Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Professor Pasi Sahlberg, the Finnish Educator and now Visiting Professor in Harvard Graduate School of Education will deliver the keynote address 'Lessons from top education systems around the Globe' at the 'Reforming Learning: Driving Success' conference at NUI Galway on Friday, 5 December, 2014. Conference Chair, Senator Dr Fidelma Healy Eames: “There is a lot to be excited about with this conference which asks the fundamental question 'Is the education system at senior cycle in second level and as they transition into third level, preparing our young people adequately for their futures?' Emer Smyth's (ESRI) keynote would suggest that it is not, given that 50% of our young people are disappointed with their College choices by the time they reach the age of 21.” Policy makers, researchers and practitioners with experience of change and policy development within education and enterprise, both national and international, will share their knowledge and expertise in what promises to be an engaging conference. Former Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn will deliver the opening address; and various panel discussions will include John Lonergan, Former Governor, Mountjoy Prison; Helen Mortimer, National Parents Council. Dr Mary Fleming, Head of the School of Education at NUI Galway: "This conference will provide an opportunity for constructive dialogue and engagement with the important theme of quality student learning and engagement within the Irish Education System." Comprising two exciting keynotes and three robust panel discussions, this one-day conference will provide an opportunity for those interested in education and its future to engage in collaborative discourse and sharing of ideas. A primary focus of the conference will be the learner experience at upper second level, whether it enables smooth transition to third level, the learner experience in third level and their preparedness for the workplace. Senator Healy Eames added: “As educators and policy makers we must always be open to improvement. It is not to say that we are not good but rather to suggest that we can be much better. I'm particularly interested in seeing what key policy shifts we can make that will deliver better educational outcomes. A successful society needs a successful education system and it is in all our interests to know how we can better serve our children, our students, our changing nation.” Registration will take place at 8.45am in the Arts Millenium Building, NUI Galway. For further information and conference programme details please see www.conference.ie ENDS

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

NUI Galway calls on industry to strenghten partnerships in graduate education The College of Science at NUI Galway will host a workshop to meet the regional ecosystem of industries and jointly set the course for a new generation of highly-skilled graduate students, who will have the capacity to enter the job market where Ireland’s regional industry needs it most. The ‘Regional Innovation through Graduate Education’ workshop will take place on Monday, 1 December, starting at 1pm with a networking reception. Dr Gerard O'Connor, Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies with the College of Science at NUI Galway, said: “Industry-University partnerships in graduate education can address key barriers to innovation by providing access to research expertise, technological infrastructures and market insights. This approach is the foundation to a fuller realisation of the scientific, technological and commercial potential of Ireland.” The workshop will provide an opportunity for companies with interests in R&D collaboration to network with NUI Galway academics and discuss mechanisms of reciprocal engagement. The executives of smaller companies as well as representatives of the R&D and engineering departments of larger enterprises are invited to attend and share their expectations from joint postgraduate education experiences. Attendees will be particularly encouraged to explore the possibility of establishing enterprise-led graduate research projects and joint employment-based MSc and PhDs; as well as shorter-term feasibility studies at NUI Galway's laboratories; and research placements for students at industrial sites. The workshop will also provide an opportunity to learn from established collaborations between the University’s research centres and industries, such as Boston Scientific and Complete Laboratory Solutions Ltd. to mention just a few. Dr Ilaria Nardello, Industry Research Specialist with the College of Science at NUI Galway, said: “Industry-University parnerships in education can create a sustainable and durable mechanism to unlock the innovation potential of the west of Ireland.” The participation of public agencies, such as the Irish Research Council and the European Commision’s Smart Specialisation Platform, with a stake in the delivery respectively of postgraduate education and regional development, will provide guidance on existing and forthcoming opportunities. Registration for the event is available at: https://educate-to-innovate.eventbrite.com. For more information: email IRS@nuigalway.ie or call 091 494135. The event will take place in the Aula Maxima at NUI Galway. -Ends-

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Students of NUI Galway’s Masters in Literature and Publishing programme are currently looking for submissions for this year’s ROPES (Review of Postgraduate English Studies) literary Journal. The theme is conversations that can be explored through poetry, prose, art work and photography. The journal will be launched at Cúirt International Festival of Literature in Spring 2015. ROPES is an annual literature and art review publishing original poetry, prose, photography, artwork, as well as excerpts from scripts and screenplays. ROPES is published in association with NUI Galway and this year all proceeds from the journal will go to ACT! for Meningitis. Please send your submissions to ropes.submissions@gmail.com by Tuesday, 30 December. For more information follow Ropes 2015 on Facebook and Twitter @Ropes2015. -Ends-

