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Cameramen Come in from the Sea for NUI Galway's Sport Symposium

Monday, 25 May 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Cameramen on the cutting edge of sports filming, having just sailed across the Atlantic with the Volvo Ocean Race teams, will take part in an NUI Galway symposium entitled 'Representing Sport'. The international symposium runs from 2-3 June and will bring together leading academics and practitioners concerned with the representation of sport through history and in contemporary life. The symposium is being organised by NUI Galway's Huston School of Film & Digital Media and its School of Languages, with support from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences. On 2 June, at 2pm, the lecture on 'Broadcasting the Volvo Ocean Race', supported by Inmarsat, the official technology sponsor for the race, will demonstrate how high-definition television (HDTV) has changed international sailing events and high-octane sports. With HDTV and other technologies has come the introduction of an 11th person, known as the media crewman, onto each of the Volvo Ocean Race boats. Their job during the 37,000 nautical mile trip is to send back a daily quota of words, photos and video via Inmarsat's FleetBroadband from the race route, but they cannot partake in sailing the boat. During the lecture Ian Walker, skipper of Green Dragon, will be joined by media crewmembers from Puma (Rick Deppe), Ericsson (Guy Salter) and Telfonica (Gabriele Olivo) to share their experiences of reporting the race to a potential audience of two billion. Rick Deppe, an experienced British sailor and acclaimed videographer, whose credits include Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel, has said: "My job is to keep the camera rolling and get some great shots over the course of nine months of action". The 'Representing Sport' symposium is jointly organised by Dr Seán Crosson, from NUI Galway's Huston School of Film & Digital Media, and Dr Phil Dine, from NUI Galway's School of Languages. Dr Seán Crosson comments: "From the fine arts, through print and audio-visual culture, sport has been an enduring subject of representation. This has increasingly been the case with the development of the contemporary global media industry, where representations of sport, from soccer to boxing and athletics, constitute one of the most popular subjects. Nowhere is the link between sporting traditions and technological modernity more apparent than in the state-of-the-art broadcasting of the Volvo Ocean Race". As well as considering the representation of sport in Ireland, the two-day symposium will focus on its representation across Europe and around the world. Presentations will be made on various topics from Roy Keane to French surfing culture to German identity. While entry to the symposium is free, prior registration is essential for Inmarsat's 'Broadcasting the Volvo Ocean Race' lecture. Please contact Dee Quinn at dee.quinn@nuigalway.ie or call 091 495076. A full programme for the Symposium is available at www.filmschool.ie/ Fir Cheamara ag Triall thar Muir do Shiompóisiam Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh fir cheamara atá ar thús cadhnaíochta i scannánú spóirt agus atá díreach tar éis an tAtlantach a thrasnú le foirne Rás Aigéin Volvo rannpháirteach i siompóisiam de chuid OÉ Gaillimh dar teideal 'Representing Sport: Europe, Tradition and Modernity'. Beidh an siompóisiam idirnáisiúnta ar bun ó 2-3 Meitheamh agus tabharfar lucht acadúil agus cleachtóirí ar spéis leo an léiriú a dhéantar ar an spórt sa stair agus sa saol comhaimseartha le chéile ann. Tá an siompóisiam á eagrú ag Scoil Scannán & Meán Digiteach Huston agus ag Scoil Teangacha OÉ Gaillimh, le tacaíocht ón gComhairle um Thaighde sna Dána agus sna hEolaíochtaí Sóisialta. Ar an 2 Meitheamh ag 2pm, léireofar sa léacht faoi 'Broadcasting the Volvo Ocean Race', le tacaíocht Inmarsat, urra oifigiúil teicneolaíochta an rása, an bealach a bhfuil an teilifís ardghléine (HDTV) tar éis imeachtaí seoltóireachta idirnáisiúnta agus spóirt ardochtáin a athrú. Le teacht an HDTV agus teicneolaíochtaí eile tá an t-aonú duine dhéag, ar a dtugtar fear criú na meán, curtha ar gach ceann de bháid Rás Aigéin Volvo. Is é an cúram atá orthu le linn an turais 37,000 muirmhíle seo cuóta focal, grianghraf agus fístaifeadta a chur chugainn ó chúrsa an rása trí FleetBroadband Inmarsat, ach ní féidir leo a bheith páirteach sa tseoltóireacht. I dteannta Ian Walker, captaen an Green Dragon, le linn na léachta beidh cuid den chriú ón Puma (Rick Deppe), Ericsson (Guy Salter) agus Telfonica (Gabriele Olivo) lena dtaithí ar thuairisciú an rása do lucht féachana thart ar dhá bhilliún duine a roinnt linn. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Rick Deppe, mairnéalach Briotanach oilte agus físghrafadóir cáiliúil, a bhfuil Deadliest Catch ar Chainéal Discovery ar cheann de na cláir a rinne sé: "Is é an cúram atá ormsa an ceamara a choinneáil ar bun agus sár-radhairc a thaispeáint i rith na naoi mí aicsin". Tá an siompóisiam 'Representing Sport: Europe, Tradition and Modernity' á eagrú ag an Dr Seán Crosson, as Scoil Scannán agus Meán Digiteach Huston in OÉ Gaillimh, agus ag an Dr Phil Dine, as Scoil Teangacha OÉ Gaillimh. Deir an Dr Seán Crosson: "Tá an spórt á léiriú go leanúnach le fada sna mínealaíona, in ábhar clóite agus sa chultúr closamhairc. Bhí sin amhlaidh de réir mar a d'fhorbair tionscal comhaimseartha domhanda na meán, ina bhfuil léiriú ar gach cineál spóirt idir shacar, dhornálaíocht agus lúthchleasaíocht, ar cheann de na hábhair ar mó spéis an phobail ann. Ní fhéadfaí léiriú níos soiléire a fháil ar an nasc idir na traidisiúin spóirt agus an nua-aoiseacht theicneolaíoch ná mar atá i scothchraoladh Rás Aigéin Volvo". Cé go bhfuil saorchead isteach chuig an siompóisiam, ní mór clárú roimh ré do léacht 'Broadasting the Volvo Ocean Race' Inmarsat. Déan teagmháil, le do thoil, le Dee Quinn ag dee.quinn@nuigalway.ie nó cuir glao ar 495076. Tá clár iomlán an tSiompóisiam ar fáil ag www.filmschool.ie/. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Cameramen Come in from the Sea for NUI Galway's Sport Symposium
Third John McGahern International Seminar Announced

Friday, 22 May 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) and Leitrim County Council have announced that the third John McGahern International Seminar will take place from 23-25 July, 2009, to commemorate the work and literary achievements of one of Ireland's best known and internationally respected modern writers. Previous International Seminars were held in County Leitrim in 2007 and 2008 and were each attended by more than 100 participants from Ireland and overseas. This year's inaugural lecture will be given by Professor Kevin Whelan of Notre Dame University. Other speakers will include Professor Liliane Louvel of the University of Poitiers, France, Professor Denis Sampson, Canada, Professor Mike Cronin, Boston College and Irish writer Kevin Barry. As in previous years, the Seminar will include guided visits to John McGahern's home places in Aughawillan, Ballinamore and Mohill, Co. Leitrim and Cootehall, Co. Roscommon. As well as appealing to all lovers of McGahern's own work, the International Seminar will be of interest to literary researchers and to book clubs, to readers of contemporary fiction and modern writing, and to all national and international students of Irish literature and culture. This year's Seminar will also see the launch of the second volume of The John McGahern Yearbook. The Yearbook will include proceedings of the 2008 Seminar as well as a range of new articles by writers and critics. Launching the Seminar, President of NUI Galway, Professor James J. Browne, said: "Through the John McGahern International Seminar and Summer School we at NUI Galway are working to broaden access to literary scholarship and to share the riches of the McGahern archive with the widest possible audience. In holding this valuable archive in the West of Ireland, we feel that the University is holding in trust a treasure for the world of literary scholarship; for the Irish nation and most especially for this region which we have served for more than 160 years. I wish the 2009 McGahern International Summer School and Seminar every success and I welcome the continued partnership of Leitrim County Council in this culturally important