy possible. Funding from SFI, the Higher Education Authority and the Health Research Board has supported and helped build this ecosystem and along with European Commission funding has made the advancement of this research possible.” ENDS

Monday, 19 December 2022

Psychosocial stress is associated with an increased risk of stroke, according to new University of Galway led research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open (JAMA Network Open). The research found that the occurrence of any stressful life event increased the risk of stroke by 17%, with the occurrence of two or more stressful life events increasing the risk of stroke by 31%.  The research was led by Dr Catriona Reddin, at University of Galway’s College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. It looked at levels of stress in more than 26,000 people in Europe, Asia, North and South America, the Middle East and Africa.  The research found that increased stress at home, stress at work, and recent stressful life events (e.g. marital separation/divorce, major intra-family conflict) were associated with an increased risk of ischaemic stroke (a stroke due to a clot) and haemorrhagic stroke (a stroke due to bleeding within the brain tissue).  Those who reported severe work stress were over twice as likely to have an ischaemic stroke, and over five times as likely to have a haemorrhagic stroke compared to those who reported no work stress.  The increased risk was lower in individuals who reported feeling more in control.  Dr Reddin said: “Approximately 7,500 Irish people have a stroke, an estimated 30,000 people are living in Ireland with disabilities as a result of a stroke and annually about 2,000 Irish people die as a result of stroke. In this latest INTERSTROKE study we looked at self-reported stress.  “In people who reported severe home stress, the increase in stroke risk was lower in those who felt that what happens in life is determined by factors within their control.  “Similarly, in individuals who reported severe work stress, the increase in stroke risk was lower in people who felt that they had control over what happens in work, in most situations, compared to people who felt that they had little control over their work life.” Professor Martin O’Donnell, Professor of Neurovascular Medicine at University of Galway and Consultant Stroke Physician at Galway University Hospitals, co-led the international INTERSTROKE study in partnership with Professor Salim Yusuf from the Population Health Research Institute at McMaster University, Canada. Professor O’Donnell said: “Stroke is the most common cause of adult disability globally. Stroke prevention is crucial and the more we understand about the disease the better equipped physicians and the public can be to mitigate the risks.  “The INTERSTROKE study is giving us a better understanding of the importance of conventional and emerging risk factors of stroke in different regions and ethnic groups globally, which are required to help prevention. We know that the best ways to prevent stroke are to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol.  “In this latest study we got deeper insights into how work and life related stresses can contribute to stroke. The findings suggest that higher locus of control is associated with lower risk of stroke and may be an important effect modifier of the risk associated with psychosocial stress." INTERSTROKE study is one of the largest international studies of risk factors for stroke. It has recruited over 26,000 people in 27 countries since 2007.  The full study is available here. A series of findings have been released from INTERSTROKE including:  Alcohol risk factors for acute stroke Anger, emotional upset and heavy physical exertion may trigger stroke Ends

Monday, 19 December 2022

University of Galway graduate Amber Dowling has been rated in the top 16 student engineers in the world, with a Highly Commended award in the Global Undergraduate Awards for her work on a project to help people with Parkinson’s disease.  In addition to being highly commended globally, the graduate of the University’s Mechanical Engineering programme was also awarded the Undergraduate Award in Engineering for the Island of Ireland. Having completed her professional experience work placement with Boston Scientific in Galway, the company continued to support Amber Dowling’s use of their collaborative robot, or cobot, a type of robot that can work alongside humans in a shared, collaborative space, when she returned to University to complete her final year project.  Amber Dowling’s project provides a non-intrusive means of steadying hand tremors for those affected with Parkinson’s disease. The Mechanical Engineering graduate designed and 3D-printed a modified glove which attaches to the flange of the cobot.  Together with the software program written by Amber, the glove transfers the tremor energy to the cobot which filters out these tremors. Amber was guided by universal design principles in her design whilst also incorporating safety features.  Amber, from Slieverue, Co Kilkenny, said: “I am incredibly grateful to have received this award, and honoured to be counted amongst the top 10% of engineering students in the world. I wanted to explore the use of collaborative robots outside of industry, and engage the possibilities of the symbiosis between humans and cobots.” Amber carried out the work as a part of her final project for her undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, supervised by Dr Martina Kelly, and mentored by Julio Zanon, Engineering Fellow at Boston Scientific.  Dr Martina Kelly, Amber’s supervisor in the School of Engineering at University of Galway, said: “Amber’s project was an excellent demonstration of the confluence of mechanical engineering, advanced automation and human-centred design.”  Dr Nathan Quinlan, Head of Mechanical Engineering at University of Galway, said: “This was a truly excellent feat of engineering by Amber, creating a solution for real human needs, to make lives better. It shows how placements, with industry partners like Boston Scientific, can help our students to launch their engineering careers.” Professor Walter Gear, Executive Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at University of Galway said: “Congratulations to Amber on her well-earned award. This project is another example of the world-leading work the University does in our many partnerships with advanced industry based in and around Galway." Amber Dowling highlighted how she believes her work on the project is just the beginning, and intends to continue her engineering career with cobots. She added: “Cobots have capabilities I feel aren't yet fully explored, and it's exciting to think of the developments ahead. I'm furthering my education in automation and controls, and hope to pursue it as a career. This project has shown me that there is much more to come in applications of cobots.”  Ends

Friday, 16 December 2022

 Scientists at University of Galway have identified a set of biomarkers which can distinguish patients with Parkinson’s disease from those not affected. The study, published in the journal Molecular Neurobiology, provides a new direction for research towards a blood-based test, which combined with the current approach of clinical and neuropsychological testing would improve the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. The research was led by Professor Adrienne Gorman in the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Galway. She said: “This research brings us one step closer to improving Parkinson’s disease diagnosis.”  The study was funded by Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Programme and it was conducted in collaboration with University Hospital Galway, University of Limerick and Randox Teoranta. Parkinson’s disease is a condition that is primarily associated with the loss of motor function, such as the use of muscles and movement of limbs, due to the degeneration and death of nerves that control movement. When nerves start to die they send stress signals to the surrounding neurons and distal tissues by releasing stress-regulated proteins.  Dr Katarzyna Mnich, the first author on the paper, said: “For that reason we were looking for markers in blood of Parkinson’s disease patients that would indicate neuronal stress.” The research found that four stress-regulated proteins - PDIA1; PDIA3; MANF; and clusterin - enable us to distinguish Parkinson’s disease patients from those not affected by this disease.  Dr Shirin Moghaddam, the co-author on the paper, said: “The next step is to translate our findings to a clinical diagnostic test. This requires validation of the biomarker panel in further independent cohorts to evaluate the test sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.”  Dr Mnich added: “The development of a blood-based diagnostic test would offer patients faster, cheaper and more accurate diagnosis to start their treatment sooner. And all of us on the research team would like to express our gratitude to everyone engaged in the project, especially to the people who are living with Parkinson’s disease and supported the study.” Ends

Friday, 16 December 2022

The Marine Institute in partnership with the University of Galway’s Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit (SEMRU) has released the latest update on the performance of Ireland’s Ocean Economy. The report provides an update on Ireland’s ocean economy across three main economic indicators: turnover, gross value added (GVA) and employment, and provides an analysis of trends over the last five years. The update shows that Ireland’s ocean economy in 2021 had a turnover of €4.98 billion, with a direct economic contribution, as measured by GVA, of €2.1 billion. Taking into account indirect GVA generated from ocean related activity in Ireland total GVA is €3.8bn, representing 1.6% of national output. Brexit effects on trade and fisheries as well as the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly on marine tourism and the international cruise industry meant a significant reduction in ocean economy output value in 2020. Commenting on the results, co-author Professor Stephen Hynes, Director of SEMRU at the University of Galway stated: “The latest figures demonstrate that it has been a very turbulent period for Ireland’s ocean economy in the two years since the publication of the last report in the series. Against the backdrop of the immense challenges that have faced the sector we have seen a rebound in terms of output and employment in 2021. It continues to be a period of transition for Ireland’s ocean economy as the marine industries innovate in the face of new policies and measures aimed at dealing with the impacts of the climate and biodiversity crises.” Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, said: “I am delighted to receive this latest SEMRU (University of Galway) and Marine Institute report on Ireland’s Ocean Economy, which provides such useful data on the value of our marine industries and sectors. The marine sector and the employment it provides in crucial areas such as Ireland’s fisheries and seafood sector, under my own area of Ministerial responsibility, are crucially important contributors in maintaining the viability of our coastal communities. This interesting and timely report demonstrates that the marine sector as a whole has experienced significant challenges over recent years in common with international trends but is now slowly recovering. It will be particularly interesting to see if the current trends continue into 2023 and future years. We look forward to the next report and hopefully to a resurgent and vibrant marine sector both here in Ireland and internationally.” The report also reviews demographic change in Ireland’s coastal economy, as well as highlighting developments in marine natural capital accounting. Natural capital accounting/ecosystem accounting views nature and ecosystems as assets, which provide a stream of ecosystem service benefits to society. The report highlights the importance of healthy marine ecosystem services to the ocean economy industries and Irish society more widely. In doing so it discusses the latest advancements in ocean environmental and economic accounting and how the Marine Institute and the University of Galway, in partnership with the CSO, are in the process of developing such accounts for Ireland. Welcoming the report, Dr Paul Connolly, CEO of the Marine Institute said: “The ever-growing demand for more integrated advice and services has seen an increasing demand for economic data and evidence that will support the state’s governance of our maritime area. This work, carried out in partnership with University of Galway, and other state organisations such as the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), is delivering a robust analytical framework to inform marine and maritime policies and planning, delivering a more equitable and sustainable ocean and coastal economies.” Ireland’s Ocean Economy Report 2022 is available on the Marine Institute’s website at https://oar.marine.ie/handle/10793/1807 Ends

Thursday, 15 December 2022

The Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics have a strong long running research relationship with the global financial services company Fidelity Investments. The latest of many outcomes from this valuable collaboration has been the joint filing of IP on the topic of ‘Building A Knowledge Base Taxonomy from Structured or Unstructured Computer Text for Use in Automated User Interactions’. To mark this important milestone Lorna Martyn, Ireland Regional Chair and SVP Technology, Fidelity Investments, Chair of Technology Ireland, presented commemorative plaques to all Insight researchers named on the patent. The recipients included Dr Paul Buitelaar, Dr John McCrae, Cécile Robin, Bianca Pereira and Tobias Daudert.  Professor Edward Curry, Director of the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics at the University of Galway, said: “Our relationship with Fidelity shows what’s possible when business and industry collaborates with a Centre like Insight. The relationship has been long and fruitful, and we hope it will continue into the future.” The ceremony took place on December 14th at the University of Galway. We were delighted to be joined for the occasion by Professor James Livesey, Vice President for Research and Innovation, University of Galway, Ian Gallivan Commercialisation Executive, University of Galway, Thomas McGuire, Director Patents Program at Fidelity Investments and Richard Murphy, Head of FCAT Europe at Fidelity Investments. Ends  

