Monday, 19 November 2007

A seminar on 'Schooling in a Changing Ireland' will be given from 1-2pm on Tuesday, 20 November at NUI Galway by Fr. Harry Bohan, founder of The Céifin Centre for Values-led Change. The free public event is part of the University's Community Knowledge Initiative (CKI) Keynote Seminar Series which seeks to address pertinent issues facing the wider national and international community. Founded by Fr. Harry Bohan in 1998, the Céifin Centre is based in Shannon, Co. Clare. The Centre focuses on a search for values in modern day Ireland. Céifin's main aim is to generate the capacity for debate on social change issues by facilitating a number of activities and programmes including conferences, lectures, workshops and research projects. The seminar will address some of the challenges facing schools in Ireland today, at primary and secondary level. According to Fr. Harry, "In our time, the greatest revolution taking place in Ireland is not with state or church but with family life. We have moved in a short period of time from the extended family to the nuclear family, to various definitions of family life. According to CSO figures 20% of families in the Dublin area could now be regarded as traditional families. Adolescents now spend less that 5% of their time with parents and less than 2% with other adults. This means a generation of young Irish people are growing up alone". He continued: "Traditionally, values were taught by parents at home and by teachers in the classroom. Now we have a society where parents often cannot afford to be at home, where the dynamic of home life revolves around TV and video games. The implications for schools and schooling are enormous. The question must now be asked: who is rearing the next generations? Finding answers to this question could be one of the great challenges facing our society". Previous speakers in CKI's seminar series have included former Taoiseach Dr. Garret FitzGerald, Michael D. Higgins, T.D., Mary Davis, Chair of the Taskforce on Active Citizenship, and Alan Kerins of the Alan Kerins African Projects. The seminar will be held in the Siobhán McKenna Theatre in the Arts Millennium Building at NUI Galway. For further information, telephone the CKI office on 091 493823. ENDS

Friday, 16 November 2007

The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Micheál Martin T.D., has announced Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) research investment awards amounting to €87 million across a number of groundbreaking industry-academic projects. Among the projects is the Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB), which was awarded just over €4.3 million from SFI with an additional €1.7 million to be provided by industrial partners. NFB is led by Professor Abhay Pandit of the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) at NUI Galway. Biomaterials are synthetic materials which are placed within the body for therapeutic reasons. Their effectiveness can be greatly increased by combining them with therapeutic agents such as genes. NFB will develop new technologies to carry therapeutic genes and other agents to specific target sites. These will include coatings for medical devices, tissue repair scaffolds and also programmable nanospheres which carry a therapeutic agent to a specific location via the bloodstream. The new technology has applications linked to several important diseases, including cardiovascular disease, disc repair, spinal cord and nerve damage. "This is a tremendous opportunity for us to develop critical mass in the area of next generation biomaterials. With the establishment of this strategic research cluster we are now poised to make substantial impact on the world stage for biomaterials research. We see this funding as seed money to establish a world-class centre of excellence in biomaterials research in the coming years," reports Professor Abhay Pandit of NUI Galway. The network brings together leading researchers from national and international institutions. The team is competitive internationally by virtue of their broad expertise, their track record of collaboration, and the benefit of international collaborations with outstanding institutions and individuals. Industrial partnerships with a number of key companies in the medical device field have been established and will be critical to bringing materials developed in this project to market. Speaking at the announcement of the funding allocation at SFI, Professor Frank Gannon, Director General SFI, said, "These research award recipients and the teams that they have assembled are of world-class calibre. I believe that the initiatives to be undertaken by SFI over the coming seven years will provide a cornerstone for Ireland s future economic development, with Centres for Science and Engineering Technology (CSETs) and Strategic Research Clusters (SRCs) playing a key role". Professor Nicholas Canny, Vice President for Research at NUI Galway commented, "The award by SFI of the grant of €4.3m is a tribute both to the quality research record that Professor Abhay Pandit and his colleagues have established at NUI Galway for several years, and to the high-calibre collaborative network that Abhay has been able to forge because of his international scholarly reputation." ENDS

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Solar variability and climate: conjecture, politics and science The 2007 Monsignor Pádraig de Brún Memorial Lecture entitled Solar Variability and Climate Change, will be delivered by Professor Joanna Haigh, Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Imperial College London on Thursday, 22 November, 2007 at 8.30 p.m. in the O'Flaherty Lecture Theatre, NUI Galway. Joanna Haigh is Professor of Atmospheric Physics and Head of the Space and Atmospheric Physics group at Imperial College London. Her talk will outline the chequered history of solar-climate studies, assess what is known about variations in the Sun and review the evidence for a solar influence on climate. It will conclude with a discussion of recent research that is trying to unravel some of the complex physical mechanisms involved. Professor Gerard Jennings of the Environment Change Institute at NUI Galway commenting ahead of Professor Haigh's lecture said, "Natural variations in the sun's energy, as measured from spacecraft over the past 30 years, are too small to account for the observed rapid rise in global mean temperatures. This is consistent with the extensive body of scientific evidence which supports the view that it is extremely likely that human activity has a substantial warming influence on climate." Professor Haigh's scientific interests include: radiative transfer in the atmosphere, climate modelling, radiative forcing of climate change and the influence of solar irradiance variability on climate. She has published widely on these topics in the scientific literature and also contributed to numerous items in the written and broadcast popular media. This public lecture is jointly organised by NUI Galway and the Royal Irish Academy. While admission is free, tickets are limited and are available through the Press and Information Office at 091-493361 or by email at Alternatively, tickets can be booked through the Royal Irish Academy at ENDS

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Solar variability and climate: conjecture, politics and science Is í an tOllamh Joanna Haigh, Ollamh le Fisic Atmaisféarach ag an Imperial College, Londain, a thabharfaidh Léacht Chuimhneacháin an Mhoinsíneora Pádraig de Brún 2007 – léacht dar teideal Solar Variability and Climate Change – Déardaoin, an 22 Samhain 2007 ag 8.30 p.m. i dTéatar Uí Fhlaitheartaigh, OÉ Gaillimh. Is Ollamh le Fisic Atmaisféarach agus Ceann an Ghrúpa um Fhisic Spáis agus Atmaisféarach san Imperial College, Londain í Joanna. Déanfaidh sí cur síos ar chúlra corrach an staidéir ghrianaeráide, tabharfaidh sí léargas ar a bhfuil ar eolas againn faoi athruithe sa Ghrian agus déanfaidh sí athbhreithniú ar thionchar na gréine ar an aeráid. Cuirfear clabhsúr leis an léacht le plé ar thaighde a rinneadh le déanaí – taighde a bhfuil sé mar aidhm léi léargas a thabhairt ar chuid de na meicníochtaí fisiciúla casta atá i gceist. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Ollamh Gerard Jennings ón Institiúid um Athrú Comhshaoil in OÉ Gaillimh agus é ag tagairt do léacht an Ollaimh Haigh, "Ní leor athruithe i bhfuinneamh na gréine – arna thomhas ag spásárthaí le 30 bliain anuas – le míniú a thabhairt ar an méadú sciobtha atá tagtha ar mheánteocht an domhain. Tagann an méid seo leis an bhfianaise eolaíoch a thacaíonn leis an dearcadh gur dócha gur bhfuil nasc idir gníomhaíocht dhaonna agus téamh aeráide." I measc na n-ábhar eolaíoch ar spéis leis an Ollamh Haigh tá: aistriú radantach san atmaisféar, samhaltú aeráide, fórsáil radantach d'athrú aeráide agus an tionchar atá ag athrú ionradantas gréine ar aeráid. Tá go leor foilsithe aici faoi na hábhair seo sa litríocht eolaíoch agus is iomaí píosa scríofa agus craolta a raibh baint aici leo freisin. Tá an léacht phoiblí seo á heagrú ag OÉ Gaillimh i gcomhar le hAcadamh Ríoga na hÉireann. Cé go bhfuil saorchead isteach, níl ach méid áirithe ticéad ar fáil. Tá méid áirithe ticéad le fáil ón Oifig Preasa agus Faisnéise ag 091-493361 nó trí ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig Is féidir ticéid a chur in áirithe freisin ach teagmháil a dhéanamh le hAcadamh Ríoga na hÉireann ag CRÍOCH

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

NUI Galway will host a one day conference on the Law and Mental Health on Saturday, November 17. The conference, which runs from 9.30am to 4.30pm, will bring together a number of national and international experts to debate issues of relevance to those who work in the field of mental health and those who suffer from mental illness. Recent reports have found that that up to 20% of suicides can be attributed to workplace bullying and there has been a recent surge in case law dealing with stress related injury at work. At the conference, Ursula Connolly of the Law Faculty at NUI Galway, will address the extent to which employers can be held liable when an employee suffers from mental ill-health due to conditions at work. Shivaun Quinlivan, also of the Law Faculty at NUI Galway, will speak about a related workplace issue, that of discrimination and mental health and the extent to which equality legislation protects those with mental ill-health at work. Professor Phil Fennell, of Cardiff Law School will address how human rights instruments have influenced and shaped law and policy in this area. Dr. Mary Keys, lecturer at the Law Faculty at NUI Galway and member of the Mental Health Commission, stressed the importance of such an event, arguing that "Mental health is an issue for every individual. Our mental wellbeing underpins society, both economically and socially. Despite this critical importance, the mechanisms are still not in place by government to provide the multi-disciplinary approach necessary to support mental health in Ireland. We cannot afford to delay on implementing strategies as set out in the Government's 2006 policy document 'A Vision for Change'. Delays and half-measures will have profound effects on all aspects of society." The event has been organised with the support of the Health Service Executive and the Department of Health and Children. Dr. Jimmy Devins, Minister of State with special responsibility for Disability and Mental Health will open the conference, which will be chaired by Martin Rogan of the Health Service Executive with an opening address by Donncha O'Connell, Dean of Law, NUI Galway. Professor Gerard Quinn, a leading international expert in the field of disability law and a key figure in the drafting of the recently adopted UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, will act as rapporteur. Further information and registration details are available at or by contacting Ms. Ursula Connolly, Law Faculty, NUI Galway (, telephone 091-493250). -ends-

