Monday, 28 July 2008

The second John McGahern International Seminar will be officially opened tonight (Thursday, 24 July), by Professor Ger Hurley, Vice-President, NUI Galway, in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. The John McGahern International Seminar and Summer School is organised annually in Co. Leitrim to commemorate the work and literary achievements of this distinguished author. The opening address, 'John McGahern's Irelands' will be given by Professor Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, Department of History, NUI Galway. Speaking in advance of the opening address, Professor Tuathaigh said: "It is for his distinction as a writer, mainly of prose fiction, that John McGahern is honoured, and it is as a truly exceptional writer that he will be remembered. Even allowing for the austerity of this dedication to his primary vocation, the full corpus of McGahern's writing also offers a rich representation and a critique of key forces of continuity and change in Irish society (in particular the rural society of the West) in the decades between the 1940s and the early years of this century". The first volume of the John McGahern Yearbook will also be launched at the 2008 Seminar by Kevin Reynolds of RTÉ. The annual hardback volume, compiled and edited by Dr John Kenny, Department of English, NUI Galway, includes contributions from Séamus Heaney, Declan Kiberd, Joseph O'Connor, and Belinda McKeon. Professor Ger Hurley, Vice-President for Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs, NUI Galway, said: "The name of John McGahern is synonymous with the Summer School of NUI Galway. For over a quarter of a century, up to his untimely death, John contributed each year to many academic programmes at our University, but especially to its Summer School in Irish Studies and workshops in Creative Writing. NUI Galway is, therefore, pleased to cooperate again this year with Leitrim County Council, and especially its Arts Office, in organising this Seminar and Summer School here in Leitrim to mark the lifetime of artistic and literary achievement of John McGahern". Speakers during the International Seminar include: Professor Christopher Murray, UCD; Gerardo Gambolini, Argentinian poet and translator; and David Malcolm, University of Gdansk, Poland. Panel discussions and readings will also take place throughout the programme. In addition to this year's Seminar, NUI Galway has organised an intensive one week International Summer School on John McGahern's work and its contexts. This summer programme will form part of the 25th International Summer School in Irish Studies at NUI Galway. To commemorate the 25th International Summer School in Irish Studies (1984-2008), NUI Galway will present each student of the 2008 Summer School with a US first edition of John McGahern's memoir, All Will Be Well. ENDS

Monday, 28 July 2008

Two NUI Galway academics will be honoured by the National Academy for the Integration of Research & Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) in their new programme of awards honouring exemplary teachers who are also innovative researchers in higher education in Ireland. Dr Peter Cantillon, Department of General Practice and Dr Ray Murphy, Irish Centre for Human Rights, were selected for two of the five national awards. Dr James Browne, President of NUI Galway, said: "It is very good news that two members of NUI Galway academic staff have been recognised by NAIRTL as exemplary teachers, and for NUI Galway to win two of the five awards is a huge achievement and a testament to the quality of the nominations put forward from this institution. Both Dr Cantillon and Dr Murphy were recipients of our internal awards for teaching excellence in 2006-2007, which recognises the outstanding efforts academic staff make to ensure NUI Galway students receive the highest quality learning experience. We look forward to continued collaboration with NAIRTL and to further success in the national awards scheme in 2009". Teaching and research are both central to the role of academic staff, and excellence in teaching and in creative and scholarly work go hand in hand. The NAIRTL Awards aim to acknowledge and reward academic staff that are successful in uniting these two roles. The awards are intended to recognise teaching accomplishments and to promote public recognition and celebration of the teaching profession. Nominations were invited from the NAIRTL partner institutions, (CIT, NUIG, TCD, UCC and WIT). The awards ceremony will be held later this year. For details of all award recipients nationally check out the NAIRTL website From 2009 it is envisaged that this initiative will be open to all higher education institutions in the Republic of Ireland. ENDS

Monday, 28 July 2008

Cuireann Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh fáilte roimh an maoiniú ón Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta don chúrsa nua MA Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála, an chéad chúrsa dá shórt in Éirinn. Agus an scéala á fhógairt inniu aige, dúirt Éamon Ó Cuív T.D., Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, go bhfuil deiseanna iontacha ar fáil anois do dhaoine le Gaeilge san Eoraip de bharr stádas a bheith ag an nGaeilge mar theanga oifigiúil agus oibre de chuid an AE: "Molaim an cúrsa seo d'éinne atá ag iarraidh slí bheatha spéisiúil agus thairbheach le Gaeilge a bhaint amach. Cruthóidh cáilíocht mar ateangaire le Béarla agus Gaeilge féidearthachtaí do dhaoine óga agus don teanga nach raibh ar fáil dúinn roimhe seo". Tá an clár seo á bhunú ar an gCéim Mháistreachta Eorpach in Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála (European Masters in Conference Interpreting) – clár a forbraíodh i gcomhar le hinstitiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh agus atá á chur ar fáil in 18 dtír san Eoraip. Díreofar i rith an chúrsa ar úsáid na Gaeilge agus an Bhéarla mar theangacha gníomhacha agus éighníomhacha ateangaireachta, agus ar úsáid na Fraincise mar theanga éighníomhach. Féadfar teangacha Eorpacha eile a úsáid i rith an chúrsa má bhíonn dóthain éilimh orthu sin. Ar mhaithe le mic léinn a ullmhú don saol gairmiúil atá rompu, díreofar ar ghnéithe mar scileanna cumarsáide ar nós glóroiliúint, óráidíocht phoiblí, chomh maith le dianchleachtadh ar an ateangaireach leantach agus an ateangaireacht chomhuaineach. Eagrófar seachtain staidéir chuig Coimisiún na hEorpa agus Parlaimint na hEorpa chun léargas a thabhairt do na mic léinn ar obair na n-ateangairí comhdhála sna hinstitiúidí sin. Beidh seans ag mic léinn ar mian leo an Fhraincis a úsáid ar an gcúrsa dianchúrsa Fraincise a dhéanamh i bPáras i mí Mheán Fómhair faoi na scoláireachtaí atá á maoiniú ag an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta. Dúirt Eoin Ó Droighneáin, stiúrthóir an chúrsa: "Cuirim fáilte roimh an tionscnamh seo ón Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta agus ceapaim go gcuideoidh an dianchúrsa Fraincise go mór le mic léinn barr feabhais a chur ar a gcuid Fraincise agus iad ag teacht isteach ar an gcúrsa MA in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh." Dúirt sé: "Tá géarghá ag an Aontas Eorpach le hateangairí oilte, cáilithe le Gaeilge. Is é seo an t-aon chúrsa MA dá leithéid sa tír agus ullmhóidh sé mic léinn le slí bheatha a bhaint amach mar ateangairí comhdhála gairmiúla. Bainfidh na mic léinn úsáid i rith an chúrsa as trealamh faoi leith a bhíonn in úsáid ag ateangairí gairmiúla san Eoraip; fágfaidh an cleachtadh a gheobhaidh siad anseo go mbeidh an-seans ag mic léinn ar phostanna gradamúla a fháil mar ateangairí gairmiúla ach a gcríochnóidh siad an cúrsa". Tá an MA (Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála) á chur ar fáil ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, institiúid lán-Ghaeilge na hOllscoile le haghaidh cúrsaí tríú leibhéal trí Ghaeilge, agus beidh sé ar siúl san Ionad atá ag an Acadamh ar an gCeathrú Rua i nGaeltacht na Gaillimhe. Tá an cúrsa féin á mhaoiniú ag Údarás na Gaeltachta agus dá bharr seo ní bheidh táille ar bith le híoc ag mic léinn a gheobhaidh áit ar an gcúrsa. Tá iarratais á nglacadh le haghaidh áiteanna ar an gcúrsa faoi láthair agus is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh le Siobhán Ní Chualáin ag + 353 91 495428 nó ar an ríomhphost ag má theastaíonn tuilleadh eolas breise ina thaobh. CRÍOCH

