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Friday, 30 June 2023
Lambcam were named overall winners with Glow by Chlo Cosmetics recognised as the ‘One to Watch’ University of Galway IdeasLab has concluded the 2023 edition of its highly acclaimed Start100 programme, showcasing the innovative ideas of 12 teams of aspiring student entrepreneurs. The final showcase event on campus saw teams pitch their unique ideas to an expert panel of judges from academia, research, industry, and enterprise in front of an audience of students, mentors, enterprise and University of Galway staff. The winning entry for the 2023 Start100 programme was LambCam for their software to help farmers monitor sheep’s behaviour on camera during lambing season, securing €5,000 in funding. Glow by Chlo Cosmetics was recognised with the One to Watch award of €1,000, affirming their potential for future success. The Start100 programme is an intensive six-week programme run out of University of Galway’s IdeasLab – the student innovation hub, open to all disciplines, located at the heart of the campus. Start100 connects students into a thriving community of innovators and entrepreneurs across Ireland and culminates in the showcase event, where each team present their ideas. This year, the varied group of student entrepreneurs had ideas ranging from an app designed to improve your rowing capabilities to beauty and skincare products. Teams underwent a transformative entrepreneurial journey, nurturing their ideas and focusing on how to best leverage their network and funding opportunities for future success. With the guidance and support of mentors, speakers and the vibrant start-up ecosystem in Galway and across the country, the students developed and validated their business models, developed their networking skills and built a peer-to-peer community to support one another to develop and grow. Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, University of Galway Deputy President and Registrar, said: “University of Galway is committed to transforming our values of excellence, respect, sustainability and openness into actions and deeds. Today we witnessed that first hand through our students in their pursuit of societal impact through enterprising ideas. The University, in partnership with our business community, plays a crucial role in nurturing their growth and supporting our people and our planet and we are incredibly proud of our student entrepreneurs.” Dr Natalie Walsh, Director of Entrepreneurial Development at University of Galway, said: “We are excited to see a surge in interest in entrepreneurship across our campus. The Start100 teams have truly impressed us with their exceptional quality and innovative ideas, serving as a testament to the remarkable success of the programme. We are committed to leveraging our achievements and exploring new collaborative partnerships to maximize opportunities for our student entrepreneurs." The judging panel for the final event included: University of Galway Vice-President Engagement Dr Paul Dodd; Chief Executive of Complete Laboratory Solutions (CLS) and scientist Evelyn O’Toole: one of Ireland’s leading financial advisors and internationally recognised Certified Financial Planner Paul Merriman; one of the Top 100 Women in STEM in Ireland and Partner at Atlantic Bridge - Kauffman Fellow Helen McBreen; and Aerogen Chief Executive and founder John Power. Ends
Thursday, 29 June 2023
Minister of State for Skills and Further Education Niall Collins T.D. joined a special reception in Washington DC to celebrate University of Galway’s network of higher education institution partnerships in North America. The reception was part of the annual NAFSA conference, the largest annual international education conference in the US, which drew close to 10,000 delegates. University of Galway used the occasion to recognise its closest and most enduring US and international partnerships, as well as a number of new collaborations that it is working with. The attendance of and contributions by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) and Education in Ireland were also acknowledged at the NAFSA conference. At the event, Minister Collins spoke about the core values of respect, excellence, openness and sustainability at University of Galway. “These values are the DNA of University of Galway and form the foundation for students to grow good citizenship, independent critical thinking, and capacity to make positive contributions to both society and economy. “Partners of University of Galway are not only securing a quality education for their students, but they are also being exposed to a set of values which are common between our countries.” Dr Andrew Flaus, Vice-Dean for Internationalisation in Science and Engineering, underlined this message, emphasizing: “Galway's shared values with partners has led to a longevity and creativity in partnerships and to rich interactions for both visiting and Galway students and colleagues.” Nuala McGuinn, Director of Summer Schools at University of Galway, explained how the University is keen to be responsive to its partners: “We are offering a wide variety of ways of working together, ranging from faculty-led hosting and joint conferences, to semester-long Study Abroad programmes. These are all infused by the core values of University and showcase the distinctive and special place that is our city and region.” Ends
Thursday, 29 June 2023
First compelling evidence for low-frequency gravitational waves announced The European Pulsar Timing Array joins teams worldwide in announcing compelling evidence for gravitational wave signals of cosmological origin University of Galway astronomers and international collaborators have published the results of more than 25 years of astronomical observations using the world’s most powerful radio telescopes demonstrating evidence for the detection of ultra-low-frequency gravitational waves. Such waves, first predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, are believed to be produced by supermassive black hole binaries - pairs of black holes with masses billions of times that of the sun – in the centres of distant galaxies, stirring up gravitational waves in space-time as they orbit one another. These waves spread away - like ripples across a pond - changing the properties of space and time as they pass by. The way in which these gravitational waves affect time itself forms the basis for work of Sai Chaitanya Susarla, astronomy PhD researcher in University of Galway, School of Natural Sciences. Along with collaborators in the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) and colleagues in Japan and Indian, they studied the way in which these gravitational waves – the ripples on the universe - affect the most accurate clocks known, extinguished stars called pulsars. These pulsars – collapsed stars the size of Galway Bay – spin tens to hundreds of times a second, with their lighthouse beams of radio emission yielding ultra-regular pulses, easily detectable with radio telescopes. A remarkable prediction of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is that these regular pulses will be subtly distorted as ultra-low-frequency gravitational waves wash over these pulsars, and astronomers realised that by studying and identifying the way in which these cosmic clocks change their tempo, we could confirm the existence of these bizarre gravitational waves for the first time, and furthermore start to study the Universe anew by in effect constructing a Galaxy-sized gravitational wave detector. In a series of papers published today, Sai Chaitanya Susarla and his colleagues show for the first time that their data are indeed consistent with a ‘background hum’ of low-frequency gravitational waves. Sai Chaitanya Susarla said: “The evidence for nano-hertz gravitational waves represents a scientific milestone in our understanding of the universe. They offer a remarkable avenue for unraveling the mysteries of our universe, enabling us to explore its history, study black holes and dark matter, and probe the cosmological structure. The insights gained from these discoveries have the potential to reshape our understanding of the cosmos, deepening our knowledge of fundamental physics and providing invaluable insights into the workings of the universe at its grandest scales.” Dr Aaron Golden, School of Natural Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, University of Galway and Sai Chaitanya Susarla’s co-PhD supervisor, said: “This is a fabulous outcome for all the relentless hard work Sai has put into his doctoral studies. It also speaks to the continuing tradition of research excellence in the physical sciences at University of Galway, where the cold hard practicalities of instrumentation and data analytics combined with boundless human curiosity are training the next generation of outstanding scientists and engineers.” University of Galway alumnus Professor Evan Keane, Associate Professor of Radio Astronomy in Trinity College Dublin’s School of Physics, Head of the Irish LOFAR Telescope and co-PhD supervisor, described the results as “the start of something big”. Professor Keane added: “Pulsars are basically super clocks in space. By monitoring the ‘ticks’ from these clocks, which are spread throughout our galaxy, we can see the impact of passing gravitational waves making the pulsar signals arrive earlier or later.” The European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) announcement is coordinated with similar publications from other teams across the world, namely the Australian (PPTA), Chinese (CPTA), Indian Pulsar Timing Array (InPTA), and North-American (NANOGrav) collaborations. This same evidence for gravitational waves is seen by NANOGrav and is consistent with the results reported by the CPTA and PPTA. The analysis is in line with what astrophysicists expect. Professor Alberto Vecchio from the University of Birmingham, points out: “The gold-standard in physics to claim the detection of a new phenomenon is that the result of the experiment has a probability of occurring by chance less than one time in a million. The results reported by EPTA – as well as by the other international collaborations – do not yet meet this criterion. However, combining all of the world-wide datasets, as part of what is termed the International Pulsar Timing Array, should allow the astronomers to obtain irreproachable proof and indeed to achieve further understanding of the history of the universe using gravitational waves.” One of Sai Chaitanya Susarla’s collaborators, Dr Caterina Tiburzi, researcher at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, Italy, puts it: “We are opening a new window in the gravitational wave universe”. Ends
Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Displacement, internally or across borders, and statelessness heighten risks of trafficking in persons, a UN expert said today, urging States to prevent trafficking and ensure effective protection of victims. “Limiting access to asylum and other forms of international protection is likely to increase the risks of trafficking in persons, by forcing people into risky, precarious situations,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Professor Siobhán Mullally, in a report presented to the Human Right Council today. Professor Mullally was particularly concerned about the adoption of legislation and policy by States to prevent trafficking in persons, which fail to comply with international law. “The increasing use of accelerated refugee status determination procedures, transfer of refugee status determination procedures to third countries, and the phenomenon of ‘push-backs’ following interceptions at sea or land borders, undermine States’ ability to comply with their obligations to identify, assist and protect victims of trafficking, and to respect the principle of non-refoulement,” Professor Mullally said. She recalled that States have obligations to identify and protect victims of trafficking or persons at risk of trafficking also in the context of interceptions at sea, and in the context of duties to rescue persons in distress at sea. “Expanding safe, regular migration opportunities, and providing resettlement opportunities and other complementary pathways for the admission of persons with international protection needs, as well as effective access to asylum and international protection, are essential to prevent trafficking and ensure protection of victims,” she said. Professor Mullally noted that States hosting the highest numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons have limited capacity to assist and protect trafficked persons or to prevent trafficking: “Where the rights of refugees to freedom of movement, to decent work and to access education or training are limited, the risks of exploitation increase. “Stateless persons are exposed to increased risks of trafficking linked to their precarious legal status as persons deprived of their right to a nationality, and consequential violations resulting from limited access to civil documentation, education, employment, social protection, and restrictions on freedom of movement.” Professor Mullally also raised the risks of trafficking faced by unaccompanied and separated children: “I am concerned that adolescent refugee children are often not given equal protection by States. States have an obligation to respect and ensure the rights of all children without discrimination.” The full report is available here. Ends
Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Tá na Saw Doctors díolta amach – ach beidh ticéid le fáil ag imeacht eisiach alumni Beidh na ticéid ar díol Dé hAoine, an 30 Meitheamh ag 9am D’fhógair Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus Féile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe sonraí inniu faoina gcomhpháirtíocht do 2023, agus san áireamh iontu tá imeacht eisiach d’alumni na hOllscoile, an amharclann féile is mó ariamh á tógáil ar an gcampas, agus clár oideachais don chéad ghlúin eile ealaíontóirí, bainisteoirí ealaíon agus fiontraithe cruthaitheacha. Agus í ag ceiliúradh 13 bliana mar Chomhpháirtí Oideachais na féile, beidh an Ollscoil ag dul i gcomhar le Féile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe ar raon imeachtaí lena n-áirítear: Imeacht eisiach d’alumni na hOllscoile lena n-áirítear ticéid do na Saw Doctors ar an 29 Iúil atá díolta amach. Tugtar cuireadh do chéimithe na hollscoile teacht le chéile an athuair ag cóisir a thabharfaidh síos bóithrín na smaointe iad agus dul chuig ceolchoirm na Saw Doctors ina dhiaidh sin ag Príomhionad na Féile sa Ghort Iascaigh, agus na ticéid ar díol Dé hAoine, an 30 Meitheamh ag 9am. An clár SELECTED ina dtairgfear eispéireas acadaimh laistigh de choicís do mhic léinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe chun taispeáint dóibh cén chaoi a gcuirtear féile chomh mór seo le chéile, agus cíoradh a dhéanamh ar gach gné, ón taithí phraiticiúil go forbairt ealaíne. Tionscadal staire béil chun príomhghlórtha na féile 2023 a ghabháil. Tá cartlann Fhéile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe i seilbh Leabharlann Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ó 1978 i leith agus tá stair bhéil le healaíontóirí ar cuairt á mbailiú freisin, rud a fhágfaidh go gcruthófar cartlann dhigiteach d’imeachtaí na féile do na glúnta atá le teacht. Reáchtálfar sraith turas grianghrafadóireachta ar an gcampas chomh maith, a bheidh in aisce agus a mbeifí in ann iad chur in áirithe ón 30 Meitheamh. Rachaidh grianghrafadóirí fón póca mór le rá i gcomhar le saineolaithe Ollscoile chun turais de champas na hOllscoile a threorú. Tabharfaidh sé sin deis dóibh siúd ar spéis leo an ghrianghrafadóireacht foghlaim faoi champas iontach na hOllscoile agus ag an am céanna comhairle a fháil faoin gcaoi feabhas a chur ar a scileanna grianghrafadóireachta. Reáchtálfar sraith cainteanna ar an gcampas, First Thought, áit a dtabharfaidh cainteoirí, ina measc cainteoirí ón Ollscoil, aghaidh ar mhórcheisteanna agus ar dhúshláin an tsaoil chomhaimseartha trí ardán ceannaireachta smaointeoireachta na féile. Déanfar leathnú ar ról na hOllscoile mar cheann de phríomhionaid na Féile nuair a dhéanfar amharclann, The Pulse, a mbeidh 1,200 duine in ann suí inti, as ionad spóirt na hOllscoile. I measc na n-imeachtaí eile a bheidh ar an gcampas áirítear Bedbound le Enda Walsh, You’ll See, léiriú de Ulysses atá curtha in oiriúint do pháistí, Strings Attached le Finghin Collins agus an ConTempo Quartet, agus an tsraith cainteanna First Thought. Leanfaidh Ollscoil na Gaillimhe lena tacaíocht do Chlár Oibrithe Deonacha Fhéile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe faoinar earcaíodh breis agus 600 oibrí deonach d’Fhéile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe 2023 go dtí seo. Tá Ionad na nOibrithe Deonacha lonnaithe ar an gcampas i mbliana freisin. Tá ról lárnach á chomhlíonadh ag an Ollscoil freisin maidir le leathnú thionscnaimh inbhuanaitheachta Fhéile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe. Seo mar a labhair Leas-Uachtarán don Rannpháirtíocht Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an Dr Paul Dodd: “Baineann fíorthábhacht lenár gcomhpháirtíocht le Féile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe agus tá fás suntasach tagtha ar an gcaidreamh le blianta beaga anuas agus tionchar na comhpháirtíochta sin le haireachtáil anois ar ghnéithe éagsúla den fhéile. Baintear an-tairbhe agus leas as an gcomhpháirtíocht agus soláthraíonn sí deiseanna do mhic léinn, do alumni agus don phobal trí chéile cuairt a thabhairt ar ár gcampas agus taitneamh a bhaint as an bhféile. Tá tábhacht faoi leith ag na tionscail chruthaitheacha i gcás na Gaillimhe agus tá an-áthas orainn a bheith inár gComhpháirtí Oideachais d’Fhéile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe agus an deis a thapú chun ár ndaoine sároilte a chur ar taispeáint don domhan mór.” Dúirt John Crumlish, Príomhfheidhmeannach Fhéile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe: “Tá an chomhpháirtíocht le hOllscoil na Gaillimhe an-tábhachtach dúinn agus chabhraigh sí go mór an fhéile a fhorbairt le blianta beaga anuas. Bhí an ollscoil an-chabhrach agus thug go leor tacaíochta dúinn i roinnt réimsí lena n-áirítear éascaíocht a dhéanamh d’Fhéile Ealaíon Idirnáisiúnta na Gaillimhe maidir le forbairt cláir, cuidiú léi a ról féin a chothú i dtaca le forbairt ealaíontóirí agus dul i gcomhar léi ar roinnt cuspóirí a bhaineann le Comhionannas, Éagsúlacht agus Cuimsiú.” Tá tuilleadh eolais faoi na himeachtaí a bheidh ar siúl le fáil anseo: www.universityofgalway.ie/giaf Críoch
Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Exclusive alumni event includes tickets to sold out Saw Doctors show Tickets will go on sale on Friday June 30 at 9am University of Galway and Galway International Arts Festival today announced details of their partnership for 2023, including an exclusive event for University alumni, the largest ever festival theatre being built on campus, and an education programme for the next generation of artists, arts managers and creative entrepreneurs. Celebrating the 13th year as Education Partner of the festival, the University will collaborate with Galway International Arts Festival on a range of events including: An exclusive event for University alumni including tickets to the sold out Saw Doctors show on July 29. Graduates of the university are invited to relive their glory days at a reunion party followed by the Saw Doctors concert at the Festival Big Top, with tickets going on sale on Friday June 30 at 9am. The SELECTED programme, offering University of Galway students a two-week whirlwind academy to see how a festival of this magnitude is put together from practical experience to artistic development. An oral history project to capture key voices of the 2023 festival. The University Library holds Galway International Arts Festival’s archive from 1978 through to the present day and oral histories with visiting artists are also being collected, creating a digital festival archive for future generations. A series of free campus photo tours will also be open for booking on June 30. Taking place on July 28 and 29, leading mobile phone photographers will join with University experts to guide tours of the University campus, offering photography enthusiasts of all levels the chance to learn about the University’s wonderful campus while getting tips on how to elevate photography to the next level. The First Thought Talks series on campus, featuring a number of University personnel, exploring the big issues and challenges of the day through the festival’s thought leadership platform. The expansion of University’s role as a key Festival venue hub, with the hosting of The Pulse, which will transform the University’s sports centre into a 1,200 seat theatre. The campus will also host Enda Walsh’s Bedbound, You’ll See, the adaptation of Ulysses for children, Strings Attached featuring Finghin Collins and ConTempo Quartet, and the First Thought Talks series. University of Galway will continue to support Galway International Arts Festival’s Volunteer Programme, which has recruited over 600 volunteers for Galway International Arts Festival 2023 to date. The Volunteer Hub is also located on campus this year. The University is also playing a key role in the expansion of Galway International Arts Festival’s sustainability initiatives. University of Galway Vice-President Engagement Dr Paul Dodd said: “The partnership with Galway International Arts Festival is hugely important to us and, over the last number of years, the relationship has grown significantly and now impacts across a number of different areas of the festival. The partnership offers something for everyone, with opportunities for students, alumni, and members of the public to visit our campus and enjoy the festivities. The creative industries are vital to Galway and we are delighted to act as Education Partner to Galway International Arts Festival to showcase our local talent to a global audience.” CEO of Galway International Arts Festival John Crumlish said: “The partnership with the University of Galway is a very important one for us which has played a significant role in the recent development of the festival. The university has been hugely helpful and very supportive across a number of areas including facilitating GIAF in terms of its programming ambitions, helping it develop a role in artist development and partnering with it on a number of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity objectives.” For more information on the events taking place visit www.universityofgalway.ie/giaf Ends
Monday, 26 June 2023
A consortium of 10 European academic, clinical and enterprise partners led by University of Galway has been formed in a special project to test new treatments for rare eye diseases. In Europe, approximately 30 million people suffer from blindness and visual impairment. Rare Eye Diseases are a major cause that can result in blindness in children and young adults, and affect adults and the ageing population. Current management is expensive, has low efficacy, and significant side effects. The consortium - RESTORE VISION - aims to address this clinical need by formulating novel treatments and repurposed drugs that have been validated in different disease indications. The project will target seven rare eye diseases: aniridia-associated keratopathy; neurotrophic keratopathy; limbal stem cell deficiency; ocular cicatricial pemphigoid; EEC syndrome; ocular graft versus host disease; and corneal neovascularisation. By targeting the overlapping mechanisms of these seven different conditions, the probability of discovering new sight-restoring therapies to treat ocular surface diseases is greatly enhanced. Professor Thomas Ritter, Professor of Medicine at, the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Galway and Science Foundation Ireland Funded Investigator at CÚRAM, is leading the consortium. “Leading this consortium is a great honour as it brings together key players in Europe on rare eye diseases to advance the field and test novel and repurposed compounds directly with the patients who need them now. Using repurposed and previously validated compounds will expedite our progress, leading to the rapid development of novel therapeutics,” Professor Ritter said. Combined, the rare eye diseases being targeted through the RESTORE VISION consortium are estimated to affect more than 500,000 people, representing 1.7% of the total visual impairment and blindness population in Europe. The project combines expertise from eye disease leaders with six leading research institutions - University of Galway; Linköping University, Sweden; Ospedale San Raffaele, Italy; Universidad Miguel Hernandez De Elche, Spain; INSERM, France; University Hospital Cologne, Germany. It also involves enterprise partners with three SMEs - Cell2Cure, Denmark; Laboratoires KÔL, France; Catalyze, the Netherlands. A European patient organisation is also partnering - Aniridia Europe, Norway. The ground-breaking approach being taken by the consortium seeks to improve eye health by verifying disease mechanisms, using cutting-edge models for each rare disease to test novel and repurposed compounds; formulating safe eye drop suspensions or subconjunctival drugs; and performing first-in-human trials of novel therapies. Impaired wound healing at the cornea and ocular surface; excessive inflammation; nerve degeneration; stem cell dysfunction; and aberrant vessel ingrowth are the common denominators in many rare eye diseases, representing a critical medical problem and an area of unmet medical need. Drugs that have been extensively tested in preclinical studies by the RESTORE VISION academic and pharma partners or treatments that are already on the market will be used in the project. This will significantly reduce the usually lengthy and complex regulatory and drug development processes ensuring rapid translation of these innovative treatments into the clinic. Professor Neil Lagali, Linköping University, Sweden is leading the provision of specialised research models of rare disease. He said: “This is an exciting time, as our models of rare corneal diseases have now reached a level of sophistication that allows us to reliably evaluate therapeutic compounds to determine their effects in restoring the cornea’s function, using standard outcome measures that will facilitate the transition into clinical trials.” Aniridia Europe is a patient association that connects people with aniridia and their families all around Europe and promotes international collaboration on aniridia. President Barbara Poli said: “We are honoured and happy to be part of this consortium, as we consider the possibility to create a link with the researchers and clinicians as a fundamental opportunity to bring the voice and the needs of patients to those who are dedicating their work and commitment in developing new knowledge on rare eye diseases, new treatment options and the hope for a better quality of life of all patients in all countries.” Professor Conor Murphy, Key Opinion Leader and Professor of Ophthalmology at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, said: “RESTORE VISION is a unique and ambitious project which brings together experts from a range of specialist fields to expand our understanding of a group of rare, blinding diseases of the surface of the eye. New therapeutic approaches will be developed and expedited into patient care using existing EU regulatory frameworks enabling rapid access to newly discovered treatments.” Ends
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, Hildegarde Naughton T.D. today opened the international Health Promotion Conference at University of Galway. The conference, Strengthening intersectoral health promotion action: Building healthy communities, brought together practitioners, policymakers and researchers to discuss current and future directions for strengthening the health promotion foundations that support and enhance communities and intersectoral innovations. Delegates heard from international and national experts on implementation, developments and challenges to building health communities and intersectoral health promotion, with the themes of discussion including youth and education, community, health service delivery, sexual and mental health, and addressing lifestyle for disease prevention. The conference analysed the current landscape of intersectoral health promotion action and explored opportunities and challenges for further strengthening intersectoral engagement within and between communities. In particular the conference explored community assets, discussed the roles of people, leadership or structures in supporting the building of healthy, sustainable communities and examined innovative health promotion initiatives as examples of building intersectoral action. Minister Naughton T.D. said: “We all play a role in protecting our health and wellbeing, but it is essential that individual efforts are supported by robust policies and guided by initiatives that help us all to live healthier lives. Programmes such as Sláintecare Healthy Communities are vital in addressing health inequalities and demonstrate the effectiveness of cross-government collaboration. We have discussed the next steps, looking at how knowledge can be translated into action in order to further improve the long-term health and wellbeing of the population.” Chief Medical Officer and Professor of Public Health Medicine at University of Galway Dr Breda Smyth said: “It is well recognised internationally that intersectoral action is critical for health and wellbeing in order to address the determinants of health and improve population health. We need to work beyond the health sector, to make meaningful progress to improve the health of the population and I welcome the commitment and vision of all our stakeholders to this agenda.” Gígja Gunnarsdóttir, Directorate of Health in Iceland, discussed her country’s experience: “Health is a result of complex interactions between individuals and their immediate environment and conditions. The health sector is therefore only one player of many needed to promote and protect health and wellbeing of all people and the planet. Easier said than done but with practical, innovative, data driven approach things can move in the right direction.” Professor Mark Gamsu, Leeds Beckett University, UK spoke on strengthening the voice of the voluntary and community sector: “We are at an important cross roads. Health inequalities in the west are certainly not reducing, and for some communities have worsened. The impact of the pandemic has shown us the importance of community led responses in partnership with the state. “We have a real opportunity to build from the pandemic experience and develop more collaborative relationships with people experiencing health inequalities - but professionals and the state need to look critically at the cultures they work in and how these need to change.” The conference is the 27th Annual Health Promotion conference at University of Galway, co-hosted with the Department of Health, the Health Service Executive, and the Association for Health Promotion Ireland. Full programme is available at https://www.universityofgalway.ie/hpconference/ Ends
