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All 2009
NUI Galway Conference Explores the Use of Marketing for Social Good

Thursday, 7 May 2009
Ways of using marketing techniques to change social behaviour in Ireland will be discussed at an NUI Galway conference on Friday, 15 May. Entitled 'Changing Lives for Good', the event will explore the emerging field of Social Marketing which is being successfully applied to tackle social problems around the world. Social marketing is the application of marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioural goals for a social good. Social Marketing has already had some success tackling issues such as obesity, smoking and road safety in countries including the USA, Canada, Britain, France, New Zealand and Australia. The leading authority in the US on Social Marketing, Nancy Lee, will draw from her 25 years of practical experience in the field to deliver the keynote address at the event. Nancy Lee serves as a strategic adviser on a variety of local and national social marketing campaigns in the US, and has co-authored five books with marketing guru, Philip Kotler. Organising the conference is Dr Christine Domegan, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the School of Business and Economics, NUI Galway. Dr Domegan is convinced of the value of Social Marketing and is working on developing courses and encouraging further study into the field to help address the need for Social Marketing skills in this country. "Changing consumer behavioural patterns for the better, for example away from binge drinking, requires professionals from many fields to come together to drive policy and communications strategies," explains Dr Domegan. She adds: "For those new to the field, the conference will provide a comprehensive introduction to Social Marketing, encouraging participants to consider the scope for using marketing principles and techniques to effect social change and fundamentally alter the way we live for the better. It will demonstrate how professionals, seeking to bring about behavioural change, can apply it to practical situations in Ireland". Among the other contributors to the conference are Maurice Murphy from the Cork Institute of Technology, who will ask if Social Marketing can be used to reduce road traffic collisions among young male drivers. Joe McKenna from Venture Advancement will look at applications of Social Marketing in the non-profit sector. Lorraine McIlrath, who works with NUI Galway's Community Knowledge Initiative, will explore community and university partnerships in her presentation. The conference will also feature workshops on Health, Environment, Voluntary Sector and Management Models for a Knowledge society. To register, or for further details, contact Valerie Parker on 091 495971 or by email at valerie.parker@nuigalway.ie -ends-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Conference Explores the Use of Marketing for Social Good
NUI Galway Volunteers for Volvo Ocean Race

Wednesday, 6 May 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway has been announced as the partner of the Volunteers Programme for the Volvo Ocean Race stopover in Galway from 23 May-6 June 2009. As Ireland's leading University in the development of student volunteering initiatives, NUI Galway will work with non-profit event organiser Let's Do It Galway to help mobilise the small army of volunteers needed for the two-week festival in Galway City. To date, almost 1000 people, including many NUI Galway staff and students, have offered to volunteer their time and skills in support of the Galway Volvo Ocean Race. The University will bring its considerable experience in the field of volunteering to the event. Every year, through its ALIVE volunteering programme, NUI Galway supports thousands of students who volunteer with over 80 local and international community organisations. NUI Galway President, Dr James J. Browne, is proud of the role the University plays in actively encouraging volunteering initiatives: "NUI Galway has a specific commitment to embracing community and civic engagement as a core part of our mission. Our University is at the forefront in Ireland of pioneering models for civic engagement including volunteering programmes that annually actively engage over 1,500 NUI Galway students to think critically about society and their place within it. We are proud of our role in helping to shape socially-aware citizens, who are active members of their community through their voluntary activities". According to Fiona Lawless, NUI