Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Saileog Ní Cheannabháin, the 2021 Sean-Nós Singer-in-Residence at NUI Galway, will give a second series of virtual sean-nós singing workshops beginning on Wednesday, 6 October at 7.30pm. The singing workshops will run weekly on Wednesdays of the 6, 13, 20, and 27 of October, and the 3 November. A sean-nós singer, musician and composer, Saileog learned and played both traditional and classical music from a very young age. She grew up listening to singers from Iorras Aithneach and cites Seán 'ac Dhonncha, Sorcha Ní Ghuairim, Dara Bán Mac Donncha agus Seáin Jeaic 'ac Dhonncha as formative influences on her approach and singing. She has released two albums; I bhfíor-dheiriú oidhche (2012), a collection of songs collected by Séamus Ennis in Iorras Aithneach in the 1940s and Roithleán (2016). The workshops are free and open to all. Registration is available on Zoom at Further information available from Samantha Williams at 091 492051 or This project is funded by Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Údarás na Gaeltachta and An Chomhairle Ealaíon in association with the Centre for Irish Studies at NUI Galway. -Ends-

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Terence O’Malley on campus visit to meet inaugural scholars The Chairman Emeritus of global law firm DLA Piper has heralded the impact of a special new scholarship set up in partnership with the School of Law at NUI Galway. The Terence O’Malley DLA Piper Scholarship provides funding and support to enable and empower successful students to study a law degree at NUI Galway. Terence O’Malley, who has family roots in the west of Ireland, was welcomed to the campus by Professor Geraint Howells, Executive Dean of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law. He also met the inaugural scholars, Bachelor of Civil Law students Ava Cullinan, from Kilrush, Co Clare and Emily Donnellan, from Maree, Co Galway. Terry O’Malley said: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to visit the NUI Galway campus and meet the first scholars. It is very gratifying to hear about the impact of the awards as well as having the opportunity to visit the School of Law and learn about the education and learning on offer.” Professor Howells said: “It is a pleasure to welcome Terence O’Malley to NUI Galway and thank him in person for DLA Piper’s generous support of NUI Galway students. Partnership with Irish and global law firms are key to ensuring that we can attract and retain a diverse student group who will go on to make an impact and contribution in their fields.” The Terence O’Malley DLA Piper Scholarship launched in 2020 at NUI Galway following Mr O’Malley’s retirement from a highly-regarded legal career, serving in various roles including as DLA Piper's US Managing Partner, US Co-Chairman, and Global Co-Chief executive officer. In addition to the scholarship provides funding and support to successful students over the course of their law degree, a separate annual bursary is also awarded to the student who achieves the highest grade in the University’s new Law and Innovation module. Terence O’Malley DLA Piper Scholar Ava Cullinan said: “Having received this scholarship, the financial burden I carry throughout my journey to become a solicitor has greatly lessened. I believe that a disadvantaged background should not hinder me from accessing my full potential, and it is in this regard that I cannot understate the importance and impact of the scholarship on both my personal and professional aspirations.” Terence O’Malley DLA Piper Scholar Emily Donnellan said: “The scholarship has afforded me relief and a greater sense of security while pursuing my studies so far. I hope to represent and advocate for people in the justice system. I enjoy working with and helping others and I would hope to make a positive contribution to society through a career in Law. I am grateful for the opportunity and the sense of relief the scholarship has provided me with while I pursue my studies, having allowed me to focus and prioritise studying for my course." DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. DLA Piper established in Ireland in 2019 with offices in Dublin.  DLA Piper clients range from multinational, Global 1000, and Fortune 500 enterprises to emerging companies developing industry-leading technologies. Applications details for the 2021 Terence O’Malley DLA Piper Scholarship will be announced in October. For further details visit Ends

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Almost 100 online booths are being set up for students to put NUI Galway academics and staff on the spot during the University's Autumn Undergraduate Open Day. The special one day virtual event - from midday to 4pm on Saturday 2 October 2021 - is offering an extensive interactive experience for students, parents and guidance counsellors to explore courses and careers and to connect with the University. Ninety-one booths are being set-up as part of the online open day where lecturers, programme directors and staff are on hand to answer questions and talk about University life. A main stage for panel discussions is also being hosted on the day, featuring five keynote talks with distinguished graduates and high achieving students, including a chance to hear how to cultivate an Olympic mindset, as well as practical tips to get the most from the University experience. Advance registration is required in order to access to the platform, with further info at, or by emailing Sarah Geraghty, Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach at NUI Galway, is urging people to register in order to plan your day; pick your talks; and pop in to the booths. “We are very conscious that the Leaving Cert Class of 2022 have faced many challenges and have shown great resilience over the last two years,” She said. “Our aim for NUI Galway Undergraduate Open Day is to support students and parents as they start to think about options for next year. We hope the open day will be an informative and dynamic event which will help students to explore the endless career opportunities that await them and help identify the courses and pathways that are right for them.” As well as asking questions in the booths, visitors can download relevant details and watch videos. Each of the course or subject booths will feature at least one live presentation on the day include introductions to subject areas such as arts, business, law, engineering, science, medicine and nursing, as well as tasters on more niche, specialised courses and subjects. NUI Galway has new subjects available for 2022 - International Development and Performance and Screen Studies for GY101 Joint Honours students; and Physics and Climate Physics for GY301 Science students. Representatives from NUI Galway’s support services teams will be available to chat with students and parents including booths dedicated to accommodation, admissions, fees and other professional and support services. The Access Centre will provide information on the alternatives entry routes to third level education including the Access Programme, QQI/FETAC Level 5 places and support available from the Disability Support Service. Ends

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Beidh beagnach 100 seastán ar fáil ar líne ag a mbeidh deis ag daltaí cruacheisteanna a chur ar lucht acadúil agus ar fhoireann OÉ Gaillimh ag Lá Oscailte Fochéime an Fhómhair. Cuirfidh an t-imeacht speisialta lae – a bheidh ar siúl ó mheán lae go 4pm Dé Sathairn, an 2 Deireadh Fómhair 2021 – eispéireas fairsing idirghníomhach ar fáil do dhaltaí, tuismitheoirí agus múinteoirí gairmthreorach a thabharfaidh deis dóibh eolas a chur ar chúrsaí agus ar ghairmeacha agus teagmháil a dhéanamh le foireann na hOllscoile. Tá nócha a haon seastán á socrú mar chuid den lá oscailte fíorúil ina mbeidh léachtóirí, stiúrthóirí cláir agus comhaltaí foirne eile ar fáil chun ceisteanna a fhreagairt agus labhairt faoi shaol na hOllscoile. Beidh díospóireachtaí painéil ar siúl ar phríomhardán freisin, ina measc cúig phríomhóráid ó chéimithe mór le rá agus mic léinn ardfheidhmiúla. Beidh deis ag an lucht freastail fáil amach conas meon Oilimpeach a chothú, chomh maith le leideanna praiticiúla chun an leas is fearr a bhaint as eispéireas na hOllscoile. Is gá réamhchlárú chun rochtain a fháil ar an ardán, agus tá tuilleadh faisnéise ag, nó is féidir ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig Tá Sarah Geraghty, Stiúrthóir Earcaíochta Mac Léinn agus For-rochtana in OÉ Gaillimh, ag moladh do dhaoine clárú ionas gur féidir leo an lá a phleanáil; na cainteanna is spéis le daoine a roghnú; agus bualadh isteach chuig na seastáin. “Tuigimid go maith gur iomaí dúshlán atá os comhair Rang na hArdteiste, 2022 agus go bhfuil teacht aniar mór léirithe acu le dhá bhliain anuas,” a dúirt sí. “Is é an aidhm atá againn le Lá Oscailte Fochéime OÉ Gaillimh ná tacú le daltaí agus le tuismitheoirí agus iad ag tosú ag smaoineamh ar roghanna don bhliain seo chugainn. Tá súil againn go mbeidh neart eolais le fáil ag an ócáid dhinimiciúil seo a chabhróidh le daltaí díriú ar na deiseanna gairme ar fad atá rompu, agus a chabhróidh leo na cúrsaí agus na conairí a fheileann dóibh a aithint.” Chomh maith le ceisteanna a chur ag na seastáin, is féidir le cuairteoirí sonraí ábhartha a íoslódáil agus féachaint ar fhíseáin. Ag gach ceann de na seastáin cúrsa nó ábhair beidh cur i láthair beo amháin ar a laghad ar an lá, réamhrá ar réimsí ábhair mar na dána, gnó, dlí, innealtóireacht, eolaíocht, leigheas agus altranas, chomh maith le blaiseadh de chúrsaí agus ábhair níos sainiúla agus níos speisialaithe. Tá ábhair nua ar fáil ag OÉ Gaillimh do 2022 – International Development and Performance agus Screen Studies do mhic léinn Comh-Onóracha GY101; agus Physics agus Climate Physics do mhic léinn Eolaíochta GY301. Beidh ionadaithe ó sheirbhísí tacaíochta OÉ Gaillimh ar fáil freisin le labhairt le daltaí agus le tuismitheoirí agus beidh deis lóistín, iontráil, táillí agus ceisteanna eile gairmiúla agus tacaíochta a phlé. Cuirfidh an tIonad Rochtana faisnéis ar fáil faoi na bealaí iontrála malartacha chuig oideachas tríú leibhéal lena n-áirítear an Clár Rochtana, áiteanna QQI/FETAC Leibhéal 5 agus tacaíocht atá ar fáil ón tSeirbhís Tacaíochta Míchumais. Críoch

Monday, 27 September 2021

Students have been urged to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccination at a special walk-in clinic on the NUI Galway campus. The pop-up facility opens tomorrow morning, Tuesday 28 September 2021, on the main concourse of the Arts-Science block and will offer vaccines from 9am to 5pm Tuesday to Thursday this week. The clinic is open to any student or member of staff on a walk-in basis. NUI Galway and Saolta University Health Care Group are encouraging students to take up the offer to ensure they are fully vaccinated so they can get the most from University life. Frank Harburn, Saolta General Manager for the rollout of the regional vaccination programme in the West and North West, welcomed students to the campus and said: “Young people, including third level students have shown remarkable responsibility and resilience during the pandemic and I want to thank them for every effort and every sacrifice they have made to help bring the Covid-19 virus under control. “Vaccine uptake among the younger population is very high and this is having a positive impact on the rate of community infection across the region. “But as restrictions are easing and on-campus life returns to normal we are asking any student who has not yet been vaccinated, or who needs a second dose, to come forward. “The vaccine is free, safe and the best form of protection from serious illness with Covid-19.” Dr Eoin McDonncha, Medical Director at the University’s Student Health Unit, said: “Our students first of all deserve huge credit for the way they have responded to all the public health requirements to limit the impact of Covid. Compliance with all the measures being take on campus is extremely high. “The vast majority of students have been vaccinated but we urge anyone who has not had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated to drop-in. The vaccination programme has been successful in Ireland and taking up the offer this week is an important part of the efforts to make this year at university as safe and meaningful as it can be.” Anyone seeking a vaccination at the clinic must bring photo ID - a vaccine will not be given without it. Anyone seeking their second dose, should also bring their vaccine record card to verify the time period since the first dose. The HSE has advised that a minimum of 21 days must have passed since the first dose. NUI Galway Nursing student Ciarán Freeman worked on the Covid-19 vaccination programme and is urging fellow students to make use of the walk-in clinic. “It is a fantastic initiative. I hope we can appeal to the few people who still need to be vaccinated to come forward. As vaccinators we will be absolutely delighted to welcome any student to the clinic, regardless of reasons as to why their vaccination has been delayed. We will just be delighted that you've come in for your vaccine,” Mr Freeman said. “Being part of the vaccination programme was an absolute privilege and a career enhancing experience for me. Both as an Emergency Medical Technician and a student General Nurse, I witnessed the best of Ireland's healthcare professions come together to deliver a very successful public health programme. It was particularly inspiring for me to see the programme was nurse-led.” Ends

