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All 2009
NUI Galway Puts Call Out to Businesses in Need of Marketing Support

Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Co-ordinators of the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Practice (DMP) at NUI Galway have issued their annual call to businesses that might benefit from hosting a recently qualified marketing graduate. Since 1981, NUI Galway has been successfully placing marketing graduates with companies around Ireland through the DMP. To participate in the postgraduate diploma, students must have completed a business degree during which they specialised in marketing. To date, over 800 organisations have acted as hosts on the programme and each year over 90% of graduates have been retained by their companies on completion of the diploma. According to the DMP Programme Director, NUI Galway's Ann Walsh, "The ongoing interest by companies is fuelled by the quality of our students, many of whom speak two or more languages. All DMP students go through a rigorous application procedure to secure a place on the programme". Through the DMP, marketing graduates spend 32 weeks of the 35-week programme with their host company who provide a minimum weekly rate of payment. The placement is preceded by an intensive Induction Programme at the Cairnes School of Business & Economics at NUI Galway where graduates learn the practical skills necessary to become effective in the workplace. Graduates also attend training workshops throughout the programme to enhance their practical marketing skills. "Everything from effective presentation skills to effective online marketing strategies is covered in the workshops and all assignments undertaken by the graduates relate specifically to their host companies," explains Ann Walsh. NUI Galway works closely with the host business. Assistance is given in compiling a detailed job specification and a shortlist of candidates for interview is provided that best matches the company's needs. On-going advice and assistance is also available to both companies and graduates in the form of regular visits, review sessions, telephone and e-mail support. For further information contact Ann Walsh on 091 492546. -ends-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Puts Call Out to Businesses in Need of Marketing Support
NUI Galway Bucks National Trend in Construction Courses

Tuesday, 18 August 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway has seen a significant increase in demand for its programmes across all colleges, as CAO points were released this week. Contrary to national trends which saw demand for construction courses fall, Project and Construction Management at NUI Galway was up 20 points. At 445 points, NUI Galway's new degree, Energy Systems Engineering, was the highest in terms of points for any engineering course at the University. Another new degree, Engineering Innovation – Electronic also attracted a lot of interest as did the University's Sports and Exercise Engineering degree with 415 points. Soaring Engineering applications reflect favourably on the carefully thought-out new programmes in Energy Systems Engineering, designed in response to a growing demand for professional engineers to work in the energy sector as well as Engineering Innovation, which aims to create a new type of engineer with skills in innovation and entrepreneurship essential to delivering the Smart Economy . Other newer courses also saw points increase, such as Podiatry, which rose from 390 to 420, and Arts (Mathematics and Education) which was up from 325 to 375. In other disciplines, Arts degrees remained in strong demand, with BA Connect Programmes proving popular again this year. NUI Galway's Irish language degree Na Dána (Gaeilge agus Léann an Aistrúcháin) rose a dramatic 200 points, one of the largest jumps for any course in the country. Commerce (International) with languages including French, German, Spanish and Italian all saw an increase in points. Courses linked to accounting and economics also rose in points, with Business Information Systems up 40 points to 340, while Financial Maths and Economics