Friday, 9 December 2022

New Enterprise Ireland Technology Centre to be hosted by University of Galway led consortium Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar TD, today officially launched Construct Innovate, a new Enterprise Ireland Technology Centre hosted at University of Galway. The Centre has been established with funding of €5 million, over 5 years, to accelerate research and innovation in the construction sector and put the built environment industry at the cutting-edge of developments by utilising the strengths of a network of government, industry and academia. Construct Innovate will be at the forefront of initiatives to meet the demands of major building and investment programmes as part of Project Ireland 2040 and the National Development Plan 2021-2030; Housing for All; and the Climate Action Plan. Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar TD, said: “Construct Innovate is one of the actions we are taking under the Government’s ‘Housing for All’ plan to drive innovation, productivity and structural change in the construction sector. “The Centre will help Irish construction companies to develop competitive advantage, using cutting edge products and services that are better performing, more efficient, more environmentally sustainable, and more effective for their customers. It is a welcome addition to Enterprise Ireland’s existing industry led Technology Centre Programme, which underpins Ireland’s Research, Development and Innovation capabilities. “Through the Housing for All Implementation Fund, I am allocating a further €0.5 million in funding for Construct Innovate in 2023, which will ensure that the Centre is able to prioritise the projects to bring about immediate results for the residential construction sector.” The consortium is the first of its kind in Ireland and as well as the University of Galway includes Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and University College Cork, working with the Irish Green Building Council, sectoral bodies and construction companies.  It brings together a critical mass of experts and thought leaders, offering a single point of contact for industry to access the best combination of skills, equipment and know-how in the Irish research system. The official launch of Construct Innovate coincides with the formal opening of a call for members among construction companies. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “University of Galway is dedicated to excellence and sustainability as core values and it is a huge credit to our community that by embedding those values in our research endeavours that we have been selected to host Construct Innovate – a national technology centre supporting the quality of the work of one of our largest indigenous employers. Our university exists for the public good. Given the importance of the built environment for us all, Construct Innovate led by University of Galway is a shining example of that ethos in practice as it enhances the sector’s capacity to address challenges affecting society.” Professor Jamie Goggins and Dr Magdalena Hajdukiewicz, University of Galway academics and Directors of Construct Innovate, said: “Our vision for Construct Innovate is to provide a platform for collaboration to all stakeholders in the construction industry. A platform that empowers industry to take ownership of research and innovation and supports a modernised, resilient and sustainable sector. A key part of our work will be listening to industry – as they identify challenges and we will work together on this innovation journey.” Joe Healy, Divisional Manager, Research and Innovation Enterprise Ireland said: “Research, development and innovation are key components of thriving businesses and are essential to maintaining a competitive edge in the market. Technology Centres are making a measurable impact to companies in sectors like food, pharmaceuticals and microelectronics, manufacturing, data analytics and learning technologies. Today’s launch comes at a crucial time when the ask on the industry to ramp up on build quality, quantity and delivery times is a top priority, all the while supporting a strict sustainability and carbon neutral agenda. A world class model of knowledge sharing and collaboration through this hub will offer innovative solutions to support the technology transformation of the construction and built environment sector.”    Ends 

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Sheol Cathaoirleach Choiste an Oireachtais ar Oideachas, Breisoideachas agus Ardoideachas, Taighde, Nuálaíocht agus Eolaíocht, Paul Kehoe T.D., Straitéis Acadúil Ollscoil na Gaillimhe (2021-26) go hoifigiúil inniu.  Cuireadh an Straitéis Acadúil i dtoll a chéile ar dtús i gcaitheamh na bliana 2020-21, tráth a raibh an phaindéim ann ar fud an domhain, agus tréimhsí ama nuair a bhí srianta sláinte poiblí i bhfeidhm. Leagtar amach inti fealsúnacht na hOllscoile i leith an teagaisc agus na foghlama, agus na céimeanna atá le glacadh le go gcuirfear le heispéireas foghlama na mac léinn sa todhchaí.  Seo mar a labhair Cathaoirleach Choiste an Oireachtais, Paul Kehoe, T.D.: “Tá an-áthas orm Straitéis Acadúil na hOllscoile a sheoladh. Léirítear inti an chaoi ar féidir le hollscoil glacadh le cur chuige i leith an teagaisc agus na foghlama a dhéanann mic léinn agus comhaltaí foirne a chumasú agus a chumhachtú. Guím gach rath ar an Ollscoil agus tacaíocht a fháil aici ón straitéis chun cur le rannpháirtíocht, cuimsitheacht agus le gnóthachtáil.” Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Tá creideamh daingean againn in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe asainn féin mar institiúid léinn – dár mic léinn agus dár gcomhaltaí foirne. Thug ár ngníomhartha i rith na paindéime le fios an tiomantas diongbháilte a bhí againn don misean sin, in ainneoin na ndúshlán ar fad. Táimid ag féachaint chun cinn anois, agus úsáid á baint againn as an eolas atá sealbhaithe againn, agus an taithí a bhí againn, chun cíoradh a dhéanamh ar an gcaoi ar féidir le cuir chuige éagsúla i leith an teagaisc deiseanna nua a thabhairt dúinn chun ár luachanna, mar atá meas, oscailteacht, barr feabhais agus inbhuanaitheacht, a leabú in eispéireas foghlama ár gcuid mac léinn.” Díríonn Straitéis Acadúil na hOllscoile ar chúig réimse tosaíochta straitéisí: Ár gCultúr Foghlama; Ár bhFoireann a Fhorbairt agus a Chumhachtú; Ár dTimpeallacht Teagaisc agus Foghlama; Ár bPobal Féin agus Lasmuigh de; agus Cultúr Feabhsaithe Cáilíochta. Tá líon forbairtí beartaithe i rith an phlean cúig bliana, agus áirítear leo:  Teicneolaithe Foghlama a cheapadh le go gcuirfear feabhas ar ár dtimpeallacht dhigiteach teagaisc agus foghlama, mar aon leis an gcéad Oifigeach Sláine Acadúla a cheapadh Moltaí le forbairt le go gcuirfear lenár dtimpeallacht dhigiteach teagaisc agus foghlama ar champas chathair na Gaillimhe, a dtugaimid an tIonad Foghlama/Leabharlann air. Maoiniú a fháil ón gCiste Fóraim Náisiúnta – Ailíniú Straitéiseach ar Fheabhas Teagaisc agus Foghlama le go dtacófar leis an teagasc agus leis an bhfoghlaim. Tá ár léachtóirí tiomanta úsáid a bhaint sa todhchaí as na gnéithe is fearr den chianfhoghlaim, agus cuirfidh an chianfhoghlaim leis an teagasc ar an láthair, seachas dul ina áit. Timpeallacht agus éiteas a thógáil a chuireann ar chumas agus a thugann cumhacht dár gcuid mac léinn agus dár bhfoireann dul i mbun fiosrúchán criticiúil, cleachtas machnamhach, agus forbairt ghairmiúil, agus a chothaíonn iontas agus paisean iontu dá ndisciplíní agus dá réimsí spéise. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag an Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh: “Táimid go mór faoi chomaoin ag ár bhfoireann Ollscoile a d’fhorbair modhanna nua teagaisc i rith na paindéime, agus a ghlac chucu féin iad. D’éirigh leo freisin teacht ar bhealaí a lig dúinn cuid de na tairbhí sin a choinneáil, agus ar an gcaoi sin cur lena bhfuil ar siúl againn le fada an lá sna seomraí ranga, sna saotharlanna agus i halla léachtaí.  “Dearadh ár Straitéis Acadúil go sonrach le go mbeadh níos mó ná teagasc, foghlaim agus measúnú i gceist léi. Táimid ag caitheamh leis seo mar dheis chun tacú leis an nuálaíocht i dteagasc agus foghlaim, agus glacadh le cur chuige níos nua-aimseartha chun tacú lenár mic léinn, agus an seans is fearr a thabhairt dóibh oideachas maith a fháil, agus a bheith in ann smaoineamh go criticiúil. Fágfaidh sé sin ar fad go mbeidh siad ullmhaithe ról lárnach a ghlacadh sa tsochaí i gcaitheamh a saoil.” Is féidir Straitéis Acadúil Ollscoil na Gaillimhe a fháil anseo Straitéis Acadúil - Teagasc agus Foghlaim - Ollscoil na Gaillimhe Críoch

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Cathaoirleach of the Oireachtas Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Paul Kehoe T.D. today officially launched University of Galway’s Academic Strategy (2021-26).  Initially developed over the course of 2020-21, amid the global pandemic and periods of public health restrictions, the Academic Strategy sets out the University’s philosophy for teaching and learning and a future for the overall learning experience for students.  Cathaoirleach of the Oireachtas Committee Paul Kehoe T.D. said: “I am delighted to launch the University’s Academic Strategy which demonstrates how a university can strive for an approach to teaching and learning which enables and empowers students and staff. I wish the University every success as the strategy supports their endeavours to widen participation, inclusion and achievement.” President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “At University of Galway we believe passionately in being a learning institution – for our students and for our staff. Our actions during the pandemic highlighted an extraordinary commitment to this mission, despite all the challenges. Now, we are looking ahead, but using the knowledge and experience of how increasingly diverse approaches to teaching can provide us with new opportunities to embed our values of respect, openess, excellence and sustainability in the learning experience of our students.” The University’s Academic Strategy focuses on five strategic priority areas: Our Learning Culture; Developing and Empowering our Staff; Our Teaching and Learning Environment; Our Community and Beyond; and A Culture of Quality Enhancement. As part of the five year plan, a number of key developments are planned, including:  :: The appointment of Learning Technologists enhancing our digital teaching and learning environment and the appointment of an inaugural Academic Integrity Officer. :: Proposals to be developed to enhance our Galway city campus digital teaching and learning environment, known as Learning Commons/Library. :: Funding awarded from National Forum Fund  - Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement to drive teaching and learning. Our lecturers are committed to incorporating the best elements of remote learning into the future, and these will supplement rather than substitute in-person teaching.  Our aim is to build an environment and ethos that enables and empowers students and staff to engage in critical enquiry, reflective practice, and professional development, and which nurtures and sustains their sense of wonder and passion for their disciplines and areas of interest. University of Galway Deputy President and Registrar Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh said: “A huge debt of gratitude is owed to our University staff who pursued and adopted new ways of teaching in the pandemic and also thought out ways to allow us to retain some of those benefits in order to supplement what we have done for years in the classrooms, labs and lectures. “Our Academic Strategy is purposefully designed to go beyond teaching, learning and assessment. We look at this as an opportunity to support innovation in teaching and learning and create the basis for a more modern approach to supporting our students and giving them the best chance to leave us as highly educated and skilled critical thinkers with the opportunity to play a leading role in society over the course of their lives.” University of Galway Academic Strategy can be accessed at https://www.universityofgalway.ie/registrar/academicstrategy-teachingandlearning/ Ends