Monday, 28 July 2008

Tabharfaidh An tAcadamh Náisiúnta um Chomhtháthú Taighde & Teagaisc & Foghlama (NAIRTL) aitheantas do bheirt chomhaltaí acadúla foirne OÉ Gaillimh faoina gclár nua gradam a thugann aitheantas do theagascóirí den chéad scoth ar taighdeoirí nuálacha freisin iad san earnáil ardoideachais in Éirinn. Roghnaíodh an Dr Peter Cantillon ó Roinn na Dochtúireachta Teaghlaigh agus an Dr Ray Murphy ón Ionad Éireannach um Chearta an Duine mar bhuaiteoirí gradam. Cúig ghradam ar fad a bhronntar. Dúirt an Dr James Browne, Uachtarán, OÉ Gaillimh: "Dea-scéala é go bhfuil aitheantas mar theagascóirí den chéad scoth faighte ag beirt chomhaltaí acadúla foirne OÉ Gaillimh ó NAIRTL. Éacht suntasach do OÉ Gaillimh dhá ghradam as cúig ghradam a fháil; léargas eile fós ar chaighdeán na n-ainmniúchán curtha faoi bhráid NAIRTL ag an institiúid seo. Bronnadh Gradaim an Uachtaráin don Fheabhas Teagaisc 2006-2007 – scéim inmheánach gradam OÉ Gaillimh – ar an Dr Cantillon agus ar an Dr Murphy. Tugann Gradaim an Uachtaráin don Fheabhas Teagaisc aitheantas don obair iontach atá ar bun ag comhaltaí acadúla foirne ar mhaithe le cinntiú go mbaineann mic léinn OÉ Gaillimh tairbhe as taithí foghlama ar ardchaighdeán. Táimid ag súil le hoibriú i gcomhar le NAIRTL amach anseo agus le tuilleadh gradam a fháil i scéim náisiúnta gradam 2009". Gnéithe bunúsacha de ról na gcomhaltaí acadúla foirne iad teagasc agus taighde, agus is ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann teagasc den chéad scoth agus obair chruthaitheach agus léannta. Is é atá mar aidhm le Gradaim NAIRTL aitheantas agus gradam a thabhairt do chomhaltaí acadúla foirne a bhfuil ag éirí leo an dá ról seo a nascadh. Is ann do na gradaim seo le haitheantas a thabhairt d'éachtaí teagaisc agus aitheantas agus ceiliúradh poiblí a dhéanamh ar ghairm na múinteoireachta. Fáiltíodh roimh ainmniúcháin ó institiúidí comhpháirtíochta NAIRTL, (CIT, OÉ Gaillimh, UCC agus WIT). Beidh an searmanas bronnta ar siúl níos faide anonn sa bhliain. Tá eolas maidir leis na buaiteoirí ar fad le fáil ar láithreán gréasáin NAIRTL Ón mbliain 2009 ar aghaidh, meastar go mbeidh cead ag na hinstitiúidí ardoideachais ar fad i bPoblacht na hÉireann páirt a ghlacadh sa tionscnamh seo. CRÍOCH

Friday, 25 July 2008

NUI Galway was host this week to the 47th summer conference of the Ecclesiastical History Society. The conference theme this year was 'God's Bounty? The Churches and the Natural World', and over 75 delegates attended the four-day conference. With some 950 members, the UK based Ecclesiastical History Society (EHS) aims to foster interest in, and to advance the study of, all areas of the history of the Christian Churches. Membership of the Society is open to any scholar or scholarly institution. According to the President of the EHS, Dr Bill Sheils from the University of York: "As concerns about our use and abuse of natural resources increase, this year we have chosen the impact of scientific knowledge on religious understanding as a central conference theme. The question of 'stewardship of the world' has exercised some of the finest theological and philosophical minds in the past, and continues to inform contemporary discussion of mankind's global responsibilities and the development of 'a social gospel of mutual dependence". Dr Alison Forrestal, Lecturer in History at NUI Galway, and a board member of the EHS, stressed the importance of understanding this particular area of history. "The Christian Churches shaped so many aspects of political, social and religious history, and played an integral part in many social and societal movements. The conference offers the opportunity to explore topics ranging from the interpretation of omens in medieval England, to early Irish Christian interpretations of creation, and to Jesuit conversions in the Americas in the 1600s, and through modern understandings of the environment". For further information on the Ecclesiastical History Society visit -ends-

Friday, 25 July 2008

Graduates of the MA in Screenwriting at NUI Galway have now scooped three Pitching Awards at the Galway Film Fleadh, since the award's inception in 2004. The most recent winner is Barbara Deignan (MA Screenwriting 06), from Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim. The competition takes the format of a ten minute movie idea pitch to a public audience and experienced judging panel, followed by questions from both. This year the panel included: US actor Bill Pullman; founder of Magma Films, Ralph Christians; former President of United Artists, Bingham Ray: and acclaimed film maker, broadcaster and teacher, Lelia Doolan. Will Collins (MA Screenwriting 06) won the award last year and has expanded his pitch into a completed script which has attracted much interest from film producers and financiers. The 2005 winner, Keith Bogue (MA Screenwriting 05), subsequently secured development funding from the Irish Film Board. According to Rod Stoneman, Director of the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway: "The Galway Film Fleadh continues to support and promote promising talent on the Irish film scene through this popular award. Previous winners Will Collins and Keith Bogue are well on the road to a completed feature film. Huston School congratulates Barbara Deignan on winning this year and we also commend Hugh Travers (MA Screenwriting 06) on his place in the final." The MA in Screenwriting was the inaugural programme of the Huston School of Film & Digital Media at NUI Galway. The one-year, full-time programme offers training in screenplay writing, integrated with courses in film history and analysis, supported by regular film screenings and workshops. For further information on the MA Screenwriting please contact -ends-

Friday, 25 July 2008

Sheol an tOllamh Ger Hurley, Leas-Uachtarán, OÉ Gaillimh, dara Seimineár Idirnáisiúnta John McGahern aréir (Déardaoin, 24 Iúil), in Óstán Bush, Cora Droma Rúisc, Co. Liatroma. Reáchtáiltear Seimineár Idirnáisiúnta agus Scoil Samhraidh John McGahern gach bliain i gCo. Liatroma chun ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar obair agus saothar liteartha an údáir cháiliúil seo. Is é an tOllamh Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, Roinn na Staire, OÉ Gaillimh, a thug an óráid 'John McGahern's Irelands' ag an seoladh. Dúirt an tOllamh Ó Tuathaigh: "Is as a chumas mar scríbhneoir, scríbhneoir ficsean próis den chuid is mó, a thugtar aitheantas do John McGahern, agus mairfidh sé inár gcuimhne mar scríbhneoir den chéad scoth. In ainneoin dáiríreacht a dhílseachta dá ghairm, tá léargas agus crític iontach ar phríomhfhórsaí leanúnachais agus athrú i sochaí na hÉireann le fáil freisin i gcorpas iomlán McGahern (go háirithe sochaí tuaithe an Iarthair) idir na 1940idí agus blianta tosaigh an chéid seo". Sheol Kevin Reynolds ó RTÉ an chéad imleabhar de John McGahern Yearbook ag Seimineár 2008 freisin. I measc na scríbhneoirí a bhfuil saothar dá gcuid le fáil san imleabhar bliantúil seo atá faoi chlúdach crua, tiomsaithe agus curtha in eagar ag an Dr John Kenny, Roinn an Bhéarla, OÉ Gaillimh, tá Séamus Heaney, Declan Kiberd, Joseph O'Connor, agus Belinda McKeon. Dúirt an tOllamh Ger Hurley, Leas-Uachtarán um Thionscnaimh Straitéiseacha agus Gnóthaí Seachtracha, OÉ Gaillimh: "Tá clú agus cáil ar Scoil Samhraidh John McGahern – scoil samhraidh a bhíonn ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh. Le breis is 25 bliain anuas, go dtí gur cailleadh é gan choinne, chuir John go mór le cláir éagsúla acadúla san Ollscoil, ach bhí spéis ar leith aige sa Scoil Samhraidh sa Léann Éireannach agus ceardlanna Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach. Tá an-áthas anois ar OÉ Gaillimh, comhoibriú arís i mbliana le Comhairle Contae Liatroma, agus Oifig Ealaíon na Comhairle sin, chun an Seimineár agus an Scoil Samhraidh a eagrú anseo i Liatroim in onóir éachtaí ealaíona agus liteartha John McGahern". I measc na gcainteoirí a bheidh i láthair ag an Seimineár Idirnáisiúnta beidh: An tOllamh Christopher Murray, Coláiste na hOllscoile, Baile Átha Cliath; Gerardo Gambolini, file agus aistritheoir ón Airgintín; agus David Malcolm, Ollscoil Gdansk, An Pholainn. Beidh plé painéil agus léamha ar siúl i rith an chláir freisin. Le cois an tSeimineáir i mbliana, tá Scoil Samhraidh Idirnáisiúnta – seachtain dianstaidéir ar shaothar John McGahern agus comhthéacsanna na hoibre sin – eagraithe ag OÉ Gaillimh. Áireofar an clár samhraidh seo mar chuid den 25ú Scoil Samhraidh Idirnáisiúnta sa Léann Éireannach in OÉ Gaillimh. Mar chomóradh ar an 25ú Scoil Samhraidh Idirnáisiúnta sa Léann Éireannach (1984-2008), bronnfaidh OÉ Gaillimh Céad Eagrán na Stát Aontaithe de chuimhní cinn John McGahern, All Will Be Well ar gach mac léinn a fhreastalaíonn ar Scoil Samhraidh 2008. Is féidir sceideal mionsonraithe den Seimineár a íoslódáil ó CRÍOCH