Friday, 24 September 2021

An Olympic medal winning rower and an All-Ireland winning hurler have urged fellow students at NUI Galway to take part in the rapid testing project to combat Covid-19. Athlete-scholars Fiona Murtagh and Galway senior hurler Conor Whelan added their voices to the project as thousands of young people settle into the return to campus. NUI Galway is leading the programme, which is seeking hundreds of student volunteers for rapid antigen testing and saliva-based PCR and LAMP testing, as well as conducting wastewater surveillance. Tokyo Olympic bronze medallist Fiona Murtagh said: “Sport and teamwork go hand in hand. The Olympics was possible this year because of our safety measures in preventing the spread of Covid-19. In order to keep campus life here in Galway as normal as possible, I encourage everyone to work together in helping to control the spread of Covid. Please join me in taking the tests and participate in the UniCoV programme.” Conor Whelan, All-Star and All-Ireland winning hurler with Galway in 2015, said: “I’m encouraging all students to volunteer for the UniCoV programme, to take the tests and work together as part of a team in the fight against Covid. It’s been great to see students back on campus and life going back to normal as we know it. “But keep in mind the fight against COVID is still ongoing and follow the HSE guidelines. I encourage all students to volunteer for UniCoV programme in order to avoid any outbreaks and help with early detection.” allows for large-scale comparative analysis of Covid-19 testing technologies to inform the development of early warning systems for future disease outbreak prevention and control. For further detail about the project and to register, go to As well as NUI Galway being the lead site for the project, it is also running in Trinity College, UCD and UCC. More than 2,100 tests have been completed so far at NUI Galway, with the project coordinators targeting a significant rise in testing the coming weeks. More than 400 employees and students have volunteered at NUI Galway alone, with the target of 2,000 participants at each of the four sites. NUI Galway Professor Breda Smyth, UniCoV’s national coordinator, said: “UniCoV together with vaccination, face masks, social distancing and hand washing, is an additional layer to protect the community and to help prevent any asymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2.” “Rapid tests have the potential to enhance and complement the existing public health strategy for monitoring of the virus. UniCoV needs people from across the entire university community - students and staff - to get involved, volunteer and take part.” Ends

Friday, 24 September 2021

Ciste Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge méadaithe 10%   Suas le 2,000 mac léinn ag freastal ar chúrsaí sna hionaid Ghaeltachta   Fostófar duine le PhD sa Luathoideachas nó réimse gaolmhar le ceardlanna a reáchtáil sna hionaid Ghaeltachta agus modúil a fhorbairt don BA sa Luathoideachas   Beart ar leith le cuidiú le cur i bhfeidhm fhorálacha Bhille na dTeangacha Oifigiúla (Leasú) 2021   D’fhógair Catherine Martin, T.D. an tAire Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán agus Jack Chambers T.D., Príomh-Aoire an Rialtais agus an tAire Gaeltachta agus Spóirt, inniu (24 Meán Fómhair) go bhfuil ciste trí bliana ar fiú €3m é ceadaithe ag an Roinn don Údarás um Ard-Oideachas le leithdháileadh ar Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge chun cur ar a gcumas leanúint le raon cúrsaí trí mheán na Gaeilge a chur ar fáil sna trí ionad Gaeltachta atá acu - i nGaoth Dobhair, i gCarna agus ar an gCeathrú Rua. Is ionann an t-allúntas seo agus €1m in aghaidh na bliana acadúla don tréimhse 2021/22, 2022/23 agus 2023/24 - €300,000 sa bhreis ar an gclár maoinithe trí bliana a chuaigh roimhe. Mar chuid den chlár oibre atá comhaontaithe leis an Acadamh, tá beartaithe duine le PhD sa Luathoideachas nó réimse ghaolmhar a fhostú chun: • ceardlanna a reáchtáil sna hIonaid Ghaeltachta; • modúil a fhorbairt don BA sa Luathoideachas don réimse luathoideachais a mbeidh mar chuspóir aige tacú leis an oiliúint chuí a chur ar fáil trí Ghaeilge do chleachtóirí luathoideachais atá ag obair i naíonraí sa Ghaeltacht agus taobh amuigh di, Faoin gcur chuige atá aontaithe leis an Acadamh, cuirfear gearrchúrsaí i sealbhú agus saibhriú teanga, mar a bhaineann sé leis an réimse luathoideachais ar fáil sna hionaid Ghaeltachta de chuid an Acadaimh atá lonnaithe i nGaoth Dobhair, ar an gCeathrú Rua agus i gCarna. Dúirt an tAire Martin: “Is ábhar dóchais domsa an líon mac léinn ón nGaeltacht a théann ar aghaidh go dtí an ollscoil agus iad in ann sin a dhéanamh ina dteanga dúchais in ionaid atá lonnaithe sa Ghaeltacht. Nuair a chuirtear san áireamh go mbaineann breis agus dhá mhíle mac léinn tairbhe bhliantúil as an raon cúrsaí a bhíonn á riar ag an Acadamh sna trí ionad Gaeltachta de chuid Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh - a chuireann fostaíocht ar fáil do bhreis agus 60 duine faoi scáth an Acadaimh - is léir go bhfuil leas á bhaint as infheistíocht na Roinne, atá ar leas na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachta. Cabhróidh an maoiniú breise atá á fhógairt inniu ar bhealach praiticiúil leis an mbonneagar Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht a neartú tuilleadh ar leas fhorfheidhmiú na Straitéise 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge agus an Phlean Gníomhaíochta 2018-2022 don Ghaeilge atá mar thaca aige” Dúirt an tAire Stáit Chambers: “Le ceadú an allúntais trí bliana seo - a thagann ar sála an chláir mhaoinithe trí bliana a tháinig chun deiridh le gairid, tá mo Roinn ag déanamh beart de réir briathair mar a bhaineann sé cur i bhfeidhm an Phlean Gníomhaíochta 2018-2022 don Ghaeilge. Is údar sásaimh faoi leith dom an beart faoi leith atá luaite sa chlár mar a bhaineann sé le gnóthaí luathbhlianta. De thoradh an bhirt seo glacfar le céim bhreise a bheidh ar leas an chóraisluathbhlianta sa Ghaeltacht agus ar leas an pholasaí don oideachas Gaeltachta agus an phróisis pleanála teanga dá réir. Cuirfidh feidhmiú córasach an chláir oibre atá mar ábhar an mhaoinithe seo leis an gcomhpháirtíocht atá bunaithe le fada leis an Acadamh, ar mhaithe le deiseanna oideachais tríú leibhéal a chur ar fáil trí Ghaeilge in ionaid Ghaeltachta na hollscoile. "Tá áthas ar leith orm go bhfuil an tAcadamh ag díriú isteach ar chúrsaí oiliúna a chur ar fáil don earnáil luathoideachais sa Ghaeltacht. Luíonn sé seo isteach le feidhmiú rathúil an phróisis pleanála teanga agus an pholasaí don oideachas Gaeltachta araon.” Dúirt An tOllamh Breandán Mac Suibhne, Stiúrthóir Léinn an Acadaimh: “Tá tábhacht ar leith ag baint leis an luath-oideachas i bpleanáil teanga. Leis an mhaoiniú breise seo, beidh Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh ábalta tacaíocht níos fearr a thabhairt do dhaoine atá ag obair i naíonraí cheana féin. Agus beidh sí ábalta córas oiliúna a chur ar fáil le cuidiú le daoine atá ag gabháil isteach san earnáil luath-oideachais dúshláin teangeolaíochta a aithint agus a shárú. Tá muid iontach buíoch don Aire agus don Aire Stáit agus d’fhoireann uilig na Roinne as deis a thabhairt dúinn ról nós lárnaí a bheith againn i bhforbairt na h-earnála tábhachtaí seo. "Lena chois sin, tá an Roinn ag cuidiú leis an Ollscoil réimse níos leithne léachtaí agus ceardlanna a chur ar siúl sna hionaid Ghaeltachta—i gCarna, ar an Cheathrú Rua, agus i nGaoth Dobhair; rachaidh na h-imeachtaí seo chun tairbhe don phobal agus do mhic léinn a bhfuil trémhse á caitheamh acu sa Ghaeltacht mar chuid dá gclár léinn.” I gcomhréir lena bhfuil luaite i mbeart 2.19 den Phlean Gníomhaíochta - go ndíreofar ar fhorbairt a dhéanamh ar oiriúnú a dhéanamh ar na cláir éagsúla chun tacú tuilleadh le cur chun cinn an phróisis pleanála teanga - tá aontaithe ag an Roinn leis an Acadamh go gcuirfear raon cúrsaí ar fáil ar mhaithe le tacú tuilleadh le cur i bhfeidhm an phróisis pleanála teanga mar a bhaineann sé leis na ceantair Ghaeltachta, na Bailte Seirbhíse agus na Líonraí Gaeilge. Tá tuilleadh eolais ar fáil faoin bPlean Gníomhaíochta 2018-2022 ar fáil ANSEO. Foilseofar an dara tuairisc bhliantúil maidir le cur i bhfeidhm an phlean ina chumhdófar an tréimhse ó mhí Iúil 2019 go Nollaig 2020 go luath. -Críoch-

