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Teaching Careers Fair at NUI Galway

Wednesday, 11 February 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway will hold a Teaching Careers Fair on Wednesday, 18 February, from 5-7pm in the Atrium of the Orbsen Building, NUI Galway. Information stands will provide details on attaining a teaching qualification, while employers will also attend to recruit teachers. Over 16 exhibitors, including County Galway VEC, MPS Education, Verity Education and Uteach Recruitment will be showcasing their employment opportunities. NUI Galway staff will be on hand to provide information on the Postgraduate Diploma in Education programme. The one-year full-time programme for graduates is recognised as a qualification for post-primary teaching in Ireland and the EU, as well as other English speaking countries. Also on offer, taught entirely through Irish, is An Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas. The one-year full-time postgraduate programme provides a qualification in post-primary teaching, with job opportunities in Ireland and abroad. At undergraduate level, NUI Galway's new B.A. in Mathematics and Education will be showcased. The four-year, full-time honours mathematics degree programme incorporates a concurrent second-level teaching qualification. The Teaching Careers Fair will also highlight the different entry routes into a career in teaching from both an Irish and UK perspective, with information sessions in the Bank of Ireland Theatre. Education providers from the UK, such as St Mary s College in Twickenham, will be available to discuss vacancies on Postgraduate Certificate in Education courses in the UK. Louise Ryan, Employment Officer with NUI Galway's Career Development Centre says: "This is an excellent opportunity for those considering undertaking a teaching qualification. For those already pursuing a teaching qualification, some of the employers will be taking CVs on the day, so we are advising people to come prepared". For a full list of exhibitors: www.nuigalway.ie/careers Aonach na gGairmeacha Múinteoireachta in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh Aonach na nGairmeacha Múinteoireachta á reáchtáil ag OÉ Gaillimh Dé Céadaoin, 18 Feabhra, ó 5-7pm i bhForhalla Áras Oirbsean, OÉ Gaillimh. Beidh sonraí le fáil ag na seastáin eolais faoin gcaoi le cáilíocht mhúinteoireachta a bhaint amach, agus beidh fostóirí i láthair chomh maith a bheidh ag iarraidh múinteoirí a earcú. Beidh os cionn 16 eagraíocht - Coiste Gairmoideachais Chontae na Gaillimhe, Oideachas MPS, Verity Education agus Uteach Recruitment ina measc - ag tabhairt taispeántais de na deiseanna fostaíochta atá á dtairiscint acu. Beidh foireann OÉ Gaillimh ar fáil le heolas a thabhairt faoin gclár Postgraduate Diploma in Education. Glactar leis an gclár lánaimseartha bliana seo do chéimithe mar cháilíocht mhúinteoireachta iar-bhunscoile in Éirinn agus san AE, agus i dtíortha eile ina labhraítear Béarla. Chomh maith leis sin cuirtear Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas ar fáil trí mheán na Gaeilge. Cuireann an clár iarchéime lánaimseartha seo cáilíocht sa mhúinteoireacht iar-bhunscoile ar fáil, agus tá deiseanna fostaíochta ar fáil in Éirinn agus thar lear dóibh sin a n-éiríonn leo an cháilíocht a bhaint amach. Ag leibhéal bunchéime, cuirfear B.A. nua OÉ Gaillimh sa Mhatamaitic agus san Oideachas i láthair. Cuimsíonn an clár céime onóracha lánaimseartha sa mhatamaitic, a mhairfidh ar feadh ceithre bliana, cáilíocht mhúinteoireachta dara leibhéal chomh maith. Léireofar na bealaí éagsúla atá ann le tabhairt faoi ghairm na múinteoireachta san Aonach na nGairmeacha Múinteoireachta ó thaobh na hÉireann agus na Ríochta Aontaithe de, agus beidh na seisiúin eolais ar bun in Amharclann Bhanc na hÉireann. Beidh soláthróirí oideachais ón Ríocht Aontaithe, amhail St Mary's College in Twickenham, ar fáil le folúntais a phlé ar na cúrsaí Teastais Iarchéime san Oideachas sa Ríocht Aontaithe. Deir Louise Ryan, Oifigeach Fostaíochta le hIonad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh: "Is deis iontach é seo dóibh sin atá ag smaoineamh ar thabhairt faoi cháilíocht mhúinteoireachta a bhaint amach. Maidir le daoine atá ag staidéar do cháilíocht mhúinteoireachta cheana féin, beidh cuid de na fostóirí ag glacadh le CVanna in áit na mbonn, mar sin táimid ag moladh do dhaoine a bheith réidh agus cóipeanna dá CV a bheith leo." Le liosta iomlán taispeántóirí a fháil féach: www.nuigalway.ie/careers -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Teaching Careers Fair at NUI Galway
Bob Geldof to Make Guest Appearance at Tutu Event