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

NUI Galway PhD student Ruairi Nestor, from Ballyglass, Co. Mayo, has won a prestigious international award at a conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. Ruairi received the Libersky Prize for the best research paper by a student at the 2008 SPHERIC International Workshop, for his work in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). CFD is a set of techniques for accurate computer simulations of the flow of gases and liquids. The technology is central in the design of systems from airliners to medical devices. Ruairi's work is the latest stage in a project by a team of NUI Galway researchers who are developing new CFD methods with the potential to simulate ever more complex systems. The research is carried out in the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering and the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, and involves development of mathematical methods which are then built into new software. Ruairi, a graduate of Mechanical Engineering at NUI Galway, has already achieved success in his academic ventures by securing an Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship. Operated by the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET), the scholarship is designed for researchers in the sciences, engineering or technology at either Masters or Doctorate level. Dr Nathan Quinlan, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, NUI Galway, commented: "The IRCSET scholarships and other such schemes make this kind of research possible in Ireland. There are opportunities for a whole new generation of engineers and scientists to excel in research". Renewable energy and medical implant technology are among the sectors where advanced CFD methods are needed. According to Ruairi, "The techniques we are developing have the potential to improve the design of flow devices such as artificial heart valves or wave energy converters. It is a great honour to receive an award for my work at international level". Dr Nathan Quinlan, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, NUI Galway, commented, "This award is a great achievement by Ruairi and the team, and it also highlights the international quality of engineering research going on at NUI Galway. Computational techniques like the one we're working on are going to be crucial for the creation of new technology in key industries". The paper presented by Ruairi in Switzerland, "Moving Boundary Problems in the Finite Volume Particle Method", was co-authored by fellow PhD student Mihai Basa and their supervisor, NUI Galway's Dr Nathan Quinlan. -ends-

Friday, 18 July 2008

NUI Galway academic Dr. Liam Leonard has said the success of civil society groups and social movements in the Lisbon Treaty referendum bodes well for the Irish environment. According to Dr. Leonard, the effectiveness of the No Campaign's 'motley crew' has illustrated the relationship between activism and power. Dr. Leonard was speaking as his new book, which studies activists and the environmental movement in Ireland, was published online. The book, 'The Environmental Movement in Ireland' has been co-written by Michael O' Kane of Australia's Monash University. In the spirit of activism and information sharing, the book is available free to download to members of the public. This is the third book in the Ecopolitics Series, and studies activists in Ireland between the 1997 and 2007 general elections. The relationship between activism and research is explored through a series of case studies, interviews and articles. According to Dr. Leonard, who works with NUI Galway's Social Sciences Research Centre: "The success of civil society groups and social movements in the Lisbon Treaty referendum has increased our focus on the relationship between activism and power. This book provides an account of political events from an activist's perspective, thereby creating further understandings of the motivations of those in society who are so often on outside of the mainstream, but who have influenced events both nationally and throughout Europe in recent political campaigns." Activists with the Irish Green Party in working class areas of Dublin provide the focus for Irish-Australian anthropologist Michael O'Kane's in depth study on the 1997 election campaign. This is followed by a series of articles Liam Leonard, an Irish-American political sociologist, based on his work as a researcher and journalist in Galway between 1999 and 2008. The book is available to download for free at -ends-

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

RDJ Glynn Solicitors have announced that they will be funding a new scholarship in NUI Galway. The scholarship, which is worth €7,500, will be awarded to one postgraduate student on the new LL.M. in Law, Technology and Governance at the University. This scholarship will be awarded on academic merit, in a competition open to all candidates offered a place on the first intake of the new LL.M. in Law, Technology and Governance in NUI Galway. It is tenable for a period of one year of full-time study and will be paid monthly over the academic session. A limited number of places remain on the LL.M. for the coming academic year, and applications close on Friday, 1 August 2008. Padraic Brennan, who heads the Galway office of RDJ Glynn, said, "RDJ Glynn has strong links with the University. Most of our solicitors and trainees and several members of our support staff received their third level education there, and we are delighted to encourage postgraduate study of commercial law in the important area of Technology and Governance by sponsoring this scholarship." The Dean of the Law Faculty, Donncha O'Connell, said, "It is vital that university Law Schools establish meaningful connections with the world of legal practice. Our graduates from a variety of programmes are now placed in the top echelons of practice in Ireland and abroad. This award is an ideal way of marking ties between 'town and gown' and the Faculty of Law is extremely grateful to RDJ Glynn for its initiative in sponsoring this scholarship." Programme co-ordinator for the LL.M. in Law, Technology and Governance, Rónán Kennedy, said, "We are very happy to have the support of one of Ireland's leading law firms for our newest and most innovative programme and look forward to continuing to work with RDJ Glynn over the coming years." The recent merger between Ronan Daly Jermyn and William B Glynn Solicitors, a long-established and successful practice, has led to the establishment of a new commercial practice in Galway city, RDJ Glynn. Led by Padraic Brennan, RDJ Glynn offers specialist legal advice to clients in Galway in areas such as corporate and commercial law, commercial property, litigation and dispute resolution, employment law and taxation. Further information on the NUI Galway Law School's post-graduate programmes, including application information, is available at -ends-

Monday, 14 July 2008

Thirty local primary school children will return to campus today for the second week of the annual Access Summer Camp. For a fortnight every July, fifth class children from Scoil Bhríde, Shantalla, Holy Trinity and St Michael's Mervue, are given a flavour of life at University. The children are introduced to a wide range of subjects, from Computers to Chemistry, and get to try out new sporting activities. The camp is organised by Ashla Ward of the Access Office, in partnership with university departments and research institutes, and in conjunction with the sports centre at Áras na Mac Léinn. Further support comes from NUI Galway students and researchers who volunteer their time to demonstrate subjects and chaperone the children around campus. Ashla Ward says: "This fortnight is all about showing the children the possibilities that third-level education can offer. By giving them a flavour of exciting subjects in a child-friendly format, we are hoping to instil an interest in further education. While the Access Office organises the camp, we do so only with the ongoing support of staff and students across campus, who put their time and energy into the fortnight. During the summer camp, science is explored through workshops and experiments, introducing topics such as chemical reactions, genetics and forensics. To illustrate the workings of the human body, the Physiology Department monitors the children's hearts, take their pulses and checks their lung capacity. According to Ashla Ward, "The hands-on aspect of the science programmes brings the sciences to life for the children. Apart from being huge fun, the workshops have a positive effect on the children's perception of science as a subject to consider studying in the future". NUI Galway's Digital Enterprise Research Institute, uses the child friendly web site Yahooligans! to introduce the group to the Internet. Other sessions include a hands-on workshop in calligraphy from the Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies, and a lesson on collecting and classifying insects from the Environmental Change Institute. Using invisible lasers, the National Centre for Laser Applications show children their names being burned into a piece of wood, which then becomes a memento of the class. Italian was introduced through learning foods and drinks and how to greet a person – Ciao! In a packed schedule, Drama, Art, Music, Hip-hop and storytelling are also included. -ends-

Monday, 14 July 2008

NUI Galway is pleased to announce that Caroline Loughnane has joined the University as Director of Marketing and Communications. She has worked in education marketing for the last ten years, and as Head of Marketing at the University of Birmingham for the last five years. Ms Loughnane is a graduate of NUI Galway, having completed her BA in English and History in 1993, and an MA in English Literature (1996). She also holds a Higher Diploma in Education from Galway (1998) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Caroline, originally from Gort, Co. Galway, brings with her over ten years experience in marketing and communications in the education sector. During her time at Birmingham, she was responsible for an extensive rebranding of the University, the development of a postgraduate recruitment strategy, internal communications to support a University-wide restructure, integrated marketing and communications campaigns, and developing innovative approaches to student recruitment in a highly competitive undergraduate market. Speaking about her appointment, Ms Loughnane said: "I am delighted to be joining NUI Galway at such an exciting time for the University. NUI Galway is one of Ireland's top universities and has ambitious plans for the future. I am looking forward to the opportunity of taking the University into the next phase of its development, and to building on the excellent work that has already taken place in raising the University's profile, nationally and internationally." Ms Loughnane added: "The Higher Education sector has transformed itself over the last ten years and universities are now competing in a global arena. Marketing and Communications have a key role to play in enabling Irish Universities to compete on an international stage." -ends-