Friday, 24 September 2021

NUI Galway has been awarded a special €1million fund to drive the University’s strategy and improvements in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.  Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris T.D. announced the Performance Funding as part of dedicated investment by Government for higher education institutions in recognition of innovative programmes to help create a better society. NUI Galway is one of only five institutions to be awarded funding. The fund was secured following the submission of a case study detailing recent actions to advance gender equality within the University. It will support the expansion of work in the area of gender equality and the wider Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda. President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “The award of €1million Government funding, a very significant portion of the funding available, to help progress the equality agenda is testament to the impactful work and dedication of our NUI Galway community in recent years. “It is also a clear appreciation of NUI Galway’s commitment to advancing equality for all our staff and students consistent with our values of openness and respect. Diversity welcomes all the talents and, by doing so, makes for a better, stronger university. This work continues and is the responsibility of us all to support its progression in line with our focus on excellent work for the public good.” Aoife Cooke, Head of Equal Opportunities at NUI Galway, said: “All of the people involved in progressing equality at our University are delighted with the award from Government and it is a huge boost to everyone as we embed equality, diversity, and inclusion in our culture and address equality challenges.” With the establishment of a Gender Equality Task Force at NUI Galway, opportunities for women to progress in the University have greatly improved over the past four years. As highlighted by the recent Bronze Athena SWAN Award for the University, a range of initiatives have been taken in relation to equality at the University since 2016/17, including improvement in the representation of women in senior academic roles. The proportion of female staff holding the role of senior lecturer at NUI Galway increased from 33% in 2016/17 to 47% in 2020/21. The proportion of female staff holding the role of personal professor in the University increased from 16% to 28% over the same period. Ends

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Walk-in vaccination centre opening on campus next week New map linked to NUI Galway app for step-by-step campus navigation NUI Galway has launched a special orientation programme to welcome a record intake of first year students to the University for the second year running. Around 3,500 new students will be taking up offers of places on programmes at NUI Galway this year, with in-person lectures available for all students from next Monday 27 September 2021. Ahead of next week, the University has confirmed a walk-in vaccination centre is to operate on campus. The service will open next Tuesday (September 28th), offering vaccination to students from 9am-5pm, three days a week (Tuesdays-Thursdays). A new campus map has also been created and linked to the NUI Galway app to help students, staff and visitors to find their way around the University grounds. More than 127,000sq metres of indoor space has been mapped, allowing step-by-step navigation to any room or location in the most popular buildings on campus. President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, extended a warm welcome to all those coming to the University campus for the first time, and to those returning to continue their studies. “I want to say congratulations and extend a warm, safe welcome to the class of 2021. All of the students coming to campus this year have demonstrated remarkable resilience amid the significant challenges presented by Covid-19,” Professor Ó hÓgartaigh said. “Our education and our lives have been disrupted by the pandemic and it is our aim to provide the best experience for students, safely and sustainably, on campus, for the academic year ahead. “Táimid buíoch do phobal na Gaillimhe agus an cheantar máguaird don tacaíocht fial dár micléinn, go bhfuil gá leis i mbliana níos mó ná ariamh. We are conscious of our impact on Galway and the health, wellbeing and safety of our staff, students and the wider Galway community is our top priority. We are working hard to make this academic year a success, ensuring NUI Galway operates within public health guidelines. “As part of that we are asking everyone in our university community to recognise the importance that we place on our values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability and to maintain our commitment to personal and collective responsibility for the public good. "We thank all our students who have already taken up an offer of a vaccine. A walk-in centre is opening and we urge all those who are eligible for a vaccine, and haven’t yet taken up the offer, to do so now." Róisín Nic Lochlainn, NUI Galway Students’ Union President, said: "NUI Galway Students’ Union is here to represent all NUI Galway students and defend their rights. We are welcoming our students to campus with a mix of online and in person events to help them make friends, save money and become a part of the University community. This includes our huge Rudaí Álainn bag giveaway, free SU Card credit, our Walk & Talks, the Hump Day Hoolie, outdoor cinema, a Beach Clean Up, a swop shop, our Life Skills Courses, Walktober and the launch of our Hygiene Bank initiative. “We have worked with the University to make sure every measure has been taken to ensure that your safety is our priority while also looking forward to an enjoyable year on campus." NUI Galway Student Services, University management, the four Colleges and the Students’ Union have worked in partnership to plan a series of online and on-campus orientation events. They run from today Wednesday 22 September 2021, through to Sunday 26 September 2021. Dedicated online sessions and workshops are being held as part of efforts to help students settle in and transition to higher education, to learn about how their programme will be delivered and to help them to engage with staff and fellow students. Over the weekend, on-campus orientation takes place in line with public health advice. Senior University academics and management will personally deliver welcome messages to students, while NUI Galway Student Services is hosting information sessions, including advice to try and stay safe and well. Students are being encouraged to explore the campus on foot and by bus, to familiarise themselves with resources and facilities. Special zones are being set up for live music, health and wellbeing, mindfulness workshops, societies events, sports pop ups and a walking theatre. Dean of Students Professor Michelle Millar said: “A huge effort has gone into the welcome programme for our new students. It is hugely important that we do our best to connect with our new students and help them connect with one another after all they have endured over the last 18 months or so. “The 2021 orientation is partly a welcome, it’s partly congratulations for getting to NUI Galway and looking at what the whole student experience means. It is also important for all of our students to feel part of a wider community and to recognise they have a role to play in that community and a responsibility to make the best of their time and their place here in Galway.” Further information on the orientation programme is available at Ends

Monday, 20 September 2021

NUI Galway has announced the appointment of the University’s new Head of the School of Law - Professor Martin Hogg. Professor Hogg will take up the new role in November, having joined from the University of Edinburgh, where he served as Head of School and Dean of Law. Professor Geraint Howells, Executive Dean for the College of Business, Public Policy and Law at NUI Galway, said: "We are delighted to have Martin joining us. He is a leading contract law scholar and an experienced leader. “Our Law School has an outstanding reputation for its teaching and scholarship. Martin is an ideal person to help us build on our strengths and develop new initiatives to meet the needs of our community." Professor Hogg said: “I’m honoured and very happy to be joining NUI Galway’s Law School as Head of School and Established Professor in November. “The Law School is an inspiring centre of learning and research, whose students and staff are widely known for their commitment to justice and the rule of law. I’m looking forward to meeting as many of them as I can in the coming months, as well as alumni and practitioner communities. “The whole NUI Galway community has already extended to me the warmest of Galway welcomes, for which I am very grateful.” Professor Hogg’s research interests lie in all aspects of the law of obligations, including comparative obligations theory, contract and promise, and fundamental structural language in the law of obligations. He has published widely in this field, including Promises and Contract Law and Obligations: Law and Language with Cambridge University Press. He is the Scottish Reporter for the European Tort Law Yearbook. Professor Hogg spent two years qualifying as a Solicitor with Dundas & Wilson CS in Edinburgh, before being appointed Lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Edinburgh in 1995. He was appointed Senior Lecturer in 2004 and in 2013 he was appointed to a Chair in the Law of Obligations. Professor Hogg is a (non-practising) member of the Faculty of Advocates (the Scottish Bar). Professor Hogg brings with him a wealth of experience, having previously held office as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Teaching, Deputy Director of Research, and Convener of the Board of Studies. He took office as Deputy Head of the Law School in Edinburgh in 2014, and became Head of School and Dean of Law in 2017. Professor Shane Darcy, Interim Head of the School of Law, said: “On behalf of my colleagues at the School of Law, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Professor Hogg. We are very excited to have him join us as Head of the School of Law and very much look forward to working with him in this role at NUI Galway.” NUI Galway’s School of Law delivers innovative legal education in a dynamic school dedicated to impactful, high quality legal research. It hosts the internationally renowned Irish Centre for Human Rights and the Centre for Disability Law & Policy. The School has introduced several new programmes in recent years, including the undergraduate degrees Law (BCL), Criminology and Criminal Justice and Law (BCL) and Human Rights. It also offers a suite of postgraduate LLM programmes and is home to a vibrant doctoral community. Further information Ends

Friday, 17 September 2021

Art exhibition and special concert from Galway Music Residency kick-off Culture Night and the beginning of culture, learning and research link Twenty-one uniquely decorated currachs have journeyed from Inis Oírr to the NUI Galway campus to officially launch a new partnership between Áras Éanna arts centre and the University. The special exhibition - showcasing unique works by John Behan, Jennifer Cunningham, Ger Sweeney and Áine Phillips, among others - is opening as part of Culture Night. The currachs will remain on display in the Quadrangle at NUI Galway for one month, with the public invited to visit free of charge and without prior booking. The new partnership between NUI Galway and Áras Éanna will see the University and the arts centre on Inis Oírr work together to promote the islands and the West more generally as places of culture, learning and research. A new fund has been established by the University to support staff and students who wish to travel to the island and use the facilities at Áras Éanna as part of their studies. NUI Galway President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “I often use the metaphor of the ‘currach full of fish coming in to shore’ from Máirtín Ó Direáin’s poem ‘An tEarrach Thiar’ to describe the resourcefulness and potential of our university community and our region. “I am delighted that 21 currachs have come to campus to launch the new partnership between the University and Áras Éanna. We respect the unique language, culture and environment that we share in the West of Ireland and we are open to collaborating with Áras Éanna and the Inis Oírr community to promote that distinctiveness as part of the life of our university.” Áras Éanna Artistic Director, Dara Mac Aoidh, said: “After a very successful summer exhibition across Inis Oírr, we are delighted to bring the ‘Curacha’ exhibition to NUI Galway where the University community and the wider Galway community will get to see this wonderful exhibition. “We welcome this new partnership between the University and Áras Éanna, and look forward to working on many collaborations and projects in the future that will benefit both the University and the island of Inis Oírr.” NUI Galway and Áras Éanna formally launched the exhibition, coinciding with nationwide Culture Night celebrations, in partnership with Galway Music Residency. As part of the launch, ConTempo Quartet performed a specially selected suite of classical and contemporary music connected to the ocean, composed by Alec Roth, Claude Debussy and Katharina Baker. NUI Galway Drama students were also on hand to recite a selection of poetry by Máirtín Ó Direáin. The exhibition of 21 currachs will run until 10 October 2021. Ends

Thursday, 16 September 2021

SFI CÚRAM backed to help academics focus on impact and public good CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at NUI Galway has launched a new website and online toolkit to support researchers in developing a more holistic view of the impact of their work. has been designed to help both experienced and early-career academics gain a better awareness of how the work will benefit the public and what difference it has the potential to make.  Dr Brendan Dolan, lead postdoctoral researcher on the Principal Investigator Impact project, said: “We wanted to identify the strategies and approaches of our individual scientists, and PIs in particular, to enhance the impact potential of their work, including how they engage and collaborate with various stakeholders who could benefit from the research undertaken. “Our aim is to use these findings to inform and assist new principal investigators taking on this role by providing practical learning tools and resources for learning and professional development training.” One of the research themes within CÚRAM since 2015 has focused on translation and impact of research in medical devices. Professor Abhay Pandit, Scientific Director of CÚRAM, said: “At CÚRAM, we are focused on designing the next generation of ‘smart’ medical devices. We want to provide our researchers with extensive pathways or routes to impact, through the productive and focused industry, clinician and public engagement and collaboration. “This website and toolkit offer a fantastic opportunity to begin to prepare for and plan one’s journey as a successful Personal Investigator and plan for impact. Moreover, the toolkit offers a novel approach to planning for impact, wherein one can plan one’s collaborations to maximise impact.” The online resource and toolkit was developed on the back of the Principal Investigator Impact project and feedback from almost 600 principal investigators across Ireland. It highlighted the need for increased support structures to enable researchers to work more effectively and efficiently towards impact, while taking on the ever increasing responsibilities. The project aims to support research relating to the development of medical devices, and in academia in general. It will allow researchers to more effectively plan for, monitor and evaluate the broader, non-academic impact – the benefits to society beyond traditional metrics such as journal publications and citations. A white paper on preparing medical device scientists for the PI role and impact, developed by the Principal Investigator Impact project is available here: -Ends-

