Monday, 26 November 2012

NUI Galway’s Executive MBA, in association with the MBA Association of Ireland Western Chapter, recently hosted its fifth Masterclass event. Entitled Maximising Human Potential & Performance: Lessons from Sports Psychology and Business the Masterclass included a line-up of high-profile speakers including Professor Eamon O’Shea, Caroline Currid, Martin Conroy and Seán McGowan, who shared their insights and personal experiences in a discussion chaired by businessman Pádraig Ó Céidigh. Professor Eamon O’Shea is a Professor of Economics at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway and has recently been appointed Manager of the Tipperary Senior Hurling Team for 2013. Professor O’Shea was also the coach for the All-Ireland Champions in 2010. Caroline Currid, Performance Coach with the National Athlete Development Academy, has had a profound impact on Gaelic games. She has worked with All-Ireland Football Champions Tyrone in 2008 and helped the Tipperary hurlers and Dublin footballers bridge 10 and 16 year gaps, respectively, attain silverware. Martin Conroy is Director of Continuous Improvement, Global Vascular Operations at Medtronic, Galway. Martin is responsible for developing and deploying the corporate lean strategy across a number of global sites for over 5,000 employees. Seán McGowan, Ocean Rower, spent 118 days at sea alone, crossing the Atlantic in a small boat. He is a qualified Engineer and holds an MBA and assists with organisations in turnaround situations. During the event Seán spoke very personally of his solo journey across the Atlantic and attributes much of his achievement in doing so to the power of the mind. The panel discussed the effects of attitude on human potential and the importance in self-belief concluding that Irish people need the move away from their current negative ‘I’m not too bad’ state of mind to an ‘I’m great’ culture. The power and importance of values and the panel’s failures and success were also discussed by the panel. Dr Alma McCarthy, Director of NUI Galway’s Executive MBA programme, said: “It is an honour and a privilege to receive insights on the psychology of success which are relevant to any context and incumbent on all of us to use the learnings in our personal and professional lives.” ENDS

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Secondary school students interested in NUI Galway are invited to an information evening in Roscommon on Thursday, 6 December. Parents and guardians are also particularly welcome to the event which runs from 7-9pm in the Roscommon Abbey Hotel, Roscommon Town. The evening will begin with short talks about NUI Galway and some of the 60 courses it offers. Afterwards, current students and NUI Galway staff will be on hand to answer any questions in relation to courses and practical issues like accommodation, fees and scholarships, and the wide range of support services available to students. The ever-increasing popularity of NUI Galway is in-part due to a whole suite of innovative new programmes, developed in response to the changing needs of the employment market. Unique programmes include a Bachelor of Arts with Human Rights, an Energy Engineering degree which is taught in the University’s new Engineering Building, Ireland’s largest School of Engineering, and a Maths and Education degree aimed at training maths teachers. Visitors to the information evening will also get information on NUI Galway’s newest degree programmes, a BA in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies and a Bachelor of Arts with Journalism which are brand new for 2013. “NUI Galway has a great deal to offer. Our own students tell us our lecturers are inspirational and challenge them to achieve their full potential. The student experience in Galway is second to none, and we want to bring a taste of that to Roscommon, while also providing all the practical information on accommodation, CAO points, fees, scholarships and courses. With so many courses on offer, this event in Roscommon is a perfect opportunity to meet current students and our lecturers to see what degree might be the right fit”, says Caroline Loughnane, Director of Marketing and Communications at NUI Galway. To find out more about the information evening in Roscommon, contact NUI Galway’s Schools Liaison Officer, Gráinne Dunne on 087 2440858 or ENDS

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Déanfaidh an fear scannáin agus fiadhúlra, Éamon de Buitléar, a chartlann phearsanta a bhronnadh ar Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, inniú, Dé Céadaoin, 28 Samhain, 2012. Tá breis is trí scór bliain d’ábhar ilmheáin sa chartlann seo, ar léargas é ar spéiseanna pearsanta agus proifisiúnta Éamoin de Buitléar. Cuimsítear sa chartlann: Scannáin fhaisnéise Éamoin ó chuaigh sé leis an scannánaíocht; Bunábhar fíor-shuntasach a bhaineann le stair na craoltóireachta agus na scannánaíochta in Éirinn; Buntaifeadtaí agus ábhar eisceachtúil a bhaineann le Seán Ó Riada, Ceoltóirí Chualann agus Ceoltóirí Laighean a thugann léargas luachmhar ar athréimniú an cheoil dúchais san fhichiú haois; Taifid fhuaime agus físe a thugann léargas tábhachtach ar stair na timpeallachta agus na tuaithe in Éirinn; Ábhar cultúrtha mórshuntais i measc pháipéir theaghlaigh mhuintir de Buitléar, lámhscríbhinní agus bunchóip de Fhoclóir na nÉan, a réitigh an Coirnéal Éamon de Buitléar, iar aide-de-camp Dhubhghlas de hÍde, an chéad Uachtarán ar Éirinn. Dúirt Éamon de Buitléar agus an togra á sheoladh aige: “Saothar saoil atá sa chartlann seo. Is mór i gceist agam an timpeallacht, an teanga agus an ceol dúchais agus tá ríméad orm go bhfáilteofar roimh an mbailiúchán ina iomláine in OÉ Gaillimh. Tá sé fíor-thábhachtach go mbeadh teacht ag daoine óga agus pobal na Gaeltachta ar an mbailiúchán seo go furasta agus go saoráideach, i nGaeltacht Chonamara go háirithe.” Mhol Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Jim Browne, an bronnadh flaithiúil seo ar an Ollscoil ó lámh Éamoin: “Bronnadh thar a bheith gnaíúil é seo ó dhuine de cheannródaithe móra na craoltóireachta in Éirinn. Is cás le hÉamon gnéithe éagsúla dár n-oidhreacht – idir cheol, chultúr agus nádúr – agus rinne sé saibhriú ar shaol na tíre gan trácht ar a chartlann phearsanta. Bainfidh an Ollscoil lánearraíocht as an acmhainn luachmhar seo de bharr an luí atá againn leis an nGaeilge agus le staidéar na físe.” Cuirfidh OÉ Gaillimh tús le mórthogra le go ndéanfaí digitiú agus clárú ar an gcnuasach seo a bhfuil tábhacht náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta leis. Cuirfidh an togra ar chumas scoláirí, taighdeoirí, mic léinn agus pobal na Gaeltachta teacht ar an ábhar. Bainfidh OÉ Gaillimh leas ar leith as ábhar na cartlainne i bhfianaise obair na hOllscoile le Taisclann Dhigiteach na hÉireann. Fágfaidh seo go mbeidh ábhar na cartlainne ar fáil taobh istigh de chreatlach bhonneagair a éascóidh rochtain scolártha agus rannpháirteachas pobail. Oibreoidh an Ollscoil i gcomhar le páirtnéirí ar nós Cartlanna RTÉ le go bhforbrófaí an dea-chleachtas agus prótacail chomhchoitianta maidir le rochtain phoiblí agus caomhnú na hoidhreachta náisiúnta clos-amhairc. Déanfaidh OÉ Gaillimh an chartlann a dhigitiú, a chlárú, a chaomhnú agus rochtain ar an gcartlann a chur ar fáil trí pháirtnéireacht idir Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge agus Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin. Déanfar próiseáil ar ábhair scannáin, fístéipe, téip fuaime agus páipéar mar chuid den togra. Gné eisceachtúil den togra an comhthéacsú atá déanta ag Éamon de Buitléar féin ar an mbailiúchán. Tá suas le 20 uair a chloig de thaifeadtaí fuaime déanta ag Éamon le taighdeoir an togra, Micheál Holmes, agus cur síos déanta aige ar réimsí éagsúla dá shaol oibre. Cuirfidh Cartlann Éamoin de Buitléar go mór le bailiúcháin eile i Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin, leithéidí togra digitithe Amharclann na Mainistreach agus páipéir Bhrendan Duddy, Thomas Kilroy agus John McGahern. Beidh taispeántas i Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin i ndiaidh sheoladh an togra Dé Céadaoin 28 Samhain a thabharfaidh léargas ar earraí tábhachtacha ón mbailiúchán agus éagsúlacht an chnuasaigh trí chéile. Beidh teacht ar an gcartlann dhigiteach in Áras Taighde nua na nDán, na nDaonnachtaí agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta, a osclófar díreach taobh le Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin ar phríomhchampas OÉ Gaillimh i 2013 agus in Ionaid Ghaeltachta na hOllscoile, i gCarna agus ar an gCeathrú Rua mar a ndéantar BA agus MA sa Chumarsáid a mhúineadh trí mheán na Gaeilge. Tabharfar faoi Dhigitiú an Tionscadail i Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Ardagáin agus in Ionad na hOllscoile i gCarna mar a bhfuil tograí taighde ilmheáin eile á riaradh ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, leithéidí, Cartlann Raidió na Gaeltachta, Cartlann Joe Burke agus iTunesU de chuid COGG, togra acmhainní digiteacha don seomra ranga bunscoile. Tuilleadh eolais agus ábhar cartlainne le fáil anseo CRÍOCH   Éamon de Buitléar to Present His Unique Multi-Media Archive Collection to NUI Galway Today, Wednesday, 28 November, 2012, renowned film-maker and environmentalist Éamon de Buitléar will officially present his exceptional personal archive to NUI Galway. This multi-media archive collection spans some sixty years of creativity and reflects a broad range of Éamon de Buitléar’s professional and personal concerns. The archive contains: Éamon’s documentary film output over the course of his career; Key materials relating to the history of broadcasting & film production in Ireland; Original recordings and unique insights into the revival of Irish traditional music in the twentieth century with material relating to Seán Ó Riada, Ceoltóirí Chualann and Ceoltóirí Laighean; Visual and audio records of interest in terms of historical environmental studies; Culturally significant material within the de Buitléar family papers including manuscripts and A Dictionary of Irish Bird Names, compiled by An Coirnéal Éamon de Buitléar, former aide-de-camp to Dubhghlas de hÍde, the first President of Ireland. Launching the project, Éamon de Buitléar said: “The collection contains my life’s work. The environment, the Irish language and our native music have been cornerstones of my work and I am happy that the archive as a whole will find a home in NUI Galway. It is important that the collection will be available and accessible, particularly to young people and also to the Gaeltacht community in Conamara.” President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne paid tribute to Éamon’s generous donation to the University: “This is a magnificent gesture by one of the pioneers of Irish broadcasting. Éamon’s constant concern for various aspects of our heritage – natural, cultural and musical – has enriched not only his personal archive but national life. We will use our institutional strengths in visual studies and the Irish language to fully exploit and conserve this rich resource.” NUI Galway, will begin a major project to catalogue and to digitise this collection of national and international significance to facilitate access to scholars, researchers, students and the Gaeltacht community. Playing a key role in the Digital Repository of Ireland, the University is uniquely positioned to exploit the archive material and place it in a framework which will facilitate scholarly access and public engagement while working with partners such as RTÉ Archives to develop common protocols and best practice in the conservation of and public access to the national audio-visual heritage. Work on this multi-media project will be carried out by NUI Galway’s James Hardiman Library and Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge and will process materials on film, video, audio tape and paper. A unique aspect of the collection is the contextualisation which has been provided by Éamon de Buitléar himself in the form of 20 hours of audio recordings describing the various facets of his work to project researcher, Micheál Holmes. The Éamon de Buitléar Archive will complement existing and newly acquired collections in the James Hardiman Library such as the project to digitise the Abbey Theatre archive and the acquisition of the papers of Brendan Duddy, Thomas Kilroy and John McGahern. Following the launch on Wednesday, 28 November, an exhibition will be staged in the James Hardiman Library in NUI Galway which will highlight the diversity of Éamon de Buitléar’s work and display key items from the collection. The collection will be accessible in the new Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Building which will open at the heart of the NUI Galway campus in 2013 and at the University’s Gaeltacht centres in Carna and at An Cheathrú Rua where BA and MA programmes in Communications are taught through the medium of Irish. The Project Digitisation will take place in the James Hardiman Library and in the University’s centre in Carna where Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge have already managed multi-media research projects such as, Cartlann Raidió na Gaeltachta, The Joe Burke Archive and, most recently, iTunes U COGG, a project to develop digital classroom resources for primary schools. Further information and access to archive material here ENDS

