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Wednesday, 13 January 2010
The Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) at NUI Galway today (Wednesday, 13 January) announced a three-year "Enterprise of the Future" technology project, supported by Cisco. The €400,000 project will develop new ways for the "Enterprise of the Future" to integrate information and make it easily accessible for employees. Today, a typical company has information stored across a variety of often unconnected formats including documents, emails, instant messaging and wiki pages. DERI's semantic search and integration technology will seek to more cleverly and usefully link information and make it accessible across the company. Professor Stefan Decker, Director of DERI at NUI Galway, said: "This joint project shows that the leadership of Irish based research is recognised and valued by companies such as Cisco. The results originating from research projects like these could help to secure existing employment and create new jobs in Ireland by providing us with a competitive edge". "It is one thing having information, but another challenge entirely on how to integrate that information so that is easily linked, accessible and useful", said Mike Conroy, General Manager, Cisco R&D in Ireland. Keith Griffin, Lead Architect, Cisco, who developed the project with DERI, said: "Cisco believes that DERI, as a world leader in semantic web research can now link enterprise social networking, social connectivity and unified communications for the benefit of companies of the future". Cisco's decision to support the project follows a recent visit by Cisco's Vice President of Research, Dave Rossetti, to Galway. DERI and Cisco proposed that new semantic web technologies could help companies make better use of the torrent of information – from email to documents – which employees have to process every day. For the 'Enterprise of the Future" project Cisco has made a direct and in-kind contribution to DERI's research, with further support coming from the Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology (IRCSET). The project builds on the existing ongoing Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) sponsored research projects between Cisco and DERI. -Ends-
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
On Thursday evening, 14 January, NUI Galway will host dedicated information sessions for prospective mature students and for Leaving Certificate students who qualify under the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) and Disability Access Route to Education (DARE). The information session on the HEAR and DARE schemes will take place at 7pm on Thursday in the O'Flaherty Theatre, Arts and Science Building, NUI Galway. The information session for mature students will take place at 7.30pm in the Colm O'hEocha Theatre, Arts Millennium Building, NUI Galway. NUI Galway is now operating the two new schemes, HEAR and DARE, which enable students to enter the University with reduced points in their Leaving Certificate examinations. HEAR is an admissions scheme for students from backgrounds who, for cultural and economic reasons, do not normally apply to third-level education. DARE is a third-level admissions scheme for school leavers with disabilities. The HEAR and DARE schemes are part of the University's programme to increase access to its undergraduate courses for a wider range of students. For prospective mature students, those aged 23 and over, information will be provided on full-time programmes, entry requirements, and application and selection procedures. There will also be a focus on financial supports and on other supports available within the University. Mary Liddy, from the Mature Students Office at NUI Galway, has noticed an increased interest in returning to formal study in recent years: "With the economic downturn, many are looking to develop new employment opportunities by studying for a degree". During the information session a presentation will also be given on the University's special Access Programme for socio-economically disadvantaged mature students and on the pre-University foundation Courses, open to all, in Science and Engineering and in Commerce. For further information please contact: Tara Hanley, Access Office, NUI Galway on 091 494053; or Mary Liddy, Mature Students Office, NUI Galway on 091 492695; or Elizabeth Walsh, Disability Office, NUI Galway on 091493541. -ends-
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
The President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, and Chairman of COPE Galway, John Concannon, have signed a partnership agreement which will benefit some of the most vulnerable and isolated people in Galway. This partnership is the first of its kind, and through this initiative, a new and innovative approach is being taken by the University in working with a voluntary organisation. Students and academics involved in teaching, research and volunteerism will put a range of resources at the service of COPE Galway. COPE Galway is a charity that provides services including a refuge for women and children affected by domestic violence, accommodation for those experiencing homelessness, and social supports for older people living in their own home. In the past year COPE Galway delivered over 40,000 meals to older people - supporting them to continue living in their own homes, a refuge and outreach support to almost 300 women and their children experiencing domestic violence, and over 10,000 bed nights to homeless women and men. A memorandum of understanding commits both organisations to deepening their engagement with the people of Galway, through a range of partnerships and collaborations. Speaking on behalf of NUI Galway, President Browne said: "NUI Galway is committed to providing a positive and supportive learning environment for students. The educational experience at NUI Galway is enhanced by opportunities for experiential learning and personal development afforded to students through service learning, volunteering and other activities in local, national and international arenas". He continued: "The University has always enjoyed strong relationships with the city of Galway and with non-profit and voluntary organisations in its area. We are proud to work with charities such as COPE Galway, to ensure that the economic, social and cultural needs of the region are met in the fullest possible way". NUI Galway, largely through its Community Knowledge Initiative, incorporates civic engagement opportunities into mainstream teaching and research educational activities. NUI Galway formally demonstrates its institutional commitment to student and staff engagement as critical citizens in pertinent societal issues and community endeavours. To date over twenty-five degree programmes offer some 800 students annually a service learning experience, whereby they use their knowledge to enhance the capacity of community. In addition, over 700 students volunteer every year in local, national and international communities through the ALIVE Student Volunteering Programme. "COPE Galway believes strongly in the power of positive community engagement. We aim to make it easy and natural for all to contribute to the well being of society", said Chairman of COPE Galway, John Concannon. He added: "We are delighted to form this partnership with NUI Galway. By strengthening our organisation through alliances with key institutions such as NUI Galway, powerful networks are created. This leads to the establishment of a compelling knowledge base and the skills and momentum for a healthy, inclusive society are passed on to future generations". -ends-
Monday, 11 January 2010
Minister of State for Overseas Development, Mr Peter Power T.D. has announced details of funding for crop research involving collaborations between NUI Galway Botany and Plant Science and leading agricultural research centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in the developing world. The research will facilitate efforts to increase agricultural productivity and improve nutrition and livelihoods of the rural poor in Africa. The Irish Aid support is directed towards the agricultural research institutes of the CGIAR, a coalition of fifteen international agricultural research centres located in developing countries. The mandate of the non-profit CGIAR research system is to achieve sustainable food security and reduce poverty in developing countries through scientific research and research-related activities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, policy, and environment. Irish plant scientist Professor Charles Spillane, who has previously worked for the CGIAR and is now Head of Botany and Plant Science at NUI Galway, indicated: "For strengthening of food and livelihood security in Sub-Saharan Africa, there is an urgent need for greater investment in such pro-poor research partnerships focussed specifically on the crops and varieties grown and consumed by the rural poor in Africa. The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), one of the CGIAR crop research centres, is now establishing such collaborations with Irish universities, including NUI Galway and University College Cork". Professor Spillane added: "There are a number of factors that are now rapidly converging to aggravate the state of food insecurity, including population increases, changing consumption patterns, growing demand for meat and dairy (especially grain-fed), growing demand for biofuels, scarcity of land and water, slowing of agricultural productivity, and adverse impacts of climate change. Britain s chief scientist Professor John Beddington warned at the Oxford Farming Conference of an emerging "perfect storm" of food, water and energy shortages by 2030, where food prices would rise, more people would go hungry, and people are likely to flee the worst-affected regions in their millions. To ensure food supplies at current consumption rates will require a doubling of food and animal feed production by 2050 through increases in productivity (yield per hectare) while using less energy, fertilisers and water. In this context, the research of the CGIAR and its partners worldwide is critical to generating the improvements in agricultural productivity and sustainability necessary to improve the food security situation for the world's poor". Professor Spillane indicated that the collaborative research projects with IITA will initially focus on approaches for improving productivity of East African Highland bananas, a major staple food crop grown by poor smallholder farmers and essential to the food security for over 20 million people in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa. This project will be conducted in collaboration with East African banana breeder Dr Jim Lorenzen based at IITA's research station in Kampala, Uganda. The second research project will pursue efforts to elevate vitamin A levels in varieties of yellow maize consumed by the poor across Africa, in order to provide valuable options for combating micronutrient deficiencies in malnourished children and adults. This project will be conducted in collaboration with maize breeder Dr Menkir Abebe, based at IITA's research headquarters in Ibadan, Nigeria. Minister Power said: "We know that over one billion people in the world are hungry today. We urgently need practical and sustainable solutions to reverse this unconscionable situation. Scientific research which is designed to improve agricultural productivity is critical to addressing the challenges of hunger and food security, particularly in the context of climate change and a growing world population. Ireland, because of our history and commitment to development, has played a pivotal role in the global fight against hunger. The eradication of hunger is a cornerstone of Irish Aid's overseas development programme". Professor Spillane also highlighted that the collaborative research with the CGIAR which Irish Aid is funding will contribute to the implementation of the Hunger Task Force recommendations. It will also play an important role in ongoing efforts to raise the profile of plant and agricultural research for international development within Irish universities, and developing a cadre of scientists in Ireland who are focused on research for development. Professor Spillane stressed that we have now entered an era where increases in food production and agricultural productivity will have to be achieved in combination with efforts to ensure more equitable access to food, if global food insecurity and malnutrition is to be reduced to meet the Millennium Development Goals. -Ends-
Friday, 8 January 2010
Dr Peter Andrews, retired head of the Human Origins Group at the Natural History Museum in London, will deliver a lecture on Human Evolution on Tuesday, 19 January, at NUI Galway. Dr Andrew's talk will be based on a survey of new hominid fossil finds and their significance to human evolution, with a slant towards Darwin and his contributions to the subject of evolution. The lecture will take place at 8pm in the MRI Annex Theatre, NUI Galway. Event organiser and NUI Galway Lecturer in Palaeontology with Earth and Ocean Sciences, John Murray, is currently working with Dr Andrews at a pre-neanderthal cavesite in Nagorno Karabagh, Southern Caucasus. During his visit, Dr Andrews will examine the Neanderthal skull-cap in the James Mitchell Geology Museum at NUI Galway. Speaking in advance of the lecture Mr Murray said: "This particular specimen is actually the 'plastotype' for neanderthal people. In 1864 William King, Professor of Geology at Galway, coined the term Homo neanderthalensis and he remains the first individual to ever successfully name a new species of human". Speaking about the upcoming lecture Dr Andrews said: "The past few years have seen exciting new discoveries at all stages of human evolution, and I will be reviewing recent evidence on six stages of human evolution. These include the divergence of the ape and hominin lineages, the development of upright bipedal walking, the origin of stone tool industries, the first emigration of hominin species out of Africa leading to the spread of hominins globally, including Flores, the emergence of Homo sapiens in Africa and when and where human populations spread out of Africa into the rest of the world". Although now retired, Dr Andrews is still actively involved in research particularly in the areas of human and primate evolution, palaeoecology of Neogene environments, and taphonomy of vertebrate bones. Since his retirement from the Natural History Museum, London in 2000 he has been the curator of Blandford Museum, Dorset. He has also retained emeritus position at the Natural History Museum and his honorary position of professor at the University of London. He has written and edited ten books and more than 200 articles in the scientific and popular press. On Wednesday, 20 January, Dr Andrew will travel to Trinity College Dublin, where he will deliver the annual New Year address to the Irish Geological Association. -Ends-
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
NUI Galway researchers have deemed chronic pain a 'silent epidemic' in Ireland, having found that one in three people suffer from the condition. The finding is part of the preliminary results of the PRIME Study (Prevalence, Impact and Cost of Chronic Pain in Ireland), being led by NUI Galway, which is the first large scale project to examine the problem of chronic pain in the country. To date, only one study on chronic pain using market research methods has been available, and that data suggested that chronic pain affected 13% of the Irish population. The PRIME team found that among 1,200 randomly selected adults, a significant 35.5% were suffering from chronic pain. Principal Investigator of the study, Co-Director of the Centre for Pain Research and Senior Lecturer in Psychology at NUI Galway, Dr Brian McGuire said: "Chronic pain is pain that lasts for at least three months. One in three people in our study reported having chronic pain for an average of seven years – many of these people reported significant suffering, disability and reduced quality of life. In some ways, it could be regarded as a 'silent epidemic". The research, funded by the Health Research Board and HSE, found that there was no significant difference among men and women in rates of pain. However, pain did increase with age, with 28.2% reporting pain in the 18-34 age group, increasing to 50% of those aged 65 and over. Dr McGuire also flagged the cost to society of chronic pain: "The high level of disability associated with chronic pain is costing the health system and society as a whole in Ireland. There is also a high level of psychological suffering, while some people cope very well and manage their pain, others really struggle to cope with it". As to the source of pain, the lower back (47.2%) was the most commonly cited. This was followed by the knee (30.4%), neck (29.7%) and shoulder (27.3%). However, many respondents had pain in multiple areas. The study has also gathered data regarding the cost of chronic pain and this report will be available shortly – preliminary analysis points to a very significant cost to individuals and to the health system. The research team is also following up with participants to determine how many people still have pain one year later. The PRIME research team includes Miriam Raftery, Researcher at the Centre for Pain and Research and School of Psychology, NUI Galway; Andrew Murphy, Professor of General Practice, NUI Galway; Professor Charles Normand, Health Economist, TCD; Dr Davida de la Harpe, Population Health, HSE; and Dr Kiran Sarma, School of Psychology, NUI Galway. PRIME is funded in partnership by the Health Research Board and Health Service Executive. -ends-