Thursday, 16 September 2021

More than half of productions at the 2021 GIAF feature former students of the University NUI Galway and Galway International Arts Festival (GIAF) have joined forces to herald the role of the University’s graduates in this year’s theatre productions. More than half the shows at the 2021 GIAF feature former students working behind the scenes and on stage to bring a wealth of drama, arts and culture to audiences as they flocked back to live, in-person events. Patrick Lonergan, Professor of Drama and Theatre Studies at NUI Galway, said: “We began partnering with Galway International Arts Festival from our shared desire to ensure that the next generation of theatre-makers and artists would have the skills and experiences needed to build sustainable careers, both here in the west of Ireland and in other national and international contexts. “Through programmes like the SELECTED internship scheme, our students have gone behind the scenes to meet artists, producers, and other professional experts on GIAF shows. We're seeing the fruits of that approach now, with more than half of this year's theatre productions featuring recent NUI Galway graduates.” Among the alumni are recent graduates from the BA in Drama who took part in the SELECTED programme this summer and went on to work as stage manager, assistant stage manager and props person on Cogadh Na Saoirse. Others are playing key roles in the performances on stage, with actor Catherine Denning, a BA and MA graduate, featuring in Branar's Sruth na Teanga, while Cogadh na Soairse was written by MA graduate Philip Doherty and After Love was written by BA graduate Dani Gill. NUI Galway graduates are also working on the Abbey Theatre's Happy Days on Inis Oírr and Druid Theatre's The Seagull. Professor Lonergan highlighted that NUI Galway is also proud to support the Irish premiere of Enda Walsh's Medicine, starring Domhnall Gleeson, and that another production, Ar Ais Arís, emerged from the University’s Aistriú project. John Crumlish, chief executive of the Galway International Arts Festival, said: “Galway International Arts Festival's partnership with NUI Galway on SELECTED has been very rewarding. We always envisaged the programme being a support for young people who wanted careers in culture, so we are delighted to see alumni working for arts organisations that are part of the festival programme itself. We hope to work with NUI Galway to further develop the programme over the coming years and play our part in developing the careers of the next generation of arts professionals." Professor Lonergan added: “The development of this SELECTED programme as a conduit from the University to the Galway International Arts Festival is an important part of our contribution to Irish culture and Irish life. “Our University believes in engagement, both as an important part of our teaching and as a societal good - and our partnerships with the Galway International Arts Festival is an important manifestation of those values.” The two week SELECTED programme offers an opportunity for a number of NUI Galway students to experience a unique academy initiative which gives them full access to many aspects of the Galway International Arts Festival and a behind-the-scenes insight into how the programme is put together. Ends

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

NUI Galway hosts cross border competition for young people to make science short video and win €1,000 for their school or youth organisation A NASA astronaut is calling on budding scientists to produce fun, short science videos for the innovative ReelLIFE SCIENCE cross border competition. The best films from young people in primary and post-primary schools and youth groups and organisations across the island of Ireland will each win €1,000. The videos can be up to 3 minutes long and can communicate any aspect of the STEM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. ReelLIFE SCIENCE is asking for entries on one of eight topics - Climate Action, How Things Work, Myths Busted!, Science and Me, Science Heroes, Science in Space, Science on the Farm and Healing the Body. NASA astronaut Colonel Greg “Box” Johnson is taking time out of his work at the US space agency to join the judging panel for ReelLIFE SCIENCE 2021. "I'm honoured to join the judging team for this year's ReelLIFE SCIENCE 2021 video competition. What a fun way to get young people excited about the science that is happening around us in our daily lives,” Colonel Johnson said. “Last year's winners were very interesting and enjoyable. I'm looking forward to this year's batch of science video creativity. Good luck scientists!" Video entries can be in Irish or English. Students can create them on smartphones, tablets or cameras and the best productions will be shown at a public screening at the Galway Science and Technology Festival on 21st November 2021. The closing date for entries is Friday, 15 October 2021. Dr Ruth Freeman, Science Foundation Ireland’s Director of Science for Society, said: “Science Foundation Ireland is delighted to support this initiative. The ReelLIFE Science competition helps to nurture young people’s ability to develop their critical thinking and communications skills. It also gives them the opportunity to explore the world of STEM by tapping into their creative side. I am really looking forward to seeing what the entrants come up with and wish all involved the best of luck.” The ReelLIFE SCIENCE programme is organised by Dr Enda O’Connell and a team of scientists from NUI Galway. Since launching in 2013, more than 16,000 young people in 500 schools and youth organisations across Ireland have taken part.   ReelLIFE SCIENCE is supported by Science Foundation Ireland’s Discover Programme, the Community Knowledge Initiative, the CÚRAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices and the Cell EXPLORERS science outreach programme. More information about taking part can be found at Ends

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

A research team from NUI Galway and the University of Zaragoza, Spain, are seeking students aged 18 and over and the wider general public to participate in a short five-minute survey about Ireland’s COVID Tracker app.  The study will look at motives for using the app, opinions about the app, promotion of use of the app to others, the extent to which the user checks in using the app, their level of contact with others, and their living/working situation.  These insights will help the team to understand more about the adoption of the app and learnings which could also be applied to other health-related apps in the future.  The research team would like to speak to people who had (or still have) the COVID Tracker app installed on their phone and who are aged 18 years or over. The survey is entirely voluntary, and all responses are anonymous.   In an attempt to curb Covid-19 outbreaks, and in addition to social distancing measures, one solution has been the implementation of contact-tracing apps. At this stage of the pandemic, with the return to a ‘new normal’, the international research team led by Dr Elaine Wallace, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway, are seeking participants to complete the short five-minute online survey.  Dr Elaine Wallace commented: “Ireland’s Covid Tracker App has been one of the most successful tracker apps in use during the pandemic. With a planned safe return to our workplaces and University campuses, we hope that this survey will raise awareness and remind students and the general public to download and use the app; as well as providing really helpful information about how apps such as this can be used to help us in other ways in the future.” To complete the short survey and contribute to the study on the COVID Tracker app, simply click on this link to begin: NUI Galway COVID Tracker App Survey   -Ends- 

Monday, 13 September 2021

Tá an chéad Oifigeach Oideachais Taistealaithe lánaimseartha ceaptha ag OÉ Gaillimh chun ceannas a ghlacadh ar theagasc agus ar fhoghlaim na mac léinn ó phobal na dTaistealaithe.  Tá Owen Ward, Taistealaí, múinteoir cáilithe agus alumnus de chuid na hOllscoile, chun an ról a ghlacadh agus forbróidh OÉ Gaillimh samhail chun cumhacht a thabhairt do phobal na dTaistealaithe bacainní ar rochtain, dul chun cinn, coinneáil agus rath san ardoideachas a shárú.  D’fháiltigh Simon Harris, an tAire Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta, TD, roimh an gceapachán, ag rá: “Is iontach an eiseamláir é Owen dá theaghlach agus do phobal na dTaistealaithe ar fad. Sháraigh sé dúshláin agus d’athraigh sé an treo dá thodhchaí féin agus do thodhchaí phobal na dTaistealaithe chomh maith.  “Tá an t-ardoideachas ann do gach duine agus tá sé an-tábhachtach chun comhionannas agus deiseanna a thabhairt do chách. Is é ár misean sa Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta a chinntiú nach bhfágtar aon duine ar lár. Agus muid ag iarraidh córas ardoideachais níos uilechuimsithí a bhaint amach do chách, níl aon amhras orm ach go mbeidh ról ollmhór ag Owen sa mhéid seo amach anseo. Guím gach rath air sa ról nua seo agus ba mhaith liom OÉ Gaillimh a mholadh as leanúint de ról ceannaireachta a imirt sa réimse seo."  Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “In OÉ Gaillimh, is ollscoil muid atá ar mhaithe le leas an phobail, le fís chomhroinnte, múnlaithe ag ár luachanna.  “Téann ceapachán Owen Ward mar Oifigeach Oideachais Taistealaithe go croí na hoibre seo chun ár luachanna a chur chun cinn, go háirithe an tábhacht a leagaimid ar mheas agus ar oscailteacht, chomh maith le cultúr a chothú a chruthaíonn deiseanna san oideachas do dhaoine ó gach cúlra. Is ceannródaí den scoth é agus eiseamláir dúinn ar fad.”  Beidh ról Owen Ward ina chuid lárnach d’obair Ionad Rochtana OÉ Gaillimh. Déanfaidh an tOifigeach Oideachais Taistealaithe bainistiú ar Mincéirs Misl'd in Education – chun cumhacht a thabhairt do Thaistealaithe na hÉireann aistriú chuig an Ardoideachas agus muintearas a mhothú ann. Tá an tionscadal maoinithe ag an bhFóram Náisiúnta d’Fheabhsú Teagaisc agus Foghlama.  Oibreoidh an tOifigeach Oideachais Taistealaithe i gcomhpháirt le páirtithe leasmhara éagsúla, idir eagraíochtaí Taistealaithe agus pobal na dTaistealaithe agus tógfaidh siad ar pholasaithe agus ar straitéisí criticiúla rialtais chun tuiscint mhionsonraithe, fhianaise-bhunaithe a sholáthar ar bhacainní ar rochtain, dul chun cinn agus fanacht san ardoideachas do Thaistealaithe na hÉireann.  Dúirt Imelda Byrne, Ceann an Ionaid Rochtana in OÉ Gaillimh: “Guím gach rath ar ár nOifigeach Oideachais Taistealaithe nua, Owen Ward, sa ról seo.  “Tá lúcháir mhór orm do Owen, a theaghlach agus a phobal; is iontach an rud é Owen a fheiceáil ag dul ar aghaidh chuig an gcéim seo ina ghairm agus níl aon amhras orm ach go bhforbróidh sé an réimse straitéiseach seo ar bhealach a thacóidh le pobal na hOllscoile ar bhealach fiúntach chun eispéireas oideachasúil uilechuimsitheach a sholáthar do phobal na dTaistealaithe san ardoideachas.  “Is fada linn go bhfeicfimid Owen ag baint leas as a thaithí chun cabhrú leis an réimse seo a fhorbairt de réir straitéisí na hOllscoile agus na straitéisí náisiúnta.”  Dúirt Owen Ward: “Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail tacú le straitéisí earcaíochta agus tacaíochta a fhorbairt agus le modhanna teagaisc agus foghlama fianaise-bhunaithe mar iarracht chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar a laghad Taistealaithe atá san ardoideachas. Cuirfidh sé ar chumas na dTaistealaithe sna hiar-bhunscoileanna, sa bhreisoideachas agus mic léinn lánfhásta dul ar aghaidh chuig ardoideachas agus muintearas a mhothú, agus a bheith rathúil ina gcuid staidéir in OÉ Gaillimh.   “Táim ag tnúth le bheith ag obair leis na páirtithe leasmhara go léir chun torthaí dearfacha a bhaint amach do phobal na dTaistealaithe san oideachas. Cuireann an tionscadal seo béim ar thiomantas leanúnach OÉ Gaillimh rannpháirtíocht na dTaistealaithe san ardoideachas a mhéadú.”  Críoch 