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Infheistíocht mhór i sláinte réigiúnach agus tuaithe le trí chlár nua: Cógaisíocht, Leigheas Iontrála do Chéimithe agus Altranas Iontrála do Chéimithe Méadú ar theagasc agus ar fhoghlaim mar fhreagra díreach ar riachtanais cúraim sláinte agus ar ghanntanas foirne Tá fáilte curtha ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe roimh fhaomhadh an Rialtais do thrí chéim nua i gcúram sláinte a leagann béim ar leith ar chúram pobalbhunaithe agus a thugann aghaidh ar riachtanais lucht saothair i gceantair thuaithe agus réigiúnacha. Rinneadh an fógra tar éis don Aire Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighde, Nuálaíochta agus Eolaíochta Simon Harris T.D. iarradh ar an Údarás um Ard-Oideachas a fháil amach cén chaoi a bhféadfaí acmhainn bhreise a sholáthar i gcúram sláinte. Tá na trí chlár céime cúraim sláinte nua in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe – Cógaisíocht, Leigheas Iontrála do Chéimithe, agus Altranas Iontrála do Chéimithe – ag freastal go díreach ar riachtanais na hearnála cúraim sláinte agus ar éileamh ar fhoireann, go háirithe i gceantair thuaithe. Cheadaigh an Rialtas freisin leathnú na gclár céime cúraim sláinte atá san Ollscoil cheana féin lena chinntiú go nglacfar le 24 mac léinn gach bliain san Altranas Ginearálta & Cnáimhseachas agus go mbeidh ochtar ar an Ard-Dioplóma sa Chnáimhseachas. Seo mar a labhair Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Tá Ollscoil na Gaillimhe tiomanta do leas an phobail. Is é an misean atá againn athrú ó bhun a dhéanamh do dhaoine agus do na pobail ina mairimid. Cinnteoidh infheistíocht an Rialtais ar an scála seo na huaillmhianta seo agus déanfaidh sé fíordhifríocht do shláinte agus d’fholláine na n-othar inár réigiún san am is mó a dteastaíonn sé uathu. Táimid ag tnúth leis an lá, i gceann cúpla bliain, nuair a bheidh 150 céimí breise ag tosú ar ghairmeacha i gcúram sláinte tar éis dóibh ár gcláir nua a chur i gcrích. Is fís inspioráideach í do thodhchaí an chúraim in Éirinn. Gabhaim buíochas leis an Rialtas as a dtacaíocht dár n-uaillmhian chomhroinnte ar mhaithe le leas an phobail.” Dúirt an Dr Martina Ní Chuláin, an Stiúrthóir Forbartha Straitéisí i gColáiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Tá traidisiún fada ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe maidir le hoideachas cúraim sláinte den scoth a sholáthar. Tógann ár dtrí chlár nua ar an mbunús láidir sin, tá siad oiriúnach chun céimithe a réiteach do sheirbhís cúraim sláinte na todhchaí agus deartha chun freastal ar riachtanais córais sláinte atá níos pobalbhunaithe. Príomhfhócas dúinne agus na cláir seo á bhforbairt againn freisin ba ea aghaidh a thabhairt ar riachtanais ár réigiúin ó thaobh sláinte agus socheacnamaíochta de. Meallfaidh an chéim nua sa Chógaisíocht, mar shampla, níos mó mac léinn ón iarthar agus ón iarthuaisceart isteach sa ghairm. Feabhsóidh sí an líon cógaiseoirí cáilithe sa réigiún agus ar fud na tíre, agus cuirfidh sí borradh faoi ghníomhaíochtaí taighde nua in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe a mbeidh tionchar suntasach acu ar fhorbairt an bhoinn tionscail laistigh den réigiún seo. Ligfidh an infheistíocht shuntasach seo ón Rialtas dúinn cláir den scoth a chruthú, laistigh de thimpeallacht foghlama nua-aimseartha, áit ar féidir le mic léinn a bheith rathúil agus a bheith ina gceannairí bunathraithe cúraim sláinte sa todhchaí.” Dúirt an tOllamh Martin O’Donnell, Déan Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Tá curaclaim shainfhorbartha ag céimeanna nua Ollscoil na Gaillimhe atá deartha chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar easnaimh reatha, agus ag an am céanna atá ag ullmhú d’fhorbairtí cúraim sláinte amach anseo. Tá sé tábhachtach go bhfuil an-bhéim acu ar aghaidh a thabhairt ar dhúshláin cúraim sláinte réigiúnacha, go háirithe lenár gcéim nua leighis iontrála do chéimithe atá deartha chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar an easpa dochtúirí tuaithe. Léiríonn fianaise idirnáisiúnta gur mó an seans go dtabharfaidh mic léinn ar cuireadh oiliúint orthu sa réigiún faoi ghairm bheatha amach anseo i dtimpeallachtaí dá leithéid, agus cuideoidh na forbairtí a fógraíodh inniu go mór lena chinntiú go mbeidh Ollscoil na Gaillimhe go maith in ann aghaidh a thabhairt ar an riachtanas sin.” Dúirt Tony Canavan, Príomhfheidhmeannach Ghrúpa Cúraim Sláinte Ollscoile Saolta: “Cuideoidh méadú ar líon na mac léinn altranais, cógaisíochta agus leighis go mór le riachtanais cúraim sláinte san iarthar agus san iarthuaisceart. Tacaíonn an fhorbairt seo ónár gcomhpháirtí acadúil le múnla Sláintecare seirbhís sláinte shábháilte ardchaighdeáin a fhreastalaíonn ar riachtanais ár ndaonra atá ag dul i méid a sheachadadh, agus an cúram ceart a sholáthar san áit cheart ag an am ceart.” Trí chlár céime nua i gcúram sláinte Beidh na trí chlár céime nua atá deimhnithe ag an Rialtas ag glacadh le beagnach 150 mac léinn in aghaidh na bliana. Beidh áit ag Altranas Iontrála do Chéimithe do 20 mac léinn in aghaidh na bliana. Beidh áit sa Chógaisíocht do 40 mac léinn sa chéad bhliain agus 75 mac léinn gach bliain ina dhiaidh sin. Beidh áit ag Leigheas Iontrála do Chéimithe do 24 mac léinn i mbliain a haon agus 48 mac léinn ina dhiaidh sin. Cógaisíocht Clár cúig bliana atá á bhunú chun a chinntiú go mbíonn rogha ag mic léinn staidéar a dhéanamh ar chógaisíocht san iarthar/iarthuaisceart. Féachann an Máistir Cógaisíochta comhtháite (MPharm) le dul i ngleic leis an nganntanas cógaiseoirí a bhíonn ag plé le hothair, go háirithe i réigiúin tuaithe. Gheobhaidh mic léinn a gcuid oideachais i suímh ghéarchúraim agus phobail, le béim ar oideachas tuaithe. Leigheas Iontrála do Chéimithe Tuaithe agus Iargúlta Céim ceithre bliana, bunaithe ar chláir idirnáisiúnta sheanbhunaithe agus daingnithe i bhfoghlaim bunaithe ar chásanna le béim ar shocrúcháin chliniciúla fhadama iargúlta agus tuaithe. Beidh socrúcháin chliniciúla Bhliain 3 agus 4 bunaithe i gceann de na hAcadaimh Leighis atá ag Scoil an Leighis i Leitir Ceanainn, Sligeach, Caisleán an Bharraigh agus Portiuncula. I measc na ngnéithe breise tá tumoideachas fada sa chleachtas ginearálta; socrúcháin sna moil chúraim chomhtháite nua; agus béim ar fhorbairt inniúlachtaí feabhsaithe caighdeáin ón tús. BSc Altranas Iontrála do Chéimithe Céim dhá bhliain shainiúla náisiúnta atá deartha chun rogha nua a thairiscint chun mic léinn ar leith a mhealladh chuig an altranas. Is iad na trí phríomhchuspóir: Líon na gcéimithe altranais a mhéadú, go háirithe iad siúd a fhanfaidh sa ghairm níos faide. Oiliúint nuálaíoch a fhorbairt a chuireann leis na scileanna agus na hinniúlachtaí a theastaíonn le haghaidh cúram éifeachtach d’othair; a fhreagraíonn don athrú i seachadadh cúraim sláinte; agus a thugann scileanna do chéimithe le haghaidh cúram comhtháite agus suíomhanna pobail, a forbraíodh go sonrach don tsamhail Sláintecare. Líon na n-altraí fireanna a mhéadú, toisc go bhfuil sé cruthaithe go méadaíonn an tsamhail iontrála do chéimithe éagsúlacht an lucht saothair, rud a fhreastalaíonn ar riachtanais othar níos fearr. Críoch
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Major investment in regional and rural health with three new programmes: Pharmacy, Graduate Entry Medicine, and Graduate Entry Nursing Expansion of teaching and learning in direct response to healthcare needs and staff shortages University of Galway has welcomed Government approval for three new healthcare degrees with a specific focus on community-based care and addressing workforce needs in rural and regional areas. The expansion has been unveiled after Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris T.D. requested the Higher Education Authority to establish how additional capacity might be provided in healthcare. The three new healthcare degree programmes for University of Galway - Pharmacy, Graduate Entry Medicine, and Graduate Entry Nursing - are in direct response to the needs of the healthcare sector and demand for staff, particularly in rural areas. Government also approved the expansion of existing healthcare degree programmes at the University to ensure General Nursing & Midwifery has an intake of 24 students each year and the HDip in Midwifery has eight students each year. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “University of Galway is committed to the public good. Our mission is to be a driver of transformational change for people and the communities in which we live. Government investment of this scale will make these ambitions manifest and make a real difference for health and well-being of patients in our region in their time of profound need. We look forward to the day, a few years from now, when 150 additional graduates are embarking on careers in healthcare after coming through our new programmes. It is an inspiring vision for the future of care in Ireland. I thank the Government for their support of our shared ambition for the public good.” Dr Martina Ní Chuláin, Director of Strategic Development at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Galway, said: “University of Galway has a long tradition of delivering excellent healthcare education. Our three new programmes build on that strong foundation, are tailored to equip graduates for the healthcare service of the future and are designed meet the needs of a more community-based health system. A key focus for us in developing these programmes was also to address the needs of our region from health and socio-economic perspectives. The new Pharmacy degree, for example, will attract more students from the west and northwest into the profession. It will enhance the supply of qualified pharmacists into the region and nationally, and it will ignite new research activities within University of Galway that will have a significant impact on the evolution of the industry base within this region. This substantial investment from the Government will allow us to create excellent programmes, within a modern learning environment, where students can thrive and become the transformational healthcare leaders of the future.” Professor Martin O’Donnell, Dean of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Galway, said: “University of Galway’s new degrees have purpose-developed curricula designed to address current deficits, whilst laying the foundations for future healthcare developments. Importantly they have a strong focus on addressing regional healthcare challenges, particularly with our new graduate entry medicine degree designed to address the lack of rural doctors. International evidence demonstrates that students trained in the regions are more likely to pursue future careers in such environments, and the developments announced today will go a long way to ensuring that University of Galway is positioned to address that need.” Tony Canavan, chief executive of Saolta University Health Care Group, said: “Increasing the numbers of nursing, pharmacy and medicine students will make a significant contribution to healthcare needs across the west and northwest. This welcome development from our academic partner supports the Sláintecare model of delivering a safe, quality health service that meets the needs of our growing population, providing the right care in the right place at the right time.” Three new healthcare degree programmes The three new degree programmes confirmed by Government will build to a student intake of almost 150 students a year. Graduate Entry Nursing will have places for 20 students per year. Pharmacy will have places for 40 students in year one and 75 students in each year following that. Graduate Entry Medicine will have places for 24 students in year one and 48 students following that. Pharmacy A five-year programme being established to ensure students have the option of studying a pharmacy in the west-northwest. The integrated Master of Pharmacy Degree (MPharm) seeks to address the shortage of patient-facing pharmacists, particularly in rural regions. Students will receive their education within acute and community settings, with a focus on rural education. Rural and Remote Graduate Entry Medicine A four-year degree, informed by established international programmes and anchored in case-based learning with a focus on remote and rural longitudinal clinical placements. Year 3 and 4 clinical placements will be based in one of the existing School of Medicine’s Medical Academies in Letterkenny, Sligo, Castlebar and Portiuncula. Additional features include prolonged immersion in general practice; placements in the new integrated care hubs; and an emphasis on development of quality improvement capabilities from an early stage. Graduate Entry Nursing BSc A nationally distinctive two-year degree designed to offer a new option to attract a distinct type of student into nursing. The three main objectives are: To increase the number of nursing graduates, particularly those who will remain in the profession longer. To develop innovative training that augments the skills and competencies required for effective patient care; that responds to the changing landscape of healthcare delivery; and that equips graduates with skills for integrated care and community settings, purpose developed for the Sláintecare model. To increase the number of male nurses, as the graduate entry model has been proven to increase workforce diversity, in turn better serving patient needs. Ends
Wednesday, 21 June 2023