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Tributes have been paid to Dr Phillip Smyth, the outgoing head of University of Galway’s Shannon College of Hotel Management who has retired after 34 years.  Dr Smyth is succeeded by Adrian Sylver, who becomes the fifth Head of School in its 71-year history. University of Galway President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “Dr Philip Smyth has devoted decades to the teaching and learning of students and his legacy is the reputation for the quality of graduates who come through Shannon College of Hotel Management and work in Ireland and around the world. Our University values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability are evident in the lived experience in Shannon but more so in the standards which the alumni bring with them on their careers. I wish Phillip a long and enjoyable retirement and thank him for his work. Dr Smyth joined Shannon College in 1988 after a career in the Defence Forces, with Army duties in border control, overseas and as a lecturer in the Military College. His background had a major influence in his management style at Shannon College of Hotel Management, with attention to detail, impeccable presentation, discipline and hard work, all integral parts of the learning. In his role, he successfully guided Shannon College of Hotel Management through three decades of immense change, from his start at the College with only four staff and 150 students, to the renowned institution it is today with more than 40 staff and more than 450 students.  Speaking of Dr Smyth’s legacy, incoming Head of School Adrian Sylver said: “Phillip’s contribution to Shannon College of Hotel Management and the hospitality and tourism sector over the last 34 years has been immense. His tenure and leadership has brought the College to where it is today, a School of the College of Business Public Policy and Law, University of Galway.” Dr Phillip Smyth said: “I have worked closely with Adrian Sylver for 16 years, and he has been my Deputy for the last five. He has the leadership skills and the drive to take Shannon College of Hotel Management to new heights. He is devoted to his students both educationally and personally and is deeply committed to maintaining our unique educational ethos.” Through his time at Shannon, Dr Smyth oversaw and contributed to important milestones including Shannon’s integration within University of Galway, development of its own honours degree, extensive international placements, internationalisation of the student body, maintaining close alumni connections with the class patrons programme, and continuing Shannon’s 100% employment rate for undergraduates.  The educational system at Shannon College is unique. Programmes offer a rich mix of practical training, extensive placements at operative and trainee management level, business education, all combined with development of the student as an individual and leader.  Dr Phillip Smyth played an integral role in creating this environment that allow students to thrive and develop their own management style. He also ensured the history and ethos of Shannon College were preserved, along with the emphasis on practical, hands-on learning, while still developing with the ever-changing needs of industry.  Adrian Sylver, a native of Galway, will lead Shannon College with Deputy Head of School Tracy Hegarty. Mr Sylver has worked as a lecturer in Accounting and Finance at Shannon College since 2006, having joined from Dublin Business School where he worked as a senior academic lecturing on undergraduate, postgraduate and professional accounting programmes. Tracy Hegarty, a graduate of Shannon College, lectures in Revenue Management, Rooms Division and Information Technology and has been with the College since 1996. For more information on Shannon College visit https://www.universityofgalway.ie/shannoncollege/  Ends

Friday, 2 December 2022

Minister of State Anne Rabbitte officially opens Access Centre offices at University Minister of State at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and at the Department of Health, Anne Rabbitte, T.D. has launched University of Galway’s first annual report on Widening Participation and officially opened the Access Centre’s new office. Research by the University shows the overall number of students from traditionally underrepresented groups are continuing to grow at University of Galway. With that growth in participation, the new Access Centre offices will provide an important source of support to ensure that students can access, participate and succeed at third level. Minister of State Anne Rabbitte T.D. said: “Over the past 20 years, staff in the Access Centre along with their University colleagues have worked to offer the best student experience, to advocate for and to impart their knowledge to students, many of whom face significant obstacles on their educational journey. With the opening of the Access Centre at University of Galway and the publication of the annual Widening Participation report I am confident that the University is committed to building on what has been achieved to date and to finding ways to help others to enhance their educational future, and to remain committed to diversity and equality of opportunity, to combating educational disadvantage in the region and beyond, and to ensuring university education is for everyone.” The University’s Widening Participation report outlines key achievements to increase the equality of opportunity for students who traditionally would be regarded as underrepresented in higher education, including, the number of students entering University of Galway through specific entry routes other than the Leaving Certificate and CAO system.  Students registering for disability supports Since 2015/16 to 2020/21, there has been a more than 100% increase in students registering for the Disability Support Service at the University. The service is available to University of Galway students who need support or reasonable accommodations due to the impact of a disability, ongoing physical or mental health condition, or a specific learning difficulty. Further Education and Training (FET)  The establishment of the Further Education to Higher Education Working Group at the University brought together key stakeholders from across the University and local Further Education providers to expand the number and breadth of undergraduate opportunities available for students coming through from Further Education and Training.  This opening up of opportunities at University of Galway has produced significant results with a 211% increase in the number of students entering University of Galway from Further Education and Training over a four year period. HEAR and DARE The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) and Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) are two national schemes developed by HEI’s to increase the number of students entering HE who have a disability (DARE) or who come from socio-economically disadvantaged groups (HEAR) in society. Over 10 years since the 2010/11 academic year, more than 4,100 students were welcomed to the University under the two Government initiatives. Socio-Economic Almost one in 10 of our University’s student population have a socio-economic profile of disadvantage and 32% of students have a socio-economic profile of marginally below average.  Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of University of Galway, said: “A key component of this report is looking at the data we have on underrepresented students and learning from what has been achieved so far, so that we can continue to develop a university community that is more reflective of society and that leads the way in changing our society. This is a challenge and responsibility for us all. The widening participation activities outlined in this report are a testament to our commitment to our values of openness, respect, excellence and sustainability, and in this report, we see the outcomes of this commitment for the public good.” Imelda Byrne, Head of Access Centre at University of Galway, said: “This report outlines the broad range of work that has been done to increase the diversity of the University population and the efforts being made to ensure a whole-of-institution approach to widening participation. We are proud of the progress we have made so far but recognise that more still can be done to further extend opportunities to under-represented groups.” Dr Daniel Savery, Widening Participation Officer at the University’s Access Centre, said: “This report provides clear evidence that we have made significant progress in widening participation and creating a more inclusive environment for students from traditionally underrepresented groups in University of Galway. It is through collaboration that this has been achieved to date, and we look forward to building on these achievements.” A copy of the report is available at https://www.universityofgalway.ie/media/access/Widening-Participation-Report-2022.pdf  Ends

Friday, 2 December 2022

Oifigí an Ionaid Rochtana san Ollscoil oscailte go hoifigiúil ag an Aire Stáit Anne Rabbitte   Tá an chéad tuarascáil bhliantúil de chuid Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ar Leathnú Rannpháirtíochta seolta ag an Aire Stáit sa Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige agus sa Roinn Sláinte, Anne Rabbitte, T.D., agus d’oscail sí go hoifigiúil oifigí nua an Ionaid Rochtana. Léiríonn taighde a rinne Ionad Rochtana na hOllscoile go bhfuil líon iomlán na mac léinn ó ghrúpaí nach bhfuil dóthain ionadaíochta acu go traidisiúnta ag fás in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Leis an méadú sin ar rannpháirtíocht, soláthróidh oifigí nua an Ionaid Rochtana foinse thábhachtach tacaíochta chun a chinntiú gur féidir le mic léinn rochtain a fháil, a bheith rannpháirteach agus rath a bheith orthu ag an tríú leibhéal. Dúirt an tAire Stáit Anne Rabbitte T.D.: “Le scór bliain anuas, rinne an fhoireann san Ionad Rochtana agus a gcomhghleacaithe Ollscoile a ndícheall chun an taithí mac léinn is fearr a thairiscint, chun ionadaíocht a dhéanamh orthu agus eolas a roinnt leis na mic léinn, a bhfuil constaicí suntasacha roimh go leor acu ar a n-aistear oideachasúil. Le hoscailt an Ionaid Rochtana in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus foilsiú na tuarascála bliantúla ar Leathnú Rannpháirtíochta táim lánchinnte go bhfuil an Ollscoil ar a míle dícheall ag tógáil ar a bhfuil bainte amach go dtí seo agus bealaí a aimsiú chun cabhrú le daoine a dtodhchaí oideachasúil a fheabhsú agus san am céanna bheith tiomanta don éagsúlacht agus don chomhionannas deiseanna, do dhul i ngleic le míbhuntáiste oideachasúil sa réigiún agus níos faide ó bhaile, agus do chinntiú go bhfuil oideachas ollscoile ann do chách.” Leagtar amach i dtuarascáil na hOllscoile ar Leathnú Rannpháirtíochta príomhéachtaí chun comhionannas deiseanna a mhéadú do mhic léinn a meastar go traidisiúnta a bheith tearc-ionadaithe san ardoideachas, lena n-áirítear, líon na mac léinn a thosaíonn in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe trí bhealaí iontrála eile seachas an córas Ardteistiméireachta agus an CAO. -          Mic léinn cláraithe do thacaíocht míchumais Ó 2015/16 go 2020/21, tá méadú níos mó ná 100% tagtha ar líon na mac léinn atá ag clárú don tSeirbhís Tacaíochta Míchumais san Ollscoil. Tá an tSeirbhís Tacaíochta Míchumais ar fáil do mhic léinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe a bhfuil tacaíochtaí nó socruithe réasúnta de dhíth orthu mar gheall ar mhíchumas, riocht sláinte leanúnach coirp nó meabhairshláinte, nó deacracht foghlama ar leith. -          Breisoideachas agus Oiliúint (FET) Thug bunú an Ghrúpa Oibre ó Bhreisoideachas go hArdoideachas san Ollscoil le chéile príomhpháirtithe leasmhara ó ar fud na hOllscoile agus soláthraithe Breisoideachais áitiúla chun líon agus fairsinge na ndeiseanna fochéime atá ar fáil do mhic léinn a thagann tríd an mBreisoideachas agus Oiliúint a mhéadú. Tháinig toradh suntasach as méadú na ndeiseanna in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe le hardú 211% ar líon na mac léinn a tháinig isteach in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ó Bhreisoideachas agus Oiliúint thar thréimhse ceithre bliana. -          HEAR agus DARE Is dhá scéim náisiúnta iad an Bealach Rochtana don Ardoideachas (HEAR) agus an Bealach Rochtana Míchumais don Oideachas (DARE) a d’fhorbair Institiúidí Ardoideachais chun líon na mac léinn a théann isteach san Ardoideachas atá faoi mhíchumas (DARE) nó a thagann ó ghrúpaí atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste socheacnamaíoch (HEAR) a mhéadú sa tsochaí. Os cionn 10 mbliana ón mbliain acadúil 2010/11, cuireadh fáilte roimh níos mó ná 4,100 mac léinn chuig an Ollscoil faoi dhá thionscnamh Rialtais. -          Socheacnamaíoch Tá próifíl shocheacnamaíoch a bhfuil míbhuntáiste ag baint léi ag beagnach duine as gach 10 mac léinn san Ollscoil agus tá próifíl shocheacnamaíoch atá beagán faoi bhun an mheáin ag 32% de mhic léinn. Deir an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Cuid lárnach den tuarascáil seo ná féachaint ar na sonraí atá againn ar mhic léinn thearc-ionadaithe agus foghlaim ón méid atá bainte amach go dtí seo, ionas gur féidir linn leanúint ar aghaidh ag forbairt pobal ollscoile atá ionadaíoch ar an tsochaí agus a threoraíonn an bealach chun an tsochaí a athrú. Is dúshlán é seo agus táimid ar fad freagrach as. Is teist iad na gníomhaíochtaí méadaithe rannpháirtíochta atá leagtha amach sa tuarascáil seo ar ár dtiomantas dár luachanna oscailteacht, meas, sármhaitheas agus inbhuanaitheacht, agus sa tuarascáil seo, feicimid torthaí an tiomantais seo ar mhaithe le leas an phobail. Dúirt Imelda Byrne, Ceann an Ionaid Rochtana in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Déantar cur síos sa tuarascáil seo ar an raon leathan oibre atá déanta chun éagsúlacht daonra na hOllscoile a mhéadú agus na hiarrachtaí atá á ndéanamh chun cur chuige uile-institiúide a chinntiú maidir le rannpháirtíocht a leathnú. Táimid bródúil as an dul chun cinn atá déanta againn go dtí seo ach aithnímid gur féidir níos mó a dhéanamh fós chun deiseanna a mhéadú do ghrúpaí tearc-ionadaithe.” Dúirt an Dr Daniel Savery, Oifigeach don Leathnú Rannpháirtíochta in Ionad Rochtana na hOllscoile: “Cuireann an tuarascáil seo fianaise shoiléir ar fáil go bhfuil dul chun cinn suntasach déanta againn maidir le rannpháirtíocht a leathnú agus timpeallacht níos cuimsithí a chruthú do mhic léinn ó ghrúpaí nach bhfuil dóthain ionadaíochta acu go traidisiúnta in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Is trí chomhoibriú a baineadh é seo amach go dtí seo, agus táimid ag tnúth le cur leis na héachtaí seo.” Tá cóip den tuarascáil ar fáil ag https://www.universityofgalway.ie/media/access/Widening-Participation-Report-2022.pdf Críoch