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
'Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Policy Making in a Time of Economic Crisis' Galway Chamber, NUI Galway and the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology have announced details of the third Paddy Ryan Memorial Lecture to honour the memory of the late Paddy Ryan, which will take place on Monday, 18 January at 8pm in Áras Moyola, NUI Galway. Dr Alan Ahearne, Special Advisor to Mr Brian Lenihan T.D., Minister for Finance, has been announced as the guest speaker and will be presented with a specially commissioned medal designed by the artist and sculpture Padraic Reaney following his lecture entitled 'Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Policy Making in a Time of Economic Crisis.' The lecture will be followed by an open questions and answers session. Economist and commentator, Dr Ahearne, currently on leave of absence from positions at NUI Galway and at Bruegel, the influential Brussels-based economics think tank, will give his view on the country's current economic situation. He said: "Ireland is beginning to emerge from the most severe recession in our history. Policymakers have been battling to stabilise the economy amid a perfect economic storm. My talk will look at how current economic policy is setting the seeds for recovery". President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne commented: "NUI Galway is very proud to be associated with The Paddy Ryan Memorial Lecture, which honours Paddy Ryan's lifetime of public service. We are particularly pleased to welcome Dr Alan Ahearne back to campus for what promises to be a most insightful lecture on the current global economic situation". President of GMIT Marion Coy said: "The Institute is delighted to be part of this event at a time when business in the West of Ireland is facing significant challenges. The life and work of Paddy Ryan continues to inspire those who believe that we must take decisive action to shape our own destiny". The event alternates between GMIT and NUI Galway on an annual basis and the presentation medallion is kindly sponsored by Schneider Electric IT Logistics Europe (formerly APC). The event is free and open to the public and will be followed by a reception. Please RSVP to elaine@galwaychamber.com or phone Elaine on 091 563536. -Ends-
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Using disinfectants could cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics as well as the disinfectant itself, according to NUI Galway research published in the January issue of Microbiology. The findings could have important implications for how the spread of infection is managed in hospital settings. Research carried out by a team affiliated with the Immunity and Infectious Disease Research Cluster and the Discipline of Microbiology in the School of Natural Sciences, found that by adding increasing amounts of disinfectant to laboratory cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the bacteria could adapt to survive not only the disinfectant but also ciprofloxacin - a commonly-prescribed antibiotic - even without being exposed to it. The researchers showed that the bacteria had adapted to more efficiently pump out antimicrobial agents (disinfectant and antibiotic) from the bacterial cell. The adapted bacteria also had a mutation in their DNA that allowed them to resist ciprofloxacin-type antibiotics specifically. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterium that can cause a wide range of infections in people with weak immune systems and those with diseases such as cystic fibrosis (CF) and diabetes. P. aeruginosa is an important cause of hospital-acquired infections. Disinfectants are used to reduce the number of bacteria on surfaces to prevent their spread. If the bacteria manage to survive and go on to infect patients, antibiotics are used to treat them. Bacteria that can resist both these control points may be a serious threat to hospital patients. Importantly, the study showed that when very small non-lethal amounts of disinfectant were added to the bacteria in culture, the adapted bacteria were more likely to survive compared to the non-adapted bacteria. Dr Gerard Fleming, who led the study, said: "In principle this means that residue from incorrectly diluted disinfectants left on hospital surfaces could promote the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. What is more worrying is that bacteria seem to be able to adapt to resist antibiotics without even being exposed to them". Dr Fleming also stressed the importance of studying the environmental factors that might promote antibiotic resistance. "We need to investigate the effects of using more than one type of disinfectant on promoting antibiotic-resistant strains. This will increase the effectiveness of both our first and second lines of defence against hospital-acquired infections," he said. The investigation was directed by NUI Galway's Dr Gerard Fleming and also involved Dr Paul McCay and Dr Alain Ocampo Soso. Dr McCay was funded by Science Foundation Ireland under a Research Frontiers Programme, and supported by an IRCSET Postgraduate Research Fellowship, and Dr Alain Ocampo Soso was until recently, a researcher with the EU Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Programme (GAMIDI) at NUI Galway. For the full article, see online content from the Society for General Microbiology journal Microbiology (subscription required). -Ends-
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) The Literary and Debating Society, NUI Galway, will host a public address by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, at 5pm on Sunday, 15 February, in Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway. The Nobel Peace Prize winner will speak about the global legacy of aid, justice and charity. Originally from the Transvaal region of South Africa, Desmond Tutu was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in 1961, became Bishop of Lesotho in 1976, and by 1986 was his country s highest Anglican official as Archbishop of Cape Town. In 1984, Archbishop Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his anti-apartheid work in South Africa. As part of the struggle against apartheid, he championed economic sanctions throughout the 1970s and 1980s. When the apartheid regime fell in the 1990s, he was appointed as head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Nelson Mandela s new government. Speaking about Archbishop Tutu, Nelson Mandela has said he is: "Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu s voice will always be the voice of the voiceless". Dr Vinodh Jaichand, a national of South Africa, is a lecturer with the Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUI Galway: "For South Africans, Archbishop Tutu continues to be the voice of conscience in South Africa, reminding us of things we so easily forget. His stance on controversial topics has always made us think twice". Archbishop Tutu will receive the Literary and Debating Society's President's Medal, the society's highest accolade. This award has been accepted in the past by philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky, US Senator Mike Gravel, Congressman Bruce Morrison, and former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern. Dan Colley, Auditor of Literary and Debating Society at NUI Galway, says: "Recipients of the President's Medal are those who we feel have made a significant contribution to the Society's first principal, freedom of speech; as well as made a significant contribution to wider society. Archbishop Tutu, as one of the world's foremost human rights activists and a leader who spoke out against totalitarianism, embodies the spirit of the award. We look forward to welcoming him as our honoured guest". Tutu retired as archbishop in 1996 but has remained active on the international scene, most recently as part of a group called 'The Elders', which comprise high profile public figures drawn from across the globe. The mission of the group is to 'contribute their wisdom, independent leadership and integrity to tackling some of the world s toughest problems and committed to working on pressing issues confronting society today'. Other members of The Elders who have previously visited NUI Galway include Mary Robinson and Nelson Mandela. Priced at €5 each, proceeds from ticket sales for the event will go to a charity of Archbishop Tutu's choosing. Tickets can be purchased from Monday, 2 February from the Socs Box on campus (Tel: 091 492852), as well as from Zhivago Records on Shop Street, Galway. Cuairt ar OÉ Gaillimh á Beartú ag an Ardeaspag Desmond Tutu (View in English) Tá caint phoiblí leis an Ardeaspag Desmond Tutu á heagrú ag Cumann Liteartha agus Díospóireachta OÉ Gaillimh in Áras na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh Dé Domhnaigh, 15 Feabhra ag 5pm. Labhróidh Buaiteoir Dhuais Síochána Nobel faoi oidhreacht dhomhanda an chúnaimh, an cheartais agus na carthanachta. Is as ceantar Transvaal na hAfraice Theas Desmond Tutu. Oirníodh ina shagart de chuid na hEaglaise Anglacánaí é i 1961, agus coisriceadh ina Easpag ar Leosóta é i 1976. Faoi 1986 bhí sé ina cheann feadhna Anglacánach ar a thír dhúchais nuair a ceapadh ina Ardeaspag ar Cape Town é. I 1984, bronnadh Duais Síochána Nobel ar an Ardeaspag Tutu as a chuid oibre frith-apartheid san Afraic Theas. Mar chuid den choimhlint in éadan apartheid, throid sé ar son smachtbhannaí eacnamaíocha i rith na 1970í agus na 1980í. Nuair a chlis ar réimeas an apartheid sna 1990í, ceapadh é ina cheannasaí ar an gCoimisiún Fírinne agus Athmhuintearais faoi rialtas nua Nelson Mandela. Ag labhairt dó faoin Ardeaspag Tutu, dúirt Nelson Mandela: "Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu s voice will always be the voice of the voiceless". Is léachtóir san Ionad Éireannach um Chearta an Duine in OÉ Gaillimh é an Dr Vinodh Jaichand, arb as an Afraic Theas é. "Do phobal na hAfraice Theas is é an tArdeaspag Tutu guth choinsias na hAfraice Theas go fóill, agus bíonn sé de shíor ag cur nithe ar furasta dúinn dearmad a dhéanamh orthu ar ár súile dúinn arís. Chuir an seasamh a ghlac sé faoi ábhair chonspóideacha orainn smaoineamh orainn féin i gcónaí." Bronnfar Bonn Uachtarán an Chumainn Liteartha agus Díospóireachta, buaicghradam an chumainn, ar an Ardeaspag Tutu. I measc na ndaoine ar bronnadh an gradam seo orthu san am a chuaigh thart bhí an fealsamh agus an teangeolaí Noam Chomsky, an Seanadóir Meiriceánach Mike Gravel, an Feisire Meiriceánach Bruce Morrisson, agus an t-iar-Thaoiseach Bertie Ahern. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Dan Colley, Reachtaire an Chumainn Liteartha agus Díospóireachta in OÉ Gaillimh: "Bronnaimid Bonn an Uachtaráin ar dhaoine a mbraithimid go bhfuil curtha go suntasach acu le príomhphrionsabal an Chumainn, an tsaoirse cainte; agus ar dhaoine a bhfuil obair mhór déanta acu ar son an phobail i gcoitinne. Is duine de na mórghníomhaithe ar son chearta an duine é an tArdeaspag Tutu agus is ceannaire é a cháin an t-ollsmachtachas; is é spiorad an ghradaim seo féin ina steillbheatha é. Táimid ag súil le fáiltiú roimhe mar aoi onórach." Chuaigh Desmond Tutu ar scor ón bpost mar ardeaspag i 1996 ach tá sé ag gníomhú leis go hidirnáisiúnta, agus chonacthas le fíordheireanaí é ag feidhmiú mar bhall den ghrúpa 'The Elders' ina bhfuil pearsana clúiteacha poiblí as gach cearn den domhan. Is é misean an ghrúpa 'a ngaois, a gceannaireacht neamhspleách agus a n-ionracas a úsáid le dul i ngleic le cuid de na fadhbanna is measa ar domhan agus tá siad tugtha go hiomlán do shaothrú ar son na ndeacrachtaí tromchúiseacha atá le sárú ag an tsochaí sa lá atá inniu ann'. I measc na gcomhaltaí eile de 'The Elders' a thug cuairt ar OÉ Gaillimh bhí Mary Robinson agus Nelson Mandela. Rachaidh luach na dticéad don ócáid, atá ar díol ar €5 an ceann, chuig carthanas a roghnóidh an tArdeaspag Tutu. Is féidir ticéid a cheannach ón Luan, 2 Feabhra ón Socs Box ar an gcampas (Teil: 091 492852), agus ó Zhivago Records ar Shráid na Siopaí i nGaillimh. -críoch-
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway and Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) have signed a memorandum of understanding outlining future collaboration between the two institutions. This collaboration represents the culmination of three years work by staff and management from both institutions with a view to identifying ways in which the relative strengths of both institutions could be used for the benefit of the Irish language and Gaeltacht community. A joint degree programme has emanated from this collaboration which meets the recognized need and increased demand from a range of organisations working through the medium of Irish for third level graduates who can function effectively in a bilingual environment. These organisations come from a broad range of sectors including the public sector, the Gaeltacht business sector, the education sector, national and local Irish language organisations, and community development organisations. The new BA Riarachán Gno (Business Administration) is a four year programme taught through the medium of Irish at NUI Galway s external campus in Gaoth Dobhair, County Donegal. It aims to provide graduates with the practical and analytical skills necessary to work effectively in a business and administration environment in which Irish and English are used. The programme is provided jointly by staff from LYIT and NUI Galway and is recognized by the Teachers Council for the purposes of teaching Business at Post Primary level. President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, said: "I would like to congratulate the Joint Working Group which brought this project to its conclusion. I know it is not always easy to overcome the obstacles that emanate from working under different policy regimes and with different structures. However, the Working Group, through their dedication to the project and their ability to work together has managed to overcome these challenges. I am confident that this project will provide the basis for future collaborative projects between LYIT and NUI Galway in the area of Irish language teaching and research". Paul Hannigan, President of LYIT, commented: "We are delighted with this collaboration and the exciting programme which, through a combination of academic studies and training, will provide education to graduate level in the main business and administrative disciplines and develop well educated and highly trained young graduates". Comhfhiontar idir OÉ Gaillimh agus LYIT dearbhaithe (View in English) Tá meamram comhthuisceana ina bhfuil cur síos ar chomhfhiontar idir OÉ Gaillimh agus Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn (LYIT) sínithe ag an dá institiúid. Is ann don chomhfhiontar seo i ndiaidh do chomhaltaí foirne agus do lucht bainistíochta ón dá institiúid trí bliana a chaitheamh ag iarraidh bealaí a aimsiú le láidreachtaí an dá institiúid a úsáid chun tairbhe na Gaeilge agus phobal na Gaeltachta. Tá clár céime á thairiscint ag an dá institiúid in éindí mar chuid den chomhfhiontar seo a fhreastalaíonn ar riachtanas agus ar éileamh méadaithe ó eagraíochtaí éagsúla atá ag feidhmiú trí mheán na Gaeilge céimithe tríú leibhéal le Gaeilge a aimsiú, céimithe a bhfuil ar a gcumas feidhmiú go héifeachtach i dtimpeallacht dhátheangach. Áirítear i measc na n-eagraíochtaí seo eagraíochtaí as earnálacha éagsúla lena n-áirítear an earnáil phoiblí, earnáil gnó na Gaeltachta, an earnáil oideachais, eagraíochtaí náisiúnta agus áitiúla Gaeilge, agus eagraíochtaí forbartha pobail. Clár ceithre bliana é an BA i Riarachán Gnó atá á theagasc trí mheán na Gaeilge ar champas seachtrach OÉ Gaillimh i nGaoth Dobhair, Co. Dhún na nGall. Tá sé mar aidhm leis an gclár na scileanna praiticiúla agus anailíseacha riachtanacha a thabhairt do chéimithe ionas go mbeidh ar a gcumas feidhmiú go héifeachtach i dtimpeallacht gnó agus riaracháin ina bhfuil Gaeilge agus Béarla in úsáid. Beidh an clár seo á theagasc ag comhaltaí foirne ó LYIT agus ó OÉ Gaillimh araon agus tá aitheantas aige ón gComhairle Mhúinteoireachta a chuirfidh ar chumas na gcéimithe Gnó a theagasc ag leibhéal iar-bhunoideachais. Dúirt an Dr James Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: "Is mian liom tréaslú leis an gComhghrúpa Oibre a d'oibrigh ar an tionscadal seo. Is eol dom nach mbíonn sé éasca i gcónaí constaicí a shárú – constaicí a eascraíonn as a bheith ag obair faoi réir beartais éagsúla agus struchtúir dhifriúla. D'éirigh leis an nGrúpa Oibre, áfach, an tionscadal a fhorbairt agus na dúshláin seo a shárú trí bheith ag obair i dteannta a chéile. Táim lánmhuiníneach go bhfeidhmeoidh an tionscadal seo mar bhunús le tionscadail chomhoibritheacha eile bunaithe ar theagasc agus ar thaighde na Gaeilge idir LYIT agus OÉ Gaillimh". Dúirt Paul Hennigan, Uachtarán LYIT: "Cúis áthais dúinn a bheith ag obair i dteannta OÉ Gaillimh ar an gclár nua seo. Níl amhras ar bith orm, trí staidéar agus oiliúint acadúil, go mbeidh ar ár gcumas oideachas a chur ar chéimithe sna príomhdhisciplíní gnó agus riaracháin agus céimithe óga oilte, láncháilithe a sholáthar". -Críoch-
