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Valuable Joe Éinniú Collection Bestowed to NUI Galway

Monday, 27 April 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) When performing the official opening of this year's Féile Joe Éinniú (Joe Heaney Festival) on Friday, 1 May 2009, Máire Nic Fhinn will donate material relating to famous singer, Joe Éinniú, to the archive at NUI Galway's Gaeltacht centre Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim in Carna, Co. Galway. Born in Áird Thoir, Carna, Connemara in 1919, Joe Éinniú is considered the finest exponent of sean-nós singing of his generation. Máire Nic Fhinn knew Joe well from the time she worked for Gael Linn, who published many of his recordings, and through organising cultural events in which Joe participated. As a result Máire has compiled a valuable collection comprising of audio-visual material, sound recordings, images, and documents that give important and interesting insights into the work and life of Joe Éinniú. "I am delighted that the material will be available in the Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim Archive in Carna, Joe's home place, for access by the local community," says Máire Nic Fhinn. This new material will augment the extensive Joe Éinniú collection already in the possession of the Áras in Carna. This includes a music and song archive that was compiled in University of Washington, USA, where Joe spent his later years lecturing in Irish culture and traditional music. Joe died in Seattle in 1984. The Joe Heaney Festival Organising Committee, headed by Mícheál Ó Cuaig, bestowed this particular archive on Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, NUI Galway, so that the local community and Irish scholars could have access to it. "We are delighted to accept this valuable material and we are very grateful to Máire for this act of the utmost generosity," said Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim Administrator, Séamas Ó Concheanainn. "The whole Joe Éinniú collection at Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim will be digitised and made available in accessible formats to the local community and to those pursuing studies at Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge and NUI Galway". Ábhar Luachmhar ar an Bhfonnadóir Clúiteach Joe Éinniú le Bronnadh ar Champas OÉ Gaillimh i gCarna (View in English) Bronnfaidh Máire Nic Fhinn ábhar a bhaineann leis an bhfonnadóir clúiteach Joe Éinniú ar chartlann OÉ Gaillimh i gCarna; Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, tráth a mbeidh Féile Joe Éinniú na bliana seo á hoscailt go hoifigiúil aici ar an Aoine, an 1 Bealtaine 2009. Meastar gurbh é Joe Éinniú, a rugadh san Aird Thoir i gCarna i 1919, sár-fhonnadóir sean-nóis a linne féin. Bhí aithne mhaith ag Máire Nic Fhinn ar Joe le linn di a bheith ag obair le Gael Linn, a d'fhoilsigh amhráin dá chuid, agus trí bheith ag eagrú imeachtaí cultúrtha a mbíodh Joe páirteach iontu. Dá bharr sin tá cnuasach luachmhar, á áiríonn ábhar fuaime agus físe, taifeadtaí fuaime, pictiúir agus doiciméid, bailithe ag Máire a thugann léargas tábhachtach agus spéisiúil ar shaothar agus ar shaol Joe Éinniú. "Is cúis mhór áthais domsa go mbeidh an t-ábhar seo lonnaithe i gCartlann Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim i gCarna, baile dúchais Joe féin, agus go mbeidh sé ar fáil do phobal na dúiche gar go bhaile," a deir Máire. Cuirfear an t-ábhar úr seo i dtaisce le cnuasach cuimsitheach ábhair ar Joe Éinniú atá i seilbh an Árais i gCarna cheana. Áirítear ar an ábhar atá sa chartlann i gCarna cheana féin cartlann cheoil agus amhrán a cuireadh i dtoll a chéile in Ollscoil Washington i Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, áit ar chaith Joe tréimhse mar léachtóir ar chultúr agus ar cheol dúchais na hÉireann. Bhásaigh Joe i Seattle i 1984. Bhronn Coiste Reáchtála Fhéile Joe Éinniú, faoi stiúir Mhíchíl Uí Chuaig, an chartlann seo ar Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, OÉ Gaillimh ar mhaithe leis an ábhar a bheith ar fáil do phobal na háite agus do scoláirí Éireannacha. "Is cúis mhór áthais dúinn an t-ábhar luachmhar seo a bheith á bhronnadh orainn agus tá muid go mór faoi chomaoin ag Máire as an mbeart fíorfhlaithiúil seo," a deir Riarthóir an Árais Séamas Ó Concheanainn. "Beidh an bailiúchán uile a bheas idir lámha ag an Áras ar Joe Éinniú á dhigitiú agus á chur ar fáil i mbealaí a bheas áisiúil do phobal na háite agus do spriocphobail Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge agus Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh". -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Valuable Joe Éinniú Collection Bestowed to NUI Galway