Friday, 29 January 2021

Third level partnership on research brings people's voices to the table NUI Galway is to lead a new network of universities to champion public and patient involvement in health and social care research. The Health Research Board, in conjunction with the Irish Research Council, announced the development of the new Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Ignite Network across seven universities and 10 partner organisations, some of which represent patients. With NUI Galway as lead, the network is being established to put the public and the patient at the centre of health and social care research. It aims to ensure that the next generation of graduates is familiar with Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) and know how to incorporate it into their research. In the partnership, patients and members of the public will have the opportunity to work with research teams to decide what issues are important to focus on and how best to carry out research. A key goal will be to ensure that the voices of marginalised and disadvantaged groups are heard. The new network is being headed up by Professor Sean Dinneen, of the School of Medicine at NUI Galway, and Edel Murphy, who is based in the Institute for Lifecourse and Society in the University. “The National PPI Network is a great opportunity for Irish universities to work together to re-imagine what health and social care research is all about and to involve our local communities as genuine partners in the research effort,” Professor Dinneen said. “Rather than adding a tokenistic patient voice to our research we have to take time to form, nurture and engage with a diverse group of individuals from our local community who can provide an authentic public and patient perspective on our research.” The network is building on an initial PPI Ignite Programme, which began in NUI Galway and other universities in 2017 and started the process of changing research culture. A national public advisory panel will be set up in the early phase of its work. The network will also explore innovative ways of involving patients and the public in research, identify best practice and look to measure the impact of PPI. An online hub is to be set up with the aim of connecting patients and members of the public who are interested in being involved with research communities who are seeking PPI partners.  An annual PPI Festival will be held along with outreach events to share resources, knowledge and experience. The network will also deliver training in PPI to researchers, the public, patients, community organisations, policy-makers and research funders. Deirdre Mac Loughlin, a member of the public advisory panel on NUI Galway’s initial PPI Ignite programme, said: “We are on a journey to bring Public and Patient Involvement in health research from concept to reality. These partnerships allow us to bring our lived experience to the research question and often bring a different dimension and perspective to the table. All of this helps to improve the relevance of the research. "Over the next few years we will help to drive PPI as an integral part of the research culture and broaden the number and diversity of active PPI contributors. Through genuine ‘PPI in Action’ the relevance of health research can be optimised and its benefits and trustworthiness be reinforced and promoted.” As part of the new initiative to develop the PPI Network, Dr Ruth McMenamin and Professor Martin O’Halloran have been appointed as co-leads of the NUI Galway PPI Ignite programme. The University will also strengthen ties with local partners such as Croí and the Saolta Hospital Group as well as working with international experts including Professor Derek Stewart (recently appointed Honorary Professor at NUI Galway) and Professor Carolyn Jenkins from the Medical University of South Carolina. Members of the public and patients with an interest in finding out more about Public and Patient Involvement can contact ppi@nuigalway.ie Ends

Thursday, 28 January 2021

⦁ Testing of next generation blades for tidal and river-current turbines stretch from Alaska to Scotland  ⦁ Fatigue and static testing of tidal blade model designs completed for the largest tidal turbine in the world Over the past 12 months, a research team in the SFI MaREI Centre at NUI Galway have made a significant contribution to technology development in the marine energy sector, by delivering three full-scale structural testing programmes to de-risk blade components to allow for commercial and operational trials in Alaska and Scotland. The research team worked with industry partners Suzlon Energy (wind energy developer), Ocean Renewable Power Company (tidal energy developer), Orbital Marine Power (tidal energy developer) and ÉireComposites (wind/tidal OEM). Tomás Flanagan, CEO of Éirecomposites, said: “Our research collaborations with the MaREI Centre at NUI Galway has resulted in moving our blade technology from technology readiness level (TRL) 6 to 9 and the company has attracted commercial contracts for manufacturing tidal turbine blades, and securing these jobs over the long term. “For example, at the start of 2020, we worked on a testing programme with Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) and NUI Galway to de-risk the turbine blade components for the ORPC RivGen® Turbine that we were manufacturing in our facilities in Galway. Due to the successful completion of the structural testing of the turbine in NUI Galway, RivGen® has since been installed in Igiugig, Alaska, where it provides clean, predictable electricity for a remote community, which previously relied solely on energy generation from diesel generators.” Testing to prove tidal blade's twenty-year design life is a world first In 2020, ÉireComposites also built the world’s strongest tidal blade, which has been tested in the large structures testing laboratory in the MaREI Centre at NUI Galway. Through the SEAI funded SEABLADE and Horizon 2020 Marinet2 testing programmes in NUI Galway, a static load of 1,004kN (over 100 tonnes or equivalent to 10 double decker buses) was applied to a tidal turbine blade – the highest load to be reported ever in the world. Following this, the blade was subjected to fatigue testing to prove the blade’s twenty year design life, which is a hugely important step forward in the certification of tidal turbine blades required for full commercialisation. This achievement has had a major impact on the tidal energy sector, while demonstrating the advanced capabilities of the project partners. To date, the testing has validated the models used to design the blade and the manufacturing process, paving the way for Orbital Marine Power’s O2-2000 device to be deployed in 2021, where it will become the largest tidal turbine in the world. According to Finlay Wallace, Blades Manager at Orbital Marine Power: “Collaborating with the MaREI Centre at NUI Galway and ÉireComposites to develop composite tidal turbine blade technology as part of the EU Horizon 2020 Flotec project opened up opportunities to prove the static and fatigue strength of a full sized composite tidal turbine blade structure through the Marinet2 and Ocean Era Net programmes. “We took on a close collaborative approach, working with the project partners during planning and execution of the test program. We were thrilled to successfully demonstrate the blade static and fatigue strength, validating our design approach for composite blades. This represents a critical step in de-risking the path for larger more powerful turbine blades with lower cost of energy.” Development of a component for preventing leading-edge erosion on offshore wind turbine blades In 2020, the MaREI team in the Ryan Institute and School of Engineering at NUI Galway also completed the EASME-funded €1.5 million LEAPWind Project, which was in response to Suzlon Energy’s need to develop a component for preventing leading-edge erosion on offshore wind turbine blades. New components developed at ÉireComposites are now undertaking full-scale operational trials on wind turbines in Scotland, which may result in the new component being used on all future Suzlon blades, where they currently have an installed capacity of over 18,800MW worldwide. That installed capacity is, on average, enough to supply the electrical needs of over 8 million households. Structural testing of components for preventing leading-edge erosion on wind turbine blades was completed at NUI Galway, including static and fatigue testing of representative sections of full-scale blades. According to Sandro Di Noi, Innovation and Strategic Research Manager at Suzlon Energy Blades Technology B.V.: “The cooperation and the results achieved within the innovative LEAPWind project increased the SE Blades Technology (knowledge about wind blades leading edge protection technology in an off-shore environment. “The successful static and fatigue testing of the leading edge protection component (known as LEP) on a representative full-scale blade performed at NUI-Galway delivered a professional and “ready to use” report. The results allows us to move forward with the thermoplastic LEP solution developed by ÉireComposites.” Local social impact in the West of Ireland Tomás Flanagan, CEO of Éirecomposites adds: “The collaboration with the team based in the SFI MaREI Centre at NUI Galway has helped secure ÉireComposites’ long term viability and safeguard jobs in the Connemara Gaeltacht. This is as a result of a long number of years of working closely in partnership with researchers and academics in NUI Galway to foster an innovative ecosystem for lightweight high-performance large-scale fibre-reinforced composite structures across a range of applications, including aviation, space, marine and renewable energy – wind, tidal and river-current.” Professor Jamie Goggins, Principal Investigator in the SFI MaREI Centre and Director of Research and Innovation in the School of Engineering at NUI Galway, said: “Despite the restrictions in place due to COVID-19 in 2020, together with our project partners we have made significant contributions to the marine energy industry, in particular through our collaborations with ÉireComposites, ORPC, Orbital Marine Power and Suzlon Energy. “Having already secured new collaborative research projects to develop and test the next generation blades for tidal and river-current turbines we’re hopeful for another successful year in 2021. We are very grateful for the support of Science Foundation Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and the European Commission through the H2020 and EASME-funded programmes. This has helped secure the reputation of the MaREI Centre as a world leader in design, modelling and testing of tidal turbine blades and blade components.” -Ends-