The President of Villanova University, USA, and a senior delegation have visited University of Galway to mark 38 years of partnership and formally renew the arrangement. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, welcomed the party to the Quadrangle for a signing ceremony, formalising the continuation of student and academic exchanges that over the year has brought 615 students from Villanova, Pennsylvania to spend a semester at Galway. Reverend Peter M Donohue, President, Villanova University was joined by Dr Adele Lindenmeyr, Dean of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Dr Joseph Lennon, Associate Dean, International and Interdisciplinary Initiatives, Center for Irish Studies; Jennifer Joyce, Acting Head of Irish Studies; Fr David Cregan, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; and Dr Mary O’Malley Madec, Director, Villanova Study Abroad Programme at University of Galway. President of University of Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “Our relationship with Villanova University spans back to 1985, owing much to Dr James Murphy, Emeritus Professor and founding director of the Center for Irish Studies at Villanova and University of Galway’s Dr Seamus O’Grady. The longevity and opportunities that it has afforded staff and students, makes this one of our most enduring partnerships with a rich history of engagement in each of five consecutive decades.” Ends
Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Tá cuairt tugtha ag Uachtarán Ollscoil Villanova, SAM, agus toscaireacht shinsearach ar Ollscoil na Gaillimhe chun comóradh a dhéanamh ar an gcomhpháirtíocht eatarthu ar cuireadh tús léi 38 bliain ó shin, agus chun athbhreithniú foirmiúil a dhéanamh ar an socrú. Chuir Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, fáilte roimh an ngrúpa chuig an gCearnóg, áit a raibh searmanas sínithe chun leanúint leis na malartuithe mac léinn agus acadúla a chur ar bhonn foirmeálta, ar socrú é sin faoinar tháinig 615 mac léinn as Villanova, Pennsylvania chun seimeastar a chaitheamh i nGaillimh i gcaitheamh na mblianta. In éineacht leis an Urramach Peter M Donohue, Uachtarán, Ollscoil Villanova bhí an Dr Adele Lindenmeyr, Déan Choláiste na nEalaíon Liobrálach agus Eolaíochtaí; an Dr Joseph Lennon, Déan Comhlach, Tionscnaimh Idirnáisiúnta agus Idirdhisciplíneach, an tIonad Léann Éireannach; Jennifer Joyce, Ceann Feidhmeach an Léinn Éireannaigh; an tAth. David Cregan, Déan Comhlach Gnóthaí Acadúla; agus an Dr Mary O’Malley Madec, Stiúrthóir, Clár Staidéir thar lear Villanova in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Seo mar a labhair Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Cuireadh tús lenár gcaidreamh le hOllscoil Villanova sa bhliain 1985, agus go leor den chreidiúint as sin ag dul go dtí an Dr James Murphy, Ollamh Emeritus agus stiúrthóir bunaidh an Ionaid Léann Éireannach in Ollscoil Villanova agus an Dr Seamus O’Grady, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Ceann de na comhpháirtíochtaí is buaine dá bhfuil againn an ceann seo i bhfianaise a fhad is atá sí ar an bhfód agus na deiseanna atá curtha ar fáil aici don fhoireann agus do mhic léinn le beagnach dhá scór bliain anois. Críoch
Monday, 19 June 2023
University of Galway will host the Government’s Consultative Forum on International Security Policy on Friday June 23. The Forum aims to build public understanding and generate discussions on Ireland’s foreign, security and defence policies. It will focus on a wide range of issues, including Ireland’s efforts to protect the rules-based international order through peacekeeping and crisis management, international humanitarian law, and conflict prevention and peacebuilding as well as allowing for a discussion on Ireland’s policy of military neutrality. The Forum opens on Thursday June 22 in Cork, before coming to University of Galway, and then moving on to Dublin Castle for two days, Monday and Tuesday, June 26 and 27. All four days are open to the public and will involve panel discussions with civilian and military experts and practitioners. The Forum is being live streamed and people can have their say on the issues being discussed by using the public consultation process. Tánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence, Micheál Martin TD, opens the event at University of Galway in conversation with Professor Louise Richardson DBE. The day will also see Professor Ray Murphy, University of Galway School of Law and Irish Centre for Human Rights, engage in discussions around Ireland and peacekeeping, while Professor Siobhán Mullally, Professor of Human Rights Law and Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at University of Galway, will moderate a discussion on Ireland’s foreign policy including conflict resolution, peacebuilding, international law and accountability. Professor Lokesh Joshi, Stokes Professor of GlycoSciences at University of Galway, will take part in a discussion on Irish research and innovation in security and defence. Announcing the Forum, the Tánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence, Micheál Martin TD, said: “The Consultative Forum on International Security Policy is the first time any Irish government has established such a debate. It will discuss a wide range of issues relating to the global and European security environment and how Ireland’s defence policy is responding. The Forum will allow for an open and informed discussion on the issues involved and I look forward to the engagement in Galway and over the course of the four days.” Professor Martin Hogg, Dean of the School of Law at University of Galway, which has been liaising with the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Defence to organise the Forum, said: "In the wake of the invasion and war in Ukraine and other geopolitical developments in the world, as well as Ireland’s tradition as a neutral country with a valued approach to peacekeeping, the Consultative Forum on International Security Policy is an important opportunity to engage in a national conversation on these and related issues. At University of Galway we encourage action on our values, one of which is openness, and we place great store in being able to support discourse in this way.” The Forum will involve a wide range of stakeholders, with participation from civilian and military experts and practitioners representing a breadth of experience and views. For more information on the live stream and the public consultation process, please visit the Forum website here. Ends
Monday, 19 June 2023
University of Galway has presented certificates of achievement to 174 Galway City primary school pupils who took part in this year’s UNI 4 U programme. UNI 4 U is a primary schools initiative run by University of Galway’s Access Centre, which works with Scoil Bhríde in Shantalla, Radharc na Mara in Mervue, Scoil Chroí Íosa in Newcastle, and this year, for the first time, Merlin Woods Primary School in Doughiska. Over the course of 10 weeks, sixth class pupils took part in a range of activities and were given a taste of University of Galway campus and life. Workshops ranged from engineering, science, law, creative writing and zoology, to the Irish language, coding and visits to the Library archive. Dr Mary Surlis, Senior Manager with University of Galway’s Access Centre, said: “The UNI 4 U programme empowers primary school children and their families, giving them confidence that our university and third level education is accessible. For the past two months, inviting the children to our campus has given them the skills and belief that they can go far in their own academic journeys.” Deputy President and Registrar, Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, said: “The UNI 4 U programme embodies University of Galway’s beliefs that third level education should be accessible to all. As these pupils prepare to take the next big leap in their education from primary to secondary school, our message is that the leap to third level education thereafter is achievable. This programme shows them the way, and let’s them know that the University of Galway is open and welcoming.” The UNI 4 U initiative began in 2005, stemming from the University’s commitment in its strategic plans to advancing the social, economic, educational, and cultural needs of the Western region and more recently the National Access plan which aims to increase equality of opportunity and increase diversity across universities in Ireland. Ends
Friday, 16 June 2023
University of Galway hosts symposium showcases achievement of Fellows BioInnovate Ireland – University of Galway’s specialist health technology innovation programme – has announced three new advisory board members. Located at University of Galway and established in 2011, BioInnovate Ireland is co-funded by University of Galway and Enterprise Ireland and is formally affiliated to Stanford BioDesign. The announcement was made to coincide with the BioInnovate Ireland Symposium which took place at University of Galway campus to showcase the achievements of the 2022/23 BioInnovate Ireland Fellows as they conclude their programme. The new BioInnovate Ireland Advisory Board members are Robert (Chip) Hance, Chief Executive, Regatta Medical; John O’Brien, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive, S3 Connected Health; and Dr Ian Purdy, Senior Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance at Intuitive. Supported by funding from Enterprise Ireland, 142 Fellows have completed the BioInnovate Ireland programme to identify unmet healthcare needs and develop innovative solutions to address those needs, while more than 3,000 patients have been treated with innovations which were developed in the programme, with that number rapidly growing. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “The success and reputation of BioInnovate Ireland is immense in the medtech and healthcare sector and growing. University of Galway has a distinct focus on working for the public good, and with one of our core values being excellence, BioInnovate epitomises the strategic outlook of the University. The programme itself is very much solutions-oriented where our research is focussed on addressing real needs. Patients in profound need benefit as a result which is a testament to those who have driven this agenda for the public good.” Professor Martin O’Halloran, Director of BioInnovate Ireland and Techrete Professor of Medical Electronics and Director of the Translational Medical Device Lab, University of Galway, said: “The BioInnovate Ireland Symposium is a great occasion whereby we showcase the achievements of our Fellows as they conclude their programme. Along with that, and reflecting a changing medical innovation landscape, we are delighted to announce the addition of three new Board members to the BioInnovate Advisory Board - Robert (Chip) Hance, John O’Brien and Dr Ian Purdy. Each of our new advisory board members brings a wealth of expertise and experience in medical devices, connected health and integrated digital care, and will future-proof the programme direction for years to come.” Speaking at the BioInnovate symposium, Maura Glennon, Senior Commercialisation Specialist, Enterprise Ireland, said: “Ireland is recognised as a being a leading, global, life sciences and medtech hub, with our community of pioneering leaders playing a pivotal and transformative role in the delivery of innovative healthcare solutions around the world. The BioInnovate Ireland programme and the impressive results is a testament to that. Enterprise Ireland is proud to support the BioInovate Ireland programme and wish every success to the three new Board members who are being announced today.” The event featured pitches from current Fellows, outlining unmet healthcare needs that have been identified by them and validated as commercial opportunities over the course of the 10 month programme. Attendees will also hear from several of the BioInnovate Ireland start-up companies and get insights on the future of medtech from thought-leaders in the sector. With additional funding from Enterprise Ireland, through its Commercialisation Fund, graduates from the programme have created 30 start-up companies, of which 20 are high potential start-ups (HPSUs). These companies have raised more than €240 million in private and public funds to commercialise their innovative healthcare solutions in the western region since 2014. Ends
Thursday, 15 June 2023
National sexual consent education and research initiative set for a new five-year cycle Active* Consent marks scale of work since 2013 and outlines expansion plans using multidisciplinary approach to promote healthy relationships and foster a culture of respect Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris T.D. has today officially launched University of Galway’s Active* Consent programme 2023-27. Active* Consent is an innovative sexual consent education and research initiative, which began at University of Galway. Now a national programme, it has been at the forefront of promoting healthy relationships and fostering a culture of respect since its inception in 2013. Active* Consent marked the launch of the 2023-27 programme with the publication of a report reviewing the scale of work undertaken during its first large scale programme 2019-2022 and an outline of goals to expand the work over the next five years. More than 70,000 first year college students took part in consent workshops between 2019-2022, and more than 1,500 staff member and student leaders have been trained in delivering workshops. More than 4,000 post-primary pupils took part in consent workshops during the first 12 months of the Active* Consent for School Communities programme in 2021-2022, while 750 teachers have been trained in delivering these workshops and 1,000 parents have attended online seminars. The new programme sets goal to take Active* Consent international by engaging with universities, forming partnerships with practitioners and researchers, and adapting programming to meet the needs of students outside of Ireland Partnered with Rugby Players Ireland on the delivery of consent programming in the organisation’s Academy Programme since 2019, with ambitions to build on that by offering the Active* Consent model of awareness raising, skills development, and culture change to other sporting bodies. Plans to initiate new research that focuses on how ideas and roles concerning consent evolve for teenagers and young men. Minister Harris expressed Government support for the programme and Active* Consent's commitment to addressing the issue of sexual consent in Ireland: “It is essential we equip the next generation with the skillset and the knowledge needed on consent. This programme has already been incredibly successful in schools and further and higher education institutions across the country. The launch of this Active* Consent Programme is another step towards tackling an extremely serious issue that can have lifelong