endeavour". John McGahern's work is translated into several languages worldwide. His best- known books include The Dark, Amongst Women, That They May Face the Rising Sun and Memoir. During the 2008 Seminar, Gerardo Gambolini, Argentinian poet and translator, who plans to introduce McGahern's Collected Stories in Spanish to a wide Latin-American audience, said of the Leitrim writer: "I see John McGahern as a great writer, not as a great Irish writer. His voice is universal; his undeniably Irish tone and topics are made universal by his talent, not by geography. My dominant experience in translating him was the pleasure of reading day after day over a long time remarkable pictures of the greatness and the abjectness of human soul and flesh, pictures always traversed in the end by compassion, by a joyful or painful form of redemption". In addition to the public Seminar, NUI Galway has organised the second intensive Summer School on John McGahern's work and its contexts which will form part of the University's 26th International Summer School in Irish Studies. The Summer School is designed for advanced level students and researchers who are interested in the writings of John McGahern, his life and times in 20thCentury Ireland. The 2008 Summer School was attended by students from Ireland, Slovakia, the United States and England. Speaking at the launch, Leitrim Arts Officer, Caoimhín Corrigan said: "Leitrim County Council is delighted to see this project develop in its third year, establishing its own rhythm within Ireland s literary calendar. While retaining its central focus on the work of John McGahern, this year's engagement with themes of the heroic - from the local, to the universal - and taking account also the 125th anniversary of the GAA, is a strong expression of the confidence and breadth of vision that Leitrim County Council and NUI Galway share for this important event". The Summer School (25 July – 1 August, 2009) will take place at the County Library, Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim and it is directed by Dr John Kenny, John McGahern Lecturer in Creative Writing at NUI Galway. Lecturers at the Summer School will include Professor Denis Sampson, author of Outstaring Nature's Eye: The Fiction of John McGahern; Ms Belinda McKeon of Columbia University, New York; Dr Frank Shovlin of the Institute of Irish Studies, Liverpool; Dr James Whyte, author of History, Myth, and Ritual in the Fiction of John McGahern; and the writers Mike McCormack and Brian Leyden. For further details on The John McGahern International Seminar and Summer School contact 091-495442 or visit www.nuigalway.ie/iss Tríú Seimineár Idirnáisiúnta John McGahern Fógartha (View in English) Tá tríú Seimineár Idirnáisiúnta John McGahern, 23-25 Iúil 2009, fógartha ag Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh agus ag Comhairle Contae Liatroma, chun ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar obair agus ar shaothar liteartha an údair cháiliúil seo atá ar dhuine de na scríbhneoirí comhaimseartha Éireannacha is mó a bhfuil meas idirnáisiúnta air. Bhí na Seimineáir Idirnáisiúnta roimhe seo in 2007 agus 2008 ar siúl i gCo. Liatroma agus d'fhreastail os cionn 100 duine orthu as Éirinn agus as níos faide i gcéin. Tabharfaidh an tOllamh Kevin Whelan as Ollscoil Notre Dame céad léacht na bliana seo. I measc na gcainteoirí eile beidh an tOllamh Liliane Louvel as Ollscoil Poitiers, sa Fhrainc, an tOllamh Denis Sampson, Ceanada, an tOllamh Mike Cronin, Boston College agus an scríbhneoir Éireannach Kevin Barry. Arís i mbliana, beidh turais threoraithe ar fáil chuig áit chónaithe John McGahern in Achadh an Mhuilin, Béal an Átha Móir agus Maothail, Co. Liatroma agus Uachtar Tíre, Co. Ros Comáin. Ar ndóigh, cuirfidh daoine a dtaitníonn saothar McGahern leo suim sa Seimineár Idirnáisiúnta seo, ach chomh maith leo sin, cuirfidh taighdeoirí litríochta agus clubanna leabhar an-suim ann chomh maith le daoine a léann ficsean comhaimseartha agus nuascríbhneoireacht agus mic léinn náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta a bhfuil suim acu i litríocht agus i gcultúr an hÉireann. Seolfar an dara himleabhar de The John McGahern Yearbook ag Seimineár na bliana seo. Beidh cur síos sa Yearbook ar imeachtaí Sheimineár 2008 chomh maith le hailt nua le scríbhneoirí agus léirmheastóirí. Ag seoladh an tSeimineáir, dúirt an Dr James J. Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: "In OÉ Gaillimh, is mian linn scoláireacht litríochta a mhéadú agus cartlann McGahern a roinnt leis an lucht léitheoireachta is fairsinge trí Sheimineár Idirnáisiúnta agus Scoil Samhraidh John McGahern. Agus an chartlann luachmhar seo á coimeád in Iarthar na hÉireann, tá an Ollscoil ag coimeád taisce don scoláireacht litríochta; don tír agus, go speisialta, don réigiún seo a bhfuil an Ollscoil seo ag freastal air le breis agus 160 bliain. Guím gach rath ar Scoil Samhraidh agus Seimineár Idirnáisiúnta McGahern 2009 agus fáiltím roimh chomhpháirtíocht Chomhairle Contae Liatroma sa tionscnamh tábhachtach cultúir seo". Tá saothar John McGahern aistrithe go teangacha éagsúla ar fud an domhain. Is iad na leabhair is cáiliúla a scríobh sé The Dark, Amongst Women, That They May Face the Rising Sun agus Memoir. I rith Sheimineár 2008, dúirt Gerardo Gambolini, file agus aistritheoir ón Airgintín, a bhfuil sé i gceist aige Collected Stories McGahern a aistriú go Spáinnis do lucht léitheoireachta Mheiriceá Laidinigh, agus é ag trácht ar an scríbhneoir as Liatroim, dúirt sé: "Feicim John McGahern mar shárscríbhneoir, ní mar shárscríbhneoir Éireannach. Is guth uilíoch atá aige; tá an bua aige tuin agus topaicí uilíocha a chruthú cé gur léir gur tuin agus topaicí Éireannacha iad gan dabht. I mo thaithí ag aistriú a shaothair bhí an t-ádh orm lá i ndiaidh lae a chaitheamh ar feadh achar fada ama ag léamh agus ag samhlú an méid a scríobh McGahern". Chomh maith leis an Seimineár poiblí, tá an dara Scoil Samhraidh ina ndéanfar dianstaidéar ar shaothar McGahern agus a chomhthéacsanna á heagrú in OÉ Gaillimh mar chuid de 26ú Scoil Samhraidh Idirnáisiúnta na hOllscoile sa Léann Éireannach. Is ann don Scoil Samhraidh do mhic léinn agus do thaighdeoirí ardleibhéil a bhfuil suim acu i saothar John McGahern, agus a shaol in Éirinn san 20ú hAois. D'fhreastail mic léinn as Éirinn, an tSlóvaic, Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Sasana ar Scoil Samhraidh 2008. Ag labhairt ag an seoladh, dúirt Oifigeach Ealaíon Liatroma, Caoimhín Corrigan: "Tá an-áthas orainn i gComhairle Contae Liatroma go bhfuil an tionscadal seo á reáchtáil don tríú bliain as a chéile, agus é go mór chun tosaigh i bhféilire litríochta na hÉireann. Cé go bhfuil an bhéim is mó ar shaothar John McGahern, léiríonn téama gaisce na bliana seo – gaiscí áitiúla agus gaiscí uilíocha – agus CLG ag ceiliúradh 125 bliain, an mhuinín agus an fhís atá ag Comhairle Contae Liatroma agus ag OÉ Gaillimh don ócáid thábhachtach seo". Beidh an Scoil Samhraidh (25 Iúil – 1 Lúnasa 2009) ar siúl i Leabharlann an Chontae, Baile an Átha Móir, Co. Liatroma faoi stiúir an Dr John Kenny, Léachtóir John McGahern le Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach in OÉ Gaillimh. I measc léachtóirí na Scoile beidh an tOllamh Denis Sampson, údar Outstaring Nature's Eye: The Fiction of John McGahern; Belinda McKeon as Columbia University, Nua-Eabhrac; an Dr Frank Shovlin as an Institute of Irish Studies, Learpholl; an Dr James Whyte, údar History, Myth, and Ritual in the Fiction of John McGahern; agus na scríbhneoirí Mike McCormack agus Brian Leyden. Tá eolas breise ar Sheimineár Idirináisiúnta agus Scoil Samhraidh John McGahern le fáil ach glaoch ar 091-495442 nó dul chuig www.nuigalway.ie/iss -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Third John McGahern International Seminar Announced
NUI Galway Research into Diabetes and Pregnancy Enters Final Phase

Friday, 22 May 2009