Monday, 26 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge)Múscailt, the University Spring Festival celebrating creative excellence at NUI Galway and showcasing all that's happening in the Arts has announced the line-up for Múscailt 09. From 9–13 February, the University will be transformed as senses are hijacked when people come together to enjoy and celebrate creativity and the coming of spring. Mùscailt, meaning to awaken, inspire and celebrate, has gathered work this year that is as diverse as the student body. From the tremendous installation 'Versus' on the college green by Ben Geoghegan to the Jerome Hynes Original One Act Play Series, there is inspiration to be found everywhere. 'Versus' is a new work by artist Ben Geoghegan and commissioned by NUI Galway for Múscailt 09. Living and working in Galway and a member of Artspace Studios, Ben completed a Masters in Visual Art Practices at IADT in 2008 and exhibited as part of the celebrations to commemorate 100 years of The Hugh Lane Gallery in the summer of 2008. The provocative work of photographer Sue Fox promises debate. Currently a lecturer of Photography at Manchester Metropolitan University, Sue will be a guest speaker at the festival opening in February and present an illustrated talk 'Contemplations on the Corpse'. 'I like the unusual, the taboo, the sexual, the abstract, the absurd, the surreal… anything edgy, uncensored.' (Sue Fox, Photographer, 2008) Metal artist, Luca Ciavarella will be inspired by salvaged/reclaimed pieces, creating an art sculpture in the campus tennis court throughout the course the festival. His piece, entitled Living Sculpture, will be auctioned at the NUI Galway Gala Banquet in March in aid of Habitat for Humanity. Leanaí I Limbo by Lorraine Tuck is a haunting collection that depicts the final resting places of unbaptised stillborn babies around Ireland. The bleak landscape of Connemara mirrors the sentiment portrayed within this exhibit. Moving in their simplicity the images speak to a time when the Catholic Church's power forced their flock to bury their stillborn babies in unconsecrated ground. Lorraine Tuck captures the full emotional force of her subject matter with a backdrop of the weathered landscape of Connemara. Music entertainment during the festival includes leading international performers in a special concert presented by the Arts in Action Programme: Cahill Hayden (fiddle) Mairtín O'Connor (accordion), Ronan Brown (uillean pipes), Seamie O Dowd (guitar), Roisín Elsafty (sean-nós singing), Roisín Ní Mhainín (sean-nós dance), Mary McPartlan (Traditional/Contemporary singing) and Louis De Paor (Irish Poetry), will present a concert of the traditional arts. Galway University Musical Society (GUMS) this year presents Disco Inferno, a musical full of fantastic hits from the seventies, including numbers such as 'Hot Stuff', 'Celebration', and of course 'Disco Inferno', to name but a few! A great night's entertainment is guaranteed! Local favourite Noelie McDonnell has been described in The New York Post As a startlingly good new Irish talent and in Hot Press as The real deal . A performance by the Galway musician who has been winning the hearts of new fan s all over the nation with his song Nearly Four which remained at No.1 in the itunes folk chart for 6 weeks is sure to be a sell-out. Other festival highlights include: Stolen Apples, presented by Colours Street Theatre Company; Billy Goats Gruff, a performance by Your Man's Puppets; A Voyage to Skellig Michael: Medieval and Modern by Bob Harris; and Witless Battle of the Bands. Múscailt is produced by the Arts office and the Societies office, and includes the best of the societies' events and exciting guest artists from around the world. Múscailt is supported by the University Foundation Office. For all ticket and further information contact the SocsBox the Hub, Aras na Mac Léinn at 091 492852 or email socsbox@socs.nuigalway.ie. For full programme details and further information about the festival visit www.muscailt.nuigalway.ie or www.socs.nuigalway.ie Féile an Earraigh seolta in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Tá clár na n-imeachtaí fógartha do Múscailt '09, Féile Ealaíon an Earraigh OÉ Gaillimh. Ón 9–13 Feabhra, beidh atmaisféar iontach ar champas na hOllscoile tráth a mbaileoidh na sluaite le ceiliúradh a dhéanamh agus sult a bhaint as cruthaitheacht na féile agus teacht an earraigh. Ciallaíonn Múscailt dúiseacht, spreagadh agus ceiliúradh – is iad sin aidhmeanna bunúsacha na féile. I mbliana tá na himeachtaí a bheidh ar siúl mar chuid den fhéile chomh héagsúil lenár mic léinn. I measc na n-imeachtaí a bheidh ar siúl tá an píosa ealaín suiteála dar teideal 'Versus' le Ben Geoghegan a bheidh le feiceáil i bhfaiche an choláiste, agus Sraith Nua Drámaí Aonghnímh Jerome Hynes. Is cinnte gur imeachtaí iad seo a chothóidh spéis an tslua. Saothar nua ealaíne leis an ealaíontóir Ben Geoghegan é 'Versus', saothar a choimisiúnaigh OÉ Gaillimh do Múscailt '09. Tá Ben ag cur faoi agus ag obair i nGaillimh agus is ball de Artspace Studios é. Chríochnaigh sé Máistreacht i gCleachtais Amharcealaíon in Institiúid Ealaíne, Deartha & Teicneolaíochta Dhún Laoghaire in 2008 agus bhí saothar dá chuid ar taispeáint mar chuid de cheiliúradh 100 bliain Ghailearaí Hugh Lane i rith an tsamhraidh anuraidh. Níl dabht ar bith ach go dtarraingeoidh saothar gríosaitheach an ghrianghrafadóra Sue Fox neart cainte agus díospóireachta. Tá Sue ag obair mar léachtóir Grianghrafadóireachta in Ollscoil Chathair Mhanchain i láthair na huaire, agus tá sí roghnaithe mar aoi-chainteoir d oscailt na féile i mí Feabhra nuair a thabharfaidh sí caint dar teideal Contemplations on the Corpse . Beidh grianghraif á dtaispeáint aici i rith na cainte freisin. Faigheann an t-ealaíontóir miotail, Luca Ciavarella inspioráid ó sheanphíosaí miotail, agus cruthóidh sé dealbhóireacht ealaíne ar chúirt leadóige an champais i rith na féile. Cuirfear a shaothar, dar teideal Living Sculpture, ar ceant ag Mórfhéasta OÉ Gaillimh a bheidh ar siúl i mí an Mhárta. Rachaidh an t-airgead a bhaileofar chuig Habitat for Humanity. Bailiúchán dodhearmadta le Lorraine Tuck é Leanaí i Limbo a thugann léargas iontach ar na háiteanna ar cuireadh marbhghinte gan bhaisteadh fud fad na hÉireann. Tagann tírdhreach sceirdiúil Chonamara go mór le meon an taispeántais áirithe seo. Cé gur íomhánna simplí atá iontu is iontach an léargas a thugann siad ar an ré sin inar mhair daoine faoi smacht na hEaglaise Caitlicí; tráth ar cuireadh brú ar dhaoine marbhghinte a chur i dtalamh neamhchoisricthe. Éiríonn le Lorraine Tuck na mothúcháin uile a mhúsclaíonn an t-ábhar seo a chur inár láthair go héifeachtach agus tírdhreach síonchaite Chonamara mar chúlra dó. Beidh neart ceoil le cloisteáil i rith na féile freisin agus i measc na n-imeachtaí sin beidh ceolchoirm speisialta le sárcheoltóirí idirnáisiúnta á eagrú ag Clár na nEalaíon Cruthaitheach: Cahill Hayden (fidil), Máirtín O'Connor (bosca ceoil), Ronan Browne (píb uilleann), Seamie O Dowd (giotár), Róisín Elsafty (amhránaíocht ar an sean-nós), Róisín Ní Mhainín (damhsa ar an sean-nós), Mary McPartlan (Amhránaíocht Thraidisiúnta/Chomhaimseartha). Ceolchoirm é seo a mheallfaidh na sluaite ar spéis leo an ceol traidisiúnta! I mbliana beidh an ceoldráma dar teideal Disco Inferno á chur ar stáitse ag Cumann Ceoldrámaíochta Ollscoil na Gaillimhe (GUMS). Ceoldráma é seo ina bhfuil scoth na n-amhrán ó na 70idí, amhráin ar nós 'Hot Stuff', 'Celebration', agus 'Disco Inferno'. Tá an-oíche siamsaíochta geallta do chách! Ceoltóir de bhunadh na Gaillimhe é Noelie McDonnell a bhfuil aird idirnáisiúnta tarraingthe air le tamall anuas. Dúradh sa New York Post gur 'startlingly good new Irish talent' a bhí ann agus dúradh in Hot Press gurb é 'the real deal' é. Is cinnte go mbeidh an-tóir ar thicéid do cheolchoirm Noelie McDonnell fear a bhfuil cáil bainte amach aige mar gheall ar an amhrán Nearly Four a bhí ag uimhir 1 i gcairteacha ceoil tíre itunes ar feadh 6 seachtaine. I measc na n-imeachtaí eile a bheidh ar siúl tá: Stolen Apples, á chur i láthair ag Colours Street Theatre Company; Billy Goats Gruff, léiriú le Your Man's Puppets; A Voyage to Skellig Michael: Medieval and Modern le Bob Harris; agus Witless Battle of the Bands. Comhfhiontar idir an Oifig Ealaíon agus Oifig na gCumann é Múscailt – imeacht a thugann léargas ar na himeachtaí is fearr a bhíonn á reáchtáil ag na cumainn éagsúla agus imeacht a mheallann ealaíontóirí agus ceoltóirí éagsúla as gach cearn den domhan. Tacaíonn Fondúireacht na hOllscoile le Múscailt. Má theastaíonn tuilleadh eolais uait ba cheart duit glaoch ar an SocsBox, An Hub, Áras na Mac Léinn ag 091 492852 nó ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig socsbox@socs.nuigalway.ie. Tá clár iomlán na n-imeachtaí agus tuilleadh eolais faoin bhféile le fáil ag www.muscailt.nuigalway.ie nó www.socs.nuigalway.ie -Críoch-
Monday, 26 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge)The Annual NUI Galway Graduate Studies Fair takes place on Tuesday, 3 February 2009, in Áras na Mac Léinn, from 1.30pm to 6pm. The event will showcase over 400 of NUI Galway's full-time and part-time postgraduate programmes, including taught and research masters, and doctoral research options. The theme of the event this year is employability with a series of seminars and presentations on choosing the right postgraduate option. Almost 3,500 postgraduate students currently attend NUI Galway, many of them travelling from overseas. At the Graduate Studies Fair, 70 information stands will provide details on postgraduate opportunities at NUI Galway, with academic staff and current students on hand to answer questions about specific courses. According to John Hannon, Head of NUI Galway's Career Development Centre, "In the current economic climate, there is increased interest among undergraduate students in staying in education by pursuing postgraduate studies. A postgraduate qualification can provide a real career boost. Undoubtedly, it can maximise career prospects and earnings". NUI Galway offers world-class fourth level education, developing programmes based on its traditional academic strengths of Arts, Social Sciences, Celtic Studies; Commerce, Medicine, Nursing, Health Science, Law, Engineering, Informatics and Science. These areas have been augmented with innovative Research Centres in areas as diverse as Biomedical Engineering, International Human Rights, Digital Media & Film Studies, and Regenerative Medicine. John Hannon adds: "With so many options available at postgraduate level, people must choose carefully. Graduates need to look at their careers in broad terms and the postgraduate qualification pursued must be carefully thought through. This is why the Graduate Studies Fair, and the chance to talk to lecturers and current postgraduate student, is so important". The Graduate Studies Fair will also feature stands from other institutions across the country. An online prospectus of all that is on offer at NUI Galway at postgraduate level and further information about the Graduate Studies Fair is available at www.nuigalway.ie/graduatestudies/. Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime OÉ Gaillimh le díriú ar Infhostaitheacht (View in English) Beidh Aonach Bliantúil Staidéir Iarchéime OÉ Gaillimh ar siúl Dé Máirt, 3 Feabhra 2009, in Áras na Mac Léinn ó 1.30pm go dtí 6pm. Beidh eolas le fáil faoi bhreis is 400 clár iarchéime lánaimseartha agus páirtaimseartha atá á dtairiscint in OÉ Gaillimh, lena n-áirítear cláir mháistreachta theagaisc agus thaighde, agus roghanna taighde dochtúireachta. Infhostaitheacht atá roghnaithe mar théama an imeachta i mbliana agus reáchtálfar sraith seimineár agus láithreoireachtaí le cabhrú leat an cúrsa iarchéime is oiriúnaí a roghnú duit féin. Tá beagnach 3,500 mac léinn iarchéime ag freastal ar OÉ Gaillimh i láthair na huaire, agus is mic léinn as thar lear go leor acu. Beidh 70 seastán eolais ag an Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime le heolas a thabhairt faoi na deiseanna iarchéime atá ar fáil in OÉ Gaillimh. Beidh idir chomhaltaí foirne acadúla agus mhic léinn i láthair le ceisteanna faoi na cúrsaí éagsúla a fhreagairt. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag John Hannon, Ceann Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh, "Agus cúrsaí geilleagracha mar atá, tá níos mó spéise ag mic léinn bunchéime leanúint lena gcuid staidéir agus tabhairt faoi chúrsaí iarchéime. Cabhraíonn cáilíocht iarchéime go mór le daoine post a fháil. Gan amhras, cabhraíonn sé le hardú céime a fháil agus pá níos fearr a thuilleamh freisin". Tá oideachas ceathrú leibhéal den chéad scoth á thairiscint ag OÉ Gaillimh. Tá cláir iarchéime forbartha atá bunaithe ar na réimsí sin a bhfuil cáil ar OÉ Gaillimh iontu – Na Dána, Eolaíochtaí Sóisialta, Léann Ceilteach; Tráchtáil, Leigheas, Altranas, Eolaíocht Sláinte, Dlí, Innealtóireacht, Faisnéisíocht agus Eolaíocht. Cuireadh go mór leis na réimsí staidéir seo trí Ionaid Nuálacha Taighde a bhunú i réimsí chomh héagsúil le hInnealtóireacht Bhithleighis, Cearta Daonna Idirnáisiúnta, Meáin Dhigiteacha & Scannánaíocht, agus Leigheas Athghiniúnach. Chomh maith leis sin, dúirt John Hannon: "De bhrí go bhfuil an oiread sin cúrsaí ar fáil anois do mhic léinn iarchéime, ní mór smaoineamh go cúramach ar na roghanna ar fad atá ann. Ní mór do chéimithe smaoineamh ar a ngairmeacha beatha sa chomhthéacs is leithne is féidir agus dianmhachnamh a dhéanamh ar an gcáilíocht iarchéime is mian leo a bhaint amach. Dá bhrí sin, baineann an-tábhacht leis an Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime agus an deis labhairt le léachtóirí agus le mic léinn iarchéime". Beidh seastáin ag institiúidí eile as gach cearn den tír ag an Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime freisin. Tá réamheolaire ar líne le fáil ina bhfuil cur síos ar na cúrsaí uile atá ar fáil d iarchéimithe in OÉ Gaillimh mar aon le tuilleadh eolais faoin Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime ag www.nuigalway.ie/graduatestudies/. -críoch-