Monday, 14 July 2008

History expert hopeful of a resurgence of interest in science and maths An International Conference on the significant role played by Ireland in the field of mathematics in the Early Middle Ages takes place at NUI Galway from 18-20 July 2008. The 2nd International Conference on the Science of Computus will bring together leading scholars of Early Medieval scientific knowledge during the period of the so-called 'Dark Ages'. The Science of Computus is the mathematics required to calculate the date of Easter and related topics. Computus straddles the fields of: mathematics and astronomy; biblical interpretation and cosmology; empirical astronomical observation; and the perennial quest to understand the concepts of Time and Time-Reckoning. The conference is organised by the HEA funded Foundations of Irish Culture Project, based in the Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies at NUI Galway. According to the Director of the Foundations of Irish Culture Project and conference convener, NUI Galway's Professor Dáibhí Ó Cróinín: "There is much talk these days about the decline of mathematics and the sciences in Irish schools, and the effect that will have on the future prospects for Ireland's economy and society. What many Irish people don't realise is that Ireland was once at the forefront of mathematics and science. In fact, the 'Dark Ages' were anything but dark in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, rather it was the 'Golden Age' of Irish medieval scholarship." Professor Ó Cróinín is hopeful of a resurgence of interest in science and maths: "We only need to look at events like the Young Scientist Competition, and our own University outreach programmes, to see that there is interest in the sciences among young people which can be cultivated and nurtured. There is also a vast amount of state-of-the-art work being carried out by Irish scholars and researchers, at home and abroad. The conference aims to highlight the very similar cooperative-type work that was being carried out, between Ireland and Europe, during the Golden Age of Irish medieval scholarship." The conference has attracted speakers and experts from Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Scotland, Spain, and the USA. Professor Ó Cróinín added, "From the time of Columbanus, around 615 AD, Irish scholars led Europe in the field of computistical studies. The contribution of our 'Wandering Scholars' is still highly regarded in other countries today, and evidenced by the wide range of international experts participating in our conference." A focus of the conference will be the scientific knowledge that Irish scholars nurtured and developed during the years circa AD 500 to AD 1100. Time-reckoning, calendars, and the minute reckonings required to compute the date of Easter all involved the minutiae of mathematics, including the original concept of 'digital calculation', and astronomical observation in a truly scientific fashion. The event will appeal to those interested in the history of science in Ireland and Europe, or in the origins of present-day mathematical and astronomical ideas. For a full listing of the speakers and topics, and further information, see the conference website: -ends-

Friday, 11 July 2008

Speaking at NUI Galway last night, former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, called for a human rights approach to healthcare and greater accountability, nationally and internationally. She said that such a principled approach to healthcare was needed, especially in the face of a possible global recession as in "hard times it is more difficult to make the right decisions". Mary Robinson was addressing the 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC), a major international healthcare conference hosted by the University's Department of General Practice. According to Mary Robinson, who is now President of Realizing Rights, the Ethical Globalization Initiative: "Policy interventions that are grounded in human rights with a strong gender dimension can help inform and support efforts to strengthen health systems and improve their performance. Human rights require not only that quality health systems are available and accessible to all, but that positive action is taken to address the economic, social and political inequalities behind mortality and ill-health. A human rights approach helps to ensure a holistic and integrated approach to health delivery, with a focus on prevention." Among the audience were leading healthcare academics and researchers from Ireland, UK, Australia and the US. The audience heard from other speakers during the three-day conference on topics such as: Gaining insight into the awareness, understanding and attitudes of patients towards MRSA; Predictors of outcome for mild to moderate depression in primary care; and Patient's experience when visiting their GP. Professor Andrew Murphy, Department of General Practice and conference chair, NUI Galway, said, "The issue of health as a human right has been reflected in many of the conference papers at this event. On a macro level, healthcare is a human right and on an individual level it is a very unique interaction between caregiver and patient. One of the emerging themes in this field is the vital role that patients can play in the management of their own care and the importance of data management and privacy." At the event Anne Rogers, Professor of the Sociology of Health Care, University of Manchester spoke about the 'expert patient' and enhancing the self management capabilities of people living with long-term conditions. Professor Tom Fahey, from the RCSI Medical School, spoke about the how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will help facilitate high quality evidence-based practice (incorporating diagnosis, prognosis and therapy) in primary care. For more information about the conference visit -ends-

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

NUI Galway President, Dr. James Browne, has paid tribute to the late Séamus Brennan, former Minister and graduate of the University. A native of Galway, Séamus Brennan, graduated from the University with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1968, and a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) in 1969. In March of this year, Séamus Brennan attended NUI Galway's Gala Banquet where he received the 2008 Alumnus Award for Law, Public Service and Government, from the University. The annual Alumni Awards recognise and celebrate individual excellence and achievement. Dr. James Browne, NUI Galway President, said: "The University offers its sincere condolences to Séamus's family, many friends, and colleagues. We valued him as a graduate and also as a talented politician, who served his country with complete commitment. It was our pleasure to have him back on campus earlier this year to receive an Alumni Award and he will be remembered fondly." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aitheantas Tugtha ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh do Shéamus Brennan, nach maireann Thug Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr. James Browne, aitheantas don Iar-Aire agus céimí de chuid na hOllscoile Séamus Brennan, nach maireann. B'as Gaillimh ó dhúchas do Shéamus Brennan, a fuair Baitsiléar Tráchtála ón Ollscoil seo i 1968, agus Baitsiléir Dán (Eacnamaíocht) i 1969. I Márta na bliana seo, bhí Séamus Brennan i láthair ag Mórfhéasta na hOllscoile agus bronnadh Duais Alumni 2008 don Dlí, an tSeirbhís Phoiblí agus an Rialtas air. Tugann na Duaiseanna bliantúla Alumni aitheantas do dhaoine aonair ar ardchaighdeán. Dúirt an Dr. James Browne, Uachtarán, OÉ Gaillimh: "Ba mhaith leis an Ollscoil comhbhrón a chroí a dhéanamh le teaghlach Shéamuis, a chairde agus a chomhghleacaithe. B'iontach an céimí é agus polaiteoir den scoth a bhí ann, agus bhí sé tiomanta go huile agus go hiomlán dá thír. Ba mhór an onóir dúinne gur fhill sé ar an gcampas níos luaithe i mbliana chun Duais Alumni a ghlacadh – fear a chuaigh i bhfeidhm orainn ar fad." críoch

Monday, 7 July 2008

Two NUI Galway students have played a key part in planning for the Volvo Ocean Race, which is expected to attract over 140,000 visitors to Galway next year. Research undertaken by Edel Gallager, from Caherlistrane, Co. Galway, and Daithi Evans, from Durrus, Co. Cork, as part of their Higher Diploma in Applied Science, is contributing to the design of a comprehensive safety management plan for the event. Both students have a primary degree from NUI Galway and are now studying a Higher Diploma in Applied Science focusing on in Occupational Health and Safety, and Hygiene. Subjects covered in the Higher Diploma include safety and risk management, which is integral to the planning of any major public event, such as the Volvo Race. Students are also encouraged to engage with the local community by applying their theoretical, research and practical skills to assist local non-profit organisations. Academic Supervisor, Mary Dempsey, of NUI Galway's College of Engineering and Informatics said, "The University ethos enables students to engage in community efforts. In this particular case, working on such a vast project of international significance will be of huge benefit to the students. This type of applied research activity equips students with a valuable skill set combining both intellect and citizenship". In preparation for the Volvo Race, Galway is developing a three-acre race village for the stopover. Public safety is paramount to the 'Let's Do It Galway' team who worked with the NUI Galway students to develop a plan covering a major port redevelopment to house the race village, open air concerts, hospitality and cultural events. Neil Carney of 'Let's Do It Galway' commented, "There is a real sense of excitement as we build towards the Galway Stopover in May/June 2009. It is a fantastic opportunity for Galway City and County, and for the West of Ireland in general to showcase itself to the wider world. The Volvo Ocean Race is one of the largest international sporting event in the world, and its' arrival in Galway in 2009 will be a fantastic occasion for the community." He added, "The entire ethos of 'Let's Do It Galway' is that we are all in this together, without community spirit and support this event would have, pardoning the pun, no wind in its sails. Support from NUI Galway's staff and students is very welcome and their passion and determination reflects the team spirit behind the race. The work carried out by Daithi and Edel adds a valuable resource to the planning of this major event." NUI Galway promotes student engagement in community based projects through its ALIVE volunteering programme and through the service learning modules incorporated into its teaching programmes. Galway Harbour Master Captain Brian Sheridan has actively encouraged and supported NUI Galway students in various research projects over the years. According to Captain Sheridan, "Students from the University have contributed a lot to the city and the port in terms of volunteering their time and energy. They are the next generation of professionals and tapping into their skills and ideas is always hugely beneficial". Captain Brian Sheridan continued, "Working closely with the University on the many aspects of planning for the new deepwater port at Galway has been very advantageous to the ports management team. Fresh ideas, new technologies and sometimes a different approach have all meant that the liaison between NUI Galway and the Galway Harbour Company has paid dividends for both organisations and will go from strength to strength. Edel and Daithi came through on all fronts with this project and I am sure they have both gained invaluable experience working with the ports sector as I have learned from them." The Volvo Ocean Race, formerly the Whitbread Round the World Race, is run every four years, covering 39,000 miles in nine months and visiting ten ports around the world. -ends-