consequences for the victims. It is one of my top priorities to ensure that we create campus cultures which are safe, respectful, and supportive for all staff and students." President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “The past decade has brought considerable learning on consent for all of us. Now there is an active national conversation on consent, which our history teaches us is healthier, preferable to silence. This is pioneering work, led by University of Galway. It is symbolic not only of the focus we place here on our university being here for the public good, but also symbolic of our core value of respect. All of us at University of Galway look forward to the expansion of the work of Active* Consent and in continuing to make a difference in and for society.” Dr Siobhán O’Higgins, University of Galway senior researcher and Co-Lead on Active* Consent, said: “Our programming promotes the ethos that consent is ongoing, mutual, and freely given - that consent is for everyone, in all relationships, across genders and sexual orientations, and for all types of intimacy, if someone ever chooses to engage with a partner.” Minister for Justice Helen McEntee said: “To contribute to reducing levels of sexual violence we need to raise awareness of the importance of consent in healthy sexual relationships. And as part of our national Strategy to combat domestic, sexual and gender-based violence, we are working to change societal thinking about what is acceptable in terms of attitudes and behaviours around respectful sexual and intimate behaviour. “We also recognise that there is a need to equip people with the tools to react appropriately if someone tells them they’ve been a victim of sexual harassment or assault. Active* Consent is, and has been, doing fantastic work in these areas. My Department supports the work of Active* Consent and other campaigns such as We Consent from Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, and is actively considering other options to inform the public as we collectively work towards a national, shared understanding of what healthy sexual consent is.” Active* Consent is supported through funding and philanthropy by Lifes2good Foundation; Rethink Ireland; University of Galway, Government of Ireland; and the Dormant Accounts Fund. The 2019-2022 programme was led by Dr Pádraig MacNeela, Dr Charlotte McIvor, and Dr Siobhán O’Higgins. Active* Consent developed a novel initiative to bring the topics of sex and consent to wider youth audiences, with Dr Charlotte McIvor working with more than 40 drama students and graduates since 2014 to write and produce four successive versions of the play ‘The Kinds of Sex You Might Have at College’. It toured 19 Irish college campuses in 2022, reaching 2,300 students and staff. The play allows audiences to see what positive, active consent and non-consent look like, how they impact individuals and peer groups, and what can be done to respond to scenarios that young people might experience. Of the 850 college students who completed the post-show survey, 87% agreed that the play improved their understanding of sexual consent. 82% agreed that it increased their confidence negotiating sexual boundaries. 81% agreed that after the performance they knew where to find information on how to report sexual assault. A grant from the Community Foundation of Ireland enabled Active* Consent to adapt the drama to post-primary school audiences. ‘How I Learned About Consent’ was performed to 1,300 pupils from 16 schools in 2022. Of the 800 school pupils who completed the post-show survey, 83% of pupils agreed that the play represented the range of sexual issues and situations that young people face. 79% of pupils agreed that they felt more confident responding as an active bystander to help a friend or family member. 85% of pupils agreed that the play delivered important messages. Ends
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
University of Galway today conferred degrees on more than 400 graduates. The day’s events something of a family affair with mother and daughter Róisín Hill from Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo and Aoife Hill from Letterkenny, Co Donegal conferred with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Also, following the line of academia through the University’s history books was Dr Caoimhe Newell from Moylough, Co Galway, who was conferred with an Honours Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Obstetrics (MB, BCh, BAO). Dr Newell is the great grand-daughter of Dr Martin Ó Tnuthail, President of the University (then University College Galway) from 1960-1975. Dr Caoimhe Newell celebrated with her uncles Dr Micheál Newell, lecturer with the School of Medicine and Professor John Newell, lecturer with the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. Among those at the summer celebrations, more than 70 were conferred with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The largest cohort of students to graduate came through the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences were almost 180 future doctors received their Honours Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, and Bachelor of Obstetrics (MB, BCh, BAO) degree. During the ceremony, University of Galway presented 15 Final Medical Medals to 11 graduates, with Dr Dominic Butler receiving four medals for his outstanding academic performance. Every year the University presents the medals to graduates of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences who earned the highest grade in each subject area. Speaking at the ceremony, President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “On behalf of the entire community of University of Galway, I congratulate every one of our graduates. Summer conferring always brings with it a sense of the immediacy of our graduates making a difference, as so many of them are setting off for careers in healthcare and in research. It is inspiring to see our university so clearly demonstrating its role for the public good. I wish each and every graduate success as they embark on the next step on their journey of achievement.” Ends
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Bronnadh céim ar bhreis is 400 céimí inniu in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Ócáid mhór teaghlaigh a bhí sa lá i gcás máthar agus iníne, Róisín Hill as Béal Átha hAmhnais, Co. Mhaigh Eo agus Aoife Hill as Leitir Ceanainn, Co. Dhún na nGall ar bronnadh Dochtúireacht i bhFealsúnacht (PhD) orthu. Chomh maith leis sin, ag leanúint lorg a sinsear sa saol acadúil trí stair na hOllscoile bhí an Dr Caoimhe Newell as Maigh Locha, Co. na Gaillimhe, ar bronnadh Baitsiléir Onóracha Leighis, Baitsiléir Máinliachta agus Baitsiléir Cnáimhseachais (MB, BCh, BAO) uirthi. Ba é an Dr Máirtín Ó Tnuthail, Uachtarán na hOllscoile (Coláiste na hOllscoile, Gaillimh ag an am) ó 1960-1975 sin-seanathair an Dr Newell. Rinne an Dr Caoimhe Newell ceiliúradh lena beirt uncailí, an Dr Micheál Newell, léachtóir i Scoil an Leighis agus an tOllamh John Newell, léachtóir i Scoil na nEolaíochtaí Matamaitice agus Staitistice. Ina measc sin a bhí i láthair ag an gceiliúradh samhraidh, bhí breis agus 70 duine ar bronnadh Dochtúireacht i bhFealsúnacht (PhD) orthu. Tháinig an grúpa is mó mac léinn a bhain céim amach ó Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte, áit a bhfuair beagnach 180 ábhar dochtúra a gcéim Baitsiléara Onóracha Leighis, Baitsiléir Máinliachta, agus Baitsiléir Cnáimhseachais (MB, BCh, BAO). Le linn an tsearmanais, bhronn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe 15 Bhonn Leighis Deiridh ar 11 chéimí, agus fuair an Dr Dominic Butler ceithre bhonn as a shárfheidhmíocht acadúil. Gach bliain bronnann Coláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte na boinn ar na mic léinn a fhaigheann an grád is airde i ngach réimse ábhair. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, ag an searmanas: “Thar ceann phobal iomlán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, tréaslaím le gach duine dár gcéimithe. Tugann bronnadh an tsamhraidh le tuiscint i gcónaí nach mbeidh i bhfad ann sula mbeidh ár gcéimithe ag déanamh a gcion féin ar mhaithe leis an tsochaí, mar go mbíonn go leor acu ar tí tabhairt faoi ghairm i gcúram sláinte agus i dtaighde. Is ábhar spreagtha é ár n-ollscoil a fheiceáil ag léiriú go soiléir a ról ar mhaithe le leas an phobail. Guím gach rath ar na céimithe ar fad agus iad ag tabhairt faoin gcéad chéim eile ar a dturas gnóthachtála.” Críoch
Monday, 12 June 2023
A new project is underway in Galway city this summer to identify hedgehog “hot-spots”. Many people are surprised to learn that hedgehogs are found in cities and towns, but urban gardens and parks are very important habitats for these charming mammals and a whole host of other wildlife. There have been reports from England and other countries warning of dramatic reductions of hedgehog populations in rural areas over the last couple of decades. However, the decline is much slower in urban areas, as gardens and green areas act as a refuge for the animals. Researchers from University of Galway lead the All-Ireland Hedgehog Survey, which was established in 2020. To date more than 7,000 records of hedgehogs have been received from all over the country, with more than half of these recorded in people’s gardens. Now the scientists want to take a closer look at city-dwelling hedgehogs and, thanks to the All-Ireland Hedgehog Survey, they have pinpointed parts of Galway City which have hedgehog populations. Elaine O’Riordan, from the School of Natural Science at University of Galway, said: “We are learning a lot about how hedgehogs use gardens. Many householders have reported that hedgehogs visit regularly, or nest in their garden. Many people enjoy watching their night time visitors and some supply food and even hedgehog houses to encourage them to hang out. “Renmore, Mervue and Rahoon all have several reports of hedgehogs every year, which would indicate that they have good hedgehog numbers. We want to look at the gardens and talk to people in these areas to learn more about how hedgehogs are using gardens and estates and how people are interacting with them.” For the Hedgehogs in the City project, the researchers are asking people from these three areas - Renmore, Mervue and Rahoon - to take part in an online survey to gather information about what kind of gardens people have and whether hedgehogs use them or not. The online survey can be accessed through the Hedgehog Survey website here https://www.irishhedgehogsurvey.com/hedgehogs-in-the-city It is a very simple, short questionnaire. The researchers would like as many people as possible to take the survey - even if you have never seen a hedgehog before. Later in the summer, the hedgehog team plan to visit some of the gardens and green spaces in the three areas of the city to search for hedgehogs using wildlife cameras and footprint tunnels. If anyone is interested in having their garden surveyed, they can sign up when they do the online survey. Anyone with questions can contact Elaine O’Riordan at elaine.oriordan@universityofgalway.ie Ends
Monday, 12 June 2023
Fidelity Investments and University of Galway are delighted to announce the launch of a new partnership that will impact more than 2,500 female students in the next two years. With females accounting for less than 20% of ICT graduates over the last seven years in Ireland, it is evident that more needs to be done to encourage young females to explore the world of STEM and the career opportunities available to them in this space. To bridge the gap in the west of Ireland, Fidelity Investments and University of Galway will work together under a national project to inspire female students to consider working in technology. As stated at a recent Oireachtas Education Committee meeting by University of Galway Associate Professor Cornelia Connolly: “Ireland is working to become a digital leader at the heart of European and global development. Digital skills and a flourishing Computer Science education ecosystem are essential to our national digital transformation. To grow our digital economy, Ireland needs an advanced workforce ready to take advantage of the opportunities the transformation will bring.” This meaningful industry-academia partnership involving Fidelity Investments and University of Galway will support CodePlus, a nationwide outreach engagement project, involving Trinity College Dublin, Lero/University of Limerick and University of Galway, aimed at overcoming this gender imbalance that exists in Computer Science and ICT courses at third level in Ireland. Through a range of workshops, company visits, and career talks which take place over a 20-hour program, CodePlus uses interactive learning and real-life experiences to inspire female students to embrace STEM and consider technology and computer science subjects at third level. Lorna Martyn, Fidelity Ireland Regional Chair and SVP Technology, shared her thoughts on this exciting new partnership: “CodePlus is an innovative accessible pathway signposting opportunities in Computer Science careers to young women. It intentionally addresses the gender imbalance in participation across Ireland’s third-level institutions. As a personal advocate for greater female participation in technology careers and directly aligned to Fidelity Investment’s strategic commitment to education at every level and fostering new diverse talent pipelines, I am thrilled to announce Fidelity’s new two-year partnership with the University of Galway on the CodePlus programme. “Presently, only 15% of Irish schools offer Computer Science as a subject, with 22% of females studying the subject in those schools. There is an urgent need to bridge the participation gap and provide equitable, inclusive, and real-world opportunities to encourage young Irish females to be the next generation of technology leaders and innovators. Fidelity Investments Ireland is looking forward to supporting the programme through company visits, workshops and career talks from female role models working at Fidelity. By providing real-life experiences to the students in partnership with CodePlus, we believe we can have a positive impact on the students’ understanding, outlook, and attitude to careers in STEM and most particularly careers in technology and software engineering.” Cornelia Connolly, Associate Professor at University of Galway, said: “Over the past number of years, partnerships with tech companies have been particularly useful in increasing the participant engagement with CodePlus and giving the students an insight to the IT industry. “For many of our students, there are few opportunities to visit tech companies and or indeed to meet with female role models working in the industry. This aspect of the programme creates an authentic way for students to see the potential career paths open to them in the field of computing. “We are delighted to have Fidelity on board as a partner for the next two years and we are looking forward to working with them to continue to grow and develop the CodePlus project and inspire young females in the West to look at careers in technology as exciting and attainable career opportunities.” Ends