Monday, 13 September 2021

NUI Galway has appointed its first full-time Traveller Education Officer to lead the teaching and learning of students from the Traveller community.  Owen Ward, a Traveller, qualified teacher and alumnus of the University, is to take on the role as NUI Galway develops a model to empower the Traveller community to overcome barriers to access, progression, retention and success in higher education.  Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, T.D., welcomed the appointment, saying: “Owen is an incredible role model for his family and the wider Traveller community. He has overcome adversity and changed the course of not only his own future but that of the wider Traveller community.  “Higher education is for everyone and can be the key to equality as well as unlocking opportunities for all. Our mission in my Department of Further and Higher Education Research Innovation and Science is to ensure no one is left behind. As we strive towards a more inclusive higher education system for all, I have no doubt that Owen will play a huge part in this in the future. I wish him well in this new role and I want to commend NUI Galway for continuing to play a leadership role in this area.”  President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “At NUI Galway, we are a university for the public good, with a shared vision, shaped by our values.  “The appointment of Owen Ward as our Traveller Education Officer goes to the heart of this work in promoting our values, particularly the importance which we place on respect and openness, as well as providing a culture that creates opportunities in education for people from all backgrounds. He is an exemplar of excellence and a role model for us all.”  Owen Ward’s role will be a key part of the work of NUI Galway Access Centre. The Traveller Education Officer will manage Mincéirs Misl'd in Education - Empowering Irish Travellers to transition and build a sense of belonging in Higher Education. The project is funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.  The Traveller Education Officer will work in partnership with various stakeholders, including Traveller organisations and the Traveller community and build on critical government policies and strategies to provide a detailed, evidence-based understanding of barriers to access, progression and retention in higher education for Irish Travellers.  Imelda Byrne, Head of NUI Galway's Access Centre, said: “I wish our new Traveller Education Officer Owen Ward every success in this role.  “I am absolutely thrilled for Owen, his family and his community; it is wonderful to see Owen progress to this stage in his career and I have no doubt that he will develop this strategic area in a way that will support our University community in a meaningful way to provide an inclusive educational experience for the Traveller community in higher education.  “We are very excited to see Owen apply his experience to help develop this area in line with University and national strategies.”  Owen Ward said: “The main objective of the project is to support the development of recruitment and support strategies and evidence-based teaching and learning methods in an effort to address the low levels of Travellers in higher education. It will empower Travellers in post-primary, further education and mature students to progress to higher education and build a sense of belonging, while being successful during their studies at NUI Galway.   “I look forward to working with all the stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for the Traveller community in education. This project highlights NUI Galway’s ongoing commitment to widening the participation of Travellers in higher education.”  Ends 

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

I bhfianaise an dul chun cinn atá déanta ar chomhionannas inscne táthar tar éis creidiúnú stádas Ghradaim Chré-Umha a dhéanamh ar ocht Scoil de chuid na hOllscoile. Moladh OÉ Gaillimh as ucht bearta a rinneadh le dul chun cinn a dhéanamh ar ionadaíocht na mban ag gráid acadúla shinsearacha, go háirithe róil Léachtóirí Sinsearacha agus róil Ollamh Pearsanta.   Tá Gradam Cré-Umha Athena SWAN athnuaite bainte amach ag OÉ Gaillimh i bhfianaise dul chun cinn leanúnach na hOllscoile ar chomhionannas inscne. Caitheann athnuachan an ghradaim léas ar na réimsí tionscnamh atá á ndéanamh san Ollscoil ó 2016/2017, lena n-áirítear feabhas ar ionadaíocht na mban i róil acadúla shinsearacha. Tá ardú ó 35% in 2016/17 go 47% in 2020/21 tagtha ar chéatadán na gcomhaltaí foirne mná in OÉ Gaillimh a bhfuil ról an Léachtóra Shinsearaigh acu. Tá ardú ó 16% go 28% tagtha ar chéatadán na gcomhaltaí foirne mná san Ollscoil a bhfuil ról an Ollaimh Phearsanta acu i gcaitheamh na tréimhse céanna. Bronnadh stádas an Ghradaim Chré-Umha ar chúig cinn de Scoileanna OÉ Gaillimh sa bhabhta gradam is déanaí chomh maith, rud a dhéanann go bhfuil ocht ngradam scoile san iomlán bainte amach go dtí seo. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a dhéanamh le mo chomhghleacaithe in OÉ Gaillimh agus i ngach ceann de na scoileanna faoi Ghradaim Chré-Umha Athena SWAN a bhaint amach. Agus clár na ngradam ‘lomtha’ againn i mbliana, i riocht agus gur éirigh le gach iarratas, is léiriú paiteanta é ar obair agus ar thiomantas iontach na ndaoine siúd a bhí páirteach iontu. “Tá an-lúchair orm go bhfuil a stádas Gradam cré-umha bainte amach an athuair ag OÉ Gaillimh, ar aitheantas follasach é do thiomantas na hOllscoile don chomhionannas a chur chun cinn i measc gach comhalta foirne agus gach mac léinn dár gcuid i gcomhréir lenár luachanna mar atá oscailteacht agus meas. “Tugaim suntas go háirithe don mholadh sainiúil, agus cuirim fáilte roimhe, a thug an painéal dár bpróiseas arduithe céime acadúla agus an ‘tionchar dearfach’ a bhí aige go dtí seo maidir le hionadaíocht inscne de. Níl an obair seo críochnaithe go fóill agus luíonn an fhreagracht orainn ar fad.” Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Aoife Cooke, Ceannasaí Comhdheiseanna: “Is ugach mór é rath ár Scoileanna sa bhabhta gradaim le deireanas mar go dtugann sé fianaise le leabú an chomhionannais, na héagsúlachta, agus an chuimsithe inár gcultúr agus tugann sé aghaidh ar na dúshláin chomhionannais éagsúla augs na tosaíochtaí forbartha inár bpobail.” Tá athnuachan ar Ghradam Cré-Umha Athena SWAN bainte amach ag Scoil an Leighis freisin. Tá dul chun suntasach déanta inti maidir le mná i ngráid acadúla shinsearacha, lena n-áirítear méadú ar chéatadán na mban i róil Léachtóirí Sinsearach ó 33% in 2016/17 go 47% in 2020/21; agus méadú ar chéatadán na mban i róil Ollamh Pearsanta ó 8% in 2016/17 go 28% in 2020/21. Bronnadh na Gradaim Chré-Umha eile ar iarratasóirí céaduaire – Scoil na nEolaíochtaí Nádúrtha, Scoil na Síceolaíochta, Scoil na Ceimice, agus Scoil na Matamaitice, Staitisticí agus Matamaitice Feidhmí. Bhain Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais OÉ Gaillimh Gradam Cré-umha amach in Aibreán 2021. Bhain Scoil na Fisice agus Scoil an Ghnó Gradaim Chré-umha amach in 2020. Is creat creidiúnaithe í Cairt Athena SWAN a mbaintear úsáid aisti ar fud an domhain le tacú le comhionannas inscne san ardoideachas agus sa taighde mar aon lena chlaochlú. Seoladh Athena SWAN in Éirinn sa bhliain 2015. Críoch

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Progression of gender equality sees a total of eight Schools in the University now accredited with Bronze Award status  NUI Galway commended for actions to progress representation of women at senior academic grades, particularly Senior Lecturer and Personal Professor roles   NUI Galway has secured a renewed Bronze Athena SWAN Award in recognition of the University’s continued progression on gender equality. The renewal of the award highlighted a range of initiatives being taken at the University since 2016/17, including improvement in the representation of women in senior academic roles. The proportion of female staff holding the role of senior lecturer at NUI Galway increased from 33% in 2016/17 to 47% in 2020/21. The proportion of female staff holding the role of personal professor in the University increased from 16% to 28% over the same period. Bronze award status has also been granted to five of NUI Galway’s Schools in the latest award round, taking the total of school awards to eight. President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “I would like to congratulate my colleagues in NUI Galway and in each of the schools on receiving the Athena SWAN Bronze Awards. “This ‘clean sweep’ of awards this year, with each application being successful, is a true reflection of the excellent work and dedication of all those involved. “I am delighted that NUI Galway has renewed its Bronze Award status, as a clear appreciation of the University’s commitment to advancing equality to all our staff and students in line with our values of openness and respect. “I note in particular, and welcome, the panel’s particular commendation of our academic promotions process and the ‘positive impact’ it has had with regard to gender representation. This is work as yet unfinished and the responsibility of us all.” Aoife Cooke, Head of Equal Opportunities at NUI Galway, said: “The success of our Schools in the recent award round is particularly encouraging as it provides evidence of embedding equality, diversity, and inclusion in our culture and addresses the different equality challenges and development priorities in our communities.” The School of Medicine also secured a renewal of a Bronze Athena SWAN Award. It has seen significant progression in women in senior academic grades, including women in Senior Lecturer roles going from 38% in 2016/17 to 50% in 2020/21; and women in Personal Professor roles increasing from 8% in 2016/17 to 28% in 2020/21. The other Bronze Awards went to first time applicants - the Schools of Natural Sciences; Psychology; Chemistry; and Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics. NUI Galway’s School of Nursing & Midwifery secured a Bronze Award in April 2021. The School of Physics and the School of Business secured Bronze Awards in 2020. The Athena SWAN Charter is an accreditation framework that is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality in higher education and research. Athena SWAN launched in Ireland in 2015. Ends