Galway graduate and Volunteers Manager with Let's Do It Galway: "This is a unique opportunity for people to play an integral role in the biggest international sporting Festival within Europe in 2009. Volunteers will be key to the success of the Galway Stopover and are the 'face' of the event to visitors at the Race Village. The reality is that the number of events being staged during the two week festival would not be possible without the enthusiasm and commitment that people have demonstrated. During the event volunteers will be the heart and soul of the festivities". Lorraine Tansey is Student Volunteer Coordinator at NUI Galway and runs the University's ALIVE programme: "Our partnership with Let's Do It Galway on the Volunteering Programme for the Volvo Ocean Race is a natural fit. There is an ethos of civic engagement here at NUI Galway and that will spread around the City in the coming weeks". Volunteers are already playing major roles in the pre-event Let's do it Galway team, and the amount of time and high standard of work is highly valued by the organisers. Claire Heskin, a marketing graduate from NUI Galway, is currently volunteering in the Let's Do It Galway Office as Marketing and PR Assistant, says: "This is a once in a lifetime festival and it's hugely rewarding to be involved as a volunteer. I will experience the Volvo Ocean Race from a different perspective and every day more volunteers are coming on board. We have a great team, loads of energy, and the excitement is growing every day as we count down to the 23 May". Oibrithe Deonacha OÉ Gaillimh do Rás Aigéin Volvo (View in English) Tá sé fógartha gurb í OÉ Gaillimh comhpháirtí an Chláir Oibrithe Deonacha do stad na Gaillimhe de Rás Aigéin Volvo ón 23 Bealtaine – 6 Meitheamh 2009. Ó tharla gurb í an Ollscoil seo an ollscoil is gníomhaí sa tír ó thaobh tionscnaimh dheonacha a fhorbairt i measc na mac léinn, oibreoidh OÉ Gaillimh leis an eagraí neamhbhrabúsach Let's Do It Galway le cuidiú leis an mbaicle bheag oibrithe deonacha a bheidh ar fáil don fhéile a mhairfidh ar feadh coicíse i gCathair na Gaillimhe. Go dtí seo, tá beagnach 1000 duine, go leor d'fhoireann agus de mhic léinn OÉ Gaillimh ina measc, tar éis a gcuid ama agus a gcuid scileanna a thairiscint dúinn le tacú le Rás Aigéin Volvo na Gaillimhe. Cuirfidh an Ollscoil an taithí mhór atá aici i réimse na hoibre deonaí chun sochair na féile. Gach bliain, trína chlár oibrithe deonacha ALIVE, tacaíonn OÉ Gaillimh leis na mílte mac léinn a bhíonn ag déanamh obair dheonach i mbreis agus 80 eagraíocht phobail áitiúil agus idirnáisiúnta. Tá Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne, mórtasach as an mbaint atá ag an Ollscoil le tionscnaimh oibrithe deonacha a spreagadh: "Mar chuid thábhachtach den mhisean atá againn, tá cúram ar leith á dhéanamh ag OÉ Gaillimh den chomhpháirteachas pobail agus poiblí. Tá an Ollscoil seo ar thús cadhnaíochta in Éirinn ó thaobh múnlaí ceannródaíocha comhpháirteachais phoiblí a bhunú, agus i measc na múnlaí sin tá cláir oibrithe deonacha ina spreagtar breis agus 1,500 mac léinn de chuid OÉ Gaillimh le machnamh criticiúil a dhéanamh ar an tsochaí agus ar an mbaint atá acu féin léi. Táimid bródúil as an ról atá againn ag múnlú saoránach atá feasach ar an tsochaí agus atá gníomhach sa phobal tríd an obair dheonach a dhéanann siad." Seo an méid a bhí le rá ag Fiona Lawless, céimí de chuid OÉ Gaillimh agus Bainisteoir na nOibrithe Deonacha le Let's Do It Galway: "Is deis iontach é seo do dhaoine le ról gníomhach a bheith acu san Fhéile spóirt idirnáisiúnta is mó san Eoraip in 2009. Beidh a fheabhas a éireoidh le Stad na Gaillimhe den Rás ag brath go huile is go hiomlán ar na hoibrithe deonacha arb iad 'aghaidh' an imeachta iad do chuairteoirí ar Shráidbhaile an Rása. Is é fírinne an scéil nach bhféadfaí an líon imeachtaí atáthar a reáchtáil le linn na féile coicíse a eagrú gan an spéis agus an dílseacht atá léirithe ag daoine iontu. Cuirfidh na hoibrithe deonacha a gcroí agus a n-anam san fhéile." Is í Lorraine Tansey Comhordaitheoir Obair Dheonach na Mac Léinn in OÉ Gaillimh agus tá sí i mbun chlár ALIVE na hOllscoile: "Tá an chomhpháirtíocht le Let's Do It Galway do Chlár Oibrithe Deonacha Rás Aigéin Volvo ag luí go nádúrtha le clár ALIVE. Tá spiorad láidir comhpháirteachais phoiblí anseo in OÉ Gaillimh agus beidh sé le brath ar fud na Cathrach as seo go ceann cúpla seachtain." Tá oibrithe deonacha an-ghníomhach cheana féin ar fhoireann réamhimeachta Let's Do It Galway, agus tá an lucht eagair thar a bheith buíoch den mhéid ama atá á chaitheamh acu leis agus d'ardchaighdeán na hoibre. Tá Claire Heskin, céimí Margaíochta ó OÉ Gaillimh, ag obair go deonach in Oifig Let's Do It Galway mar Chúntóir Margaíochta agus Caidreamh Poiblí: "Is féile eisceachtúil í seo agus tá an-sásamh le baint as a bheith páirteach inti mar oibrí deonach. Beidh taithí eile ar fad agam ar Rás Aigéin Volvo agus tá líon na n-oibrithe deonacha ag méadú lá i ndiaidh lae. Tá foireann iontach againn, neart fuinnimh, agus táimid ag éirí níos tógtha de réir mar atáimid ag druidim leis an 23 Bealtaine." -Críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Volunteers for Volvo Ocean Race