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

The legacy of world-renowned human rights lawyer and scholar, the late Professor Kevin Boyle, endures at NUI Galway with the launch of his personal archive on Friday, 28 November by the Attorney General, Máire Whelan, S.C. The archive contains a wealth of material and unique insights into the field of human rights, legal research and scholarship. An international symposium, hosted by NUI Galway’s School of Law and the Irish Centre for Human Rights, will take place on the same day to celebrate Professor Boyle’s career, with Professor Sir Nigel Rodley, Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, providing the keynote address. Professor Boyle, who came originally from Newry, began his career at Queen’s University Belfast where he was deeply engaged in the civil rights movement. In the late 1970s he joined NUI Galway where he co-founded the Irish Centre for Human Rights with Denny Driscoll in 1980. In the early 1980’s he was involved with Amnesty International, Ireland, which saw him compile research and observations on trips to countries like Gambia and South Africa - where Boyle compiled key reports on the effect on the 'pass law' system and of the wider apartheid regime. “The legacy which Kevin Boyle has left our University is one of which we are proud and which reverberates to this day”, said Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway. “Our internationally recognised expertise in international human rights law embeds NUI Galway in a global movement seeking to change the world for the better. This we owe in huge part to Kevin, who pioneered scholarship in this area, founded our centre for human rights and for over four decades pushed for change for human rights for all. His archive is a permanent reminder of this legacy and one with which we are delighted to be associated.” The last two decades of Professor Kevin Boyle’s life were spent at the University of Essex, where, for various periods, he directed its Human Rights Centre. In addition to his enormous academic contribution, Professor Boyle was active with important international NGOs such as Article 19, of which he was the founding director. He served as a special advisor to Mary Robinson when she was UN High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2001. Professor Boyle appeared frequently before the European Court of Human Rights, winning important cases that dealt with a broad range of issues, including freedom of expression, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and torture. Comprising of over one hundred boxes of manuscripts and printed books, the Boyle archive is a documented record of the varied and rich contribution made by the activist and scholar to international human rights. The archive, kindly donated by the Boyle family since Kevin’s untimely passing in 2010, has now been catalogued by the University’s James Hardiman Library, and represents a major resource for the study and teaching of human rights. The library at NUI Galway holds a unique collection of more than 350 literary, theatrical, political and historical archives, dating from 1485 to the present. John Cox, University Librarian, NUI Galway, explains the significance of the Boyle archive: “The sheer breadth of subject matter, as well as the vast amounts of personal correspondence, allow for new insights and understandings of Kevin Boyle’s contributions to the discipline of human rights and the practice of law. It is an honour for the Library to be entrusted with this archive, one which illustrates the far reaching effect Kevin Boyle’s work had on individual people’s lives. Now and into the future, the archive will serve as a valuable resource to researchers in the field.” The Human Rights Scholar-Activist or Activist-Scholar? The symposium, ‘The Human Rights Scholar-Activist or Activist-Scholar?’ runs from 10am to 4pm on Friday 28 November at NUI Galway. The event will explore issues and themes surrounding archives, human rights, law and memorialisation. Visiting speakers include Sir Nigel Rodley, University of Essex; Michael Farrell, Senior Solicitor, FLAC; Professor Francoise Hampson, University of Essex; Professor Tom Hadden, Queen’s University Belfast; Professor Brice Dickson, Queen’s University Belfast; Bernadette McAliskey, South Tyrone Empowerment Programme; and Kevin’s brother, Louis Boyle. NUI Galway participants will include, Dr Jim Browne, President, NUI Galway; Professor Donncha O’Connell, Head, School of Law; Professor Michael O’Flaherty, Director, Irish Centre for Human Rights; Mrs. Marie McGonagle, (retired); John Cox, University Librarian; Barry Houlihan, Archivist, James Hardiman Library; and Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, NUI Galway Registrar. Professor Michael O'Flaherty, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights, described the upcoming symposium: “Human rights has evolved over the decades as a fundamental concept in terms of justice, and one which transcends every geographical boundary. Many of the academic foundation stones were laid by people such as Kevin Boyle, whose own interests were ignited by his early years in a conflict torn country. The symposium will explore these concepts and the interplay between the drivers of scholarship and the drivers of activism.” The seminar will also feature a video presentation by former President Mary Robinson. For full details of the symposium visit http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=401 -ends- Seoladh Cartlainne agus Siompóisiam mar cheiliúradh ar Oidhreacht an Ollaimh Kevin Boyle Mairfidh oidhreacht an dlíodóra agus an scoláire ar chearta an duine, an tOllamh Kevin Boyle, in OÉ Gaillimh nuair a sheolfaidh an tArd-Aighne, Máire Whelan, S.C. a chartlann phearsanta Dé hAoine, an 28 Samhain. Tá ábhar agus léargas uathúil sa chartlann ar réimse chearta an duine, ar thaighde agus ar scoláireacht dhlíthiúil. Ar an lá céanna reáchtálfar siompóisiam idirnáisiúnta, faoi stiúir Scoil an Dlí agus Ionad na hÉireann do Chearta an Duine in OÉ Gaillimh, chun ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar shaol oibre an Ollaimh Boyle. Is é an tOllamh Sir Nigel Rodley, Cathaoirleach Choiste Chearta an Duine sna Náisiúin Aontaithe, a thabharfaidh an phríomhóráid. Ba as an Iúr é an tOllamh Boyle ó dhúchas, agus chuir sé tús lena shaol oibre in Ollscoil na Banríona, Béal Feirste áit a raibh baint ollmhór aige leis an ngluaiseacht cearta sibhialta. I ndeireadh na 1970idí tháinig sé chun oibre in OÉ Gaillimh áit ar chomhbhunaigh sé Ionad na hÉireann don Staidéar ar Chearta an Duine le Denny Driscoll. I dtús na 1980idí bhí baint aige le Amnesty International, Éire, agus chuir sé taighde agus breathnóireachtaí le chéile ar thurais go dtí tíortha cosúil leis an nGaimbia agus an Afraic Theas. Chuir Boyle príomhthuairiscí le chéile ar éifeacht chóras dhlí na bpasanna agus ar an réimeas cinedheighilte níos leithne. “Táimid bródúil faoin oidhreacht atá fágtha ag Kevin Boyle san Ollscoil agus atá fós le brath sa lá atá inniu ann”, a deir an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh. “Cuireann ár saineolas ar dhlí idirnáisiúnta chearta an duine atá aitheanta go hidirnáisiúnta OÉ Gaillimh ar ardán domhanda gníomhairí atá ag iarraidh an domhan a athrú chun feabhais. Tá buíochas ollmhór ag dul ina leith seo do Kevin, a bhí ar thús cadhnaíochta i gcúrsaí léinn sa réimse seo, agus a bhunaigh ár n-ionad do chearta an duine agus a chaith breis is daichead bliain ag obair i dtreo athrú do chearta an duine do chách. Is meabhrúchán buan é a chartlann ar a oidhreacht agus táimid thar a bheith sásta a bheith bainteach leis.” Chaith an tOllamh Kevin Boyle an scór bliain deiridh dá shaol in Ollscoil Essex, áit a raibh sé ina stiúrthóir ar Ionad Chearta an Duine ar feadh tréimhsí éagsúla. Chomh maith leis an obair ollmhór acadúil a rinne sé, bhí an tOllamh Boyle gníomhach le gníomhaireachtaí neamhrialtais tábhachtacha cosúil le Article 19, a bhunaigh sé. Bhí sé ina chomhairleoir speisialta do Mháire Mhic Róibín nuair a bhí sí mar Ard-Choimisinéir na Náisiún Aontaithe le haghaidh Chearta an Duine ón mbliain 2001. Ba mhinic leis an Ollamh Boyle a bheith os comhair na Cúirte Eorpaí um Chearta an Duine, ag buachan cásanna a dhéileáil le réimse leathan ceisteanna, lena n-áirítear saoirse tuairimíochta, leithcheal mar gheall ar chlaonadh gnéis, agus céas. Tá os cionn céad bosca lámhscríbhinní agus leabhar clóite sa bhailiúchán, agus is léiriú é ar an obair mhór agus éagsúil a rinne an gníomhaí agus an scoláire ar mhaithe le cearta an duine go hidirnáisiúnta. Bhronn teaghlach Boyle an chartlann ar an Ollscoil tar éis gur cailleadh Kevin gan choinne sa bhliain 2010, agus tá sí anois sa chatalóg i Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Argadáin san Ollscoil, agus tá sí mar acmhainn ollmhór do staidéar agus do theagasc chearta an duine. Tá bailiúchán uathúil i leabharlann OÉ Gaillimh ina bhfuil níos mó ná 350 cartlann liteartha, amharclannaíochta, polaitíochta agus stairiúil, ón mbliain 1485 go dtí an lá inniu. Labhraíonn John Cox, Leabharlannaí na hOllscoile, OÉ Gaillimh faoin tábhacht a bhaineann le cartlann Boyle: “Tugann fairsinge an ábhair, mar aon leis an méid ollmhór comhfhreagrais phearsanta, deis dúinn léargais agus tuiscint a fháil ar an obair a rinne Kevin Boyle ar mhaithe le disciplín chearta an duine agus le cleachtadh an dlí. Is onóir é don Leabharlann an chartlann seo a bheith bronnta uirthi, cartlann a léiríonn tionchar forleathan shaothar Kevin Boyle ar shaol daoine aonair. Anois agus amach anseo, freastalóidh an chartlann mar acmhainn luachmhar do thaighdeoirí sa réimse.” The Human Rights Scholar-Activist or Activist-Scholar? Beidh an siompóisiam, ‘The Human Rights Scholar-Activist or Activist-Scholar?’ ar siúl ó 10am go 4pm Dé hAoine, an 28Samhain in OÉ Gaillimh. Le linn na hócáide breathnófar ar cheisteanna agus ar théamaí a bhaineann le cartlanna, cearta an duine, dlí agus cuimhneachán. I measc na gcainteoirí beidh Sir Nigel Rodley, Ollscoil Essex; Michael Farrell, Aturnae Sinsearach, FLAC; an tOllamh Francoise Hampson, Ollscoil Essex; an tOllamh Tom Hadden, Ollscoil na Banríona, Béal Feirste; an tOllamh Brice Dickson, Ollscoil na Banríona, Béal Feirste; Bernadette McAliskey, Clár Cumasúcháin Thír Eoghain Theas; agus deartháir Kevin, Louis Boyle. I measc rannpháirtithe OÉ Gaillimh beidh anDr Jim Browne, Uachtarán, OÉ Gaillimh; an tOllamh Donncha O’Connell, Ceann Scoil an Dlí; an tOllamh Michael O’Flaherty, Stiúrthóir, Ionad na hÉireann do Chearta an Duine; Marie McGonagle, (ar scor); John Cox, Leabharlannaí na hOllscoile; Barry Houlihan, Cartlannaí, Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Argadáin; agus an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Meabhránaí. Labhair an tOllamh Michael O’Flaherty, Stiúrthóir Ionad na hÉireann do Chearta an Duine, faoin siompóisiam a rá: “Tá athrú tagtha ar chearta an duine in imeacht na mblianta mar choincheap bunúsach i dtéarmaí ceartais, agus mar choincheap a thrasnaíonn gach teorainn thíreolaíoch. Leag leithéidí Kevin Boyle go leor de na bunchlocha acadúla, fear ar spreagadh a spéis féin mar gheall ar na blianta a chaith sé ina óige i dtír lán le coimhlint. Breathnóidh an siompóisiam ar na coincheapa seo agus ar an idiroibriú idir daoine a chuireann léann chun cinn agus iad siúd a chuireann gníomhaíochas chun cinn.” Beidh láithreoireacht físe ón iar-Uachtarán Máire Mhic Róibín le feiceáil chomh maith mar chuid den seimineár. Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin siompóisiam féach ar http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=401 -críoch-

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

NUI Galway is to receive three Mitchell Scholarship Awards for 2015/16. George J. Mitchell Scholarships are highly competitive prizes awarded by the US-Ireland Alliance, and are aimed at supporting distinguished US graduate students to attend Irish universities for one year. With three awards, this places NUI Galway as a leading university of choice for these highly distinguished young people, having attracted 30% of the scholarships awarded in the Republic of Ireland. Overall, the twelve scholarships awarded across the island of Ireland, were made on the basis of a nationwide US competition which attracted 270 applicants. The three NUI Galway Mitchell Scholars each have distinguished academic and civic careers to date. GAVIN LANDGRAF is a graduate of Claremont McKenna College, where he majored in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. As Student Body President, he worked with college administration to develop a $100 million initiative to finance scholarships for low-income students, and to lead high-profile initiatives to address sexual assault on college campuses. He has completed internships at the Rose Institute of State and Local Government, the Washington constitutional law firm Cooper & Kirk, and at Morgan Stanley’s Public Finance Group in San Francisco. At NUI Galway, Gavin will study Natural Resource Economics and Policy. JULIANNE NORTON is currently completing her Bachelor degree at the University of Connecticut, where she studies International Relations, Cross-Cultural Relations, and Studio Art. A celebrated artist, she co-founded an interdisciplinary university arts organisation that provides outreach to schools with underfunded arts programmes. She has completed a series of oil paintings on cultural trauma and has received grant funding to develop a graphic novel from these works. She also serves as a facilitator and counsellor for current and prospective students facing disadvantage. At NUI Galway, Julianne will study Writing. TARA TORABI is currently completing her Bachelor degree at Brown University, where she studies Neuroscience. Her primary interest is in Alzheimer’s disease. She is Co-President of Brown’s Alzheimer’s Activists, and participates in political activism with the Rhode Island chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. She also works as a hospice volunteer and a researcher in the Pathology Department at Rhode Island Hospital. Tara founded the Brown University Brain Bee, a major outreach programme aimed at making neuroscience accessible to high school students and, as an Americorps Access Scholar, she worked with under-represented youth applying to college. At NUI Galway, Tara will study Neuropharmacology. NUI Galway's Dean of International Affairs, Professor Brian Hughes, welcomed the announcement: "We are delighted that such precocious young people saw fit to choose NUI Galway as the venue for their graduate studies, and we are pleased to host these distinguished scholars. We are very conscious of the prestige attached to the George J. Mitchell Scholarship programme and are proud to feature so strongly. This reflects our strong portfolio of academic strengths, as well as the supportive and welcoming environment we provide to students from all over the world." NUI Galway currently hosts over 3,000 international students from 113 countries around the world, comprising 18% of our student population. ENDS

Thursday, 27 November 2014

NUI Galway student, Louisa Brophy Browne was presented with the George Berkeley Gold Medal by the international awarding body The Undergraduate Awards at a special ceremony in Dublin recently. A further ten NUI Galway students were highly commended. Louisa, from Knocknacarra, Galway City, was awarded for her winning paper Discuss and Evaluate the Main Points of the Debate on the Ethics of Archaeological Work in War Zones and Occupied Territories Using Case Studies in the Classical Studies and Archaeology Category. Winners were awarded the George Berkeley Gold Medal for their leading-edge research and course work. The world’s only pan-discipline academic awards programme, the Undergraduate Awards (UA) recognises and rewards innovative young thinkers across 25 disciplines from business and engineering to visual arts and midwifery. Each year, the top performing students – winners and highly commended entrants – are invited to the UA Global Summit. The 2014 UA Global Summit welcomed 120 future leaders from around the world to Dublin, Ireland to spark cutting-edge ideas, forge lasting collaborations, and encourage responsible leadership. The 120 attendees are the top performing entrants out of 4,792 submissions UA received this year from 209 universities across 27 countries. As such, the attendees came from America, Austria, Australia, Bangledesh, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Nigeria, Netherlands, Singapore, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Congratulating Louise and the other highly-commended NUI Galway students, NUI Galway President, Dr Jim Browne said: “Louisa's success highlights the high quality of study which our undergraduate students are engaged in. Such success in these Awards will undoubtedly add lustre to the academic development of our students as well as underscore NUI Galway’s increasing profile as a centre of world-class research and teaching.”  The Undergraduate Awards also welcomed an inspiring array of thought leaders to speak during the UA Global Summit. This year’s speakers included Oscar-winning film producer Lord David Puttnam; Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Maguire; former Legal Counsel and Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs at the United Nations and Irish barrister, Patricia O’Brien; Mars One candidate Professor Joeseph Roche, and critically acclaimed choreographer and MacArthur Genius Kyle Abraham, among others. The Undergraduate Awards Programme 2015 is now open for submissions and registrations. To find out more about The Undergraduate Awards visit http://www.undergraduateawards.com/ . The Undergraduate Awards were founded in partnership with Google, Digicel, the Higher Education Authority and the Department for Employment and Learning. -Ends-