Wednesday, 11 February 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) It has been announced that Sir Bob Geldof will join Archbishop Desmond Tutu at NUI Galway on Sunday, 15 February. The Archbishop's lecture on Aid, Justice and Charity will be introduced by 'Sir Bob' at 5pm in Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway. The event is being organised by the University's Literary & Debating Society. Sir Bob Geldof will present the Literary & Debating Society's highest accolade, the President s Medal, to Archbishop Tutu after the lecture. The medal has previously been awarded to such notable figures as philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky, US Senator Mike Gravel, Congressman Bruce Morrison, and former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern. Dan Colley, Auditor of the Literary & Debating Society at NUI Galway, says: It's a real testament to the reverence felt for the Archbishop's work in the area of promoting human rights and democracy that Sir Bob Geldof is coming to the lecture in Galway". In 1984, Archbishop Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his anti-apartheid work in South Africa. That same year, Bob Geldof led Band Aid's release of the charity single 'Do they know its Christmas?'. Both men have since continued to play a role in Africa, with Archbishop Tutu heading the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Nelson Mandela's government. Bob Geldof went on to organise Live Aid and Live8, supported the organisation Debt, AIDS, Trade in Africa (DATA), and became a member of the Africa Progress Panel. Student Dan Colley adds: "Sir Bob is the perfect person to put into context the importance of Desmond Tutu, one of the giants of human rights. Geldof has a talent for articulating to a wide audience the importance of things that might otherwise be ignored. So much of the success of Live Aid and Live8 was due to Sir Bob's charisma and open passion about the very real emergencies in Africa". Entry will be by ticket only. Tickets are available from the Socs Box in Áras na Mac Léinn for €5, or for €5.70 (inc. booking fee) from Zhivagos on Shop Street, Galway. Proceeds will go to a charity of Archbishop Tutu's choice. Bob Geldof mar Aoi Speisialta ag léacht an Ardeaspaig Tutu (View in English) Tá sé fógartha go mbeidh Bob Geldof in éineacht leis an Ardeaspag Desmond Tutu in OÉ Gaillimh Dé Domhnaigh, 15 Feabhra. Déanfaidh 'Sir Bob' an tArdeaspag a chur i láthair an tslua. Beidh an tArdeaspag ag tabhairt léachta faoi Chúnamh, Ceartas agus Carthanacht in Áras na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh ag 5pm. Tá an ócáid á heagrú ag Cumann Liteartha & Díospóireachta na hOllscoile. Bronnfaidh Bob Geldof Bonn an Uachtaráin, buaicghradam an Chumainn Liteartha agus Díospóireachta, ar an Ardeaspag Tutu i ndiaidh na léachta. I measc na ndaoine ar bronnadh an gradam seo orthu go dtí seo bhí an fealsamh agus an teangeolaí Noam Chomsky, an Seanadóir Meiriceánach Mike Gravel, an Feisire Meiriceánach Bruce Morrisson, agus an t-iar-Thaoiseach Bertie Ahern. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Dan Colley, Reachtaire an Chumainn Liteartha & Díospóireachta in OÉ Gaillimh: "Is léiriú ar an meas atá ar shaothar an Ardeaspaig i réimse chosaint chearta an duine agus an daonlathais é go bhfuil Bob Geldof ag teacht chuig an léacht i nGaillimh". I 1984, bronnadh Duais Síochána Nobel ar an Ardeaspag Tutu as a chuid oibre frith-apartheid san Afraic Theas. An bhliain chéanna sin, eisíodh an tsingil charthanachta 'Do they know it's Christmas?' le Band Aid faoi stiúir Bob Geldof. Tá an bheirt acu ag saothrú ar son na hAfraice ó shin agus tá an tArdeaspag Tutu ina cheannasaí ar an gCoimisiún Fírinne agus Athmhuintearais faoi rialtas Nelson Mandela. Ó shin i leith d'eagraigh Bob Geldof Live Aid agus Live8, thacaigh sé leis an eagraíocht Debt, AIDS, Trade in Africa (DATA), agus rinneadh comhalta de ar an Africa Progress Panel (APP). Deir Dan Colley, ar mac léinn é: "Is é Bob Geldof an té is fóirsteanaí le tábhacht Desmond Tutu, duine d'fhathaigh chearta an duine, a chur i gcomhthéacs. Tá sé de bhua ag Geldof go n-éiríonn leis an tábhacht atá le nithe a ndéanfaí neamhaird díobh seachas sin a chur ar a súile do phobal mór. Bhain go leor den rath a bhí ar Live Aid agus Live8 leis an gcarasma a bhaineann le Bob Geldof agus lena phaiseanta atá sé go hoscailte faoi na fíorchásanna éigeandála san Afraic." Ní bheidh cead isteach ach ag daoine a mbeidh ticéad acu. Tá na ticéid ar fáil ón Socs Box in Áras na Mac Léinn ar €5 nó ó Zhivagos ar Shráid na Siopaí, Gaillimh ar €5.70 (táille áirithinte san áireamh). Tabharfar luach na dticéad do charthanas a roghnóidh an tArdeaspag Tutu. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Bob Geldof to Make Guest Appearance at Tutu Event
Traditional Irish Arts Among Highlights of Múscailt this Week

Monday, 9 February 2009