Monday, 12 November 2007

Inniu (12 Samhain), bronnadh Dioplómaí ar 102 mac léinn a chríochnaigh cláir léinn de chuid Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge ar champas de chuid Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh i nGaoth Dobhair, Co. Dhún na nGall. Ag an ócáid, dúirt an Dr Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh, Uachtarán, OÉ Gaillimh go raibh an-áthas air a bheith ar ais arís i nGaoth Dobhair le cáilíochtaí a bhronnadh ar mhic léinn don tríú bliain as a chéile. "I nGaoth Dobhair, cuireann an tAcadamh agus Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh cúrsaí ar fáil i réimsí na cumarsáide, na ríomhaireachta, na Gaeilge, an aistriúcháin agus an bhéaloidis. Seo réimsí faoi leith atá tábhachtach i bhforbairt shóisialta, chultúrtha agus eacnamaíoch na Gaeltachta. Tríd an bhforbairt atá déanta ar ionad Ghaoth Dobhair agus na cúrsaí atá á soláthar ann tá béim á cur ag an Ollscoil ar dhearcadh dearfach a chruthú don Ghaeilge mar mhóracmhainn forbartha sa Ghaeltacht" a deir an tUachtarán. Ag an bhronnadh dúirt Éamonn Mac Niallais, Riarthóir Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair go bhfuil cúrsaí Dioplóma á gcur ar fáil ag an Acadamh i nGaoth Dobhair agus in ionaid eile san Iarthuaisceart le ceithre bliana anuas agus go bhfuil sé in am anois an chéad chéim chun tosaigh a ghlacadh. "An bhliain seo chugainn cuirfear tús leis an chéad chéim lánaimseartha ollscoile san ionad seo, an B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó. Is cúrsa ceithre bliana atá i gceist agus is é aidhm an chúrsa seo oiliúint a chur ar chéimithe a thabharfaidh na scileanna praiticiúla agus anailíse dóibh atá de dhíth chun dul ag obair i réimse an ghnó agus an riaracháin dhátheangaigh", a deir Éamonn. Le roinnt blianta anuas, tá méadú suntasach tagtha ar na deiseanna fostaíochta atá ar fáil in eagraíochtaí a fheidhmíonn trí mheán na Gaeilge, sa Ghaeltacht agus lasmuigh di, agus is cinnte gur forbairt shuntasach é seo don Acadamh san Iarthuaisceart an chéim seo a bheith á cur ar fáil, agus gur deis iontach a bheas ann do mhuintir na Gaeltachta céim Ollscoile agus deiseanna breise fostaíochta a bhaint amach ina gceantar féin. Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó nó faoi chúrsaí eile an Acadaimh, is féidir dul i dteagmháil le hIonad an Acadaimh ag 074 9531919 nó seol ríomhphost chuig Críoch

Monday, 12 November 2007

A new research report published by Galway City Partnership and the One Parent Family Research Steering Group has found that those parenting alone want to return to work but face significant barriers in their efforts to access employment, training and education. The research, undertaken in Galway City and County by the NUI Galway Child and Family Research Centre, was launched today in Galway by Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Éamon Ó Cuív T.D. Dr Michelle Millar who headed the research team from the Child and Family Research Centre at NUI Galway said, "The research clearly shows a willingness on the part of these parents to work outside the home. Yet their decision to do so is affected both by their concerns surrounding how going out to work will impact on their children, and being able to find suitable, part time flexible employment. Also the lack of affordable and accessible childcare, and the poverty trap created by the rent supplement mean that for many of those who parent alone, finding work that leaves them financially better off is extremely difficult." The research is the first of its kind in Ireland and took place in the context of major proposed policy changes. The Government Discussion Paper: Proposals for Supporting Lone Parents suggests that policy changes are likely to involve major reform in welfare support for those parenting alone. The proposals would incorporate conditionality in payment, with those parenting alone expected to begin connecting to the labour market as their children approach the upper age limit for payment of the Parental Allowance. Speaking at the launch, Elaine Harvey, Chair of the One Parent Family Research Steering Group said, "The parents view themselves, first and foremost, as primary carers for their children, and because of their circumstances, affordable childcare and a flexible attitude from employers are just as important as getting an actual job. It is clear from the research that those parenting alone want to work – the challenge for all of us is to identify with parents their individual blocks to employment, education and training, and then to develop realistic pathways to overcoming the obstacles identified. We believe that this activation process should be voluntary and note that 46% of those who participated in the survey had looked for work in the past 12 months." Minister Ó Cuív said, "Lone parents face many challenges in today s society of which returning to the workplace is just one. This research will help inform policy makers and indeed employers about the particular challenges facing lone parents and ways in which they can be helped." The research was undertaken to address the lack of reliable information about the reality of life for those parenting alone in Galway City and County. It included interviews and questionnaires with parents, policy makers and service providers and found that poverty and child wellbeing will only be addressed if the family's financial situation improves as a result of going back to work. Declan Brassil, Galway City Partnership Manager said, "One of the primary barriers is the lack of flexible employment which will result in increased income. Parents encounter difficulties in securing flexible, high quality, well paid employment which is part-time and family friendly, and takes account of school hours and school holidays. This is even more difficult for those parents located in rural areas. The report recommends that employers should be consulted in order to understand the demand for flexible, part-time work and that local employers be encouraged to engage with the One Parent Family Research Steering Group." The report found that additional, affordable, community based childcare facilities should be provided, and creative ways in which care can be provided outside the home for older children and young adolescents need to be explored and fostered. Parents want to engage in training and education but it needs to be at a time that suits them and their children, with a preference for part-time courses run locally while children are in school. Parents living in rural areas need training to take place locally. Education and training providers should explore the possibility of including work placement or supervised work experience which would support individuals in their role as parents. Some parents found dealing with organisations and agencies quite difficult as they were not forthcoming with information about entitlements and services, although a number of participants spoke of having a positive experience when dealing with statutory service providers. The report recommends that a booklet and internet site containing information for those parenting alone be published, and distributed by the Department of Social and Family Affairs (DSFA) to all those currently in receipt of One Parent Family Payment (OPFP). The booklet and site should contain information regarding benefits, entitlements, education and training opportunities, supports for re-entering the labour market, and all relevant contact details for agencies who work with those parenting alone. Locally based support groups in Galway City and County should be established where those parenting alone can support one another in a non-judgmental and positive environment. Differences between the experiences of urban and rural lone parents were also found. These centred largely around access and mobility as many jobs, services and educational programmes are based in Galway City and larger towns in County Galway making it more difficult for lone parents living in rural areas. It also found that social support networks are vital, with grandparents and other family members playing an important support role for many lone parents. The survey was sent to the 3,144 recipients of the One Parent Family Payment in Galway City and County and 676 (22%) were returned. Ends

Monday, 12 November 2007

Sports Scholarships 2007/2008 Sports Scholarships amounting to over €100,000 have been presented to the recipients of this year's NUI Galway Sports Scholarships Scheme. Now in its tenth year, the scheme supports the University's student athletes who excel in their respective sporting fields and gives them the opportunity of developing their sporting prowess whilst studying at NUI Galway. At a special ceremony in the University, 82 students were presented with awards by the NUI Galway's Vice-President for Physical Resources Keith Warnock. Fourteen athletes, who are already on sports scholarships and still studying at the University, received €2,000 again this year. A further 13 students received scholarships (worth €2,000) for the first time, while an additional 50 students benefited to the tune of €1,000 each, under the University's Bursary scheme. This year's Scholarship winners include Niamh Fahy from Killanin, Co Galway - current Galway Ladies Gaelic Football Star and Irish Senior Ladies Soccer International; Niamh Kilkenny, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway - Galway Senior Camogie star; David Conway, Ballickmoyler Co. Laois - Gaelic Football player; David Duffy, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath – all Ireland Gaelic Football Fresher winner; David Kenny, Birr, Co. Offaly – up and coming Hurling star; Fiona Carroll, Athenry, Co. Galway - Golf's rising young star; and Liam Molloy, Newcastle, Galway – Rowing International. In addition to these awards, two students, Mark Ronaldson, Shrule, Co. Mayo and Chris Barrett, Ballina, Co. Mayo, received Gaelic Football scholarships sponsored by Cadbury's as part of their sponsorship of the Cadbury All-Ireland U21 Football Championship. A further three scholarships, sponsored by Galway United and Sports Med West were awarded to Michael Creane from Sligo town; Jack O' Doherty, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal; and Vinny Carrigan from Castlebar, Co. Mayo. NUI Galway Sports and Recreation Officer, Tony Regan says the Sports Scholarship Scheme initiative encourages students to participate at the highest levels in sport, "The Sports Scholarship Scheme gives a tremendous boost to the sporting ethos of NUI Galway. Over the years, the scheme has supported some excellent athletes with many recipients representing the University with distinction at national and international level. These have included the likes of Paul Hession, current Irish record holder at 60, 100 & 200 metres, Eadaoin Ní Challarain, double Olympic representation in 2000 and 2004, as well as current Olympian Oarsmen, Cormac Folan and Alan Martin." He added, "We would like to congratulate our awardees who represent a cross section of the most outstanding sporting talent in this country and wish them every success in their future sporting endeavors with the University and indeed further a field". This year's selection of athletes came from across the academic disciplines and represents a wide variety of sports including Athletics, Basketball, Boxing, Camogie, Cycling, Gaelic Games, Golf, Hockey, Kayaking, Rowing, Rugby, Soccer, Surfing, Swimming and Windsurfing. -ends-