A study at NUI Galway into diabetes among pregnant Irish women has entered its final phase with further funding from the Health Research Board. Diabetes is the most prevalent chronic medical condition among pregnant women, with international estimates that it occurs in 2-9% of all pregnancies. The research at NUI Galway is the first prospective study to look at the prevalence and effects of diabetes among pregnant women in Ireland, working with over 10,000 women. The Atlantic Diabetes in Pregnancy (Atlantic Dip) research programme has been underway for three years and this further funding will support two final years of research. The study is led by Professor Fidelma Dunne, Head of the School of Medicine at NUI Galway, and also Consultant Endocrinologist with Galway University Hospitals. According to Professor Dunne: "Diabetes can be a serious problem for pregnant women. The outcomes for the mother and infant are less satisfactory when compared with the non-diabetic population. There is an increase in the risk of congenital malformations, stillbirths and neonatal deaths in the offspring. In addition these babies may require care in a neonatal unit because of respiratory and other problems. For the mother there is an increase in the risk of blood pressure and pre-eclampsia and they are more likely to be delivered by caesarian section". Professor Dunne added: "Babies from mothers with diabetes are at increased risk of weighing greater than 4 kg at birth. This in itself increases the risk of obesity and diabetes in their adult lives. Among women who already had diabetes before pregnancy, the study has found that women are poorly prepared for pregnancy with only 28% receiving pre-pregnancy care, 43% having folic acid and 29% achieving good sugar control levels". In addition to what is commonly known as type one and two diabetes, pregnant women can also develop Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), diabetes occurring after 20 weeks of pregnancy. GDM is also associated with increased risks for the mother and her infant in the current pregnancy. It is associated with a very high life time risk of type two diabetes in the mother. Working with over 10,000 women along the Irish Atlantic seaboard, the Atlantic Diabetes in Pregnancy (Atlantic Dip) research programme has offered screening for GDM to all pregnant women to establish how many developed Gestational Diabetes (GDM) and its less severe form of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Of the 4,000 women tested, 130 (3.3%) had GDM and 328 (8%) had IGT. In addition, 50% of the cohort had a body mass index (BMI) in the overweight and obese categories. Professor Dunne says the data generated to date would suggest that universal screening for GDM and IGT should be offered to all pregnant women in Ireland: "Considering the high prevalence of GDM and IGT in the Irish population, a national screening programme should be considered. This would allow the identification of an 'at risk' population where intervention is likely to impact on the health of the infant from the pregnancy in addition to the future health of the mother and offspring". Professor Dunne and her team have also examined the impact of obesity alone on the outcome of pregnancy in 1,441 women in whom all forms of diabetes was excluded. They showed that obesity was an independent risk factor for higher rates of caesarian section, blood pressure, miscarriage, and babies weighing more than 4kg at birth. Professor Dunne says: "Obesity in women of reproductive age is thus a public health concern and requires intervention. Maternal obesity with or without diabetes will impact on the health of future generations". The next two years of this study will build on existing data and will provide greater insight into the prevalence and consequences of GDM and IGT in the Irish population. In particular it will examine the risk of persistent diabetes following GDM and IGT and the factors that increase this risk. Through collaborative work with UK-based Peninsula Medical School the project will explore the genetics behind GDM. There are also plans to develop and test an intervention programme for pre-pregnancy care for women with diabetes to see if the rates of stillbirth neonatal death and congenital malformation rates can be reduced. -ends-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Research into Diabetes and Pregnancy Enters Final Phase
Mic Léinn Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge chun Taispeántas a léiriú ag Rás Ai

Thursday, 21 May 2009