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

NUI Galway becomes first third-level institution to commit to “campus-wide” promotion of leadership skills in partnership with LIFT Ireland  LIFT Ireland and NUI Galway have today (27.01.21) announced the first partnership in Ireland’s third-level sector aimed at improving leadership skills amongst students and staff. LIFT Ireland is an initiative to raise the level of leadership nationwide, working with organisations and individuals in a variety of settings to develop key leadership attributes. Current partners include ESB, Munster Rugby, Bank of Ireland, RSA Insurance, Vodafone, Dublin Airport, and over 100 secondary schools nationwide. LIFT’s partnership with NUI Galway is the organisation’s first formal partnership with a third-level institution. It will see more than 200 staff and students trained as LIFT facilitators by April. These facilitators will then go on to deliver the LIFT leadership programme to a further 1,500 staff and students at NUI Galway throughout 2021. As part of a pilot run in late 2020, LIFT has already trained 70 NUI Galway students and staff as facilitators.  The LIFT Model LIFT’s leadership programme is delivered through regular roundtable sessions, led by a volunteer facilitator. Each session focuses on one of eight key leadership values, such as honesty, competence, accountability, empathy, respect and positive attitude. The programme supports participants to develop these leadership attributes on an ongoing basis.  Commenting on the partnership with NUI Galway, Joanne Hession, founder and CEO of LIFT Ireland, said: “We work with students and staff across all levels of education, including in schools and further education settings. By working with education institutions, LIFT is aiming to instil strong leadership values in people from a young age, in the hope that they will take these values and practices with them as they move through life and through their careers. “We are delighted to be partnering with NUI Galway, a pioneer in its sector and the first of what we hope will be many third-level institutions to roll out LIFT across campus.” Also welcoming the partnership, the President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hOgartaigh, said: “We are delighted to be the first university to be part of the LIFT programme in Ireland. Many organisations have already benefitted from the programme and, as a learning organisation, I’m particularly pleased that we’re the first university to be involved. “Leading Ireland’s future together is particularly important for NUI Galway and the LIFT programme does it in a way which is very much in tune with our values as a university.” To view a video of NUI Galway students speaking about their participation in the LIFT pilot partnership in late 2020, go to: liftireland.ie/nuig-first-thrid-level-lift-partner/"t-thrid-level-lift-partner/. -Ends-

Monday, 25 January 2021

Iriseoirí an lae amárach - cúrsa seachtaine in iriseoireacht do scoláirí Idirbhliana a reachtáil ag OÉ Gaillimh Beidh deis ag scoláirí Idirbhliana tabhairt faoi chúrsa nua iriseoireachta ar líne á mhúineadh ag cuid de phlúr na n-iriseoirí teilifíse, raidió agus digití. Reachtálfaidh OÉ Gaillimh agus Nuacht RTÉ agus TG4 an cúrsa, Iriseoirí an lae amárach le comhairle ón gComhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) agus ón Roinn Oideachais. Tá an cúrsa dírithe ar scoláirí in Iar-bhunscoileanna Gaeltachta agus Lán-Ghaeilge ar fud na tíre agus beidh sé ar siúl ar an ardán Zoom idir 1-4 Márta 2021. Cuirfidh foireann ó chúrsaí meán agus cumarsáide OÉ Gaillimh agus iriseoirí RTÉ a chraolann ar TG4, RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta agus a sholáthraíonn ábhar d’árdáin digiteacha an cúrsa i láthair ar líne.  Roinnfidh an t-iriseoir físe agus fear déanta scannán, Seán Mac an tSíthigh a chuid scileanna agus a chuid taithí de bheith ag soláthar scéalta físe d’ardchaighdeán do TG4 agus RTÉ.  Tabharfaidh Gormfhlaith Ní Thuairisg cuntas ar na ceisteanna crua a chuireann sí ar dhaoine gach lá ar Adhmhaidin ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta.  Glacfaidh na láithreoirí nuachta Eimear Ní Chonaola agus Siún Nic Gearailt páirt sna ranganna ag tabhairt léargais ar an saol laethúil sna meáin.  Clúdóidh Siún Ní Dhuinn ó RTÉ Digiteach/Gaeilge.ie na dúshláin a bhaineann le scéalta a sholáthar d’ardáin ar líne. Tabharfaidh an cúrsa léargas freisin ar ghairmeacha sna meáin agus ar scéalta spóirt a chlúdach do phobal na hÉireann, dream a bhfuil spéis mhór acu ina leithéid. Dúirt an tOllamh Brenadán Mac Suibhne, Stiúrthóir Léinn, Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh: “Tá gnóthaí nuachta – gnóthaí bréag-nuachta, san áireamh – ina n-ábhar conspóide le cúpla bliain anuas, agus aird níos mó anois ag daoine ar fud an domhain ar thábhacht na hiriseoireachta i sochaí dhaonlathach ar bith.  Cosán atá sa chúrsa, Iriseoirí an lae amárach ón scoil go dtí an ollscoil.  Deis atá ann léargas ar leith a fháil ar shaol na hiriseoireachta go bhfeice scoláirí Idirbhliana an bhfuil siad ag iarraidh oibriú sa réimse sin nó nach bhfuil.  Agus is deis fosta atá ann eolas níos mó a fháil fá Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh agus saol na mac léinn cois Coiribe.” Dúirt Ardstiúrthóir TG4, Alan Esslemont: “Tá an iriseoireacht Ghaeilge mar bhunchloch lárnach do sheirbhís TG4 agus cuireann muid fáilte roimh an gcomhoibriú seo le OÉ Gaillimh chun iriseoirí an lae amárach a spreagadh” Agus í ag fáiltiú roimh sheoladh an chúrsa, Iriseoirí an lae amárach, dúirt príomhfheidhmheannach COGG, Muireann Ní Mhóráin, ‘Cuirfidh an cúrsa nua seo gairm na hiriseoireachta faoi bhráid scoláirí na n-iar-bhunscoileanna Gaeltachta agus lán-Ghaeilge agus cuirfidh sé ar an eolas iad faoi thábhacht iriseoireacht ar ardchaighdeán agus na deiseanna atá sna meáin d’iriseoirí le Gaeilge.’ Dúirt Stiúrthóir Cláir an MA (Cleachtas Gairmiúil sna Meáin), OÉ Gaillimh, Aodh Ó Coileáin: “Is minic a thug an Chúirt Eorpach um Chearta an Duine ‘gadhar faire an phobail’ ar ról tábhachtach na hiriseoireachta.  Go deimhin, bronnann an Chúirt cosaint ar leith don phreas mar go bfhuil feidhmiú an daonlathais ag brath ar shaoirse an phreasa.  Anois, níos mó ná riamh tá iriseoireacht chruinn, chothrom, neamhchlaonta de dhíth ar phobal na hÉireann.” “Tá súil ag Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, Nuacht RTÉ agus TG4 agus an Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta go dtabharfaidh an cúrsa nua léargas do scoláirí Idirbhliana ar ról  agus ar obair na meán agus go mb’fhéidir go spreagfaidh sé cuid acu tabhairt faoi ghairmeacha sna meáin amach anseo.  Tá an fhírinne tábhachtach in aon phobal” a dúirt Ó Coileáin Clárú don chúrsa agus breis eolais: Le clárú ba cheart do scoileanna teagmháil le peadar@cogg.ie le léirithe spéise agus nasc clárúcháin a fháil. Is í an Chéadaoin 10 Feabhra an spriocdháta do léirithe spéise ó scoileanna. Is í an Luan 22 Feabhra an spriocdháta le clárú. Críoch

Monday, 25 January 2021

NUI Galway hosts Iriseoirí an lae amárach - a week-long course in journalism for Transition Year students Transition Year students in Irish-medium schools are being offered a unique insight to journalism in an online course with some of Ireland’s finest television, radio and digital journalists and broadcasters. NUI Galway, Nuacht RTÉ and TG4 are running the week-long Iriseoirí an lae amárach programme in conjunction with An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) and the Department of Education. The course is aimed at post-primary students in Gaeltacht and Irish-medium schools and will be held via Zoom between 1–4 March 2021. Each day a mix of material will be presented by a team drawn from NUI Galway’s media and communications courses and from journalists broadcasting on TG4, RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta and producing content for online platforms.  Award winning video journalist and filmmaker Seán Mac an tSíthigh will share his skills and experience in compiling stories of a cinematic quality for TG4 and RTÉ. Gormfhlaith Ní Thuairisg will give an insight into packing the difficult questions into Adhmhaidin, RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta’s flagship current affairs programme. Television news anchors Eimear Ní Chonaola and Siún Nic Gearailt will speak of the joys and the trials and tribulations of daily live broadcasting.  Choosing and presenting stories for online platforms will be covered by Siún Ní Dhuinn of RTÉ Digiteach/Gaeilge.ie.  The course will also give an insight into following a career path in media and advice on providing stories for a sporting nation on GAA, soccer and horseracing will also be outlined and discussed. Professor Breandán Mac Suibhne, Stiúrthóir Léinn, Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway, said: “The last few years, punctuated by the catch-cry of ‘fake news’, have made us all more conscious of the importance of quality journalism. Iriseoirí an lae amárach enables Transition Year Students to see for themselves what journalism involves and it gives them experience that may help them decide if they wish to pursue a career in a field so vital to democracy and social justice. And it will also give them a sense of the opportunities offered by a BA at NUI Galway.” TG4’s Director General Alan Esslemont said: “Irish language journalism is a core part of the TG4 schedule, and we welcome this collaboration with NUI Galway to encourage Transition Year students to consider a career in journalism.” Welcoming the initiative, chief executive of COGG Muireann Ní Mhóráin said: “This new course will present careers in journalism to post-primary students in Gaeltacht areas and in Irish medium post-primary schools throughout the country along with emphasising the importance of high quality journalism and informing students of opportunities through the medium of Irish in this area.” Programme Director of the MA (Cleachtas Gairmiúil sna Meáin), NUI Galway, Aodh Ó Coileáin, said: “The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has compared the vital role of journalists to that of ‘public watchdog’. Accordingly, the Court has afforded the press the broadest scope of protection. Freedom of the press is one of the great gifts of a democratic society. Perhaps now more than at any point in our history, Ireland needs free, critical, impartial and independent media.” “NUI Galway, Nuacht RTÉ and TG4 and An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta hope that this vibrant new digital course will give an insight to students and perhaps encourage some to choose education in journalism or some aspect of media and broadcasting. The truth always matters.” Registration for course and further information: Schools should write to: peadar@cogg.ie in order to express interest and receive a registration link. Wednesday 10 February is the deadline for expressions of interest from schools. Monday 22 February is the deadline for registration. Ends

Monday, 25 January 2021

NUI Galway student Sukanya Saikia has been selected as a Climate Force Ambassador for the upcoming International Antarctic Expedition in November 2021. Sukanya will be part of a group of 80 dedicated climate change fighters and environmentalists who will travel to the Antarctic for an intensive and immersive training program. Originally from India, Sukanya is a PhD student with the discipline of Civil Engineering at NUI Galway. Her research investigates the climate change and urbanization impact on wastewater management systems. The expedition aims to train and inspire young leaders in up-to-date climate change, sustainability and clean energy skills, and to provide a platform to engage in discussion and exchange ideas with world-class climate and sustainability leaders and help build strong collaborations. Sukanya said: “I am extremely honoured and privileged to be selected for this once in a lifetime training. I am very passionate about climate change and sustainability issues and have been involved with such projects since 2013. I feel that for all the climate actions we do at an individual level, everything has acted as catalysts and manifested into this brilliant opportunity! I’m both excited and nervous and hope to get everyone’s support to complete this expedition.” Organised by 2041 Foundation, the expedition will be led by Robert Swan, OBE, polar explorer, environmentalist, and the first person to walk to both the North and South Poles. Swan has dedicated his life to the preservation of Antarctica through the promotion of recycling, renewable energy and sustainability to combat the effects of climate change. It was Swan’s original expedition to the South Pole which was the inspiration for the 2041 Foundation, an organisation he founded and dedicated to the preservation of the Polar Regions. The mission of the foundation is to engage businesses and communities on climate science, personal leadership, and the promotion of sustainable practices. Sukanya’s supervisor, Dr Eoghan Clifford, Lecturer in Civil Engineering at NUI Galway, said: “This is a great and a very exclusive opportunity for Sukanya. It will allow her to experience first-hand the effects of climate change on the fragile ecosystem of Antarctica. It aligns with her PhD research and will give her a broader perspective on climate change, and I look forward to hearing from Sukanya about her experiences when she comes back.” To find out more about Sukanya’s journey or to support her with the expedition visit her GoFundMe page at gf.me/u/zfzq2c. -Ends-