NUI Galway's Spring Open Day a Success

Monday, 27 April 2009
Almost 3,000 prospective students and their parents visited NUI Galway's campus for the Spring Open Day on Saturday, 25 April. A massive Open Day marquee housed a full range of subject-specific exhibition stands where information was provided by lecturers and students on programmes and subjects. There was also information on practical issues such as university accommodation, scholarships, and general support services available to students. Student ambassadors were on hand to assist with all queries about student life at NUI Galway. A programme of taster sessions ran throughout the day, designed to give a real insight in to university life, including Student Life and the Focus on your Career talks. Current NUI Galway students were also available to discuss the vibrant societies and sports clubs on campus, and the University's unique volunteering programme ALIVE. Caroline Loughnane, organiser of NUI Galway s Spring Open Day, said: "With an increase of almost double the national average for first preferences in CAO applications, we have continuous requests for information from prospective students. The University's first Spring Open Day provided all information first hand, from our lecturers and current students, and was a huge success". The range of courses available at NUI Galway is vast and varied and many are unique to the University. A new B.E. in Energy Systems Engineering is now on offer in response to the identification of Ireland s future energy needs as a national priority. The four-year honours degree will have its first intake in September and will produce professional accredited engineers, qualified to drive the emerging energy related industries. Engineering Innovation - Electronic is also in its first year and will provide graduates with specialised multi-disciplinary skills to start their own business, centered on the development of innovative, niche, market-led, electronic products. The Sports and Exercise Engineering degree is in its second year of accepting applicants and is the first of its kind available in Ireland. With a radical departure from traditional Arts degrees, BA CONNECT offers seven four-year degrees designed to increase the employability of graduates by developing distinctive skills and creating connections with life beyond the campus. At present, NUI Galway is the only Irish university offering a denominated degree in marine science and it now has the highest concentration of marine scientists of any institution in Ireland. This degree also offers training on board national training vessels in the third year of study. NUI Galway offers the only Podiatry degree in the Republic of Ireland. Podiatry is a healthcare profession that specialises in the management of disease and disorder of the foot, angle, knee, leg and hip. Throughout the Open Day, tours of the campus gave an insight into university life and the top class facilities offered at NUI Galway, including the brand new €22 million Sports Complex. The Centre s facilities include an international standard swimming pool, a national league basketball arena, 100 piece cardiovascular gym, an elite training gym for professional athletes and a climbing wall. -Ends-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway's Spring Open Day a Success
NUI Galway Trains Future Ocean Leaders

Tuesday, 21 April 2009
The role played by NUI Galway in training a new generation of ocean leaders, diplomats and lawyers was highlighted at an international meeting of Law of the Sea Alumni in Tokyo. This training is carried out under the auspices of the United Nations Nippon Foundation Fellowship Programme which aims to promote capacity building in law of the sea and ocean affairs for mid-career professionals from developing countries. Since 2004 the programme has trained 50 government officials from 41 countries by collaborating with 38 prestigious universities worldwide with expertise in the field of oceans law. NUI Galway has participated in the programme since its inauguration and has hosted career diplomats from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh, Mozambique