A special performance of traditional Irish music, song and dance will be among the highlights of Múscailt, NUI Galway's Spring Arts Festival, which starts today and runs all week. An array of talented artists will take part in a special performance on Thursday, 12 February, in the Aula Maxima, NUI Galway, at 8pm. The Traditional Arts Concert will contain music, seán-nós dancing, and Irish-language poetry, with an opportunity to hear the artists describe their own artistic journey. Performers will include Ronan Browne (Uilleann Pipes), Máirtín O'Connor (accordion), Seamie O'Dowd (guitar), Roisín Elsafty (sean-nós singer), Lilis Ó Laoire (sean-nós singer), Roisín Ní Mhainín and Micheál Seoighe (sean-nós dancers), Mary McPartlan (traditional/contemporary singer) and Louis de Paor (Irish-language poet). The concert is presented by Arts in Action, a creative arts programme devised by the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies at NUI Galway. The Arts in Action programme runs throughout the college year with a programme of seminars, concerts and field trips inviting students to come closer to the creative arts. Professor Kevin Barry, Dean of Arts at NUI Galway, says Arts in Action adds to the student experience: "Creative arts are an important part of education at NUI Galway. The Arts in Action programme, through continued support from professionals within the arts world, enriches the curriculum for students. We are also opening up the possibilities of a future in the creative industries among our students. Arts in Action puts students on the other side of the foot lights". The Múscailt festival is produced by the Arts office and the Societies office at NUI Galway, and includes the best of the societies' events and exciting guest artists from around the world. For full programme details and further information about the festival visit www.muscailt.nuigalway.ie or www.socs.nuigalway.ie. For all ticket and further information contact the SocsBox the Hub, Áras na Mac Léinn, at 091 492852 or email socsbox@socs.nuigalway.ie. -ends-
>> Read full story about Traditional Irish Arts Among Highlights of Múscailt this Week
NUI Galway Appoints Dean of Business, Public Policy and Law

Monday, 2 February 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Dr Willie Golden has been appointed Dean of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law at NUI Galway. He will have responsibility for the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, and the School of Law. Dr Golden has been a lecturer in Business Information Systems at NUI Galway since 1992 and since 2006, has been Director of the Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) at the University. As Director, he led a team of researchers which secured €6 million of funding for social science research at NUI Galway. He has published extensively, co-authored a book, contributed 10 chapters to other texts and published 16 journal papers in the areas of Electronic Commerce and Information Systems. Speaking about his appointment, Dr Golden said: "I look forward to working with colleagues in both the School of Business and Economics, and the School of Law, to facilitate excellent and innovative teaching and to further enhance the national and international research reputation of both schools". The School of Business and Economics and the School of Law will now come under the responsibility of the new Dean and according to Dr Golden: "There are already signifiers between business and law as exemplified with our Bachelor of Corporate Law. We have two very strong traditions in the School of Business and the School of Law here at NUI Galway, where 25% of the student population are connected to these schools. The vast research areas within the College include Human Rights, Business Innovation, Disability Law and Social Gerontology. The research carried out in these areas is used to inform public policy with respect to the options available to enable a better economy and society". Commenting on Dr Golden's appointment, President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne said: "I am confident that Dr Willie Golden, in his role as Dean, will provide the leadership necessary to optimise the opportunities and build on the many strengths of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law. I look forward to working with Dr Golden as we strive to achieve even greater levels of achievement and success for NUI Galway". Dr Golden, originally from Westport, Co Mayo, is a Commerce and Master of Business Studies Graduate of NUI Galway. His Ph.D. in Business to Business Electronic Commerce is from the Business School at the University of Warwick. Déan Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí ceaptha in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Tá an Dr Willie Golden ceaptha mar Dhéan Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí in OÉ Gaillimh. Beidh an Dr Golden freagrach as Scoil Ghnó agus Eacnamaíochta J.E. Cairnes, agus Scoil an Dlí. Tá an Dr Golden ag obair mar léachtóir le Córais Faisnéise Gnó in OÉ Gaillimh ó 1992 agus in 2006 ceapadh é mar Stiúrthóir ar an Ionad um Nuálaíocht & um Athrú Struchtúrtha (CISC) san Ollscoil. Le linn dó a bheith ag feidhmiú mar Stiúrthóir ar CISC bhí sé i gceannas ar fhoireann taighdeoirí ar éirigh leo maoiniú ar fiú €6 mhilliún é a fháil le tabhairt faoi thaighde ar an eolaíocht shóisialta in OÉ Gaillimh. Is iomaí alt atá foilsithe aige, is comhúdar leabhair é, tá 10 gcaibidil scríofa aige i bhfoilseacháin eile agus tá 16 páipéar foilsithe aige i réimse na Tráchtála Leictreonaí agus na gCóras Faisnéise. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr Golden faoina cheapachán: "Táim ag súil le bheith ag obair le mo chomhghleacaithe i Scoil an Ghnó agus na hEacnamaíochta agus i Scoil an Dlí agus sártheagasc nuálaíoch a chur chun cinn le cois dea-cháil taighde náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta an dá scoil a fheabhsú". Tiocfaidh Scoil an Ghnó agus na hEacnamaíochta agus Scoil an Dlí faoi fhreagracht an Déin nua agus dúirt an Dr Golden: "Go bhfuil comhoibriú ar bun cheana féin idir an gnó agus an dlí san ollscoil, an Chéim Bhaitsiléara i nDlí Corparáideach mar shampla. Tá dea-cháil ar Scoil an Ghnó agus ar Scoil an Dlí anseo in OÉ Gaillimh le blianta fada anuas agus tá 25% de mhic léinn na hollscoile i mbun cúrsaí staidéir faoi scáth na scoileanna seo. I measc na réimsí taighde a ndírítear orthu laistigh den Choláiste tá Cearta Daonna, Nuálaíocht Gnó, Dlí um Míchumas agus Seaneolaíocht Shóisialta. Úsáidtear an taighde a dhéantar sna réimsí seo le cur le beartas poiblí agus é mar aidhm úsáid a bhaint as na deiseanna atá ar fáil chun geilleagar agus sochaí níos fearr a chruthú". Le linn d'Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James Browne, a bheith ag trácht ar an gceapachán nua dúirt sé: "Táim muiníneach go n-éireoidh leis an Dr Willie Golden, ina ról nua mar Dhéan, na scileanna ceannaireachta riachtanacha a léiriú chun an leas is fearr agus is féidir a bhaint as na deiseanna a thagann chun cinn mar aon le cur le láidreachtaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí. Táim ag tnúth le bheith ag obair leis an Dr Golden chun leibhéal feabhsaithe gnóthachtála a bhaint amach agus tuilleadh dul chun cinn a dhéanamh". Fear de bhunadh Chathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo é an Dr Golden agus rinne sé B.Comm agus Céim Mháistreachta i Staidéar Gnó in OÉ Gaillimh. Rinne sé Ph.D. i dTráchtáil Leictreonach ó Ghnó go Gnó i Scoil Ghnó Ollscoil Warwick. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Appoints Dean of Business, Public Policy and Law
Irish Health Economists to meet at NUI Galway

Monday, 2 February 2009
The current pressure on public health resources and the related cost of health conditions will be discussed during a symposium at NUI Galway on Thursday, 5 February. The event is being organised by the Health Economics Association of Ireland, which was set up in 2001 to foster the sharing of information related to health economics. The symposium will welcome an audience from a wide variety of backgrounds, all with a particular interest in the economics of healthcare. Topics for discussion include economics of mental health, palliative care and heart disease. Professor of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) at NUI Galway, Ciaran O'Neill, will introduce the symposium with thoughts on the future of HTA in Ireland. Professor O'Neill comments: "As health and social care budgets come under increasing pressure, the need to assess and demonstrate the relative value for money of its alternative uses will become increasingly important. Ireland has followed most other European countries in developing processes by which to scrutinise the use of public monies in funding access to new technologies. Over the coming years these processes and their outcomes are likely to become increasingly influential in shaping health and social care in Ireland". Members of the Health Economics Association of Ireland come from public and private organisations as well as academic institutions. The group meets twice yearly to discuss developments in health economics including economic evaluations, monitoring techniques, policy initiatives, pharmacoeconomics and various other topics. Organiser of the symposium, Dr Brenda Gannon of the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology at NUI Galway says: "The number of health economists in Ireland has increased in recent years both in the academic and private sector. Experts such as Professor Eamon O'Shea, Director of the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology here at NUI Galway, have been leading the way in this field for many years. Hosting this meeting at NUI Galway reflects the growing number of health economists working in the University and the recognition of their expertise at national level". For further information on the next HEAI meeting, please contact Dr Brenda Gannon, NUI Galway, on tel 091 49 5459. -ends-
>> Read full story about Irish Health Economists to meet at NUI Galway