Thursday, 29 November 2012

 Druid’s Garry Hynes to Launch Project for the Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway Small and medium enterprises with creative offerings encouraged to participate Today (Thursday 29 November) Druid’s award winning director Garry Hynes will launch the Creative Edge project. The Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change will lead the project which will help creative businesses in Europe’s Northern Periphery to export to new markets and nurture emerging creative talent. The project received €1.1 million in funding through the European Union’s Interreg Initiative under the Northern Periphery Programme (NPP) and brings together universities, development agencies and industry bodies from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Finland and Sweden. The main objectiveof the Creative Edge project is promote the active participation of local creative organisations and businesses in global markets while also aiding them in their ability to attract and utilise local emerging creative talent in these markets. This is important as the creative economy is increasingly seen to be a major area of growth in the coming decades for rural peripheral regions. Studies continue to show how the creative sector is a leading indicator of global growth. The cultural and creative sector is globally one of the fastest growing. Estimates value the sector at 7% of the world’s GDP and forecast 10% growth per year[1]. According to NUI Galway’s Dr Patrick Collins lead researcher on the project: “When you look at the emerging trend of increased demand for goods and services that are authentic, sustainable, and that tell a story, you are looking at the growth of the creative economy. The west of Ireland, and other regions on the edge of Europe stand to gain from the promotion of small and medium enterprises with creative offerings.”  The project itself has grown out of direct consultations with the Creative Industries across the NPP region. Of particular policy relevance were the constraints faced by new and established creative industries in the NPP region. Consultation with the sector across a variety of disciplines, from craft to App development, showed that most people working in the creative sector found themselves confined by their inability to access international markets and the inability to share information and learn from contemporaries here and abroad. The project is now looking for the active participation of ‘Creatives’ located in the west of Ireland. Dr James Cunningham, Director of the Whitaker Institute called on local creative businesses and individuals to engage with the project. “This work is built on addressing the needs of the creative sector, needs change and we want to keep abreast of those changes. We are therefore actively encouraging creatives to engage with us and with our project partner in the region – the Western Development Commission. The incentive is that this project will help them develop as an individual and / or company and opportunities to engage with creative industries in Northern Ireland, Finland and Sweden.” For more information, please visit or -ends-

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The 15th Galway Science and Technology Festival, part of National Science Week and sponsored by Medtronic Galway saw over 20,000 visitors attend the Final Exhibition Day at NUI Galway on Sunday (25 November). Professor Pat Fottrell, Chairman of Science Foundation Ireland was the Festival’s special guest who visited exhibits accompanied by Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway; John McNamara, Research & Development Director of Medtronic; Professor Tom Sherry, Dean of Science NUI Galway; Michael Carmody, President of GMIT; Dr Des Foley, Head of Science & Research, GMIT; and Tom Hyland, Chairman of Galway Science & Technology Festival. Thousands of families and children enjoyed over 80 interactive stands representing areas including research, education, industry and the environment at the Bailey Allen Hall and Orbsen Building. Visitors took a tour of the new Engineering Building, Zoology and Marine Biology Museums, while 20 fun shows for families took place in the IT Building, Aula Maxima and the Arts and Science Concourse building at NUI Galway. Up to 20 Primary and Secondary Schools exhibited stands covering Life Science, Technology and Physics and Chemistry themes with prizes being presented to the overall winners from Milltown N.S, Galway Educate Together N.S. and Inis Meain N.S. for most creative exhibits in each category. Brendan Smith, Community Education and Outreach Officer for the Digital Enterprise Research Institute at NUI Galway, was presented with the Science Person of the Year Award at the Festival Exhibition on Sunday for his outstanding contribution in the field of Science & Technology. Festival Sponsors provided jaw-dropping, high-tech exhibits for young people to interact with including Medtronic, Galway Enterprise Board, NUI Galway, GMIT, Cisco, Boston Scientific, Avaya, SAP, Covidien, Hewlett Packard, Creganna, The Marine Institute and Galway County Council. Medtronic’s exhibit focused on Innovation, with engineers demonstrating how to get from Idea to Product and all the steps in between. They also showcased products for the treatment of Coronary Artery Disease and Hypertension, and provided a fun Games Corner where children were invited to test their manual dexterity with lots of helpful people from Medtronic on hand to guide them through it. John McNamara, Director of Research & Development at Medtronic commented, “Medtronic became the main sponsor of the Galway Science and Technology Festival over ten years ago.  Since then, we are delighted to have experienced the journey that has seen the event evolve and flourish into one of the highlights in the calendars of the educational and science communities.  This year’s theme is “Everyday Experimenting” and experimentation is something that makes Science and Technology so fascinating. Engaging the younger generation throughout this festival about the wonders and possibilities of Science and Technology will help ensure we have the pool of talented scientists and engineers so necessary for Ireland’s future success as a nation. I have no doubt today’s Exhibition will generate lots of ideas and open minds to the many great possibilities and opportunities out there.” The Computer & Communications Museum of Ireland provided a fascinating insight into advances in communications and computing through the years. Hewlett Packard joined the Coderdojo Galway members in the Museum and demonstrated coding. Young people crowded around the Boston Scientific stand learning about the technology behind Angioplasty and Balloon Formation and tried their hand at the Guidewire Tracking Challenge for a chance to win an iPad Nano every hour. NUI Galway had a number of exhibits including a H-Racer and Solar Hydrogen Station. The H-Racer is the smallest and coolest hydrogen fuel cell car in the world. Visitors got to witness the power of new energy technology in the palm of their hand. The car does not need batteres and uses a real fuel cell and its own on-board hydrogen storage system. The Hydrogen station will provide the H-Racer with an unlimited supply of clean energy. To create free hydrogen fuel at the flick of a switch, water was added to the station’s tank while fuelling was animated by a special blue light display. GMIT displayed a number of interactive Science and Technology exhibit stands to mark their 40th Anniversary. Exhibit themes included How Engines Work where visitors saw how different engine types work with interactive models on display as well as touch screen animations. Energy Engineering demonstrated how energy management is a vital part of everyday life and how energy can be harnessed from the sea, the sun and the wind. Family fun shows were a huge hit that included Black John The Bogus Pirate, a cartoon workshop aimed at teaching children of all ages about marine environment while having fun. K’nex Roadshow, based on a dynamic open ended spatial building system, Mr Bug with Matt Lewis allowed children get up close to friendly tropical animals and Killaloe Exploration Dome, a mobile planetarium designed to explore science, astronomy, geology and geography in a fun and interactive way. True Physics Show was an interactive hands-on science show where students participated in launching rockets and flying helicopters and Sue McGrath’s Chemistry Show consisted of wacky experiments like super foams, colour changes and disgusting slime. Galway Science and Technology Festival Chairman, Tom Hyland commented, “On behalf of the Board of the Galway Science and Technology Festival, I would like to thank our main sponsor Medtronic and all of our partners who have contributed to the growth and development of this Festival into a very significant vehicle for the promotion of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects to our young people and help bring excitement and fun to Science and Technology for children and families across the city and county.”  To view photos and videos from the Exhibition visit ENDS