Monday, 25 January 2021

Ireland’s energy sector to learn from Mallorca testbed  Researchers at NUI Galway are taking part in a green hydrogen research project in the Mediterranean which will help chart a path for the renewable energy enabler to be used in Ireland. Green Hysland is a five-year project that will generate, distribute and use at least 300 tonnes of hydrogen per year produced from solar energy on the Balearic island of Mallorca. In the process it will reduce CO2 emissions by 20,000 tonnes per year. The project will embed green hydrogen in the island’s whole energy system, from solar power generators which will produce the hydrogen, to gas grid operators which will distribute it and to bus operators, vehicle rental firms, homes, businesses and hotels using it for power, heat and mobility. NUI Galway researchers Dr Pau Farràs Costa, Dr Rory Monaghan and Dr Thomas van Rensburg, members of the Energy Research Centre at the University's Ryan Institute, will assess the economic impacts of the green hydrogen on Mallorca, as well as on other island communities involved in the project, including the Aran Islands. Dr Farràs Costa, of NUI Galway’s School of Chemistry, said: “Green Hysland will be the first opportunity to demonstrate how green hydrogen holds the key to island decarbonisation and energy independence. The project has a holistic approach covering all the different end-uses from transport to heating to industry, and will be at a scale that will have an economic and environmental impact on the region.” Green Hysland - Deployment of a hydrogen ecosystem on the island of Mallorca is being supported with €10 million of European Commission funding. The project will entail investments by partners of up to €50 million in total. Antonio Llardén, President of Spanish gas company and project coordinator Enagás, said: “Projects like Green Hysland are a sign of the importance of coordination and cooperation to advance the decarbonisation process. Thanks to the 30 entities that are part of the consortium, the entire value chain is represented in the project, which ensures both the deployment of infrastructure for the production of green hydrogen and its use in final applications.” Dr Thomas van Rensburg, of the School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway, said: “This highly relevant large-scale demonstration project is replicable on tourism dependent island economies around the world, including Ireland. Islands like this can use their excellent renewable energy sources to strengthen and accelerate energy security and the low carbon transition. The involvement of Energy Cooperatives Ireland means that we will be able to examine our ability to replicate green hydrogen deployment on Ireland’s islands, including the Aran Islands and Valentia Island, with their excellent renewable energy potentials.” Dr Rory Monaghan, of NUI Galway’s School of Engineering, said: “NUI Galway is an established leader in green hydrogen through research in other European projects. The research team will use its expertise in the technologies, economics, and public acceptance of renewable hydrogen to examine its role in the decarbonisation of island communities. We will help to create hydrogen value chains to maximise the economic and employment possibilities of hydrogen in Mallorca and other tourism-dependent islands closer to home. “The potential and ambition for Mallorca alone is huge. Take for example the 20,000 tonnes reduction in CO2 emissions as part of this research - that is the equivalent of the energy use in more than 2,300 homes in a year.”  The Green Hysland project will evaluate the socio-economic impact of green hydrogen on Mallorca by examining human capital, well-being and energy security. It will seek to capture the economic value of low carbon tourism and identify skills and training programmes which are required to further develop the island ecosystem and replicate it to other regions. Ends

Thursday, 21 January 2021

NUI Galway breast cancer specialists contribute to international study on the identification of nine breast cancer risk genes Study includes analysis of more than 113,000 women worldwide This study defines the genes that are most clinically useful for the detection of breast cancer risk Breast cancer investigators in the Lambe Institute at NUI Galway have collaborated on a pivotal international study into breast cancer risk which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine today (Wednesday, 20 January). The results of the study have identified that there are nine specific genes associated with breast cancer risk. Contributing authors Professor Michael Kerin, Chair of Surgery at NUI Galway, Director of the Cancer Managed Clinical Academic Network for Saolta University Health Care Group, along with Dr Nicola Miller, Lecturer in NUI Galway’s School of Medicine, have directed the Breast Cancer in Galway Genetics Study (BIGGS) since 2008. DNA samples, which have been collected from 2,000 Irish patients and controls have contributed to the findings of this paper, and to numerous high impact publications in the past decade. Led from the University of Cambridge, the BRIDGES (Breast Cancer Risk after Diagnostic Gene Sequencing) study aimed to identify women at high risk of breast cancer and to develop sensitive and informative gene panel testing for the prediction of breast cancer risk. Gene panel testing is a technique in which a number of specific genes that are linked to a particular genetic condition are examined at the same time. Gene panel testing for breast cancer susceptibility is widely used, but there is only weak evidence for cancer risk association with many genes. The BRIDGES study tested 34 potential “risk” genes from 60,466 breast cancer cases worldwide and 53,461 controls (patients who did not have breast cancer) from 44 international studies in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. The study found that variants in nine genes were associated with breast cancer risk (ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, PALB2, BARD1, RAD51C, RAD51D, TP53). Professor Michael Kerin, who is also Research Director of the National Breast Cancer Research Institute, a voluntary national charity that funds a comprehensive research programme at the Lambe Institute in NUI Galway, said: “With this study we can identify the members within families who have abnormal genes that puts them at a higher risk of getting breast cancer, and they can avail of strategies such as early screening and risk reduction surgery, in order to improve their life expectancy.” Professor Kerin said that the success of this research is testament to the power of bio-banking and the need to futureproof research:  “Having a set of bio-banked samples and the ability to closely follow up with these patients has enabled us to add value to international research studies and improve the knowledge base around breast cancer risk. “The BRIDGES study has revealed that changes which were thought to be unimportant in the well-known breast cancer genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are significant, and this allows us to manage the risk of developing breast cancer in people affected by these gene alterations.” Acknowledging the support of breast cancer research charity funding, Dr Nicola Miller said: “This work highlights the importance of collaboration in breast cancer research in the generation of data of global significance. It helps to better define the genes associated with breast cancer risk. While we can’t change the genes we inherit, this knowledge will benefit patients undergoing genetic testing for breast-cancer susceptibility. We gratefully acknowledge the ongoing support of the National Breast Cancer Research Institute for funding the Irish contribution of this study.” The team, based in the Lambe Institute at NUI Galway, are the only Irish investigators contributing to this study. Biological samples and data from the BIGGS group are part of the Horizon 2020 funded BRIDGES study. The NUI Galway BIGGS study has included 1,000 cancer patient samples and 1,000 population-based controls recruited specifically from hospitals in the West of Ireland since 2001 and from community/retirement groups in this region from 2001-2008.  A copy of the study, ‘Breast cancer risk genes: association analysis in more than 113,000 women’ in the New England Journal of Medicineis available at https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa1913948.        This BIGGS research was supported by the National Breast Cancer Research Institute. For more information visit http://www.breastcancerresearch.ie/. See video with Professor Michael Kerin talking about the study at https://youtu.be/4s0q4asRTfs. -Ends-

Monday, 18 January 2021

A team of researchers within the Advanced Glycoscience Research Cluster (AGRC) at NUI Galway have discovered how human respiratory cells respond to the invading Covid-19 virus. The study, published in a special issue of the peer reviewed open access journal Viruses, identified the proteins and carbohydrates on these cells in response to infection from the coronavirus.  The researchers found that our respiratory cells act like well-tuned translators and respond to the invading Covid-19 virus by altering the presence of carbohydrates and proteins on the cell’s surface. The study also revealed that our response to Covid-19 infection is closely similar to how we respond to other viral pathogens.  Professor Lokesh Joshi, Stokes Professor of Glycosciences, said: “It is well known that all pathogens need the right combination of proteins and carbohydrates to attach to their host and infect. “The appropriate combination of this ‘molecular handshake’ determines how well all pathogens, including Covid-19, attach to our cells and the severity of the infection.  “Mutations cause minor changes in these protein-carbohydrate molecules and can alter the infectivity of the mutants and severity of the disease such as the UK, South African and Brazilian variants.” The research shows that in the Covid-19 virus the spike-glycoprotein (S-protein) is covered with carbohydrates and it binds to a protein (ACE-2 receptor) on human respiratory cells to start the infection. Dr Anup Mammen Oommen, Postdoctoral researcher, said: “These microscopic proteins and carbohydrates work together like molecular handshakes between the virus and human cells, this communication where carbohydrates are essential is often taken for granted, though is a key event for infection.”  Dr Stephen Cunningham, Research Fellow, added: “Like all viruses, Covid-19 virus also mutates as it goes through its host and multiplies. Being a RNA virus, mutations can be frequent with the infected cell not being able to correct. Some mutations are insignificant with no beneficial or detrimental impact to virus or host, however, some lead to changes in the virus’s proteins and carbohydrates that can alter how the virus interacts with cells during exposure and infection which in turn can determine severity of Covid-19.” The AGRC researchers at NUI Galway used a data science approach to provide an insight into how our cells modify the surface molecules and advance our understanding of the Covid-19 infection process. Professor Joshi added: “The research will also help us gain better insight on how our immune system responds to Covid-19 and the mutations in the virus, such as the variants identified in the UK, South Africa and Brazil. This discovery will lead to more informative biomarkers and identification of therapeutic targets to combat COVID-19 and future pathogenic agent infections.” The study has been published in the special issue of the journal Viruses and is available https://www.mdpi.com/journal/viruses https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/13/1/82. Ends