(View in English) Is cúis áthais do mhic léinn an Dioplóma sna Dána (Cóiriú agus Stáitsiú an Cheoil Thraidisiúnta), OÉ Gaillimh cuireadh a fháil ó eagraithe Rás Aigéin Volvo na Gaillimhe chuig Lá na Gaeilge agus dul ar an ardán ar Ché an Bhreathnaigh an 1 Meitheamh 2009 ó 4i.n.-7i.n. Ag tagairt don chuireadh seo, dúirt an Dr Charlie Lennon, Stiúrthóir Ceoil an chúrsa gur: "Iontach an dul chun cinn atá déanta ag na mic léinn ildánacha seo le bliain anuas agus is iontach an deis atá ann dóibh a gcuid scileanna mar ealaíontóirí sa cheol traidisiúnta a chur os comhair an phobail idirnáisiúnta a bheas i láthair ag an ócáid idirnáisiúnta seo. Is cúis bróid dúinn bheith ag obair leo i gcaitheamh na bliana. Cúis mórtais dúinn go mbeidh muid ag casadh ag an ócáid idirnáisiúnta seo". Beidh blaiseadh den obair atá déanta ag na mic léinn lenár dteagascóirí i gcaitheamh na bliana ó mhí Mheán Fómhair seo caite idir chóiriú, chumadóireacht, chartlannaíocht, stáitsiú agus léiriú an Cheoil Thraidisiúnta á léiriú ag an ócáid. Ar ndóigh ní hé seo an chéad uair don ghrúpa seo a bheith ar an ardán. Bhí ceolchoirm mhór na bliana Tonnta acu an mhí seo caite áit a léirigh siad ceol nuachumtha leis an Dr Charlie Lennon agus le deireanas, d'oscail siad Éigse an Spidéil i bpáirt leis an nGaelacadamh. D'eagraigh siad Ceolchoirm na Nollag faoi stiúir Dhiarmuid De Faoite i Seanscoil Shailearna. Ina theannta sin, ghlac siad páirt i gceolchoirm lóin ar an gCeathrú Rua eagraithe ag Subhóró, Cumann Ceoil na Ceathrún Rua. Tá an cúrsa seo á reáchtáil ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh i gcomhar le Stiúideo Cuan Teo. ar bhonn lánaimseartha thar bhliain amháin agus tá an cúrsa feiliúnach do cheoltóirí, do dhamhsóirí agus d'amhránaithe ar mhaith leo a gcuid scileanna a fhorbairt sna réimsí seo a leanas: teoiric an cheoil, stair an cheoil agus stáitsiú agus léiriú an cheoil thraidisiúnta. Tuilleadh eolais faoin gcúrsa ar fáil ag www.acadamh.ie NUI Galway students to perform in outdoor concert during the Galway Volvo Ocean Race Festival (Leagan Gaeilge) Students from NUI Galway's Diploma in the Arranging and Staging of Traditional Irish Music (Dioplóma sna Dána: Cóiriú agus Stáitsiú an Cheoil Thraidisiúnta) are delighted and honoured to have been chosen to perform at the Galway Volvo Ocean Race Festival during 'Lá na Gaeilge' and will take to the stage on the Breathnach Quay between 4pm and 7pm on 01 June. The Musical Director of the diploma programme and renowned fiddle player Dr Charlie Lennon, said: "Over the past year, these eleven multi-skilled musicians have come on musically by leaps and bounds both individually and as a group and this invitation to play to an international audience at such a prestigious event has presented them with an ideal opportunity to showcase their talents. We are very proud of their achievements to date and are honoured to have been invited to play at this high profile cultural event". The students will perform a selection of pieces they have worked on since the start of the programme last September. During the year they undertook a wide range of subjects from music arrangement and composition, archiving, sound, to the staging and production of Traditional Irish Music. This is not the first time that the group have performed together publicly. Only last month their aptly titled show 'Tonnta' was on stage in Connemara where they performed both well known and newly composed and arranged music and songs on the theme of the sea under the direction of Dr Charlie Lennon. They were also invited to open the annual 'Éigse an Spidéal' Festival in partnership with the Gaelacadamh. At Christmas, under the direction of Diarmuid de Faoite they played to packed houses with their Christmas Concert in Seanscoil Shailearna, Inverin, Co. Galway and performed a lunchtime concert in Carraroe on the invitation of Subhóró, Cumann Ceoil na Ceathrún Rua. This diploma programme is offered by Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway in partnership with Stiúideo Cuan Teo. on a full-time one-year basis and through the medium of Irish. The course is suitable for musicians, dancers and singers who wish to further develop their skills in the following areas: Music Theory, the History of Traditional Music and the Staging and Production of Traditional Music. For further information log on to www.acadamh.ie -ends-