Monday, 1 October 2012

Major organisations from business and industry will feature at the NUI Galway Graduate Jobs Fair on Monday, 8 October, from 12.30- 4pm in the Bailey Allen Hall. This free event will showcase graduate employment opportunities from all disciplines, with a diverse number of fields such as accountancy, consultancy, education, engineering, IT, law, science, retail and many other sectors represented throughout the day. Major Galway-based employers such as Avaya, Creganna, Lidl, Medtronic, Merit Medical, Smyths Toys will attend, in addition to international companies such as Abbott, Accenture, Analog Devices, PWC and Microsoft. Visitors to the event can spend the afternoon networking with Ireland’s leading graduate recruiters and avail of the opportunity to have their CV reviewed at the CV Clinic, which will run from 1.30-3.30pm. According to John Hannon, Head of the NUI Galway Career Development Centre: “Demand for NUI Galway graduates remains high, reflecting on their excellent employability status and many of Ireland’s major graduate recruiters are coming to the Jobs Fair hoping to find the next generation of leaders for their businesses. Over 90% of our most recent graduates went into work or further study last year and this Fair will also be an opportunity to get information on postgraduate programmes available in NUI Galway for those interested in further study.” Event organiser, Josephine Walsh, advises those attending the Fair not to forget their main objective: “Securing your first graduate job is the main priority. Plan in advance. Know what employers are attending and the type of opportunities they have available. Many graduate employers now recruit graduates from all academic disciplines so do not be misled by an organisation’s name – they may have the perfect graduate opportunity for you. Arrive with a ‘can do’ attitude and be prepared to network. I would also recommend that attendees bring a CV, have it reviewed at the CV Clinic and get feedback on how to package and sell all their experiences to date.” Full details on the Graduate Jobs Fair and list of exhibitors are available from -ENDS-     Fostóirí Móra na Gaillimhe ag Aonach Post Chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh Beidh eagraíochtaí móra ón saol gnó agus ón tionscal i láthair ag Aonach Post Chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh a bheidh ar siúl i Halla Bailey Allen, Dé Luain, an 8 Deireadh Fómhair, ó 12.30 - 4pm. Léireoidh an ócáid saor in aisce seo na deiseanna fostaíochta atá ann do chéimithe ó gach disciplín, lena n-áirítear cuntasaíocht, comhairleoireacht, oideachas, innealtóireacht, IT, dlí, eolaíocht, miondíol agus go leor earnálacha eile. Beidh fostóirí móra na Gaillimhe ar nós Avaya, Creganna, Lidl, Medtronic, Merit Medical, Smyths Toys i láthair, chomh maith le cuideachtaí idirnáisiúnta ar nós Abbott, Accenture, Analog Devices, PWC agus Microsoft. Féadfaidh cuairteoirí chuig an ócáid an tráthnóna a chaitheamh i gcuideachta earcaitheoirí móra chéimithe na hÉireann agus an deis a thapú lena gcuid CVanna a scrúdú ag Clinic na CVanna, a bheidh ar siúl idir 1.30-3.30pm. Dar le John Hannon, Ceann Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh:  “Tá an-éileamh i gcónaí ar chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh, rud a léiríonn an stádas fostaíochta den scoth atá acu agus tá go leor d’earcaitheoirí móra chéimithe na hÉireann ag teacht chuig Aonach na bPost ag súil go n-aimseoidh siad ceannairí den chéad ghlúin eile dá gcuid gnóthaí. Chuaigh os cionn 90% dár gcéimithe anuraidh isteach san ionad oibre nó i staidéar breise agus is deis a bheidh san Aonach seo freisin le heolas a fháil ar chláir iarchéime OÉ Gaillimh don té ar mian leis tabhairt faoin staidéar breise.” Mhol eagraí na hócáide, Josephine Walsh, dóibh siúd a bheidh ag freastal ar an Aonach gan dearmad a dhéanamh ar a bpríomhchuspóir: “Is í an chloch is mó ar do phaidrín do chéad phost mar chéimí a bhaint amach. Bí réidh ina choinne. Bí ar an eolas faoi na fostóirí a bheidh i láthair agus na deiseanna atá ar tairiscint acu. Earcaíonn go leor fostóirí céimithe as gach disciplín acadúil anois mar sin ná cuireadh teideal na heagraíochta aon dul amú ort – d’fhéadfadh deis a bheith acu a d’fheilfeadh duitse. Tar chuig an imeacht le meon dearfach agus bí sásta meascadh le daoine éagsúla. Mholfainn do dhaoine CV a thabhairt leo chomh maith agus breathnófar air ag Clinic na CVanna agus tabharfar aiseolas duit faoin mbealach is fearr le gach taithí dá bhfuil agat go dtí seo a chur le chéile agus a dhíol.” Tá an t-eolas iomlán faoin Aonach Post do Chéimithe agus liosta de na taispeántóirí le fáil ar -CRÍOCH-      

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

For a second year in a row, the free day-long research festival, Sea2Sky, has been hailed as a huge success. Organised by NUI Galway last Friday (28 September), up to 10,000 visitors attended exhibitions in three different locations in Galway and in CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory in Cork. Sea2Sky was part of European Researchers Night, which took place across 800 venues in 320 cities. Throughout Europe, the general public were encouraged to participate in experiments, competitions and quizzes, to watch demonstrations and simulations, to exchange ideas and get to know researchers. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, officially opened Sea2Sky, saying: “I am delighted to be here at the Sea2Sky Researchers Night in Galway where scientists and researchers are opening up the world of science to the general public and to young people in particular. Europe needs to attract more young people into careers as researchers to stay ahead of the game in research and to tackle the biggest issues of our time, such as energy, climate change and our ageing population. Exciting events like this, which are bringing science to life right across Europe tonight, will certainly help to achieve this goal.” Sea2Sky was organised by NUI Galway, with huge support from partners the Marine Institute and Galway Atlantaquaria, and CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory in Cork. Visitors to Sea2Sky had access to the ‘Accelerating Science’ exhibition in Leisureland and over 40 stands in the Galway Bay Hotel showcasing local research. The Galway Atlantaquaria was also open for free to the public. Local scuba divers gave an exhibition in the aquarium, the Marine Institute showcased their Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) and a Japanese oyster farmer made a special guest appearance as a tie in with the Galway Oyster Festival. Thousands visited the Promenade in Salthill and watched a parade with Galway Colour’s Street Theatre, while others viewed the night sky through telescopes from Galway Astronomy Club. “Sea2sky this year was an even bigger success than 2011 with astronomers, marine scientists and atmospheric physicists engaging with a wide cross section of the community from small children to the over eighties. One of the highlights was the Café Scientifique linking Galway, Cork and NASA astronaut Dan Tani in the US. Our Sea2sky event was even mentioned in the NASA broadcast showcasing the recent Curiosity Rover findings,” explained chief organiser, NUI Galway’s Dr Andrew Shearer, a lecturer in physics. -ends-

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Secondary school students interested in NUI Galway are invited to an information evening in Dublin on Thursday, 25 October. Parents and guardians are also particularly welcome to the event which runs from 7 to 9pm in the Tara Towers Hotel, Dublin 4. The evening will begin with short talks about NUI Galway and some of the 60 courses it offers. Afterwards, current students and NUI Galway staff will be on hand at information stands to answer any individual questions in relation to courses offered by the University and about practical issues like accommodation, fees and scholarships, and the wide range of support services available to our students. The ever-increasing popularity of NUI Galway is in-part due to a whole suite of innovative new programmes, developed in response to the changing needs of the employment market. Unique programmes include a Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights, an Energy Engineering degree which is taught in the University’s new Engineering Building, Ireland’s largest School of Engineering, a Maths and Education degree aimed at training Maths teachers. Visitors to the information evening will also get information on NUI Galway’s newest degree programme, a BA in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies which is brand new for 2012. “NUI Galway has a great deal to offer. Our own students tell us our lecturers are inspirational and challenge them to achieve their full potential. The student experience in Galway is second to none, and we want to bring a taste of that to Dublin, while also providing all the practical information on accommodation, CAO points, fees, scholarships and courses. With so many courses on offer, this event in Dublin is a perfect opportunity to meet current students and our lecturers to see what degree might be the right fit”, says Caroline Loughnane, Director of Marketing and Communications at NUI Galway. To find out more about the information evening in Dublin, contact NUI Galway's Schools Liaison Officer, Siobhán Dorman on 086 042 1591 or -Ends-

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Over 100 young people from second and third-level institutions across County Galway and Roscommon were honoured with a Gaisce Medal at a special ceremony in NUI Galway last night. Organised by the University’s Gaisce Society, who this year celebrate over ten years in existence, the Awards were presented by NUI Galway President, Dr Jim Browne on behalf of the Patron of Gaisce -The President’s Award, President Michael D. Higgins. Two NUI Galway students, Eimear O’Callaghan from Craughwell, Co. Galway and Laura Staunton from Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, were presented with a Gaisce Silver Award. Eimear volunteers with a homework club in the Claddagh National School helping children with their reading. Laura volunteers with the Galway Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals and was a member of the Galway University Musical Society production of Spring Awakening.  Bronze awards were presented to secondary schools and community groups including: Castlerea Community School, Co. Roscommon; Coláiste na Coiribe, Galway City; Dunmore Community School, Co. Galway; Presentation Secondary School, Galway City; Archbishop McHale College, Tuam, Co. Galway; St Jarlath's College, Tuam, Co. Galway; Dominican College, Taylors Hill, Galway City and Youthreach, Galway City. Gaisce, the President’s Award, is the National Challenge to young people and the President of Ireland is the Patron of the organisation. Last year, the number of young people taking on the Gaisce challenge rose nationally by 15% from the previous year to over 20,000 and the range of activities that people worked on shows the positive energy and imagination the young people bring to their community. The Gaisce Awards consists of three awards, Gold, Silver and the Bronze award. These awards recognise four areas in which the individual has completed - community involvement, personal skill, physical recreation, and adventure journey. As the challenges are completely individually there is no pressure or competition between participants as the individual is only competing with themselves. This challenges the young person to be self motivated and to push themselves to the best of their ability. This year’s recipients have played a leadership role in the community from setting up a branch of the Vincent DePaul Society to young men cooking meals for COPE Galway’s meals on wheels service. These young people have learned a variety of skills from music, art and drama to first aid and, of course, cooking. Billy Stewart, Auditor of Gaisce Society and at student of the Higher Diploma in Education at NUI Galway, said: “The society is proud to be able to honour the hard work of such exceptional young people. Each year we become more and more impressed by the growing numbers and enthusiasm of our members, with this enthusiasm we have been able to organise adventure journeys on the Camino de Santiago in Spain and over the Atlas Mountains in Morocco with more planned for the future. The Gaisce Award allows young people all over Ireland to show what they are capable of and we are more than happy to enable this to continue to happen.” -ENDS-

