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All 2009
NUI Galway Student Awarded US Scholarship

Friday, 17 July 2009
A Bachelor of Commerce student at NUI Galway has received a scholarship from the Ireland-U.S. Council to work with Allied Irish Bank in New York for the summer. The scholarship was awarded to Máirtín Ó Rabhartaigh, from Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, as part of the Ireland-U.S. Council's annual programme of Student Work Experience Scholarships 2009. Máirtín's scholarship period runs until early September 2009 when he returns to NUI Galway to begin his third year of study. Dr Emer Mulligan, Head of the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway, said: "This is a great opportunity for any undergraduate business student and we are delighted that a student of the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics has been afforded this opportunity. Máirtín has performed extremely well in his business studies to date, and I have no doubt he will benefit hugely from this work experience with Allied Irish Bank in New York. We are very grateful to the Ireland-U.S. Council for providing this opportunity to one of our students, through its very successful Student Work Experience Scholarships programme". Council President Dennis D. Swanson, in releasing details of this year s scholarship awards, said: "This is the 25th year in which the Council will have operated its successful Scholarship Awards. The programme provides opportunities to student undergraduates from third-level educational institutions on the island of Ireland travel to the United States and work temporarily in American corporations. The scholarships provide work assignments in business corporations of all sizes. The assignments are linked to the fields of study and academic disciplines which the undergraduate scholars are pursuing in Ireland". The Ireland-U.S. Council was founded in 1963 by American and Irish business leaders. Its principal objective is to encourage closer business links between Ireland and America. The Council operates a variety of scholarship and internship programs, stages seminars and hosts frequent events aimed at building business bonds and commercial connections between Ireland and the United States. -ends-
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NUI Galway Rowers Claim Victory in National Championships

Monday, 13 July 2009
NUI Galway's Rowing Club claimed five titles at the Irish National Rowing Championships over the weekend. The University's rowers snatched victory in the blue ribbon event, the Men's Senior Eights. The NUI Galway men claimed the 'Big Pot', after beating Queen's University Belfast by just 0.4 seconds. The winning crew were Dave Mannion, Jason Wall, Evin Donnelly, Pádraig Bracken, Paul Giblin, Alan Martin, Cormac Folan, James Wall and Ruadhán Cooke. The crew was coached by Tom Tuohy, a recent recipient of an honorary M.A. in recognition of his years of service to the sport in the University. The other national titles secured by NUI Galway were the Men's Senior Coxless Fours & Double Sculls and the Women's Novice Eights & Fours. The University also won the award for the best overall club at the event which was held over three days at the National Rowing Centre in Cork. Ruadhán Cooke teaches French in the School of Languages at NUI Galway and was cox of the winning Men's Eight: "Rowing is very much a part of the fabric and an expression of the identity of the city of Galway, surrounded as we are by the river Corrib, the canals and the sea. It's a sport that strikes a chord with Galwegians. We in the University are very proud of our rowing tradition and we are committed to working hard in order to stay on top in the years ahead". NUI Galway Rowing Club is one of the most successful clubs in the University and indeed in Irish rowing. In the last decade, its rowers have captured numerous National Championship titles and rowed to success at the prestigious Henley Royal Regatta. Rowing Club members have also represented Ireland at all levels internationally, most notably Alan Martin, Cormac Folan and James Wall who were members of Ireland's Heavyweight Coxless Four which has been competing on the World Cup Regatta circuit since 2005. Alan Martin and Cormac Folan, along with two other Irish rowers, qualified the boat for the Beijing Olympics at the World Rowing Championships in Munich in 2007. Cormac Folan managed to retain his seat and competed in the Games last summer. -ends-
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Molecular Medicine Ireland Clinician Scientist Fellowship Programme

Monday, 13 July 2009
The first Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI) Clinician Scientist Fellowship Programme (CSFP) Annual Meeting took place on Saturday 11 July 2009 at NUI Galway. The objective of the CSFP is to train the next generation of clinician scientists with the unique and specialised knowledge essential to fulfil Ireland's research needs in translational medicine. The CSFP is funded by the Irish Government under the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions cycle 4. Fellows from five institutions with a shared agenda in clinical and translational research are participating in the Programme, which is being coordinated by Molecular Medicine Ireland. This training programme transcends institutional boundaries and provides systematic training for this l group of clinician researchers through a structured Ph.D. programme. 22 MMI Fellows have been appointed to date The CSFP Annual Meeting gathered key individuals involved in this MMI programme, including the Fellows' supervisors. Professor Terry Smith, Vice-President for Research at NUI Galway, welcomed the delegates to the annual meeting. The MMI Fellows presented their research as short talks and posters. A highlight of the day was the Keynote Lecture delivered by Professor Sherine Gabriel (William J. and Charles H. Mayo Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Mayo Clinic, MN, US). A judging panel, comprising Prof Matthew Griffin (Professor of Transplant Biology at NUI Galway), Dr Christine Dingivan (Executive vice president and chief medical officer, PPD) and Prof Gabriel awarded a MMI medal for best Fellows presentation. 'Today is milestone in the Clinician Scientist Fellowship programme' commented Dr Ruth Barrington, CEO of MMI. 'The research presented by the Fellows is at the cutting edge of science and is of great significance for more effective diagnosis of disease and treatment of patients. The Fellows are contributing to Ireland's reputation for excellence in clinical and translational research. They are also making Ireland a more attractive place for investment by healthcare industries in research and development', she said. The Annual Meeting was preceded by a week of Structured Training at NUI Galway, which brought the MMI Fellows together for education modules covering research and translational skills. -ends-
>> Read full story about Molecular Medicine Ireland Clinician Scientist Fellowship Programme
Engineering Students Fly to Ethiopia to Volunteer for Two Months