Monday, 18 January 2021

Professor Roger Watson has recently taken up the role as Adjunct Professor of Nursing at the School of Nursing at NUI Galway. A Professor of Nursing at the University of Hull, Professor Watson is also Editor in Chief of Nurse Education in Practice, and an Editorial Board member of the Wiki-Journal of Medicine. Professor Watson is a biology graduate of The University of Edinburgh with a PhD in biochemistry from The University of Sheffield. He qualified in Nursing at St George’s Hospital, London.  Welcoming the announcement Dr Georgina Gethin, Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at NUI Galway, said: “Professor Watson’s contribution to Nursing over his career has been outstanding, evidenced most recently through his appointment as Editor-in-Chief of Nurse Education in Practice. His textbooks have remained part of core curriculum in nursing programmes worldwide. He has provided leadership and acts as a true role-model for Nursing students. We are honoured that he has been appointed to the School of Nursing and Midwifery as an Adjunct Professor and look forward to working with him to continue to advance the mission of the school and contribute to improving the lives of the people we serve through our education, research and public engagement.” Professor Watson said: “I am very pleased to be invited to work with colleagues in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at NUI Galway as an Adjunct Professor and I look forward to the next three years. The School is well regarded nationally and internationally and it is my honour to be associated with it." Professor Watson’s specialised interest area is feeding and nutritional problems of older people with dementia. He holds honorary and visiting positions in China, Hong Kong, and Australia. He was a member of the UK 2008 Research Assessment Exercise sub-panel for Nursing and Midwifery and a 2014 Research Excellence Framework sub-panel for Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy. In 2017 Professor Watson was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame. -Ends-

Monday, 18 January 2021

Two NUI Galway students have been awarded scholarships by multinational technology company Intel as part of its programme to encourage the next generation of high-achieving women. The successful students are Eimear McDonnell, from Westport, Co Mayo, in third year BSc Environmental Health and Safety and Emily Metadjer, from Shrule, Co Mayo, in second year BSc Computer Science and Information Technology. The Intel Women in Technology scholarship programme aims to encourage a new generation of high-achieving women to take up the challenge of a career in science and technology and to empower them by fostering educational opportunities. Dr Marie Coggins, lecturer in Exposure Science in NUI Galway’s School of Physics, which secured an Athena Bronze Award in 2020, said: “The scholarship is a tremendous achievement and gives the students excellent opportunities in terms of work experience, learning and applying their knowledge in a world class multinational. “Environmental Health and Safety professionals play a key role in managing environmental and occupational hazards across a range of sectors and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the important role of this profession in protecting the health of workers, our community and society. Eimear is in third year of NUI Galway’s internationally accredited Environmental Health and Safety programme, which offers excellent job prospects, with graduates immediately qualified to work having gained the essential academic and practical skills required to execute the role in any sector, on any continent and the Intel scholarship is a huge plus.” Eimear McDonnell said: “I am absolutely delighted to have been selected. It’s an excellent opportunity for me to progress my studies and to get a work placement with Intel, a world renowned company, that will give me invaluable experience and will undoubtedly influence my career.” Professor Michael Madden, Head of NUI Galway’s School of Computer Science, said: “We are delighted that Emily has secured this scholarship. We are very keen to support young women, as they are under-represented in the field of Computer Science nationally and internationally. As well as the financial award, the scholarship includes mentoring, which is valuable for nurturing young talent and helping students to achieve their high potential.” Eimly Metadjer said: “I am extremely grateful to have received this scholarship from Intel, one of the foremost tech companies in the world. This is not just a huge opportunity for me personally, but this scholarship is extremely important to help bridge the gender gap in computer science and to encourage and enable women in technology.” The Intel Women in Technology scholarship program offers a monetary grant, valued at €3,000 per annum, as well as opportunities for work placements at the Intel Leixlip and Shannon campuses. Each scholar is also assigned a mentor who is an Intel employee to assist and provide advice on managing their academic career. Since the Intel Women in Technology scholarship program began 15 years ago, it has supported 129 students and a total of €1,675,000 has been invested in the initiative to date. Ends

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

NUI Galway has announced the results of elections for staff and graduates to its new Governing Authority, which sees women take up six of the 10 positions. The new Údarás na hOllscoile will come into existence on 1 February 2021 and will serve until 2025. An online election was held on Monday and Tuesday of this week to appoint the University staff and graduates to the new Governing Authority. President of NUI Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh thanked all those who stood for election and welcomed the new members. “All those who stood for election to the Údarás deserve huge credit for supporting our University’s democracy and raising the profile of the Governing Authority and the important work it does,” Professor Ó hÓgartaigh said. “And congratulations to all those who have been successful. The work of the members of the new Údarás in the coming months and years will be crucial as our University implements our strategic plan Shared Vision, Shaped by Values and assesses and supports all the other initiatives and developments that we are pursuing. “The range of talent, commitment and experience that our graduates, academics and professionals bring to the new Governing Authority will be an enormous asset for our University as we work to ensure the high levels of transparency, accountability and ambition fitting for our university as an institution for the public good.” The following have been elected to the new Governing Authority: :: Academic staff - Dr Rachel Hilliard; Dr Anthony Grehan; Dr Dara Cannon :: Professional service staff - Sinéad Beacom; Eric Mortimer; Monica Crump :: Graduates - Edel Browne; Conor Fottrell; Retired Brigadier General Ger Aherne; Nuala Ní Chonghaile More than 5,000 graduates and staff voted in the election. Three Professors were appointed to the Governing Authority ahead of the election after the number of nominations matched the number of available positions. They are Professor Aisling McCluskey, School of Mathematics, Statistics & Applied Mathematics; Professor Michal Molcho, Children’s Studies, School of Education; and Professor Jim O’Gara, School of Natural Sciences. Student elections to elect four representatives to the Governing Authority will begin in late January. Caroline Loughnane, NUI Galway Secretary for Governance & Academic Affairs, said: “We have experienced unprecedented levels of interest in this election from staff and graduates. It is really inspiring to see the range and quality of candidates who are willing to invest their time and energy in shaping the future of the University. “There has never been a more important time for effective and agile governance. As universities navigate the uncertain landscape created by the Covid-19 pandemic and look ahead to impending changes in governance legislation from Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science, Minister Simon Harris, the role of the Governing Authority is crucial in setting the strategic direction for higher education.” Professor Ó hÓgartaigh also paid tribute to the members of the outgoing Údarás. “It was a privilege for our University to have someone like former Supreme Court judge Catherine McGuinness chair the Údarás for the last number of years, working with members who had such a breadth of expertise and knowledge for the betterment of our University. Thank you to everyone who served on the Údarás and supported its work over the last five years,” Professor Ó hÓgartaigh said. Ends

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

D’fhógair OÉ Gaillimh torthaí thoghcháin na foirne agus na gcéimithe d’Údarás nua na hOllscoile, ina bhfuil sé áit as deich bainte amach ag mná. Tiocfaidh Údarás nua na hOllscoile i bhfeidhm an 1 Feabhra 2021 agus beidh sé ann go dtí 2025. Tionóladh toghchán ar líne Dé Luain agus Dé Máirt chun comhaltaí foirne agus céimithe de chuid na hOllscoile a cheapadh ar Údarás nua na hOllscoile. Ghabh Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh buíochas le gach duine a sheas sa toghchán agus chuir sé fáilte roimh na comhaltaí nua. “Tá creidiúint mhór tuillte ag gach duine a sheas sa toghchán don Údarás as tacú le daonlathas ár nOllscoile agus próifíl an Údaráis a ardú agus an obair thábhachtach a dhéanann sé,” a dúirt an tOllamh Ó hÓgartaigh. “Agus tréaslaím le gach duine ar éirigh leo. Beidh obair chomhaltaí an Údaráis nua sna míonna agus sna blianta amach romhainn ríthábhachtach de réir mar a chuirfidh ár nOllscoil ár bplean straitéiseach Fís i gCoiteann, Múnlaithe ag Luachanna i bhfeidhm agus muid ag déanamh measúnú ar agus ag tabhairt tacaíocht do na tionscnaimh agus na forbairtí eile atá á saothrú againn. “Is acmhainn ollmhór dár nOllscoil an raon cumais, tiomantais agus taithí a thugann ár gcéimithe, lucht acadúil agus gairmithe chuig Údarás nua na hOllscoile agus muid ag obair chun na leibhéil arda trédhearcachta, cuntasachta agus uaillmhéine a oireann dár n-ollscoil a chinntiú mar institiúid ar mhaithe le leas an phobail.” Toghadh iad seo a leanas ar Údarás nua na hOllscoile. :: An fhoireann acadúil – An Dr Rachel Hilliard; an Dr Anthony Grehan; an Dr Dara Cannon. :: Foireann na seirbhíse gairmiúla – Sinéad Beacom; Eric Mortimer; Monica Crump. :: Céimithe – Edel Browne; Conor Fottrell; an Briogáidire-Ghinearál Ger Aherne; Nuala Ní Chonghaile. Vótáil breis agus 5,000 céimí agus comhalta foirne sa toghchán. Ceapadh triúr Ollúna ar Údarás na hOllscoile roimh an toghchán ós rud é go raibh líon na n-ainmniúchán mar a chéile le líon na n-áiteanna a bhí ar fáil. Is iad sin an tOllamh Aisling McCluskey, Scoil na Matamaitice, na Staitisticí & na Matamaitice Feidhmí; an tOllamh Michal Molcho, Léann Leanaí, Scoil an Oideachais; agus an tOllamh Jim O’Gara, Scoil na nEolaíochtaí Nádúrtha. Cuirfear tús le toghcháin na mac léinn chun ceathrar ionadaithe a thoghadh ar Údarás na hOllscoile ag deireadh mhí Eanáir. Dúirt Caroline Loughnane, Rúnaí Gnóthaí Rialachais & Acadúla OÉ Gaillimh: “Bhí spéis nach bhfacthas riamh cheana sa toghchán seo ag comhaltaí foirne agus ag céimithe. Is mór an spreagadh é réimse agus caighdeán na n-iarrthóirí atá toilteanach a gcuid ama agus fuinnimh a infheistiú i dtodhchaí na hOllscoile. “Ní raibh rialachas éifeachtach agus solúbtha chomh tábhachtach riamh cheana. De réir mar a thugann ollscoileanna aghaidh ar an saol éiginnte a chruthaigh paindéim Covid-19 agus iad ag tnúth le hathruithe atá le teacht ó reachtaíocht an Aire Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta & Eolaíochta, an tAire Simon Harris, tá ról Údarás na hOllscoile ríthábhachtach maidir leis an treo straitéiseach a leagan amach don ardoideachas.” Thréaslaigh an tOllamh Ó hÓgartaigh le comhaltaí an Údaráis atá ag dul as oifig. “Ba phribhléid é dár nOllscoil iarbhreitheamh na Cúirte Uachtaraí, Catherine McGuinness a bheith ina cathaoirleach ar an Údarás le roinnt blianta anuas, ag obair le comhaltaí a raibh an oiread sin saineolais agus eolais acu a chuir siad chun tairbhe na hOllscoile. Mo bhuíochas le gach comhalta a bhí ar an Údarás agus a thacaigh lena chuid oibre le cúig bliana anuas,” a dúirt an tOllamh Ó hÓgartaigh. Críoch