Thursday, 22 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge)In response to recent changes in the graduate labour market, the Career Development Centre at NUI Galway has put together a series of seminars, beginning with 'Get a Step Ahead, Tips for Career Success in Challenging Times' on Tuesday, 27 January, from 6-8pm, in the Colm Ó hEocha Theatre, Arts Millennium Building. The event is aimed at final year students and current post graduates and will feature a variety of expert speakers. Today FM presenter, RTÉ contributor, and Managing Director of the Communications Clinic, Anton Savage, will reveal to students how to stand out from the crowd in the current competitive graduate labour market. Dr James Cunningham, Director of the Centre of Innovation and Structural Change, (CISC), NUI Galway, and co-editor of the recently published Irish Management 2.0, will examine the link between current economic trends and future skills needs which will assist students in making the right postgraduate study choices. Students will learn the secrets to effective goal setting and personal techniques for achieving career success with qualified executive business coach Bernard Chanliau, Director and owner of XenerGie. Bernard Chanliau has extensive experience in coaching individuals to achieve their career and business goals. John Hannon, Head of the Career Development Centre in NUI Galway, stresses the need for graduates to look at their careers in broader terms and see it as a series of stepping stones or portfolios where they can accumulate skills, knowledge and experience. He said: "We have hit a tough economic period but I still believe that the majority of graduates will manage to get jobs". Mary O Riordan, Vice-President for Student Services & Human Resources at NUI Galway, encourages students to avail of this opportunity and the many career related events planned for this semester by the NUI Galway Career Development Centre. "This is an exciting event for students and recent graduates and demonstrates a proactive approach". For further information contact the NUI Galway Career Development Centre on 091 492504. Ócáid dírithe ar Fhostaíocht a aimsiú sa Ré Dhúshlánach seo á reáchtáil in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Is eol do chách anois go bhfuil athrú tagtha le gairid ar mhargadh fostaíochta céimithe agus tá sraith seimineár eagraithe ag Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh dar teideal 'Get a Step Ahead, Tips for Career Success in Challenging Times'. Beidh an chéad seimineár ar siúl Dé Máirt, 27 Eanáir, ó 6-8pm, i dTéatar Choilm Uí Eocha, Áras Dán na Mílaoise. Tá an ócáid seo dírithe ar mhic léinn bhliain na céime agus ar mhic léinn iarchéime agus is cainteoirí ar saineolaithe i réimsí éagsúla iad a bheidh i mbun na seimineár. Labhróidh Anton Savage, láithreoir ar Today FM, painéalaí le RTÉ agus Stiúrthóir Bainistíochta Communications Clinic, le mic léinn faoin tslí is fearr le haird a tharraingt orthu féin sa mhargadh fostaíochta seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch. Labhróidh an Dr James Cunningham, Stiúrthóir an Ionaid um Nuálaíocht agus um Athrú Struchtúrtha (CISC), OÉ Gaillimh, agus comheagarthóir Irish Management 2.0, a foilsíodh le déanaí, ar an nasc atá idir treochtaí reatha sa gheilleagar agus na réimsí scileanna a theastóidh amach anseo chun cabhrú le mic léinn na cúrsaí iarchéime is feiliúnaí a roghnú. Cabhróidh Bernard Chanlia, oiliúnóir cáilithe gnó, agus Bainisteoir agus úinéir XenerGie le mic léinn a n-aird a dhíriú ar na rúin a bhaineann le spriocanna éifeachtacha a shocrú agus conas leas a bhaint as teicníochtaí pearsanta a chabhróidh leo dul chun cinn a dhéanamh. Tá an-taithí ag Bernard Chanliau ar oiliúint daoine aonair le cabhrú leo a spriocanna gairme agus gnó a bhaint amach. Deir John Hannon, Ceann an Ionaid Forbartha Gairmeacha in OÉ Gaillimh, gur gá do chéimithe anois féachaint ar a ngairmeacha i gcomhthéacs níos leithne agus mar shraith céimeanna nó portfóiliónna a thugann deis dóibh cur lena gcuid scileanna, leis an eolas agus leis an taithí atá acu. Dúirt sé: "Tá cúinsí geilleagracha na tíre seo imithe chun donais ach creidim fós go n-éireoidh le formhór na gcéimithe poist a fháil dóibh féin". Molann Mary O'Riordan, Leas-Uachtarán um Sheirbhísí do Mhic Léinn & Acmhainní Daonna in OÉ Gaillimh, leas a bhaint as an deis seo agus na himeachtaí eile a bheidh á reáchtáil ag Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh i rith an tseimeastair seo. "Imeacht iontach suimiúil a bheidh anseo do mhic léinn agus do chéimithe ina leagfar béim ar an gcur chuige réamhghníomhach". Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ach glaoch ar Oifig Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh ag 091 492504. -críoch-
Thursday, 22 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) A new medical twinning programme has been agreed between NUI Galway, UCC and the Allianze College of Medical Sciences, Kapala Batas, in northern Malaysia. Some 120 Malaysian and other south-east Asian students will study medicine in Galway and Cork for the first two and a half years, before completing their five-year degree in Malaysia. On successful completion, students will be awarded the NUI degree of MB, BAO, BCh. The agreement will initially run for 15 consecutive years of student intake but with the potential to be extended beyond that. During the period of the agreement, other health profession programmes may be developed by mutual agreement. Up to now, NUI Galway and UCC have only accepted Malaysian students into the Irish five-year medical programme. This initiative shifts the clinical training of the students to their home country. However they will still obtain an Irish medical qualification that will be approved and accredited by the professional accrediting authorities of Ireland and Malaysia. Commenting on the agreement, Professor B.G. Loftus, Dean of NUI Galway's College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, said: "Hospital based clinical education will take place in Malaysia, which will be of huge benefit to the graduates. The students will develop their clinical skills and knowledge in the context of their own culture, traditions and health needs. We believe the new twining project has real advantages for the Irish and Malaysian parties, the students themselves, and the people of Malaysia". The twinning programme is being developed within the context of ongoing bilateral links between Ireland and Malaysia, particularly the 2001 Memorandum of Understanding between the Irish and Malaysian Ministries of Education, and the Malaysian Government s invitation in 2004 to the Irish universities with renowned medical schools to develop a campus in Malaysia. According to Dr James J. Browne, President of NUI Galway, "In NUI Galway and UCC, we welcome this opportunity to work together as a single team to deliver a programme of which both universities can be proud. In recent years, Irish universities have developed strategic partnerships in many areas of graduate education and research. We realise the importance to both governments and to the students and people of both countries that Irish education in Malaysia is seen as operating consistently and to the highest international standards and that any elements of competition are managed within the overall national interest". There are documented records of Malaysian students studying in Ireland in such subjects as Medicine, Commerce and Engineering since just after the Second World War, and increasing rapidly since Malaysian independence in 1958. In 1988, Trinity College Dublin, UCD, UCC and NUI Galway established the Irish Universities Medical Consortium with the purpose of developing Irish medical education links with Malaysia and placing them on a firmer footing. Ten years later the Penang Medical College was established by UCD and RCSI. These Irish Malaysia links in the field of medical education have to date led to somewhere in the region of 3,000 to 4,000 Malaysian doctors with Irish medical qualifications. Michael Hanna, Manager of the College of Medicine and Health at UCC, said: "There is also a global dimension to this partnership. As our countries develop in the most challenging of times, and seek to provide for the heath needs of our peoples, we can learn from each other better ways of doing things and better ways of understanding and respecting the differences between us". The aspiration is that the relationship being established with ACMS will in time come to include other health programmes and research dimensions. In this context, NUI Galway and UCC are hopeful of developing strategic links with Universiti Sans Malaysia (USM), one of the five institutions selected by the Malaysian government as the country's lead universities in teaching and research. Clár Nua Oiliúna sa Leigheas ina Chleamhnas idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia (View in English) Táthar tar éis clár nua cleamhnaithe leighis a aontú idir OÉ Gaillimh, Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh agus Coláiste Eolaíochtaí Leighis Allianze, Kapala Batas, i dtuaisceart na Malaeisia. Déanfaidh thart ar 120 mac léinn de bhunadh na Malaeisia agus oirdheisceart na hÁise staidéar ar an leigheas i nGaillimh agus i gCorcaigh ar feadh na chéad dhá bhliain go leith, agus críochnóidh siad a gcéim, a mhairfidh ar feadh cúig bliana ar fad, sa Mhalaeisia. Bronnfar céim MB, BAO, BCh de chuid Ollscoil na hÉireann ar na mic léinn a n-éireoidh leo. Mairfidh an comhaontú faoina nglacfar le mic léinn gach bliain ar feadh 15 bliana as a chéile ar dtús ach féadfar cur leis ina dhiaidh sin. I rith thréimhse an chomhaontaithe, féadfar cláir ghairmiúla leighis eile a fhorbairt ach gach páirtí a bheith aontaithe faoi. Go dtí seo ní raibh OÉ Gaillimh agus Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh ach ag glacadh le mic léinn Mhalaeiseacha ar an gcúrsa leighis cúig bliana Éireannach. Faoin tionscnamh seo is ina dtír dhúchais a chuirtear an oiliúint chliniciúil ar na mic léinn. Beidh siad i dteideal cáilíocht leighis Éireannach a bhaint amach, áfach, a bheidh faofa agus creidiúnaithe ag údaráis chreidiúnaithe ghairmiúil na hÉireann agus na Malaeisia. Ag labhairt dó faoin gcomhaontú dúirt an tOllamh B.G. Loftus, Déan Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte in OÉ Gaillimh: "Is sa Mhalaeisia a chuirfear oideachas cliniciúil otharlainne orthu, rud a bheidh ina shárbhuntáiste ag na céimithe. Déanfaidh na mic léinn a gcuid scileanna cliniciúla agus a gcuid eolais chliniciúil a fhorbairt i gcomhthéacs a gcultúir, a dtraidisiún agus a riachtanas sláinte féin. Creidimid go mbainfidh comhpháirtithe na hÉireann agus na Malaeisia, na mic léinn féin agus pobal na Malaeisia fíorthairbhe as an tionscadal nua cleamhnaithe." Tá an clár cleamhnaithe á fhorbairt i gcomhthéacs na nasc déthaobhach leanúnach idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia, Meamram Comhthuisceana idir Aireachtaí Oideachais na hÉireann agus na Malaeisia, go háirithe, agus i bhfianaise an chuiridh a thug Rialtas na Malaeisia in 2004 d'ollscoileanna Éireannacha a bhfuil scoileanna cáiliúla leighis acu campas a fhorbairt sa Mhalaeisia. Dúirt an Dr James J. Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, "Fáiltímidne in OÉ Gaillimh agus i gColáiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh roimh an deis seo oibriú le chéile mar aon fhoireann amháin chun clár ar díol mórtais é don dá ollscoil a chur ar fáil. Le blianta beaga anuas, tá ollscoileanna Éireannacha tar éis go leor comhpháirtíochtaí straitéiseacha a fhorbairt in go leor réimsí oideachais agus taighde. Aithnímid a thábhachtaí atá sé don dá rialtas agus do mhic léinn agus do phobal an dá thír go bhfeicfí sa Mhalaeisia go bhfuil an t-oideachas Éireannach ag feidhmiú go comhsheasmhach, go bhfuiltear ag cloí leis na caighdeáin idirnáisiúnta is airde agus go ndéantar bainistiú ar aon eilimintí iomaíochta chun leasa an dá náisiún." Tá taifid dhoiciméadaithe ann de mhic léinn Mhalaeiseacha a bhí mbun staidéir in Éirinn ar ábhair amhail an Leigheas, an Tráchtáil agus an Innealtóireacht ó dheireadh an Dara Cogadh Domhanda i leith, agus mhéadaigh a líon go mór ó bhain an Mhalaeisia neamhspleáchas amach i 1958. I 1988 bhunaigh Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, An Coláiste Ollscoile Baile Átha Cliath, Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh agus OÉ Gaillimh Comheagras Leighis Ollscoileanna na hÉireann a raibh sé de chuspóir aige naisc oideachas leighis a fhorbairt idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia agus bonn níos daingne a chur faoi na naisc sin. Deich mbliana ina dhiaidh sin bhunaigh an Coláiste Ollscoile Baile Átha Cliath agus Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn Coláiste Leighis Penang. Is é an toradh atá ar na naisc seo idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia i réimse an oideachais leighis go dtí seo go bhfuil idir 3,000 agus 4,000 dochtúir Malaeiseach ann a bhfuil cáilíochtaí Éireannacha acu sa leigheas. Dúirt Michael Hanna, Bainisteoir Choláiste Leighis agus Sláinte Choláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh: "Tá gné dhomhanda ag baint leis an gcomhpháirtíocht seo. De réir mar atá ár dtíortha ag forbairt sa tréimhse an-dúshlánach seo, agus iad ag iarraidh freastal ar riachtanais sláinte an phobail sa dá thír, is féidir linn bealaí níos fearr a fhoghlaim óna chéile le rudaí a dhéanamh agus le tuiscint agus meas a bheith againn ar na difríochtaí atá eadrainn." Táthar ag súil go gcuimseoidh an caidreamh atáthar a bhunú leis an ACMS cláir agus gnéithe sláinte eile de réir a chéile. Sa chomhthéacs seo, tá dóchas ag OÉ Gaillimh agus ag Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh go ndéanfar naisc straitéiseacha a fhorbairt le Universiti Sans Malaysia (USM), ceann de chúig institiúid arb iad rogha rialtas na Malaeisia iad mar scoth-ollscoileanna na tíre sin sa teagasc agus sa taighde. -críoch-
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
CANCELLED - One of the world's leading experts on disability law and policy, Professor Michael Stein, is to deliver a public lecture at NUI Galway. A former classmate of US President Barack Obama's at Harvard, Professor Stein is now the Executive Director of the Harvard Project on Disability, which is a flagship project at Harvard Law School. The free public lecture will be held on Monday, 26 January at 6.30pm, in Room MY129, Áras Moyola, NUI Galway. Professor Stein's lecture will address the past and the future of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and discuss changes to the act by Congress following some negative US Supreme Court decisions. Professor Stein will also talk about further changes that might be needed to enable the US to eventually ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a treaty which President Obama has already promised to sign. The visit to NUI Galway is being hosted by the Centre for Disability Law & Policy, School of Law, NUI Galway. Its Director, Professor Gerard Quinn, comments: "Michael Stein is known the world over for his scholarship and depth of insight in the broad field of disability law. He himself has a disability, which always adds a sharp edge to his analysis. The Harvard Project on Disability is known for its work in Asia, and especially in China". Professor Quinn adds: "Michael has visited our Centre in the past, and has taught at our Summer Schools on disability law so we know him as an engaging speaker who is always eager to reach out to his audience and their own experiences. We feel privileged to host his visit and warmly anticipate his talk". Professor Stein has written extensively on American disability law. His interests include cost/benefit analysis of disability law, genetic discrimination and the law, and the concept of 'reasonable accommodation'. He was also an active delegate at the drafting of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Professor Stein recently co-authored a major report for the US National Council on Disability comparing and contrasting US law with the requirements of the convention. If you would like to attend or have any special requirements, please contact mobile +353 (0)87 6660634 or email disability@nuigalway.ie. For further details please visit the Centre for Disability Law & Policy's website at www.nuigalway.ie/cdlp/ -ends-
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Due to popular demand, a second day has been added to the annual Teddy Bear Hospital at NUI Galway, which will be visited by a record 950 children this year. The children, from 24 primary schools in the Galway region, will bring their Teddy Bears to the hospital at NUI Galway on Thursday 29, and Friday 30, January. Organised by the University's medical and health sciences students, the event is for children aged 3-7, and aims to dispel fears associated with hospitals. Over 150 students will volunteer their time to explain (with Teddy's help) how treatments, such as x-rays, work. The Sláinte Society, NUI Galway's branch of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, first started the event four years ago. The event organiser, fifth year medical student Donna Cummins, has been involved since its inception: "People are usually scared of the unknown, and hospitals are places that children in particular don't know a lot about. By bandaging Teddy's arm, x-raying his leg or taking a Teddy MRI, we can illustrate to children what doctors and nurses in hospitals do". Donna added: "Feedback over the years, from parents and teachers, has been overwhelmingly positive so we know the Teddy Bear Hospital really benefits the children. For us medical students, this has to be one of the highlights of the year. We get to volunteer, help out the kids, and diagnose Teddy Bear maladies. We have had so much support from students across campus, our sponsors and from the University. With the extra day this year, it will simply be double the fun". The Teddy Bear Hospital will also feature a Teddy Pharmacy, stocked with nourishing vitamin juices and other healthy treats, from sponsors Total Produce. Smyths Toys will provide lots of toys for the 'Waiting Room', which will be donated to Cope after the event. Outside the Teddy Bear Hospital, an Order of Malta Ambulance will be on show for the children. Students from various NUI Galway societies will volunteer their time for face-painting, juggling and bouncy castle activities. According to Ríona Hughes, NUI Galway Societies Officer: "The Teddy Bear Hospital is an excellent example of how student societies at NUI Galway engage with the community in exciting and creative ways. This event has gone from strength to strength each year. It is of huge benefit to our medical students and to the local schools and children who participate in this fun event". NUI Galway has 89 active societies through which students make friends, pursue their interests, learn new skills and organise