saw an increase from 385 to 400. In the area of professional healthcare, General Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing also rose significantly. Science also performed well, with points up in Physics, Marine Science, Biotechnology and Biomedical Science. The University sees rising demand for courses as a direct result of its response to integrating national priorities into the institutional agenda. Being responsive to the changing needs of the employment market is also a key focus at NUI Galway. Cúrsaí Foirgníochta OÉ Gaillimh ag Seasamh an Fhóid (View in English) Tháinig méadú mór ar an éileamh atá ar chláir léinn choláistí uile OÉ Gaillimh, mar a léiríonn pointí an CAO a foilsíodh an tseachtain seo. Cuireadh 20 pointe breise le céim OÉ Gaillimh i mBainistíocht Tionscadail agus Foirgníochta, glanmhalairt na treochta náisiúnta inar laghdaigh an t-éileamh ar chúrsaí foirgníochta. Ba é cúrsa céime nua OÉ Gaillimh, an chéim Innealtóireachta Córas Fuinnimh, an cúrsa ab airde pointí de chúrsaí innealtóireachta uile na hOllscoile; 445 pointe a theastaigh le háit a fháil ar an gcúrsa sin. Bhí go leor spéise chomh maith i gcéim nua eile, Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta – Leictreonach, agus i gcéim Innealtóireachta Spóirt agus Aclaíochta na hOllscoile a raibh 415 pointe á éileamh dó. Tháinig méadú mór ar líon na n-iarratas Innealtóireachta. Is dea-thuar é an t-éileamh ar chúrsaí nua a raibh an-dua caite leo, amhail an chéim in Innealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh, a cuireadh ar fáil le freastal ar an méadú ar an éileamh atá ar innealtóirí gairmiúla a d'oibreodh in earnáil an fhuinnimh, agus an chéim i Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta, a bhfuil sé de chuspóir aici innealtóirí de chineál eile ar fad a chur ar fáil a mbeidh scileanna nuálaíochta agus fiontraíochta acu, scileanna atá riachtanach chun an 'Geilleagar Glic' a chothú. Bhí ardú ar phointí cúrsaí nua eile chomh maith, an Chosliacht, mar shampla, ar ardaigh na pointí ó 390 go 420, agus an chéim sna Dána (Matamaitic agus Oideachas) a d'ardaigh ó 325 go 375. Sna disciplíní eile, bhí an-éileamh ar chéimeanna sna Dána, mar is gnáth, agus bhí an-tóir ar na Cláir BA Connect arís i mbliana. Ceann de na cúrsaí is mó ar ardaigh na pointí dó sa tír ba ea an chéim sna Dána (Gaeilge agus Léann an Aistriúcháin) in OÉ Gaillimh; léim shuntasach de 200 pointe a bhí i gceist. D'ardaigh pointí na gcéimeanna sa Tráchtáil (Idirnáisiúnta) le teangacha amhail an Fhraincis, an Ghearmáinis, an Spáinnis agus an Iodáilis. D'ardaigh na pointí na gcúrsaí cuntasaíochta agus eacnamaíochta chomh maith; cuireadh 40 pointe leis an gcéim i gCórais Faisnéise Gnó (340 pointe), mar shampla, agus d'ardaigh an chéim i Matamaitic an Airgeadais agus Eacnamaíocht ó 385 go 400 pointe. I réimse an chúraim sláinte ghairmiúil, bhí ardú mór ar na pointí san Altranas Ginearálta agus san Altranas Síciatrach chomh maith. D éirigh go maith le cúrsaí eolaíochta freisin agus d ardaigh na marcanna san Fhisic, sa Mhuireolaíocht, sa Bhiteicneolaíocht agus san Eolaíocht Bhithleighis. Measann an Ollscoil go bhfuil méadú ag teacht ar an éileamh atá ar na cúrsaí sin de bhrí gur chuir an institiúid béim ar thosaíochtaí náisiúnta ina clár oibre. Cuirtear an-bhéim in OÉ Gaillimh chomh maith ar fhreastal ar riachtanais luaineacha mhargadh na fostaíochta. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Bucks National Trend in Construction Courses
Olive Loughnane Wins Silver Medal at World Athletics Championships

Monday, 17 August 2009