Friday, 4 July 2008

NUI Galway has today announced the appointment of Professor Terry Smith as the new Vice-President for Research, effective immediately. With a biomedical background, Professor Smith has had a longstanding career in both academic research and industry. "I am delighted to be taking up this challenging role and very much look forward to working with my colleagues throughout the University to further the level of research excellence at NUI Galway," commented Professor Smith. As Director of the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) at NUI Galway since 2002, Professor Smith has been instrumental in the growth of the Centre which currently hosts over 400 members engaged in leading research programmes in biomedical engineering, cancer biology, and regenerative medicine through the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI). He also played a key role in the establishment of industry research collaborations with Medtronic, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, and Beckman Coulter. In his new role he looks forward to working closely with the Ignite Technology Transfer Office to forge new, and enhance existing, collaborations between the University and industry partners. Professor Smith added, "This is an exciting time for NUI Galway. I believe that our greatest single asset is our staff. With a strong foundation of internationally renowned researchers across all disciplines, from the humanities and social sciences to science, engineering and medicine, allied with recent strategic recruitments in key areas, NUI Galway is well placed to maximize the potential of our unique intellectual capital." In 1990, Professor Smith joined BioResearch Ireland* at the University as Senior Research Scientist / Team Leader. He was a founding member of the NCBES at NUI Galway and was appointed Professor of Biomedical Engineering Science and Director of the NCBES in January 2002. He played a leadership role in the establishment of the SFI CSET Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) in 2003, with Medtronic as the major industry partner. In 2005, he played a key role in the establishment of the Centre for BioAnalytical Sciences (CBAS), a collaborative bioanalytical sciences research programme in partnership with Bristol Myers Squibb and Dublin City University. In early 2008 Professor Smith was instrumental in establishing a four-year research collaboration with Beckman Coulter in the field of molecular diagnostics. Professor Smith is the author and co-author of over 100 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, as well as being co-inventor of a number of patents. Commenting on his appointment, Dr James Browne, President, NUI Galway, said, "I am delighted to have Professor Terry Smith on board as the new Vice-President for Research. I know Professor Smith will build on the excellent successes we have had in recent years in winning research funding and developing research projects of international significance here at NUI Galway. Under his leadership, we will create an environment where all academic colleagues have an opportunity to contribute to the University's growing research portfolio, and to build on effective research partnerships already set up." ENDS

Friday, 4 July 2008

D'fhógair OÉ Gaillimh inniu go bhfuil an tOllamh Terry Smith ceaptha mar Leas-Uachtarán um Thaighde san Ollscoil, ceapachán atá curtha i feidhm cheana féin. Is sa réimse bithmhíochaine a bhí obair an Ollaimh Smith bunaithe go dtí seo agus tá blianta fada caite aige i mbun taighde acadúil agus obair sa tionscal. Dúirt an tOllamh Smith, "cúis áthais dom glacadh leis an bpost dúshlánach seo agus táim ag tnúth go mór le bheith ag obair le mo chomhghleacaithe Ollscoile agus é mar aidhm agam barr feabhais a bhaint amach i gcúrsaí taighde in OÉ Gaillimh". Tá an tOllamh Smith ag feidhmiú mar Stiúrthóir ar an Ionad Náisiúnta um Eolaíocht Innealtóireachta Bithmhíochaine (NCBES) in OÉ Gaillimh ó 2002 i leith, agus bhí ról lárnach aige i bhforbairt an Ionaid a bhfuil breis is 400 ball ag obair ann ar chláir cheannródaíocha thaighde i réimse na hinnealtóireachta bithmhíochaine, na bitheolaíochta ailse, agus an leighis athghiniúnaigh faoi scáth na hInstitiúide um Leigheas Athghiniúnach (REMEDI). Chomh maith leis sin, bhí ról lárnach aige i mbunú comhchlár oibre le Medtronic, Cuideachta Bristol-Myers Squibb, agus Beckman Coulter. Tá sé mar aidhm aige sa phost nua seo oibriú i gcomhar le hOifig um Aistriú Teicneolaíochta Ignite chun cláir chomhoibrithe nua a chruthú agus cláir atá i bhfeidhm cheana féin idir an Ollscoil agus comhpháirtithe tionscail a fheabhsú. Chomh maith leis sin, dúirt an tOllamh Smith, "tá rudaí fíorshuimiúla ag tarlú in OÉ Gaillimh i láthair na huaire. Creidim gurb iad na comhaltaí foirne an acmhainn is fearr atá ag an Ollscoil. Is cinnte go bhfuil seasamh maith ag OÉ Gaillimh anois an leas is fearr is féidir a bhaint as an gcaipiteal intleachtúil atá le fáil i measc phobal na hOllscoile, de bhrí go bhfuil taighdeoirí a bhfuil cáil idirnáisiúnta orthu ag obair sna disciplíní éagsúla san Ollscoil, na daonnachtaí agus eolaíochtaí sóisialta, an eolaíocht, innealtóireacht agus leigheas san áireamh, le cois na gceapachán straitéiseach a rinneadh le tamall anuas." Sa bhliain 1990 thosaigh an tOllamh Smith ag obair mar Eolaí Sinsearach Taighde / Ceannaire Foirne le BioResearch Ireland* san Ollscoil. Bhí sé ar dhuine de bhunaitheoirí NCBES in OÉ Gaillimh agus ceapadh é mar Ollamh le hEolaíocht Innealtóireachta Bithmhíochaine agus Stiúrthóir NCBES i mí Eanáir 2002. Bhí ról ceannaireachta aige i mbunú na hInstitiúide um Leigheas Athghiniúnach SFI CSET in 2003, le Medtronic ag feidhmiú mar phríomhpháirtí tionscail. In 2005, bhí ról lárnach aige i mbunú an Ionaid um Eolaíochtaí Bith-Anailíseacha (CBAS), an comhchlár taighde sna heolaíochtaí bithanailíseacha i gcomhar le Bristol-Myers Squibb agus Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath. Ag tús 2008 rinne an tOllamh Smith an-obair chun comhchlár taighde ceithre bliana a bhunú le Beckman Coulter i ndiagnóisic mhóilíneach. Is údar agus comhúdar é an tOllamh Smith ar bhreis is 100 páipéar piarathbhreithnithe in irisí idirnáisiúnta, mar aon le comh-aireagóir ar roinnt paitinní. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr James Browne, Uachtarán, OÉ Gaillimh, faoin gceapachán,"Cúis áthais dom go bhfuil an tOllamh Terry Smith ceaptha mar Leas-Uachtarán um Thaighde. Níl amhras ar bith orm nach gcuirfidh an tOllamh Smith leis an obair iontach atá déanta le blianta beaga anuas chun maoiniú taighde a fháil agus tionscadail taighde a mbaineann tábhacht idirnáisiúnta leo a bhunú anseo in OÉ Gaillimh. Faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Smith, cruthófar timpeallacht ina mbeidh deis ag na comhghleacaithe acadúla ar fad cur le hobair thaighde na hOllscoile, agus cur leis na comhpháirtíochtaí éifeachtacha taighde atá bunaithe cheana féin." CRÍOCH

Friday, 4 July 2008

Writer Allegra Huston, daughter of legendary filmmaker John Huston, has confirmed that she will teach at NUI Galway in November as part of the Huston School of Film & Digital Media Writers in Residence Programme. Allegra Huston will work specifically with the School's MA in Screenwriting students, who will get a taste of the famous 'Writing Salon' she runs in New Mexico. The MA in Screenwriting was the inaugural programme of the Huston School of Film & Digital Media at NUI Galway. The one-year, full-time programme offers training in screenplay writing, integrated with courses in film history and analysis, supported by regular film screenings and workshops. Allegra Huston will take students of the MA in Screenwriting off-campus to the home of Tim and Máiréad Robinson in Roundstone, Co. Galway, for an intensive three-day creative workshop. According to James Finlan, coordinator of the MA in Screenwriting, "Screenwriting has been in the headlines recently with the Writers Guild of America strike showing the vital role of the writer in bringing entertainment to our screens. In Ireland, the Huston school has established itself as the foremost centre for screenwriting education. We have a very high calibre of students, including mature students, joining our MA course to progress their writing to the next stage. The Writers in Residence Programme adds an extra element to the course, allowing our students to learn from writers such as Allegra Huston, and more recently, Hollywood scriptwriter Evan Goldberg (Superbad and Knocked Up),." One of those students currently undertaking the MA in Screenwriting is Grace Jolliffe, who returned to college as a mature student. According to Grace, a published novelist and short-film director, "My first love has always been writing screenplays. Knowing that there is always something more to learn, I enrolled in the Huston School of Film & Digital Media in Galway. It has been a wonderful opportunity to improve my writing skills and be among fellow writers." Allegra's father John Huston had a long relationship with the Galway area, his other daughter Angelica, went to school in Loughrea. Five years ago, the Huston family came together to support the creation of the Huston School of Film & Digital Media and continue to be its patrons. As part of this support, there are generous scholarships every year on offer to NUI Galway graduates from the film school at UCLA. The MA in Screenwriting is particularly suited to incoming students with previous work experience in writing, film or related media fields. Applications for entry in September are now being taken, for further information visit or email: -ends-