Friday, 28 November 2014

Former President Mary Robinson today welcomed the fact that the archive of the late Professor Kevin Boyle will be housed at NUI Galway. In a video presentation at a symposium taking place at the University today, celebrating the career of Kevin Boyle, she said: “I’m glad that his papers will enrich scholarship and activism from Galway for the betterment of the world in future.” The world-renowned human rights lawyer and scholar, Professor Kevin Boyle, served as a special advisor to Mary Robinson from September 2001, when she was UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. His personal archive, comprising of over one hundred boxes of manuscripts and printed books, is a record of the varied and rich contribution made by the activist and scholar to international human rights. Also speaking at the international symposium, ‘The Human Rights Scholar-Activist or Activist-Scholar?’ hosted by NUI Galway’s School of Law and the Irish Centre for Human Rights, was Professor Sir Nigel Rodley, Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Committee. In his keynote address he said of Kevin Boyle: “His involvement in resisting discrimination on grounds of religion during the early part of the troubles must have been the defining period of his life….He was scholar and activist and advocate; the dimensions were intricately connected.” The archive, kindly donated by the Boyle family since Kevin’s untimely passing in 2010, has now been catalogued by the University’s James Hardiman Library, and represents a major resource for the study and teaching of human rights. It will be formally launched later today by the Attorney General, Máire Whelan, S.C. The archive includes: Letters between Boyle and various others involved in the Northern Ireland civil rights movement. It offers a new and engaging insight into emotions, tensions and experiences in Northern Ireland from the late 1960s and onwards through the 1970s. Key research and legal arguments on a wealth of areas from Kurdish rights, to Egyptian constitutional and legal reform, to conditions in India, China, Japan, South Africa to the UK, Ireland and Northern Ireland, offering insights into a life lived in defence of others for over five decades. Paperwork from major cases, such as ‘Jersild Vs. Denmark, where a documentary film-maker was accused of inciting hatred owing to a film work he had made focusing on a right-wing group known as ‘The Green Jackets’, in Denmark. “The Kevin Boyle archive bears witness to a life lived greatly in the pursuit of justice by a charismatic man whose indefatigable optimism influenced so many others to continue his good work throughout the world”, said Professor Donncha O’Connell, Head of School of Law, NUI Galway. In the late 1970s Kevin Boyle joined NUI Galway where he co-founded the Irish Centre for Human Rights with Denny Driscoll in 1980. Professor Michael O’Flaherty is now the Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights: “I was one of thousands of those who were first introduced to human rights by Kevin Boyle. He had a transformative impact on our lives. As his successors in university centres such as the Irish Centre for Human Rights we seek to respect his legacy and pass on his passion for justice to new generations of students.” For more information on the archive visit http://www.library.nuigalway.ie/archives/depositedcollections/featuredcollections/professorkevinboylearchive/ -ends-

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

As part of the President of Ireland's Ethics Initiative, NUI Galway’s discipline of Philosophy will host a public lecture by Professor Jonathan Wolff. The lecture, 'Social Equality and Poverty' will take place on Friday, 10 October at 4pm in the lower Aula Maxima on campus. Jonathan Wolff is Professor of Philosophy and Dean of Arts and Humanities at University College London. He is the author of several books on political philosophy, including Disadvantage (with Avner de-Shalit), Ethics and Public Policy, and The Human Right to Health. He has been a member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, the Gambling Review Body, and the Board of Science of the British Medical Association. Professor Wolff also writes a regular column on higher education for The Guardian. A society of equals is a society that avoids a range of destructive asymmetrical social relations, including domination, exploitation, snobbery, servility and social exclusion. But how, in the highly unequal societies in which we live, can we begin to make progress on eliminating social inequality? During his lecture Professor Wolff will explore how thinking about relative poverty can help illuminate one highly important aspect of social inequality: social exclusion. At the same time reflecting on relative poverty, and the steps people take to overcome it, can help to understand some of the considerable structural obstacles that stand in the way of achieving a society of equals. The President of Ireland’s Ethics initiative is organised in collaboration with Ireland’s third-level universities and seeks to explore throughout all aspects of society the topic of ethics and the challenge and invitation of living ethically. Richard Hull, Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and a Director of the Centre of Bioethical Research and Analysis (COBRA) at NUI Galway, said: “We are delighted to welcome Professor Wolff to the University. He is one of the most influential contemporary political philosophers, and he will add a distinguished voice to the President of Ireland’s Ethics Initiative.” For further information contact Ann O’Higgins in the discipline of Philosophy at 091 492382 or email ann.ohiggins@nuigalway.ie. More information on the lecture is available at http://www.nuigalway.ie/philosophy/news_and_events/index.html. -Ends-

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Schools in Galway will welcome NUI Galway experts into their classrooms to deliver interactive workshops during Maths Week 2014, from 11 to 19 October. In a further celebration of all things mathematical, a nationwide schools competition PRISM will be run, while a series of public talks will illustrate the many links between art and maths. Maths Week is an annual national event aimed at primary and secondary schools, to promote appreciation, understanding and awareness of maths and its relevance to society, education and technology. On request from teachers, NUI Galway’s School of Mathematics will dispatch lecturers and postgraduate students to schools for interactive talks and workshops. On Thursday, 16 October, the School of Mathematics will launch and host the nationwide maths competition PRISM (PRoblem solving for Irish Second level Mathematics). PRISM can be run in each interested school at junior and/or senior levels. Registered maths teachers can download a full package (problem sheets, answer keys, etc.) for their classes. The website generates numerical and graphical summary statistics of student performances in real time and identifies the top-performing schools and individuals. “Maths Week Ireland promotes awareness, appreciation and understanding of maths through a huge variety of events and activities. We have been involved in Maths Week from the start, and year-on-year there is a growing interest in the subject,” said Dr Ray Ryan, Head of the School of Mathematics at NUI Galway. “It all adds up. Teachers are finding new ways of teaching maths, academics are broadening the way they communicate maths, and younger people themselves are a lot more maths savvy. Our year-round schools programme, which includes school workshops through our TY Friday initiative, shows us there is a wonderful appetite for learning maths in fun and exciting ways.” Tom Banchoff is a Professor of Mathematics at Brown University in the US who has a deep interest in relating mathematics to art. On Friday, 17 October, he will deliver two public talks to secondary school pupils. ‘Maths Spans All Dimensions – Geometry and Computer Graphics’ is aimed at junior cycle students and will show how geometry and computer graphics play important roles in animated movies, dance, physics, geology, literature, and art. This exciting show will be illustrated by computer generated images and animations. For senior cycle students, ‘The Fourth Dimension and Salvador Dali’ explores the famous artist Salvador Dali, who was fascinated by mathematics and science. The artist managed to feature some advanced topics like the fourth dimension and catastrophe theory in his paintings. Teachers or individuals interested in arranging visits, the public talks or the schools competition should visit http://www.maths.nuigalway.ie/outreach/MathsWeek2014.shtml or email tim.downing@nuigalway.ie. -ends-