events such as the Teddy Bear Hospital. NUI Galway also runs the ALIVE Programme to assist students find further volunteering opportunities with community organisations. Lá Breise á chur le hOtharlann na mBéiríní ag Mic Léinn Leighis OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) De bharr an éilimh atá uirthi, beidh Otharlann na mBéiríní in OÉ Gaillimh ar oscailt ar feadh dhá lá i mbliana. Tabharfaidh 950 páiste cuairt ar an Otharlann i mbliana, an líon is mó cuairteoirí go dtí seo. Tabharfaidh na páistí ó 24 bunscoil i gceantar na Gaillimhe a gcuid Béiríní chuig an otharlann in OÉ Gaillimh Déardaoin agus Dé hAoine, 29 agus 30 Eanáir. Is iad mic léinn leighis agus eolaíochtaí sláinte na hOllscoile a eagraíonn an ócáid do pháistí idir 3 bliana agus 7 mbliana d'aois, agus is é an aidhm atá léi an eagla a bhíonn ar pháistí dul chun na hotharlainne a ruaigeadh. Caithfidh os cionn 150 mac léinn an dá lá ag obair go deonach agus ag míniú do na páistí (le cabhair an Bhéirín) an chaoi a n-oibríonn cóir leighis, amhail x-ghathanna. D'eagraigh an Cumann Sláinte, craobh OÉ Gaillimh de Chónaidhm Idirnáisiúnta Chumainn na Mac Léinn Leighis, an t-imeacht den chéad uair ceithre bliana ó shin. Tá baint ag eagraí na hócáide, an mac léinn leighis Donna Cummins atá sa chúigiú bliain, leis an otharlann ó thús: "Bíonn eagla ar dhaoine roimh rudaí nach bhfuil taithí acu orthu, agus ní bhíonn mórán ar eolas ag páistí, go háirithe, faoi otharlanna. Cuirimidne bindealán ar sciathán an Bhéirín, tógaimid x-gha de chois an Bhéirín nó déanaimid MRI ar an mBéirín, agus ar an gcaoi sin tugaimid léiriú do na páistí ar an obair a bhíonn ar bun ag dochtúirí agus ag banaltraí sna hotharlanna". Mar aguisín leis sin, dúirt Donna: "Bhí an t-aiseolas a fuaireamar le cúpla bliain anuas ó thuismitheoirí agus ó mhúinteoirí thar a bheith dearfach, mar sin tá a fhios againn go mbaineann na páistí an-tairbhe as Otharlann na mBéiríní. Seo ceann de bhuaicphointí na bliana againne, na mic léinn leighis. Faighimid deis oibriú go deonach, cuidiú leis na páistí agus diagnóisiú a dhéanamh ar an tinneas atá ar an mBéirín. Tá an-tacaíocht faighte againn ó mhic léinn ar fud an champais, ónár n-urraitheoirí agus ón Ollscoil. Beidh lá breise ann i mbliana agus beidh a dhá oiread spraoi againn". Beidh Poitigéir Béiríní in Otharlann na mBéiríní chomh maith ina mbeidh deochanna scamhardacha vitimíní agus rudaí deasa sláintiúla eile ar fáil, ónár n-urraitheoirí Total Produce. Cuirfidh Smyths Toys go leor bréagán ar fáil don 'Seomra Feithimh', agus tabharfar do Cope iad i ndiaidh na hócáide. Beidh Otharcharr de chuid Ord Mhálta taobh amuigh d'Otharlann na mBéiríní, agus beidh cead ag na páistí cuairt a thabhairt air. Beidh péintéireacht aghaidhe agus lámhchleasaíocht ar bun go deonach ag mic léinn ó chumainn éagsúla OÉ Gaillimh, agus beidh caisleán spraoi ann chomh maith. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Ríona Hughes, Oifigeach na gCumann in OÉ Gaillimh: "Is sárshampla Otharlann na mBéiríní den bhealach ar féidir le cumainn mac léinn in OÉ Gaillimh oibriú leis an bpobal ar bhealach atá spraíúil agus cruthaitheach. Ag feabhsú atá an t-imeacht gach bliain. Baineann ár gcuid mac léinn leighis, na scoileanna agus na páistí áitiúla a bhíonn rannpháirteach san ócáid spraoi seo an-tairbhe aisti". Tá 89 cumann gníomhach ag OÉ Gaillimh ina dtugtar deis do mhic léinn aithne a chur ar chairde nua, ábhair ar spéis leo iad a shaothrú, scileanna nua a fhoghlaim agus imeachtaí ar nós Otharlann na mBéiríní a eagrú. Tá Clár ALIVE á reáchtáil ag OÉ Gaillimh chomh maith ina gcuidítear le mic léinn tuilleadh deiseanna a aimsiú chun oibriú go deonach le heagraíochtaí pobail. -críoch-
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Innovative management, personal creativity and a global mindset are key to Ireland's economic recovery, according to a new book launched at NUI Galway. Irish Management 2.0 combines articles, case studies and management reflections into a compelling commentary on the future of management practice and business education in Ireland. Speaking at the launch, Mr Pádraig Ó Céidigh, founder and chairman CEO of Aer Arann, and Executive in Residence for the Executive MBA programme at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business at NUI Galway, said: "The world is moving and here in Ireland we have to move faster to be competitive, in order to achieve this we need to continually re-invent ourselves like those highlighted in the case studies in this book, successful brands such as CRH plc., Bulmers, O2 and even U2. I have never read a book like this, and its timely publication makes it a must-read for the business sector including entrepreneurs, education institutions and their students, to face difficult challenges in the current economic climate". Dr James Cunningham, Director of the Centre of Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) at NUI Galway, and co-editor of the book with Dr Denis Harrington of Waterford Institute of Technology, comments: "The concept of the knowledge economy has changed the management paradigm for Irish managers. As our economy shifts from an over-reliance on construction over the coming years, the key challenge for all Irish businesses will lie in fundamentally changing the way Irish managers and business do business and through international competitiveness". How will Irish businesses compete on a global scale? The answer, according to Irish Management 2.0 is through: developing the breadth and depth of managerial excellence; increasing levels of organisational flexibility; unleashing the personal innovation capacity at a firm level; and building new collaborative organisational forms that span several industries. In order to hone managerial excellence in Ireland, Irish Management 2.0 argues that there must be greater investment in managerial development at firm level; an alignment of management styles and paradigms to the knowledge economy; changes in managerial mindset, conceptualisation of organisations and competitive contexts; and significant changes in collaborations between Irish managers and business school academics, both nationally and internationally. Cunningham and Harrington argue that Ireland is at the beginning of a new management revolution - Management 2.0 - that will impact Irish business and change the manner in which organisations are managed and run. They argue that Irish management and managers need to embrace new managerial practices and to develop a new management paradigm that is centred on unleashing the personal innovation capacity at a firm level and the enabling capabilities of managers. The role of manager extends beyond that of planning, leading, organising and controlling which are core to the management function, to becoming that of an enabler rather than a doer. Moving from doing to enabling requires Management 2.0 teams to build an organisational enabling platform on two capabilities - creativity and socialisation - designed to unleash the individual personal innovation capacity of all internal and external stakeholders of the firm. These are the central themes of Irish Management 2.0. A strong national pool of managerial talent is a key competitive requirement if Ireland is to become an exemplar knowledge based economy. With respect to future development of Irish managerial talent, Cunningham and Harrington argue we have still have a long way to go if we compete effectively in global markets. With an introduction by Harvard Business Review Editor Thomas A Stewart, Irish Management 2.0 is an essential resource for practitioners, students and for anyone interested in the future of Irish business and is available from Blackhall Publishers, Dublin www.blackhallpublishing.com. Irish Management 2.0 is supported by the MBA Association of Ireland and Enterprise Ireland. The Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) is an interdisciplinary research centre at NUI Galway. The key objective of CISC is to build an internationally recognised programme of research and research training on the innovation processes and policies that are fundamental to the development of a knowledge-based economy. -Ends-
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
This year's BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition saw Leaving Cert student Daniel O'Reilly of Castleblayney College, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, receive top prize in the National Science Essay Competition organised by NUI Galway. Daniel, who won a laptop, trophy and a €500 science bursary for his school, received his prizes from the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe T.D., on the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) booth at the festival. The competition, co-ordinated by the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) at NUI Galway, was sponsored for the fourth consecutive year by medical device technology company Medtronic. The contest is open to all students in the senior cycle of secondary schools in the Republic of Ireland, and this year was also open to all schools in Northern Ireland. The theme for the essay competition was Boundaries of Science – is there anything we should not do? The runner-up prize of a video iPOD, trophy and €250 school science bursary went to A-level student Bobby Tang of The Royal Belfast Academical Institution Belfast. Three letters of honourable mention were also issued to: Natalie Duda of Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin; Amy Diviney of Colaiste Chraobh Abhann, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow; and Rebecca Anderson of Eureka Secondary School, Kells, Co. Meath. Presenting the prizes, Minister O'Keeffe acknowledged the enthusiasm for science shown by all the entrants, saying: "I hope we see the future generation of scientists before us today". Professor Matthew Griffin, from REMEDI, NUI Galway, thanked all the students who participated in the competition, as well as Medtronic and SFI for their work in supporting science education. Angela Duffy, Senior R&D Scientist with competition sponsor Medtronic, said: "I am delighted to see such interest in research among secondary level students. Daniel and Bobby were deserved winners". Professor Frank Gannon, Director General, SFI, said: "I congratulate the winner and runners up on their success in the REMEDI science essay competition. I hope that your success today will encourage you to consider and explore the opportunities offered by careers in science and engineering. Ireland's future economic success is dependent on attracting young people into careers in science and engineering". Professor Gannon acknowledged the Education and Outreach programmes which are ongoing at REMEDI and the other eight SFI Centres for Science Engineering and Technology (CSETs) located at universities throughout Ireland and thanked the CSETs for their continued efforts in this regard. Daniel O'Reilly's essay was selected from a top-ten shortlist by a high profile panel of judges who met at REMEDI in November 2008 to choose a winner. The judges included: Tom Kennedy, Editor of Science Spin magazine; Cormac Sheridan, freelance science journalist; Dr Dónal Ó Mathúna, Senior Lecturer in Ethics, Decision-Making and Evidence in the School of Nursing, DCU; Dr Richard Hull, Department of Philosophy, and Centre of Bioethical Research and Analysis (COBRA) at NUI Galway; and Danielle Nicholson, Outreach Officer at REMEDI, NUI Galway. The competition is organised as part of a joint REMEDI and National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) at NUI Galway secondary school outreach programme called Galway Regional Outreach (GRO). The aim of the competition is to hear young people's views on contemporary scientific questions and to encourage students to consider studying science in third level. REMEDI is a research institute funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the Centres for Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) Programme. The Institute is hosted by NUI Galway at the NCBES. -ends-
Monday, 19 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway has announced the winners of the 2009 Alumni Awards to be presented at the tenth annual Gala Banquet and Alumni Awards ceremony on Saturday, 7 March, 2009 in the Radisson SAS Hotel, Galway. The Alumni Awards recognise individual excellence and achievements among the University's more than 65,000 graduates worldwide. The awards programme boasts an impressive roll call of 57 outstanding graduates who have gone on to honour their alma mater, including, for example, Michael D. Higgins, the late Seamus Brennan, Sean O'Rourke, Professor Frank Gannon and Dr Luke Clancy. The winners of the eight alumni awards to be presented at Gala 2009: Aer Arann Alumni Award for Sports Achievement and Leadership Ciaran FitzGerald BComm 1973 International Rugby Captain and Triple Crown Winner AIB Alumni Award for Literature, Communication and the Arts Dr Brendan O'Connor BSc 1982, PhD 1985 Founder, Cois Cladaigh Choir Bank of Ireland Alumni Award for Business and Commerce Mike Higgins BComm 1982 Managing Director, CIBC Real Estate Finance Group Duais Hewlett-Packard don Ghaeilge Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh HDip in Education 1976 Leas-Ardstiúthóir Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge Medtronic Alumni Award for Healthcare and Medical Science Professor Michael O'Brien MB, BCh, BAO 1971, BSc 1973 Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine; Chief, Department of Anatomic Pathology, Boston Medical Center NUI Galway Alumni Award for Law, Public Service and Government John Hegarty BSc 1969, PhD 1976 Provost, Trinity College Dublin Alumni Award for Engineering, IT and Mathematics Finian O'Sullivan BSc 1976 Founder and Former CEO, Burren Energy Seavite Alumni Award for Natural Science Dr Catherine Caulfield BSc 1976, HDip in Ed 1977, PhD 2008 Chief Executive – Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services Irl. Speaking on the announcement of the Awards recipients, President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne said: "I am delighted to see the excellent calibre of the NUI Galway graduates to be honoured at the Gala Banquet in March. The Gala is a key event in the University's calendar and once again showcases the University's most outstanding and excellent graduates. Through the presentation of the annual Alumni Awards Programme, we celebrate the achievements of not only the winners but many generations of students who remain connected to their alma mater. I thank the sponsor companies who, through their generosity, make the Alumni Awards possible each year". Buaiteoirí Dhuaiseanna Alumni 2009 fógartha ag OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Tá buaiteoirí Dhuaiseanna Alumni 2009 fógartha ag OÉ Gaillimh, duaiseanna a bhronnfar ag an 10ú Mórfhéasta agus Searmanas na nDuaiseanna Alumni, Dé Sathairn, 7 Márta 2009 in Óstán an Radisson SAS, Gaillimh. Tugann na Duaiseanna Alumni aitheantas do chéimithe a bhfuil éachtaí suntasacha déanta acu as breis is 65,000 céimí de chuid na hOllscoile atá lonnaithe ar fud na cruinne. Go dtí seo tá duais alumni bronnta ar 57 céimí den scoth – céimithe a bhfuil a n-alma mater fíorbhródúil astu – Michael D. Higgins, Seamus Brennan, Sean O'Rourke, an tOllamh Frank Gannon agus an Dr Luke Clancy ina measc. Seo a leanas an t-ochtar a mbronnfar Duais Alumni orthu ag Mórfhéasta 2009: Duais Alumni Aer Arann d'Éachtaí agus do Cheannaireacht Spóirt Ciaran FitzGerald BComm 1973 Captaen Fhoireann Rugbaí Idirnáisiúnta agus Buaiteoir Chorn na dTrí Náisiún Duais Alumni AIB don Litríocht, an Chumarsáid agus na hEalaíona An Dr Brendan O'Connor BSc 1982, PhD 1985 Bunaitheoir, Cór Chois Cladaigh Duais Alumni Bhanc na hÉireann don Ghnó agus an Tráchtáil Mike Higgins BComm 1982 Stiúrthóir Bainistíochta, CIBC Real Estate Finance Group Duais Hewlett-Packard don Ghaeilge Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh Ard-Dioplóma san Oideachas 1976 Leas-Stiúrthóir Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge Duais Alumni Medtronic don Chúram Sláinte agus an Eolaíocht Mhíochaine An tOllamh Michael O'Brien MB, BCh, BAO 1971, BSc 1973 Ollamh le Paiteolaíocht agus Leigheas Saotharlainne, Scoil an Leighis, Ollscoil Bhostúin; Príomhoifigeach, Roinn na Paiteolaíochta Anatamaíche, Ionad Leighis Bhostúin Duais Alumni OÉ Gaillimh don Dlí, an tSeirbhís Phoiblí agus an Rialtas John Hegarty BSc 1969, PhD 1976 Propast, Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath Duais Alumni don Innealtóireacht, an Teicneolaíocht Faisnéise agus an Mhatamaitic Finian O'Sullivan BSc 1976 Bunaitheoir agus iar-Phríomhoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin, Burren Energy Duais Alumni Seavite don Eolaíocht Dúlra An Dr Catherine Caulfield BSc 1976, HDip in Ed 1977, PhD 2008 Príomhoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin – Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services Irl. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne, nuair a fógraíodh buaiteoirí na nDuaiseanna Alumni: "Cúis áthais dom go bhfuil aitheantas le tabhairt do shárchéimithe OÉ Gaillimh ag an Mórfhéasta i mí an Mhárta. Tá an Mórfhéasta ar cheann de na príomhimeachtaí a eagraíonn an Ollscoil gach bliain agus deis a bhíonn san ócáid áirithe seo aitheantas a thabhairt do shárchéimithe de chuid na hOllscoile. Trí Chlár Bliantúil na nDuaiseanna Alumni, ní hamháin go dtugaimid aitheantas don mhéid atá bainte amach ag na buaiteoirí ach tugaimid aitheantas freisin do na mic léinn ar fad a bhfuil nasc acu go fóill lena n-alma mater. Is mian liom mo bhuíochas a chur in iúl do na cuideachtaí a dhéanann urraíocht fhlaithiúil ar an Mórfhéasta agus a chinntíonn gur féidir linn Duaiseanna Alumni a bhronnadh gach bliain". -Críoch-