Information Evening to Showcase Adult Education at NUI Galway

Wednesday, 6 May 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) An information evening on Adult and Continuing Education courses available from NUI Galway takes place in the Orbsen Building, on Thursday, 14 May from 6.30-8.30pm. Information will be available on a new initiative from NUI Galway which will allow a 50% fees reduction for people who have recently become unemployed and wish to study certain programmes which address the future skills of the 'smart economy'. The specific programmes which will be discounted are the Diploma in Innovation Management (Postgraduate), Diploma in Technology Commercialisation (Postgraduate), Master of Science in Technology Management, Diploma/Bachelor of Science in Science and Technology Studies and the Certificate/Diploma in General Studies. NUI Galway will also offer individual modules from these courses to prospective students, and discounts will be available on some language courses. Over 40 part-time courses will be show-cased at the event in areas such as Community Development, Health Promotion, Business/Management, IT, Science and Technology, Training and Education, and Languages. NUI Galway's suite of part-time programmes, include foundation level studies through to Masters awards. All are available in a modular, flexible format and can be taken through traditional classroom mode or via distance learning for students who are unable to attend the campus on a weekly basis. "With recent job losses and much economic debate, it is even more important that employees update and refresh their skills either for future employment prospects or for career change", says Nuala McGuinn, Adult Education Development Officer at NUI Galway. Many of our courses have a number of award options, including Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees so students can choose which exit route suits them at any point in time". Through the University's system of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), students may seek credit for their existing knowledge which can provide for entry to programmes or exemption from certain modules. Nuala McGuinn adds: "It's worth considering your current skills set and where this can be enhanced. Our programmes are not only designed to be as flexible as possible, but we also want to recognise the knowledge and training that each individual already has. With Recognition of Prior Learning, returning to education does not mean starting from square one". People visiting NUI Galway for the Adult and Continuing Education information evening are invited to bring along a copy of their CV for feedback and guidance from the University's Career Development Centre. Visitors are also invited to a series of careers talks running in parallel to the information evening, from 7–8pm, on the theme 'Focus for Career Success in Challenging Times'. During the talks, a variety of high-profile speakers will focus on the labour market, improving employability, motivation and networking. For further details on the information evening or to obtain a prospectus of the Adult and Continuing Education Programmes, contact 091-492062 or check out the website on www.nuigalway.ie/adulteducation. Oíche Eolais do Dhaoine ar Spéis leo Tabhairt faoi Chlár Oideachais Aosaigh in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh oíche eolais faoi na cúrsaí Oideachais Aosaigh agus Leantaigh atá á reáchtáil in OÉ Gaillimh ar siúl in Áras Oirbsean, Déardaoin, an 14 Bealtaine ó 6.30-8.30pm. Beidh eolas ar fáil faoin scéim nua atá ar bun in OÉ Gaillimh – scéim a thabharfaidh lacáiste 50% ar tháillí do dhaoine a chaill a bpost le déanaí agus ar mian leo staidéar a dhéanamh ar chláir áirithe a bhfuil sé mar aidhm leo díriú ar na scileanna a bheidh riachtanach don 'gheilleagar cliste' amach anseo. I measc na gclár a bhfuil an lacáiste 50% luaite leo tá an Dioplóma i mBainistíocht Nuálaíochta (Iarchéim), Dioplóma i dTeicneolaíocht Tráchtálaithe (Iarchéim), Máistreacht Eolaíochta i mBainistíocht Teicneolaíochta, Dioplóma/Baitsiléir Eolaíochta in Eolaíocht agus Staidéar Teicneolaíochta, agus Teastas/Dioplóma i Staidéar Ginearálta. Chomh maith leis sin, beidh modúil aonair ó na cúrsaí seo á dtairiscint do mhic léinn ar spéis leo tabhairt faoi cheann de na cúrsaí sonraithe, agus beidh lacáiste le fáil freisin ar chuid de na cúrsaí teanga. Beidh eolas le fáil faoi bhreis agus 40 cúrsa páirtaimseartha ag an oíche eolais, cúrsaí faoi Fhorbairt Pobail, Cothú Sláinte, Gnó/Bainistíocht, TF, Eolaíocht agus Teicneolaíocht, Oiliúint agus Oideachas, agus Teangacha ina measc. Tá idir chúrsaí bonnleibhéil agus chéimeanna máistreachta á dtairiscint ag OÉ Gaillimh. Bíonn na cúrsaí ar fad roinnte i modúil éagsúla, bíonn solúbthacht áirithe i gceist agus féadfar tabhairt faoi na cúrsaí sa seomra ranga nó féadfaidh na mic léinn sin nach bhfuil ar a gcumas freastal ar an gcampas gach seachtain na cúrsaí a dhéanamh trí chianfhoghlaim. Deir Nuala McGuinn, Oifigeach Forbartha Oideachais Aosaigh in OÉ Gaillimh "go bhfuil sé níos tábhachtaí anois ná riamh, ó tharla an oiread sin daoine a bheith dífhostaithe agus neart díospóireachta a bheith ar bun faoin ngeilleagar, go dtapaíonn fostaithe na deiseanna atá ann a gcuid scileanna a fheabhsú agus scileanna nua a fhoghlaim ionas go mbeidh siad in ann na deiseanna fostaíochta a bheidh ann amach anseo a thapú nó go deimhin post nua ar fad a aimsiú dóibh féin. Tá cineálacha éagsúla cúrsaí á dtairiscint anseo in OÉ Gaillimh, Teastais, Dioplómaí agus Céimeanna san áireamh, agus is féidir leis na mic léinn na cúrsaí is fearr a fheileann dóibh féin a roghnú". Tríd an gcóras ar a dtugtar Aitheantas i leith Réamhfhoghlaim atá i bhfeidhm san Ollscoil, féadfaidh mic léinn creidiúint a fháil don méid atá foghlamtha acu roimhe seo, córas a théann chun tairbhe mac léinn ar mian leo tabhairt faoi chláir áirithe nó díolúine a fháil ó mhodúil áirithe. Chomh maith leis sin dúirt Nuala McGuinn: "gur fiú machnamh a dhéanamh ar na scileanna atá agat i láthair na huaire agus na bealaí ina bhféadfaí na scileanna seo a fheabhsú. Ní hamháin go bhfuil sé mar aidhm againn cláir sholúbtha a sholáthar, teastaíonn uainn aitheantas a thabhairt freisin don eolas agus don oiliúint atá sealbhaithe ag daoine cheana féin. Tríd an gcóras ar a dtugtar Aitheantas i leith Réamhfhoghlaim, ní gá gur ag tosú ón tús a bheifeá arís". Tá míle fáilte rompu siúd a bheidh ag tabhairt cuairte ar OÉ Gaillimh don oíche eolais cóip dá CV a thabhairt leo más mian leo aiseolas agus treoir a fháil ó Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha na hOllscoile. Chomh maith leis sin, tá fáilte roimh chuairteoirí freastal ar shraith cainteanna faoi ghairmeacha a bheidh ar siúl an oíche sin idir 7-8pm. 'Focus for Career Success in Challenging Times' an teideal atá ar an tsraith cainteanna seo. I rith na gcainteanna, labhróidh cainteoirí aitheanta faoin margadh fostaíochta agus faoi infhostaitheacht, spreagadh agus líonrú a fheabhsú. Má theastaíonn tuilleadh eolais uait faoin oíche eolais nó más mian leat cóip de réamheolaire na gClár Oideachais Aosaigh agus Leantaigh a fháil, glaoigh ar 091-492062 nó féach ar an láithreán gréasáinwww.nuigalway.ie/adulteducation. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Information Evening to Showcase Adult Education at NUI Galway
Major EU-funded Research Initiative in Stem Cell Technology at NUI Galway

Friday, 1 May 2009
PurStem, a €3.5m European-wide collaborative research project, has been launched at NUI Galway with the aim of revolutionising the large scale processing of high quality adult stem cells. Stem cells have shown tremendous potential for the repair and regeneration of a large range of tissues and organs, however, the translation of this potential into functional clinical therapies requires large numbers of stem cells. PurStem aims to develop methods for producing adult stems calls in a safe and effective manner, on an industrial scale, suitable for clinical applications. PurStem is funded under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union and coordinated by the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), at NUI Galway. The project brings leading researchers in stem cell science and regenerative therapy from across Europe together with small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) with specific industrial technologies and expertise. According to Professor Frank Barry of REMEDI, NUI Galway, and coordinator of PurStem: "In