Friday, 9 June 2023
University of Galway has welcomed the announcement that two academics, a student and a member of the alumni are Fulbright Irish Awardees for 2023-24. They were presented with awards by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, and US Chargé d'Affaires to Ireland Mike Clausen at a ceremony in the US Ambassador’s Residence. Professor Becky Whay, Vice-President International at University of Galway, said: “The tradition of Fulbright is one which builds on the unique and deep bonds between Ireland and the US, as well as affording some of our keenest and brightest researchers an opportunity to further their academic excellence and cultural collaboration. University of Galway is delighted to see our academics, student and alumnus feature in the programme and we look forward to their return, as they add to transatlantic academic and cultural links.” University of Galway awardees are: Fulbright Irish Scholar Dr James Britton is an Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellow in Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Galway. This project is co-supported by Epilepsy Ireland. As a Fulbright-NUI Scholar at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, California, James will investigate the use of Sonogenetics, to modulate the electrical firing of neurons and how this technique can be used to treat neurological conditions. Fulbright Irish Scholar in Residence Tom Felle, Associate Professor of Journalism at University of Galway. His research interests encompass digital news, verification, data-driven journalism, fake news and disinformation, and democracy-related topics such as trust, transparency, and accountability. He has provided advice and testimony to national governments and the EU, and collaborated with the United Nations migration agency, IOM, as the lead academic partner for the Global Migration Media Academy from 2020-2022. His Fulbright award will see him work on creative writing, journalism and internationalisation projects with East Los Angeles College, California. Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants Shauna Ní Dhochartaigh is a BA in Gaeilge and History student and native of Rann na Feirste, in the heart of the Donegal Gaeltacht. She was the 2022 Gaeltacht Mary in the Mary from Dungloe International Arts Festival. Shauna was Debating Officer of the Cumann Gaelach in the University and guided the society’s debating team to victory in Gael Linn’s Debating Competition at Oireachtas na Samhna 2022. She will be a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Seán Ó Coistealbha is a native of An Spideal, Connemara. He is a graduate of Irish and history from the University. He taught in Dublin from 1979-80; worked as a language and cultural officer at Údarás na Gaeltachta from 1980-81; and was Youth Manager at Muintearas Teo and subsequently chief executive until January 2023. He is a published poet and has had numerous stage and film appearances as an actor. He is passionate about the Irish language, archaeology, heritage, culture and the Irish diaspora. Sean will be a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. The Fulbright bilateral exchange program is known for selecting outstanding candidates from across the island of Ireland to study and work with US institutions across all disciplines ranging from health, science, technology and business to the arts and culture. As the Fulbright Awardees forge ahead on these exciting opportunities, the breadth of their US engagement is diverse and impressive. Fulbright Irish Scholars, Students, and Foreign Language Teaching Assistants will also engage with US society and share their knowledge and expertise when they return home. U.S. Chargé d'Affaires to Ireland, Mike Clausen said: “The Fulbright Program represents the US government’s preeminent international educational and cultural exchange initiative. It plays a crucial role in sustaining and advancing the unique and close relationship between the United States and Ireland. Fulbright awardees exchange research, knowledge, ideas, and culture and contribute to solving important global problems. I congratulate this year’s awardees and wish them success in the United States and beyond.” The next round of applications for Fulbright Irish Awards will open on 28th August 2023. Interested candidates should visit www.fulbright.ie for more information. Ends
Thursday, 8 June 2023
University of Galway researchers have developed a modular approach to vaccine synthesis, potentially enabling production of a new cancer vaccine prototype. The study, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, is a collaboration involving a number of laboratories in Ireland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain and the US. The research paper, available here, describes a novel approach and has implications for vaccine design. The vaccine contains three different components which can be assembled like lego blocks. The first is a targeting component, a glycocluster, to selectively deliver and increase uptake of the vaccine into the relevant cells of the immune system. The second component is a T-helper epitope in order to to generate long-term immunity. The third component is a cancer T-antigen containing molecule (MUC-1), in order to stimulate the immune system to generate immunity against cancer associated antigens found on breast tumour cell surfaces. The incorporation of the glycocluster has led to a much-improved immune response to the vaccine. The glycocluster molecule is comprised of multiple sugars and has a high stickiness or affinity for a receptor (macrophage galactose C-type lectin) on certain immune cells (dendritic cells). The vaccine is about 10 times stickier when it has the glycocluster than when it is absent, which explains its greater uptake into the immune cells and increased efficacy observed for the vaccine prototype. The modular or lego-block approach means that other types of glycoclusters targeting other immune cell lectins or T-helper epitopes or tumour antigens could be built and studied in a systematic manner and thus contributes to the field of vaccine design. The study was primarily carried out by Dr Adele Gabba while she was a PhD student at University of Galway, under the supervision of Professor Paul Murphy, and subsequently as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Professor Pol Besenius at the Johannes Gutenburg University of Mainz, Germany. During the PhD study, Adele obtained an EMBO travel award which enable travel to the laboratory of Professor Ulrika Westerlind at Umea University in Sweden where vaccine constructs used in the study were prepared. The research was performed in a collaboration with laboratories also in Amsterdam, Boston and in Spain. Professor Paul Murphy, Established Professor of Chemistry at University of Galway and SFI Investigator said: “I am hugely in debt to all the collaborators for all their contributions, and especially grateful to Dr Adele Gabba, for the persistence she showed throughout, which was the key to the success of this research, spanning her PhD study and a subsequent period as a postdoctoral researcher in Mainz. “Glycoclusters, after many years of study, are beginning to show applications that benefit health and industry. It may even be possible to use the modular approach incorporating glycoclusters to design vaccines for infectious diseases caused by bacteria or viruses or for the targeted delivery of biopharmaceuticals or small molecule drugs to where they are needed. Importantly, no adverse effects were observed of the prototype during the study, while the efficacy was improved.” The research was supported by the Irish Research Council, European Molecular Biology Organisation, Science Foundation Ireland, the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the Kempe Foundation, as well as the various institutions supporting the researchers who contributed to the paper. Ends
Wednesday, 7 June 2023
University of Galway is to launch its new MicroCreds Project with an opportunity for prospective students to come to campus to find out more about the extensive range of part-time, flexible-learning courses on offer. Micro-credentials are small, accredited courses designed to meet the upskilling and reskilling needs of adult learners, enterprise and organisations. People may choose to undertake an individual micro-credential or continue studying, stacking their skills and knowledge over time. Janice Mulvany Glennon, Micro-credentials Project Lead at University of Galway, said: “We are one of seven universities working on the innovative MicroCreds national project, with the goal of developing short learning courses, to upskill and reskill people who are in work. Micro-credentials are short, accredited modules developed with and for enterprise and industry, for professional development and are innovative in their approach to lifelong learning.” The MicrcoCreds launch takes places on campus on Wednesday June 14, 2023 and coincides with University of Galway’s Adult Learning Information Evening on the same day from 5.30-7.30pm in the Human Biology Building. Over the course of the evening prospective students will have an opportunity to join one of our talks on Progression Pathways & RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning), Introduction to Micro-credentials, Springboard+ courses and Fees & Funding. Hosted by the University's Centre for Adult Learning & Professional Development, it creates the opportunity for students to meet representatives from more than 40 part-time courses which will be showcased at the event, including in the subject areas of Business & Management, Science & Technology, Languages, Information Technology, Community Education, Training & Education and Pre-University Courses. Students can find out about the extensive range of part-time, flexible-learning courses on offer. Information on Springboard+ courses offering funded places on programmes to people who are in work and those who are out of work will also be available, as well as application information for the Adult Learning tuition scholarships for students who are in receipt of specific payments from the Department of Social Protection. Acknowledging the role that work and life experience plays in contributing to learning and the development of skills, the University has been actively involved with industry and adult learners in recognising the prior learning which students bring to their studies. Suzanne Golden, RPL Project Lead at the University of Galway, explains: “Recognition of Prior Learning is an essential component of the University’s approach to widening access to qualifications and supporting lifelong learning. We recognise that knowledge and skills can be acquired from a range of learning experiences and we aim to offer accessible and flexible progression routes for people who want to build on their prior learning. Using Recognition of Prior Learning, the University can give recognition for what someone already knows, understands and can do, prior to starting on a programme or module.’’ Springboard+ approved courses for 2023/24 available here Student support services and the Career Development Centre will also be on hand on the night to answer any queries learners may have as they decide on course options. For further information on this event and to register for this event visit: universityofgalway.ie/adultlearning/info_eve More information on MicroCreds here More information on RPL here Ends
Tuesday, 6 June 2023
University of Galway has secured funding for several projects under Science Foundation Ireland’s Frontiers for the Future Programme. The awards were unveiled by Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, TD, as part of grants totalling €42 million to support research across the higher education sector. Among the projects being supported are methods to assess past climate change impacts in the Arctic and oceanic shifts in Ireland to help resolve our current global climate; advanced therapeutic treatment to alleviate suffering in some patients with blood vessel blockages; and a collaboration with Tyndall National Institute on making advancements in electronic devices. Professor Jim Livesey, Vice-President Research and Innovation at University of Galway, said: “Government investment in these research projects at University of Galway are testament to the expertise and excellence of our people and their vision to tackle issues of global importance. We wish all of the successful researchers the best as they work to make lasting impact.” University of Galway research projects are: Dr Gordon Bromley, School of Geography & Archaeology, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, aims to improve future climate projections by investigating the impact of historic oceanic shifts in Ireland. The project is co-funded by Geological Survey Ireland. Dr Audrey Morley, School of Geography & Archaeology, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, will pioneer a new approach to assess past climate change effects in the Arctic, providing a basis to resolve current climate debates on the stability of our global climate. The project is co-funded by Geological Survey Ireland. Dr Derek Morris and Dr Dara Cannon, College of Science and Engineering and College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences aim to research the prediction cognitive dysfunction and psychosocial disability in schizophrenia using genetic, neuroimaging and environmental data. Timothy O'Brien, Professor in the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, is researching new hybrid advanced therapy medicinal products - using combinations of genes, cells and biomaterials - to treat patients who suffer blood vessel blockage in the legs leading to bypass surgery or amputation. Dr Andrea Erxleben, College of Science and Engineering, will research novel platinum-based mitocans for the treatment of resistant cancers. Conor O'Byrne, College of Science and Engineering, will research the characterisation of the function and regulation of GadR, a novel transcriptional regulator of acid resistance in Listeria monocytogenes. Ger O'Connor, Professor in the College of Science and Engineering, is collaborating with Dr Ray Duffy, Tyndall National Institute, to substantially increase the scalability, functionality, performance and energy efficiency of electronic devices while keeping full compatibility with existing mass production technologies. They will research components which affect almost all day-to-day consumer devices. This Frontiers for the Future programme was funded in collaboration with the Children’s Health Foundation (CHF) and Geological Survey Ireland (GSI). Minister Harris said: “These awards, supported under the SFI Frontiers for the Future programme, will enable research ideas to contribute new knowledge, solving problems faced by our society, while also providing a continuum of support from early career to established researchers, thus growing and retaining top talent in Ireland. The SFI Frontiers for the Future programme takes important steps to address gender imbalance and to provide support and opportunity for emerging investigators who are returning to their research after a period of leave.” Professor Philip Nolan, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland, said: “A key action of SFI’s strategy is to deliver 140 investigator grants every year to support excellent research and to attract top talent. The Frontiers for the Future programme is the primary mechanism to achieve this goal. It is vital that we invest in excellent and innovative research in Ireland. I would like to thank the Children’s Health Foundation and Geological Survey Ireland for collaborating on this programme with SFI, allowing us to fund projects which will have a significant impact in key areas." Commenting on the announcement Koen Verbruggen, Director, Geological Survey Ireland, said: “Geological Survey Ireland has partnered with SFI for several years, and we are very pleased to again support geoscience researchers through the Frontiers programme. Both SFI-GSI projects funded this year will improve our understanding of the impacts of climate change in the past and what this might mean for our future.” Ends