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Thug OÉ Gaillimh 3,859 tairiscint do mhic léinn ionchasacha sa Chéad Bhabhta de phróiseas an CAO. Tháinig ardú ar líon na bpointí CAO ar fud na gceithre Choláiste san Ollscoil agus ar fhormhór mór na gclár. Don dara bliain as a chéile agus i ndiaidh arduithe eisceachtúla ar phointí CAO agus ar an éileamh ar áiteanna san ardoideachas, tá OÉ Gaillimh ag súil le glacadh leis an líon mac léinn céad bliana is mó riamh, tuairim is 3,500. Deir an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: “Comhghairdeas le rang 2021 a léirigh an-teacht aniar in éadan dhúshláin shuntasacha na paindéime agus a tionchair siúd ar an oideachas. “Is éard is cás linne in OÉ Gaillimh go príomha eispéireas na mac léinn, ar an gcampas, a bharrfheabhsú go sábháilte, go hinbhuanaithe agus an oiread is féidir don bhliain acadúil amach romhainn. Is í sláinte, folláine agus sábháilteacht ár gcomhaltaí foirne, ár mac léinn agus phobal na Gaillimhe i gcoitinne an tosaíocht is mó atá againn. “Is mian liom fáilte chroíúil a fhearadh roimh na mic léinn siúd atá ag glacadh leis an tairiscint teacht go OÉ Gaillimh agus foghlaim iad féin faoin mbéim a leagaimid ar ár luachanna mar atá meas, oscailteacht, barr feabhais agus inbhuanaitheacht. “Rinneadh obair agus iarracht mhór le pleanáil agus ullmhú don bhliain acadúil nua agus le cinntiú go mbeidh ár gcampas ag feidhmiú i gcomhréir leis na treoirlínte sláinte poiblí agus táimid ag iarraidh ar gach duine inár bpobal ollscoile béim as an nua a leagann ar an bhfreagracht phearsanta ar mhaithe le leas an phobail.” Tháinig ardú ar líon na bpointí CAO ar fud na gceithre Choláiste in OÉ Gaillimh. :: Tháinig ardú ar na pointí do 65 as 69 clár OÉ Gaillimh :: Bhí ardú breis is 50 pointe ar thuairim is leath de gach clár (30). :: Bhí ardú breis is 80 pointe ar chúig chlár i mbliana (na Dána le Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach; na Dána le hIriseoireacht; an Ríomheolaíocht & an Teicneolaíocht Faisnéise; an Innealtóireacht Mheicniúil; an Chosliacht. :: Tá éileamh suntasach ar chláir fholláine agus eolaíochta, a leanann treocht na mblianta beaga anuas, agus is í dea-cháil OÉ Gaillimh i dtaca le barr feabhais sa Bhithleighis is cúis le harduithe ar phointí don Eolaíocht Bhithleighis. :: Tá ardú tagtha ar na pointí do chláir sna Dána, sa Tráchtáil, san Eolaíocht agus san Innealtóireacht. Deir an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí OÉ Gaillimh agus Cathaoirleach an CAO: “Tá ár bhfoireann clárúcháin in OÉ Gaillimh ag déanamh a seacht ndíchill arís glacadh/leis an oiread mac léinn agus is féidir tar éis bliain a bhí an-dúshlánach. Díreach mar a bhí in 2020 beimid ar ár dteanndícheall. Gabhfaidh OÉ Gaillimh i mbun an phróisis maidir le ríomhphoist a sheoladh chuig mic léinn a ghlac le tairiscint san Ollscoil sna laethanta beaga amach romhainn. Críoch

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

NUI Galway has made 3,859 offers to prospective students as part of Round One of the CAO process. CAO points have risen across all four of the University’s Colleges and across the vast majority of programmes. For the second year running and on the back of another year of exceptional increases in CAO points and demand for places in higher education, NUI Galway expects to see another record intake of around 3,500 first year students. Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of NUI Galway, said: “Congratulations to the class of 2021 who have demonstrated remarkable resilience amid the significant challenges of the pandemic and its impact on education. “Our focus in NUI Galway is on safely and sustainably optimising the experience for students, on campus, for the academic year ahead. The health, wellbeing and safety of our staff, students and the wider Galway community is our top priority. “I want to extend a warm welcome to those students who take up the offer to come to NUI Galway and to learn for themselves the importance that we place on our values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability. “Huge work and effort has gone into planning and preparing for the new academic year and ensuring our campus operates within the public health guidelines and we are asking everyone in our university community to put a renewed emphasis on personal responsibility for the public good.” CAO points have risen across all four of NUI Galway’s Colleges. :: Points have increased for 65 of NUI Galway’s 69 programmes. :: Approximately half of all programmes (30) saw an increase of more than 50 points. :: Five programmes saw an increase of more than 80 points this year (Arts with Creative Writing; Arts with Journalism; Computer Science & Information Technology; Mechanical Engineering; Podiatry). :: Health, wellbeing and science programmes are in significant demand, continuing the trend of recent years, with NUI Galway’s strong reputation for excellence in Biomedicine once again resulting in points increases for Biomedical Science. :: Arts, Commerce, Science and Engineering have also all seen an increase in points. Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Deputy President and Registrar of NUI Galway and Chair of the CAO, said: “Our registration team at NUI Galway is once again doing our utmost to accommodate as many students as we can in what has been a challenging year. Just as in 2020 we are pulling out all the stops." NUI Galway will begin the process of emailing students who have accepted an offer of a programme at the University in the coming days. Ends

Friday, 3 September 2021

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly T.D. to open Symposium Director of the World Health Organisation, Dr Mike Ryan, is to speak at NUI Galway on the impact of Covid-19 on other diseases, healthcare and disease control. Dr Ryan joins Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly T.D. and a host of medical specialists for the University’s annual Sir Peter Freyer Symposium, one of the largest surgical conferences in Ireland. The virtual event takes place today and tomorrow, 3-4 September 2021. Dr Ryan will deliver the Memorial Lecture entitled Impact of Covid-19 on other Diseases, Health Service Delivery and Disease Control Objectives, while Minister Donnelly will give talk on Cancer Care in Difficult Times - the Implication for Government. Ahead of the symposium Dr Ryan, alumnus of NUI Galway who has been at the forefront of managing acute risks to global health for nearly 25 years, said: “Covid-19 has exposed the deficiencies in healthcare systems. There are huge treatment delays and the capacity for urgent cancer referrals has been significantly reduced. I am delighted to return to my Alma Mater to deliver this prestigious Memorial Lecture which I hope will clarify the impact of this pandemic and convey some important directions on our future from a WHO perspective.” The NUI Galway symposium, which was first held in 1975, is organised by Professor Michael Kerin, Professor of Surgery at NUI Galway and Director of the Managed Cancer Clinical and Academic Network at Saolta. Professor Kerin said: “Cancer is the pandemic that we have been living with for generations. One in two people will suffer with cancer and one in three will die from it. By 2040, the cancer rates across the world are projected to double. “Galway University Hospital coordinates cancer care across a regional network involving the affiliated university hospitals in the Saolta hospitals group. It is the cancer centre for the largest geographical area, spanning the entire west and north-west of Ireland. “Now, more than ever, the people across these regions deserve a state-of-the-art cancer centre, with an amalgamated research, innovation and teaching hub. “This virtual symposium will feature cancer care with particular emphasis on the implications of the European cancer mission and the Covid pandemic for Ireland, especially in the west of Ireland which is the most westerly cancer region in Europe and has some of the worst outcomes. The symposium represents all that is best in Irish surgery, with representatives from our leading hospital and university nationally.” Professor Kerin added: “The role of research, education and innovation in cancer treatments is a strategic priority at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at NUI Galway. As we look to the future we aim to support our healthcare system with new treatment approaches and with the most highly trained oncology experts, so that each and every cancer patient can get the best rapid care locally.” For further information on the symposium, including the full speaker list visit Links to the events via zoom: Friday: Saturday: Ends

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

NUI Galway academic appointed President of Neuroscience Ireland NUI Galway researcher and academic Dr Karen Doyle has been appointed President of Neuroscience Ireland. Dr Doyle, a Senior Lecturer at the University and principal investigator at CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices, is a former Vice-President of Neuroscience Ireland (2007–2009). She also led the foundation of Galway Neuroscience Centre in 2004 and was the leader of the centre from 2004–2009. Dr Doyle said: “I am delighted to accept the role of President of Neuroscience Ireland and look forward to promoting and supporting the important work of the society over the next two years. I want to thank Professor Áine Kelly for her outstanding leadership and contribution to NSI over the last two years.” Professor Abhay Pandit, Scientific Director at CÚRAM, said: “We congratulate Dr Karen Doyle on this prestigious appointment. Neuroscience Ireland plays a vital role in the promotion of research and education in the neurosciences. We look forward to seeing the society’s impact grow under her leadership in the coming years.” Dr Doyle specialises in neurovascular stress and neuroprotection, focused on ischemic stroke which occurs when a blood clot blocks or narrows an artery leading to the brain. Her research is investigating the characteristics of human blood clots that cause occlusive strokes, to inform medical device design and discover new biomarkers to advance stroke diagnosis and treatment. Neuroscience Ireland has a membership of about 200 scientists and clinicians. It aims to advance research and education in the neurosciences and to represent Irish neuroscience researchers both nationally and internationally. Ends

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Three NUI Galway academics awarded funding to investigate societal challenges Irish Research Council invests in projects examining climate change and human migration, digital divide for older people and restoration of extinct species Three NUI Galway academics have been awarded funding for research projects seeking to investigate and confront societal challenges as a result of climate change, digitalisation and extinction. The projects were among 21 which secured investment from the Irish Research Council's Collaborative Alliances for Societal Challenges (COALESCE) programme, which is run in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs. Professor Jim Livesey, Vice President for Research and Innovation at NUI Galway, said: “I’d like to commend our researchers on being awarded the COALESCE programme funding for their projects. Their commitment to overcome the global challenges that we face stay true to our University’s values of Respect, Openness, Sustainability and Excellence.  “Investigating these societal challenges is a wonderful example of how our research aims to tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues through the Global Challenges Programme in our new Research and Innovation Strategy. I would also like to thank the Irish Research Council and the Department of Foreign Affairs for their continued support of our public research mission.” The NUI Galway research projects are:  Migration, Climate Change and Social Protection in Ethiopia Dr Una Murray, an international development expert from the School of Geography, Archaeology and Celtic Studies and the University’s Ryan Institute, has been awarded €338,000 for a three-year research project on climate change and migration in Sub-Saharan Africa. In partnership with the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), affiliated to Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, Dr Murray’s project will investigate links between human migration and climate change, combined with the role of social protection in Ethiopia. Dr Una Murray said: “Land degradation, water scarcity and declines in agriculture production, driven by an increasing intensity and frequency of environmental disasters induced by climate change, are key triggers for people to move from rural to urban areas for employment opportunities. Social protection, social insurance, and cash transfers, although present in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and in the climate loss and damage debate, could play a stronger role in human migration and other forms of climate adaptation.” Virtual-EngAge Professor Kieran Walsh, Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway, has been awarded €192,161 for a project addressing related challenges concerning digital exclusion and limited opportunities for engagement and participation for older people. Virtual-EngAge aims to examine how everyday communication devices - telephones, smart phones and tablets - could be used by retirement groups to strengthen ways to support members and others to stay connected, to share critical information and to advocate on key issues. The project will help to address the question of ageing related technology being developed without consultation with older people, and not reflecting their needs, preference or daily lives and will also help provide improvements in policy, older people’s lives, research teams and teaching programmes. Professor Walsh said: “The COALESCE funding will enable us to pursue a really critical research area, within the Virtual-EngAge research programme, identifying how we can harness everyday technologies to enhance older people's social connectivity and civic voices while also recognising and capitalising on the innate skills of many older people for adaptation and learning. “This funding is really important as it not only helps us respond to the gaps exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, but to do so using a much needed interdisciplinary approach with our Co-Investigator on this programme, Professor Carl Vogel from Trinity College Dublin, and through a valuable collaboration with Active Retirement Ireland.” Jurassic Patents Dr Kevin Healy, a Lecturer of Zoology and researcher in the Ryan Institute, NUI Galway will collaborate with Dr David Doyle, a lecturer in Law at MU, to investigate how we decide which species to bring back from extinction and whether a de-extinct species could be legally “owned” through patents. The project was awarded funding of €190,803. The project will examine how different factors might drive which species are ultimately restored from extinction and whether the species resulting from the de-extinction process will fall under international protection laws or are open to being patented. Dr Healy, said: “We want to explore which species are likely to be selected for de-extinction. For example, how do ecological considerations, such as the impact a de-extinct species would have on the environment, or the level of interest from the general public affect these decisions? Will the species we bring back from extinction simply reflect technological and ecological limitations or will financial factors be the main de-extinction selection criteria?” Further details about the COALESCE call are available here: -Ends-