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Muiris Ó Rócháin, Director of The Willie Clancy Festival, today launched NUI Galway's latest programme taught entirely through Irish, a Diploma of Arts in the Composition, Arrangement and Performance of Traditional Music*. The Diploma will be delivered by the University's Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge in conjunction with internationally acclaimed musician Dr. Charlie Lennon. Applications are now being accepted for the full-time, one-year course which will commence in September 2008 in state of the art recording studios at Stiúideo Cuan, An Spidéal, Co. na Gaillimhe. The number of students accepted on the programme is restricted to 15 to ensure the best academic training combined with hands-on practical experience using the latest music technologies. Students will study music theory and structure; the history and development of the traditional arts in Ireland; and the archiving, composition, arrangement, recording and performance of traditional music. Course participants will also produce and perform in an end of year concert under the guidance of a professional director. The programme is aimed at musicians, dancers and singers who would be interested in a career in music and the arts. The programme will be delivered through Irish, therefore a proficiency in the language is essential. Entry onto the programme is subject to an audition and interview process, where prospective students will display their knowledge of and interest in Irish traditional music. Speaking at the official launch of the Diploma in Stiúideo Cuan, An Spidéal, Co. na Gaillimhe, Muiris Ó Rocháin congratulated Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta and Stiúideo Cuan on developing such a unique and sought after programme. He said, "Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway, should be commended on its foresight in creating a course for artists that aims to develop them artistically as well as equipping them with skills in the arranging and staging of traditional music. The course, with its emphasis on performance, composition and staging will be a huge asset to the world of Irish traditional music." Marianne Ní Chinnéide, Academic Director of the new programme and Administrator of the Performing Arts Department (Riarthóir na dTaibh-Ealaíon), said, "This new diploma aims to provide graduates with the skills needed to pursue a career as a musician or as a traditional artist. The content is practical and offers the student high quality training from professionals already working in the field." Ms. Ní Chinnéide added, "Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge here at NUI Galway is going through such an inspiring phase of growth, development and innovation in the fields of drama, acting and music. It is our pleasure to collaborate with professionals within the Arts world and we look forward especially to working with Dr. Charlie Lennon." For more information contact Marianne Ní Chinnéide, Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway. Telephone 091 869103 or email: *Dioplóma sna Dána (Cóiriú & Stáitsiú an Cheoil Thraidisiúnta) -ends-

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Sheol Muiris Ó Rócháin, Stiúrthóir Fhéile Willie Clancy, an clár is nua de chuid OÉ Gaillimh a mhúinfear go hiomlán trí Ghaeilge, Dioplóma sna Dána (Cóiriú & Stáitsiú an Cheoil Thraidisiúnta). Beidh an Dioplóma á reáchtáil ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge i gcomhar leis an gceoltóir cáiliúil an Dr. Charlie Lennon. Iarrtar iarratais anois ar an gcúrsa lánaimseartha bliana seo a thosóidh i Meán Fómhair 2008 i stiúideonna taifeadta den scoth Stiúideo Cuan, An Spidéal, Co. na Gaillimhe. Glacfar le cúigear mac léinn déag ar an gclár chun a chinntiú go gheobhaidís siad an oiliúint acadúil is fearr chomh maith leis an taithí phraiticiúil ar an teicneolaíocht ceoil is nua. Déanfaidh mic léinn staidéar ar theoiric agus ar struchtúr an cheoil; stair and forbairt na n-ealaíon traidisiúnta in Éirinn; cartlannú, cumadh, cóiriú, taifeadadh agus stáitsiú an cheoil thraidisiúnta. Cuirfidh siad ceolchoirm ar stáitse ag deireadh na bliana faoi stiúir léiritheoir gairmiúil. Tá an clár dírithe ar cheoltóirí, damhsóirí agus amhránaithe a mbeadh suim acu i slí bheatha sa cheol agus sna healaíona. Reáchtálfar an clár trí Ghaeilge, mar sin caithfidh rannpháirtithe an chláir a bheith líofa. Chun áit a fháil ar an gclár caithfear triail and agallamh a dhéanamh. Caithfidh mic léinn a n-eolas agus a suim sa cheol traidisiúnta a léiriú. Ag labhairt ag seoladh oifigiúil an Dioplóma i Stiúideo Cuan, An Spidéal, Co. na Gaillimhe, rinne Muiris Ó Rócháin comhghairdeas le hAcadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge agus le Stiúideo Cuan as clár uathúil a mbeadh tóir air a fhorbairt. Dúirt sé, "Caithfear tréaslú le hAcadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh, as cúrsa a chruthú d'ealaíontóirí a fhorbróidh iad ó thaobh na n-ealaíon agus a thabharfaidh na scileanna dóibh chun an ceol traidisiúnta a chóiriú agus a stáitsiú. Is mór an acmhainn a bheas sa chúrsa don cheol traidisiúnta in Éirinn." Dúirt Marianne Ní Chinnéide, Stiúrthóir Acadúil an chláir nua agus Riarthóir na dTaibh-Ealaíon, "Tabharfaidh an dioplóma nua seo na scileanna do na mic léinn slí bheatha a fháil mar cheoltóirí nó mar ealaíontóirí traidisiúnta. Is cúrsa praiticiúil é agus gheobhaidh na mic léinn ardoiliúint ó dhaoine atá ag obair sa réimse cheana féin." Dúirt sí chomh maith, "Tá fás, forás agus forbairt ag teacht ar Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge in OÉ Gaillimh ó thaobh na drámaíochta, na haisteoireachta agus an cheoil. Tá an-áthas orainn oibriú i gcomhar le gairmithe na nEalaíon agus go mór mór an Dr. Charlie Lennon." Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ó Marianne Ní Chinnéide, Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh. Teileafón 091 869103 nó ríomhphost: - críoch -

Thursday, 28 August 2008

NUI Galway's Department of Surgery will host the 33rd Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture and Surgical Symposium on 5-6 September 2008. Dr Ernest E. Moore, from Denver General Hospital, will deliver the Memorial Lecture at 5pm on the first day of the conference, in the University's Arts Millennium Building. Dr Moore is Chief of the Department of Surgery at Denver Health Medical Centre and Professor of Surgery at the University of Colorado, USA, and is presently the President of the World Society of Emergency Surgery. He is widely published on trauma, and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Trauma and Journal of Emergency Medicine, as well as being Co-Editor of the benchmark textbook Trauma. His lecture will be called 'Role of the Gut in Post Injury Multiple Organ Failure'. Commenting on the upcoming lecture, Oliver McAnena of NUI Galway's Department of Surgery, said: "Dr Moore is widely recognised as the leading figure in the surgical management of trauma. The increase in incidence of penetrating trauma injuries in Ireland will ensure that his presentation will have national appeal to all surgeons who have to deal with such emergencies. Denver General Hospital has been used frequently as the focus for many trauma television programmes, particularly on the discovery channel." On Saturday, 6 September, Professor Frank Keane will present the State of the Art Lecture entitled 'Governing Ourselves'. Professor Keane is President of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Consultant in General and Colorectal Surgery at the Adelaide and Meath Hospital, incorporating The National Children's Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin. His predominant interest throughout his career has been in Gastrointestinal Surgery, particularly in minimally invasive techniques. As the largest surgical conference in Ireland, the Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture and Surgical Symposium hosted by Professor Michael Kerin and Mr Oliver McAnena provides a platform for healthcare professionals to present their research and clinical work and allows for the merging of both scientific and clinical information. It is named in memory of the Galway-born surgeon, Sir Peter Freyer, who performed the first successful surgical operation to remove an enlarged prostate in 1900. For further information on the Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture and Surgical Symposium, please contact Grace Clarke at 091-524390 or -ends-