Monday, 12 November 2007

Scoláireachtaí Spóirt 2007/2008 Tá Scoláireachtaí Spóirt ar fiú os cionn €100,000 iad bronnta faoi Scéim Scoláireachtaí Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh na bliana seo. Tá an Scéim Scoláireachtaí seo ar bun le 10 mbliana anuas. Tacaíonn an scéim le lúthchleasaithe atá ag freastal ar an Ollscoil dul chun cinn a dhéanamh, mar aon le deis a fháil a gcumas spóirt a fhorbairt le linn a bheith ag staidéar in OÉ Gaillimh. Ag searmanas speisialta a eagraíodh san Ollscoil, bhronn Keith Warnock, Leas-Uachtarán um Acmhainní Fisiciúla OÉ Gaillimh, duaiseanna ar 82 mac léinn. Tugadh €2,000 an duine arís i mbliana do 14 lúthchleasaí atá ar scoláireacht spóirt cheana féin agus atá fós san Ollscoil. Bronnadh scoláireacht (€2,000 an duine) ar 13 mac léinn eile den chéad uair, agus tugadh €1,000 an duine do 50 mac léinn eile, faoi scéim Spáranachtaí na hOllscoile. I measc na mac léinn a bhuaigh Scoláireachtaí i mbliana tá Niamh Fahy ó Chill Aithnín, Co. na Gaillimhe – Réalta le Foireann Peil Ghaelach na Gaillimhe agus Imreoir le Foireann Shinsearach Sacair Ban na hÉireann; Niamh Kilkenny, Béal Átha na Sluaighe, Co. na Gaillimhe – Réalta le Foireann Shinsearach Camógaíochta na Gaillimhe; David Conway, Baile Mhic Mhaoilir, Co. Laoise – Imreoir Peil Ghaelach; David Duffy, An Muileann gCearr, Co. na hIarmhí – buaiteoir le Foireann Mhac Léinn Céad Bhliana na hÉireann; David Kenny, Biorra, Co. Uíbh Fhailí – réalta óg Iománaíochta; Fiona Carroll, Baile Átha an Rí, Co. na Gaillimhe – réalta óg Gailf; agus Liam Molloy, An Caisleán Nua, Gaillimh – Réalta Idirnáisiúnta Iomraimh. Le cois na scoláireachtaí seo, bronnadh scoláireachtaí Peile ar bheirt mhac léinn, Mark Ronaldson, Sruthair, Co. Mhaigh Eo agus Chris Barrett, Béal an Átha, Co. Mhaigh Eo, mar chuid d'urraíocht Cadbury ar Chraobh Peile Cadbury Faoi 21 na hÉireann. Bronnadh trí scoláireacht eile, urraithe ag Galway United agus Sports Med West ar Michael Creane ó bhaile Shligigh; Jack O'Doherty, Leitir Ceanainn, Co. Dhún na nGall; agus Vinny Carrigan ó Chaisleán an Bharraigh, Co. Mhaigh Eo. Tugann Scéim na Scoláireachtaí Spóirt deis do mhic léinn páirt a ghlacadh ina spórt féin ag an leibhéal is airde, dar le Tony Regan, Oifigeach Spóirt agus Áineasa na hOllscoile, "Chuir Scéim na Scoláireachtaí Spóirt go mór le cúrsaí spóirt in OÉ Gaillimh. Le blianta fada anuas, is mór an chabhair atá tugtha ag an scéim do lúthchleasaithe maithe atá ag déanamh ionadaíochta ar an Ollscoil ag leibhéal náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta agus tá ag éirí go geal leo. I measc na lúthchleasaithe seo tá Paul Hession, sealbhóir curiarrachta reatha na hÉireann ag 60, 100 & 200 méadar, Eadaoin Ní Challaráin, a d'fhreastail ar na cluichí Oilimpeacha in 2000 agus 2004, mar aon leis na hIomróirí Oilimpeacha reatha, Cormac Folan agus Alan Martin." Ina theannta sin, dúirt sé "Is mian linn tréaslú leis na buaiteoirí ar fad a dhéanann ionadaíocht ar an tír seo agus gach rath a ghuí orthu lena n-iarrachtaí spóirt san Ollscoil agus go deimhin níos faide ó bhaile". Tá baint ag lúthchleasaithe na bliana seo le réimse leathan spóirt lena n-áirítear Lúthchleasaíocht, Cispheil, Dornálaíocht, Camógaíocht, Rothaíocht, Peil Ghaelach, Galf, Haca, Cadhcáil, Iomramh, Rugbaí, Sacar, Tonnmharcaíocht, Snámh agus Clársheoltóireacht. - críoch -

Monday, 12 November 2007

At a special ceremony today, 102 students who completed academic programmes with NUI Galway's Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge in Gaoth Dobhair, Co. Donegal, were conferred with Dioplomas. At the event, NUI Galway President Dr. Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh said that he was delighted to be back in Gaoth Dobhair for the third year running at the conferring ceremony. "Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge and NUI Galway are providing courses in communication, computing, Irish, translation studies and folklore in Gaoth Dobhair. These disciplines are particularly relevant to the social, cultural and economic development of the Gaeltacht. As a result of the development in Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair and the courses being provided, the University is placing a particular emphasis on creating a positive attitude in relation to the Irish language as a major development resource in the Gaeltacht." Éamonn Mac Niallais, Administrator of Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair said that Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge is providing Diploma courses in Gaoth Dobhair and in other centres in the Northwest for the past four years and that it was now time to progress further. "Next year the first fulltime university course will commence in Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair – B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó. This is a four year course and the aim is to train graduates and provide them with the practical and analytical skills needed to work in a bilingual business and administration environment." In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the employment opportunities that are available in organisations functioning through the medium of Irish, in the Gaeltacht and outside of the Gaeltacht. The provision of this degree is a significant development for the Acadamh in the Northwest, as well as a great opportunity for the local people of the Gaeltacht to attain a university degree and extra employment opportunities in their own area. Further information about the B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó or other courses provided by the Acadamh can be attained by contacting Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair at 074 9531919 or forwarding an email to Ends

Monday, 12 November 2007

Is léir ón eolas atá le fáil i dtuarascáil taighde nua atá foilsithe ag Comhpháirtíocht Chathair na Gaillimhe agus an Grúpa Stiúrtha um Thaighde ar Theaghlaigh Aontuismitheora go bhfuil neart dúshlán le sárú ag tuismitheoirí aonair a dteastaíonn uathu filleadh ar fhostaíocht – dúshláin a bhaineann le teacht ar fhostaíocht, oiliúint agus oideachas. Inniu sheol an tUasal Éamon Ó Cuív T.D., An tAire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, an taighde seo a rinne Ionad Taighde um Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh OÉ Gaillimh i gCathair agus i gContae na Gaillimhe. Dúirt an Dr Michelle Millar ón Ionad Taighde um Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh in OÉ Gaillimh, "Is léir ón taighde seo go bhfuil na tuismitheoirí seo toilteanach oibriú lasmuigh den bhaile. Ach i measc na n-ábhar imní a bhíonn le déileáil acu tá an tionchar a bheidh ag an gcinneadh sin ar na leanaí, agus an deacracht a bhaineann le fostaíocht fheiliúnach, pháirtaimseartha a fháil. Dúshláin eile fós iad áiseanna cúram leanaí inacmhainne agus inrochtana a fháil, mar aon leis an tsáinn bhochtaineachta a chruthaíonn an forlíonadh cíosa – dúshláin a chiallaíonn go mbíonn an-chuid deacrachtaí ag tuismitheoirí aonair obair a fháil – obair a chiallaíonn go mbeidh siad níos fearr as." Is é seo an chéad chineál taighde dá leithéid in Éirinn agus is i gcomhthéacs mórathruithe beartais a tugadh faoi. Moltar i bPlépháipéar an Rialtais: Proposals for Supporting Lone Parents go mbeidh leasú mór i gceist i dtacaíocht leasa do thuismitheoirí aonair de dheasca athruithe beartais. San áireamh sna moltaí seo bheadh coinníollacht san íocaíocht, agus síltear go mbeidh tuismitheoirí aonair páirteach sa mhargadh fostaíochta nuair a bheidh a leanaí ag teannadh leis an uasteorainn aoise d'íocaíocht an Liúntais Tuismitheora. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Elaine Harvey, Cathaoirleach an Ghrúpa Stiúrtha um Thaighde ar Theaghlaigh Aontuismitheora ag an seoladh, "Is é dearcadh na dtuismitheoirí gurb é an príomhról atá acu feidhmiú mar phríomhchúramóirí dá leanaí, agus bunaithe ar an méid sin, baineann an oiread céanna tábhachta le cúram leanaí inacmhainne agus dearcadh solúbtha fostóirí agus a bhaineann le fostaíocht a fháil. Is léir ón taighde go dteastaíonn ó thuismitheoirí aonair a bheith ag obair – is é an dúshlán atá ann oibriú i gcomhar le tuismitheoirí agus bealaí a aimsiú le rochtain ar fhostaíocht, ar oideachas agus ar oiliúint a aithint. Ina dhiaidh sin, ní mór bealaí réalaíocha a aithint chun na bacainní sin a shárú. Creidimid gur cheart gur próiseas deonach a bheadh sa phróiseas gníomhachtúcháin seo agus is ceart aird a dhíriú ar an bpointe gur lorg 46% díobh siúd a rinne an suirbhé fostaíochta le 12 mhí anuas." Dúirt an tAire Ó Cuív, "Is iomaí dúshlán atá le sárú ag tuismitheoirí aonair sa lá atá inniu ann, agus níl i gceist le fostaíocht a fháil ach ceann de na dúshláin seo. Foinse eolais a bheidh sa taighde seo do lucht déanta beartas agus fostóirí go deimhin, maidir leis na dúshláin atá le sárú ag teaghlaigh aontuismitheora agus na bealaí ar féidir cabhrú leo." Tugadh faoin taighde seo ar mhaithe le heolas iontaofa a sholáthar maidir le saol tuismitheoirí aonair i gCathair agus i gContae na Gaillimhe. San áireamh sa taighde seo bhí agallaimh agus ceistneoirí le tuismitheoirí, lucht déanta beartas agus soláthraithe seirbhíse agus aimsíodh nach bhfeabhsóidh cúrsaí bochtaineachta agus folláine leanaí ach amháin má thagann feabhas ar ioncam an teaghlaigh de dheasca filleadh ar fhostaíocht. Dúirt Declan Brassil, Bainisteoir Chomhpháirtíocht Chathair na Gaillimhe, "Ceann de na bacainní bunúsacha is ea easpa fostaíocht sholúbtha a chiallaíonn go mbíonn an teaghlach níos fearr as. Bíonn deacrachtaí ag tuismitheoirí fostaíocht sholúbtha, ar ardchaighdeán agus le tuarastal maith a fháil, mar aon le fostaíocht pháirtaimseartha agus a fheileann do shaol teaghlaigh, agus a fheileann d'uaireanta scoile agus laethanta saoire scoile. Tá sé níos deacra fós ag tuismitheoirí atá lonnaithe i gceantair thuaithe. Is é a mholtar sa tuarascáil gur cheart dul i gcomhairle le fostóirí chun an t-éileamh atá ar phoist sholúbtha, pháirtaimseartha a phlé agus ansin go bhféadfaí fostóirí áitiúla a spreagadh dul i gcomhairle leis an nGrúpa Stiúrtha um Thaighde ar Theaghlaigh Aontuismitheora." Moltar sa tuarascáil gur cheart áiseanna breise, inacmhainne, pobalbhunaithe cúram leanaí a sholáthar, mar aon le bealaí cruthaitheacha inar féidir cúram a sholáthar lasmuigh den bhaile do leanaí níos sine agus ógánaigh a iniúchadh agus a chur i bhfeidhm. Teastaíonn ó thuismitheoirí a bheith páirteach i gcúrsaí oiliúna agus oideachais agus ní mór go mbeadh cúrsaí den chineál seo ar siúl ag am a fheileann dóibh féin agus dá leanaí, agus bheadh cúrsaí páirtaimseartha a bhíonn ar siúl nuair a bhíonn na leanaí ar scoil feiliúnach sa chás seo. D'fheilfeadh sé do thuismitheoirí atá ag cur fúthu i gceantair thuaithe dá mbeadh cúrsaí ar siúl sa cheantar áitiúil. D'áireodh soláthraithe oideachais agus oiliúna an fhéidearthacht a bhainfeadh le socrúchán oibre nó taithí oibre maoirsithe ar mhaithe le tacú le daoine an ról atá acu mar thuismitheoirí a chomhlíonadh. Thug tuismitheoirí áirithe le fios gur bhain deacrachtaí le déileáil le heagraíochtaí agus gníomhaireachtaí de bhrí nach raibh fonn orthu eolas a thabhairt maidir le teidlíochtaí agus seirbhísí, cé nach raibh locht ar bith ag roinnt tuismitheoirí ar an modh ar dhéileáil soláthraithe reachtúla seirbhíse leo. Moltar sa tuarascáil seo gur cheart leabhrán agus láithreán gréasáin a fhoilsiú ar mhaithe le heolas a thabhairt do thuismitheoirí aonair. Ina theannta sin, moltar gur cheart don Roinn Gnóthaí Sóisialacha agus Teaghlaigh na leabhráin seo a thabhairt dóibh siúd atá ag fáil Íocaíocht Teaghlach Aontuismitheora. Ba cheart go mbeadh eolas sa leabhrán seo agus ar an láithreán gréasáin maidir le sochair, teidlíochtaí, deiseanna oideachais agus oiliúna, tacaíocht chun filleadh ar an margadh fostaíochta, agus sonraí teagmhála na ngníomhaireachtaí ar fad atá ag obair le tuismitheoirí aonair. Ba cheart grúpaí tacaíochta áitiúla a bhunú i gCathair agus i gContae na Gaillimhe ionas gur féidir le tuismitheoirí aonair tacú lena chéile go neamhbhreithiúnach agus i dtimpeallacht dheas. Is léir ón taighde seo freisin go bhfuil difríochtaí le sonrú idir eispéiris tuismitheoirí aonair atá lonnaithe sa chathair agus iad siúd atá lonnaithe faoin tuath. I measc na bpríomhdhifríochtaí bhí rochtain agus soghluaisteacht de bhrí gur i gCathair na Gaillimhe agus sna bailte níos mó i gCo. na Gaillimhe atá go leor de na poist, seirbhísí agus cláir oideachais bunaithe – rud a chruthaíonn deacrachtaí do thuismitheoirí aonair atá ag cur fúthu faoin tuath. Is léir freisin go mbaineann an-tábhacht le líonraí tacaíochta sóisialta, agus go gcabhraíonn seantuismitheoirí agus gaolta eile go mór le tuismitheoirí aonair. Seoladh an suirbhé chuig an 3,144 duine atá ag fáil an Íocaíocht Teaghlach Aontuismitheora i gCathair agus i gContae na Gaillimhe agus seoladh 676 (22%) suirbhé ar ais againn. Críoch