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

NUI Galway mathematical science student wins prestigious Hamilton Prize   Wednesday, 27 October 2021: A fourth year international Mathematical Science student at NUI Galway is one of nine students awarded the prestigious 2021 Hamilton Prize. The Royal Irish Academy (RIA) gives the prize to the top mathematical students in their penultimate year of study as nominated by their university. The ceremony took place to mark Hamilton Day, the anniversary of renowned Irish scientist William Rowan Hamilton’s discovery of quaternion algebra on 16 October 1843. Originally from the Hubei Province in China, fourth year BSc Mathematical Science student Lijun Zou, said: "I am very honoured to receive the Hamilton Prize. As an international student, I faced many challenges such as the language barrier. But the faculty members of the School of Maths are all very friendly and helped me a lot. I really appreciate them.'' Describing Lijun as remarkably hard working and extremely dedicated to her studies, Aisling McCluskey, Professor in Mathematics, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, NUI Galway, said: “The award of the prestigious Hamilton Prize is a tremendous honour and we are delighted to acknowledge and celebrate Lijun’s achievement. “This special prize underscores the importance of valuing and encouraging our undergraduate mathematicians as they progress into final year and into future STEM careers.” In recognition of her mathematical excellence, Lijun Zou received a cash prize of €250, a certificate of achievement and was invited to attend an exclusive masterclass with the 2021 Hamilton Lecture speaker Caroline Series, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, and met with Dr Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin in conversation with Professor Series. Hamilton Day commemorates a ground-breaking discovery by one of Ireland’s most famous scientist. On 16 October 1843, William Rowan Hamilton discovered quaternion algebra, while walking along the Royal Canal from Dunsink Observatory to the Royal Irish Academy. This was one of those very rare Eureka moments in the history of science. So excited was he by his discovery that he scratched his equation on the wall of Broome Bridge, Cabra. Hamilton’s discovery of quaternions was important in the development of modern abstract algebra and the quaternions remain useful in calculating rotations of solid bodies and are thus important in satellite navigation and video game programming. Ends

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

NUI Galway awards Posthumous PhD to Karzan Sabah D Ahmed University streams ceremony to family in Kurdistan, honouring highly regarded researcher, his wife Shahen and baby daughter Lina NUI Galway has awarded a posthumous PhD in Environmental Science to researcher Karzan Sabah D Ahmed. The conferring took place on the University campus along with a memorial service to remember Karzan, his wife Shahen and baby daughter Lina who tragically died in a road accident on 19 August 2021. The formal ceremony was streamed live and a recording of the event was made available to family and friends overseas, including those in Kurdistan. Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of NUI Galway, paid tribute to Karzan, Shahen and baby Lina at the ceremony. “We hosted the conferring ceremony and memorial in honour of Karzan’s academic achievements and the fondness for which he and his family were held by the community of NUI Galway and the wider community,” Professor Ó hÓgartaigh said. “We hope there is some comfort in memory. Karzan’s memory is here in NUI Galway and in the wider community, among his colleagues, the students and all those who worked with him and who knew Karzan, Shahen and Lina.” Karzan Ahmed’s PhD research in Environmental Science focused on evaluating insect ecosystem function in farm habitats for inclusion in novel agri-environmental schemes. The memorial heard contributions in English and in Kurdish from people who knew the family and those who worked with Karzan. A floral wreath was laid at the memorial, prayers were offered by Imam Khalid Sallabi, Galway Islamic Cultural Centre and Fr Ben Hughes, Chaplain of NUI Galway. Dr Collette Mulkeen paid tribute, remembering Karzan, Shahen and baby Lina, while Professor Michael Gormally, who supervised Karzan during his PhD, spoke on the contribution of his research work. A memorial plaque was presented to Ahmed Mahmud, representing Karzan’s family and to Mrs Kszeal Mahmood, representing Shahen’s family. A copy of Karzan’s thesis was presented to Azhwan Barazenda, representing Karzan’s family and also to Mrs Shadi Faramarzi, representing Shahen’s family. Ends

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Fógraíonn OÉ Gaillimh dhá cheapachán shinsearacha nua  Tá Helen Maher ag teacht chun na hOllscoile mar Leas-Uachtarán Comhionannais, Éagsúlachta agus Cuimsithe agus Paul Dodd mar Leas-Uachtarán don Rannpháirtíocht   D’fhógair OÉ Gaillimh go bhfuil beirt Leas-Uachtarán nua ceaptha. Glacann Helen Maher le ról an Leas-Uachtaráin Comhionannais, Éagsúlachta agus Cuimsithe tar éis di dhá bhliain a chaitheamh mar Leas-Uachtarán ar Choláiste Cheatharlach.  Glacann Paul Dodd le ról an Leas-Uachtaráin don Rannpháirtíocht tar éis beagnach deich mbliana a chaitheamh in Ollscoil California, áit a raibh sé ina Leas-Seansailéir Comhlach do Thaighde ar champas Davis. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Cuirfidh ceapacháin Helen Maher agus Paul Dodd ar ár bhfoireann ceannaireachta in OÉ Gaillimh go mór lenár bpobal Ollscoile, lenár dtiomantas dár luachanna agus lenár rannpháirtíocht ar mhaithe le leas an phobail. Is léiriú iad a gceapacháin ar an sprioc atá againn barr feabhais a bhaint amach agus ar an uaillmhian atá lárnach inár gcuid oibre. “Tagann Helen Maher go OÉ Gaillimh agus í thar a bheith díograiseach i leith an chomhionannais, na héagsúlachta agus an chuimsithe. Is fianaise í a gairm ar thiomantas ar feadh a saoil do leas an phobail, do chomhpháirtíocht agus don oideachas mar chatalaíoch criticiúil don chomhionannas, don éagsúlacht agus don chuimsiú. “Ina ról nua, bainfidh Paul Dodd leas as an ardchumas agus taithí a shealbhaigh sé le linn a chuid oibre le Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann (SFI), GFT Éireann agus earnáil an ardoideachais sna Stáit Aontaithe. Tá cuid mhór le foghlaim ag OÉ Gaillimh agus ag an bpobal níos leithne ón meas ollmhór atá ag Paul ar an tábhacht agus an ról a bhaineann le comhpháirtíochtaí a fhorbairt sa bhaile agus thar lear." Beathaisnéisí Cuirfidh an Helen Maher tús lena ról mar Leas-Uachtarán Comhionannais, Éagsúlachta agus Cuimsithe go luath i mí Eanáir 2022. Chuaigh sí i ngleic le deacrachtaí comhionannais agus ceartais shóisialta san ardoideachas, in eagraíochtaí na sochaí poiblí agus in obair chomhairleoireachta lena n-áirítear An Cosán, Tamhlacht; Ionad na mBan, Port Láirge; Líonra Eagraíochtaí Lár na Cathrach i mBaile Átha Cliath. Ceapadh í ina Leas-Uachtarán i gColáiste Cheatharlach sa bhliain 2019, an chéad bhean a ceapadh sa ról sin. Bhí Helen ina Breathnóir Idirnáisiúnta ar Chearta Daonna i Meicsiceo sna 1990idí chomh maith; bhí sí mar phríomhthaighdeoir ar thionscadal faoi Chlár an AE do Shíocháin agus Athmhuintearas maidir le dea-chleachtas i gcur chuige pobalbhunaithe i leith na síochána i réigiún na teorann in Éirinn. Ina ról mar Leas-Uachtarán i gColáiste Cheatharlach, bhí Helen freagrach as próisis athraithe institiúideacha ardleibhéil, straitéis, comhpháirtíochtaí comhoibríocha, rannpháirtíocht na bpáirtithe leasmhara agus EDI a fhorbairt agus a threorú. Bhí sí mar ionadaí an Choláiste ar Choiste Náisiúnta an Chomhionannais Inscne de chuid an HEA, Coiste Náisiúnta Athena Swan. Tá céim BA ag Helen ó UCD, MA i Staidéar Síochána ó Ollscoil Bradford agus tá sí i mbun tráchtas PhD a chríochnú i Scoil an Dlí agus an Rialtais, DCU. Ina cuid taighde go dtí seo scrúdaíodh an teannas idir feimineachas agus náisiúnachas; inscne, daonlathú agus atógáil iarchoimhlinte; ardoideachas, rannpháirtíocht phoiblí agus comhpháirtíochtaí comhoibríocha agus freagraí an phobail i leith síocháin a dhéanamh. Díríonn a cuid taighde reatha ar chomhionannas inscne agus ar an aistriú go daonlathas san Afraic Theas.Cuirfidh an Dr Paul Dodd tús lena ról mar Leas-Uachtarán don Rannpháirtíocht go luath i mí Eanáir 2022. Is as Bré, Co. Chill Mhantáin do Paul ó dhúchas agus beidh sé ag filleadh ar Éirinn as Ollscoil California, Davis. Bhí lámh aige sa mhéadú suntasach a tháinig ar ioncam taighde UC Davis le naoi mbliana anuas, áit ar baineadh amach dámhachtainí taighde nua ar fiú US$965m iad in aon bhliain amháin. Bhí sé i gceannas freisin ar bhunú agus ar chur chun cinn go leor comhpháirtíochtaí institiúideacha sa bhaile agus go hidirnáisiúnta do UC Davis, scil a bhfuil súil aige leas a bhaint aisti ina ról nua i nGaillimh. Críoch 