Thursday, 4 October 2012

NUI Galway has jumped to third place in the country in this year’s Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings. With only two Irish universities improving their world ranking, NUI Galway sees the greatest rise in position, increasing 31 places. NUI Galway is now ranked 336th in the THE Rankings 2012/2013. In the same rankings, Trinity College Dublin increased their position by seven places to 110. Speaking of the rankings, NUI Galway President Dr Jim Browne said: “This is very good news for NUI Galway. Having just recently increased our position in the QS World University Rankings 2012/2013 to 287th this confirms that our position globally is on the rise. We have experienced huge cuts in overallfunding at third-level in Ireland, while student numbers have continued to rise. Despite this, our university has gone against the tide to secure a marked improvement in these very competitive rankings. This is a testament to our high standards in teaching and research, and the continued dedication of our staff at NUI Galway.” The Times Higher Education World University Rankings were developed in concert with rankings data provider, Thomson Reuters, with expert input from more than 50 leading figures in the sector from 15 countries across every continent. The Times Higher league table of the world’s top universities is based on 13 separate performance indicators covering all of the core missions of a world class university — teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. President Browne added: “It will be critical for Ireland to maintain its investment in its universities if we are to remain internationally competitive. Every year, rankings such as this are broadened to include a burgeoning number of world-class universities. We operate in a global market, competing for students and research support on an international playing field. Support on a national level must be maintained for universities such as NUI Galway to continue with their success.” Phil Baty, Editor of the World University Rankings said of NUI Galway’s achievements: “It has been a very tough year for many Western institutions in the world rankings this year, with a large number slipping down the rankings, as competitors across Asia benefit from substantial funding and focused political commitment to building world class universities. NUI Galway’s performance should be seen against this backdrop. The top 400 list represents only around 2 per cent of the world’s higher education institutions, so to sustain a position within in such an elite group is in itself quite an accolade.” ENDS   Ardú Suntasach ag OÉ Gaillimh i Ranguithe Domhanda an Times Higher Léim OÉ Gaillimh go dtí an tríú háit sa tír i Ranguithe Ollscoileanna an Domhain na bliana seo de chuid Times Higher Education (THE). Ní dhearna ach dhá ollscoil in Éirinn dul chun cinn sna ranguithe domhanda, agus is í OÉ Gaillimh a rinne an dul chun cinn is mó, ag ardú 31 áit. Tá OÉ Gaillimh anois sa 336ú háit i Ranguithe THE 2012/2013. Sna ranguithe seo chomh maith, léim Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath seacht n-áit go dtí 110. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh faoi na ranguithe: “Is iontach an dea-scéala iontach é seo do OÉ Gaillimh. Táimid tar éis ardú roimhe seo go dtí an 287ú háit i Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain QS 2012/2013 agus deimhníonn sé seo go bhfuil ár staid dhomhanda ag feabhsú leis. Tá gearradh siar uafásach déanta ar mhaoiniú ag an tríú leibhéal in Éirinn agus ag an am céanna tá líon na mac léinn ag dul i méid. In ainneoin seo, tá ollscoil s’againne ag dul ó neart go neart sna ranguithe seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch. Is cruthúnas é seo ar an gcaighdeán ard teagaisc agus taighde atá againn agus tiomantas leanúnach na foirne in OÉ Gaillimh.” Cuireadh Ranguithe Ollscoileanna an Domhain Times Higher Education le chéile i gcomhar le soláthróir sonraí na ranguithe, Thomson Reuters, le hionchur ó bhreis is 50 duine iomráiteacha san earnáil ó 15 thír i ngach mór-roinn. Tá tábla sraithe an Times Higher de na hollscoileanna is fearr ar domhan bunaithe ar 13 tháscaire feidhmíochta ar leith ag clúdach gach croímhisean a bheadh ag ollscoil den scoth — teagasc, taighde, aistriú eolais agus dearcadh idirnáisiúnta. Dúirt an tUachtarán Browne chomh maith: “Is den riachtanas é go gcoinneoidh Éirinn ag infheistiú ina cuid ollscoileanna le gur féidir leo bheith iomaíoch go hidirnáisiúnta. Gach bliain, leathnaítear ranguithe den chineál seo chun ollscoileanna eile den scoth a thógáil ar bord. Táimid ag feidhmiú i margadh domhanda, san iomaíocht do mhic léinn agus do thacaíocht taighde ar pháirc idirnáisiúnta. Caithfear an tacaíocht ag leibhéal náisiúnta a choinneáil d’ollscoileanna cosúil le OÉ Gaillimh chun go mbeidh an rath céanna uirthi amach anseo.” Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Phil Baty, Eagarthóir Ranguithe Ollscoileanna an Domhain, faoi éachtaí OÉ Gaillimh: “Tá bliain an-chrua curtha isteach ag go leor d’institiúidí an Iarthair atá sna ranguithe i mbliana, agus, dá bharr sin, tá go leor acu tite síos sna ranguithe. Tá maoiniú go leor ag iomaitheoirí san Áise agus tá gealltanas láidir polaitiúil ann ollscoileanna den scoth a fhorbairt. Ba chóir an méid atá bainte amach ag OÉ Gaillimh a fheiceáil sa chomhthéacs seo. Ní léiríonn an liosta de na 400 ollscoil is fearr ach 2 faoin gcéad d’institiúidí ardoideachais an domhain, mar sin mura ndéanfaí ach a seasamh a choinneáil sa scothghrúpa seo is éacht ann féin é.” CRÍOCH

Friday, 5 October 2012

NUI Galway invites all graduates and friends from the classes of 1972 and 1982 to attend a reunion celebration on Saturday, 20 October. Bringing together those classes celebrating their 30th and 40th reunions, the programme of events includes an afternoon reception, tour of the campus and a reunion dinner. Emma Goode, Alumni Project Manager, encourages alumni to come along, “Reunion is that perfect excuse to put the date in your diary to meet up with former classmates. Busy lives mean that old friends fall out of touch and we are told regularly that graduates look for these occasions to reconnect. Many alumni from the classes of 1972 and 1982 have already booked their places and they never regret making the effort. You never know who’ll be there.” The Alumni Association serves over 80,000 alumni worldwide with an extensive range of programmes administered by the Alumni Office. These include Alumni Clubs, both national and international, Alumni Publications, Reunions and Alumni Awards. Graduates who are interested in getting involved with any of the above programmes are encouraged to contact the Alumni Office for further details. Register at or for further information contact Colm O’Dwyer in the Alumni Office on 091 493750 or email -ENDS-

Friday, 5 October 2012

Sunday Times University Guide to be published Sunday, 7 October, 2012 Completing a full sweep of successes with third-level rankings in recent weeks, NUI Galway has been named as the runner-up in The Sunday Times University Guide 2013, a special 64-page supplement to be published with the newspaper this weekend (7 October, 2012). This news comes just days after it was announced that NUI Galway had risen dramatically in a separate prestigious world ranking. The Sunday Times University Guide 2013 is a definitive guide to higher education in Ireland and the UK. The 2013 guide ranks third-level institutions against six key indicators, including Leaving Certificate points for entry, top degrees awarded, graduate job prospects and income generated from research. NUI Galway was lauded for having one of the lowest dropout rates among all third-level institutions across Ireland and its excellent record for graduate employment. According to Kate Butler, jourmalist and co-author of the Sunday Times University Guide: “NUI Galway's excellent performance in terms of job progression (with 93.7% of graduates going on to jobs or further education), of the amount of research funding it secures per academic staff member (it came fourth nationally in this category) and its high completion rate (just 16% students dropped out, one of the lowest rates amongst Irish universities) meant that the west coast university secured the runner up position of the Sunday Times University of the Year Award. Other factors that commended NUI Galway were its academic initiatives including credit for volunteering and its successful access record, as well as its strong performance in the creation of start-ups and patents.” NUI Galway was previously named University of the Year 2009 in The Sunday Times University Guide, securing the prestigious accolade for a second time having won the inaugural University of the Year in 2002. The Sunday Times Irish University of the Year’ award is made not solely on league table position but also on the University’s contribution on a local, national and international level, the quality of the student experience and the overall robustness of the institution. President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne, commented: “This is all very good news for NUI Galway as it confirms that our position nationally and internationally is on the rise and that we are succeeding in our efforts to achieve recognition in selected priority areas. In spite of substantial cuts in overallfunding at third-level in Ireland, our University has gone against the tide to secure a marked improvement in these very competitive rankings." President Browne continued: "The University offers our students world-class teaching and encourages active engagement with the learning experience through opportunities such as volunteering, work placement, international exchange programmes, sports clubs and vibrant student societies. Our focus on student engagement contributes to our leading retention rate among universities and strong employment figures for our graduates.” Earlier in the week NUI Galway jumped to third place in the country in this year’s Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings. NUI Galway is now ranked 336th in the THE Rankings 2012/2013,an increase of 31 places on last year’s position. NUI Galway was one of only two universities improving their world ranking this year, with Trinity College Dublin also increasing their position by seven places to 110. This increase in position follows on from a similar result in the QS World University Ranking last month, where NUI Galway was again one of only two Irish universities to increase its position, with a rise of 11 places to 287th in the world. Earlier this year, the University was also awarded the top award of a five star rating by the QS Stars system, a new rating system designed to provide a more detailed comparison of world universities than the rankings provide. University College Dublin (UCD) is awarded the accolade of The Sunday Times University of the Year, with Limerick Institute of Technology as The Sunday Times Institute of Technology of the Year, with Dundalk IT the runner-up. Cambridge is the top university in the UK, with Oxford in second place, among the 126 degree-awarding institutions in Britain and Northern Ireland profiled in The Sunday Times University Guide, out this weekend.   Ends

