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Over 90% of NUI Galway Grads in Employment

Tuesday, 4 August 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Preliminary figures from the annual first destination survey of NUI Galway's 2008 Graduates' Survey indicates that nearly 91% of the University's graduates entered employment or further study on completion of their degree. The data contained in the preliminary report is an annual survey of almost 4,000 graduates on NUI Galway full-time programmes. The survey is conducted nine months after graduation and gives an invaluable insight into employment opportunities and further study trends. The survey found that the proportion of primary degree graduates seeking employment is 3.7%. The numbers of primary degree graduates entering further study is, as expected, up on last year, to nearly 51%. John Hannon, Head of the Career Development Centre in NUI Galway, commented: "At a time when national unemployment figures approach 12%, we are delighted to see that NUI Galway graduates have particularly high standing among employers. Graduates are our future leaders and their energy, skills, knowledge and contribution to enterprise and innovation will help bring us back on the road to economic recovery". Mr Hannon added: "NUI Galway statistics are very positive when compared to the national average. However, we cannot forget how challenging the current economic climate is for graduates who are looking for employment. Students who take postgraduate diplomas, masters and PhDs not only enhance their learning; they gain additional evidence of transferable skills that improve employability such as problem-solving, teamwork, communication and leadership". The University is particularly proactive in supporting those looking to improve their employability. NUI Galway will offer a total of 68 free university places to the unemployed under a new initiative announced by the Minister for Education, Batt O'Keeffe T.D. as part of a Government plan to help improve the work-place skills of the unemployed and assist them with returning to work. Os cionn 90% de Chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh i bhFostaíocht (View in English) De réir shuirbhé bliantúil OÉ Gaillimh ar Chéimithe na bliana 2008 tá beagnach 91% de chéimithe na hOllscoile i bhfostaíocht nó i mbun breis-staidéir i ndiaidh a gcéime. Tháinig na réamhfhigiúirí seo ó shuirbhé bliantúil ar bheagnach 4,000 céimí ar chláir lánaimseartha in OÉ Gaillimh. Rinneadh an suirbhé naoi mí i ndiaidh bhronnadh na gcéimeanna agus tugann sé léargas ar dheiseanna fostaíochta agus staidéar breise. De réir an tsuirbhé, níl ach 3.7% de chéimithe ag lorg fostaíochta. Tá líon na gcéimithe atá i mbun breis-staidéir méadaithe ó anuraidh, mar a bheifí ag súil leis, go beagnach 51%. Dúirt John Hannon, Ceann Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh: "Agus líon na ndaoine dífhostaithe ag beagnach 12%, tá an-áthas orainn go bhfuil tóir ag fostóirí ar chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh, agus gan ach aon trian den ráta náisiúnta dífhostaithe againn anseo. Is iad na céimithe a bheidh i gceannas amach anseo agus is é a gcuid fuinnimh, scileanna, eolais, fiontraíochta agus nuálaíochta a chinnteoidh go dtiocfaidh geilleagar na tíre chuici féin". Dúirt Hannon: "Tá staitisticí OÉ Gaillimh an-dearfach i gcomparáid leis an gcuid eile den tír. Mar sin féin, ní féidir linn dearmad a dhéanamh ar chomh dúshlánach atá rudaí anois do chéimithe atá ag lorg fostaíochta. Ní hamháin go gcuireann iarchéimeanna, dioplómaí, máistreachtaí agus dochtúireachtaí le foghlaim an mhic léinn, ach foghlaimíonn siad scileanna inaistrithe, cosúil le fadhbréiteach, obair foirne, cumarsáid agus ceannaireacht, a chuireann le hinfhostaitheacht". Tá an Ollscoil ag tacú go gníomhach leo siúd ar mian leo a bheith níos infhostaithe. Cuirfidh OÉ Gaillimh 68 áit san iomlán saor in aisce ar fáil do dhaoine dífhostaithe faoi thionscnamh nua a d'fhógair an tAire Oideachais, Batt O'Keeffe T.D., mar chuid de phlean an Rialtais scileanna na ndaoine dífhostaithe a fheabhsú agus cabhrú leo filleadh ar an obair. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Over 90% of NUI Galway Grads in Employment
NUI Galway Begins Research Project to Control Growth of 'Giant Rhubarb'

Wednesday, 30 September 2009
NUI Galway is undertaking a research project to establish the extent of the infestation in Connemara of the alien plant species Gunnera tinctoria or 'giant rhubarb' as it is commonly known. The project is investigating the best methods of controlling the growth or eradicating the plant completely and is calling on local people to report sightings of infestation. Previously 'giant rhubarb' was seen as a structurally beautiful plant however, in recent years this botanical wonder has been growing out of control. A native of Chile, it can grow up to two metres tall and as it multiplies can dominate entire landscapes. Because of its size it overshadows native flora and poses a serious threat to the rich biodiversity of Connemara. Gunnera tinctoria spreads so rapidly and extensively as each plant produces up to 250,000 seeds which are dispersed by birds. It also spreads by underground rhizomes and just a small fragment of the root can sprout a whole new plant. Dumping of garden waste and movement of soil from infested sites are thought to be the main means of spreading the plant. Gunnera tinctoria thrives in the damp acid soils found in parts of Connemara and Achill Island. It also favours disturbed ground and is common at roadsides, building sites, quarries and can even be found in National Parks. Maria Corcoran, who is undertaking the study with the Applied Ecology Unit at NUI Galway, said: "This plant is actually not related to rhubarb. However, it seems to relish the terrain, climate and soil of Connemara. The cost of treating and removing infestations can be substantial, therefore it is important that its occurrence is recorded and every effort is made to control it. If the spread of Gunnera tinctoria is not checked, the damage it will cause to the biodiversity of the region will be irreversible". The project is being run by NUI Galway in association with the biodiversity project 'People and Nature'. If anyone has any information as to areas where the plant might be growing, or for more information on the project, please contact Maria Corcoran at galwaygiantrhubarb@gmail.com or 086 1683089, or contact the 'People and Nature' Project Manager, Elaine O'Riordan in the Applied Ecology Unit, Centre for Environmental Science at NUI Galway, at 091 493863 or elaine.oriordan@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Begins Research Project to Control Growth of 'Giant Rhubarb'
Taoiseach Marks Official Start of Construction on New 'Green' Engineering Buildi

Friday, 25 September 2009
Up to 300 Jobs to be Generated by Construction Project (Leagan Gaeilge) The Taoiseach Brian Cowen T.D. visits NUI Galway today (Friday, 25 September) for a sod turning ceremony marking the construction of a new €40 million Engineering Building. The construction project will employ up to 300 people and is due for completion by September 2011. BAM Building Ltd. has been signed as the main contractor for what will be one of the largest construction projects west of the Shannon and on completion will be the largest Engineering Building in the country. Speaking at NUI Galway, An Taoiseach said: "The new Engineering Building will be financed through a combination of exchequer funding and resources realised by NUI Galway, including philanthropy. The new building will bring benefits to Galway City and its surrounds by creating jobs for the next two years. Longer term it will enable NUI Galway to continue to produce excellent engineering graduates supporting the Smart Economy in areas such as innovation and renewable energy technologies". NUI Galway has recently seen soaring engineering programme applications which reflect favourably on carefully thought-out new programmes. These include Energy Systems Engineering, designed in response to a growing demand for professional engineers to work in the energy sector. Another new course is Engineering Innovation, which aims to create a new type of electronic engineer with skills in innovation and entrepreneurship essential to delivering the Smart Economy. The 14,200 square metre Engineering Building will accommodate the College of Engineering and Informatics, housing 110 staff and approximately 1100 students. It will include green-building initiatives, and with its exposed construction design will itself be utilised as a teaching tool for the students. High-tech renewable energy systems, environmentally friendly heat generation using carbon-neutral biomass, rainwater recycling, ground source heat pump, and low-embodied energy construction materials wherever possible will underpin the building's green credentials and provide working examples for engineering students to study. President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, said: "This new Engineering Building reflects our commitment to providing students with the highest quality learning experience in engineering education. NUI Galway enjoys a strong reputation in engineering, evidenced by this year's increase in undergraduate engineering entry to over 250 students – a 25% increase on the previous year. This approach to education at NUI Galway is based on the University's key research strengths and our strong linkage with industrial partners. We offer a range of innovative programmes - from Biomedical to Energy Engineering – which highlight the University's commitment to the national and regional needs of the SMART economy". Designed by award-winning architects RMJM (Scotland) in partnership with Taylor Architects of Castlebar, Co. Mayo the building will be the largest constructed in one development on the NUI Galway city campus and will be situated to the north of the Quincentennial Bridge. Cuireann an Taoiseach Tús Oifigiúil le Tógáil an Fhoirgnimh Innealtóireachta Ghlais Nua in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Tabharfaidh an Taoiseach Brian Cowen T.D. cuairt ar OÉ Gaillimh inniu (Dé hAoine, 25 Meán Fómhair) ag searmanas leis an gcéad fhód a thiontú don Fhoirgneamh Innealtóireachta nua €40 milliún. Fostófar suas le 300 duine ar an tionscadal tógála seo atá le críochnú faoi mhí Meán Fómhair 2011. Is iad BAM Building Ltd. an príomhchonraitheoir ar an tionscadal tógála seo atá ar cheann de na tionscadail tógála is mó atá ar bun siar ón tSionainn agus nuair a bheidh an foirgneamh tógtha beidh sé ar cheann de na Foirgnimh Innealtóireachta is mó sa tír. Ag labhairt dó in OÉ Gaillimh, bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Taoiseach: "Déanfar maoiniú ar an bhFoirgneamh Innealtóireachta nua trí mheascán de mhaoiniú ón státchiste agus ó acmhainní de chuid OÉ Gaillimh, acmhainní daonchairdis san áireamh. Bainfidh Cathair na Gaillimhe agus an ceantar máguaird tairbhe as an bhfoirgneamh nua trí na poist a chruthófar as seo go ceann dhá bhliain. Go fadtéarmach cuirfidh sé ar chumas OÉ Gaillimh scothchéimithe Innealtóireachta a chur ar fáil a thacóidh leis an nGeilleagar Glic i réimsí amhail nuálaíocht agus teicneolaíochtaí fuinnimh in-athnuaite." Tháinig méadú suntasach ar na hiarratais ar chlár Innealtóireachta OÉ Gaillimh le gairid, agus is maith an oidhe sin ar chláir nua ar caitheadh an-dua leo. Ar na cláir sin tá an clár Innealtóireachta Córas Fuinnimh, a bhfuil faoi freagairt don fhás san éileamh ar innealtóirí gairmiúla in earnáil an fhuinnimh. Is cúrsa nua eile an cúrsa Nuálaíochta Innealtóireachta a chuirfidh cineál nua innealtóirí leictreonacha ar fáil a mbeidh scileanna nuálaíochta agus fiontraíochta acu, scileanna atá riachtanach chun an 'Geilleagar Glic' a chothú. Beidh Coláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice lonnaithe san Fhoirgneamh Innealtóireachta 14,200 méadar cearnach, ina mbeidh 110 comhalta foirne agus timpeall 1100 mac léinn. Beidh tionscnaimh 'ghlasa' á n-úsáid agus an foirgneamh seo á thógáil, agus leis an dearadh tógála oscailte a bheidh air úsáidfear é mar uirlis teagaisc do mhic léinn amach anseo. Beidh dintiúirí glasa an fhoirgnimh bunaithe ar chórais fuinnimh in-athnuaite ardteicneolaíochta, giniúint teasa nach ndéanann dochar don timpeallacht trí bhithmhais atá neodrach ó thaobh carbóin de, athchúrsáil uisce fearthainne, caidéal teasa ón talamh, agus ábhair thógála lagfhuinnimh agus beidh mic léinn innealtóireachta in ann staidéar a dhéanamh ar na córais sin mar shamplaí gníomhacha. Dúirt an Dr James Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: "Is léiriú an Foirgneamh Innealtóireachta nua seo ar ár ndílseacht i leith scoth-thaithí foghlama ó thaobh oideachais innealtóireachta de a chur ar fáil do mhic léinn. Tá dea-cháil ar OÉ Gaillimh as an innealtóireacht, mar a léiríonn an méadú go breis agus 250 mac léinn a tháinig ar líon na bhfochéimithe innealtóireachta i mbliana – méadú 25% ar an mbliain roimhe sin. Tá an cur chuige seo i leith an oideachais Innealtóireachta in OÉ Gaillimh bunaithe ar phríomhláidreachtaí na hOllscoile agus ar an nasc láidir atá againn le comhpháirtithe sa tionscal. Cuirimid réimse clár nuálaíoch innealtóireachta ar fáil – ón Innealtóireacht Bhithleighis chuig an Innealtóireacht Fuinnimh – rud a léiríonn a dhílse atá an Ollscoil do riachtanais náisiúnta agus réigiúnacha an gheilleagair ghlic. Is iad na hailtirí clúiteacha RMJM (Albain) i gcomhar le Taylor Architects, Caisleán an Bharraigh, Co. Mhaigh Eo a dhear an foirgneamh seo – an foirgneamh is mó a thógfar mar chuid d'aon iarraidh amháin ar champas na hOllscoile i nGaillimh. Is ó thuaidh de Dhroichead na gCúig Chéad a bheidh an foirgneamh suite. -críoch-
>> Read full story about Taoiseach Marks Official Start of Construction on New 'Green' Engineering Buildi
National Report to Highlight Role of Migrant Carers in the Care of Older People

Thursday, 24 September 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Ireland's older population are being cared for in large numbers by one of the most marginalised groups within the labour force, migrant workers. That is according to a report by NUI Galway's Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, being launched today (25 September) by the Minister for Older People and Health Promotion, Áine Brady T.D.. The Role of Migrant Care Workers in Ageing Societies research report examines the role of registered nurses and care assistants from other countries in caring for older people in Ireland. This group now account for one in three of the Irish older adult care workforce, which is twice the proportion of foreign carers in the general health care sector. Written by Dr Kieran Walsh and Professor Eamon O'Shea from the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology at NUI Galway, the research confirms the important and highly valued role of migrant workers in the care of older people, both in home and long-stay residential care settings. However, the report also highlights a number of issues associated with migrant care provision for older people in Ireland. These include communication, language proficiency, cultural understanding, education and training, discrimination and inadequate regulation. Dr Walsh highlights that: "These issues are intensified by the lack of funding and priority given to older adult care and, in particular, by the absence of support for migrant carers, employers and older people to cope with the cultural shift in the care workforce". The report calls for increased support structures in the areas of regulation, education, training, orientation and integration. According to Professor O'Shea: "It is impossible to separate the fate of migrant care workers from that of older people. There is an irony here that not only are migrant workers marginalised, but they care for older adults in Ireland who are themselves often marginalised in terms of resource allocation. This can only serve to undermine the integration of foreign carers even further. The migrant workforce is not receiving sufficient levels of support to negotiate current and future challenges in the older adult health and social care sector". Professor O'Shea added: "What we need, sooner rather than later, is a prioritisation of the older adult health and social care sector. Our older population require greater person-centred care that acknowledges the role and potential of migrant carers to deliver such care". The challenges that typically face migrant workers in becoming integrated into the health and social care labour market are exacerbated by the low priority given to older adult care in Ireland. The report suggests that failure to appropriately integrate migrant workers into the sector, and to address the key issues of resource allocation and funding in the sector, could ultimately impact on the quality of care available to older people in this country. Dr Walsh explains the role of migrant workers within the care sector: "Both employers and older people recognise the contribution that foreign nurses and care assistants are making to the care of older people. Nevertheless, if issues internal to older adult care are not addressed then retaining this valuable group of workers will become increasingly difficult". The report presents a set of recommendations across policy, practice and regulatory domains to help address the challenges and to capitalise on the opportunities that a multicultural care giving environment brings. In an international element to the research, researchers from the University of Oxford, Georgetown University and the University of Ottawa are investigating the same topic for the UK, US and Canada respectively. An international comparative report detailing some of the differences and commonalities across the four countries will be published later this year. For further information please contact icsg@nuigalway.ie or 091-495461. Léiríonn Tuarascáil Náisiúnta Ról na gCúramóirí Imirceacha ag Déanamh Cúraim do Dhaoine Scothaosta (View in English) Is ceann de na grúpaí is imeallaithe sa lucht saothair – na hoibrithe imirceacha – is mó atá ag tabhairt aire do dhaoine scothaosta in Éirinn. Tháinig an t-eolas seo ó thuarascáil Ionad Sheaneolaíocht Shóisialta na hÉireann, OÉ Gaillimh a sheolfaidh an tAire do Dhaoine Scothaosta agus Cothú Sláinte, Áine Brady T.D. inniu (25 Meán Fómhair). Scrúdaíonn an tuarascáil taighde The Role of Migrant Care Workers in Ageing Societies ról na n-altraí cláraithe agus na gcúntóirí cúraim a thagann ó thíortha eile chun cúram a dhéanamh do dhaoine scothaosta in Éirinn. Is ionann na daoine seo agus aon trian de na cúramóirí atá ag daoine scothaosta in Éirinn anois, agus dhá oiread líon na gcúramóirí eachtrannacha in earnáil an chúraim ghinearálta sláinte. Chuir an Dr Kieran Walsh agus an tOllamh Eamon O'Shea ó Ionad Sheaneolaíocht Shóisialta na hÉireann in OÉ Gaillimh an tuarascáil le chéile. Dearbhaíonn an tuarascáil an ról tábhachtach atá ag oibrithe imirceacha i gcúram do dhaoine scothaosta, sa bhaile agus in ionaid chúraim fhadtréimhseacha – ról a bhfuil ardmheas air. Mar sin féin, léirítear sa tuarascáil go mbíonn roinnt fadhbanna le cúram ó oibrithe imirceacha do dhaoine scothaosta in Éirinn. I measc na bhfadhbanna áirítear cumarsáid, cumas teanga, tuiscint chultúrtha, oideachas agus oiliúint, idirdhealú agus rialáil mhí-oiriúnach. Dúirt an Dr Walsh: "Ní chuidíonn easpa maoinithe agus tosaíochta do chúram scothaosta leis na fadhbanna seo, go háirithe agus an easpa tacaíochta a fhaigheann cúramóirí imirceacha, fostóirí agus daoine scothaosta chun déileáil leis an athrú cultúrtha atá tagtha ar an lucht cúraim". Éilíonn an tuarascáil struchtúr tacaíochta níos fearr maidir le rialáil, oideachas, oiliúint, eolas agus lánpháirtiú. Dar leis an Ollamh O'Shea: "Is í an chinniúint chéanna atá ag cúramóirí imirceacha agus daoine scothaosta beagnach. Ní hamháin go bhfuil oibrithe imirceacha imeallaithe, ach tugann siad cúram do dhaoine scothaosta in Éirinn atá imeallaithe chomh maith ó thaobh acmhainní a fháil. Ní bhíonn de thoradh air seo ach nach ndéantar cúramóirí imirceacha a lánpháirtiú ar chor ar bith. Níl dóthain tacaíochta á fáil ag oibrithe imirceacha chun déileáil leis na dúshláin atá agus a bheidh san earnáil cúram sláinte agus sóisialta do dhaoine scothaosta. Caithfear tosaíocht a thabhairt don earnáil cúram sláinte agus sóisialta do dhaoine scothaosta. Teastaíonn cúram dírithe ar an duine ó dhaoine scothaosta agus tá an cumas ag cúramóirí imirceacha an cúram sin a chur ar fáil". Ní chuidíonn an easpa tosaíochta a fhaigheann cúram do dhaoine scothaosta in Éirinn leis na dúshláin a bhíonn le sárú ag oibrithe imirceacha agus iad ag iarraidh lánpháirtiú sa chúram sláinte agus sóisialta. Is léir ón tuarascáil mura ndéantar oibrithe imirceacha a lánpháirtiú mar is ceart san earnáil, agus mura réitítear ceist an mhaoinithe agus na n-acmhainní san earnáil, d'fhéadfadh sé cur isteach ar chaighdeán an chúraim a fhaigheann daoine scothaosta sa tír seo. Mhínigh an Dr Walsh ról na n-oibrithe imirceacha san earnáil: "Tuigeann fostóirí agus daoine scothaosta araon an obair a dhéanann altraí eachtrannacha agus cúntóirí cúraim do dhaoine scothaosta in Éirinn. Mar sin féin, mura réitítear na fadhbanna a bhaineann le cúram do dhaoine scothaosta beidh sé i bhfad níos deacra na hoibrithe luachmhara seo a choinneáil". Tá moltaí déanta sa tuarascáil maidir le polasaí, cleachtas agus rialáil chun déileáil leis na dúshláin agus tairbhe a bhaint as na deiseanna a chuireann timpeallacht ilchultúrtha cúraim ar fáil. Agus thar lear, tá scrúdú á dhéanamh ag taighdeoirí ó Ollscoileanna Oxford, Georgetown agus Ottawa ar an ábhar céanna don Ríocht Aontaithe, do na Stáit Aontaithe agus do Cheanada. Foilseofar tuarascáil idirnáisiúnta chomparáideach níos deireanaí i mbliana ina mbeidh cur síos ar na difríochtaí agus na cosúlachtaí idir na ceithre thír. Tá eolas breise le fáil ar icsg@nuigalway.ie nó 091-495461. -críoch-
>> Read full story about National Report to Highlight Role of Migrant Carers in the Care of Older People
Denis O'Brien to Headline Journalism Conference at NUI Galway

Thursday, 24 September 2009
Denis O Brien, Chairman of Digicel Group and founder of Communicorp Group, which owns and manages a portfolio of media and broadcasting-related companies in Ireland and seven other European countries, will be the keynote speaker at NUI Galway on Friday, 2 October at the NUI Galway - Connacht Tribune Centenary Conference 'Journalism in the Future: The Changes and Challenges'. Mr O'Brien is one of Ireland's leading entrepreneurs with extensive investments across several sectors including international telecoms, radio, media, property, aircraft leasing, golf and other leisure interests. Great interest is expected in his keynote address on Media -The Future in light of O'Brien's views on the media sector in recent times. Other speakers at the conference include Roy Greenslade, Professor of Journalism at City University London and a media commentator since 1992, most notably for The Guardian. He also writes a column for the London Evening Standard. He has been a journalist for 41 years and has worked for many of Britain's national newspapers. Speaker Pat Loughrey is Director of BBC Nations and Regions, with overall responsibility for the BBC s television, radio and online programmes and services in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the 12 English Regions. Since the Donegal native took on this role in 2000, he has presided over an era of unprecedented growth for the BBC outside London, including a £50m annual increase in expanded local output in all parts of the UK and the introduction of the BBC s first Open Centres and digital buses. Mr Loughrey is also currently a visiting Professor of Journalism at the University of Ulster. Professor John Horgan, the Press Council of Ireland's inaugural Press Ombudsman will also speak at the event as will journalist and author Niall O'Dowd. Founder of IrishCentral.com as well as of Irish America Magazine and the Irish Voice Newspaper in New York, Niall O'Dowd is also an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University Journalism School. President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, commented: "This is a very interesting and turbulent time in the newspaper and print media industry globally, so this conference is especially timely. The insights of the distinguished panellists and keynote speaker will be of considerable interest to the business and media interests nationally". NUI Galway offers a popular Masters in Journalism and over the years graduates and students of the programme have been winners of various national awards for young journalists. President Browne added: "To mark the 100th anniversary of The Connacht Tribune newspaper and to celebrate the partnership between NUI Galway and The Connacht Tribune in journalism education it is fitting that the University host this event. We in NUI Galway value our relationship with the newspaper. Many of our students and graduates have gone on to work at The Connacht Tribune, forging important journalistic careers. Award-winning journalism graduates from this University like Harry McGee and Conor Pope have cut their teeth at The Connacht Tribune, many highly respected journalists began their careers with the Tribune". Dave O'Connell, Group Editor of the The Connacht Tribune expressed his delight with the University hosting such a prestigious event: "We at The Connacht Tribune are delighted to be involved with NUI Galway, there's great synergy between the two institutions and we are particularly grateful that the University see fit to honour us in our centenary year". Full programme and registration details are available for viewing at www.conference.ie. Places are limited and are on a first come first served basis. -Ends-
>> Read full story about Denis O'Brien to Headline Journalism Conference at NUI Galway