order for the potential of these new therapies to be realised, a consistent and plentiful supply of well-characterised stem cells is essential. There has been relatively little progress in the development of new culture technologies for the large-scale manufacture of adult stem cells. There is now a strong possibility that this limited ability to produce stem cells will result in delays to the translation of new therapies to the clinic". The team involved in PurStem seek to address the challenge of current limitations on producing adult stem cells by standardising existing adult stem cell preparation methods in partner laboratories, devising new reagents and media formulations for expansion and differentiation and by advancing Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) capabilities for production. The collaborative research led by NUI Galway's REMEDI will also include the University of Genoa, Italy; Ovagen International Ltd., Ireland; the University of Leeds, UK; Pintail Ltd., Ireland; the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic; and ProCure Ltd., Ireland. -ends-
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NUI Galway Students Immersed in the Atmosphere of the Obama Administration

Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Two NUI Galway students are among a select group chosen to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the new Obama administration, through internships in Washington DC. Part of a group of thirty-one students from Ireland and Northern Ireland, Anne Parsons and Heather Watters were selected for the US trip by the Washington Ireland Program (WIP). Heather Watters from Emyvale, Co. Monaghan, is a final year Corporate Law student at NUI Galway, and is working on Capitol Hill for the summer at the office of Representative Tim Holden. Final year Arts student Anne Parsons from Portlaoise, Co. Laois, is studying English and Philosophy at NUI Galway. Anne is interning at Imagination Stage, which produces theatre and arts education for young people. WIP selects promising individuals, from Ireland and Northern Ireland, who will ultimately use their unique talents to contribute back to their home communities. Last year, NUI Galway Corporate Law student Peter Mannion was part of the WIP programme and worked with the then Senator, now President, Barack Obama's office. NUI Galway's Vice-President for the Student Experience, Mary O'Riordan, stated that: "NUI Galway is delighted to support WIP which provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to participate in this very exciting programme". The students, who will return to Ireland in August, have already held a private meeting with the Chief Justice of the United States, John Roberts, at the Supreme Court. Each student must also undertake a speaking moment at a high profile event, and attend functions at venues including the Embassy of Ireland, the National Press Club, the US Congress, and the United Nations. Speaking about the Program, Heather Watters said: "The team is so varied, and each person so unique, it is such a great experience. The work placement has been very helpful. Although I study Law, I have never been a huge follower of local Irish politics. Now having been placed in Congressman Tim Holden's office, I have gained a new found respect for all the invisible people in politics, and the procedures that occur". Anne Parsons commented: "It is a great honour to be representing NUI Galway. I received enormous support from English and Philosophy in my application process, in particular from Dr Felix Ó Murchadha and Dr John Kenny. I have had an incredible experience so far with the Washington Ireland Program. We have been given so many opportunities to meet so many influential people, from Chief Justice Roberts of the Supreme Court to political speechwriters and CEOs. My experience so far at Imagination Stage has been so positive". Celebrating its fifteenth anniversary this year, WIP is an organisation designed to give students a rich insight into America's professional and social culture, through a two-month internship and an intensive training course in leadership and service. This year produced an unprecedented level of interest in the Program. Ireland Director, Jonathan Chesney, believes this level of interest ensures the Program really does pick the very best students: "Due to the record number of applicants, this year's selection process was exceptionally competitive and as a result, we have a phenomenal team". -ends-
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