Monday, 8 October 2012

The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway will host a number of events as part of Maths Week Ireland from 13-21 October to promote appreciation, understanding and an awareness of maths in society. On Friday, 19 October, Andrew Jeffrey, also known as ‘The Mathemagician’ will give workshops to primary and secondary school audiences at NUI Galway. Andrew is a teacher, lecturer, magician, and keynote speaker and has been described as a mathematical evangelist. He is the author of several books, including Be A Wizard With Numbers, Magic for Kids, 100 Top Tips for Top Maths Teachers, Top 20 Maths Displays, and the new Cool, Calm and Calculators. A former vice-principal, Andrew believes that the fundamentals of mathematics can be taught via practical experiments and travels Europe inspiring and entertaining teachers and students alike with his Magic of Maths shows. Dr David O'Keeffe, one of the organisers of Maths Week events at NUI Galway, said: “ The concept behind Maths Week is to illustrate the relevance and beauty of this subject in a fun and interactive way. It coincides with a mathematical discovery made by Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Ireland’s greatest mathematician, who in a flash of inspiration while walking along the Royal Canal in Dublin on 16 October 1843 created a novel algebraic structure, the so-called quaternions. Subsquently quaternions have been used in areas such as computer graphics and animation in film making.” Also this year's PRISM contest, Problem Solving for Irish Second level Mathematicians, take place during Maths Week on Thursday, 18 October. Teachers and schools wishing to participate are asked to email to with their name and email address, and the name and address of the school. Schools throughout Galway and beyond are encouraged to participate in these special events to make maths accessible to a wider audience and schools can register on the Maths Week website, For further information on Maths Week at NUI Galway contact Dr Tim Downing at -ENDS-

Monday, 8 October 2012

Professor Lesley Yellowlees of the University of Edinburgh will deliver the Eva Philbin Lecture of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland at NUI Galway on Tuesday, 9 October. Entitled Powering Ahead with Solar Energy, the lecture will take place in the Larmor Lecture Theatre at the University. Professor Yellowlees is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh and completed research positions in Brisbane, Australia. Since returning to the University of Edinburgh, she has held the position of Head of the School of Chemistry and gained a personal chair in Inorganic Electrochemistry. Currently Professor Yellowless is Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering. Her research interests include inorganic electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry, EPR spectroscopy, solar energy and CO2 conversion. Active in the Royal Society of Chemistry since 1990, she has held many positions and was appointed Fellow in 2005, elected a Council Member 2005-09, and was elected as first female President last year. Professor Yellowlees was awarded an MBE in 2005 for services to science, selected as a 2011 IUPAC distinguished woman in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering and elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2012. Assistant by An Cumann Ceimice at NUI Galway, the meeting will be followed by a reception.  For further information contact Dr Niall Geraghty in the School of Chemistry, NUI Galway at -ENDS-

Monday, 8 October 2012

Ireland’s leading expert in stem cell science, Professor Frank Barry of NUI Galway, has sent congratulations to the Nobel Prize winners Professor Shinya Yamanaka and Professor John Gurdon. The two pioneers of stem cell research will share the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology, it was announced today.   “The discoveries made by these two scientists, although many years apart, both changed the way we think about cells and how they regulate their behaviour,” said Professor Barry. The discovery of methods in cell reprogramming, in particular, has had a huge impact. It has given us extraordinary new insight into what stem cells are and how they work.  It has also given us powerful new tools to study human development and what causes certain diseases.  We at REMEDI send our heartfelt congratulations to Drs. Gurdon and Yamanaka.  The award of the Nobel Prize in Medicine to them is richly deserved.” Professor Frank Barry is Director of the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) at NUI Galway and also Scientific Director of the University’s Regenerative Medicine Institute. His particular research interest is in the therapeutic application of adult stem cells, especially mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from bone marrow. For 10 years he has directed a series of research programmes focusing on the isolation and characterization of adult stem cells, and on the development of methods for their delivery in a variety of clinical indications. This has included cardiovascular and arthritic diseases. He has also developed approaches for the use of MSCs for the delivery of specific therapeutic genes, for example in rheumatoid arthritis. In addition he has an interest in proteomics and mass spectrometry for the identification of surface molecules on cells. Some of his more recent work is focussed on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), along with NUI Galway’s Professor Sanbing Shen. -ends-

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

NFB and Microbiology Researcher to Lead €1.2 million EU Project on Stent Development A new type of cardiovascular stent, coated in antibodies to improve biocompatibility and effectiveness, is now under development in Ireland and Poland. Scientists at National University of Ireland Galway are to lead a €1.2 million EU project which aims to reduce re-narrowing of arteries and the need for further interventions, through the development of novel cardiovascular stent materials. National University of Ireland Galway’s Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB), a Science Foundation Ireland funded strategic research cluster, and the University’s microbiology department will head the four year project. This is the fifth successful EC funded grant that NFB has secured in the last two years. “About half of all deaths from cardiovascular diseases are due to coronary artery disease, which occurs when the coronary arteries become hardened and narrowed due to the build-up of plaques on their inner walls or lining,” explains National University of Ireland Galway microbiologist Dr Gerard Wall, who is leading the project. “This EU project brings together researchers from important medical device clusters in Ireland and Poland, involved at all stages of the stent design and development pipeline, to develop a novel product to reduce restenosis, which is one of the major current limitations of stent performance.” “Our plan is to create a new type of coating on the stents using human antibody fragments,” explains Dr Wall. “Once the stent is in place, we hope these antibodies will attract a layer of the patient’s own epithelial cells. This should effectively camouflage the stent as far as the body is concerned, and it will no longer be such a foreign object. Our theory is that this will reduce the potential for rejection, the level of clot build-up, and also significantly improve the long-term outcome of surgical interventions.” Coronary heart diseases, including myocardial infarction, are commonly triggered by the build up of plaques in the inner walls of coronary arteries, leading to stenosis and reduced blood flow to the heart. This is the most common cause of death in Europe, accounting for approximately two million deaths each year. This condition can be successfully treated by angioplasty to reopen blockages and the insertion of a stent to keep arteries open. However, not all stents continue to perform perfectly over time. Cells such as macrophages and smooth muscle cells can grow over the stent surface and cause clot formation, once again clogging the arteries. While anti-clotting drugs can be used, the risk of rejection of the foreign stent material remains a problem. The project brings together three academic partners National University of Ireland Galway, and Poland’s Wrocław University of Technology and Wrocław Medical University. These are joined by Vornia, a Galway-based start-up biomedical company and the multi-national stent manufacturer Balton, which has its headquarters in Poland. The project is funded under the Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) scheme of the EU’s FP7 2012 People Work Programme. The programme will provide cross-sectoral research training, career development opportunities and knowledge sharing pathways to 16 researchers involved in the project, in addition to hosting networking and dissemination events open to 30-40 additional researchers in the partner groups. “The project is an excellent example of the importance of strong industry-academia cooperation in the development of commercially viable products,” adds Dr Wall. “Both university and industry-based researchers will spend considerable time working in the opposite work sector during the project as both sectors recognise that genuine partnership in this manner is the best way to nurture creative research ideas into leading edge products that have unmet clinical need.”  -ends-

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) Premier Awards Exhibition 2012will be on view in NUI Galway’s new Engineering Building, winner of the 2012 Best Sustainable Project and the RIAI Public Choice Award, which runs until 26 October. The 2012 Exhibition is a major component of the RIAI efforts to illustrate and inform members of the public of the impact of good architecture on their lives. With over 120 entries for this year’s award, the 14 different categories include housing, conservation, sustainability, accessibility, retail, leisure, public choice and culture.  Founded in 1839, the RIAI is the regulatory and support body for architects and architectural technologists in Ireland. The organisation promotes the activities and achievements of the Irish architectural profession - both in Ireland and abroad - through a wide variety of initiatives including the prestigious Irish Architecture Awards and through publications. Professor Gerry Lyons, Dean of the College of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway, said: “Having received two awards from this year’s competition we are delighted to host such a diverse and highly regarded exhibition. The show, which is open to the public, features 120 entries across the design spectrum. Their collective display in the area of sustainability ties in perfectly with the ethos of the Engineering Building.” The exhibition is opened Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm. -ENDS