Monday, 19 January 2009
Marian Harkin MEP will visit NUI Galway on Thursday, 22 January, for a public lecture on the EU's response to the current economic climate, and the impact of the recession on social capital and volunteering. The general public are invited to the lecture which takes place at 1pm in the Arts Millennium Building, NUI Galway. Marian Harkin is an Independent MEP for the North and West Constituency of Ireland. Marian has an active interest in volunteering and is a founder and Co-President of the Interest Group on Volunteering in the European Parliament. She has authored a report entitled The Role of Volunteering in Contributing to Social and Economic Cohesion and she has also spearheaded the campaign to get the European Parliament to designate the year 2011 as the European Year of Volunteering. Lorraine Tansey, Student Volunteer Co-ordinator at NUI Galway, runs the University s volunteering programme ALIVE. Lorraine expects interesting input from Marian Harkin: "It will be good to get a sense of the value our European Parliament puts on the social capital generated by volunteering and community engagement. We are also interested to discuss how the economic downturn is putting pressure on funding for community organisations and NGOs, and how these same economic forces might influence the public's capacity for community engagement". The event is being organised by NUI Galway's Community Knowledge Initiative (CKI) which is dedicated to supporting and researching community engagement in Ireland. The session will be co-hosted by the NUI Galway's College of Business, Public Policy and Law, and chaired by its Dean, Dr Willie Golden. For further information contact Mary Bernard at the CKI office on 091 493823 or email cki@nuigalway.ie -ends-
Thursday, 15 January 2009
D'fhógair an Taoiseach Brian Cowen Comhthionscadal Taighde & Forbartha idir Shimadzu Corporation agus Grúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach OÉ Gaillimh le linn don Rialtas a bheith ar mhisean trádála sa tSeapáin. Díreoidh comhthionscadal Shimadzu ar theicnící íomháithe, réimse a bhfuil roinnt paitinní ag an nGrúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach ann. View in English Tá gnólacht Shimadzu, atá lonnaithe sa tSeapáin, ar cheann de mhórdheantúsóirí chórais agus threalamh íomháithe an domhain. Úsáidtear na córais agus an trealamh íomháithe seo i ndiagnóisiú agus i gcóireáil leighis. Forbraíonn, déanann agus dáileann an chuideachta raon leathan córas diagnóiseach d'fheidhmeanna cliniciúla éagsúla – CT, Angagrafaíocht Dealaithe Dhigitigh, Córais Chardashoithíocha, Radagrafaíocht Dhigiteach agus Córais Fluarascópachta, trealamh Ultrafhuaime agus trealamh radagrafaíochta ginearálta. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Taoiseach, an tUasal Brian Cowen, T.D., le linn dó a bheith ag trácht ar an tionscadal seo agus ar Infheistíochtaí Díreacha Coigríche Seapánacha eile d'Éirinn a fuair tacaíocht ón IDA freisin: "Tá an-áthas orm na hinfheistíochtaí nua a dhéanfaidh na gnólachtaí Seapánacha seo in Éirinn a fhógairt. Tugann an misean trádála seo agus éagsúlacht na n-earnálacha tionscail agus na gcuideachtaí Éireannacha atá páirteach ann, léargas ar shuim agus ar thiomantas na gcuideachtaí Éireannacha gaol níos fearr a bhunú leis na tSeapáin, ar príomhpháirtí í i ngeilleagar an domhain. Is faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Chris Dainty, Ollamh le Fisic Fheidhmeach i Scoil na Fisice, OÉ Gaillimh a chuirfear an Comhthionscadal Taighde & Forbartha seo i bhfeidhm. Tá an tOllamh Dainty gníomhach i measc an phobail idirnáisiúnta optaice le blianta fada agus is le deireanaí a ceapadh é ina Leas-Uachtarán ar Chumann Optúil Mheiriceá. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Ollamh Dainty: "Táimid thar a bheith sásta go bhfuil Shimadzu páirteach sa chomhthionscadal seo leis an nGrúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach in OÉ Gaillimh. Comhpháirtí eolaíoch mór le rá é Shimadzu. Táimid ag tnúth le cur lenár ndeiseanna taighde leis an eagraíocht seo a bhfuil cáil dhomhanda bainte amach aici". D'fháiltigh an Dr James J. Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, roimh an dea-scéala: "Aitheantas idirnáisiúnta ar láidreacht agus ar ábharthacht an Taighde & na Forbartha in OÉ Gaillimh é an comhthionscadal seo. Tá an Ollscoil ag súil go n-éireoidh go breá leis an tionscadal seo san am atá le teacht agus is mian linn freisin ardmholadh a thabhairt don Ghrúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach, Grúpa ar a bhfuil ardmheas agus a bhfuil ardleibhéal feabhais bainte amach aige go domhanda". Bunaíodh an Grúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach in OÉ Gaillimh in 2002, faoi stiúir Chris Dainty, agus tá an Grúpa seo á mhaoiniú trí mhórdheontas ó Fhondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann (SFI). In 2007 dearbhaíodh go mbeadh maoiniú SFI ar fáil ar feadh cúig bliana eile. Bíonn an Grúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach, ina bhfuil 25 taighdeoir, ag obair le tionscail éagsúla in Éirinn, san Eoraip, sna Stáit Aontaithe agus sa tSeapáin. Tá taighde an Ghrúpa dírithe ar cheithre réimse: optaic oiriúnaitheach, eolaíocht físe, íomháú agus scaipeadh. -críoch-
Thursday, 15 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) The commencement of a Collaborative Research and Development Project between Shimadzu Corporation, and NUI Galway s Applied Optics Group, has been formally announced by the Taoiseach Brian Cowen during a Government trade mission to Japan. The Shimadzu collaboration will focus on the field of imaging techniques, where the Applied Optics Group has a number of patents. Japanese firm Shimadzu is one of the world s leading manufacturers of advanced imaging systems and equipment for use in medical diagnosis and treatment. The company develops, manufactures and distributes a broad range of diagnostic systems in all areas of clinical application - CT, Digital Subtraction Angiography, Cardiovascular Systems, Digital Radiography and Fluoroscopy Systems, Ultrasound and general radiography equipment. Commenting on this and other Japanese Foreign Direct Investments for Ireland which have been supported by the IDA, An Taoiseach, Mr Brian Cowen, T.D., said: "I am delighted to announce these new investments in Ireland by Japanese firms. The size of this trade mission, the diversity of industry sectors represented and the Irish companies taking part, all testify to the eagerness and commitment of Irish companies to develop deeper relationships with Japan, a key player in the world economy. It also signals Ireland s intent to the international scientific community and knowledge based industry that Ireland is very much open for business". The Collaborative Research and Development Project will be under the direction of Professor Chris Dainty, who holds the chair of applied physics in the School of Physics at the NUI Galway. Professor Dainty has been active in the global optics community for several decades and was recently appointed a Vice-President of the Optical Society of America. According to Professor Dainty: "We are very pleased that Shimadzu has entered into this collaborative partnership with the Applied Optics Group here at NUI Galway. Shimadzu is a very distinctive scientific partner. We look forward to progressing and deepening our research collaboration with such a prestigious international organisation". NUI Galway President Dr James J. Browne welcomed the announcement: "This collaboration is an international recognition of the strength and relevance of R&D at NUI Galway. The University wishes the project continued success and applauds the Applied Optics Group, which has developed a strong reputation in its field, achieving a level of excellence on a global scale". The Applied Optics Group at NUI Galway was established in 2002, under the direction of Chris Dainty, and funded by a major grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). The SFI funding was renewed for a further five years in 2007. The Applied Optics Group, which has 25 researchers, has significant interaction with industry in Ireland, Europe, the United States and Japan. The Group's research focuses in four areas: adaptive optics, vision science, imaging and scattering. Tionscadal Taighde & Forbartha Seapánach Fógartha ag an Taoiseach (View in English) D'fhógair an Taoiseach Brian Cowen Comhthionscadal Taighde & Forbartha idir Shimadzu Corporation agus Grúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach OÉ Gaillimh le linn don Rialtas a bheith ar mhisean trádála sa tSeapáin. Díreoidh comhthionscadal Shimadzu ar theicnící íomháithe, réimse a bhfuil roinnt paitinní ag an nGrúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach ann. Tá gnólacht Shimadzu, atá lonnaithe sa tSeapáin, ar cheann de mhórdheantúsóirí chórais agus threalamh íomháithe an domhain. Úsáidtear na córais agus an trealamh íomháithe seo i ndiagnóisiú agus i gcóireáil leighis. Forbraíonn, déanann agus dáileann an chuideachta raon leathan córas diagnóiseach d'fheidhmeanna cliniciúla éagsúla – CT, Angagrafaíocht Dealaithe Dhigitigh, Córais Chardashoithíocha, Radagrafaíocht Dhigiteach agus Córais Fluarascópachta, trealamh Ultrafhuaime agus trealamh radagrafaíochta ginearálta. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Taoiseach, an tUasal Brian Cowen, T.D., le linn dó a bheith ag trácht ar an tionscadal seo agus ar Infheistíochtaí Díreacha Coigríche Seapánacha eile d'Éirinn a fuair tacaíocht ón IDA freisin: "Tá an-áthas orm na hinfheistíochtaí nua a dhéanfaidh na gnólachtaí Seapánacha seo in Éirinn a fhógairt. Tugann an misean trádála seo agus éagsúlacht na n-earnálacha tionscail agus na gcuideachtaí Éireannacha atá páirteach ann, léargas ar shuim agus ar thiomantas na gcuideachtaí Éireannacha gaol níos fearr a bhunú leis na tSeapáin, ar príomhpháirtí í i ngeilleagar an domhain. Is faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Chris Dainty, Ollamh le Fisic Fheidhmeach i Scoil na Fisice, OÉ Gaillimh a chuirfear an Comhthionscadal Taighde & Forbartha seo i bhfeidhm. Tá an tOllamh Dainty gníomhach i measc an phobail idirnáisiúnta optaice le blianta fada agus is le deireanaí a ceapadh é ina Leas-Uachtarán ar Chumann Optúil Mheiriceá. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Ollamh Dainty: "Táimid thar a bheith sásta go bhfuil Shimadzu páirteach sa chomhthionscadal seo leis an nGrúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach in OÉ Gaillimh. Comhpháirtí eolaíoch mór le rá é Shimadzu. Táimid ag tnúth le cur lenár ndeiseanna taighde leis an eagraíocht seo a bhfuil cáil dhomhanda bainte amach aici". D'fháiltigh an Dr James J. Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, roimh an dea-scéala: "Aitheantas idirnáisiúnta ar láidreacht agus ar ábharthacht an Taighde & na Forbartha in OÉ Gaillimh é an comhthionscadal seo. Tá an Ollscoil ag súil go n-éireoidh go breá leis an tionscadal seo san am atá le teacht agus is mian linn freisin ardmholadh a thabhairt don Ghrúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach, Grúpa ar a bhfuil ardmheas agus a bhfuil ardleibhéal feabhais bainte amach aige go domhanda". Bunaíodh an Grúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach in OÉ Gaillimh in 2002, faoi stiúir Chris Dainty, agus tá an Grúpa seo á mhaoiniú trí mhórdheontas ó Fhondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann (SFI). In 2007 dearbhaíodh go mbeadh maoiniú SFI ar fáil ar feadh cúig bliana eile. Bíonn an Grúpa um Optaic Fheidhmeach, ina bhfuil 25 taighdeoir, ag obair le tionscail éagsúla in Éirinn, san Eoraip, sna Stáit Aontaithe agus sa tSeapáin. Tá taighde an Ghrúpa dírithe ar cheithre réimse: optaic oiriúnaitheach, eolaíocht físe, íomháú agus scaipeadh. -críoch-
Monday, 12 January 2009
Tionólfaidh OÉ Gaillimh oíche eolais do dhaoine atá ag smaoineamh ar thabhairt faoi chlár fochéime lánaimseartha mar mhic léinn lánfhásta. Eagrófar an ócáid i dTéatar Choilm Uí Eocha, Áras Dán na Mílaoise, OÉ Gaillimh Déardaoin, 15 Eanáir ag 8i.n. View in English Tabharfar eolas faoi na cláir atá ar fáil do mhic léinn lánfhásta, faoi na riachtanais iontrála agus faoi na nósanna imeachta iarratais agus roghnaithe. Díreofar chomh maith ar an tacaíocht airgid agus ar chineálacha eile tacaíochta atá ar fáil. Gach bliain in OÉ Gaillimh, coinnítear cuóta áiteanna ar mhórchuid na gclár do mhic léinn lánfhásta, ar daoine iad atá 23 bliain d'aois nó níos sine ná sin. Déantar iarratais ar na cláir chéime, ar an ngnáthbhealach a ndéanann iontrálaithe Ollscoile é, tríd an Lár-Oifig Iontrála (CAO) faoin 1 Feabhra. Tá sé tugtha faoi deara ag Trish Hoare, Oifigeach na Mac Léinn Lánfhásta in OÉ Gaillimh, go bhfuil an spéis atá ag daoine filleadh ar an staidéar foirmiúil ag méadú: "I bhfianaise na géarchéime eacnamaíochta tá go leor daoine ag iarraidh deiseanna nua fostaíochta a thapú trí chéim a bhaint amach. Tá an-spéis ag daoine san Altranas agus sna cláir Eolaíochtaí Sláinte ar nós na Teiripe Saothair. Beidh ionadaí ag an oíche oscailte eolais a bheidh in ann ceisteanna faoi na cláir seo a fhreagairt". Deir Trish Hoare go bhfuil cineálacha éagsúla tacaíochta airgid ar fáil do mhic léinn lánfhásta: "Ní bhíonn aon táillí teagaisc le híoc ag daoine atá ag tabhairt faoi bhunchéim den chéad uair. Bíonn deontais ardoideachais ar fáil chomh maith dóibh siúd a bhíonn ina dteideal agus a chomhlíonann critéir áirithe. D fhéadfadh lucht faighte liúntas Leasa Shóisialta a fháil chomh maith chun filleadh ar an oideachas ach critéir áirithe a chomhlíonadh. Tá súil againn tuilleadh eolais a thabhairt fúthu seo ar fad agus faoi chineálacha eile tacaíochta atá ann ag an seisiún comhairleach". Déanfar cur i láthair chomh maith ar Chlár Rochtana Speisialta na hOllscoile do mhic léinn lánfhásta atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste socheacnamaíoch agur ar an mBonnchúrsa réamh-Ollscoile san Eolaíocht agus san Innealtóireacht, agus ar an mBonnchúrsa réamh-Ollscoile sa Tráchtáil. Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin oíche eolais, déan teagmháil le Trish Hoare ag 091 492695 trish.hoare@nuigalway.ie -críoch-