NUI Galway has applauded the outstanding performance of one of its heroic graduates Olive Loughnane (BComm 1996) as she took the silver medal position yesterday in the 20k walk at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin. President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, commented: "We, at NUI Galway, are delighted for Olive and extend our congratulations for her perseverance and continued dedication to her training which has finally paid off with a silver medal at the World Championships". Olive Loughnane, originally from Loughrea, Co. Galway, represented NUI Galway Athletics Club from 1993 to 1995 and was selected for a Sports Award in 1996. Yesterday Olive finished 49 seconds behind defending champion and Olympic gold medallist Olga Kaniskina of Russia in a season's best of 1hr 28mins 58secs, just over a minute outside her personal best at last year's Olympic Games in Beijing. In her third Olympic Games in Beijing, Olive finished the 20k walk in seventh place (of 48 competitors) in a personal best time of 1hr 27mins 45secs, over a minute inside the Olympic record. Speaking after the race Olive said: "We didn t know what was going to happen before the race but I felt very comfortable at the start. I knew I was stronger than last year and this result was a combination of great tactics and technical support. I focused on the process, not the medal. Everything helped me a lot, good physio, good doctors, psychological training and of course my family back in Ireland that is supporting me. I promised my little daughter Eimear I was going to bring her a medal so she will be very happy. We all believed that everything was possible". Tony Regan, Head of Sport at NUI Galway, added: "Olive's achievement is one of the most deserved in Irish sport. It is a triumph of hard work, dedication and perseverance that has seen Olive deliver on the potential she showed in her early years at NUI Galway. She is a wonderful role model for all sportspeople and we are delighted to congratulate her on this remarkable success". -Ends-
>> Read full story about Olive Loughnane Wins Silver Medal at World Athletics Championships
NUI Galway Hold Information Evenings Across Ireland For New Students

Monday, 17 August 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway is hosting its tenth annual series of information evenings around the country for students starting their studies at the University in September 2009. Parents are also invited to the information evenings or 'Student Send-Offs'. The 'Student Send-Offs' will take place at 7pm in the following venues: Westmeath, Monday, 24 August: Radisson SAS Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Dublin, Tuesday, 25 August: The President's Hall, The Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. Donegal, Wednesday, 26 August: Pier One, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal. Mayo, Thursday, 27 August: Days Hotel, Lannagh Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Sligo, Monday, 31 August: Sligo Southern Hotel, Strandhill Road, Sligo Town. Galway, Tuesday, 1 September: Lecture Theatre MY243, Áras Moyola, NUI Galway. Galway, Wednesday, 2 September: Lecture Theatre MY243, Áras Moyola, NUI Galway. Clare, Thursday, 3 September: Temple Gate Hotel, The Square, Ennis, Co. Clare. Throughout the evenings, NUI Galway Lecturers, Alumni Association Board Members, Student Services staff and Students' Union representatives will be on hand to advise students and answer any questions relating to university life. The topics covered will include Accommodation, Finance and the Students' Assistance Fund, Safety, Careers, Counselling, Clubs, Societies and the Students' Union. JB Terrins, Director of Alumni Relations at NUI Galway, said: "This is an ideal opportunity for both parents and students to get first-hand advice on finding one's way around campus during those first days of term. Students can find out about the University's support services and the benefits of becoming involved in the many Clubs and Societies". Some 3,000 new students will join NUI Galway in September, with First Year registration commencing on Monday, 14 September. For further information on the information evenings please contact Eimear Doran on 086 8585168 or email studentsendoff@nuigalway.ie. Oícheanta Eolais ag OÉ Gaillimh do Mhic Léinn Nua ar Fud na hÉireann (View in English) Den deichiú bliain as a chéile, beidh oícheanta eolais ar siúl ag OÉ Gaillimh ar fud na tíre do mhic léinn a thosóidh san Ollscoil i mí Mheán Fómhair 2009. Tá cuireadh ag tuismitheoirí freastal ar an oíche eolais chomh maith. Beidh na hoícheanta eolais ar siúl ag 7pm ar na dátaí agus sna hionaid seo a leanas: An Iarmhí, Dé Luain, 24 Lúnasa: Óstán Radisson SAS, Baile Átha