and Myanmar over a three year period. On completion of their training in NUI Galway under the supervision of Dr Ronán Long at the University's School of Law, the research fellows undertake advanced training at the United Nations Legal Division in New York prior to returning to their government posts. The primary purpose of the Tokyo meeting was to share experience regarding the training programme as well as to review international best practice on the implementation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The meeting was hosted by the Nippon Foundation of Japan and co-organised by the Ocean Policy and Research Foundation with briefings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and at Tokyo University. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Nippon Foundation, Mr Yohei Sasakawa, who shared his vision for greater international collaboration to ensure the peaceful and sustainable use of the oceans. In his address the Chairman underlined the importance his foundation placed on the training and education of a future generation of ocean leaders capable of addressing the pressing challenges faced in the ocean environment. This was followed by detailed briefings on the current law and policy challenges faced in the region including piracy, continental shelf delimitation, fisheries and coastal zone management. The new Director of the Ocean Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Koichi Ai, addressed the group on Japanese foreign policy concerning the oceans and placed special emphasis on the key role played by the participating educational institutes in the fellowship programme. The group received an in-depth briefing from the Executive Director of the Ocean Policy and Research Foundation, Mr Hiroshi Terashima, on the innovative and pragmatic approach taken by Japan in formulating the recently enacted Basic Act on Ocean Policy. Former Assistant Director-General of the FAO and eminent scholar Professor Emeritus Moritaka Hayashi provided an overview of the progress made by Japan in implementing the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Dr Ronán Long from the School of Law at NUI Galway briefed the group on recent developments in European law and policy and reaffirmed Ireland's commitment to the next phase of professional development of the young diplomats through the establishment of a network of legal experts for the Asia Pacific region. The four days of meetings concluded with the participants from 15 countries agreeing a plan of action aimed at enhancing international cooperation on critical ocean law issues in the Asia Pacific Ocean region. -ends-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Trains Future Ocean Leaders
Parents Encouraged to Attend NUI Galway Open Day

Monday, 20 April 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway will hold an Open Day for students considering applying or those who have already applied to NUI Galway, and for their parents or guardians. The event will be held on Saturday, 25 April, from 10am to 3pm at the NUI Galway Campus. A unique Open Day marquee will house a full range of subject-specific exhibition stands where information will be provided by lecturers and students on programmes and subjects, as well as practical issues such as university accommodation, scholarships, and general support services available to students. Student ambassadors will also be on hand to assist all queries about student life at NUI Galway. A programme of taster sessions will also run throughout the day, designed to give a real insight in to university life, including interactive demos with the latest gadgets including X-boxes and Lego Mindstorm kits to becoming a stock market trader on NUI Galway's virtual stock market. Also highly recommended is the 'Student Life Talk' and the 'Focus on your Career Talk'. Caroline Loughnane, organiser of NUI Galway's Spring Open Day, emphasised the crucial role played by parents in helping students choose what to study at third-level: "Choosing a university is one of the most important decisions a student will ever make. We recognise the key role that parents play in supporting students as they take this important next step, and are keen to ensure that access is available to all of the information needed to support sons and daughters through their university career. This event is an excellent opportunity to speak