Monday, 12 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway will hold an information evening for mature students considering undertaking a full-time undergraduate degree programme. The event will be held on Thursday, 15 January, at 8pm, in the Colm Ó hEocha Theatre, Arts Millennium Building, NUI Galway. Information will be provided on the programmes available to mature students, on entry requirements and on the application and selection procedures. There will also be a focus on financial and other supports. Each year at NUI Galway, a quota of places on most programmes is reserved for mature students, who are deemed to be those aged 23 and over. Applications for degree courses are made in the normal way for University entrants through the Central Applications Office (CAO) by 1 February. Trish Hoare, Mature Students Officer at NUI Galway, has noticed a growing interest in returning to formal study: "With the economic downturn, many are looking to develop new employment opportunities by studying for a degree. There has been much interest in Nursing and in the Health Sciences programmes such as Occupational Therapy. There will be a representative at the open information evening to take questions relating to these programmes". Trish Hoare points out that there are various financial supports for mature students: "Tuition fees are free for first-time undergraduates. There are also higher education grants to avail of if an individual is eligible and meets certain criteria. Social Welfare recipients may be entitled to back to education allowance, again, if they meet certain criteria. We hope to provide further information on all of these and other supports in the advisory session". A presentation will also be given on the University's special Access Programme for socio-economically disadvantaged mature students and on the pre-University Foundation Courses in Science and Engineering, and in Commerce. For further information on the information evening contact Trish Hoare on 091 492695 trish.hoare@nuigalway.ie Oíche Eolais do Dhaoine ar Spéis leo Freastal ar OÉ Gaillimh mar Mhic Léinn Lánfhásta (View in English) Tionólfaidh OÉ Gaillimh oíche eolais do dhaoine atá ag smaoineamh ar thabhairt faoi chlár fochéime lánaimseartha mar mhic léinn lánfhásta. Eagrófar an ócáid i dTéatar Choilm Uí Eocha, Áras Dán na Mílaoise, OÉ Gaillimh Déardaoin, 15 Eanáir ag 8i.n. Tabharfar eolas faoi na cláir atá ar fáil do mhic léinn lánfhásta, faoi na riachtanais iontrála agus faoi na nósanna imeachta iarratais agus roghnaithe. Díreofar chomh maith ar an tacaíocht airgid agus ar chineálacha eile tacaíochta atá ar fáil. Gach bliain in OÉ Gaillimh, coinnítear cuóta áiteanna ar mhórchuid na gclár do mhic léinn lánfhásta, ar daoine iad atá 23 bliain d'aois nó níos sine ná sin. Déantar iarratais ar na cláir chéime, ar an ngnáthbhealach a ndéanann iontrálaithe Ollscoile é, tríd an Lár-Oifig Iontrála (CAO) faoin 1 Feabhra. Tá sé tugtha faoi deara ag Trish Hoare, Oifigeach na Mac Léinn Lánfhásta in OÉ Gaillimh, go bhfuil an spéis atá ag daoine filleadh ar an staidéar foirmiúil ag méadú: "I bhfianaise na géarchéime eacnamaíochta tá go leor daoine ag iarraidh deiseanna nua fostaíochta a thapú trí chéim a bhaint amach. Tá an-spéis ag daoine san Altranas agus sna cláir Eolaíochtaí Sláinte ar nós na Teiripe Saothair. Beidh ionadaí ag an oíche oscailte eolais a bheidh in ann ceisteanna faoi na cláir seo a fhreagairt". Deir Trish Hoare go bhfuil cineálacha éagsúla tacaíochta airgid ar fáil do mhic léinn lánfhásta: "Ní bhíonn aon táillí teagaisc le híoc ag daoine atá ag tabhairt faoi bhunchéim den chéad uair. Bíonn deontais ardoideachais ar fáil chomh maith dóibh siúd a bhíonn ina dteideal agus a chomhlíonann critéir áirithe. D fhéadfadh lucht faighte liúntas Leasa Shóisialta a fháil chomh maith chun filleadh ar an oideachas ach critéir áirithe a chomhlíonadh. Tá súil againn tuilleadh eolais a thabhairt fúthu seo ar fad agus faoi chineálacha eile tacaíochta atá ann ag an seisiún comhairleach". Déanfar cur i láthair chomh maith ar Chlár Rochtana Speisialta na hOllscoile do mhic léinn lánfhásta atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste socheacnamaíoch agur ar an mBonnchúrsa réamh-Ollscoile san Eolaíocht agus san Innealtóireacht, agus ar an mBonnchúrsa réamh-Ollscoile sa Tráchtáil. Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin oíche eolais, déan teagmháil le Trish Hoare ag 091 492695 trish.hoare@nuigalway.ie -críoch-
Thursday, 8 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) The Faulkes Telescopes Universe Challenge will be launched today (Thursday, 8 January) at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in the RDS, as part of the Irish celebrations of the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Transition Year students, and their equivalents in Northern Ireland, will be asked to take part in scientific research projects involving the Faulkes Telescopes. The state-of-the-art, 2m diameter telescopes are situated on mountain-top sites in Australia and Hawaii, and can be remotely operated by school groups. Members of the professional astronomy community in universities and institutes throughout the island of Ireland will suggest research projects and assist school students in their delivery. On the basis of their results, to be presented at the Galway Science and Technology Festival in October 2009, the best group, including their teacher and professional mentor, will be invited to visit the Chilean Observatories of the European Southern Observatory. There they will see one of the world s best telescopes and try out one of the smaller telescopes for their own research. The International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) is a global celebration of astronomy and its contribution to society and culture. 2009 is the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo, in reality the beginning of the modern age in astronomy. The aim of IYA2009 is to stimulate a worldwide interest and encourage participation in astronomy and in science amongst students at all levels, and among the general public. In Ireland, a programme of events is being organised by the Irish Node of IYA2009, headed by Professor Michael Redfern, Centre for Astronomy, NUI Galway. According to Professor Michael Redfern: "The Faulkes Telescopes Universe Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for school students to experience original scientific research, and for them to meet and work with real scientists. There can be immense satisfaction from achievements that take time and effort - which I think can sometimes be missed in school curricula, and in the scramble for points. The research these students will undertake is original, no one can tell them in advance what the results are supposed to be - I think that this is a very exciting opportunity. The prize is very generously sponsored by the European Southern Observatory, even though Ireland is not a member". The Faulkes Telescopes Universe Challenge is sponsored by Discover Science & Engineering, NUI Galway, Northern Ireland Space Office and Armagh Observatory. Further information can be found at www.astronomy2009.ie. Dúshlán Teileascóp na Scoileanna Seolta mar chuid de Bhliain Idirnáisiúnta na Réalteolaíochta 2009 (View in English) Seolfar Dúshlán Theileascóip Faulkes na Cruinne inniu (Déardaoin, 8 Eanáir) ag Taispeántas Eolaithe Óga agus Teicneolaíochta BT san RDS, mar chuid de cheiliúradh na hÉireann ar Bhliain Idirnáisiúnta na Réalteolaíochta 2009. Iarrfar ar dhaltaí Idirbhliana, agus ar a gcomhdhaltaí as Tuaisceart Éireann, a bheith rannpháirteach i dtionscadail taighde eolaíochta a bhaineann le Teileascóip Faulkes. Tá na teileascóip seo, a bhfuil trastomhas 2m iontu, suite ar láithreáin ar bharr na gcnoc san Astráil agus i Haváí agus is féidir le grúpaí scoile iad a oibriú go cianda. Molfaidh baill de phobal gairmiúil na réalteolaíochta in ollscoileanna agus in institiúidí ar fud oileán na hÉireann tionscadail taighde agus cuideoidh siad leis na daltaí scoile na tionscadail a chur i gcrích. Bunaithe ar na torthaí, a fhógrófar ag Féile Eolaíochta & Teicneolaíochta na Gaillimhe i mí Dheireadh Fómhair 2009, tabharfar cuireadh don ghrúpa is fearr, dá múinteoir agus dá meantóir gairmiúil, cuairt a thabhairt ar Réadlanna Sileacha Réadlann na hEorpa Theas. Feicfidh siad ceann de scoth-theileascóip an domhain ansin agus bainfidh siad triail as ceann de na teileascóip bheaga dá gcuid taighde féin. Is ceiliúradh domhanda Bliain Idirnáisiúnta na Réalteolaíochta (IYA2009) ar an réalteolaíocht agus ar an gcaoi a gcuireann sí leis an tsochaí agus leis an gcultúr. Táthar ag déanamh ceiliúradh comórtha 400 bliain ar an uair ar úsáid Galileo teileascóp réalteolaíochta, arb éard a bhí ann i ndáiríre tús na réalteolaíochta nua-aimseartha. Is é aidhm IYA2009 spéis a chothú ar fud an domhain agus rannpháirtíocht a spreagadh sa réalteolaíocht agus san eolaíocht i measc mac léinn ag gach leibhéal, agus i measc an phobail i gcoitinne. Tá clár imeachtaí á eagrú in Éirinn ag Nód Éireannach an IYA2009, faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Michael Redfern, Ionad na Réalteolaíochta, OÉ Gaillimh. Deir an tOllamh Michael Redfern: "Is deis iontach Dúshlán Theileascóip Faulkes na Cruinne do dhaltaí scoile taithí a fháil ar an mbuntaighde eolaíoch, agus bualadh le fíoreolaithe agus oibriú leo. Bíonn an-sásamh le baint as éachtaí a mbaineann am agus dianiarracht leo – rud a shílim a bhíonn in easnamh in amanna ar churaclaim scoile agus sa sciob sceab ar phointí. Is buntaighde a bhíonn ar bun ag na mic léinn seo, ní bhíonn aon duine in ann a rá leo roimh ré cén toradh ba cheart a bheith air – sílim gur deis iontach é seo. Rinne Réadlann na hEorpa Theas urraíocht ar an duais, cé nach bhfuil Éire ina comhalta di." Tá Discover Science & Engineering, OÉ Gaillimh, Northern Ireland Space Office agus Réadlann Ard Mhacha ag déanamh urraíochta ar Dhúshlán Theileascóip Faulkes na Cruinne. Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ag www.astronomy2009.ie -críoch-
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Seolfar Dúshlán Theileascóip Faulkes na Cruinne inniu (Déardaoin, 8 Eanáir) ag Taispeántas Eolaithe Óga agus Teicneolaíochta BT san RDS, mar chuid de cheiliúradh na hÉireann ar Bhliain Idirnáisiúnta na Réalteolaíochta 2009. View in English Iarrfar ar dhaltaí Idirbhliana, agus ar a gcomhdhaltaí as Tuaisceart Éireann, a bheith rannpháirteach i dtionscadail taighde eolaíochta a bhaineann le Teileascóip Faulkes. Tá na teileascóip seo, a bhfuil trastomhas 2m iontu, suite ar láithreáin ar bharr na gcnoc san Astráil agus i Haváí agus is féidir le grúpaí scoile iad a oibriú go cianda. Molfaidh baill de phobal gairmiúil na réalteolaíochta in ollscoileanna agus in institiúidí ar fud oileán na hÉireann tionscadail taighde agus cuideoidh siad leis na daltaí scoile na tionscadail a chur i gcrích. Bunaithe ar na torthaí, a fhógrófar ag Féile Eolaíochta & Teicneolaíochta na Gaillimhe i mí Dheireadh Fómhair 2009, tabharfar cuireadh don ghrúpa is fearr, dá múinteoir agus dá meantóir gairmiúil, cuairt a thabhairt ar Réadlanna Sileacha Réadlann na hEorpa Theas. Feicfidh siad ceann de scoth-theileascóip an domhain ansin agus bainfidh siad triail as ceann de na teileascóip bheaga dá gcuid taighde féin. Is ceiliúradh domhanda Bliain Idirnáisiúnta na Réalteolaíochta (IYA2009) ar an réalteolaíocht agus ar an gcaoi a gcuireann sí leis an tsochaí agus leis an gcultúr. Táthar ag déanamh ceiliúradh comórtha 400 bliain ar an uair ar úsáid Galileo teileascóp réalteolaíochta, arb éard a bhí ann i ndáiríre tús na réalteolaíochta nua-aimseartha. Is é aidhm IYA2009 spéis a chothú ar fud an domhain agus rannpháirtíocht a spreagadh sa réalteolaíocht agus san eolaíocht i measc mac léinn ag gach leibhéal, agus i measc an phobail i gcoitinne. Tá clár imeachtaí á eagrú in Éirinn ag Nód Éireannach an IYA2009, faoi stiúir an Ollaimh Michael Redfern, Ionad na Réalteolaíochta, OÉ Gaillimh. Deir an tOllamh Michael Redfern: "Is deis iontach Dúshlán Theileascóip Faulkes na Cruinne do dhaltaí scoile taithí a fháil ar an mbuntaighde eolaíoch, agus bualadh le fíoreolaithe agus oibriú leo. Bíonn an-sásamh le baint as éachtaí a mbaineann am agus dianiarracht leo – rud a shílim a bhíonn in easnamh in amanna ar churaclaim scoile agus sa sciob sceab ar phointí. Is buntaighde a bhíonn ar bun ag na mic léinn seo, ní bhíonn aon duine in ann a rá leo roimh ré cén toradh ba cheart a bheith air – sílim gur deis iontach é seo. Rinne Réadlann na hEorpa Theas urraíocht ar an duais, cé nach bhfuil Éire ina comhalta di." Tá Discover Science & Engineering, OÉ Gaillimh, Northern Ireland Space Office agus Réadlann Ard Mhacha ag déanamh urraíochta ar Dhúshlán Theileascóip Faulkes na Cruinne. Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ag www.astronomy2009.ie -críoch-
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Éacht suntasach a bhaineann leis an tionscadal taighde nua síolraithe éisc seo is ea go bhfuil breis is 20,000 trosc óg scaoilte amach san fharraige ar chósta an iarthair. Is í Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain in OÉ Gaillimh atá i mbun an tionscadail seo agus tá an trosc óg atá síolraithe go speisialta á stóráil i gcaighin i bhfeirm éisc Trosc Teo. i gConamara, Co. na Gaillimhe. Beathófar na héisc seo, atá síolraithe as tréithchineál sonrach Éireannach, go dtí go mbeidh siad oiriúnach don mhargadh. View in English Is é seo an chéad stoc de throsc óg tairgthe faoin tionscadal taighde ar a dtugtar EIRCOD, tionscadal atá á mhaoiniú ag Foras na Mara agus a áirítear mar Fhochlár Taighde Mara den Phlean Forbartha Náisiúnta. Forbraíodh an tionscadal seo le dul i ngleic leis an laghdú a bhí le sonrú sa líon gabhálacha, imní maidir le róshaothrú agus ídiú stoc éisc, le cois a chinntiú go gcruthaítear éagsúlacht i dtionscadal dobharshaothraithe na hÉireann. Is é príomhaidhm thionscnamh EIRCOD stoc troisc agus clár síolraithe a dhearadh, a bhunú agus a fheidhmiú – clár a oireann d Éirinn agus a thacaíonn leis an tionscal dúchasach feirmeoireachta éisc. Dar leis an Dr Richard Fitzgerald, Eolaí Sinsearach le tionscadal EIRCOD in Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain, OÉ Gaillimh, gur céim shuntasach chun cinn é go bhfuil na héisc seo scaoilte chun farraige: "Is é seo an chéad uair riamh a bhfuil tréithchineál dúchasach troisc síolraithe agus a bhfuil an oiread sin éisc scaoilte chun farraige in Éirinn. Cé go bhfuil coincheapa cosúla á gcur i bhfeidhm le trosc san Iorua, i gCeanada agus san Íoslainn is é seo an chéad uair riamh a bhfuil clár síolraithe náisiúnta curtha i bhfeidhm sa tír seo. Is cinnte gur céim shuntasach chun cinn atá ann mar aon le léargas ar an tacaíocht atáthar sásta a thabhairt do thionscadal feirmeoireachta éisc na hÉireann". Tháinig an trosc óg ó uibheacha a bailíodh ón Muir Cheilteach, amach ó chósta an Deiscirt, agus ansin goradh agus beathaíodh na huibheacha in áiseanna Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain i gConamara, Co. na Gaillimhe. Tá tuismíocht na n-iasc seo ar eolas agus déanfar comparáid idir fás na ngrúpaí difriúla go dtí go mbeidh siad feiliúnach don mhargadh agus na grúpaí a bhfuil ag éirí go maith leo agus atá á roghnú le húsáid i ngníomhaíochtaí síolraithe a bheidh ar bun amach anseo. Chomh maith leis sin dúirt an Dr Fitzgerald: "Go bunúsach is éard atá ar bun againn, díreach mar a dhéanaimid i gcás feirmeoireachta eallaigh nó caorach, an stoc is fearr agus is féidir linn a shíolrú. Sa chás áirithe seo, tá leas á bhaint againn as an daonra áitiúil troisc – na troisc is fearr a oireann dár gcoinníollacha cósta. Is é cuspóir na hoibre seo go mbeidh na héisc seo, nuair a bheidh siad feiliúnach don mhargadh, frithsheasmhach in aghaidh galair agus feiliúnach don mhargadh in achar gearr ama". Le ceithre bliana anuas, bhí MRI Carna ar thús cadhnaíochta in Éirinn sa réimse seo agus tá clár taighde fheidhmigh curtha i bhfeidhm ar mhaithe leis an acmhainn náisiúnta chun éisc a thairgeadh agus a bheathú a fhorbairt. Deir John Kavanagh, Stiúrthóir Oifig um Aistriú Teicneolaíochta Ignite in OÉ Gaillimh go mbaineann féidearthacht iontach leis na teicneolaíochtaí atá forbartha ag MRI Carna: "Is éard a tharla in Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain gur tógadh ubháin tríd an bpas larbhach go dtí gur foirmíodh éisc óga. D'fhéadfaí leas a bhaint as na scileanna gorlainne agus na teicneolaíochtaí speisialta seo chun tionscal nua a chruthú in Éirinn. Teicneolaíocht chumasúcháin atá anseo a d'fhéadfaí a úsáid le speicis éisc eile d fhonn séasúracht chomhlántach agus rogha níos fearr a chruthú san áit mhargaidh. Tá deis shuntasach gnó ann cuideachta a bhunú chun éisc óga mara a thógáil don earnáil tráchtála". Is é Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain, OÉ Gaillimh, atá lonnaithe i gCarna, Co. na Gaillimhe i gcomhar leis na comhpháirtithe seo a leanas atá páirteach i dtionscadal EIRCOD - Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Grúpa Táirgeoirí Bia Mara na hÉireann agus an Dr Ashie Norris. Tá an tionscadal seo ag cur le hobair atá curtha i gcrích ag Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain agus Trosc Teo. le ceithre bliana anuas, obair a rinneadh le cabhair ó na gníomhaireachtaí stáit ábhartha, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Foras na Mara agus Bord Iascaigh Mhara. -críoch-