Thursday, 1 June 2023
THE Impact Rankings place University of Galway number 1 among Irish universities for addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals University of Galway has been named the number one university in Ireland for sustainable development for a second year in a row. The accolade has been awarded by THE Impact rankings in recognition of University of Galway’s progress in responding to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). University of Galway has increased its ranking in the world’s top 50 universities for sustainable development – jumping more than 10 places to 34th THE Impact report cements University of Galway’s position as number one in Ireland for sustainable development University of Galway recognised globally for significant contribution to progress on 11 of the 17 UN SDGs World ranking of number 5 for Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) University of Galway ranked top 50 for 7 of the 17 SDGs President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “University of Galway being ranked again this year in the top 50 among the universities of the world is a huge achievement. It is also a remarkable recognition to be embedded as the number one, the leading university in Ireland for the work and progress we have made on our core value of sustainability. “Building on local impact through our work with Galway City Council on the EU-funded ZeroNetCarbon Cities pilot, our national recognition as the first and only university to be recognised as a Sustainable Development Champion, we are leading internationally as well. “Huge credit goes to staff across our university for making this happen, in our teaching and learning, in our research and in our day to day operations. Equally, credit is due to our students who put sustainability to the forefront of our agenda as we developed our 2020-2025 strategy Shared Vision, Shaped by Values. This has happened because of the energy, passion and enthusiasm of our empowered university community. “Sustainability and climate action are the urgencies of this moment. At this time and from this place, University of Galway is glad to lead, for the public good.” The 2023 edition of Times Higher Education’s Impact Rankings ranks the University 34th out of 1,591 institutions across the world. Assessments for THE Impact rankings are based on submissions from universities around the world in line with the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The report is a measure of the extent to which institutions are having a positive social and economic impact on the planet; from climate action and gender equality, to good health and well-being. University of Galway’s ranking is even more impressive with new universities entering THE Impact in 2023. Deputy President and Registrar of University of Galway, Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Chair of the University Sustainability Advisory Board, said: “There is a great team behind the University’s achievements on this front and being recognised by THE Impact rankings, and an even more important sense of collaboration among staff and students, where the wider community can be seen taking on the challenge of the United Nations SDGs. “I’d like to commend the hard work of everyone involved. University of Galway’s progression on this front has been immense, surging from 82nd in 2021, before breaking into the top 50 in 2022 at 47th place and now a superb 34th in the world. The result is a symbol of what we can achieve when we work together, with a common goal, and support one another in those ambitions.” Some of the initiatives and developments that the University has pursued include: University of Galway designated as a national SDG Champion for 2023-24, the first university in Ireland to hold this honour. 300 course modules cover sustainability issues and a new Introduction to Sustainability module is available in 56 courses across three colleges, with the aim to make it available to all students. A €5m Global Challenges Fund was established aligned to sustainability to support research on issues affecting humanity. Since 2006 we have reduced energy consumption by 50% and exceeded national targets on energy efficiency. We have installed more than 500kW of solar PV and 7,000 LED light fittings. We have embarked on a geothermal heat pump project on campus to heat the swimming pool in our Sports Centre and 22 EV charge points on campus. CÚRAM, the SFI research centre at University of Galway, is the first in Europe to be awarded Green Lab Certification; 28 additional labs have received greening certification and we plan to double this number by the end of the year. Our campus is one of the most biodiverse in Ireland: we hold An Táisce Green Campus Flag. We have introduced new wildflower enhancement schemes, bird boxes, bat boxes, insect hotels, beehives, a pollinator friendly pesticide code and a log tree hive. We have introduced a new organic waste circular economy process and a new deposit and return scheme for reusable cups. Partnering for the The Mary Robinson Climate Conference, delivered by The Mary Robinson Centre, along with Ballina 2023, Mayo County Council, sponsored by IPB Insurance and Eirgrid and co-hosting a European Commission conference on Atlantic ocean research, also in July. University of Galway performed strongly across a number of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to secure a ranking of 34th in the world. According to THE Impact, the University is top 50 in seven areas and retained the top 10 rank in one area: Ranked 5th in the world for SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production (same as 2022) Ranked 21st for SDG 14: Life Below Water, up 10 places Ranked 23rd for SDG 7: Affordable & Clean Energy, up from 75th Ranked 43rd for SDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing, up from 51st Ranked 44th for SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Ranked 47th for SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals, up from 63rd Ranked 50th for SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institution, up from 59th Ends
Thursday, 1 June 2023
Tá Ollscoil na Gaillimhe sa chéad áit i Ranguithe Tionchair THE i measc ollscoileanna na hÉireann as aghaidh a thabhairt ar Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe na Náisiún Aontaithe Tá Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ainmnithe mar an ollscoil is fearr in Éirinn ó thaobh na forbartha inbhuanaithe don dara bliain as a chéile. Bhronn ranguithe Tionchair THE an gradam mar aitheantas ar dhul chun cinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe maidir le freagairt do Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe (SDGanna) na Náisiún Aontaithe. Tá dul chun cinn déanta ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe sna ranguithe i measc an 50 ollscoil is fearr ar domhan maidir le forbairt inbhuanaithe – ag léim níos mó ná 10 n-áit go dtí an 34ú háit Daingníonn tuarascáil Tionchair THE seasamh Ollscoil na Gaillimhe mar an ollscoil is fearr in Éirinn ó thaobh forbairt inbhuanaithe Tá aitheantas domhanda ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe as cur go mór le dul chun cinn 11 de na 17 SDG de chuid na NA Rangaithe sa 5ú háit go domhanda do (SDG 12 maidir le Tomhaltas agus Táirgeadh Freagrach) Bhain Ollscoil na Gaillimhe áit amach i measc an 50 Ollscoil is fearr ar domhan do 7 gcinn de na 17 SDG Seo mar a labhair Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Is mór an éacht é Ollscoil na Gaillimhe a bheith rangaithe arís i mbliana i measc an 50 ollscoil is fearr ar domhan. Is aitheantas iontach é freisin a bheith ainmnithe ar an gcéad ollscoil, an ollscoil is fearr in Éirinn, as an obair agus an dul chun cinn atá déanta againn ar ár gcroíluach inbhuanaitheachta. “Idir an tionchar áitiúil atá againn inár gcuid oibre le Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe ar an gclár píolótach ZeroNetCarbon Cities atá maoinithe ag an AE, agus ár n-aitheantas náisiúnta mar an chéad ollscoil agus an t-aon ollscoil a aithníodh mar Churadh Forbartha Inbhuanaithe, táimid chun cinn go hidirnáisiúnta freisin. “Tá moladh mór ag dul don fhoireann ar fud na hollscoile as an éacht seo a dhéanamh, inár dteagasc agus san fhoghlaim, inár dtaighde agus inár n-oibríochtaí laethúla. Mar an gcéanna, tá creidiúint tuillte ag ár gcuid mac léinn a chuir an inbhuanaitheacht chun tosaigh ar ár gclár oibre agus ár straitéis Fís i gCoiteann, Múnlaithe ag Luachanna 2020-2025 á forbairt againn. Ní tharlódh sé seo gan fuinneamh, paisean agus díograis ár bpobail ollscoile. “Is í an inbhuanaitheacht agus an ghníomhaíocht ar son na haeráide na clocha is mó ar ár bpaidrín faoi láthair. Ag an am seo agus as an áit seo, tá áthas orainne in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ceannasaíocht a ghlacadh, ar mhaithe le leas an phobail.” In eagrán 2023 de Ranguithe Tionchair Times Higher Education tá an Ollscoil sa 34ú háit as 1,591 institiúid ar fud an domhain. Tá measúnuithe do ranguithe Tionchair THE bunaithe ar aighneachtaí ó ollscoileanna ar fud an domhain i gcomhréir le 17 Sprioc Forbartha Inbhuanaithe na Náisiún Aontaithe. Is léiriú í an tuarascáil ar an tionchar dearfach sóisialta agus eacnamaíoch atá ag institiúidí ar an bpláinéad; lena n-áirítear gníomhú ar son na haeráide, comhionannas inscne, dea-shláinte agus folláine. Tá rangú Ollscoil na Gaillimhe níos suntasaí fós agus ollscoileanna nua ag cur isteach ar rangú Tionchair THE in 2023. Dúirt Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Cathaoirleach Bhord Comhairleach Inbhuanaitheachta na hOllscoile: “Tá foireann iontach taobh thiar d’éachtaí na hOllscoile sa réimse seo agus aitheantas saothraithe ag ranguithe Tionchair THE, agus muintearas níos tábhachtaí fós le braistint i measc na foirne agus na mac léinn, áit ar féidir an pobal i gcoitinne a fheiceáil ag tabhairt faoi dhúshlán SDG na Náisiún Aontaithe. “Ba mhaith liom obair chrua gach duine a bhí páirteach a mholadh. Tá dul chun cinn ollmhór déanta ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe sa réimse seo, ardú ó uimhir a 82 in 2021, sular baineadh áit amach i measc an 50 ollscoil is fearr in 2022 go dtí an 47ú háit in 2022 agus anois táimid ag uimhir a 34 ar domhan. Is comhartha é an toradh seo ar an méid is féidir linn a bhaint amach agus sinn ag obair le chéile, leis an sprioc chéanna, agus tacaíocht á tabhairt dá chéile sna huaillmhianta sin.” I measc na dtionscnamh agus na bhforbairtí atá ar bun ag an Ollscoil tá: Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ainmnithe mar churadh náisiúnta SDG do 2023-24, an chéad ollscoil in Éirinn lena leithéid d’onóir a bhaint amach. Pléann 300 modúl cúrsa saincheisteanna inbhuanaitheachta agus tá modúl nua Blaiseadh den Inbhuanaitheacht curtha ar fáil i 56 cúrsa i dtrí choláiste, agus é mar aidhm é a chur ar fáil do gach mac léinn. Bunaíodh Ciste Dúshlán Domhanda ar fiú €5m é. Tá sé ailínithe le hinbhuanaitheacht chun tacú le taighde ar shaincheisteanna a bhaineann leis an gcine daonna. Ó 2006 tá laghdú 50% tagtha ar ídiú fuinnimh agus tá spriocanna náisiúnta sáraithe maidir le héifeachtúlacht fuinnimh. Tá níos mó ná 500kW de Phainéil Ghréine Fhótavoltacha agus 7,000 feisteas solais LED suiteáilte againn. Tá tús curtha againn le tionscadal caidéil teasa gheoiteirmigh ar an gcampas chun an linn snámha a théamh san Ionad Spóirt agus 22 pointe luchtaithe a chur isteach d’fheithiclí leictreacha. Is é CÚRAM, an t-ionad taighde SFI in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an chéad ionad san Eoraip ar bronnadh Deimhniú na Saotharlainne Glaise air; tá deimhniú glasaithe faighte ag 28 saotharlann bhreise agus tá sé beartaithe againn an líon seo a dhúbailt faoi dheireadh na bliana. Tá ár gcampas ar cheann de na campais is bithéagsúlaí in Éirinn: tá Gradam na gCampas Glas, an Taisce bainte amach againn. Thugamar isteach scéimeanna nua feabhsaithe bláthanna fiáine, boscaí éan, boscaí ialtóg, óstáin feithidí, coirceoga, cód lotnaidicídí atá oiriúnach do phailneoirí agus coirceog lomáin. Tá próiseas nua geilleagair chiorclaigh do dhramhaíl orgánach againn agus scéim nua éarlaise do chupáin in-athúsáidte. Comhpháirtíocht do Chomhdháil Aeráide Mháire Mhic Róibín, atá á seachadadh ag Ionad Mháire Mhic Róibín, in éineacht le Béal an Átha 2023, Comhairle Contae Mhaigh Eo, urraithe ag IPB Insurance agus Eirgrid agus comhdháil de chuid an Choimisiúin Eorpaigh ar thaighde an Aigéin Atlantaigh a chomhreáchtáil i mí Iúil freisin. Rinne Ollscoil na Gaillimhe go maith sna 17 Sprioc Forbartha Inbhuanaithe (SDGanna) chun an 34ú háit a bhaint amach ar domhan. De réir Ranguithe Tionchair THE, tá an Ollscoil i measc an 50 ollscoil is fearr i seacht réimse agus tá sí i measc na 10 n-ollscoil is fearr i gcónaí i réimse amháin: Sa 5ú háit ar domhan maidir le SDG 12: Tomhaltas agus Táirgeadh Freagrach (mar a chéile le rangú 2022) Sa 21ú háit ar domhan maidir le SDG 14: Beatha faoi Uisce, ardaithe 10 n-áit Sa 23ú háit ar domhan maidir le SDG 7: Fuinneamh Inacmhainne & Glan, ardaithe ón 75ú háit Sa 43ú háit ar domhan maidir le SDG 3: Dea-shláinte & Folláine, ardaithe ón 51ú háit Sa 44ú háit ar domhan maidir le SDG 11: Cathracha agus Pobail Inbhuanaithe Sa 47ú háit ar domhan maidir le SDG 17: Comhpháirtíocht do na Spriocanna, ardaithe ón 63ú háit Sa 50ú háit ar domhan maidir le SDG 16: An tSíocháin, an Ceartas agus Institiúidí Láidre, ardaithe ón 59ú háit Críoch