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

                       EU briefing for students of Ireland’s only conference interpreter training programme The European Commission's Directorate-General for Interpretation, Mr Marco Benedetti today visited Galway where he met President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne plus staff and students of the MA/PDip (Conference Interpreting) currently being taught at the University. Mr Benedetti addressed a group of language students at NUI Galway on issues related to the use of languages and multilingualism in the EU, with a special emphasis on interpretation. Emphasising the importance of interpreter training, Marco Benedetti said: “The primary responsibility for training conference interpreters lays with the member states and in particular their universities. NUI Galway and in particular Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge is the only Conference Interpreter training course on the entire island of Ireland and the only source of Irish language interpreters in the world so its activities should be nurtured.” “The Directorate General for Interpretation has been able to build up its interpreting resources for Irish and in fact for English over the past few years largely due to solid relationship with the MA in Conference Interpreting at NUI Galway,” said Susan Folan, Programme Director at the University. “Cooperation began in 2008 with DG Interpretation providing regular teaching assistance by experienced staff interpreters and trainers from the institutions. Every year students of the MA in Conference Interpreting come to Brussels for a study visit, including practical work experience, in real meetings, in a dummy booth,” she said. To highlight the importance that prospective employers place on language skills in today’s market, a career event will take place later today (Tuesday, 9 October) in the Siobhán Mc Kenna Theatre at NUI Galway. Mr Benedetti and Joan Flanagan, Education Officer of the Parliament Representation in Ireland will outline the employment opportunities available to language graduates in the European Union, while speakers from SAP Software Solutions will discuss opportunities at home and abroad in multilingual  tech support. During his Irish visit, the Directorate-General in his Government meetings with Lucinda Creighton, Minister for European Affairs at the Department of the Taoiseach, will discuss the finalisation of preparations for interpretation during the Irish Presidency of the European Union from January 1 to June 30, 2013. This is will also be an opportunity for the Director-General and the minister to exchange views on multilingualism, language teaching and interpreter training in Ireland. The EU has always considered cultural and linguistic diversity a richness and a strength and as something to be safeguarded. Reliable interpreting services will be essential to the Irish Presidency and NUI Galway is committed to providing the requisite skills to their graduates to enable them to avail of these opportunities. ENDS

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

NUI Galway’s Professor Colin O’Dowd was in London last week to collect the Appleton Medal, awarded to him by the Institute of Physics for his ‘distinguished research in environmental and atmospheric physics’. In particular, the NUI Galway physicist was lauded for his work on the formation and transformation of aerosols, the tiny particles which can effect cloud formation and impact climate change. Sir Edward Appleton was a British physicist who received the Nobel Prize in 1947 for his achievements in ionospheric physics. His experiments proved the existence of a layer of ionised gas in the upper atmosphere, known now as the Appleton layer. The Institute of Physics, which has its headquarters in London, awards the medal every two years to identify and honour physicists who are today making remarkable contributions to science. Professor O’Dowd is internationally renowned for his research into atmospheric composition, air pollution and climate change and has previously received the Smoluchowski Award and a Doctorate of Science from the University of Manchester for his research achievements.  Much of his work involves NUI Galway’s Mace Head atmospherics research station, which is one of the most advanced and sophisticated research stations of its kind. Data from Mace Head, located in Connemara, is used by climatologists and modellers around the world to predict global climate change. Previously, Professor O’Dowd’s research has been recognised through the award of Fellow of both the Institute of Physics and the Royal Meteorological Society and with Membership of the Royal Irish Academy, the latter being regarded as the highest academic honor within Ireland.  -ends-

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A new app developed at NUI Galway now provides a directory of numbers for local hospitals, pharmacies, GPs, support and leisure services. The free app was launched this week by Helplink, a new Irish social enterprise which provides easily accessible and affordable online counselling, as well as other award winning affordable or free health and support services nationwide. The launch of the app marks the first consolidated listing of mental health, health, leisure, charity and support services in Ireland, both private and public. Lochlann Scott, Managing Director of Helplink and psychological studies graduate from NUI Galway explains the motivation behind the app: “We at Helplink want to be at the forefront of e-health and tele-health, this App brings us one step closer to achieving this. On a number of occasions over the past few years I have needed to access numbers or addresses for local hospitals, pharmacies, GPs etc but I was frustrated that I had to pay significant amounts of money through my phone to get them. I thought services like these should be easy to find and free. I am proud to say that we at Helplink in conjunction with NUI Galway and Enterprise Ireland have created just that; a directory that is comprehensive, easy to use and free.” The technology was developed by researchers at the discipline of Information Technology in NUI Galway. Research engineer Stephanus Meiring explains, “We were able to pack a lot of functionality into this app. You can call your chosen listing’s number directly, send an email, get a Google map up of their location or get the main contact details sent to your phone for free. The main challenge was to enable the app to run across a multitude of smartphone platforms” NUI Galway’s Dr Michael Schukat, Principal Investigator on the project, added that, “As an academic institution it is important for us to collaborate with industry and the Enterprise Ireland Innovation voucher scheme provides us with this opportunity.” There are many ways of using the directory, you can download the Helplink directory App for free from the 'App store' or 'Google Play' store. You can use the mobile browser by clicking on the icon on the website, or you can simply just use the directory page from your home or office computer by using the directory page at “The new app is just one of a number of award winning services offered by Helplink. The others, like our affordable online counselling and innovative employers’ assistance programmes, have been established with the goal of providing affordable and accessible mental health and healthcare services nationwide”, added Lochlann Scott. For more about Helplink or to find quick links to the app visit ENDS

Thursday, 11 October 2012

NUI Galway’s Law Society, in conjunction with its Literary and Debating Society, will host a public address by world renowned economist Professor Edmund Phelps on Monday, 15 October. In 2006 Professor Phelps was granted the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences for his analysis of intertemporal trade-offs in macroeconomic policy. During the address the Law Society and the Literary and Debating Society will present its prestigious President’s Medal to Professor Phelps. Professor Phelps’ work has had a profound impact on economic research as well as policy. Born in Evanston, Illinois, he went to Amherst College for his undergraduate education in 1951, where in his second year he quickly became aware of an important unsolved problem with the existing theory, and the existing gap between microeconomics and macroeconomics. In 1959 he received his PhD from Yale where he studied under future Nobel Prize winners James Tobin and Thomas Schelling.   In 1961 Professor Phelps published a famous paperon the Golden Rule savings rate, one of his major contributions to economic science, which started a wave of research on how much a nation ought to spend on present consumption rather than save and invest for future generations. From the 1980’s he increased his collaborations with European universities and in 1990 took part in a mission where he designed a proposal for the reform of the USSR. Cathal O'hÁodhagáin, Auditor of NUI Galway’s Law Society, said: “It is an honour and a privilege for our society to host such a brilliant mind as Professor Phelps. His economical works has rightly led to him being honoured with a Nobel Prize and it is apt that the 2012 Noble Prize winner for Economic Science will be announced this Monday, the same day as his address in NUI Galway. We look forward to welcoming him as our honoured guest.” Professor Phelps holds many honorary doctorates and professorships. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Science and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association, and in 2001 a Festschrift Conference was held in his honour. In 2008 he was named Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and awarded the Premio Pico della Mirandola and the Kiel Global Economy Prize. The same year UBA Law School established the Catedra Phelps and the Phelps Medal for Innovation. In 2010 he was appointed Dean of New Huadu Business School at Minjiang University in Fuzhou and awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the Université libre de Bruxelles. In 2011, Professor Phelps received the Louise Blouin Creative Leadership Award and was named a Full Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Maria Keenan, Auditor of the Literary and Debating Society at NUI Galway, said: “During the event Professor Phelps will be presented with President's Medal. We pride ourselves on awarding these medals to those we view as having put the power of such platforms to their optimum use within the wider spheres of society, understanding that discourse is the only real means by which resolution can be found. To this end, the society's highest accolade, the President's Medal, is awarded to those the society views as having particularly excelled in their chosen fields. Previous recipients of the award include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Brian Friel and Bob Dylan.” The address will take place at 2pm, in the Siobhan McKenna Theatre, NUI Galway. -ENDS-

Monday, 15 October 2012

NUI Galway will host this year’s Postgraduate Open Day on Wednesday, 31 October, from 12 to 4pm in the Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn. The Open Day will showcase over 400 of NUI Galway’s full-time and part-time postgraduate programmes, including taught and research masters, and doctoral research options. Joanne Sweeney-Burke, an NUI Galway graduate, business-woman, entrepreneur, and finalist in TV3’s The Apprentice, will be guest speaker at the event and will talk about how postgraduate studies furthered her own career. The Open Day will focus on the benefits of doing a postgraduate programme and the practicalities of making an application. With almost 3,500 postgraduate students currently attending NUI Galway, 70 information stands will provide details on postgraduate opportunities at the University, with academic staff and current students on hand to answer questions about specific courses. Information on scholarships, fees and other practical considerations will also be made available to prospective students on the day. Throughout the day postgraduate students will have the option of attending talks on funding opportunities and applications available to them, career prospects and progression, CV clinics and there will also be information on how to apply for a postgraduate course. Speaking ahead of the Postgraduate Open Day, Joanne Sweeney-Burke said: “Postgraduate study gives your career path a clear focus. It defines your areas of expertise, intellectual offering but also demonstrates a level of achievement that employers will welcome. A postgraduate qualification also eases your path into the workforce by making you 'employable and career ready'. After completing my BA in English, Sociology & Politics I chose a Higher Diploma in Applied Communications and three days after walking out of NUI Galway I walked into my first job as a Broadcast Journalist. Following up with a Masters in Journalism, eleven years on I haven't been unemployed for a single day. I know my postgraduate qualifications have had a huge bearing on my career path, subsequent job opportunities and ultimately to owner of Media Box.” NUI Galway offers a wide range of fourth level courses, developing programmes based on its traditional academic strengths of Arts, Social Sciences, Celtic Studies, Commerce, Medicine, Nursing, Health Science, Law, Engineering, Informatics and Science. These areas have been augmented with innovative research centres in areas as diverse as Biomedical Science and Engineering, International Human Rights, Digital Media & Film Studies, and Regenerative Medicine. According to John Hannon, Head of NUI Galway’s Career Development Centre: “In the current economic climate, there is increased interest among undergraduate students in staying in education by pursuing postgraduate studies. A postgraduate qualification can provide a real career boost. Undoubtedly, it can maximise career prospects and earnings.” To book your place at the Open Day visit or you can register on the day. -ENDS-