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

As Ireland's Olympic Team returned home, NUI Galway has applauded the tremendous talent its Olympians displayed during the world games. NUI Galway students and alumni competing on track and field were Paul Hession and Olive Loughnane, and from the heavyweight four team rowers Cormac Folan and Alan Martin. President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne, commented: "We, at NUI Galway, are delighted with the performance of our students and alumni in the Beijing Olympics. Their achievements have brought lustre to Ireland and to this University and we look forward to honouring Paul, Olive, Cormac and Alan at a reception later in the year". Paul Hession (200m), Ireland's fastest man is a fourth year medical student at NUI Galway. Paul was third in his heat (20.59) and produced a heroic performance when he won his quarter final heat (20.32). The semi-final finish saw him finish at a time of 20.38 denying him a spot in the 200m final. The fastest man in Irish sprint history finished tenth overall from an original field of 63, missing the final by just .13 of a second or one place. Paul said: "It's not over. I'll keep racing until the legs fall off!" Olive Loughnane (20km Walk) is from Loughrea, Co. Galway, and a graduate of NUI Galway. Olive represented NUI Galway Athletic Club from 1993 to 1995 and was selected for a Sports Award in 1996. In this her third Olympic Games, Olive finished the 20k walk in seventh place (of 48 competitors) in a new personal best time of 1.27.45, over a minute inside the Olympic record. "If you told me last night I was going to walk to 87:45, I'd have said - hope you have the flag ready", Olive commented after the race. "There were eight people inside the Olympic record today and I was the seventh one. I did amazingly well. I could not have done anymore". Cormac Folan (Rowing) is a graduate in Engineering and formed part of the crew for the Men's Heavyweight Four Rowing team. Cormac, from Barna, Co. Galway, was awarded an NUI Galway Rowing Sports Scholarship from 2003 to 2007. Alan Martin, also a graduate in Engineering was awarded an NUI Galway Rowing Sports Scholarship from 2001 - 2006. The Salthill rower was selected as the fifth member of the Heavyweight Four Team in Beijing. The crew came third in their heat (6:02:85) to go straight to the semi-finals. They came sixth in the semi-final (5:58:14) and fourth in the B Final which left them tenth overall. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games commenced on 8 August with the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony took place on 24 August.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Welsh NUI Galway PhD student names new insect after Ireland NUI Galway's Dr Chris Williams has made a discovery of international significance by finding a new insect species. The Postdoctoral Fellow based at the Applied Ecology Unit and the Environmental Change Institute discovered a new species of parasitic wasp (genus Mesoleptus) while undertaking field investigations in Ardkill Turlough, Co. Mayo. This is the first time a parasitoid species new to science has been discovered in the genus Mesoleptus in this country and only three species of this genus are currently recorded for Ireland. A number of families of wasp lay their eggs inside fly larvae or pupae and are known as parasitoids. The wasp eggs then hatch out and feed on the maggot or pupa, eventually killing it. Subsequently, the wasp larvae pupate inside the maggot, or fly pupa, and emerge as adult wasps. Chris, originally from Wales, made the discovery while researching snails as part of his PhD research on snail-killing Marsh Flies under the supervision of Dr Mike Gormally, Director of NUI Galway's Applied Ecology Unit. Chris recalls, "I came across two little black Marsh Fly puparia [case of the pupa] and kept them in jam jars on my desk expecting that adult Marsh Flies might hatch but what emerged were two different species of parasitic wasp. Much scientific teamwork ensued with international experts including Dr Lloyd Knutson (Italy), Dr Gavin Broad (The Natural History Museum in London) and Drs Ilari Sääksjärvi and Reijo Jussila (Finland) becoming involved in the identification process. When we finally discovered that one of these insects had never been recorded before, the question then was what to call this creature. After resisting the temptation to name it after someone I know – who really wants to be named after a parasite? – we settled on naming it Mesoleptus hibernica in honour of the country where it was discovered." As a researcher, Chris is particularly interested in Marsh Fly pupae as the larval stages of the Marsh Fly feed on a range of aquatic snails. He explains, "Mud snails carry liverfluke and the larvae of Marsh Flies act as biological controls, having a positive impact on the instances of liverfluke by keeping the snail populations down. Any species impacting the Marsh Fly population will have a negative effect on the natural control that exists for the liverfluke carrying mud snails." NUI Galway has a team of people involved in ecological monitoring and biodiversity conservation in Ireland. Other biodiversity researchers are investigating topics such as seaweeds as invasive species and/or biomonitors, soil microbial communities, and factors affecting marine algae primary productivity. -Ends-

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

NUI Galway's brand new €22 million Sports Centre, is now open for students, staff and the general public. The 6,500 sq.m. sports and leisure complex includes a 25 metre 6-lane swimming pool with moveable floor, squash and racquetball courts, a three-court basketball hall, multipurpose studios, a substantial gym and a high-tech climbing wall. The facility, which is situated on campus near the Quincentennial Bridge, will be operated by Kingfisher Fitness Group. Mary O'Riordan, Vice-President for Student Services and Human Resources, NUI Galway, welcomed the opening of the Centre: "Sport contributes to the health, well-being and education of students here at NUI Galway. The new sports complex will serve a huge range of recreational and competitive sporting interests. The timing is also perfect, as early September is the beginning of the 2008-2009 academic year. We look forward to new and returning students benefiting from all that the Sports Centre offers." The NUI Galway Sports Centre is part of a €400 million capital development programme, 'Campus of the Future', to provide the highest standards of physical infrastructure to support excellence in teaching and research. Funding for the new facility came partly from the student body at NUI Galway, who voted in 2003 to increase their student levy to support the project. Student membership rates are significantly discounted for this state-of-the-art facility. NUI Galway Students' Union President, Muireann O Dwyer says the new facilities will improve student life on campus: "This is a real example of co-operation between the student body and university management. We have over 40 active sports clubs on campus and those groups will be able to use this new centre. Also, all students will be able to become members for a reduced fee, as will alumni. Sport and leisure activities are good for mind and body, so the Sports Centre will take quality of life on campus to a new level." Greg Power, Planning and Projects Officer at NUI Galway, pointed out the eco-friendly aspects to the structure: "The building incorporates significant 'green energy' initiatives giving it a relatively low carbon footprint. Technology used includes a Combined Heat and Power unit, generating electricity for the facility and recycling the heat for re-use in the building." The team that worked on the building project included world-renowned architects Faulkner Browns, in conjunction with Holohan Design, and local builders Glenman Corporation. According to Joe Cosgrove, Managing Director of Kingfisher Fitness Group, who already run six successful leisure centres across the country: "We are delighted to be serving the vibrant community on campus here at NUI Galway, as well as with the wider public in the area. Whether it's signing up for a year's gym membership, or popping by for a 'Splash and Dash', we have offers to suit everyone's sporting and fitness needs. Our staff are available to answer any queries about possible membership, and the public are welcome to view our extensive facilities at any time. " To contact the NUI Galway Sports Centre call 091 570 800 or email For further information visit Ends

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Tá Ionad nua Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh, ar chostas €22 milliún, oscailte do mhic léinn, don fhoireann agus don phobal. Tá achar 6,500 m² san ionad ina bhfuil linn snámha 6-lána 25 méadar. Is féidir an t-urlár a ardú agus a ísliú inti. Tá cúirteanna scuaise agus raicéadaíochta, halla ina bhfuil trí chúirt cispheile, stiúideonna ilchuspóireacha, giomáisiam an-mhór agus balla dreapadóireachta ann chomh maith. Is ar an gcampas atá an t-ionad in aice leis an droichead, agus beidh sé á rith ag an Kingfisher Fitness Group. Chuir Mary O'Riordan, Leas-Uachtarán um Sheirbhísí do Mhic Léinn agus Acmhainní Daonna, OÉ Gaillimh fáilte roimh oscailt an Ionaid: "Cuidíonn spórt le sláinte, leas agus oideachas na mac léinn anseo in OÉ Gaillimh. Is iomaí cineál spóirt a bheas ar fáil san ionad nua, idir chaitheamh aimsire agus spórt iomaíochta. Tá sé iontach é a bheith ag oscailt anois freisin mar gurb é seo tús na bliana acadúla 2008-2009. Beidh mic léinn ag filleadh ar an Ollscoil agus mic léinn eile ag tosú anseo agus iad araon ag baint tairbhe as an Ionad nua Spóirt." Is cuid é an tIonad seo de chlár caipitil €400 milliún, 'Campas na Todhchaí', chun na caighdeáin is airde d'infreastruchtúr fisiciúil a éileamh ar mhaithe le tacú le feabhas sa teagasc agus sa taighde. Mhaoinigh mic léinn OÉ Gaillimh cuid den ionad, nuair a vótáil siad in 2003 tobhach mic léinn a mhéadú chun tacú leis an tionscadal. Faigheann mic léinn lascaine mhaith ar bhallraíocht san ionad. Dúirt Uachtarán Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn in OÉ Gaillimh, Muireann O Dwyer, go bhfeabhsóidh an t-ionad nua saol an champais do mhic léinn: "Léiríonn an áis nua seo comhoibriú maith idir na mic léinn agus bainistíocht na hOllscoile. Tá 40 club spóirt ar an gcampas agus féadfaidh siad úsáid a bhaint as an ionad nua. Gheobhaidh mic léinn agus alumni lascaine mhaith freisin. Tá spórt agus fóillíocht go maith don intinn agus don chorp, mar sin feabhsóidh an tIonad nua Spóirt saol an champais ar bhealach eile chomh maith." Dúirt Greg Power, Oifigeach Pleanála agus Tionscadal OÉ Gaillimh, go bhfuil an struchtúr seo éiceabhách: "Is foirgneamh glas é seo sa chiall gur beag dochar atá á dhéanamh aige don chomhshaol. Leis an teicneolaíocht atá in úsáid san Ionad tá leictreachas á ghiniúint agus á athchúrsáil le húsáid san fhoirgneamh arís." D'oibrigh na hailtirí cáiliúla Faulkner Browns ar an tionscadal, i gcomhar le Holohan Design, mar aon leis na tógálaithe áitiúla Glenman Corporation. Dúirt Joe Cosgrove, Stiúrthóir Bainistíochta Kingfisher Fitness Group, a bhfuil sé ionad áineasa acu cheana féin sa tír: "Tá an-áthas orainn freastal ar champas OÉ Gaillimh agus ar mhuintir an cheantair seo. Má fhaigheann tú ballraíocht bliana nó más fearr leat Íoc-mar-a-Úsáidtear, feilfidh an tIonad nua seo duit. Freagróidh an fhoireann anseo ceist ar bith faoi bhallraíocht agus tá fáilte roimh an bpobal breathnú ar na háiseanna anseo am ar bith. " Glaoigh ar Ionad Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh ar 091 570 800 nó seol ríomhphost chuig Tá eolas breise le fáil ar críoch