to lecturers and current students and to find out more about the courses and campus". The range of courses available at NUI Galway is vast and varied and many are unique to the University. A new B.E. in Energy Systems Engineering is now on offer in response to the identification of Ireland s future energy needs as a national priority. The four-year honours degree will have its first intake in September and will produce professional accredited engineers, qualified to drive the emerging energy related industries. Engineering Innovation – Electronic is also in its first year and will provide graduates with specialised multi-disciplinary skills to start their own business, centered on the development of innovative, niche, market-led, electronic products. The Sports and Exercise Engineering degree is in its second year of accepting applicants and is the first of its kind available in Ireland. With a radical departure from traditional Arts degrees, BA CONNECT offers seven four-year degrees designed to increase the employability of graduates by developing distinctive skills and creating connections with life beyond the campus. At present, NUI Galway is the only Irish university offering a denominated degree in marine science and it now has the highest concentration of marine scientists of any institution in Ireland. This degree also offers training on board national training vessels in the third year of study. Podiatry is a healthcare profession that specialises in the management of disease and disorder of the foot, angle, knee, leg and hip. The only such course available in the Republic of Ireland, Podiatry as a career can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling and can give immense job satisfaction. Tours of the campus on the day will give an insight in to university life, and the top class facilities offered at NUI Galway, including the brand new € 22 million Sports Complex. The Centre's facilities include an international standard swimming pool, a national league basketball arena, 100 piece cardiovascular gym, an elite training gym for professional athletes and a climbing wall. If you would like to learn more, visitors can book a place at the Open Day and receive a programme in advance by logging on to www.nuigalway.ie/openday. For further information contact 091 493664 or email visit@nuigalway.ie Fáilte roimh thuismitheoirí ag Lá Oscailte OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh Lá Oscailte ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh do dhaltaí a rinne iarratas nó ar mian leo iarratas a dhéanamh ar áit in OÉ Gaillimh agus beidh fáilte roimh a dtuismitheoirí nó a gcaomhnóirí. Beidh sé ar siúl Dé Sathairn, an 25 Aibreán, idir 10am agus 3pm ar champas na hOllscoile. Beidh ollphuball ann don lá agus seastáin do gach ábhar. Tabharfaidh léachtóirí agus mic léinn eolas ar na cláir agus ábhair éagsúla chomh maith le heolas eile cosúil le lóistín, scoláireachtaí agus seirbhísí ginearálta tacaíochta atá ar fáil do mhic léinn. Beidh mic léinn ar fáil chomh maith chun ceisteanna a fhreagairt faoi shaol an mhic léinn in OÉ Gaillimh. Ar feadh an lae, beidh blaiseadh le fáil de chláir éagsúla, agus léargas le fáil ar shaol na hollscoile trí thaispeántais idirghníomhacha de na giúirléidí is nuaí ar nós X-box agus Lego Mindstorm agus eolas maidir le bheith i do thrádálaí ar stocmhargadh fíorúil OÉ Gaillimh. Moltar freastal ar na cainteanna faoi shaol an mhic léinn agus faoi ghairmeacha beatha. Chuir Caroline Loughnane, an té a d'eagraigh Lá Oscailte an Earraigh, béim ar an ról lárnach atá ag tuismitheoirí cuidiú le daltaí ábhar a roghnú sa tríú leibhéal: "Ceann de na roghanna is tábhachtaí a dhéanfaidh dalta ar bith ná ollscoil a roghnú. Tuigimid an ról atá ag tuismitheoirí cuidiú le daltaí agus iad ag tógáil na céime seo, agus táimid ag iarraidh a chinntiú go bhfuil fáil ar an eolas ar fad a theastaíonn chun tacú le do mhac nó d'iníon agus é/í ar an ollscoil. Is iontach an deis í seo le labhairt le léachtóirí agus le mic léinn agus níos mó eolais a fháil faoi chúrsaí agus faoin gcampas". Is iomaí cúrsa éagsúil atá ar fáil in OÉ Gaillimh, go deimhin níl cuid de na cúrsaí ar fáil in aon Ollscoil eile. Tá B.E. nua in Innealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh á chur ar fáil ag OÉ Gaillimh de thairbhe go n-aithnítear gur tosaíocht náisiúnta riachtanais fuinnimh na hÉireann san am atá le teacht. Glacfar leis na chéad mhic