Monday, 15 October 2012

Leading experts on the assessment and management of headache and pain affecting the face and mouth will attend the Irish Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting in Galway on Saturday, 20 October.  Coinciding with the Global Year Against Headache, the meeting will discuss new advances in the diagnosis and treatment of common, but often debilitating conditions such as migraine. Less common conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia which is associated with severe facial pain will also be discussed. Clinical experts and scientists from a range of professional disciplines such as pain medicine, surgery, nursing, physiotherapy and psychology will present their research findings to an audience of scientists and health practitioners.  Dr Brian McGuire from the Centre for Pain Research at NUI Galway and member of the Irish Pain Society committee, said: “Persistent or chronic headache and orofacial pain cause a great deal of suffering and disability. We are very fortunate to have the Irish Pain Society meeting in Galway this year and the speakers include many world experts in the field of pain research, promising to be an outstanding scientific meeting”.  The meeting will take place at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Galway and further details can be found at -ENDS-

Monday, 15 October 2012

NUI Galway student, Mona Wise scooped the boards at the first ever Blog Awards Ireland event held in the Osprey Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare on Saturday night. In addition to winning ‘Best Blog Award’ for ‘’ a blog on food, family and lifestyle, Ms Wise also won awards for the best blog by a journalist, best photography blog and best food and drink blog. Designed to recognise the passion and enthusiasm that blogging brings to the Irish media landscape the inaugural Blog Awards Ireland received over 1400 nominations for blogs in 30 categories including lifestyle, food/drink, personal, photography and health/wellbeing. Over 250 blogger and blog owners from all over Ireland people attended Saturday’s awards ceremony with many more attending ‘virtually’ on twitter. Speaking after the awards ceremony, a delighted Mona said, “I’m absolutely speechless and humbled to have been awarded the top prize, especially against the so many wonderful blogs which have been shortlisted. It’s a fantastic recognition of my efforts as a blogger and I’d like to thank the many people who read and interact with my blog for their support and inspiration.” Mona, who is completing her final year of a creative writing BA Connect Degree in NUI Galway, began writing her blog just over 18 months ago. It has attracted a growing following and brought her to the notice of The Sunday Times who offered her a weekly column in May 2012. Together with her husband Ron, she has recently published her first book, The Chef and I- A nourishing narrative. Part memoir part cookbook it depicts their life together and the many wonderful meals they have shared as a family. ENDS

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Vital information on the proposed changes to the constitution, in advance of the forthcoming Children’s Referendum, will be presented at a public event at NUI Galway on Monday, 22 October. Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs will deliver the keynote address. The seminar is expected to provide a stimulating dialogue about the implications of a YES vote in the Children’s Referendum, ahead of the 10 November vote. The seminar will be held in the Engineering Building in NUI Galway from 3pm - 4.30 pm and is jointly hosted by the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and the School of Law of NUI Galway, in conjunction with the YES for Children Campaign. The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald TD will provide a keynote address. The session will also feature an expert panel consisting of Fergal Landy from the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and Ciara Smyth from the School of Law at NUI Galway. The panel discussion will also offer members of the public an opportunity to hear a youth perspective on the proposed constitutional amendments and the audience will be invited to participate in a questions and answers session following the discussion. The Children’s Referendum has been welcomed by Professor Pat Dolan, UNESCO Chair in Children, Youth and Civic Engagement at NUI Galway as an “historical and internationally significant step”. Professor Dolan was co-author of a report on the proposed referendum earlier this year which pointed out that “incorporating a stronger commitment to children’s rights in the constitution would help to build a stronger culture of children’s rights in Irish society”. Professor Dolan will facilitate next week's event. This event is free of charge and all members of the public are invited to attend. Parking is available on the NUI Galway park and ride facility. For further information please visit:, or contact Danielle Kennan at: or +353 (0)91 495731. -ends-

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Medical Education to Embrace the Creative Arts The NUI Galway Medical Orchestra was last night (Monday, 15 October) officially launched as a Special Study Module at the Clinical Science Institute on the grounds of University Hospital Galway. The Medical Orchestra at NUI Galway has been in existence for over a year and it has already established itself as a very positive initiative with a number of high profile public performances. The orchestra is open to students across the Schools of Medicine, Nursing & Midwifery and Health Sciences and students may select the orchestra to attain academic credit or simply participate for their personal satisfaction, enjoyment and development. Speaking at the launch, Professor Fidelma Dunne, Head of School of Medicine at NUI Galway, said: “This is once again a great initiative for NUI Galway which supports our holistic approach towards medical education and our contribution to the wider community. I am very confident that this will be a very popular SSM and look forward to the musical outputs and enjoyment over time.” Musical Director for the medical orchestra is well known musician, composerand arranger,Carl Hession. Orchestra producer,Mary Mc Partlan, said: “The Medical Orchestra brings very new and important dimensions and opportunities for the students at NUI Galway to engage with the creative arts, including access to academic modules where they can experience the creative arts process at a deeper level and obtain credits in first and second year programmes. The School of Medicine at NUI Galway has broken new ground by offering formal academic credit to medical students who choose to join the Orchestra as a Special Study Module (SSM).” The special study module, which will be optional for students of the Schools of Medicine, Nursing & Midwifery and Health Sciences, will also include a "From the Heart" guest speaker, usually a consultant medical practitioner, giving a half hour reflection based on their own personal experience on the impact of creativity and the importance of music in their work and life. Dr Gerard Flaherty, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine and Medical Education at NUI Galway and Director of the Special Study Module programme, commented: “We are delighted to recognise the importance of the creative arts in the professional maturation of student doctors by granting academic credit to their involvement in the very successful Medical Orchestra. I am very hopeful that prospective medical students will regard this initiative as yet another valid reason why they should choose to study at NUI Galway, where due attention is given to the holistic development of students’ potential. We live in an era where ever greater value is appropriately being placed on the demonstration of professional skills and attitudes amongst healthcare workers, including teamwork, time management, integrity and communication skills, all of which can be acquired in an Orchestra setting.” The medical orchestra will give two concerts - on Saturday, November 24 at Sligo General Hospital and Sunday, November 25 at Mayo General Hospital which will take place in the GMIT St Frances’s Hall, in the grounds of the hospital in Castlebar and also Hume Hall on the grounds of IT in Sligo. Called the Maureen Woods Memorial Concerts, the primary aim is to perform for the staff and patients of both hospitals and invite guest musicians from each academy to join the NUI Galway medical orchestra. ENDS

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Over 150 delegates are expected at the 5th Annual GlycoScience Ireland meeting, hosted by NUI Galway, on Friday, 19 October. With important clinical and industrial applications, glycoscience is the study of the complex sugars which cover all cells in the human body, and many of the proteins in the bloodstream. Participants from research organisations, biopharmaceutical companies and areas including medical diagnostics and functional foods are expected to attend. The next generation of glycotechnologies will be discussed during the conference, and the potential of the field to impact the Irish biosciences industry will be explored. Through various events and initiatives, GlycoScience Ireland brings together academic, industrial and clinical researchers to advance fundamental research and to develop novel technologies relevant to industry. “Ireland has been a trailblazer in this exciting field of science”, explains NUI Galway’s Professor Lokesh Joshi, leader of Glycoscience Ireland. “We can achieve medical and technological breakthroughs”, he explains, “by understanding the complex sugars at work in the body. Rapid diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, or the creation of new more effective and targeted drugs – these are just some of the hopes this area offers. There is also potential to develop, for example, the next generation of functional foods.” Among the keynote speakers are Professor Richard D. Cummings who is the William Patterson Timmie endowed Professor and Chair of the department of Biochemistry at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Professor Cummings is a well-recognized leader in glycoscience and has pioneered analytical technologies in this field. Professor Cummings will highlight the opportunities in developing novel technologies in glycomics to gain better understanding of diseases and health. Also speaking is Dr Kirk Leister, Head of New Technologies at Bristol Myers Squib. Dr Leister has over 25 years of experience in developing protein therapeutics against cancer and inflammation. In his current role, he is responsible for identifying the best technologies and products that are suitable for Bristol Myers Squid. Dr Jens Bleiel, CEO of Food for Health Ireland, will also address the audience, discussing the role of functional food in future and the importance of carbohydrates and glycoscience in this area. “With the global competition in biotechnology and biopharmaceutical research continually shifting, Ireland needs to harness the synergy of existing skills and strengthen it with new talent in order to gain a competitive edge and to remain in the leadership position in this emerging next frontier in life sciences, chemistry and information science”, claims Professor Joshi. Professor Joshi has spearheaded Ireland’s standing in the gyclosience field since he became principal investigator with the Science Foundation Ireland funded Alimentary Glycoscience Research Cluster (AGRC) at NUI Galway in 2008. Professor Joshi also leads the international project GlycoHIT, which is trying to unravel the puzzle of carbohydrate biomarkers in cancer. The GlycoHIT project is involved in the development of innovative technologies that will enable fast and accurate analysis of glycosylation (process attaching sugars to proteins and lipids) in blood samples from cancer patients. -ends-