Monday, 13 July 2009
A group of nine final year engineering students from NUI Galway depart for Ethiopia this week to volunteer for two months. The students, the majority of whom have studied Civil Engineering, will work on a house building project and also help with a literacy programme. Siobhán Kennedy, from Rahoon in Galway City, is one of the NUI Galway students and is excited about the trip: "Ethiopia remains one of the world's poorest countries. As a group of graduate engineers we hope we can make a contribution to the house building project and assist the local people". The five young men and four women are headed for Bahir Dar, in the North of Ethiopia and will work with an ongoing programme overseen by the Daughters of Charity. NUI Galway President Dr James J. Browne, commended the students: "Volunteering has become an integral part of student life at NUI Galway. Through our ALIVE volunteering programme, thousands of students volunteer their time and contribute significantly to community organisations every year. This group of students in particular should be commended for committing so much time to this worthwhile project in Ethiopia". The students found the volunteering opportunity through the Vincentian Lay Missionaries, which is part of a 400 year old tradition which began with St Vincent de Paul working in the France of his day to alleviate the dreadful circumstances of the poor. -ends-
>> Read full story about Engineering Students Fly to Ethiopia to Volunteer for Two Months
Olympian John Treacy Praises Sports & Engineering Degree at NUI Galway

Friday, 10 July 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Olympic silver medallist and former double World Cross Country Champion, John Treacy, today (Friday, 10 July) officially launched NUI Galway's B.E. in Sports & Exercise Engineering. The degree programme, which incorporates significant elements of Anatomy, Physiology, and Mechanical Engineering with a major in Electronic Engineering, puts particular emphasis on ambulatory monitoring of human performance, movement assessment, and systems and devices for the assessment of sport and exercise. Speaking at the launch, John Tracey, who is now CEO of the Irish Sports Council, said: "This whole area is hugely important. I see tremendous potential in this combination of engineering and sports science. In elite sports we deal with tenths and hundredths of seconds. Winning often comes down to a technical edge so having professionals trained in Ireland in this area will be of great benefit". The first cohort of students taking this focused interdisciplinary programme have just finished first year and are destined to graduate with a unique skillset for a growing industry according to NUI Galway's Professor Gearóid Ó Laighin. Professor Ó Laighin is Head of Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Course Director: "Professional sport is a worldwide multi-billion euro industry and plays a central role in most western societies. Today technology is used on a regular basis to improve sports performance in elite athletes. The Sports & Exercise Engineering programme at NUI Galway will provide graduates with the skills and expertise to design systems and devices for the evaluation and execution of sport performance across a broad range of sports". Professor Ó Laighin sees the Exercise Engineering component of the programme becoming increasingly important. Exercise Engineering is expected to play an important role in the management of two major healthcare crises for the Western World, obesity and ageing populations. "There are numerous health benefits associated with physical activity, including a reduced risk of premature mortality and reduced risks of coronary heart disease. Regular participation in physical activity also appears to reduce depression and anxiety, improve mood, and enhance ability to perform daily tasks throughout the life span. Exercise Engineers will design systems and devices to promote increased adherence to exercise". The programme in Sports & Exercise Engineering is offered by the College of Engineering & Informatics in collaboration with the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences at NUI Galway. As part of their studies, Sports & Exercise Engineering students use the facilities