Monday, 5 November 2007

NUI Galway will host Irish Aid's Third Level Conference 'Development's Futures', from 24-25 November 2007. Minister of State for Overseas Development, Michael Kitt T.D., will officially open the event, which will be attended by some 200 practitioners and academics working in the field of international development and development education. The keynote address will be delivered by Michael Edwards, Director of the Governance and Civil Society Program at the Ford Foundation, one of the world's leading philanthropic foundations. Other speakers will include award-winning journalist Palagummi Sainath of The Hindu, who has been described as 'the conscience of the Indian nation'. An exhibition of his photographs on the theme of 'Women & Work in Rural India' will go on public display in conjunction with the conference. The conference aims to improve links between different sectors of the development community, with an emphasis on the importance of research to educators, practitioners and scholars alike. Over 80 papers reflecting the latest research and practice in development education and in international development issues will be presented over the two days of the conference. Panel sessions will also take place on topics including HIV/AIDS; Crisis and Conflict; Education Policies in Africa; NGO Partnerships for Poverty Reduction; Gender Perspectives; Environment; Volunteering; and Food Security. Welcoming the announcement of the conference, Minister of State Kitt said, "This conference is part of Irish Aid's commitment to promote development education in universities and other third-level institutions in Ireland. I am confident that it will facilitate contacts and networking between both third-level development education practitioners and academics working in the field of international development". According to conference convenor Dr. Su-ming Khoo, Department of Sociology and Political Science, NUI Galway, "This event will give international researchers, educators, practitioners and activists an opportunity to explore what the future holds for development. There is an onus on third-level institutions to engage with the development issues and support organisations and individuals to advance development cooperation through research and knowledge sharing". The registration fee for the conference has been heavily subsidised (€50 full fee or €25 for students), and those interested in attending should register as soon as possible at -ends-

Thursday, 20 December 2007

NUI Galway to co-ordinate Irish activities Today the United Nations (UN) 62nd General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the 'International Year of Astronomy'. The Resolution was submitted by Italy, Galileo Galilei's home country, and was co-sponsored by Ireland. The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is an initiative of the International Astronomical Union and UNESCO. The International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) will be a global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture, highlighted by the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. The aim of this celebration is to stimulate worldwide interest, especially among young people, in astronomy and science under the central theme "The Universe: Yours to Discover". National Nodes in each country have been formed to prepare activities for 2009. In Ireland this will be headed by Professor Michael Redfern, Centre for Astronomy, NUI Galway. Professor Redfern will establish collaborations between professional and amateur astronomers, science centres, educators and science communicators in preparing activities for 2009. Professor Redfern said, "We are proud that Ireland is a co-sponsor of the motion that went before the UN, and a collaborator in IYA2009. In Ireland, we will focus on showing the universal appeal of astronomy to the public, and use the year to encourage more students to consider science as a career. As part of the process we will seek to provide a modern gender-balanced view of science and scientists, and will work especially hard to support our colleagues in the developing world who will also be using IYA2009 to promote science education at all levels." Professor Redfern added, "IYA2009 will also highlight global cooperation for peaceful purposes. For millennia, astronomers have worked together across boundaries including those of geography, gender, age, culture and race. These are precisely the principles embodied in the UN Charter. In that sense, astronomy is a classic example of how science can contribute towards furthering international cooperation." So far 99 nations and 14 organisations have signed up to participate in the IYA2009 – an unprecedented network of committed communicators and educators in astronomy. The President of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Catherine Cesarsky, says, "The International Year of Astronomy 2009 gives all nations a chance to participate in this ongoing exciting scientific and technological revolution." For more information on the 'International Year of Astronomy 2009' please visit the website at For information on Irish activities in IYA2009 visit the website at ENDS