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Agus an 45ú féile bhliantúil faoi lánseol, tá comhpháirtíocht nua cúig bliana fógartha ag Féile Idirnáisiúnta Ealaíon na Gaillimhe (GIAF) agus a comhpháirtí oideachais fadtréimhseach, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, faoina dtreiseofar ar an gcomhoibriú idir na comhpháirtithe. Rinne Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ceiliúradh ar na 13 bliana atá caite aici mar Chomhpháirtí Oideachais d’Fhéile Idirnáisiúnta Ealaíon na Gaillimhe i mbliana, agus le linn thréimhse na comhpháirtíochta cúig bliana deiridh tugadh isteach cúrsa nua i mbainistíocht na n-ealaíon cruthaitheach; forbraíodh SELECTED, ar clár forbartha gairmiúla é d’ábhar ealaíontóirí, déantóirí téatair, coimeádaithe agus léiritheoirí atá ag staidéar in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, mar aon le Clár Oibrithe Deonacha na Féile, faoinar cuireadh fáilte le cúig bliana anuas roimh 3,248 rannpháirtí ó 41 tír éagsúil ar an meán gach bliain. Reáchtáladh 121 imeacht ar champas Ollscoil na Gaillimhe le linn na comhpháirtíochta deiridh, agus rinne 128,727 duine a mbealach chuig an gcampas chun éisteacht le sárcheoltóirí agus le ceolfhoirne shiansacha, féachaint ar thaispeántais agus ar shuiteálacha agus taitneamh a bhaint as sáramharclannaíocht na hÉireann agus idirnáisiúnta. Chuir an fhéile deiseanna cruthaitheacha agus cultúrtha ar fáil do chéimithe, agus bhí céimithe de chuid Ollscoil na Gaillimhe le feiceáil in níos mó ná 50% de léiriúcháin GIAF in 2021, agus seans ag príomhchomhaltaí foirne acadúla páirt a ghlacadh sa tsraith cainteanna First Thought Talks agus Backstage. Forbraíodh imeachtaí d’alumni ag an bhféile freisin. Leathnófar an obair seo mar thoradh ar an gcomhpháirtíocht nua, agus áireofar léi nasc idir an Ollscoil agus clár First Thought Talks na féile; forbairt bhreise ar chartlann GIAF atá ar coimeád i leabharlann na hOllscoile trí chruthú rannóg nua ar stair béil na féile; agus GIAF agus Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ag déanamh fiosrú ar na bealaí ina féidir leis an gcomhpháirtíocht cabhrú le tionscail chruthaitheacha san Iarthar a fhorbairt le go gcothófaí conairí gairme do chéimithe Ollscoil na Gaillimhe; agus forbairt bhreise a dhéanamh ar chlár oibrithe deonacha GIAF, ar éirigh chomh maith sin leis, áit a leanfaidh an ollscoil ar aghaidh mar urraitheoir an teidil agus trína n-éascófar for-rochtain fhairsing chuig raon pobal níos éagsúla fós. Agus beagnach 20% d’imeachtaí GIAF ar siúl ar an gcampas anois, tá GIAF agus Ollscoil na Gaillimhe tagtha ar chomhaontú anois freisin oibriú níos dlúithe le chéile chun féilte níos inbhuanaithe a eagrú bliain i ndiaidh bliana. Féachfaidh siad le tógáil ar dhea-chleachtas sa chlár, go háirithe i gcás na n-imeachtaí sin a bheidh ar siúl ar an gcampas. Anuas air sin, oibreoidh Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus GIAF as lámha a chéile as seo go ceann dhá bhliain mar chuid de chuibhreannas Eorpach ina dhéanfar iniúchadh ar na bealaí inar féidir leas a bhaint as fiontraíocht chultúrtha chun tacú leis an aistriú aeráide. Ag labhairt dó faoin gcomhpháirtíocht nua, dúirt Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Tá an-áthas orainn ár gcomhpháirtíocht straitéiseach le GIAF a leathnú tuilleadh. Seasann an chomhpháirtíocht le luachanna ár nOllscoil – meas, oscailteacht, barr feabhais, inbhuanaitheacht – agus lenár stádas mar ollscoil ar mhaithe le leas an phobail, agus le Gaillimh mar chathair chruthaitheach. Táim ag súil go mór le bheith ag obair le GIAF sna blianta amach romhainn trí chur lenár gcomhoibriú ar imeachtaí, taighde, rannpháirtíocht shibhialta agus ar dheiseanna foghlama dár gcuid mac léinn.” Dúirt John Crumlish, Príomhfheidhmeannach Fhéile Idirnáisiúnta Ealaíon na Gaillimhe: “Údar mór misnigh an fhorbairt seo do GIAF agus d’fhéadfadh sé athrú chun feabhais a dhéanamh ar roinnt réimsí d’obair na féile. Cuirfidh an chomhpháirtíocht ar chumas na heagraíochta a bhfuil pleanáilte aici sa réimse EDI a chur chun cinn, forbairt a dhéanamh ar a ardán díospóireachta First Thought, tacaíocht bhreise a thabhairt d’fhorbairt ealaíontóirí, iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar dheiseanna forbartha sna Tionscail Chruthaitheacha, tacú le haistriú na féile chuig todhchaí inbhuanaithe mar aon le tacú le forbairt cláir.” Oibreoidh GIAF agus Ollscoil na Gaillimhe i bpáirt freisin chun cruinnithe alumni ar an gcampas a eagrú i rith na féile agus forbróidh siad gníomhaíochtaí comhoibríocha a bheidh ag teacht leis na tréimhsí sin a mbeidh an fhéile ar camchuairt. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Leas-Uachtarán don Rannpháirtíocht Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an Dr Paul Dodd: “Baineann ár bpobail an-tairbhe as na deiseanna foghlama, na himeachtaí alumni agus go leor eile atá á n-eagrú a bhuíochas le GIAF a bheith ar ár gcampas. Táimid ag díriú go mór ar bhonn leanúnach ar thaighde sna teicneolaíochtaí cruthaitheacha agus tiocfaidh tuilleadh deiseanna foghlama agus forbartha as an gcomhpháirtíocht seo dár mic léinn, comhaltaí foirne agus alumni trí oibriú i gcomhar le foireann agus taibheoirí GIAF sa téarma amach romhainn.” Críoch
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
With the 45th annual festival in full flow, Galway International Arts Festival (GIAF) and its long-time education partner University of Galway have announced a new five-year partnership that will see the partners work even more closely together. University of Galway marked 13 years as Galway International Arts Festival Education Partner this year, with the last five-year partnership seeing the introduction of a new course in creative arts management; the development of SELECTED, the professional development programme for emerging artists, theatre makers, curators and producers studying at University of Galway, and the Festival Volunteer Programme, which has welcomed 3,248 participants over the last five years from an average of 41 different countries each year. Over the course of the last partnership, 121 events have taken place on the University of Galway campus, with 128,727 people brought on to campus to see musical greats, symphony orchestras, exhibitions, installations plus great Irish and international theatre. The festival provided creative and cultural opportunities for graduates, with more than 50% of the productions at GIAF 2021 featuring University of Galway graduates, provided opportunities for key academic staff who took part in the First Thought Talks and Backstage talks series and saw the development of alumni events at the festival. The new partnership will see a further expansion of this work, plus a University association with the festival’s First Thought Talks programme; further development of the GIAF archive housed in the University library, with the creation of a new oral festival histories section; GIAF and University of Galway exploring how the partnership can help to develop the creative industries in the West to foster career pathways for University of Galway graduates; and further development of GIAF’s hugely successful volunteer programme, where the university will continue to operate as title sponsor, facilitating extensive outreach to an even more diverse range of communities. With close to 20% of GIAF events now held on campus, GIAF and University of Galway have also agreed to work more closely together on the delivery of more sustainable festivals year on year, building event best practice across the programme and in particular around those events taking place on the campus. In addition, University of Galway and GIAF will also work together as part of a European consortium over the next two years, examining how cultural entrepreneurship can be used to support climate transition. Commenting on the new partnership, University of Galway President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “We are delighted to further extend our strategic partnership with GIAF. The partnership speaks to the values of our University – respect, openness, excellence, sustainability - and to our status as a university for the public good and of the creative city that is Galway. I look forward to working with GIAF over the coming years through increased collaboration on events, research, civic engagement and learning opportunities for our students.” CEO of Galway International Arts Festival John Crumlish said: “This is a hugely exciting development for GIAF and a potential game changer for a number of areas of the festival’s work. The partnership will allow the organisation to further progress its EDI ambitions, progress its discussion platform First Thought, further support artist development, explore development opportunities in the Creative Industries, support the festival’s transition to a sustainable future and support programming.” GIAF and University of Galway will also work together on the delivery of on-campus alumni gatherings during the festival and will develop collaborative activities around the festival’s touring periods. University of Galway Vice-President for Engagement Dr Paul Dodd commented: “From learning opportunities to alumni events, our communities benefit hugely from having GIAF on our campus. Creative technologies continue to be a strong research focus for us and this partnership will provide more opportunities for our talented students, staff and alumni to learn and grow through collaboration with GIAF staff and performers over the coming term.” Ends
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
University of Galway is offering a unique opportunity to explore its riverside campus through the lens of a mobile phone camera with the Campus Festival Photo Walks on 28 and 29 July. International award winning photographers and leading figures in mobile photography, Dan Rubin and Brendan Ó Sé will guide photography enthusiasts along the University’s biodiversity trail to explore and learn about the campus, while elevating their photography skills. Dan Rubin, an award-winning designer, photographer, and creative director based in the US and UK has over 25 years of experience. Co-founder of New Style Publishing and webgraph, he has travelled the world on photographic commissions for select clientele and led workshops with Leica Akademie, Polaroid, Kodak, and The Photographers' Gallery. He is a recurring juror for the International Photography Awards and the ColorPro Award, and has been a WPO Academy member since 2016. Dan’s first photographic book, Koya Bound, won the AIGA Cover Design Award in 2017. Brendan Ó Sé is an award-winning fine art and iPhone photographer from Cork. Brendan was part of the original Apple #shotoniPhone global campaign in 2015 and was named iPhone Photographer of the Year in 2017. He has exhibited his work globally and his mobile photography workshops, held with the Photo Museum of Ireland and the Glusckman Gallery in Cork, have attracted a wide audience. Brendan's unique approach to street photography results in striking and distinct imagery. The University has been found to be Ireland’s most biodiverse campus and the biodiversity trail takes in a range of flora and fauna in woodland and riverside settings. Dr Paul Dodd, Vice President of Engagement at University of Galway said: “Our campus is a popular amenity for all our local communities to use, and we look forward to welcoming world-leading photographers to show us how to take a great photo while we showcase the history and biodiversity on our doorstep.” The Campus Festival Photo Walks are free to attend and bookings can be made at https://www.eventbrite.ie/o/university-of-galway-54327075003. Ends
Tuesday, 18 July 2023
University of Galway are now accepting applications for the Universities of Sanctuary Scholarship Programme for 2023-24. Open to International Protection Applicants, refugees, Irish Travellers and vulnerable immigrant groups, University of Galway is providing 24 scholarships, for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses across its four colleges. The scholarship includes a full fee waiver (excluding student levy), an annual stipend of €3,300, and ongoing support and academic mentoring. University of Galway Vice-President Engagement Dr Paul Dodd said: “The Universities of Sanctuary Scholarship Programme reaffirms University of Galway’s commitment to respond to the increasingly multicultural and diverse society in which we inhabit, and reflects the University’s strategic values of respect and openness. We are delighted to provide this life changing opportunity and encourage you to apply to join our University of Galway community.” Obadiah Niyibizi, a recent graduate of the Universities of Sanctuary scholarship programme, said: “I am grateful to be a Universities of Sanctuary Scholarship recipient, as it has enabled me to graduate with a Bachelor of Science this year. I first learned about this opportunity through various associations, and it proved to be a lifesaver for me as an international protection applicant ineligible for European fees. The financial support not only helped me overcome this, but the mentorship aspect of the programme was invaluable. I was fortunate to have both academic and social mentors who guided me through the university system, making my experience a smooth and enjoyable journey. This scholarship has truly transformed my life, and I cannot express my appreciation enough." The Universities of Sanctuary Scholarship Programme is part of a wider effort by University of Galway as a designated University of Sanctuary to broaden participation among underrepresented groups and to challenge discrimination. In a further example of University of Galway’s efforts in line with its values of respect and openness, we are also part of the EU-PASSWORLD project. As part of that initiative two refugee students will be welcomed in September 2023 to undertake a Master’s degree at University of Galway’s College of Science and Engineering. The EU-PASSWORLD project is a joint initiative between University of Galway, UNHCR - the United Nations Refugee Agency, and Nasc – Ireland’s Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre. The project is specifically focused on developing a roadmap to create new, safe and legal routes for displaced people to secure education scholarships in Ireland. University of Galway also recently signed the Anti-Racism Principles for Irish Higher Education Institutions, which seek to embed a culture of race equality across higher education. The closing date for applications for Universities of Sanctuary scholarships is Friday August 4 at 12pm for postgraduate applications, and Friday September 8 at 12pm for undergraduate scholarship applications. Information on the scholarship programme can be found at www.universityofgalway.ie/sanctuary/scholarships or by emailing uni.sanctuary@universityofgalway.ie. Ends