in the newly opened Sports Centre at NUI Galway. A new high-spec Engineering Building will add to facilities on campus by 2011. NUI Galway is also offering two additional new Engineering degrees, which will have the first student intake in September. These are B.E. degrees in Energy Systems Engineering, and Engineering Innovation – Electronic. Click here to download a copy of the course booklet. Ardmholadh ag an Lúthchleasaí Oilimpeach John Treacy do Chéim Spóirt agus Innealtóireachta OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Sheol John Treacy, fear a bhain bonn airgid sna Cluichí Oilimpeacha agus iar-Churadh Reathaíochta Trastíre an Domhain faoi dhó, sheol sé Baitsiléir Innealtóireachta (B.E.) Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh in Innealtóireacht Spóirt & Aclaíochta inniu (Dé hAoine, 10 Iúil). Cuirtear béim ar leith sa chlár céime, ina nasctar gnéithe tábhachtacha den Anatamaíocht, den Fhiseolaíocht agus den Innealtóireacht Mheicniúil le mórchéim san Innealtóireacht Leictreonach, ar mhonatóireacht shiúlach ar iompraíocht an duine, ar mheasúnú gluaiseachta, agus ar chórais agus ar fhearais a dhéanfadh measúnú ar spórt agus ar aclaíocht. Ag labhairt dó ag an seoladh, bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag John Treacy, Príomhfheidhmeannach Chomhairle Spóirt na hÉireann: "Is réimse iontach tábhachtach é seo. Creidim go mbeidh deiseanna den scoth ar fáil don mheascán seo idir an innealtóireacht agus an eolaíocht spóirt. Sna spóirt éilíte bímid ag plé leis an deichiú cuid de shoicind nó leis an gcéadú cuid de shoicind. Is minic a bhíonn an bua ag brath ar eolas níos fearr a bheith ag an lúthchleasaí ar an teicneolaíocht agus dá bhrí sin is buntáiste mór é go mbeidh oiliúint á cur ar lúthchleasaithe gairmiúla sa réimse seo." Tá an chéad bhaicle mac léinn a thug faoin dianchlár ildisciplíneach seo díreach i ndiaidh an chéad bhliain a chríochnú agus bainfidh siad céim amach ina mbeidh sraith sainscileanna sealbhaithe acu atá dírithe ar thionscal atá i mbéal fáis, a dúirt an tOllamh Gearóid Ó Laighin ó OÉ Gaillimh. Is é an tOllamh Ó Laighin Ceann na hInnealtóireachta Leictrí agus Leictreonaí agus is é Stiúrthóir an Chúrsa é: "Is tionscal domhanda an spórt gairmiúil ar fiú na billiúin euro é agus tá ról lárnach aige i bhformhór phobail iarthar an domhain. Baintear úsáid go rialta as an teicneolaíocht sa lá atá inniu ann chun cumas lúthchleasaithe éilíte a fheabhsú. Cinnteoidh an clár Innealtóireachta Spóirt & Aclaíochta go mbeidh na scileanna agus an saineolas ag na céimithe le córais agus feistí a dhearadh chun cumas spóirt a mheas agus cur leis an gcumas sin i gcineálacha éagsúla spóirt." Ceapann an Ollamh Ó Laighin go bhfuil níos mó agus níos mó tábhachta le gné Innealtóireachta Aclaíochta an chláir. Meastar go mbeidh ról tábhachtach ag Innealtóireacht Aclaíochta i mbainistiú dhá mhór-ghéarchéim sláinte sa Domhan Thiar, róraimhre agus daonra atá ag dul in aois. "Tá go leor buntáistí sláinte ag baint le gníomhaíocht fhisiciúil, an baol báis róluath agus an baol báis ó ghalar croí a laghdú ina measc. Is cosúil go laghdaíonn gníomhaíocht fhisiciúil rialta an galar dubhach agus imní, go gcuireann sí aoibh níos fearr ar dhaoine, agus go gcuireann sí le cumas daoine tascanna laethúla a dhéanamh i rith a saoil. Déanfaidh Innealtóirí Aclaíochta córais agus feistí a dhearadh a chuirfidh leis an tóir atá ar aclaíocht." Is é an Coláiste Innealtóireachta agus Ionformaitice atá ag cur an chúrsa in Innealtóireacht Spóirt & Aclaíochta ar fáil, i gcomhar le Coláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte in OÉ Gaillimh. Mar chuid dá gcuid staidéir, úsáideoidh na mic léinn Innealtóireachta Spóirt & Aclaíochta na háiseanna san Ionad Spóirt nua a osclaíodh le gairid in OÉ Gaillimh. Beidh Foirgneamh Innealtóireachta den scoth á chur leis na háiseanna atá ar fáil ar an gcampas faoi 2011. Tá OÉ Gaillimh ag cur dhá chéim bhreise nua san Innealtóireacht ar fáil, a mbeifear ag glacadh leis na chéad mhic léinn orthu i mí Mheán Fómhair. Céim B.E. in Innealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh, agus B.E. i Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta – Leictreonach atá i gceist. -Crioch-
>> Read full story about Olympian John Treacy Praises Sports & Engineering Degree at NUI Galway