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Rise in both THE and QS rankings testament to focus on ‘select set of research areas’ NUI Galway now ranks third place in Ireland and is the only Irish university to move up the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2014-15. With an increase of 53 places on last year’s position, two bands in this ranking survey, NUI Galway now ranks at 261st in the THE Rankings 2014/2015. NUI Galway is the only Irish university to increase its position in the two main international rankings, having recently increased to 280th in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2014/2015. The rise has been attributed to a concerted approach by the university in developing world-class research in specific fields including data analytics, biomedical science, marine and energy research, and digital humanities, NUI Galway President Dr Jim Browne explained: “This is a major improvement for NUI Galway and reflects a consistent upward trend in these very competitive global rankings. This major jump in NUI Galway’s position in THE World University Rankings this year is an affirmation of our very focused approach to developing our international reputation in a select set of research areas. These areas of activity underpin our growing international research reputation and continue to attract researchers, scholars and international partners. As the only Irish university again to increase our position in both the 2014 THE World University Rankings and the recently published QS World University Rankings, it is beyond doubt that our position globally is on the rise. Despite significant cuts in overall funding at third-level in Ireland and increased student numbers, our University has gone against the tide to secure a consistent improvement in these very competitive rankings.” The Times Higher Education World University Rankings were developed in concert with rankings data provider, Thomson Reuters, with expert input from more than 50 leading figures in the sector from 15 countries across every continent. The Times Higher league table of the world’s top universities is based on 13 separate performance indicators covering all of the core missions of a world class university; teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The survey also includes the world’s largest academic reputation survey, with more than 10,000 academics asked to rate the world’s best universities for the 2014 ranking. President Browne added: “It will be critical for Ireland to maintain its investment in its universities if we are to remain internationally competitive. Every year, rankings such as this are broadened to include a burgeoning number of world-class universities. While the rankings evaluate universities against a limited range of measures, there is no doubting their influence on a University’s ability to attract international students. We operate in a global market, competing for students and research support on an international playing field. Support on a national level must be maintained for universities such as NUI Galway to continue with their success.” The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2014-15 is available to view online at: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/   Is í OÉ Gaillimh an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a d'ardaigh sna ranguithe domhanda is déanaí, agus tá sí sa tríú háit go náisiúnta Teist é an t-ardú sna ranguithe THE agus QS ar an mbéim atá ar réimsí áirithe taighde Tá OÉ Gaillimh anois sa tríú háit in Éirinn agus is í an t-aon ollscoil Éireannach í a rinne dul chun cinn i Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid Times Higher Education (THE) 2014-15. Tháinig ardú 53 áit ar an seasamh a bhain OÉ Gaillimh amach anuraidh, dhá bhanda sa suirbhé rangaithe seo, agus tá sí anois sa 261ú háit i Ranguithe THE 2014/2015.  D’éirigh linn le gairid an 280ú háit a bhaint amach ar domhan i Ranguithe Ollscoile QS an Domhain 2014/2015, agus is í OÉ Gaillimh an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a rinne dul chun cinn sa dá phríomhrangú idirnáisiúnta. Cur chuige comhaontaithe ón ollscoil i leith taighde den chéad scoth a fhorbairt i réimsí ar leith lena n-áirítear anailísíocht sonraí, eolaíocht bhithleighis, taighde mara agus fuinnimh, agus daonnachtaí digiteacha is cúis leis an ardú seo, mar a mhínigh Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Jim Browne: “Is dul chun cinn ollmhór é seo do OÉ Gaillimh agus léiríonn sé ardú seasta sna ranguithe domhanda seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch.  Is dearbhú í an léim mhór seo i mbliana ar sheasamh OÉ Gaillimh i Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid THE ar an gcur chuige thar a bheith dírithe atá againn i leith ár gcáil idirnáisiúnta a fhorbairt i réimsí áirithe taighde.    Tacaíonn na réimsí gníomhaíochtaí seo lenár gcáil idirnáisiúnta taighde atá i mbun forbartha agus meallann siad taighdeoirí, scoláirí agus comhpháirtithe idirnáisiúnta.   Ó tharla gur muid an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a rinne dul chun cinn arís i Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid THE 2014 agus i Ranguithe Ollscoile QS an Domhain a foilsíodh le gairid, tá sé ríshoiléir go bhfuil ár stádas domhanda ag dul ó neart go neart.  In ainneoin na gciorruithe suntasacha sa mhaoiniú trí chéile ag an tríú leibhéal in Éirinn agus méadú ar líon na mac léinn, tá an Ollscoil s’againne ar a mine géire le dul chun cinn leanúnach a dheimhniú sna ranguithe seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch.” Cuireadh Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid Times Higher Education le chéile i gcomhar le soláthróir sonraí rangaithe, Thomson Reuters, le hionchur sainiúil ó bhreis is 50 duine iomráiteach san earnáil ó 15 thír i ngach mór-roinn.  Tá tábla sraithe an Times Higher Education de na hollscoileanna is fearr ar domhan bunaithe ar 13 tháscaire feidhmíochta ar leith a chlúdaíonn gach croímhisean a bheadh ag ollscoil den scoth; teagasc, taighde, aistriú eolais agus dearcadh idirnáisiúnta. Tá an suirbhé is mó ar domhan maidir le cáil acadúil áirithe sa suirbhé seo chomh maith. Fiafraíodh de bhreis is 10,000 duine acadúil na hollscoileanna is fearr a rátáil do rangú 2014.  Dúirt an tUachtarán Browne chomh maith: “Is den riachtanas é go gcoinneoidh Éire ag infheistiú ina cuid ollscoileanna le gur féidir leo a bheith iomaíoch go hidirnáisiúnta. Gach bliain, leathnaítear ranguithe den chineál seo chun ollscoileanna eile den scoth a thógáil ar bord. Cé go measann na ranguithe ollscoileanna de réir slat tomhais atá sách srianta, níl aon dabht ach go bhfuil an-tionchar acu ar chumas atá ag Ollscoil mic léinn idirnáisiúnta a mhealladh. Táimid ag feidhmiú i margadh domhanda, san iomaíocht do mhic léinn agus do thacaíocht taighde ar pháirc idirnáisiúnta. Caithfear an tacaíocht ag leibhéal náisiúnta a choinneáil d’ollscoileanna cosúil le OÉ Gaillimh chun go mbeidh an rath céanna uirthi amach anseo.”  Tá Ranguithe Ollscoile Times Higher Education (THE) 2014-15 le feiceáil ar líne ag:  http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/  -críoch-  

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Pioneering cartographer and writer, Tim Robinson whose archive is based at NUI Galway has been honoured by a series of events at the University and the Royal Irish Academy to mark the publication of Connemara and Elsewhere.  On Tuesday, 30 September (yesterday) NUI Galway honoured the Robinsons’ unique contribution to Irish literature and landscape studies with a new book, Connemara and Elsewhere as well as with an associated exhibition and international symposium entitled, Interpreting Landscape: Tim Robinson and the West of Ireland.  The publication Connemara and Elsewhere was launched by Vincent Woods following the day-long international symposium held in Robinson’s honour at the University’s Moore Institute. The accompanying exhibition, ‘Interpreting  Landscape: Tim Robinson and the West of Ireland’, based on the Robinson archive with photographs and extracts from Connemara and Elsewhere, will run from 30 September 2014 to 31 January 2015. A screening of ‘Unfolding the landscape’ a filmed interview with Vincent Woods and Tim Robinson, commissioned by NUI Galway also featured during the symposium. Connemara and Elsewhere, published by the Royal Irish Academy with support from Galway University Foundation marks the completion of Robinson’s forty-year labour of love. The book, edited by Professor Jane Conroy includes contributions from photographer Nicolas Fève and writer, John Elder and also features three new essays by Tim Robinson as he turns his attention elsewhere. Speaking at the launch, Editor of Connemara and Elsewhere, Professor Jane Conroy remarked, "Tim Robinson’s work has offered many readers new ways into Connemara and into meditating on their own experience of it. This book provides a further point of entry to the places and lifeworlds he evokes, explored through the lens of text and camera." Since moving to the Aran Islands in 1972, Yorkshire-born cartographer Tim Robinson has spent forty years mapping and writing about the Galway Bay area.  The internationally-acclaimed writer and map-maker has published unique and detailed maps of Connemara, the Burren and the Aran Islands and subsequently he wrote several books about these landscapes, including the acclaimed trilogy, Connemara. The Tim Robinson archive, consists of notebooks, notecards, drafts of his maps and books, and correspondence, totalling close to 100,000 items. It joins other important archives in the James Hardiman Library related to landscape and, in particular, to documenting the places and people of the west of Ireland.  President of NUI Galway, Dr  Jim Browne said: “The lore of place - dinnseanchas - is a special strand of the Irish literary tradition, drawing on notions of place, history and myth.  The corpus of Tim Robinson’s work in the West of Ireland can be seen as a unique act of modern dinnseanchas.  His work - like that of the scribes of the early Middle Ages – preserves an intimate knowledge of Connemara, Aran, the Burren and is dedicated to experiencing these places in ways that are beyond the scope of maps or words or memory.  It stands as an enduring meditation on place.  NUI Galway is fortunate to share a deeply-valued association with Tim and Máiréad.  As a university we are enriched by Tim’s life’s work.  We are proud to hold his archive in trust for future generations. “ The publication will be available at all major book stores nationwide. Booking for the events in Dublin and Galway is free but essential. See www.ria.ie/events and nuigalway.ie/mooreinstitute/. ENDS

Thursday, 2 October 2014

NUI Galway researchers have been part of a large-scale clinical trial of statin treatment in patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) which was published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). This international, multi-centre study, led by the Irish Critical Care Trials group, was carried out in over 40 Intensive Care Units across Ireland and the United Kingdom. It was funded by the UK’s Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation programme (a Medical Research Council and National Institute for Health Research partnership) and by Ireland’s Health Research Board. This four-year project tested the efficacy of the drug simvastatin in 540 patients with ARDS. ARDS is a devastating condition that occurs in patients with critical illnesses such as severe infections or following severe injuries. The primary condition triggers an uncontrolled inflammatory response which in turn damages the lining of the lungs causing them to fill with fluid. Patients with ARDS are unable to breathe on their own and require artificial ventilation. There is currently no effective treatment for the condition, and about 25% of patients with ARDS die of the combined effects of the lung inflammation and the primary condition. Observational and early stage research strongly suggested that statins, drugs widely prescribed to lower cholesterol levels in the blood in order to prevent strokes and heart attacks, might also reduce the inflammatory response to critical illnesses and so might reduce the severity of ARDS. Statins are cheap, generally safe drugs with few side effects which, if the early research translated into a benefit in clinical practice, would be rapidly adopted to treat ARDS. The study (Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibition with simvastatin in Acute lung injury to Reduce Pulmonary dysfunction (HARP-2)) was led by Professor Danny McAuley from Queen’s University Belfast and the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Professor John Laffey was chief investigator for Ireland. The Northern Ireland Clinical Trials Unit coordinated the overall trial. NUI Galway was the study sponsor in Ireland, while the Galway HRB Clinical research facility study played a key role in the conduct of the study in the Irish centres. Results showed that while simvastatin was safe and well tolerated, it did not decrease the duration of artificial ventilation or the number of patients who died whilst in hospital with ARDS. According to Professor John Laffey, “While statin therapy demonstrate considerable promise for ARDS in early phase clinical  studies, unfortunately our study  shows that simvastatin does not result in better outcomes for patients with this devastating disease.” According to Graham Love, Chief Executive of the Health Research Board: "Health research is not just about always finding new treatments. Sometimes it is just as important to rule something out as it is to rule it in. It is very encouraging to see one of the HRB's investments in clinical research infrastructure play such an important role in this study. The HRB Clinical Research Facility in Galway has enabled Irish researchers to collaborate internationally and contribute to significant clinical findings, as evidenced by this research being published in such a renowned medical journal.” -ends-