Thursday, 18 October 2012

A seminar for social workers, concentrating on the forthcoming Children’s Rights Referendum, will be held at NUI Galway at 6pm tomorrow Thursday, 18 October, 2012. Fergal Landy of the Child and Family Research Centre at NUI Galway will discuss with social workers the theme of rights based practice and the constitutional referendum. According to Fergal Landy: “The children’s rights referendum, along with other planned reforms, is a welcome first step in developing a safer system of child protection and family support, capable of improving outcomes for all children, young people and their families.” The event is organised by the School of Political Science and Sociology at NUI Galway, which offers a Masters in Social Work. For further information please contact Declan Coogan at 091 495373 or A further event on the forthcoming Children’s Referendum, aimed at the general public, will take place on Monday, 22 October from 3-4.30 pm. Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs will deliver the keynote address at Monday's event. -ends-

Thursday, 18 October 2012

The eminent economist and former Secretary of the Department of Finance, Dr T.K. Whitaker, was warmly received at NUI Galway today as the University announced the establishment of the Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change. Dr Whitaker played an instrumental role in devising the economic plan, which set Ireland on the road to regeneration in the early 1960s. Drawing inspiration from his unparalleled service to Ireland, the newly formed Whitaker Institute serves as the country’s largest research body focused on contemporary and relevant business, social and policy issues. Over 200 members make up the faculty with expertise spanning across the College of Business, Public Policy and Law and the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies. Subsuming the University’s Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC), the Whitaker Institute builds on a decade of research-excellence and policy-focused contributions supported by over €11 million in competitive national and international research funding. The Whitaker Institute applies a multi-perspective research approach to business and social issues, with an impact-led focus at the core of its endeavours. One of its key values is the promotion of a sustainable and inclusive society, influenced by the broad dissemination of rigorous and relevant research. Furthermore, the Whitaker Institute seeks to continue the tradition at NUI Galway of critically pursuing knowledge discovery that stimulates academic debates and opens public conversation to advance the greater good. Dr James Cunningham, Director of the Whitaker Institute, expressed the great honour he shared with Institute members at the endorsement of Dr Whitaker. “The Whitaker Institute brings together our talented research communities in business and social sciences that are committed to research excellence and to sharing their knowledge and expertise with wider communities nationally and internationally,” he stated. “It is a great honour for our research community to name the Institute after Dr Whitaker as his achievements, influence and contributions to this nation are in keeping with what we are seeking to achieve as Ireland rebuilds its economy and reimages its society.” Dr Whitaker is regarded as a pivotal figure in the economic and social development of modern Ireland. During his long and illustrious career, he was Secretary of the Department of Finance, Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, and founder of the Economic and Social Research Institute. He was also a member of Seanad Éireann from 1977 to 1982 and Chancellor of the National University of Ireland from 1976 to 1996. The Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change, inspired by the legacy of this pioneering statesperson, aims to adopt a similarly innovative approach to the challenges currently facing society, both in Ireland and internationally. Welcoming the establishment of the Whitaker Institute, President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne said: “Dr T.K. Whitaker’s strategy for Ireland’s expansion in the 1960s transformed Irish society at the time. Today, we face similar social and economic challenges. Much like the figure after which it is named, the Whitaker Institute will lead academic research into innovation and change. We believe that the knowledge and insights which will emerge from the Institute have the potential to change Irish society and in so doing honour the achievements of Dr Whitaker.” The Whitaker Institute was officially signed into being this morning, and there are plans for an official public launch in 2013. For more information, visit -ends- Institiúid Whitaker bunaithe ag OÉ Gaillimh Déardaoin, 18 Deireadh Fómhair 2012: Cuireadh fáilte chroíúil roimh an eacnamaí aitheanta agus iar-Rúnaí na Roinne Airgeadais an Dr T.K. Whitaker in OÉ Gaillimh inniu nuair a d’fhógair an Ollscoil bunú Institiúid Whitaker don Nuálaíocht agus don Athrú Sóisialta.    Bhí ról tábhachtach ag an Dr Whitaker i gcur le chéile plean eacnamaíoch a thug an tír seo slán as an ngéarchéim ina raibh sí i dtús na 1960idí Spreagtha ag a sheirbhís den scoth d’Éirinn, is é Institiúid nuabhunaithe Whitaker an comhlacht is mó taighde sa tír atá dírithe ar cheisteanna comhaimseartha cuí gnó, sóisialta agus polasaí. Tá breis is 200 comhalta sa dámh agus tá tobar an tsaineolais aici ó Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí agus ó Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta agus an Léinn Cheiltigh. Tiocfaidh an tIonad um Nuálaíocht agus um Athrú Struchtúrtha (CISC) faoi cheannas Institiúid Whitaker agus úsáidfidh an Institiúid an feabhas taighde a rinneadh san Ionad sin le deich mbliana anuas mar aon leis an obair dírithe ar bheartas a fuair maoiniú taighde náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta os cionn €11 milliún. Cur chuige taighde ilpheirspictíoch atá ag Institiúid Whitaker maidir le ceisteanna gnó agus sóisialta, agus beidh béim ar thionchar mar chroílár a saothair Ceann de phríomhluachanna na hInstitiúide sochaí inmharthana agus chuimsitheach a chur chun cinn, de thoradh ar thaighde cuí domhain a scaipeadh go forleathan. Sa bhreis air sin, tá sé mar aidhm ag Institiúid Whitaker cur leis an traidisiún in OÉ Gaillimh trí fhionnachtain eolais a lorg chun díospóireachtaí acadúla a spreagadh agus comhráite poiblí a thosú ar son leasa na sochaí. Léirigh an Dr James Cunningham, Stiúrthóir Institiúid Whitaker, an onóir a bhraith sé i measc chomhaltaí na hInstitiúide agus iad ag tacú leis an Dr Whitaker. “Tugann Institiúid Whitaker le chéile tallann na bpobal taighde i ngnó agus in eolaíochtaí sóisialta, tallann atá tugtha d’fheabhas taighde agus d’eolas agus saineolas a roinnt leis an bpobal náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta,” a deir sé. Is mór an onóir don phobal taighde an Institiúid a ainmniú i ndiaidh an Dr Whitaker, mar go bhfuil a chuid éachtaí, a thionchar agus a chuid oibre ar son na tíre seo ag teacht leis an méid atáimid ag iarraidh a bhaint amach le hathbheochan a dhéanamh ar gheilleagar na tíre agus an tsochaí a fheabhsú.” Feictear an Dr Whitaker mar dhuine mór le rá i bhforbairt eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta na hÉireann sa lá atá inniu ann.  Bhí gairm fhada cháiliúil aige - bhí sé ina Rúnaí ar an Roinn Airgeadais, ina Ghobharnóir ar Bhanc Ceannais na hÉireann, agus ba é a bhunaigh an Institiúid Taighde Eacnamaíochta agus Sóisialta (ESRI). Bhí sé ina chomhalta de Sheanad Éireann chomh maith ó 1977 go 1982 agus ina Sheansailéir ar Ollscoil na hÉireann ó 1976 go 1996. Tá sé mar aidhm le hInstitiúid Whitaker don Nuálaíocht agus don Athrú Sóisialta, spreagtha ag oidhreacht an cheannródaí féin, cur chuige nuálach den chineál céanna a ghlacadh chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar na dúshláin atá os ár gcomhair faoi láthair, anseo in Éirinn agus thar lear. Ag fáiltiú roimh bhunú Institiúid Whitaker, dúirt an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: “Rinne straitéis an Dr T.K. Whitaker d’fhorleathnú na hÉireann sna 1960idí athrú ó bhun ar shochaí na hÉireann ag an am. Sa lá atá inniu ann, tá orainn aghaidh a thabhairt ar dhúshláin shóisialta agus eacnamaíochta den chineál céanna. Cosúil le Whitaker féin, beidh Institiúid Whitaker chun cinn sa taighde acadúil ar nuálaíocht agus ar athrú. Creidimid go bhféadfadh an t-eolas agus an léargas a thiocfaidh ón Institiúid sochaí na hÉireann a athrú agus is iontach an onóir a bheadh ansin d’éachtaí an Dr Whitaker.” Bunaíodh Institiúid Whitaker go hoifigiúil ar maidin, agus tá sé i gceist í a sheoladh go poiblí in 2013. Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ag -críoch-

Friday, 19 October 2012

NUI Galway recently celebrated the success of a select group of first-year students with a special ceremony on Thursday, 18 October, in recognition of the high points they achieved in the recent Leaving Certificate Examination. As part of the University's annual Excellence Scholarships, 65 students received €2,000 each, along with a specially designed NUI Galway scroll. Each year the Excellence Scholarships are given to new entrants at NUI Galway who reached a minimum of 560 points in their Leaving Certificate examination, except in Medicine. For Medical students 10 Scholarships were awarded certificates, based on the combined results in the Leaving Certificate and the new Admissions Test (H-PAT Ireland). The Excellence Scholarships are designed to recognise and reward Leaving Cert success for the highest-achieving students, and encourage their ongoing commitment to academic excellence during their time at NUI Galway. The awards may be held with any other scholarships or grants, including the University's Postgraduate Scholarships, Mature Student Scholarships, Sports Scholarship Scheme and schemes specific to individual colleges for those who excel in their University exams. Speaking at the award ceremony, NUI Galway President Dr Jim Browne, who presented the cheques to each individual winner, said: “I am delighted to present the scholarships to these 65 outstanding individuals in recognition of their academic talent. NUI Galway constantly strives to support and promote academic excellence across all disciplines. The purpose of these Awards is to encourage each student to develop his/her academic potential to the fullest, by setting a realistic threshold of excellence and rewarding every student who attains that level. It is also a chance to give due credit to their parents and teachers for their important contribution to such success.” This year Excellence Scholarships were awarded to students from 44 individual schools throughout Ireland. The winners represented 15 counties including Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Limerick, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary and Waterford. -ENDS-