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

NUI Galway will hold a virtual information evening on Wednesday, 13 January, from 7-9pm, focusing on the needs of Mature Students and Adult Learners who may be considering full-time or part-time studies for the 2021 academic year. This online information evening is designed particularly for those aged 23 or over wishing to find out more about study options at NUI Galway, and will assist attendees in making the right decision which suits their personal circumstances and professional development needs. Trish Bourke, Mature Student Officer at NUI Galway, said: “Mature Students are a valued asset to our university and they bring enthusiasm and motivation to learn and manage family life and studies to reach their goal of attaining a rich education.” The University’s Career and Development Centre will deliver a lecture focusing on what course of study will best suit individual circumstances and career pathways, and there will be an opportunity to hear from a diverse panel of current Mature Students. Staff from NUI Galway’s undergraduate and postgraduate courses, along with representative from the University’s Support Service will also be present to guide attendees on the range of course options and supports offered at NUI Galway.  Academic staff will also be available to answer specific queries on degrees and progression. Members of the Access Centre will be available  to answer questions on pre-university courses in terms of Access courses, and the Disability Support Services, who have expertise in supporting students at third level who may have a long-term health condition (physical or mental), or a specific learning difficulty, will also be in attendance to give guidance to prospective students. Registration for this event is essential. Please register at http://www.nuigalway.ie/caoevents/ or contact maturestudents@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

D’fhógair OÉ Gaillimh go mbeidh toghchán Údarás na hOllscoile ar siúl an tseachtain seo chugainn, agus gur mná iad níos mó ná leath na n-iarrthóirí. Tá 30 comhalta foirne agus céimí ollscoile san iomlán ag seasamh i dtoghchán Údarás na hOllscoile, lena n-áirítear 18 gcéimí, seachtar comhaltaí foirne seirbhíse gairmiúla na hOllscoile agus cúigear comhaltaí foirne acadúla. Toghadh triúr ollúna go huathoibríoch cheana féin. Tá thart ar 50,000 céimí agus comhalta foirne Ollscoile i dteideal vóta a chaitheamh, agus beidh an bhallóid ar líne oscailte ar feadh 27 uair an chloig – ó 9am Dé Luain, an 11 Eanáir 2021 go dtí meán lae Dé Máirt, an 12 Eanáir 2021. Mhol Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh go láidir do gach comhalta foirne agus alumni incháilithe a vóta a chaitheamh. “Tá spéis nach bhfacthas riamh roimhe sa toghchán don chéad Údarás eile, agus alumni ar fud an domhain ag clárú le vótáil agus tá spéis á léiriú trí na hardáin meán sóisialta atá againn. Taispeánann sé an luach a chuireann pobal na hOllscoile sa bhaile agus thar lear ar Údarás na hOllscoile,” a deir an tOllamh Ó hÓgartaigh. “Is é an tÚdarás an coiste is tábhachtaí inár nOllscoil – is ann a leagtar amach ár bhfreagracht agus ár dtrédhearcacht mar institiúid ar mhaithe le leas an phobail agus is ann a fhorbraítear agus a thacaítear lenár gcuid smaointe, ár n-uaillmhianta agus ár straitéisí. Ba mhaith liom buíochas speisialta a ghabháil le gach duine a chuir a n-ainm chun cinn le bheith páirteach in obair an Údaráis sna blianta amach romhainn. Léiríonn an réimse leathan aoise, taithí, oideachais agus scileanna an luach atá ag ár n-alumni ar an Ollscoil agus an fonn atá orthu rud éigin a thabhairt ar ais. “Molaim do gach duine atá cláraithe gan dearmad a dhéanamh a vóta a chaitheamh.” Tá sonraí an 30 ainmní do chéad Údarás na hOllscoile eile ar fáil anseo. Táthar ag súil torthaí an toghcháin a fhógairt Dé Máirt, an 12 Eanáir 2021, agus rachaidh an chéad Údarás eile i mbun oifige an 1 Feabhra 2021. Ceapadh triúr Ollúna ar Údarás na hOllscoile mar go raibh líon na n-ainmniúchán mar a chéile le líon na n-áiteanna a bhí ar fáil – an tOllamh Aisling McCluskey, Scoil na Matamaitice, na Staitisticí & na Matamaitice Feidhmí; an tOllamh Michal Molcho, Léann Leanaí, Scoil an Oideachais; agus an tOllamh Jim O’Gara, Scoil na nEolaíochtaí Nádúrtha. Cuirfear tús le toghcháin na mac léinn chun ceathrar ionadaithe a thoghadh ar Údarás na hOllscoile ag deireadh mhí Eanáir. Ag labhairt di faoin raon éagsúil tréithe atá riachtanach do bhallraíocht Údarás na hOllscoile, dúirt an Rúnaí Gnóthaí Rialachais & Acadúla, Caroline Loughnane: “Tá ról Údarás na hOllscoile mar phríomhchomhlacht cinnteoireachta ríthábhachtach maidir le treo na hOllscoile sa todhchaí a fhorbairt. Tá meascán éagsúil scileanna, taithí agus tréithe pearsanta riachtanach do Bhord a fheidhmíonn go maith agus is ábhar mór misnigh é an éagsúlacht sin a fheiceáil i bpróifílí na n-iarrthóirí atá san iomaíocht sa toghchán. Tá rogha iontach ar fáil don lucht vótála agus mholfainn go láidir don fhoireann agus do chéimithe a gcuid vótaí a úsáid chun a dtuairimí a chur in iúl sa toghchán seo.” Dúirt an tOllamh Ó hÓgartaigh: “Ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil le baill uile Údarás na hOllscoile atá ag dul as oifig as a dtiomantas agus a gcuid oibre le blianta beaga anuas agus buíochas speisialta le Cathaoirleach Údarás na hOllscoile, Catherine McGuinness. Bhí sé de phribhléid ag ár nOllscoil tairbhe a bhaint as eolas, as taithí agus as neamhspleáchas iarBhreitheamh na Cúirte Uachtaraí ar feadh an oiread sin blianta. Ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a dhéanamh freisin leis na hollúna a ceapadh ar an gcéad Údarás eile – táim cinnte go gcuirfidh siadsan go mór leis an ról agus táim ag súil le bheith ag obair leo agus le gach ball d’Údarás na hOllscoile i gcinntiú go mbaintear amach leibhéal freagrachta agus uaillmhéine mar atá leagtha amach inár bplean straitéiseach, Fís i gCoiteann, Múnlaithe ag Luachanna, dár gcuid mac léinn, dár sochaí agus dár bpláinéad.” Críoch

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

NUI Galway has announced the election of a new Governing Authority will take place next week, with women making up more than half of the candidates. A total of 30 university staff and graduates are standing for election to Údarás na hOllscoile, including 18 graduates, 7 from the University’s professional service staff and 5 academic staff. Three professors have been automatically elected. Around 50,000 University graduates and staff are eligible to vote*, with the online ballot open for 27 hours – from 9am on Monday 11 January 2021 until midday on Tuesday 12 January 2021. President of NUI Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh urged all eligible staff and alumni to use their vote. “The election for the next Údarás has seen unprecedented interest, both from alumni across the world registering to vote and also through our social media platforms. It demonstrates the value which our University community at home and abroad places on our Governing Authority,” Professor Ó hÓgartaigh said. “The Údarás is the most important committee in our University - it is the place where we establish our accountability and transparency as an institution for the public good and where our ideas, our ambitions and our strategies are shaped and supported. "I want to extend a special word of thanks to everyone who stood up and put themselves forward to play a part in its work in the coming years. The breadth and range of ages, experience, education and skills highlights the value our alumni attach to the University and their desire to give back. “I would encourage all those who have registered to vote to remember to cast their ballots.” Details of the 30 nominees for the next Governing Authority are available to view online https://www.mi-event.info/event/nuigalway2021election. The results of the election are due to be released on Tuesday 12 January 2021, with the next Governing Authority to take office on 1 February 2021. Three Professors were appointed to the Governing Authority after the number of nominations matched the number of available positions. They are Professor Aisling McCluskey, School of Mathematics, Statistics & Applied Mathematics; Professor Michal Molcho, Children’s Studies, School of Education; and Professor Jim O’Gara, School of Natural Sciences. Student elections to elect four representatives to the Governing Authority will begin in late January. Speaking about the diverse range of attributes required in the membership of the Governing Authority, Caroline Loughnane, NUI Galway's Secretary for Governance & Academic Affairs, said: “The role of the Governing Authority as the ultimate decision-making body is pivotal in shaping the future direction of the University. A diverse mix of skills, experience and personal attributes are essential components of a well-functioning Board and it is really encouraging to see such diversity in the profiles of the candidates running for election. Voters are spoiled for choice and I would strongly encourage staff and graduates to use their votes to make their voices heard in this election.” Professor Ó hÓgartaigh added: “I would like to thank all the members of the outgoing Governing Authority for their commitment and work in recent years and a special word of thanks to the Chair of Údarás na hOllscoile Catherine McGuinness. Our University was privileged to be able to call on the former Supreme Court Judge’s knowledge, experience and independence for so many years. "I would also like to congratulate the professors who have been appointed to the next Governing Authority - I am sure they too will bring a wealth of talent to the role. I look forward to working with them and all the members of our Governing Authority in ensuring a level of accountability and ambition which matches our place in the world, as set out in our strategic plan, Shared Vision, Shaped by Values, for our students, for our society and for our planet.” Ends * This figure includes eligible Alumni who have registered their emails with the Alumni Office for communication purposes. The total number of graduates eligible to vote is higher. For graduates on the Alumni database who are eligible to vote and may not have access to email, a web landing page has been developed to enable such voters to access their vote on Jan. 11th and 12th at the following link:  https://www.mi-vote.com/nuigalway2021/.

Friday, 26 February 2021

The Moore Institute in association with the MA in Public Policy at NUI Galway will host a webinar on Thursday 4 March, analysing the outcome of the EU-UK Trade Agreement signed in late December 2020. Three leading commentators on European trade, diplomacy, and Northern Ireland will take part in the discussion: Carlo Trojan, David O’Sullivan, and Katy Hayward. Carlo Trojan spent his career as senior European Commission official, working on competition policy, agriculture, German unification, and Northern Ireland (as head of the Commission’s Task Force). He served as European Commission secretary general 1997-2001 and EU Ambassador to the World Trade Organisation. He will provide an overall assessment of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. David O’Sullivan recently retired as EU Ambassador to the Unites States. He formerly served as Director General of Trade for the European Commission and as secretary general. He will discuss the Irish perspective on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, the concept of “Global Britain” and the prospects of a UK-US trade agreement. Katy Hayward is Professor of Political Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast and a Senior Fellow of UK in a Changing Europe. She will discuss Northern Ireland and the implementation and resistance to the Northern Ireland Protocol. Professor Daniel Carey, Director of the Moore Institute at NUI Galway, said: “The deal to reach an EU-UK trade agreement came at the 11th hour. This webinar provides a chance to examine how the two parties fared in the negotiation, with contributions from a remarkable panel of experts.” Professor Niall Ó Dochartaigh, Director of the MA in Public Policy, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway, said: “As the implications of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement begin to become clear there is an urgent need to consider how it will shape relations between Ireland, Britain, Europe, and the world in the coming decades. Our three speakers have unique expertise on the topic.” The online event will take place on Thursday, 4 March at 12pm. To attend this free webinar, register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8R8iWPubTRS0rxdWB83E9g For further information contact daniel.carey@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-