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

NUI Galway announces two new senior appointments Helen Maher joins University as Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Paul Dodd joins as Vice President for Engagement NUI Galway has announced the appointment of two new Vice Presidents. Helen Maher takes up the role of VP for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion having worked as Vice President of Carlow College, St Patrick’s for more than two years.  Paul Dodd takes up the role of VP for Engagement having spent almost a decade at University of California, where he was Associate Vice Chancellor for Research on the Davis campus. President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “The addition of Helen Maher and Paul Dodd to our leadership team at NUI Galway will further enhance our University community, our commitment to our values and our engagement for the public good. Their appointments reflect the sense of excellence and the ambition which are central to our work. “Helen Maher comes to NUI Galway with a huge passion for equality, diversity and inclusion. Her career is testament to a life-long commitment to the public good, to partnership and to education as a critical catalyst for equality, diversity and inclusion. “Paul Dodd brings a wealth of talent and experience to bear on his new role, not least from his work in Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), IDA Ireland and higher education in the US. NUI Galway and our wider community has much to gain from Paul’s deep appreciation for the importance and role of building partnerships at home and overseas.”Further information on the new Vice Presidents:  Helen Maher will take up the role of VP Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in January 2022. She has worked on equality and social justice issues in higher education, civil society organisations and consultancy including with An Cosán, Tallaght; Waterford Women’s Centre; the Inner City Organisations Network in Dublin. She was appointed Vice President at Carlow College, St Patrick’s in 2019, the first woman to hold the post. Helen has also served as an International Human Rights Observer in Mexico in the 1990s; is a founder member of Rohingya Action Ireland; and she was lead researcher for a project under the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation on good practice in community based approaches to peacebuilding in the border region of Ireland. As Vice President at Carlow College, Helen was responsible for developing and leading high level institutional change processes, strategy, collaborative partnerships, stakeholder engagement and EDI. She was the College’s representative on the HEA’s National Committee for Gender Equality, the Athena Swan National Committee. Helen holds a BA degree from UCD, an MA in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford and is completing her PhD thesis at the School of Law and Government, DCU. Her research to date has examined the tension between feminism and nationalism; gender, democratisation and post-conflict reconstruction; higher education, civic engagement and collaborative partnerships and community responses to peacebuilding. Her current research focuses on gender equality and the transition to democracy in South Africa. Dr Paul Dodd will take up the role of VP Engagement in early January 2022. Originally from Bray, Co Wicklow, Paul moves back to Ireland from University of California Davis. He contributed to the significant growth of UC Davis research revenue over the past nine years, most recently seeing an all-time campus record of US$965m in new research awards in one year. He has also been leading the establishment and advancement of many institutional partnerships domestically and internationally for UC Davis, a skill set he hopes to put to good use in his new role in Galway.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Astronomers detect gas released in a giant planetary collision Gas discovery in space is first observational evidence of an atmosphere stripped away by a planetary impact  An astronomer at NUI Galway is part of an international team which detected evidence of a giant impact that occurred in a nearby star system, just 95 light years from Earth. It is the first discovery of a planetary atmosphere being vaporised by a giant impact. Based on the amount of gas present, the impact was likely massive and took place about 200,000 years ago involving two young planets, likely to have been similar in size to Earth. The findings, based on the research by NUI Galway, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Cambridge University have been published today in the leading international journal Nature. The rare glimpse into planetary formation comes from the young star HD172555, relatively near our solar system and visible with the naked eye from dark sites in the Southern Hemisphere. This star has been an object of intrigue among astronomers because of the large amount of dust orbiting within its terrestrial planet region. The unusual composition of dust indicated that it most likely represents post-impact debris from the aftermath of a planetary impact – similar to the one that led to the formation of the moon. Dr Luca Matrà, advisor for the study and Lecturer in the Centre for Astronomy, School of Physics, NUI Galway, said: “Our ALMA observations unexpectedly detected a ring of carbon monoxide gas co-located with the dust in this system, which for the first time indicates that impacts can release large amounts of gas as well as dust, and that this gas can survive long enough to be detected. “This has the potential to revolutionise our understanding and observability of giant impacts.” The HD172555 planetary system is about 23 million years old, compared to our solar system at about 4.6 billion years. The astronomers made the observations using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observatory in Chile, known as ALMA, which is made up of 66 radio telescopes working together, and which Ireland gained access to after joining the international European Southern Observatory in 2018. The observations found carbon monoxide orbiting in large amounts in a region analogous to the outer terrestrial planet region of the solar system. Dr Matrà added: “The amount of gas discovered is 10-20% of the mass of Venus’ atmosphere, which goes to show the incredible sensitivity of the observations. This puts forward gas observations as a viable detection method of terrestrial planet-forming collisions, and as a window to the composition of young planets.” Lead author, Tajana Schneiderman, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, said: “This is the first time we’ve detected this phenomenon, of a stripped protoplanetary atmosphere in a giant impact. Everyone is interested in observing a giant impact because we expect them to be common, but we don’t have evidence in a lot of systems for it. Now we have additional insight into these dynamics.” The formation of terrestrial planets like Earth takes place over the first tens of millions of years of a star’s lifetime. Scientists have theorised that in the latest formation stages, planets grow by colliding with each other in giant impacts. The massive collisions produce planets, satellites like the moon and debris, where the latter can be observed by telescopes on Earth. The observations by the team from NUI Galway, MIT and Cambridge University confirm the predictions of planet formation models, as the HD172555 planetary system is precisely in the age range where terrestrial planet formation through giant impacts is expected to happen. The data favours a scenario where carbon monoxide is produced through the stripping of the atmosphere of the colliding planets. The presence of the gas tells us that the same planetary impact that produced the dust most likely released the observed gas as well. Dr Christine Chen, Associate Astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, USA, and expert in the field external to this study, said: “The modelling convincingly demonstrates that two protoplanets slammed into one another at high velocity at least 200,000 years ago, launching their planetary atmospheres into space. Over time, the debris from the collision spread out into the planet’s orbit creating a ring of gas and dust we can now observe.” Read the full study in Nature here: Ends

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Seolann OÉ Gaillimh Straitéis Taighde agus Nuálaíochta 2021-26 Infheistíocht €5 mhilliún na hOllscoile faoin gClár Dúshláin Dhomhanda Tá sé curtha in iúl ag OÉ Gaillimh go bhfuil infheistíocht €5 mhilliún curtha ar fáil aici faoi Chlár Dhúshláin Dhomhanda na hOllscoile – tionscnamh taighde spriocdhírithe chun dul i ngleic le sé cinn de na fadhbanna is práinní ar domhan. Fógraíodh an gealltanas inné (Dé Máirt, 19 Deireadh Fómhair 2021) nuair a seoladh Straitéis Taighde agus Nuálaíochta OÉ Gaillimh, 2021-2026. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an straitéis fhoriomlán an tionchar taighde a uasmhéadú, pobal taighde rathúil a chothú agus comhpháirtíochtaí láidre taighde a bhunú go háitiúil agus go domhanda. Cuirfidh an Clár maidir le Dúshláin Dhomhanda – toradh luath den straitéis – tacaíocht ar fáil d’fhoirne ildisciplíneacha agus iad i mbun taighde agus nuálaíocht atá úrnua a shaothrú. Tá an tionscnamh deartha freisin chun a chur ar chumas phobal taighde na hOllscoile caidreamh a chothú le comhghleacaithe in institiúidí eile in Éirinn agus ar fud an domhain maidir le cuid de na fadhbanna is suntasaí atá ag cur isteach ar an gcine daonna. Is iad seo a leanas na sé réimse atá sa Chlár maidir le Dúshláin Dhomhanda: Frithsheasmhacht in aghaidh ábhar frithmhiocróbach – ag dul i ngleic leis an bpaindéim chiúin Dícharbónú – bealaí chun athrú cóir a chur i bhfeidhm Daonlathas – domhan faoi chaibidil Slándáil an tsoláthair bia – athruithe i dtreo pobail atá cóir, cuimsitheach agus a léiríonn teacht aniar Sonraí atá dírithe ar an duine – claochluithe digiteacha agus an réimse poiblí Sláinte an aigéin agus an chósta – teacht aniar na mara Sheol Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, an Straitéis Taighde agus Nuálaíochta, 2021-2026 ag ócáid speisialta ar líne a d’eagraigh an Ollscoil, i gcuideachta an aoi speisialta, an tOllamh Helga Nowotny, iar-Uachtarán na Comhairle Eorpaí um Thaighde agus duine dá lucht bunaithe. “Tá ár Straitéis Taighde agus Nuálaíochta, 2021-26 bunaithe ar luachanna ár nOllscoile – ár dtiomantas don mheas, inbhuanaitheacht, barr feabhais agus oscailteacht,” a dúirt an tOllamh Ó hÓgartaigh. “Tacaíonn an straitéis le huaillmhian. “Tugann sí dúshlán agus tá sí fadbhreathnaitheach, ach thar aon ní eile, tá fealsúnacht agus cultúr OÉ Gaillimh, is é sin go bhfuilimid anseo ar mhaithe leis an bpobal, fite fuaite go láidir sa straitéis.” Dúirt an tOllamh Jim Livesey, Leas-Uachtarán don Taighde agus Nuálaíocht in OÉ Gaillimh: “Mar ollscoil phoiblí, tá freagracht speisialta orainn ár gcuid taighde a dhíriú i dtreo na gceisteanna is práinní agus is deacra. “Agus muid ag breathnú chun cinn, tá éiginnteacht ann maidir le líon agus cineál na ndúshlán a bheidh romhainn, ach is eol dúinn go mbeimid ag brath ar ár gcumas taighde agus muid ag obair le chéile chun na dúshláin sin a shárú. Glacann an ollscoil leis an bhfreagracht seo agus tá sí ag dréim le cáil a bhaint amach tríd an misean taighde poiblí seo a léiriú.” Cuimsíonn Straitéis Taighde agus Nuálaíochta OÉ Gaillimh, 2021-26 16 ghníomh faoi cheithre luach na hOllscoile – Barr feabhais; Inbhuanaitheacht; Oscailteacht; agus Meas. Díríonn an plean ar na dálaí a chruthú chun caighdeán, scála agus scóip an taighde san Ollscoil a threisiú i gcúig réimse – réimsí a bhfuil fíor-acmhainn chlaochlaitheach acu a aithint chun aitheantas fíor-idirnáisiúnta a bhaint amach; timpeallacht thacúil chun barr feabhais a chumasú; éagsúlacht mhéadaithe inár bpobal taighde; sainspriocanna maidir le tionchar taighde; agus pleanáil agus buiséadú comhtháite. Léigh Straitéis iomlán Taighde agus Nuálaíochta OÉ Gaillimh, 2021-2026 anseo: Críoch