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

The National University of Ireland, Galway reports an excellent year for technology transfer activities in 2007, as measured by license agreements, spin-out companies, new invention disclosures, patent applications, collaborative projects with industry and support to campus company formation. Commenting on the success during 2007, Dr Daniel O'Mahony, Director, Technology Transfer office, said, "The achievements of 2007 reflect the dedication, commitment and professionalism of the entire TTO staff in accelerating value creation and technology commercialization, the commitment of the research community at NUI Galway to excellence in applied research programmes and support of collaborative projects with industry, university support to basic and applied research programmes, along with the ability and mandate of the TTO team to capitalise on the R&D outputs arising from funding support from Enterprise Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland, IDA and other funding bodies over the past three to five years". Licensing In the past year the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) executed twenty-four (24) license and option agreements across a range of technology areas including various molecular diagnostic technologies, waste water treatment technologies, metal oxide coating technology, wave to energy technology, error correction code technology, wind blade and composite technology, enzyme technology to convert biomass to bio-energy, advance person recognition technology, technology for integration of medical equipment and data records in hospital systems, amongst others. In addition a number of start-up companies were formed following licensing of technologies and intellectual property from NUI Galway including Eirzyme Ltd, Theta Chemicals Ltd, Syncrophi Ltd, with a number of other spin-out companies at late stage negotiation. License income increased ten (10) fold year-on-year. Awards A further measure of the commercialization activities at NUI Galway was recognized at the Enterprise Ireland Annual Conference on Industrial Products where researchers from the University secured four (4) of the eight (8) awards given out in recognition of technology development and technology commercialization including awards to: Dr Michael Rodgers, Department of Civil Engineering; Dr Jimmy McManus and Professor Des Cunningham (RIP), Department of Chemistry; and Dr Conchúr O'Bradaigh, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. Each year a special bursary is awarded at this conference to the Principal Investigator who through their research has made a substantial contribution to Irish society and industry and this year Dr Michael Rodgers received this prestigious award for his research on Waste Water Treatment systems. Invention During 2007 some thirty (30) new invention disclosures were lodged by researchers at NUI Galway with the TTO, many with multiple inventions, contributing to thirty (30) patent applications filed. In total ninety-five (95) confidential disclosure agreements (CDAs) and thirty-five (35) materials transfer agreements (MTAs) were also executed with industry. To support technology commercialization the TTO also invested in the Inteum IP Management System and reconfigured its Incubation facility to provide incubation and bio-incubation space for 24 companies in ICT and engineering and 6 life-sciences / biotech companies. Partnership During the past year the Technology Transfer Initiative (TTI) team at the TTO, supported by a grant from Enterprise Ireland, secured in excess of 30 Enterprise Ireland funded Innovation Partnership R&D collaborative projects with industry, spread across small-medium enterprises (SMEs) and Multi National companies (MNCs). In addition a number of other major collaborative projects with industry were supported through the TTO including IDA-supported projects between Smith & Nephew with the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) and a collaborative project between GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), NUI Galway and TCD. During 2007 the TTO also secured a number of grants to support its activities including a grant from Enterprise Ireland to hire three (3) additional Commercialization Executives funded by Enterprise Ireland, which complement the existing team of three (3) Commercialization Executives and Administrative team funded directly by NUI Galway. Entrepreneurial Support In 2007 the TTO launched a 'New Entrepreneurial Forum' with programmes being run in two stages. Stage one of the programme is a new eight week Campus Commercialization Programme (CCP) tailored to the needs of the research community on campus. The vision and philosophy of this CCP programme is to provide researchers and emerging entrepreneurs on campus with some of the fundamental knowledge and skill-sets in the pursuit of enterprise development. There is a strong focus on market assessments and the delivery of tailored solutions and technology offerings to the market on time. The team has developed a unique product offering for researchers and look forward to opening up this programme to other campuses across the BMW region. Two CCP's were run in 2007, involving a total of 26 participants across a spectrum of NUI Galway key research sectors, including Web2.0, biomedical, renewable energy, applied optics, marine sciences, and power electronics. Stage two is designed to support the "migration of researchers to entrepreneurs" with kick-off in December 2007. Fourteen Entrepreneurs are being guided though the commercialization process bringing their business concepts to a reality, either in the form of a start-up, progression to HPSU status or licensing out their technology to a 3rd party. This New Entrepreneurial Forum is funded through a combination of grant support from the Western Development Commission (WDC) and Údarás na Gaeltachta along with central support from the TTO. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Collaboration The TTO also kicked off a new collaborative pilot programme for early stage researchers on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization of Research & Technology Transfer with UCC and TCD. This module is part of a HEA SIF phase 1 funded project, with an objective of developing key transferable generic skills and high level training modules. This project is ongoing for three years and is funded by the HEA. This programme will be utilised by the TTO as a mechanism of developing the entrepreneurial minded graduate at an early stage in the academic lifecycle. The TTO is also part of the Lionra 'Business Mentoring for Winners' BMW project where funds have been given to support our Campus Innovation Centre companies. The funding secured through the TTO in 2007 was to allow some eligible companies access independent expert advice on ways to increase their commercial potential, covering areas such as product development, funding opportunities, licensing, sales process amongst others. Professor Nicholas Canny, Vice-President for Research at NUI Galway, said, "These achievements in technology commercialization in 2007 ranks NUI Galway as a leading university in terms of technology commercialization per every €1million invested in research". Professor Jim Browne, Registrar and Deputy President at NUI Galway, said, "When NUI Galway established the TTO office in late 2005 our vision was that the office would identify, protect and commercialize the intellectual property outputs and assets of the university and put a strategy in place to deliver on this mandate. During 2006 the TTO put the dedicated team, infrastructure, framework, procedures and policies in place to deliver on this vision. During 2007 the TTO executed this vision and strategy with excellent results and we look forward further growing the licensing activities and technology commercialization in the coming year". ENDS

Monday, 17 December 2007

Micheál Martin TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment announced 8 awards for NUI Galway in the recent funding awards of €44.55 million, creating 67 new research posts in Higher Education Institutes, under the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Stokes Professorship and Lectureship Programme. Of the 8 NUI Galway awardees, three will take up their positions between January and March 2008: Prof. George Reid, who received Professor of Cancer Biology; Lokesh Joshi who received Professor of Glyoscience; and Andrea Erxleben who received lectureship in Medicinal Chemistry. Professor Nicholas Canny, Vice-President for Research at NUI Galway, said, "The success in the Stokes competition consolidates the research achievements of NUI Galway and adds greatly to our capacity to attract future research funding and to supervise PhD students."

Monday, 17 December 2007

NUI Galway claimed top awards in the Industrial Products Sector where their inventors claimed 4 of the 8 awards presented at this year's event. The awards presented were as follows: Dr Michael Rodgers, Department of Civil Engineering (Licence of a Waste Water Technology to Envirocare Ltd); Dr Jimmy McManus & Professor Des Cunningham (RIP) Department of Chemistry, (Licence of a Metal Oxide Technology to the start-up company Theta Chemicals Ltd.); Dr Conchur O'Bradaigh, Department of Mechanical Engineering (Licence of a Wind Turbine Blade Technology to EireComposities Ltd). Each year a special bursary is awarded to the Principal Investigator who through their research has made a substantial contribution to Irish society and industry. This year Dr Michael Rodgers received this prestigious award for his research on Waste Water Treatment systems.

Friday, 14 December 2007

The annual NUI Galway Alumni Association Christmas Gathering takes place from 5-7pm on Thursday, 20 December, in the Aula Maxima. Now in its third year, all graduates are invited to the event to catch up with old friends over mulled wine and mince pies. This year's Alumni Association Christmas Gathering will feature Christmas carols performed by the Orbsen Choir. The choir is comprised of a mix of undergraduates, postgraduates, as well as recent alumni and is led by former University Choral Society auditor, Peter Mannion. According to Mike Gaffney, Chairperson of the Alumni Association Board, "Coming back to NUI Galway at this time of year is a wonderful experience especially as a graduate. Unlike your time spent here as a student, there are no exams to worry about and you never know who you'll bump into". All graduates are encouraged to come along, bring a friend, and pass on the message to former classmates. For further details contact Sheila Gorham on 091 493750 or email - ends -

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Seven new specialised undergraduate Bachelor of Arts Degrees NUI Galway has officially launched its 'CONNECT Programme', consisting of seven new specialised undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degrees. Designed to increase the employability of graduates, the four-year programmes will develop distinctive skills and provide real world experience by creating connections for students with life beyond the campus. The seven new CONNECT degrees are: BA with Children's Studies; BA with Creative Writing; BA with Film Studies; BA with Human Rights; BA with Irish Studies; BA with Theatre and Performance; and BA with Women's Studies. The degrees will immerse students in their chosen field and include a full year of educational placement in the community, portfolio preparation, creative practice, study abroad, service-learning or work experience within Non-Governmental Organisations. According to Professor Kevin Barry, the Dean of the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies, "The new CONNECT programmes will enable students to engage in a very practical way with their most passionate interests, and to develop their confidence in the public sphere. Whether they choose Theatre and Performance, Children's Studies, Human Rights, or Film, in each CONNECT programme students will enjoy active participation both on campus and in the world of work". Professor Barry added "NUI Galway, and the city of Galway itself, have developed very strong resources in these areas, as well as in Irish Studies, Creative Writing and Women's Studies. The CONNECT programmes are designed to open these resources for the first time to a new generation of undergraduate students". In the first year of a BA CONNECT Programme each student will select three subjects and a specialism. Each CONNECT student group will meet weekly in an active learning environment to engage with their chosen specialism, under the guidance of the Programme Director. In second year, students continue with two subjects and their chosen specialism. In third year students will pursue their specialism in a choice of environment that may include: on-campus and off-campus learning opportunities; study at a partner university in North America, the UK or Europe; placement with public bodies (for example, Non Governmental Organisations) and work experience within the creative industries of film and drama. In fourth year, students will complete their studies in their two Degree subjects and incorporate in their final projects knowledge gained in the specialist study they have followed in the previous years. -ends-