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Major organisations from business, industry and voluntary sector will feature at the NUI Galway Graduate Jobs Fair in the Bailey Allen Hall, on Tuesday 7 October from 12.30pm - 4.00pm. The popular annual event will showcase graduate employment opportunities for students and graduates from all disciplines, with a diverse number of fields such as accountancy, IT, law, science, retail, consultancy and many other sectors represented. Visitors to the event can attend spend the afternoon networking with Ireland’s leading graduate recruiters. Major local employers such as Creganna, Medtronic, Cisco, Sourcedogg, and SAP will attend, in addition to international companies including Accenture, Abbott, KPMG and Lidl. According to Emma Goode, Employment Officer with the Career Development Centre at NUI Galway: “Demand for NUI Galway graduates remains high, reflecting on their excellent employability status. There will also be an opportunity to get information on postgraduate programmes available in NUI Galway.” Her advice for those attending the fair: “Don’t forget your main objective on the day is to secure your first graduate job. Plan in advance - know what employers are attending and the type of opportunities they have available. Many graduate employers now recruit graduates from all academic disciplines so don’t be misled by an organisation’s name – they may have the perfect graduate opportunity for you. Bring along an up-to-date CV, have it reviewed at the CV Clinic and get feedback on how to package and sell all your experiences to date. Arrive with a ‘can do’ attitude and be prepared to network!” Details on exhibitors is available from www.nuigalway.ie/careers     -ends-

Monday, 6 October 2014

Early-stage medical device company is developing minimally invasive embolization technology for the treatment of wide variety of diseases Embo Medical, an early stage medical device company focused on developing technology to shut down blood flow in blood vessels, has secured €3 million in seed-funding. The investment syndicate included the AIB Seed Capital Fund (managed by Enterprise Equity), Irrus Investments, HBAN’s Medtech Business Angel Syndicate, Western Development Commission, Enterprise Ireland and the AIB Start-Up Accelerator Fund (managed by ACT Venture Capital). The investment will enable Embo Medical to secure regulatory approval and enter the market, and in doing so employ approximately 10 people directly and up to another 10 people indirectly. Embo Medical is based in NUI Galway’s Business Innovation Centre. In 2011, the management team of Wayne Allen, Colin Forde and Liam Mullins undertook the BioInnovate Ireland Fellowship, a specialist medical device innovation programme. Upon completion, they founded Embo Medical to develop solutions to unmet clinical needs that were identified while observing embolization procedures in hospitals during the Fellowship. Embolization is a minimally invasive endovascular procedure used to deliberately stop blood flow in blood vessels when treating cancers, internal haemorrhage, aneurysms, and venous disease. Current embolization procedures require multiple coils and plugs, which can be cumbersome and time consuming to insert and often do not provide an optimal clinical result. Embo is developing the first true one-shot (one device per vessel) vascular embolization device. The product is aimed at the peripheral vascular embolization market, a market where physicians perform about 180,000 procedures per year worldwide. The Embo platform technology is intended to provide a superior solution in shorter procedural times; resulting in safe, cost-effective embolization. In preclinical studies, Embo’s technology reduced blood vessel treatment time by over 80%, while ensuring rapid and durable occlusion across all blood vessel sizes. Embo CEO Wayne Allen said: “This investment will accelerate Embo’s development of a state-of-the-art solution for the treatment of several diseases, will further prove the product’s value through clinical studies and enable us to access the large US market. Our technology has the potential to become the standard of care while simultaneously reducing the cost of healthcare.” Dr Mahmood K. Razavi, Interventional Radiologist and Director of Clinical Trials, St. Joseph Heart & Vascular Centre, Orange, CA, USA, said: “The innovative Embo solution combines the desirable characteristics of coils and plugs into one device and represents a potential new gold standard in embolization. It is designed for safe and easy delivery, and rapid cessation of blood flow. The technology will be a clinically effective approach for patients requiring embolization.” The company outsources manufacture, packaging and sterilisation to med-tech companies based primarily in the West of Ireland, accounting for the indirect employment of approximately 10 people. Embo expects to directly create 10 new jobs over the next two years as a result of this investment. This includes a series of both senior management and technical/functional hires over the coming months to fulfil the research and development, quality assurance, regulatory affairs, manufacturing, marketing and finance functions of the company. -ends-

Monday, 6 October 2014

NUI Galway will launch a new exhibition of archive material from the collection of the Russian State Library on Tuesday, 7 October. “Unchanged but the Spirit...” is a co-exhibition between NUI Galway’s James Hardiman Library and the Russian State Art Library, Moscow and for the first time in Ireland, will present archive material on the production and stage history of the Seagull by Anton Chekhov, from initial staging in 19th Century Russia to later adaptations in contemporary Ireland. The Chekhovian classic The Seagull has engaged and provoked audiences since its Moscow premiere in 1896. From a poor initial reception from audiences and critics alike, the play was close to being abandoned and forgotten until it received its production at the Moscow Art Theatre, directed by Constantine Stanislavsky in 1898. Since then, the play has been regarded as one of Chekhov’s finest works. In an Irish context, the play received a translation and adaptation by playwright Thomas Kilroy, premiering at the Royal Court Theatre, London in 1981. In opening up and combining the archive sources of Kilroy and other theatre archives of the Hardiman Library and of the R.S.A.L collections in Moscow, will highlight how across cultures, languages, societies and centuries, theatre and its impact can remain unchanged. This exhibition will simultaneously stage material from the theatre collections of the Hardiman Library and the Russian State Art Library in both Galway and Moscow throughout the month of October and is a unique chance to see a visual and archival history of The Seagull, in its many manifestations, from Chekhov to Kilroy. All are welcome to attend the launch of the exhibition by Dr Ian Walsh, Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance, NUI Galway, at the Hardiman Building (Room G011) at 6pm, Tuesday, 7 October. -Ends-

Monday, 6 October 2014

Sheol Príomhfheidhmeannach Údarás na Gaeltachta Steve Ó Culáin an Dioplóma sa Chultúr Dúchais in Áras na hOllscoile, Carna le gairid. Cúrsa tráthúil nuálaíoch é a bheidh le tairiscint trí fhoghlaim chumaisc ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge an Fómhar seo. Ag freagairt don éileamh a bhí ar chúrsaí Leibhéal 7 sa réimse léinn seo, tríd an modh seachadadh traidisiúnta, ar fud na nGaeltachtaí le roinnt blianta chinn an tAcadamh leagan ar líne den chúrsa a fhorbairt ar mhaithe le freastal ar an éileamh níos leithne ó phobal labhartha na Gaeilge ó cheann ceann an Oileáin. Dúirt Dónal Ó Droighneáin, Stiúrthóir an Chúrsa: “Tabharfaidh an cúrsa nua seo deis do mhuintir na Gaeltachta agus do phobal na Gaeilge fré chéile páirt a ghlacadh i dturas léinn agus cultúrtha a chuireann deacrachtaí taistil ar ceal. Ina theannta sin is é a gcultúr fhéin – an cultúr dúchais - a bheidh á fhiosrú agus á léiriú ar an gcúrsa.” I measc na n-ábhar a chuimseoidh an Dioplóma nua a mhairfidh dhá bhliain Ollscoile, beidh: Gnéithe den Bhéaloideas, na hEalaíona Dúchais, Cultúr Ábhartha, Nósmhaireacht Thraidisiúnta agus an Amhránaíocht. Tabharfaidh fóram idirlín an chúrsa deis do rannpháirtithe a bheith ag comhrá faoi na hábhair éagsúla agus beidh teacht acu freisin ar stórchiste de chartlanna digiteacha a chuirfidh go mór lena n-éispéireas foghlama. Treiseoidh na ceardlanna a fhreastalóidh na rannpháirtithe orthu sna hIonaid Ghaeltachta le linn an chúrsa an eispéireas léinn agus cultúrtha a bheidh sealbhaithe ar an idirlíon acu le linn an chúrsa. Duirt Príomhfheidhmeannach an Údaráis Steve Ó Cualáin: “Tá tábhacht ar leith ag baint le cláir Ollscolaíochta ar nós an Dioplóma sa Chultúr Dúchais ar mhaithe le treisiú a dhéanamh ar chultúir shainiúla na Gaeltachta agus na hÉireann, rud a chabhróidh le seachadadh na Gaeilge agus chultúir dhúchasaigh ó ghlúin go glúin. Leis an modh sechadadh nuálaíoch seo cruthaítear deis cultúr uathúil na Gaeltachta a chur i láthair pobal níos leithne ná riamh agus deiseanna oibre a chothú bunaithe ar na hacmhainní dúchasacha.” -Críoch- NUI Galway Launch new Diploma in Traditional Culture Údarás na Gaeltachta CEO, Steve Ó Culáin, recently launched the Diploma in Traditional Culture (Diplóma sa Chultúr Dúchais) at Áras na hOllscoile, Carna. This new Diploma is a timely and innovative programme delivered through blended learning by Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge. In view of the demand for NUI Galway outreach programmes in this discipline, through traditional models of delivery, an online alternative has been developed to further meet the demand from Irish speakers throughout the island of Ireland. Dónal Ó Droighneáin, Programme Director, said: “This new programme will afford both Gaeltacht and Irish-speaking communities throughout the island of Ireland the opportunity to undertake an academic and cultural expedition, regardless of their location. Furthermore, it is the indigenous culture of these communities that the programme will investigate and exhibit.” The Programme which will run for two academic years will include the following subject areas: Aspects of Folklore, the Traditional Arts, Material Culture, Traditional Customs and Song. The programme’s online forum will allow participants to share their knowledge and experience of traditional culture with fellow learners. Participants will have access to a treasure house of digital archives which will greatly enhance the rich online learning milieu available to them. Workshops delivered in Gaeltacht Centres will augment the learning and cultural experience acquired online. Údarás na Gaeltachta CEO, Steve Ó Cúláin, said: “Educational programmes such as the Dioplóma sa Chultúr Dúchais have an important role in perpetuating traditional Gaeltacht and Irish Culture, and in doing so, assist in the intergenerational transmission of the Irish Language and its indigenous culture. This programme creates the opportunity to showcase our rich culture to a wider audience and in doing so nurture new educational and employment opportunities based on our natural resources.” -Ends-

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Join NUI Galway’s MA in Publishing and MA in Writing Programmes students and the staff of Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on Saturday, 11 October from 11am-12:30pm, for a very special children’s story time, plus a fun build-your-own-book workshop for kids. Local children’s authors Patricia Forde, author of Mise agus an Dragún and Hedgehogs Do Not Like Heights, Michelle Melville, co-author of Óisín the Brave, and MA in Writing student Tony Gapper, will read at story time. Afterwards NUI Galway M.A. students will help the children create their very own books. Children will also be given their very own special-edition ‘Books are my Bag’ tote bag, so that they can carry their creations home safely. ‘Books are my Bag’ is the biggest-ever international campaign to promote books and bookshops. With the combined effort of booksellers, publishers, and authors, ‘Books are my Bag’ aims to create a simple but universal message about the joy of books and bookshops. For more information visit www.booksaremybag.com or contact Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop on 091 561766. -Ends-