>> Read full story about Mic Léinn Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge chun Taispeántas a léiriú ag Rás Ai
Living Scenes - Celebrating Ten Years of Intergenerational Learning

Wednesday, 20 May 2009
A groundbreaking educational programme, which brings teenagers and retirees together in the classroom, celebrated 10 years of success last night. Originating from NUI Galway's Adult and Continuing Education Office, 'Living Scenes' is an intergenerational programme of learning involving Transition Year students and local retired adults. It is the pioneering programme of its kind in Ireland and Europe, possibly even worldwide. Through weekly art, music, drama and creative writing workshops, Living Scenes allows teenagers and older adults to learn together, share experiences and build bonds of mutual respect and understanding. A strong emphasis is placed on the holistic development of the participants, promoting equality, personal development and confidence building in both the younger and older adults. The innovative programme was first piloted in Galway City's Presentation Secondary School in 1999, and quickly became established in as part of its Transition Year. Living Scenes has since developed and expanded through partnerships between NUI Galway and five further secondary schools: Calasanctius College, Oranmore, Co. Galway; Millstreet Community School, Millstreet, Co. Cork; St Flannan's College, Ennis, Co. Clare; St Joseph's Secondary School, Charlestown, Co. Mayo; and St Joseph's Secondary School, Tulla, Co. Clare. A major entertainment production was staged in the Ardilaun Hotel last night involving all of the current participants in Living Scenes, representing the six schools. Clíona Ní Néill, Principal of Presentation Secondary School, Galway, praised the programme: "Living Scenes is a highly valued project in Presentation Secondary School. It has taught young people to value an older generation, and conversely it has given the older generation a new and positive lens to understand and enjoy teenagers. Students have benefited hugely in the areas of personal development, communication and confidence building skills. It has enriched our students understanding of life, given them a broader perspective, and it has created a sense of community in the school. We are delighted as a staff and as a school to be associated and involved with NUI Galway in this programme". In the course of its ten year history, the programme has been instrumental in cultivating a strong relationship between the University and schools, older and younger adults, and has a key objective of promoting the school as a focal point for community regeneration. NUI Galway's Dr Mary Surlis is the Living Scenes Programme Director, and the has been involved since its inception: "At a time when there is a serious erosion of social fabric evident in Irish society, Living Scenes aims to respond to the growing need for communication and trust in both the school and in the local community. What we are trying to do is to regenerate relationships both in schools and communities and, perhaps more importantly, between our older and our younger generations". Extensive research has been carried out by Dr Surlis on Living Scenes to evaluate the project in a developmental curricular capacity and to identify its contribution in an overall educational context. Dr Surlis says: "The findings of this research have implications for policy makers, as well as school and community groups interested in initiating change in a curricular and social context". President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne: "NUI Galway is committed to a strong ethos of civic engagement. We develop this by fostering a sense of social responsibility and citizenship amongst students and by working to share the knowledge resources of the University with the wider community. The Living Scenes programme of intergenerational learning is the embodiment of that ethos – reaching from the University into the heart of the community to work with schools and with older people. As President, I am proud of the unique and pioneering work which NUI Galway has led, through Living Scenes, in building social cohesion in Ireland". -ends-
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