Monday, 10 December 2007

Éamon Ó Cuív T.D., Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, has sanctioned a grant of €6m for Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, National University of Ireland, Galway and for the university's sub-centres operating in the Gaeltacht. This grant is being provided to enable the Acadamh to develop and promote its Irish language measures. The Minister said that the Acadamh greatly enhances the Irish langauge educational opportunities available to Gaeltacht and Irish language communities and that it has a very positive impact on the social, economic and cultural lives, as well as on the language, of those communities in general. With regard to language planning, the activities of Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge greatly assist the various Gaeltacht communities through the courses it provides in that area and through the research and consultancy services it provides to various organisations. NUI Galway has set out a challenging approach to third level education through Irish in its Strategic Plan. Third level accredited courses will be offered fully through Irish in various locations within and outside the Gaeltacht. Minister Ó Cuív said that third level education through Irish is dealing with the erosion of rural communities and reinforcing the status and profile of the Irish language. "New language-friendly employment is promoted. The Acadamh has a central role in supporting the community development process and in developing a language-centred Gaeltacht infrastructure," according to the Minister. He added that he is delighted to provide this assistance, especially in the context of course delivery costs through Irish being higher than course delivery costs through English.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Tá deontas ar fiú €6m thar tréimhse trí bliana ceadaithe ag Éamon Ó Cuív T.D., an tAire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, d'Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh agus na fo-ionaid ollscoile atá ag feidhmiú sa Ghaeltacht. Cuireadh an deontas seo ar fáil mar chúnamh dóibh chun a gcuid beartais ar mhaithe leis an nGaeilge a fhorbairt agus a chur chun cinn. Dúirt an tAire go gcuireann an tAcadamh go mór leis na deiseanna oideachais trí mheán na Gaeilge atá ar fáil do phobal na Gaeltachta agus na Gaeilge agus go mbíonn tionchar thar a bheith dearfach acu ar shaol sóisialta, eacnamaíoch, cultúrtha agus teanga na bpobal sin trí chéile. I gcás na pleanála teanga, cuidíonn gníomhaíochtaí Acadaimh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge go mór le pobail éagsúla sa Ghaeltacht, trí na cúrsaí a chuireann siad ar fáil sa réimsí sin agus trí na seirbhisí taighde & comhairleacht a chuireann siad ar fáil d'eagraíochtaí éagsúla. Tá cur chuige dúshlánach leagtha amach ag Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh don ollscolaíocht trí Ghaeilge ina Plean Straitéiseach. Beidh cúrsaí creidiúnaithe tríú leibhéal á dtairiscint go hiomlán trí Ghaeilge in ionaid éagsúla laistigh agus lasmuigh den Ghaeltacht. Dúirt an tAire Ó Cuív go bhfuil an ollscolaíocht Ghaeilge ag dul i ngleic le creimeadh an phobail tuaithe agus ag láidriú staid agus próifíl na Gaeilge. "Cuirtear fostaíocht nua chun cinn atá teanga-chairdiúil. Tá ról lárnach ag an Acadamh ag tacú leis an bpróiséas forbartha pobail agus ag cruthú bonneagar Gaeltachta atá teanga lárnaithe," a deir an tAire. Dúirt sé go raibh áthas air an cúnamh seo a chur ar fáil go háirithe i gcomhthéacs costais seachadtha chúrsaí trí Ghaeilge a bheith níos airde ná costais chúrsaí a sheachadtar trí Bhéarla.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Tá na sonraí is déanaí maidir le naoú Mórfhéasta bliantúil OÉ Gaillimh fógartha – imeacht a bheidh ar siúl in Óstán an Radisson SAS Dé Sathairn, an 1 Márta 2008. Díreoidh téama Mhórfhéasta 2008 ar thiomantas na hOllscoile do chúrsaí spóirt anseo ar an gcampas. Measann formhór na mac léinn anseo go gcuireann comhaltacht agus/nó rannpháirtíocht i gcúrsaí spóirt go mór leis an am a chaitheann siad in OÉ Gaillimh. Is iomaí buntáiste a bhaineann le comhaltacht agus/nó rannpháirtíocht i gcúrsaí spóirt – sláinte, folláine, comhluadar agus forbairt phearsanta – mar aon le háis úsáideach chun cothroime a bhaint amach idir an saol oibre agus an saol acadúil. Dúirt an tOllamh Ger Hurley, Leas-Uachtarán um Thionscnaimh Straitéiseacha agus Gnóthaí Seachtracha, OÉ Gaillimh, "Is é atá mar aidhm againn anseo in OÉ Gaillimh rogha spóirt a sholáthar don uile dhuine agus spreagadh a thabhairt do mhic léinn leas a bhaint as na hacmhainní atá le fáil ar an gcampas – is léir anois go bhfuil feabhas mór ag teacht ar an hacmhainní atá ar fáil de bhrí go bhfuil Ionad Spóirt nua á fhorbairt i láthair na huaire. Tá an bhéim a leagtar ar rannpháirtíocht mac léinn i gcúrsaí spóirt ag teacht le héiteas OÉ Gaillimh – is é sin gurb é an phríomhfhreagracht atá orainn leas agus folláine ár mac léinn." Dúirt an tOllamh Hurley, "bunaithe ar théama Mhórfhéasta 2008, trí urraíocht fhlaithiúil ó Aer Arann, tá ar ár gcumas an t-ochtú duais a bhronnadh – Duais Alumni Aer Arann d'Éachtaí agus Ceannaireacht Spóirt." Ceann de bhuaicphointí an imeachta, atá anois ar mhórimeacht náisiúnta agus ceann de phríomhimeachtaí sóisialta Iarthar na hÉireann, é bronnadh na nDuaiseanna Alumni gach bliain. Ceiliúrann na duaiseanna seo an tábhacht a bhaineann le hoideachas OÉ Gaillimh ar feadh an tsaoil agus tugann sé aitheantas d'fheabhas agus d'éachtaí daoine aonair i measc 65,000 céimí na hOllscoile atá scaipthe ar fud an domhain. Seo a leanas liosta de bhuaiteoirí na n-ocht nduais alumni atá le bronnadh ag Mórfhéasta 2008: Duais Hewlett-Packard don Ghaeilge Gráinne Seoige, Craoltóir Duais TBD don Innealtóireacht, an Teicneolaíocht Faisnéise agus an Mhatamaitic John Ryan, Cathaoirleach an Bhoird, Macrovision Corporation Duais Bhanc na hÉireann don Ghnó & an Tráchtáil Brian Joyce, Cathaoirleach, Clancourt Holdings; Stiúrthóir, Kingspan Duais Seavite don Eolaíocht Dúlra An Dr Peter Heffernan, Príomhoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin Fhoras na Mara Duais AIB don Litríocht, an Chumarsáid & na hEalaíona Julian Gough, Úrscéalaí agus Ceoltóir Duais OÉ Gaillimh don Dlí, an tSeirbhís Phoiblí agus an Rialtas Séamus Brennan, An tAire Ealaíon, Spóirt agus Turasóireachta Duais Medtronic don Chúram Sláinte agus an Eolaíocht Mhíochaine An Dr Frank Giles, Príomhoifigeach na Roinne Haemaiteolaíochta agus na hOinceolaíochta Leighis sa San Antonio Cancer Institute Duais-Aer-Arann-d'Éachtaí-agus-Ceannaireacht-Spóirt Joe McDonagh, Iar-Uachtarán CLG & Sáriománaí Sinsearach -Críoch-

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Details have been announced of NUI Galway's ninth annual Gala Banquet, which will take place at the Radisson SAS Hotel on Saturday, 1 March, 2008. The theme of the 2008 Gala Banquet will focus on the University's commitment to and long history of sport on campus. The majority of students find their membership and/or involvement in sport significantly enhances their NUI Galway experience, with many benefits in terms of health, physical fitness, camaraderie and personal development and a useful aid in balancing the pressures of academic life. Professor Ger Hurley, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs, NUI Galway, said, "Our intention at NUI Galway is to offer sport for all and to encourage all students to benefit from the resources which are provided on campus – facilities which are continually being improved as is evident with the development of the new Sports Centre. The emphasis placed on involving students in sport underlines the ethos of NUI Galway - that our students and their wellbeing are our primary responsibility." Professor Hurley added, "given the theme of Gala Banquet 2008, this year we have, through the generous sponsorship of Aer Arann, added an eighth award – the Aer Arann Alumni Award for Sports Achievement and Leadership." One of the highlights of the evening, which has established itself as a premier national event and one of the key social occasions in the West of Ireland, is the presentation of the annual Alumni Awards. These awards celebrate the life-long value of an NUI Galway education and recognise individual excellence and achievement among the University's more than 65,000 graduates worldwide. The winners of the eight alumni awards to be presented at Gala 2008: Duais Hewlett Packard don Ghaeilge Gráinne Seoige, Craoltóir TBD Award for Engineering, IT & Mathematics John Ryan, Chairman of the Board, Macrovision Corporation Bank of Ireland Award for Business & Commerce Brian Joyce, Chairman, Clancourt Holdings; Director, Kingspan Seavite Award for Natural Science Dr Peter Heffernan, CEO of the Marine Institute AIB Award for Literature, Communication & the Arts Julian Gough, Novelist and Musician NUI Galway Award for Law, Public Service & Government Seamus Brennan, Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism Medtronic Award for Healthcare & Medical Science Dr Frank Giles, Chief of the Division of Haematology and Medical Oncology at the San Antonio Cancer Institute Aer Arann Award for Sports Achievement and Leadership Joe McDonagh, Former GAA President & Champion Senior Hurler -ENDS-

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Tá clár céime nua agus nuálaíoch – clár a bheidh á reáchtáil trí mheán na Gaeilge – seolta ag Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh agus Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn. Beidh an clár seo ar siúl in ionad Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge i nGaoth Dobhair, Co. Dhún na nGall agus is i mí Mheán Fómhair 2008 a chuirfear tús leis. D'fhógair Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh sonraí an chláir nua seo ag an searmanas bronnta a bhí ar siúl i nGaoth Dobhair i mbliana. Dúirt sé go raibh áthas air a bheith i nGaoth Dobhair ag searmanas bronnta do mhic léinn an Acadaimh don tríú bliain as a chéile agus go raibh áthas air a fhógairt "go mbeidh céim iomlán ollscoile á thairiscint ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge den chéad uair riamh i nGaoth Dobhair an bhliain seo chugainn. Tá áthas ar leith orainn go bhfuil ar ár gcumas an B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó a thairiscint i gcomhar le hInstitiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn. Is éard atá ar bun againn i ndáiríre acmhainní an dá institiúid a úsáid chun clár maith céime trí mheán na Gaeilge a sholáthar san Iarthuaisceart." Tharraing an tUasal Paul Hannigan, Uachtarán Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn aird ar an tábhacht a bhaineann le comhoibriú idir an dá institiúid tríú leibhéal seo chun an clár nua seo a fhorbairt. "Tá cáil bainte amach ag Scoil Ghnó Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn as feabhas na gcúrsaí gnó a chuirtear ar fáil agus tá os cionn 1,000 mac léinn ag freastal ar ár gcúrsaí fochéime agus iarchéime anois. Tá ceann de na ceantair Ghaeltachta is mó sa tír i nDún na nGall agus tá an-áthas orainn a bheith ag comhoibriú le hOllscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh chun cúrsa nua céime sa ghnó a sholáthar trí mheán na Gaeilge." Dúirt Pádraig Ó hAoláin, Príomhfheidhmeannach Údarás na Gaeltachta – atá ag tabhairt tacaíochta don chúrsa – gur léargas eile fós é an tacaíocht atá á soláthar don chlár seo ar thiomantas an Údaráis d'fhorbairt gheilleagrach agus theangeolaíoch na Gaeltachta. "Is léir dúinn ar fad gur fágadh na tionscail thraidisiúnta déantúsaíochta ar leataobh agus go ndearnadh damáiste do chúrsaí fostaíochta sa Ghaeltacht dá bharr. Ní mór dúinn anois a bheith san iomaíocht sa timpeallacht dhomhanda – áit a mbraitheann dul chun cinn ar leibhéil níos airde eolais agus scileanna. Cabhróidh tionscnaimh cosúil leis an gcúrsa céime seo le muintir na Gaeltachta déileáil leis na dúshláin nua seo, agus ní hamháin tionscail ardleibhéil a mhealladh ach gnóthaí a bhunú iad féin." Dúirt Éamonn Mac Niallais, Riarthóir Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair, "Cúrsa ceithre bliana atá anseo agus is é atá mar aidhm againn na scileanna praiticiúla agus anailíseacha a theastaíonn le feidhmiú i ngnó agus timpeallacht riaracháin dhátheangaigh a thabhairt dár gcéimithe." "Le blianta beaga anuas, tá méadú as cuimse tagtha ar na deiseanna fostaíochta atá ar fáil in eagraíochtaí atá ag feidhmiú trí mheán na Gaeilge, sa Ghaeltacht agus lasmuigh den Ghaeltacht. Is léir mar sin gur féidir le céimithe an chúrsa céime seo a bheith ag súil le deiseanna iontacha fostaíochta amach anseo." Tá tuilleadh eolais faoin B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó le fáil ag nó trí theagmháil a dhéanamh le hIonad Ghaoth Dobhair ag 074 9531919 nó ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig – Críoch –