Monday, 25 August 2008

Intel's senior executive responsible for all government negotiations associated with site selection will address an international conference at NUI Galway on Thursday, 4 September. Nanci Palmintere, who is currently Vice-President of Finance and Enterprise and Director of Global Tax and Trade for Intel Corporation, will visit NUI Galway to deliver the keynote address entitled 'Tax and Business Aspects of Site Selection' at the 17th Annual Tax Research Network (TRN) Conference. The TRN is an interdisciplinary organisation set up to encourage research into all aspects of taxation. Its annual conference, which is being held in Ireland for the first time, will run from 4-5 September at NUI Galway's J.E. Cairnes Graduate School of Business and Public Policy. The event will bring together academics engaged in taxation research, as well as representatives from the accounting professional bodies, tax practitioners, tax executives in industry, the Irish and UK Revenue Authorities. Speaking ahead of the event, conference organiser Dr. Emer Mulligan, Department of Accountancy and Finance, NUI Galway, said: "Corporation tax is an important source of revenue for government and in times of global economic downturn issues surrounding taxation become ever more pertinent. The Irish government has made a guarantee that the 12.5% rate of corporation tax will remain. Consideration must be given however to how best the tax system can encourage economic activity, while funding necessary public services and assisting government in meeting its social objectives." Dr. Mulligan added: "Nanci Palmintere is an internationally recognised expert in taxation and will, I expect, deliver a very rich and thought provoking presentation. She is responsible for a broad range of activities including negotiation with the IRS and foreign tax authorities, tax planning for mergers and acquisitions, and negotiating with governments for tax incentives associated with site selection for Intel." Frank Daly, who heads up the recently formed Commission on Taxation in Ireland, will speak at the conference dinner. Areas being investigated by the Commission include the role of the tax system in encouraging long term savings to meet the needs of retirement, and fiscal measures needed to protect and enhance the environment. Other papers at the conference will cover a range of topics including tax avoidance, dividend tax capitalisation, the impact of a changed capital gains tax regime on dividend policy, procedural justice principles and tax compliance in Ireland, the plant/building distinction, and the impact of education and regulation on the quality of services offered by tax agents. For further information on the conference visit Ends

Monday, 25 August 2008

The latest neuroscience research into diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis will be discussed during the 2nd National Meeting of Neuroscience Ireland at NUI Galway. The conference takes place from 28-29 August and will bring together leading neuroscientists, post-doctoral researchers and graduate students from all over Ireland, Britain and Europe. The organisation Neuroscience Ireland was set up to advance research and education in the neurosciences in Ireland. Conference organiser, Dr Karen Doyle, lecturer in the Physiology Department and Head of the Neuroscience Cluster within the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) at NUI Galway, commented: "Neuroscience is an emerging discipline of great strength in Ireland. The main themes of this conference are very topical and reflect areas of research strength within NUI Galway, and Ireland as a whole. For example, the first session focuses on the mechanisms of cell death in neurons, which may underpin the development of devastating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease." Professor Aviva Tolkovski from the University of Cambridge will present a paper on the mechanisms of neurodegeneration. The conference will also look at strategies to promote regeneration of neurons, which may advance the discovery of new therapies for degenerative diseases, enhancing the quality of life for huge numbers of patients and their families. Another session focuses on pain, which affects millions of people world-wide and has major implications to quality of life and economics. Dr Doyle added, "The conference also looks at emerging areas of neuroscience such as that of glial cells, which have been linked with the development of Multiple Sclerosis. Professor David Nutt from the University of Bristol will lead a discussion on the psychopharmacology of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia and the mind altering effects of drugs. NUI Galway has a long association with the postgraduate training of neuroscientists. Its Neuroscience Graduate School enhances the international profile of neuroscience in NUI Galway. The Neuroscience Ireland conference will provide a focus for global neuroscience research within Irish research institutions. Ends

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

NUI Galway has created a special website to support the thousands of students accepting places at the University via the CAO. The 'Firstinfo' Web site ( provides information on topics including accommodation and registration. In addition, the NUI Galway Alumni Association is hosting its ninth annual series of information evenings for parents and students in counties Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Galway, Clare and Westmeath. At the evening sessions, NUI Galway Alumni Association Board Members and Students' Union representatives will advise students on what to expect when arriving at NUI Galway and will answer any questions relating to university life. The topics covered will include Accommodation, Finance and the Students' Assistance Fund, Safety, Careers, Counselling, Clubs and Societies, and the Students' Union. Information evenings or 'Student Send-Offs' will take place at 7pm in the following venues: Sligo, Tuesday, 26 August: Sligo Park Hotel, Pearse Road, Sligo Town. Clare, Wednesday, 27 August: Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare. Galway, Thursday, 28 August: Lecture Theatre MY001, Áras Moyola, NUI Galway. Donegal, Monday, 1 September: Pier One, Donegal Town. Mayo, Tuesday, 2 September: TF Royal Hotel & Theatre, Old Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Westmeath, Wednesday, 3 September: Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Galway, Thursday, 4 September: Lecture Theatre MY001, Áras Moyola, NUI Galway. JB Terrins, Director of Alumni Relations at NUI Galway, says an information evening can prove a valuable introduction to the University: "For many, this will be their first time leaving home, making it an exciting and anxious time for both students and parents. This is an ideal opportunity to get first-hand advice on those first days of term and become familiar with the University's many student support services. It is also a chance to find out about the University's 85 societies and 40 sport clubs, which are a great way to meet new people with similar interests." For more information on the information evenings phone Emma Goode on 091 492721. -ends-

Monday, 18 August 2008

Beijing has welcomed the world to the Games of the 29th Olympiad. Among athletes from 205 National Olympic Committees to compete over the coming weeks are NUI Galway students and alumni, Paul Hession, Cormac Folan, Alan Martin and Olive Loughnane. Dr. Jim Browne, NUI Galway President, commented: "We are delighted and honoured to have students and alumni of NUI Galway representing Ireland on the world stage at the 2008 Olympic Games. On behalf of the University, I would like to wish Paul, Cormac, Alan and Olive the very best of luck and every success in Beijing". Paul Hession, Ireland's fastest man is a medical student at NUI Galway. Twice a World Student Games medallist, Paul was awarded an NUI Galway Sports Scholarship for Athletics in 2000 and is still an integral part of the scheme. Paul received the NUI Galway Sports Awards for Athletics four years in a row from 2002 – 2005. For the past couple of seasons he has taken the Athletics world by storm with world class performances in the three major sprints; the 60m dash, 100m & 200m. Last month Paul, a native of Athenry, produced a stunning double at the Cork City Sports recording the fastest 100m run in this country (10,21) before eclipsing a star- studded field in the 200m at the Mardyke. Paul also collected the American Trophy for the Outstanding Athlete at the meeting. Cormac Folan is a graduate in Engineering and will form part of the crew for the Men's Four Rowing team. Cormac, from Barna, was awarded an NUI Galway Rowing Sports Scholarship from 2003 to 2007. He was an outstanding member of the successful Men's Wylie Cup team here at NUI Galway winning the Intervarsity Championships between 2003 and 2007 completing four-in-a-row victories. Alan Martin, also a graduate in Engineering was awarded an NUI Galway Rowing Sports Scholarship from 2001 – 2006. He was also successful with NUI Galway Rowing Club capturing the Intervarsity Title Wylie Cup on no less than four occasions from 2002 to 2005. The Salthill rower was selected as the fifth member (substitute) of the Irish Heavyweight Coxless Fours in Beijing. Olive Loughnane is from Loughrea, Co. Galway and also a graduate of NUI Galway. Olive represented NUI Galway Athletic Club from 1993 to 1995 and was selected for a Sports Award in 1996. She also represented the Irish Universities on numerous occasions and was a member of the National Race Walking Squad. Olive became the first female Irish walker to win a senior title at the British Triple A's in Birmingham. Her times have continuously improved over the years and this is her third Olympic Games. Mr Tony Regan, Sports Officer, NUI Galway proudly said, "These people are world class athletes with outstanding talent and are the current generation of Irish Sporting Stars. They are wonderful role models and are an inspiration to us all and we are proud and honoured to have them as students and graduates of NUI Galway. We wish them the very best in their endeavours in Beijing over the next couple of weeks". The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games commenced on 8 August with the opening ceremony and will continue until 24 August, 2008. Schedule Rowing: Cormac Folan - 9, 13, 14 August Athletics: Paul Hession - Friday, 15 August – 100m. Monday, 18 August – 200m, 19 August – 200m. Athletics: Olive Loughnane - Thursday, 21 August – 20k Walk ENDS