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Galway Senior Hurler Fergal Moore was at NUI Galway this week to launch a new series of cards promoting ‘Art and Positive Mental Health’. His visit also saw the official start of Mental Health Week at NUI Galway and the announcement of a new online resource for students, Student Health101. Student Health101 is a dynamic, continuously updated, monthly digital magazine for students, providing new information on nutrition, relationships, fitness and recipes every month for free. Widely available throughout the US and Canada, NUI Galway is the first third-level institute in Ireland to offer this resource, customised and edited for NUI Galway students. It includes student videos and comments from NUI Galway students as well as information about local events and resources available. There is also a parents’ edition, to help parents keep informed in order to better support their students. The ‘Art and Positive Mental Health’ set of cards list five simple steps to maintaining mental health and wellbeing. The size of a business-card, they will be available across campus. Sponsored by the Mental Health Association Galway, supported by Mental Health Services, HSE West and NUI Galway Health Promotion Service, the cards also feature original art by service users of the Céim Eile Day Centre and Service Users from Galway Training Centre, Merlin Park. At NUI Galway, Mental Health Week runs until Friday and features a range of opportunities to maintain one’s mental health. Students and staff can try meditation or laughter yoga, or enjoy ‘Laughter is the Best Medicine’, a lunchtime comedy session. The show features an hilarious hour of entertainment from storyteller, comic and author Rab Fulton, who is also the editor of the NUI Galway health and resilience blog http://riskybizzness.blogspot.ie/ According to Cindy Dring, NUI Galway Health Promotion Coordinator, “Mental health underpins all health and wellbeing, and helps us to enjoy life more, so we all need to protect and strengthen our mental health every day. Find out what helps you to feel happier, and then do it!” On Saturday, 11 October at 10am, NUI Galway, in association with the Kingfisher Club, will host its second annual charity 8K Run/Walk. The route consists of a traffic-free, mixed terrain run around the University’s campus and along the banks of the river Corrib. The official charity partner for this event is Jigsaw Galway and coincides with global events around World Mental Health Day. ENDS

Friday, 10 October 2014

This October and November, the 8x8 Festival will be taking place on campuses in NUI Galway, UCC, UCD, TCD and DCU. 8x8 is a development focused arts festival, presented by Suas Educational Development and University campus partners. The festival is designed to raise awareness and challenge student’s perspectives of some of the key issues that are shaping our world today. A national survey of third level students conducted by Suas in 2012 found that 85% of students think it is important to take action on global development issues; yet only one in five believed that they could influence decisions affecting our world. This festival was born out of a need to inspire action amongst student and youth populations. In 2014 over 2,500 people attended the 8x8 Film Festival and for this year’s Festival we are expecting an increase in interest. The 8x8 exhibition touches the surface of what is currently happening worldwide. The exhibition and associated events bring together elements that we believe are key to achieving sustainable development and global justice. The exhibition begins with a focus on consumerism, its impact on people and the environment and the rising competition for natural resources. It continues with a glimpse into innovative solutions to development challenges before focusing on education and its role in sustainable development. Finally, it puts a lens to the topic of human rights, and people’s participation in democracy. The festival was launched recently, and will run in NUI Galway the week of October 13th, after which it will tour to DCU, UCC and finally UCD. Each campus will host the outdoor photo exhibit as well as a number of events including speaker events, discussions and film screenings, drawing out the themes of the festival. To find out more about the films, and to book free tickets for the festival, visit www.stand.ie/8x8. The 8x8 Film Festival is funded by Irish Aid and Europe Aid, and is part of the Irish and European Global Campus Programme. In NUI Galway it is part of the new Societies Global Week which runs from the 13th-17th of October  The themes for the week are: Celebrating Difference, Being Kind to The Planet & Understanding Global Issues. The timetable can be viewed on www.socs.nuigalway.ie.  There is a Global Fair on Monday 13th in the Bailey Allen Hall which will be transformed into a Global Village from 12pm-4pm.  Highlights will include Games from around the world - Storytelling - Short Films - Cakes of the World - Free Veggie Pizza - How to build a Water Purification System - Bicycle checks - Pétanque - Free tours - Food from all over the Globe - Dance - Stalls...and our community partners will be involved highlighting and raising awareness of global and green issues. ENDS Tugann Féile 8x8 léargais domhanda do hollscoileanna na hÉireann   Beidh an féile 8x8 ar siúl an Deireadh Fómhair agus Samhain seo i gcampas OÉ Gaillimh, UCC, UCD, TCD agus DCU. Féile na healaíona í dírithe ar forbairt idirnáisiúnta, a chur i láthair ag Suas Educational Development agus a bpáirtnéirí na hollscoile. Bhí an fhéile a cruthaíodh chun feasacht a ardú agus dúshlán a chur ar na mic léinn faoina príomh-shaincheisteanna ár ndomhan sa lá atá inniu. Thug Suas faoi deara tríd suirbhé náisiúnta i 2012 gur cheap 85% na mic léinn go bhfuil sé an-thábhactach chun gníomh a ghlacadh ar saincheisteanna forbartha domhanda; afach, ní chreideann ach duine as gach cúigear go bhfuil siad ábalta tionchar a chur ar na cinntí a théann i bhfeidhm ár ndomhan. Rugadh an féile seo amach as an gá chun gníomh a spreagadh i measc pobal na mac léinn agus an óige. Bhí níos mó ná 2,500 duine i láthair ar an féile i 2014 agus bímid ag súil le méadú an bhliain seo. Léiríonn an taispeántas 8x8 dúinn cuid de na rudaí ag tarlú ar fud an domhain faoi láthair. Tugann an taispeánas agus na imeachtaí a bhaineann leo heilimintí go bhfuil lárnach le forbairt inbhuanaithe agus ceartais dhomhanda le chéile. Thosaigh an taispeántas le díriú ar an tomhaltachas, a thionchar ar dhaoine agus ar an gcomhshaol agus leis an iomaíocht ag ardú le haghaidh acmhainní nádúrtha. Leanann sé ar aghaigh le léargas ar réitigh nuálacha le dúshláin forbartha roimh díriú ar oideachas agus ar a ról i bhforbairt inbhuanaithe. Ar deireadh, cuireann sé lionsa ar an ábhar ar chearta an duine, agus rannpháirtíocht na ndaoine sa daonlathas Beidh an Féile ar seoladh ar campas TCD ar an 6 Deireadh Fómhair, ar campas OÉ Gaillimh ar an 13 Deireadh Fómhair le haghaidh Seachtain an Domhain ina dhiaidh sin a mbeidh sé ar camchuairt go DCU, UCC agus ar deireadh UCD. Beidh gach gcampas a óstáil an taispeántas grianghraf amuigh faoin aer chomh maith le roinnt imeachtaí, le imeachtaí cainteoir  díospóireachtaí agus scannáin san áireamh, téamaí na féile ag tarraingt amach. Chun a fháil amach níos mó faoi na scannáin, agus chun ticéid saor in aisce don fhéile a chur in áirithe, cuairt a thabhairt ar www.stand.ie/8x8. Bíonn an Féile 8x8 a maoiníodh le Irish Aid agus Europe Aid, agus bíonn sé i bpáirt mar chuid de The Irish and European Global Campus Programme.

Monday, 13 October 2014

The Insight Centre for Data Analytics recently hosted a major international workshop in NUI Galway on ‘Controlled Natural Language’ that was attended by renowned experts in a field that is becoming increasingly important as a methodology for describing technical information related to web technologies. According to Dr Brian Davis of Insight, “The everyday or natural languages that humans use to communicate can be difficult for machines to understand as it is inherently ambiguous with for instance the same word having entirely different meanings in different contexts. So ‘Controlled Natural Language’ or CNL is designed to be a simplified language with restricted vocabulary, grammar, and semantics (meaning) which can be used to improve technical communication among humans, especially for non-native speakers of the respective natural language and is now commonly used in sectors such as ICT, localisaton, airline industries, global maritime among others. Applications include authoring and translating technical doucuments. It is about making it easier for computers to understand and to analyze documents faciliating for instance creating datababes or automatic translations into other languages.” Speakers at the workshop, that was sponsored by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Eurosentiment (http://eurosentiment.eu/ ) and Digital Grammars, included Professor Marti A. Hearst of the University of California at Berkeley, Professor Aarne Ranta of the University of Gothenburg and Professor Johan Bos, Univeristy of Groningen. Co-organisers of the workshop were Dr Brian Davis (Insight), Dr Tobias Kuhn (ETH, Zurich) and Dr Kaarel Kalijurand (University of Zurich). The Insight Centre for Data Analytics, funded by Science Foundation Ireland, is a joint initiative between researchers at Dublin City University, NUI Galway, University College Cork, University College Dublin and other partner institutions. Insight brings together more than 200 researchers from these institutions, with over 30 industry partners, to position Ireland at the heart of global data analytics research. For further information, contact Dr Brian Davis at brian.davis@insight-centre.org. -Ends-

Monday, 13 October 2014

Winners selected from almost 5,000 submissions from 200 institutions worldwide An NUI Galway student was awarded a 2014 Undergraduate Award - an international academic awards programme that identifies top students across the globe through their innovative undergraduate research. A further ten NUI Galway students were highly commended. Louisa Brophy Browne from Knocknacarra, Galway City was announced winner of the Undergraduate Award in the Classical Studies & Archaeology Category for her paper entitled Discuss and Evaluate the Main Points of the Debate on the Ethnics of Archaeological Work in War Zones and Occupied Territories Using Case Studies. Judged by a panel of academics and industry experts from each field, the winning essays were selected from almost 5000 submissions in over 200 colleges and universities across the globe. Congratulating Louise and the other highly-commended NUI Galway students, NUI Galway President, Dr Jim Browne said: “Louisa's success highlights the high quality of study which our undergraduate students are engaged in. Such success in these Awards will undoubtedly add lustre to the academic development of our students as well as underscore NUI Galway’s increasing profile as a centre of world-class research and teaching.”  Each winner is recognised as the top student in their respective field globally and will be awarded a gold medal of this achievement. Louisa, along with the 48 other UA winners, will be brought to Dublin for the UA Summit from 19-21 November to receive her medal. The Summit is designed to celebrate these outstanding students from across the world, and to inspire them with speakers assembled from a diverse range of backgrounds. For further information on the UA Summit and the results of the 2014 Undergraduate Awards, please see http://www.undergraduateawards.com. -Ends-