Luain, Co. na hIarmhí. Baile Átha Cliath, Dé Máirt, 25 Lúnasa: Halla an Uachtaráin, Dlí-Chumann na hÉireann, Plás Blackhall, Baile Átha Cliath 7. Dún na nGall, Dé Céadaoin, 26 Lúnasa: Pier One, Baile Dhún na nGall, Co. Dhún na nGall. Maigh Eo, Déardaoin, 27 Lúnasa: Óstán Days, Caisleán an Bharraigh, Co. Mhaigh Eo. Sligeach, Dé Luain, 31 Lúnasa: Óstán Sligo Southern, Bóthar an Leathrois, Baile Shligigh. Gaillimh, Dé Máirt, 1 Meán Fómhair: Téatar MY243, Áras Mhaighe Seola, OÉ Gaillimh. Gaillimh, Dé Céadaoin, 2 Meán Fómhair: Téatar MY243, Áras Mhaighe Seola, OÉ Gaillimh. An Clár, Déardaoin, 3 Meán Fómhair: Óstán Temple Gate, An Chearnóg, Inis, Co. an Chláir. Beidh léachtóirí, comhaltaí an Chumainn Alumni, comhaltaí foirne Sheirbhísí do Mhic Léinn agus ionadaithe Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn i láthair ag na hoícheanta eolais chun comhairle a chur ar mhic léinn agus aon cheist a bheadh acu maidir le saol na hOllscoile a fhreagairt. Beidh eolas ar fáil maidir le Lóistín, Airgead agus an Ciste Cúnaimh do Mhic Léinn, Sábháilteacht, Gairmeacha, Comhairleoireacht, Clubanna, Cumainn agus Comhaltas na Mac Léinn. Dúirt JB Terrins, Stiúrthóir, Caidrimh Alumni, OÉ Gaillimh: "Is iontach an deis é seo do thuismitheoirí agus do mhic léinn gach cineál eolais a fháil a chuideoidh leo na chéad chúpla lá sin agus iad ag iarraidh a mbealach a dhéanamh ar an gcampas. Gheobhaidh mic léinn eolas maidir le seirbhísí tacaíochta na hOllscoile agus na buntáistí a bhaineann leis na Clubanna agus na Cumainn atá san Ollscoil". Tiocfaidh 3,000 mac léinn nua chuig OÉ Gaillimh i mí Mheán Fómhair. Tosóidh clárú mhic léinn na Chéad Bhliana Dé Luain, an 14 Meán Fómhair. Tá eolas breise maidir leis na hoícheanta eolais le fáil ó Eimear Doran ar 0868585168 nó ríomhphost studentsendoff@nuigalway.ie. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Hold Information Evenings Across Ireland For New Students
World-Renowned Irish Surgeon to Deliver Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture

Tuesday, 11 August 2009
NUI Galway will host Ireland's largest surgical conference, the 34th Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture & Surgical Symposium, from 4-5 September 2009. Dr Patrick Gullane, Wharton Chair in Head and Neck Surgery at Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital, will deliver the Memorial Lecture at 5pm on the first day of the conference. The annual event provides a platform for healthcare professionals to present their research and clinical work and allows for the merging of both scientific and clinical information. It is named in memory of the Galway-born surgeon, Sir Peter Freyer, who performed the first successful surgical operation to remove an enlarged prostate in 1900. Commenting on the upcoming lecture, Professor of Surgery at NUI Galway, Michael Kerin, said: "We are honoured to have Dr Gullane here this year to deliver the Memorial lecture. Although his reputation is international, we know him as an Irishman and a graduate of our own institution here at Galway. Dr Gullane has since embarked on a career in otolaryngology - head and neck surgery - and is recognised globally as a leader in his field. As he also acts as Professor and Chair to the Department of Otolaryngology in the University of Toronto, we look forward to his practical, theoretical and research-led insights". On the second day of the Surgical Symposium, Saturday, 5 September, Professor Arnold Hill will present the State of the Art Lecture entitled 'Breast Cancer and the Cancer Strategy - Past, Present and Future'. Arnold Hill is Professor and Chairman of Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Beaumont Hospital. His research interests focus on resistance to current therapies in the treatment of breast cancer. The Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture & Surgical Symposium is hosted by NUI Galway's Professor Michael Kerin and Mr Oliver McAnena. For further information on event, please contact Grace Clarke at 091 524390 or grace.clarke@nuigalway.ie. -ends-
>> Read full story about World-Renowned Irish Surgeon to Deliver Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture