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Ronnie Delaney Presents NUI Galway Sports Awards

Monday, 16 March 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) The recipients of the annual NUI Galway Sports Awards were presented by NUI Galway President, Dr James J. Browne and guest of honour, Irish Gold Medal Olympian, Dr Ronnie Delaney, at a special ceremony recently in the Ardilaun House Hotel, Galway. This year s Sports Awards recipients are: Athletics: Aileen Ruane, Knocknahur, Co. Sligo. Basketball: Cian Nihill, Moycullen, Co. Galway. Boxing: Stephen Bailey, Tír an Fhia, Co. na Gaillimhe. Camogie: Lorraine Ryan, Athenry, Co. Galway. Handball: Caitriona Casey, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Hurling: Stephen Molumphy, Ballyduff Upper, Co. Waterford. Ladies Gaelic Football: Una Carroll, Tuam, Co. Galway. Ladies Soccer: Michelle Glynn, Ballybane, Galway. Ladies Rugby: Carol Staunton, Westport, Co. Mayo. Men s Gaelic Football: Gareth Bradshaw, Moycullen, Co. Galway. Men s Soccer: Michael Creane, Sligo Town. Mountaineering: Joan Mulloy, Westport, Co. Mayo. Rowing: James Wall, Limerick. Surfing: Elisha Hickey, Breeogue, Co. Sligo. Swimming: Dairne Ryan, Castlegar, Co. Galway. Tae Kwon Do: Oliver McCarthy, Kilrush, Co. Clare. Team Award: Surfing Club. Team Award: Archery. Announcing the awardees, Tony Regan, Head of Sports, NUI Galway, said: "These awards are in recognition of the outstanding performance of our NUI Galway athletes in a variety of sports at both national and international level. They have really excelled in their chosen sport and the university is extremely proud of their achievements". "Here tonight we are extremely proud and privileged to have in our midst a true icon of Irish sport as our guest of honour. In the history of Irish sport, the single stand out achievement remains the triumph of Ronnie Delaney in the 1500m in Melbourne in 1956. His name will be forever etched into the lore of Irish sport", added Regan. Dr Ronnie Delaney is a graduate of Villanova University and established a marketing consultancy in 1988 following a successful executive career in the transport/tourism sector in Ireland. The NUI Galway Sports Awards are given out each year in recognition of the NUI Galway students who excelled in the world of sport. Duaiseanna Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh bronnta ag Ronnie Delaney (View in English) Bhronn Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne agus an t-aoi speisialta, an Dr Ronnie Delaney, Buaiteoir Bonn Óir d'Éirinn sna Cluichí Oilimpeacha, Duaiseanna Bliantúla Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh ar na buaiteoirí ag searmanas speisialta in Óstán an Ard Oileáin, Gaillimh aréir. I measc bhuaiteoirí na bliana seo tá: Lúthchleasaíocht: Aileen Ruane, Cnoc na hIora, Co. Shligigh. Cispheil: Cian Nihill, Maigh Cuilinn, Co. na Gaillimhe. Dornálaíocht: Stephen Bailey, Tír an Fhia, Co. na Gaillimhe. Camógaíocht: Lorraine Ryan, Baile Átha an Rí, Co. na Gaillimhe. Liathróid Láimhe: Caitriona Casey, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí. Iománaíocht: Stephen Molumphy, An Baile Dubh Uachtarach, Co. Phort Láirge. Peil na mBan: Una Carroll, Tuaim, Co. na Gaillimhe. Sacar na mBan: Michelle Glynn, An Baile Bán, Gaillimh. Rugbaí na mBan: Carol Staunton, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo. Peil na bhFear: Gareth Bradshaw, Maigh Cuilinn, Co. na Gaillimhe. Sacar na bhFear: Michael Creane, Baile Shligigh. Sléibhteoireacht: Joan Mulloy, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo. Rámhaíocht: James Wall, Luimneach. Tonnmharcaíocht: Elisha Hickey, Breeogue, Co. Shligigh. Snámh agus Póló Uisce: Dairne Ryan, An Caisleán Gearr, Co. na Gaillimhe. Tae Cuan Dó: Oliver McCarthy, Cill Rois, Co. an Chláir. Duais Foirne: An Club Tonnmharcaíochta Duais Foirne: Boghdóireacht. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Tony Regan, Ceann an Spóirt, OÉ Gaillimh ag an ócáid: "Is ann do na duaiseanna seo le haitheantas a thabhairt d'éachtaí lúthchleasaithe OÉ Gaillimh a dhéanann an-dul chun cinn i gcineálacha éagsúla spóirt ar leibhéal náisiúnta agus ar leibhéal idirnáisiúnta. Tá fíoréacht déanta acu sna spóirt éagsúla agus tá an ollscoil fíorbhródúil as a bhfuil bainte amach acu". "Cúis áthais agus bróid dúinn go bhfuil réalta mhór spóirt inár measc mar aoi speisialta. Tá éacht suntasach amháin i stair spóirt na hÉireann nach ndéanfar dearmad air choíche – an lá ar bhuaigh Ronnie Delaney bonn óir i Melbourne sa rás 1500 méadar sa bhliain 1956. Fear a bhfuil a rian fágtha aige ar chúrsaí spóirt in Éirinn". Céimí de chuid Ollscoil Villanova é an Dr Ronnie Delaney agus bhunaigh sé cuideachta margaíochta sa bhliain 1988 i ndiaidh dó a shaol oibre go dtí sin a chaitheamh ag obair san earnáil iompair/turasóireachta in Éirinn. Bronntar Duaiseanna Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh gach bliain chun aitheantas a thabhairt do mhic léinn OÉ Gaillimh a bhfuil dul chun cinn déanta acu ina rogha spóirt. -Críoch-
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Promoting Equality in a Time of Crisis

Monday, 16 March 2009
Former chief executive officer of the Equality Authority Niall Crowley delivered a public talk to a full lecture theatre at NUI Galway on 12 March. Speaking about 'a deepening equality crisis' in Ireland, Mr Crowley described how the statutory infrastructure developed over 20 years to promote equality has been dismantled in a matter of months. Mr Crowley was joined by Michael D. Higgins T.D., Donncha O' Connell of NUI Galway's School of Law, Dr Vinodh Jaichand from the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway, and a panel of civil society groups, including shOUT!, the Galway Traveller Movement, the Galway Refugee Support Group, the Community Platform, and Action for Equality. The event, which was attended by a cross-section of the public, brought attention to the assertion that the Government is sidelining equality issues and the protection of human rights. For Galway based group shOUT!, this has serious implications as they see the cuts adding to young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people's experience of discrimination. Hannagh McGinley from the Galway Traveller Movement said that Travellers still continue to face high levels of discrimination and that such marginalised groups very much need independent agencies such as the Equality Authority. Mr Crowley cited the experience of the Combat Poverty Agency which was 'subsumed' into the Department of Social and Family Affairs; the Equality Authority and the Irish Human Rights Commission both left unviable by drastic budget cuts; and the recently abolished National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism. Calling for a 'strategic response to the economic crisis that is founded on the values of equality, diversity and non-discrimination', Mr Crowley said Ireland needed to defend marginalised groups, monitor the watchdogs and hold bodies like the Equality Authority to account. The event was organised by NUI Galway's Development Education and Research Network (DERN). Development education promotes an international development and human rights perspective, with an emphasis on equality and non-discrimination. The event linked local and national issues and debates on inequality with the broad challenges of development and inclusion in a time of global economic crisis. -ends-
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Prestigious US Psychology Society Opens Chapter at NUI Galway

Friday, 13 March 2009
The prestigious psychology society, Psi Chi, has established its first chapter outside of the US at NUI Galway. Since 1929, the society has encouraged excellence in academic psychology and in furthering psychology as a science. Famous members include TV's Dr Phil and publishing's Hugh Hefner. Members must have excelled academically before being eligible for acceptance and once inducted hold a lifetime membership of the Society. The mission of Psi Chi is to produce well-educated, ethical, and socially responsible members committed to contributing to the science and profession of psychology and to society in general. Dr Ian Stewart, School of Psychology, NUI Galway, said: "The recent inauguration and addition of the NUI Galway Psi Chi Chapter is a great achievement for both the students and staff. I have no doubt, given our enthusiastic membership, that the NUI Galway chapter will make a significant contribution both to the society and to the cause of scientific psychology in the years ahead". At NUI Galway, the B.A. Psychology is one of the most sought after undergraduate courses, with the subject of psychology also popular among Bachelor of Arts students. Dr Stewart added: "Most people find psychology intrinsically interesting. Even a little knowledge of psychology is useful in most career paths, whether in applied areas such as clinical psychology and the health services, or more general areas such as the media, IT or management". It is hoped that the NUI Galway chapter of Psi Chi will forge the way for many new international chapters that we can share the aims and success of our North American colleagues. -Ends-
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NUI Galway Celebrates Brain Awareness Week with Exhibition in Eyre Square

Friday, 13 March 2009
A special interactive exhibition is being organised by NUI Galway scientists from 19-20 March as part of Brain Awareness Week. The exhibition, which will be situated on the ground floor of the Eyre Square Shopping Centre, aims to raise public awareness of the importance of brain health, and neuroscience research in Ireland. The exhibition will feature a 3D brain model, and visitors will be able to use a computer based test to determine which side of their brain is dominant – the left or right hemisphere. Informative drawings for children to colour will be provided, along with puzzles to test visitors of all ages. Also available will be literature on various brain illnesses, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, and video footage of a neuroscience researcher talking about stroke research. An art exhibition will showcase colourful and dramatic neuroscience research images, giving close-up pictures of some of the brain's billions of nerves cells and trillions of synaptic connections. The event is being organised by NUI Galway's Neuroscience Research Cluster, led by Dr Karen Doyle: "We hope this exhibition will be fun and interesting for all who attend, young and old. We'll have tips and advice on simple things that everyone can do to look after their brain, from eating right and exercising to wearing a helmet when cycling. Awareness of our brains' needs can help us live long and healthy lives, free from brain injuries and disorders". In Ireland, disorders of the brain affect some one million people and Health Service Executive data shows that it spends some €216 million annually on drugs, medicines and appliances. Disorders that are traditionally regarded as psychiatric account for approximately two thirds of the total costs, while neurological and neurosurgical disorders account for the final third. The expansion of the aged population and the inevitable rise in numbers of those suffering from age-related brain disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease has placed increased pressure on researchers to identify new therapies. Dr Doyle adds: "Science is making huge progress in understanding how the amazing human brain works. It is sobering to think that there are around 6,000 people suffering from Parkinson's disease in Ireland and as many as 35,000 who have been diagnosed with senile dementia. Disorders such as anxiety and migraine, due to their high prevalence, are also very costly to society. The need for further research and development in disorders of the brain is obvious and in the long-run it might well pay for itself by easing the burden on healthcare systems". The exhibition is funded by the Dana Foundation, through the Federation of Neuroscience Societies in Europe. -Ends-
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CAO Figures for NUI Galway Almost Double the National Average

Friday, 13 March 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Following a substantial increase of 8.5% in first preference CAO applications, NUI Galway has announced details of a second Open Day on Saturday, 25 April. With almost double the national average for first preferences, the University is responding to continuing interest in new and existing courses. Professor Jim Ward, Deputy-President and Registrar at NUI Galway, commented on the increase in CAO applications: "We are delighted that NUI Galway is once again featuring strongly with CAO first preferences. Programmes on offer at NUI Galway are designed to develop students academically and personally, and our partnerships with industry and community play a huge part in the overall design of these courses". Almost all subject areas experienced increases in CAO applications, with large increases in Science, Arts and Commerce applications, and and a major rise in Engineering (including IT) and Medicine. NUI Galway s continuing popularity across a broad range of subject areas include new programmes in Sport and Exercise Engineering and a Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Innovation – Electronic). At the Open Day in April, a variety of interactive taster sessions will be available on new and existing courses. Parents are also welcome to attend and Student Ambassadors will be on hand to answer questions about life at NUI Galway. The upcoming Open Day has been organised for second-level students who are interested in studying at NUI Galway. The event is an excellent opportunity to speak to lecturers and current students, and to find out more about the courses and campus. Visitors can book a place at the Open Day and receive a programme in advance by logging on to www.nuigalway.ie/openday. For further information contact the Schools Liaison Office on 091 492814, email mary.coyle@nuigalway.ie or visit www.nuigalway.ie Beagnach dúbailt na nIarratas CAO ar OÉ Gaillimh ná an Meán Náisiúnta (View in English) Tá ardú 8.5% tagtha ar líon na ndaoine a roghnaigh OÉ Gaillimh mar chéad rogha ina n-iarratais CAO. Mar thoradh air sin, beidh an dara Lá Oscailte ar siúl san Ollscoil Dé Sathairn, an 25 Aibreán. Roghnaigh beagnach a dhá oiread daoine an Ollscoil seo mar chéad rogha seachas aon áit eile agus tá suim léirithe ag daoine i gcúrsaí nua agus i gcúrsaí atá seanbhunaithe. Labhair an tOllamh Jim Ward, Meabhránaí agus Uachtarán Ionaid OÉ Gaillimh, ar an méadú atá tagtha ar iarratais CAO: "Tá an-áthas orainn go bhfuil OÉ Gaillimh chun cinn in athuair i gcéadroghanna an CAO. Is ann do na cláir in OÉ Gaillimh chun mic léinn a fhorbairt go hacadúil agus go pearsanta agus tá ról lárnach ag an gcomhoibriú a bhíonn idir an Ollscoil, an tionscal agus an pobal i leagan amach na gcúrsaí sin". Tháinig méadú ar líon na n-iarratas CAO i bhformhór na n-ábhar. Tháinig méadú mór ar líon na n-iarratas san Eolaíocht, sna Dána agus sa Tráchtáil, agus méadú an-mhór sna hiarratais Innealtóireachta (IT san áireamh) agus Leighis. Bhí tóir ar leith ar ábhair éagsúla in OÉ Gaillimh ó chláir nua in Innealtóireacht Spóirt agus Aclaíochta go Baitsiléir Innealtóireachta (Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta – Leictreonach). Beidh blaiseadh le fáil de chúrsaí nua agus seanbhunaithe ag Lá Oscailte an Aibreáin. Tá fáilte roimh thuismitheoirí agus beidh mic léinn ar fáil le ceisteanna a fhreagairt faoi shaol na hOllscoile anseo i nGaillimh. http://www.nuigalway.ie/openday/ Tá an Lá Oscailte eagraithe do dhaltaí dara leibhéal a bhfuil suim acu staidéar in OÉ Gaillimh. Is iontach an deis í seo le labhairt le léachtóirí agus le mic léinn agus níos mó eolais a fháil faoi chúrsaí agus faoin gcampas. Is féidir áit a chur in áirithe ag an Lá Oscailte agus clár a fháil roimh ré ach dul chuig www.nuigalway.ie/openday. Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ón Oifig um Idirchaidreamh le Scoileanna ag 091 492814, nó trí ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig mary.coyle@nuigalway.ie nó trí chuairt a thabhairt ar www.nuigalway.ie CRÍOCH
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