Monday, 13 October 2014

The NUI Galway Students’ Union Enterprise Awards, a competition to encourage enterprise and innovation among students, has been launched at NUI Galway. Now in its fifth year, the initiative invites students across campus to put forward proposals for a project or business, with a prize of €10,000 investment capital for the overall winner and two runners up prizes of €5,000 each. The NUI Galway Students’ Union Enterprise Awards aim to unlock the potential of NUI Galway students by providing financial support and expertise for students who wish to start a project in the areas of business and/or social entrepreneurship. The six projects progressing to the second round will receive €500 each to develop their proposal further. They will also participate in a series of workshops in areas such as marketing, IT, legal and financial issues. The NUI Galway Students’ Union Enterprise Awards are generously supported by NUI Galway and NUI Galway Students’ Union. The closing date for submissions is 5pm Friday 28th November. More information is available at www.su.nuigalway.ie  Declan Higgins, President of NUI Galway Students’ Union, said: “The Enterprise Awards are a showcase for the best and brightest student minds on campus and reflect the dynamic, innovative and creative graduates we all wish to see emerging from NUI Galway, now and in the years ahead.” Last year’s winner Brian Slattery of ‘Student Talks’ said: “The Student Enterprise Awards is a fantastic experience and I believe a must to enter if you want the chance of gaining expert advice and hopefully some considerable financial backing to kick-start your enterprise. I encourage anyone and everyone who has a business idea to take part, even just the process of applying is a good way to formalise your vision and refine your business model.”  -Ends-

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Secondary school students interested in NUI Galway are invited to an information evening in Castlebar on Thursday, 23 October. Parents and guardians are also particularly welcome to the event which runs from 7 to 9pm in the Harlequin Hotel, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. The evening will begin with short talks about NUI Galway and some of the 60 courses it offers. Afterwards, current students and NUI Galway staff will be on hand at information stands to answer any individual questions in relation to courses offered by the University and about practical issues like accommodation, fees and scholarships, and the wide range of support services available to our students. The ever-increasing popularity of NUI Galway is in-part due to a suite of innovative new programmes, developed in response to the changing needs of the employment market. Unique programmes include a Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights, an Energy Engineering degree which is taught in the University’s new Engineering Building, Ireland’s largest School of Engineering, and a Maths and Education degree aimed at training Maths teachers. Visitors to the information evening will also get information on NUI Galway’s newest degree programme, a BA in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, BA in Journalism, BA in Science (Physics- degree options in Applied, Astrophysics, Biomedical or Theoretical) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Gaeilge). Caroline Loughnane, Director of Marketing and Communications at NUI Galway, said: “NUI Galway has a great deal to offer. Our own students tell us our lecturers are inspirational and challenge them to achieve their full potential. The student experience in Galway is second to none, and we want to bring a taste of that to County Mayo, while also providing all the practical information on accommodation, CAO points, fees, scholarships and courses. With so many courses on offer, this event in Castlebar is a perfect opportunity for prospective students to meet current students and lecturers to see what degree might be the right fit for them.” To find out more about the information evening in Castlebar, contact NUI Galway's Schools Liaison Officer, Celine O’Donovan on 087 2391219 or celine.odonovan@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Following the huge success of their respective roadshows, Cell EXPLORERS, Eco EXPLORERS and Kitchen Chemistry based in NUI Galway, are joining forces to host a day of fun science-related activities for children aged 7 to 13 years on Thursday, 30 October. DNA extractions, colourful chemical reactions and live exotic animals will be part of this exciting programme. With Cell EXPLORERS, children will learn about the fascinating world of cells and DNA. They will then learn how to design an experiment to extract DNA from fruit that they can do at home with their parents! Kitchen Chemistry will teach children how to make their own glow sticks and how to grow crystals at home. Eco EXPLORERS will complete the day with an exciting display of live exotic animals, ranging from tarantulas to snakes and stick insects. All three workshops will be delivered by NUI Galway students and staff members, all of whom want to share their enthusiasm for science. The workshops will run from 10am to 3pm and the cost of attending is €10 per child, with discounts available for multiple bookings (€15 for 2 children, €20 for 3 children). To register, email cellexplorers@nuigalway.ie or or call 091 495748. Registration forms and payments will be organised on the day, from 9.30am to 10am. Places are limited, so early booking is advised. -Ends-

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Irish Centre for Human Rights (ICHR), NUI Galway, in close collaboration with project partner the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), has won a major EU contract for Irish Law and Social Data Research and will become Ireland’s new national focal point for the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA). This is the first time that the prestigious FRANET-Ireland contract for data collection and research services on fundamental rights issues in Ireland has been awarded to an Irish University-led bid. FRANET is the FRA’s multidisciplinary research network. It is composed of contractors in each EU Member State who provide relevant data to FRA on fundamental rights issues, to facilitate the Agency’s comparative analyses. This work of the FRA then informs EU policy and initiatives across the EU member States. The ICHR/ICCL project has assembled a team of Ireland’s leading human rights and social science experts, located at academic institutions and in civil society. Professor Michael O’Flaherty, the Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights, who becomes the FRANET Senior Expert for Ireland, commented: “We are very pleased to take on this contract that will generate crucial findings for the strengthening of fundamental rights in Ireland and across the EU. We are particularly pleased to partner with the ICCL and with Ireland’s top specialists to undertake this ground-breaking work.” Mark Kelly, the Director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, who becomes the FRANET Senior Legal Expert for Ireland, said: “We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with the ICHR to ensure that the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency has legally accurate and up-to-date information about the state of human rights in Ireland. We also look forward to spreading the word about the important evidence-based research published by the FRA.” Research will focus on a number of thematic areas. These include: access to justice; victims of crime, including compensation to victims; respect for private life and protection of personal data; Roma integration; judicial cooperation; rights of the child; discrimination; asylum, immigration and borders; racism, xenophobia and related intolerance.   ENDS

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Engineering students from NUI Galway are designing and building ‘the Geec’ (Galway energy-efficient car), Ireland’s most fuel efficient car, efficient enough to drive from Galway to Dublin on less than €1 worth of electricity. In May 2015, the team will compete with 200 other teams at Shell Eco-marathon Europe as the first team ever to represent Ireland in the event. At Shell Eco-marathon a future generation of engineers and scientists aged 16-25 from around 25 countries compete in cars they design and build. Success is measured on who can drive the furthest on the equivalent of 1 kWh of electricity or 1 litre of fuel, thanks to their creative designs and technical know-how. Shell Eco-marathon aims to involve citizens globally in challenges related to energy and mobility, while inspiring them to consider innovative solutions. In May 2015 in Rotterdam, the Geec from NUI Galway will race in the prototype electric category. The car combines electric drive with a streamlined composite body and ultra-low resistance tyres. The team consists of students across the Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic and Energy Systems Engineering disciplines with full backing from the University’s College of Engineering and Informatics. The team is currently testing and tuning the car and is seeking to build relationships with partners and sponsors who can help to develop this project for the 2015 Eco-marathon and beyond. Professor Gerry Lyons, Dean of NUI Galway’s College of Engineering and Informatics, recently unveiled the car alongside Shell representatives, students and alumni. “The Shell Eco-Marathon was first established in 1939 and I am delighted to see students from our College of Engineering and Informatics participate as the event challenges students across the world to design build and race ultra-efficient vehicles. There has never been an Irish team to compete in the event and this will change in 2015 with NUI Galway's contribution to the world of eco-friendly transport. This is a great team of students taking on the design, building and racing Ireland's most fuel efficient car and I really do commend them and wish them well.” Shell Eco-marathon is one of the world’s most challenging student innovation competitions and takes place annually in Europe, America and Asia. The competition brings together current and future leaders, along with a broader public passionate about energy issues. It encourages debate around sustainable solutions to the challenge of rising global energy demand. Speaking at an event today where the Engineering students presented and exhibited the vehicle, Michael Crothers, Managing Director of Shell E&P Ireland Limited, said: “Shell E&P Ireland is delighted to support NUI Galway’s College of Engineering and Informatics as it competes in the 30th anniversary of the Shell Eco-marathon in 2015. The design of ultra-energy efficient vehicles is both a lot of fun and a great chance to learn as students apply their talents across a broad spectrum of engineering disciplines.”  Continuing, Mr Crothers added: “The NUI Galway team will be pitting their technical skills against 3,000 of the best and brightest engineering students in Europe, and I know they will represent the great tradition of Irish engineering excellence very well.  I wish the team every success in the competition.” For more information on NUI Galway’s entry visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/NUIGEcoMarathon, or visit www.nuigalway.ie/thegeec. -Ends-

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

NUI Galway’s discipline of German will launch a new art exhibition presenting engravings by Caspar Walter Rauh on Wednesday, 22 October at 5pm in Art Gallery in the Quadrangle. Rauh (1912-1983) was a German graphic artist, illustrator and painter working in the tradition of Fantastic Realism and Surrealism. Despite the huge initial success of his drawings and engravings after World War II, inspired by traumatic experiences as a soldier in Russia, public interest in his works declined as Germany turned its back on the war. He became an outsider who was ignored by mainstream art. It is only in recent years that Rauh’s work has been rediscovered with its Bosch-like testimony to the cruelties of the war. For the first time in Ireland, this exhibition displays some of his finest engravings, mostly created after 1960 – technically brilliant phantasmagories reminiscent of earlier traumas but increasingly revealing the artist’s whimsical sense of humour and his inclination towards the idyllic and bizarre. Dream-like images, oscillating between barbaric violence and fairy-tale fantasies, reflect the complexity of a highly original artist. The exhibition has been curated by NUI Galway’s Professor Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa and Michael Shields, and is sponsored by the German Embassy and the Arts Office, NUI Galway. All are welcome to attend the launch, followed by a reception in the presence of the German cultural attaché, Peter Adams. The exhibition will be open Tuesday to Saturday from 1-4.30pm until Saturday, 8 November. -Ends-

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Dr Ciara Smyth, Director of the Doctoral Programme in the School of Law, NUI Galway, has been appointed to the government’s Working Group on Asylum.  The Working Group, which is convened by the Minister for Justice and Equality and the Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality, and chaired by retired High Court judge, Mr Justice Bryan McMahon, is to recommend to Government what improvements should be made to the State’s existing direct provision and protection processes for asylum seekers in the short and longer term.  The establishment of the Working Group comes in response to mounting criticism of delays in the Irish asylum procedure and the conditions in which asylum seekers are required to live while they await the outcome of their asylum applications.  Other members of the Working Group include: Sue Conlan, Chief Executive of the Irish Refugee Council and Sophie Magennis, Head of UNHCR in Ireland.  Dr Ciara Smyth has been working in the asylum field for over fifteen years, both as a practitioner and as an academic.  She teaches Immigration Law, International Human Rights and International Law in the School of Law, NUI Galway, and Refugee Law in the Irish Centre for Human Rights.  She has been involved in training of staff in the asylum institutions, has conducted master-classes for barristers, solicitors and asylum decision-makers on various aspects of refugee law, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Irish Refugee Council.  She has just published a monograph with Routledge on  European Asylum Law and the Rights of the Child. Last year Ciara was presented with a prestigious Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award in Tilburg for her PhD thesis on ‘The Common European Asylum System and the Rights of the Child: An Exploration of Meaning and Compliance’, which she completed at Leiden University. Welcoming the announcement of Dr Smyth’s appointment to the new Working Group, the Head of the School of Law at NUI Galway, Professor Donncha O’Connell, said: “This is a well-deserved recognition of Ciara Smyth’s standing as a leading Irish and European scholar on asylum and related matters. I have no doubt that she will make an invaluable contribution to the Working Group which will be chaired by Judge McMahon who was, previously, a part-time Professor in the School of Law at NUI Galway.” -Ends-

Thursday, 16 October 2014

NUI Galway Professor of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations, Professor Tony Dundon, has been has conferred with the award of Fellow by the Academy of Social Sciences. Professor Dundon is one of 34 leading social scientists to receive the award. The recipients have a wide range of expertise in the social sciences, including town planning, education, geography, social work, law, sociology, economics and psychology. These Fellows have made a substantial contribution to wider social science in a variety of contexts, including in higher education, government, funding councils, charitable foundations and think tanks. Professor Dundon is recognised as a key figure in the development of employment relations studies, in particular on employee voice, worker rights and regulatory systems of industrial relations. The Academy of Social Sciences is the National Academy of Academics, Learned Societies and Practitioners in the Social Sciences. It has around 1,000 individual Fellows, who are distinguished scholars and practitioners from academia and the public and private sectors. They are awarded Fellowship status after peer group review of the standing and impact of their work and evaluation of their contribution to wider social science. Fellows are entitled to use the post-nominal letters 'FAcSS'. For more information visit http://acss.org.uk/news/4-leading-social-scientists-conferred-fellows/.   -Ends-

Friday, 17 October 2014

Three Honorary Masters Degrees will also be presented Almost 3,000 students will graduate from NUI Galway during the Autumn Conferring Ceremonies which take place from 18-24 October. The University will also confer three Honorary Masters Degrees during the ceremonies on Carl Hession, Charlie Byrne and Patricia Burke Brogan. Carl Hession - Masters of Music honoris causa: For over 30 years, Carl has been involved with music in Galway, primarily in Coláiste Iognáid where he teaches. In addition to his teaching, his association with and contribution to the school’s annual show and other events as composer and musical director is also highly regarded. Carl has designed and taught the Music Methodology on NUI Galway’s Professional Diploma in Education programme. In recent years as Musical Director for the University’s Medical Orchestra, he has helped rekindle and support the development of students’ musical talents, and to promote music engagement amongst students within the School of Medicine. Carl’s composition ‘Rhythm of the Dance’ and his most recent involvements with the Moscow Ballet are testament to his dedication and talent as a composer. Charlie Byrne - Masters of Arts honoris causa: Founder and owner of Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop which opened in 1988 as a market stall, the shop has grown successfully over the years and is now recognised as one of Ireland’s most successful bookshops. The business has become a cultural venue in Galway City, hosting book launches, readings, signings, poetry slams, musical evenings, art exhibitions and book clubs, and in 2013 he was awarded the Irish Times Bookshop of the Year award. A native of Longford, Charlie graduated from NUI Galway with a Bachelor of Arts in 1981. Patricia Burke Brogan - Masters of Arts honoris causa: Born in Co. Clare and now living in Galway City, Patricia is an internationally renowned poet, playwright and painter. Her paintings and graphics have been exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally, and has won many awards for her plays, poems, graphics and short stories. Her stage play Eclipsed, first produced in 1992, was presented with a Fringe First at the Edinburgh Theatre Festival that year and has since been produced all over the world and been translated into many languages, including Japanese for a recent production in Tokyo. Her memoir was published earlier this year. In advance of the conferring ceremonies, Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway, said: “NUI Galway is fortunate to be associated with many outstanding honorary graduates throughout its history. This week we are proud to honour Carl Hession, Charlie Byrne and Patricia Burke Brogan. Each of these individuals has made an outstanding and distinctive contribution to the diverse fields of music, education, literature and the arts. NUI Galway is very pleased to be in a position to recognise their exceptional talents and achievements.” The annual Autumn Conferring Ceremonies will begin with the Centre for Adult Learning and Professional Development ceremonies, where awards will be conferred on almost 950 students who completed their certificate, diploma and degree courses at many locations across the country. -ENDS- Bronnadh an Fhómhair in OÉ Gaillimh Bronnfar Trí Chéim Mháistreachta Oinigh chomh maith Bainfidh beagnach 3,000 mac léinn céim amach in OÉ Gaillimh sna Searmanais Bhronnta Céime a bheidh ar bun idir an 18-24 Deireadh Fómhair. Bronnfaidh an Ollscoil Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh ar an triúr seo a leanas: Carl Hession, Charlie Byrne agus Patricia Burke Brogan. Carl Hession - Céim Mháistreachta sa Cheol honoris causa: Le breis is 30 bliain, tá baint ag Carl le ceol i nGaillimh, go príomha i gColáiste Iognáid áit ina bhfuil sé ina mhúinteoir. Le cois na múinteoireachta, tá ardmheas ar a chuid oibre mar chumadóir agus mar stiúrthóir ceoil ar sheó bliantúil na scoile agus ar imeachtaí eile. Is é Carl a dhear agus a mhúin an Mhodheolaíocht Cheoil ar an Dioplóma Gairmiúil san Oideachas in OÉ Gaillimh. Le blianta beaga anuas agus é ina Stiúrthóir Ceoil le Ceolfhoireann Leighis na hOllscoile, chuidigh sé chun buanna ceoil na mac léinn a athmhúscailt agus a chothú, agus chun rannpháirtíocht cheoil a chur chun cinn i measc na mac léinn i Scoil an Leighis. Is teist iad ceapadóireacht Carl ar ‘Rhythm of the Dance’ agus an obair is déanaí a bhí idir lámha aige le Ballet Mhoscó ar a dhíograis agus a bhua mar chumadóir. Charlie Byrne - Céim Mháistreachta sna Dána honoris causa: Is é Charlie bunaitheoir agus úinéir Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop a d'oscail in 1988 mar stalla margaidh. Tá fás agus forbairt tagtha ar an siopa thar na blianta agus tá sé aitheanta anois ar cheann de na siopaí leabhar is rathúla in Éirinn. Ionad cultúrtha atá sa ghnó anois i gCathair na Gaillimhe, agus bíonn leabhair á seoladh, á léamh, agus á síniú ann, mar aon le hócáidí filíochta, oícheanta ceoil, taispeántais ealaíne agus clubanna leabhar agus bronnadh gradam an Irish Times do Shiopa Leabhar na Bliana ar an siopa sa bhliain 2013. Is as Longford ó dhúchas é Charlie, agus bhronn OÉ Gaillimh Céim sna Dána air sa bhliain 1981. Patricia Burke Brogan - Máistreacht sna Dána honoris causa: Rugadh Patricia i gCo. an Chláir agus tá sí anois ag cur fúithi i gCathair na Gaillimhe agus is file, drámadóir agus péintéir í a bhfuil cáil idirnáisiúnta uirthi. Bhí péinteálacha agus grafaicí léi ar taispeáint go forleathan, go náisiúnta agus go hidirnáisiúnta, agus is iomaí duais atá bainte amach aici as a cuid drámaí, dánta, grafaicí agus gearrscéalta. Cuireadh a dráma Eclipsed ar stáitse den chéad uair sa bhliain 1992, agus bronnadh duais Fringe First air ag Féile Amharclannaíochta Dhún Éideann agus ó shin i leith tá sé curtha ar stáitse ar fud an domhain agus tá sé aistrithe go teangacha eile lena n-áirítear an tSeapáinis do léiriú a rinneadh le gairid air i Tóiceo. Foilsíodh a cuimhní cinn níos luaithe i mbliana. Ag labhairt dó roimh na searmanais bhronnta, dúirt an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: “Tá an t-ádh ar OÉ Gaillimh a bheith bainteach leis an oiread sin céimithe oinigh den scoth ó bunaíodh an Ollscoil. An tseachtain seo, táimid bródúil céim oinigh a bhronnadh ar Carl Hession, ar Charlie Byrne agus ar Patricia Burke Brogan. Tá a c(h)ion féin déanta ag gach céimí oinigh daoibh seo i réimsí éagsúla an cheoil, an oideachais, na litríochta agus na ndán. Is cúis áthais dúinn anseo in OÉ Gaillimh an deis a bheith againn aitheantas a thabhairt don tallann agus don tsárobair atá déanta ag na daoine seo.” Cuirfear tús le Searmanais bhliantúla Bhronnadh Céimeanna an Fhómhair leis na searmanais an Ionaid Foghlama agus Forbartha Gairmiúla d’Aosaigh, áit a mbronnfar dámhachtainí ar bheagnach 950 mac léinn a chríochnaigh a gcúrsaí teastais, dioplóma agus céime in ionaid éagsúla ar fud na tíre. -CRÍOCH-