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

A new and innovative Irish-medium degree programme has been launched by the National University of Ireland, Galway and Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT). The programme will run at the Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge centre in Gaoth Dobhair, Co Donegal starting in September 2008. President of NUI Galway, Dr. Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh, announced the launch of the new programme at this year s conferring ceremony in Gaoth Dobhair. He said he was delighted to be in Gaoth Dobhair conferring graduates of the Acadamh for the third year running and was very pleased to be able to announce that, "Next year the first full-time university degree will be offered by Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge in Gaoth Dobhair. We are particularly delighted to be offering the B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó in conjunction with LYIT. In effect we are pooling our resources to provide a very attractive Irish-medium degree programme for the North West." Mr. Paul Hannigan, President of LYIT, also emphasized the importance of the collaboration between both third level institutions in developing this new programme. "The LYIT School of Business has steadily gained widespread recognition for the excellence of its business courses and we currently have over 1,000 students between our undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Donegal has one of the largest Gaeltacht areas in the country and we are delighted to be collaborating with National University of Ireland, Galway in providing a new Irish-medium business course, at degree level." Padraig Ó hAoláin, Chief Executive of Údarás na Gaeltachta who are supporting the programme said that this course was further evidence of the Údaras' commitment to the economic and linguistic development of the Gaeltacht. "We have seen a steady shift away from the traditional manufacturing industries and employment in the Gaeltacht regions has suffered heavily as a result. We have to compete now in a global environment where higher levels of knowledge and skills are the key to success. Initiatives such as this degree course will enable Gaeltacht people to better equip themselves to face these new challenges and to not only attract higher level industries but also to set up in business themselves." Éamonn Mac Niallais, Administrator of Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair, said, "This is a four year course and our aim is to provide our graduates with the practical and analytical skills needed to work in a bilingual business and administration environment. "In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the employment opportunities that are available in organisations functioning through the medium of Irish, in the Gaeltacht and outside of the Gaeltacht. Graduates of this degree course can therefore realistically expect to have access to excellent employment opportunities." Further information about the B.A. sa Riarachán Gnó can be attained at or by contacting Ionad Ghaoth Dobhair at 074 9531919 or email . - Ends –

Tuesday, 31 January 2006

NUI Galway is pleased to announce the appointment of Máire Uí Dhroighneáin as Sean-Nós Singer in Residence at the Centre for Irish Studies. A native of Spiddal, Máire received the Gradam Sean Nós Cois na Life in 2004 in recognition of her contribution to the living tradition, both as a performer and as a teacher. She has also won Comórtas na mBan at the Oireachtas and has been runner-up in Corn Uí Riada, the premier award for sean-nós singing. Máire also has extensive experience as an actress, both on stage and screen and is perhaps best known to television audiences for her portrayal of Máire, the sanctimonious shopkeeper, in the popular RTE soap opera, Ros na Rún. Over the past 17 years, Máire has been involved with An Gaelacadamh, teaching children the songs that were passed on to her and which she is now handing on to a new generation, many of who have gone on to compete successfully at the Oireachtas, and at various fleadhanna ceoil. Máire cites her mother Máire Nic an Ríogh, from An Gleann Mór, Carraroe, as a formative influence on her singing style. "She used to sing while she was working around the house or trying to get us to sleep and those are the first songs I can remember. I had her tormented, asking her to sing the same songs over and over again," she said. Other singers to have influenced Máire include; Pat Phádraic, Máire Chólman Nic Dhonnacha, Máire Áine Nic Dhonncha, Tom Ó Conghaile, Máirtín Phatch Ó Cúláin, Seán Mac Donncha and Seosamh Ó hÉanaí. During her residency, Máire will participate in a series of performances and workshops at the Centre for Irish Studies and other venues throughout Connemara and the Aran Islands. She will also record her own work and that of other singers. Workshops at the Centre for Irish Studies will commence on Tuesday 14 February 2006 at 7.00pm and will run until Easter. The project is funded by Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Údarás na Gaeltachta and An Chomhairle Ealaíon in association with the Centre for Irish Studies at NUI Galway.

Tuesday, 24 January 2006

St Angela s College, Sligo has become a College of NUI Galway, with effect from January 1, 2006, under a formal Agreement between the College and the University. This is the first occasion on which an independent educational institution has become a College of a Constituent University of the NUI. The Agreement, which is aimed at expanding the provision of University education and research in the North-West, will ensure a much closer strategic and working relationship between the College and the University, while ensuring an appropriate degree of autonomy for the College and preserving its independent and separate legal status and its traditional ethos. Students of St Angela s College will also be registered as students of NUI Galway, and their degrees and other qualifications (which will, as with all students within the NUI system, be degrees and qualifications of the National University of Ireland) will be awarded by NUI Galway. The existing governance structures of the College will remain in place and there will be no change in the position of staff as employees of St Angela s College. There will be appropriate cross-representation of staff on the academic and governing bodies of the partner institutions, including ex officio membership of Údarás na hOllscoile (The University Governing Authority) for the President of St Angela s College, with a view to maximising the joint resources of both, in programme development and research, for the benefit of the North-West region. A joint body is also being established to oversee the implementation of the Agreement, including reciprocal use of library, technology and other facilities as appropriate. The Agreement, which is the outcome of discussions in response to an approach by St Angela s College to NUI Galway in recent years, has been welcomed by the staff and governing bodies of both institutions. It has also received the warm support of the Department of Education and Science (which to date has been the funding body for the College), the Higher Education Authority and the Senate of the National University of Ireland. St Angela s College, which has since 1978 been a Recognised College of the NUI, under the oversight of NUI Galway, has ceased to be a Recognised College since December 31, 2005, in consequence of its new status as a College of NUI Galway. St Angela s College, Sligo was founded in 1952 by the Irish Ursuline Union as a training college for teachers of home economics. While its achievements in that area were recognised in 2003 by its being designated by the Minister for Education and Science as henceforth the sole national centre for the training of teachers of Home Economics, with a consequent growth and diversification of its specialisms within that discipline, its educational provision has expanded far beyond that original remit. Today it offers programmes at Bachelor, Master, Higher Diploma and Diploma levels in a wide range of aspects of Home Economics, Education (including Special Education Needs), Nursing (General and Intellectual Disability), Food, Textiles, Fashion and Design; it also provides an Access course for the socioeconomically disadvantaged and cooperates in the delivery onsite of NUI Galway s BA programme in Economic and Social Studies. It also has an important Food Product Development Centre and has been involved in a variety of cross-Border projects, with educational institutions in Northern Ireland. The College currently has an enrolment of 510 fulltime and 300 part-time students and a staff of 90 fulltime and 21 part-time. The St. Angela's College community of staff and students enjoy a scenic and tranquil setting on the shores of Lough Gill in the heart of Sligo's Yeats Country. The College campus is located a short distance from Sligo City, which is a vibrant and rapidly growing social, cultural and commercial centre, with good road, rail and air access. A subsidised bus service transports students to and from the campus at regular intervals from early morning to late evening. The College has demonstrated its commitment to the modernisation of its facilities and infrastructure, with ongoing investment in upgrading its teaching and learning facilities, specialist laboratories, information and communications technology, and a range of student facilities and support structures. Under its President, Dr. Anne Taheny, St. Angela's is currently constructing a €9 million Nursing and Health Studies building funded by the Department of Health and Children. Also under construction is a €12 million student residence complex, which will be ready for occupation in September, 2006.

Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Tá Coláiste San Aingeal, Sligeach ina Choláiste d'Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh ó Eanáir 1, 2006, faoi Chomhaontú foirmiúil idir an Coláiste agus an Ollscoil. Seo an chéad uair go mbeidh institiúid oideachais neamhspleách mar Choláiste ag aon Chomhollscoil de chuid Ollscoil na hÉireann. Is í aidhm an Chomhaontaithe ná an soláthar ollscolaíochta agus taighde san Iarthuaisceart a leathnú, agus ciallóidh sé go mbeidh gaol oibre agus straitéiseach i bhfad níos dlúithe idir an Coláiste agus an Ollscoil. Ag an am céanna, cinnteoidh sé go mbeidh féinriail chuí ag an gColáiste agus go gcaomhnófar an stádas dlíthiúil neamhspleách agus leithleach atá ag an gColáiste agus go gcoinneofar a éiteas traidisiúnta slán. Clárófar mic léinn Choláiste San Aingeal ina mic léinn freisin d'Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, agus is ó Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh a gheobhaidh said a gcéimeanna agus a gcáilíochtaí eile (ar céimeanna agus cáilíochtaí iad d'Ollscoil na hÉireann, mar is amhlaidh i gcás na mac léinn uile i gcóras Ollscoil na hÉireann). Fanfaidh struchtúir rialaithe an Choláiste mar atá agus ní bheidh aon athrú i stádas na foirne mar fhostaithe Choláiste San Aingeal. Beidh crosionadaíocht chuí ón fhoireann ar choistí acadúla agus rialaithe a chéile – agus ballraíocht ex officio ag Uachtarán an Choláiste ar Údarás na hOllscoile mar chuid di sin – é sin chun an leas is fearr a bhaint as a gcomhacmhainní, i bhforbairt chlár acadúil agus sa taighde, ar mhaithe le réigiún an Iarthuaiscirt. Bunófar comhchoiste freisin le maoirseacht a dhéanamh ar fheidhmiú an Chomhaontaithe, agus socrófar go mbeidh a n-áiseanna leabharlainne, teicneolaíochta agus eile i gcomhar acu de réir mar is cuí. Thángthas ar an gComhaontú tar éis do Choláiste San Aingeal teacht chun cainte faoi le hOllscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh le blianta beaga anuas, agus tá fáilte mhór curtha roimhe ag foireann agus údaráis rialaithe an dá institiúid. Tá tacaíocht láidir tugtha dó freisin ag an Roinn Oideachais agus Eolaíochta (óna bhfuair an Coláiste a maoiniú go dtí seo), ag an Údarás um Ardoideachas agus ag Seanad Ollscoil na hÉireann. Bhí Coláiste San Aingeal ina Choláiste Aitheanta ag Ollscoil na hÉireann ó 1978, faoi mhaoirseacht Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, ach tá sí éirithe as bheith ina Coláiste Aitheanta ó Nollaig 31, 2005, de bhun an stádais nua atá gnóthaithe aici anois mar Choláiste d'Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh. Bunaíodh Coláiste San Aingeal, Sligeach i 1952 ag Aontas Ursulach Éireann mar choláiste oiliúna do mhúinteoirí Eacnamaíochta Baile. Is aitheantas ar ar bhaineadar amach sa réimse sin gur ainmnigh an tAire Oideachais agus Eolaíochta i 2003 an Coláiste mar an t-aon ionad náisiúnta feasta um oiliúint mhúinteoirí Eacnamaíochta Baile, rud a chuir le líon na mac léinn agus na speisialtachtaí sa chlár sin. Mar sin féin, ní taobh leis an ngort sin amháin a d'fhan an Coláiste le roinnt blianta siar, rud is léir ó na cláracha Bunchéime, Mháistir, Ard-Dioplóma agus Dioplóma atá á soláthar aici i réim mhór gnéithe den Eacnamaíocht Bhaile, Oideachas (Riachtanais Speisialta Oideachais ina measc), san Altranas (Ginearálta agus Míchumas Intleachta), sa Bhia, agus i dTeicstílí, Faisean agus Dearadh. Tá cúrsa Rochtana á chur ar fáil aici freisin dóibh siúd faoi mhíbhuntáiste socheacnamaíoch agus comhoibríonn sí le hOllscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh lena clár BA siúd sa Léann Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta a chur ar fáil ar an gcampas sin. Tá Ionad tábhachtach um Fhorbairt Tháirgí Bia aici freisin agus bíonn baint aici le tionscnaimh éagsúla trasteorann i bpáirt le hinstitiúidí oideachais i dTuaisceart Éireann. Faoi láthair tá 510 mac léinn lánaimseartha agus 300 páirtaimseartha, chomh maith le foireann de 90 lánaimseartha agus 21 páirtaimseartha, ag an gColáiste. Suíomh den scoth ar bhruach Loch Gile i gcroílár Dúiche Yeats i Sligeach, atá ag coláiste San Aingeal, achar gearr ó Chathair Shligigh. Tá seirbhís thráthrialta bhus, le cabhair airgid ón gColáiste, ann le mic léinn a thabhairt ó mhoch maidne go deireanach tráthnóna chuig an gcampas ón chathair agus ar ais. Cathair bheoga í Sligeach atá ag fás go tapaidh mar ionad sóisialta, cultúrtha agus tráchtála agus seirbhís mhaith bhóthair, thraenach agus aeir aici. Tá gach dícheall déanta ag an gColáiste cóir nua a chur ar na háiseanna agus ar an infreastruchtúr atá aici, rud is léir ón infheistíocht atá déanta agus á déanamh le feabhas a chur ar na háiseanna teagaisc agus foghlama, na saotharlanna speisialaithe, an teicneolaíocht faisnéise agus cumarsáide agus ar na háiseanna agus struchtúir tacaíochta do na mic léinn. Faoin Uachtarán, an Dr. Anne Taheny, agus le maoiniú ón Roinn Sláinte agus Leanaí, tá foirgneamh €9 m don Altranas agus Léann Sláinte á thógáil faoi láthair ag an gColáiste. Tá ollionad cónaithe do mhic léinn, a bheas réidh i Meán Fómhair 2006, á thógáil freisin faoi láthair ar chostas €12 m.

Monday, 23 January 2006

This year's annual Postgraduate Studies Fair at NUI Galway, which will showcase over 150 programmes on offer at the University, will take place on Monday 6th February, from 1.30 pm–6.30 pm. The popular exhibition takes place in the main Sports Hall of Áras na Mac Léinn (Student Centre). The Postgraduate Studies Fair will give prospective postgraduate students the opportunity to check out their options for next year. Academic staff will be available at over 60 stands which will also be staffed by personnel from Postgraduate Admissions Offices, the Adult Education Office, and the Careers Service, who will provide advice and answer any administrative queries. This year, due to popular demand, the Fair will be supplemented with talks on research and funding, a careers presentation, and postgraduate students will give a talk on "What it means to be a Postgrad". Valerie Leahy, Postgraduate Admissions Officer at the University, said students considering continuing their studies could not afford to miss this year's Fair. "For graduates already in employment who may want to supplement their qualifications with a part-time postgraduate degree or diploma, this exhibition is an ideal opportunity to find out about the many options available in postgraduate studies," she said. "Postgraduate study pays, as it enables the individual to specialise in a particular area and improve their employment prospects. Indeed well over a third of Irish graduates are now topping up their basic degree with a postgraduate qualification." John Hannon, Senior Careers Advisor at NUI Galway said postgraduate students have an excellent track record in terms of employment. "NUI Galway's most recent Postgraduate Students Survey shows that 75% of postgraduates are now in employment, while a further 17% are in further education and training." NUI Galway currently offers over 100 taught programmes and over 50 programmes which can be completed by research. The University also offers a number of postgraduate courses taught through Irish and online distance learning is available in certain disciplines.

Monday, 23 January 2006

An extensive study into life in rural Ireland, which covers a wide range of economic, environmental and social issues, has been launched by the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr Éamon Ó Cuív, at a special reception at NUI Galway. The Rural Living: An Analysis of 1,249 Households in the Republic of Ireland, survey was conducted by students of the Rural Development programme at the four NUI constituent universities; University College Dublin, University College Cork, NUI Galway and NUI Maynooth. Its findings offer a contribution to the debate on the future of life in rural Ireland whose population today faces the challenges associated with the decline in full-time farming as a way of life, the expansion of part-time farming, increased urbanization and the rise in commuter towns and villages. Commenting on the study, Minister Ó Cuív said the study was a valuable contribution to our understanding of the changes and pressures being experienced by rural communities in a time of radical change. "The academic directors and students on the programme, who have contributed to this body of research deserve our thanks," said Mr Ó Cuív. "It presents a comprehensive overview and analysis of the current status of rural households in Ireland while underlining the value and relevance of collaboration between universities in the area of rural research, programme design and delivery. Monday's launch was preceded by a seminar featuring addresses by academic experts in rural development from each of the four universities. Professor Michael Cuddy, Department of Economics, NUI Galway, delivered an overview of rural development in Ireland, which formed a key component of the study. "Ireland now has two rural societies which are very different in respect to the challenges they face," he said. "The first is urbanized and integrated into the global production and consumer society while the second is traditional and continues to face the challenges of migration and increasingly costly social services. The time of 'crying wolf' for all of rural Ireland has passed, there must be two different approaches to these distinctly different challenges." The original Rural Development programme, introduced at diploma level in 1996, was expanded in 2004 to include a Bachelor of Science Degree in Rural Development. The students benefit from the combined expertise of the four participating universities who offer the courses by distance education. The programmes for mature students contribute to the attainment of national policy objectives for higher education in expanding access to higher education and providing opportunities for lifelong learning.

Tuesday, 17 January 2006

The annual NUI Galway Alumni Awards will be presented at the University's seventh annual Gala Banquet, which will take place at the Radisson SAS Hotel on Saturday 4th March 2006. This year's Banquet will celebrate the inaugural year of the University's International Scholarship Programme which is part of NUI Galway's mission in international education. The event will focus on the University's role as an international force for change in improving educational opportunities for students from developing countries. The centrepiece of the Gala Banquet is the presentation of the Alumni Awards, which celebrate the life-long value of an NUI Galway education and recognise individual excellence and achievements among the more than 50,000 graduates worldwide. Dr Iognáid Ó Muircheartaigh, President of NUI Galway said: "The achievements of the distinguished graduates which we honour each year through the Alumni Awards programme underscore the excellence of an NUI Galway education. This year, the high calibre of Award winners in each of the Award categories reflects the outstanding success of our graduates across many diverse spheres of public and professional life. These outstanding alumni serve as an inspiration for our current students and are excellent global ambassadors for their alma mater." Alumni Awards will be presented to the following: NUI Galway Award for Law, Public Service and Government: Judge Mary Faherty, BA 1982, LLB 1984 Circuit Court Judge Bank of Ireland Award for Business and Commerce: Maria Mahon, BComm, 1990 CEO of AIB Award for Literature, Communications and the Arts: Dr Patrick F Wallace, BA 1969 Director, National Museum of Ireland BA 1969, Director National Museum of Ireland, author Medtronic Vascular Award for Healthcare and Medical Science: Prof Donald McDonnell, BSc 1983 Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Duke University Medical Centre Seavite Award for Natural Science: Prof Frank Gannon, BSc 1970 Director of European Molecular Biology Organisation Duais Hewlett-Packard don Ghaeilge (Hewlett-Packard Award for Irish): Máire Mhic Uidhir, BA 1969, ADO 1970 Former Press and Information Officer, NUI Galway TBD Award for Engineering, IT and Mathematics: Noel Fogarty, BE 1984, HDip in Eng 1989 Vice President of Operations with Boston Scientific Ireland Tickets for the Gala Banquet on the 5th March cost €150 each or a table of 10 for €1,500.