léinn ar an gcéim onóracha ceithre bliana i mí Mheán Fómhair agus cuirfidh an cúrsa innealtóirí creidiúnaithe gairmiúla ar fáil a bheidh cáilithe le tionscail fuinnimh atá ag teacht chun cinn a dhreasú. Tá Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta – Leictreonach ar fáil den chéad uair agus é mar aidhm leis sainscileanna ildisciplíneacha a thabhairt do chéimithe le cur ar a gcumas tús a chur lena ngnó féin; gnóthaí a bheidh dírithe ar tháirgí nuálaíochta, nideoige, táirgí faoi chinnireacht an mhargaidh, agus táirgí leictreonacha a fhorbairt. Is í seo an dara bliain a bhfuiltear ag glacadh le hiarratasóirí ar an gcéim cheannródaíoch Spóirt agus Innealtóireachta Aclaíochta. Fearacht gnáthchéimeanna sna Dána, tá seacht gcéim cheithre bliana in BA CONNECT a fheabhsóidh infhostaitheacht na gcéimithe trí scileanna a fhorbairt agus naisc a chruthú taobh amuigh den champas. Faoi láthair, is í OÉ Gaillimh an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a bhfuil céim ainmnithe aici sa mhuireolaíocht agus is san institiúid seo is mó atá eolaithe mara le fáil. Sa tríú bliain den chúrsa tugtar deis do na mic léinn oiliúint a fháil ar bord bhád náisiúnta oiliúna. Gairm í an chosliacht a dhíríonn ar ghalair agus ar neamhoird sa chos, rúitín, glúin agus corróg. Níl an cúrsa seo le fáil in aon áit eile sa Phoblacht agus bíonn an-sásamh le fáil as post mar choslia. Gheobhaidh daltaí léargas ar shaol na hollscoile trí dhul ar thuras mórthimpeall an champais ar an lá, mar aon le léargas ar na háiseanna atá ar fáil in OÉ Gaillimh lena n-áirítear an tIonad Spóirt a chosain €22 milliún. Tá linn snámha ar chaighdeán idirnáisiúnta, cúirt cispheile sraith náisiúnta, giomnáisiam cardashoithíoch le 100 píosa trealamh, giomnáisiam traenála den scoth do lúthchleasaithe gairmiúla agus balla dreapadóireachta le fáil san Ionad. Má tá tuilleadh eolais uait, is féidir áit a chur in áirithe ag an Lá Oscailte agus clár a fháil roimh ré ach dul chuig www.nuigalway.ie/openday. Glaoigh ar 091 493664 nó seol ríomhphost chuig visit@nuigalway.ie chun eolas breise a fháil. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Parents Encouraged to Attend NUI Galway Open Day
Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources visits NUI Galway

Friday, 17 April 2009
Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Mr Eamon Ryan, T.D., made his first visit to NUI Galway yesterday, where he was welcomed to the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) by its Director, Professor Gerard Jennings. Researchers from the ECI's Energy, Environmental Technology and Environmental Informatics areas provided an overview to the Minister of active and ongoing research projects which are funding the next generation of 4th level environmental graduates. According to Professor Jennings, "Galway and the Western Region is an ideal location to conduct research on environmental and climate change to allow base-line studies to be performed on major global issues such as transboundary air pollution". Minister Ryan emphasised to environmental researchers the importance of making their research relevant by "taking it out into the real world through enterprise-led opportunities and patents but not just for the sake of strengthening the economy but for valid and sound environmental reasons". The 40 minute session with academic researchers was followed by a one-hour Question and Answer Session with the Minister chaired by the ECI's Development Manager, Dr Martina Prendergast. The session attracted over 80 key partners from local industry, business, local authorities, city council officials and representatives from national agencies such as Teagasc. Dr Martina Prendergast also welcomed the announcement by ESB of a series of initiatives to create and sustain up to 3,700 jobs in the new green economy. She stated that: "The majority of the jobs will be created in the areas of Smart Networks, Smart Metering, Electric Vehicles, Wind Energy and new Environmental Technologies. Such initiatives will require skilled graduates in areas such as Environmental Engineering. "According to an announcement by Minister Ryan at this session, "Ireland is in the top 3 or 4 countries in the world that can deliver initiatives such as Smart Grid Technologies, Cleaner Greener Energy, and Energy Efficiency". -Ends-
>> Read full story about Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources visits NUI Galway