Monday, 5 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) The first milestone has been reached in a new fish breeding research project with the transfer to sea off the west coast of over 20,000 juvenile cod. The project, led by NUI Galway's Martin Ryan Institute, has placed the specially bred juvenile cod into cages in the Trosc Teo. fish farm in Connemara, Co. Galway. The fish, bred from a specific Irish strain, will be further reared to reach market size. These are the first juvenile cod stocks produced under the research project which is called EIRCOD and funded by the Marine Institute and the Marine Research Sub-programme of the National Development Plan. The project came about in response to declining wild catches, caution over exploitation and depletion of fish stocks, and also the need to diversify the Irish aquaculture industry. The EIRCOD initiative's overall objective is to design, establish and operate a cod broodstock and breeding programme which is customised for the Irish environment and underpins the native fish farming industry. According to Dr Richard Fitzgerald, Senior Scientist with the EIRCOD project at the Martin Ryan Institute, NUI Galway, the release of the fish is a significant step: "This is the first time a native strain of cod has been bred and released in these numbers in Ireland. While similar concepts are exploited with cod in Norway, Canada and Iceland, this is the first occasion where a national breeding programme has been employed in this country. It represents a significant step forward and a major support for the Irish fish farming industry". The juvenile cod came from eggs collected from the Celtic Sea, off the South coast, and then hatched and further reared at the Martin Ryan Institute's facilities in Connemara, Co. Galway. The parentage of these fish is known and the growth performance of the different groups will be monitored up to market size with the better performing groups being selected for use in future breeding activities. Dr Fitzgerald added: "What we are doing, much as we do in cattle or sheep farming, is breeding the best stock we can. In this case, we are drawing on the genetic reservoir of local cod populations that are most suited to our coastal conditions. The objective is that these fish, when market size, will have been more disease resistant and have grown rapidly to market size". For the past four years, MRI Carna has been the major performer in Ireland in this area and has conducted a programme of applied research to develop a national capacity to produce and rear fish. John Kavanagh, Director of the Ignite Technology Transfer Office at NUI Galway, says the technologies developed by MRI have huge potential: "What we have seen at the Martin Ryan Institute is the rearing of ova through the larval phase, to juvenile fish. The associated hatchery skills and specialist technologies have the potential for a new industry in Ireland. This is enabling technology that can be applied to other fish species leading to complementary seasonality and greater choice in the marketplace. There is a significant business opportunity in establishing a company to rear marine juvenile fish for the commercial sector". The EIRCOD project is led by NUI Galway's Martin Ryan Institute in Carna, Co. Galway with partners UCC, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Irish Seafood Producers Group and Dr Ashie Norris. The project builds on work carried out by the Martin Ryan Institute and Trosc Teo. over the past four years with the assistance of the relevant state agencies Údarás na Gaeltachta, Marine Institute, and BIM. Éacht Suntasach Bainte Amach ag Clár Nuálach Síolraithe Éisc in Éirinn (View in English) Éacht suntasach a bhaineann leis an tionscadal taighde nua síolraithe éisc seo is ea go bhfuil breis is 20,000 trosc óg scaoilte amach san fharraige ar chósta an iarthair. Is í Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain in OÉ Gaillimh atá i mbun an tionscadail seo agus tá an trosc óg atá síolraithe go speisialta á stóráil i gcaighin i bhfeirm éisc Trosc Teo. i gConamara, Co. na Gaillimhe. Beathófar na héisc seo, atá síolraithe as tréithchineál sonrach Éireannach, go dtí go mbeidh siad oiriúnach don mhargadh. Is é seo an chéad stoc de throsc óg tairgthe faoin tionscadal taighde ar a dtugtar EIRCOD, tionscadal atá á mhaoiniú ag Foras na Mara agus a áirítear mar Fhochlár Taighde Mara den Phlean Forbartha Náisiúnta. Forbraíodh an tionscadal seo le dul i ngleic leis an laghdú a bhí le sonrú sa líon gabhálacha, imní maidir le róshaothrú agus ídiú stoc éisc, le cois a chinntiú go gcruthaítear éagsúlacht i dtionscadal dobharshaothraithe na hÉireann. Is é príomhaidhm thionscnamh EIRCOD stoc troisc agus clár síolraithe a dhearadh, a bhunú agus a fheidhmiú - clár a oireann d Éirinn agus a thacaíonn leis an tionscal dúchasach feirmeoireachta éisc. Dar leis an Dr Richard Fitzgerald, Eolaí Sinsearach le tionscadal EIRCOD in Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain, OÉ Gaillimh, gur céim shuntasach chun cinn é go bhfuil na héisc seo scaoilte chun farraige: "Is é seo an chéad uair riamh a bhfuil tréithchineál dúchasach troisc síolraithe agus a bhfuil an oiread sin éisc scaoilte chun farraige in Éirinn. Cé go bhfuil coincheapa cosúla á gcur i bhfeidhm le trosc san Iorua, i gCeanada agus san Íoslainn is é seo an chéad uair riamh a bhfuil clár síolraithe náisiúnta curtha i bhfeidhm sa tír seo. Is cinnte gur céim shuntasach chun cinn atá ann mar aon le léargas ar an tacaíocht atáthar sásta a thabhairt do thionscadal feirmeoireachta éisc na hÉireann". Tháinig an trosc óg ó uibheacha a bailíodh ón Muir Cheilteach, amach ó chósta an Deiscirt, agus ansin goradh agus beathaíodh na huibheacha in áiseanna Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain i gConamara, Co. na Gaillimhe. Tá tuismíocht na n-iasc seo ar eolas agus déanfar comparáid idir fás na ngrúpaí difriúla go dtí go mbeidh siad feiliúnach don mhargadh agus na grúpaí a bhfuil ag éirí go maith leo agus atá á roghnú le húsáid i ngníomhaíochtaí síolraithe a bheidh ar bun amach anseo. Chomh maith leis sin dúirt an Dr Fitzgerald: "Go bunúsach is éard atá ar bun againn, díreach mar a dhéanaimid i gcás feirmeoireachta eallaigh nó caorach, an stoc is fearr agus is féidir linn a shíolrú. Sa chás áirithe seo, tá leas á bhaint againn as an daonra áitiúil troisc - na troisc is fearr a oireann dár gcoinníollacha cósta. Is é cuspóir na hoibre seo go mbeidh na héisc seo, nuair a bheidh siad feiliúnach don mhargadh, frithsheasmhach in aghaidh galair agus feiliúnach don mhargadh in achar gearr ama". Le ceithre bliana anuas, bhí MRI Carna ar thús cadhnaíochta in Éirinn sa réimse seo agus tá clár taighde fheidhmigh curtha i bhfeidhm ar mhaithe leis an acmhainn náisiúnta chun éisc a thairgeadh agus a bheathú a fhorbairt. Deir John Kavanagh, Stiúrthóir Oifig um Aistriú Teicneolaíochta Ignite in OÉ Gaillimh go mbaineann féidearthacht iontach leis na teicneolaíochtaí atá forbartha ag MRI Carna: "Is éard a tharla in Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain gur tógadh ubháin tríd an bpas larbhach go dtí gur foirmíodh éisc óga. D'fhéadfaí leas a bhaint as na scileanna gorlainne agus na teicneolaíochtaí speisialta seo chun tionscal nua a chruthú in Éirinn. Teicneolaíocht chumasúcháin atá anseo a d'fhéadfaí a úsáid le speicis éisc eile d fhonn séasúracht chomhlántach agus rogha níos fearr a chruthú san áit mhargaidh. Tá deis shuntasach gnó ann cuideachta a bhunú chun éisc óga mara a thógáil don earnáil tráchtála". Is é Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain, OÉ Gaillimh, atá lonnaithe i gCarna, Co. na Gaillimhe i gcomhar leis na comhpháirtithe seo a leanas atá páirteach i dtionscadal EIRCOD - Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Grúpa Táirgeoirí Bia Mara na hÉireann agus an Dr Ashie Norris. Tá an tionscadal seo ag cur le hobair atá curtha i gcrích ag Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain agus Trosc Teo. le ceithre bliana anuas, obair a rinneadh le cabhair ó na gníomhaireachtaí stáit ábhartha, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Foras na Mara agus Bord Iascaigh Mhara. -críoch-
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Researchers to partner with 22 companies in a strategic €23.9 million collaborative investment Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mary Coughlan T.D., has today (Wednesday, 25 February, 2009) announced the establishment of five new Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Strategic Research Clusters (SRCs), representing a €23.9 million investment in ground-breaking, collaborative research activities involving seven academic institutions and 22 companies. A relatively new element in SFI's portfolio of supports, the SRC programme was first introduced in 2007 to link scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions, foster the development of new and existing Irish-based technology companies, and to grow partnerships with industry. Making the announcement, the Tánaiste said: "Science, while engaging and exciting, is also a fiercely competitive arena, and it is increasingly clear that a country's economic fortunes are significantly dependent on its ability to conduct research that translates into economically-beneficial outcomes. The Government's 'Building Ireland's Smart Economy' framework prioritises continued investment in science and engineering infrastructure to assist with the creation of a thriving enterprise sector, high-quality employment and first-class infrastructure. The 170 highly skilled personnel involved in these SRCs, together with the 22 partner companies are central to achieving this," the Tánaiste stressed. Also present at the announcement the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation Dr Jimmy Devins T.D. said: "SRCs bring together academic and industrial expertise to create innovative research and entrepreneurial foresight that, in combination, will help to re-shape Ireland's economy, create employment opportunities, boost our reputation abroad and ultimately act as the engine that sustains all of these in the long-term". The Lead Principal Investigators of the five new SRCs are: 1. Professor Lokesh Joshi of NUI Galway - Alimentary Glycoscience Research Cluster (AGRC) 2. Professor Pádraig Cunningham of UCD - Clique SRC 3. Dr William Donnelly of Waterford Institute of Technology - Federated, Autonomic Management of End-to-end Communication Services (FAME SRC) 4. Professor Miles Turner of DCU - Precision SRC 5. Professor Brett Paul, also from DCU - Irish Separation Science Cluster Welcoming the announcement, Director-General of SFI, Professor Frank Gannon said: "SFI believes in supporting only top-level relevant research - subsidising mediocre research activity will not produce the outputs required to enhance Ireland's scientific and innovation landscape and re-energise Ireland's economy. These new SRCs, have successfully come through a lengthy and thorough peer review. From 40 proposals, I am confident that SFI is supporting the very best teams of researchers and industry-based experts that will help to provide a range of strategic economic benefits to Ireland". Funding announced today was approved by the SFI Board following a rigorous, multi-faceted assessment process. This encompassed international scientific peer review, 23 reviews participated in the pre-proposal panel, 27 international experts participated in the postal review process and 27 international experts participated in the five on-site reviews. In addition, a 'Strategic Value to Ireland' assessment was performed by key Government agency stakeholders, including IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Department of Taoiseach, Forfás, the Higher Education Authority and the Health Research Board. Fógraíonn an Tánaiste Cúig 'Ghrúpa Taighde Straitéiseacha' Fhondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann Taighdeoirí le hoibriú i gcomhar le 22 cuideachta mar chuid d'infheistíocht straitéiseach chomhoibríoch ar fiú €23.9 milliún í (View in English) D'fhógair an Tánaiste agus Aire Fiontar, Trádála agus Fostaíochta, Mary Coughlan T.D., inniu (Dé Céadaoin, 25 Feabhra 2009) go bhfuil cúig Ghrúpa Taighde Straitéiseacha bunaithe ag Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann. Is ionann na grúpaí taighde straitéiseacha seo agus infheistíocht ar fiú €23.9 milliún i ngníomhaíochtaí úrnua, comhoibríocha taighde a bhfuil 7 n-institiúid acadúla agus 22 cuideachta páirteach iontu. Gné réasúnta nua d'obair Fhondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann é clár na nGrúpaí Taighde Straitéiseacha ar cuireadh tús leis in 2007. Tá sé mar aidhm leis an gclár seo eolaithe agus innealtóirí atá ag obair sa timpeallacht acadúil agus sa tionscal a thabhairt le chéile, le déileáil le príomhcheisteanna taighde, le cuideachtaí teicneolaíochta nua agus reatha Éireannacha a fhorbairt, agus le comhpháirtíochtaí a chruthú leis an tionscal. Ag fógairt an chláir di, dúirt an Tánaiste: "Cé gur ábhar iontach suimiúil agus spéisiúil í an eolaíocht, is réimse thar a bheith iomaíoch í freisin, agus tá sé ag éirí níos soiléire de réir a chéile go mbeidh rath geilleagrach na tíre ag brath go mór ar chumas na tíre taighde a dhéanamh a mbaineann torthaí a théann chun tairbhe an gheilleagair leis. Díríonn an foilseachán Rialtais 'Building Ireland's Smart Economy' ar infheistíocht leanúnach san eolaíocht agus san infreastruchtúr innealtóireachta ar mhaithe le hearnáil ghníomhach fiontair a chruthú, mar aon le fostaíocht ar ardchaighdeán agus infreastruchtúr ar ardchaighdeán. Beidh ról lárnach ag an 170 oibrí ardcháilithe atá páirteach sna Grúpaí Taighde Straitéiseacha seo, mar aon leis an 22 cuideachta comhpháirtíochta leis an aidhm seo a chur i gcrích." Bhí an tAire Eolaíochta, Teicneolaíochta agus Nuálaíochta, an Dr Jimmy Devins T.D. i láthair ag an ócáid freisin agus bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá aige: "Éiríonn leis na Grúpaí Taighde Straitéiseacha seo saineolas acadúil agus tionsclaíoch a thabhairt le chéile ar mhaithe le taighde nuálaíoch agus forbairt fiontraíochta a chabhróidh le geilleagar na hÉireann a athchruthú, deiseanna fostaíochta a chruthú, cur lenár gcáil thar lear agus na nithe seo ar fad a chothú sna blianta amach romhainn". Is iad na Príomhthaighdeoirí atá páirteach sna cúig Ghrúpa Taighde Straitéiseacha nua: 1. An tOllamh Lokesh Joshi, OÉ Gaillimh – Grúpa Taighde um Ghlioceolaíocht Bia (AGRC) 2. An tOllamh Pádraig Cunningham, An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath – Grúpa Taighde Straitéiseach Clique 3. An Dr William Donnelly, Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Phort Láirge – Bainistíocht Chónasctha, Uathnómach Seirbhísí Cumarsáide Ceann go Ceann (Grúpa Taighde Straitéiseach FAME) 4. An tOllamh Miles Turner, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath – Grúpa Taighde Straitéiseach Precision 5. An tOllamh Brett Paul, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath – Grúpa Taighde Eolaíocht Deighilte Éireannach Ag caint dó faoin dea-scéala seo, dúirt an tOllamh Frank Gannon, Príomh-Stiúrthóir Fhondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann, an méid seo a leanas: "Tá sé mar aidhm ag Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann tacú le taighde ábhartha ardleibhéil – ní chruthófar na torthaí inmhianaithe le timpeallacht eolaíochta agus nuálaíochta na hÉireann a fheabhsú agus geilleagar na hÉireann a thabhairt chun beochta arís trí mhaoiniú a chur ar fáil do ghníomhaíocht taighde lagmheasartha. Tá athbhreithniú piaraí déanta ar na Grúpaí Taighde Straitéiseacha seo. Ón 40 togra, táim muiníneach go bhfuil Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann ag tacú leis na taighdeoirí agus leis na saineolaithe tionscail is fearr a chabhróidh le raon tairbhí geilleagracha straitéiseacha a chruthú d'Éirinn". Cheadaigh Bord Fhondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann an maoiniú a fógraíodh inniu i ndiaidh próisis mheasúnaithe a bhí dian agus ilghnéitheach. Áiríodh sa phróiseas athbhreithniú eolaíoch idirnáisiúnta piaraí, bhí 23 athbhreithniú páirteach sa phainéal réamhthogra, bhí 27 saineolaí idirnáisiúnta páirteach sa phróiseas athbhreithnithe poist agus bhí 27 saineolaí idirnáisiúnta páirteach i gcúig athbhreithniú ar an láthair. Chomh maith leis sin, rinne lucht leasa gníomhaireachtaí Rialtais, an IDA, Fiontraíocht Éireann, Roinn an Taoisigh, Forfás, an tÚdarás um Ard-Oideachas agus an Bord Taighde Sláinte measúnú air maidir leis an 'Luach Straitéiseach d'Éirinn'. -Críoch-
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
The first major competition to be held at NUI Galway's new 25 metre pool takes place this Friday and Saturday as the University hosts the Irish Water Polo Intervarsities. Some 100 athletes, representing up to ten third-level institutions from across the country, will participate. NUI Galway' Swimming and Water Polo Club have won the men's title four times and competition is expected to be fierce in what is known to be a great spectator sport. Water polo is the oldest Olympic team sport having been contested continuously at every modern Olympic Games since Paris 1900. An extremely demanding and physical sport, players may swim the equivalent of up to five kilometres in a singe game. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to touch the bottom of the pool while the rest of the players risk a foul if they do so. Kathy Hynes, Development Officer for Clubs and Participation at NUI Galway, has noted the growing interest in pool sports: "At NUI Galway, swimming and water polo have always been very strong, with very dedicated and talented club members. With the opening of the Sports Centre there has been a surge of interest in all water sports. The new pool provides an ideal opportunity for all students and staff to learn the lifelong skill of swimming. We are proud to host other universities at our state-of-the-art facilities". The six-lane pool at NUI Galway is equipped with a moveable floor, which can be adjusted to provide a perfect setting for various pool sports including water polo, kayaking or sub-aqua training. According to Kathy Hynes, "This is an exciting time for all involved in aquatic sport at NUI Galway. A Swimming Gala, which will hopefully become an annual event in the University calendar, is currently being planned by the Swimming and Water Polo Club". The Intervarsities will begin on Friday afternoon, 27 February, with the finals scheduled for Saturday evening. Kathy Hynes added: "Onlookers will be guaranteed a memorable few hours, as the competitors this year are of a particularly high standard". For more information on the event, email swimming@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-