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All 2009
Annual Science Essay Competition for Schools Launched by NUI Galway

Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Data protection and DNA is the theme for the 2009 Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) Annual Science Essay Competition. Now in its fifth year, the competition, which is co-sponsored by REMEDI and the NUI Galway College of Science, is open to all students in the senior cycle of secondary schools in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The closing date for submissions is Friday, 30 October, 2009. Entries should be no longer than 1000 words exploring the theme 'Are people's DNA sequences their business and nobody else's?'. Winner and runner-up prizes include a laptop, video iPod, crystal trophies and science equipment bursaries for the students' school. For competition rules and entry forms please visit www.remedi.ie/education. REMEDI's Annual Science Essay Competition was launched in 2005 to stimulate discussion among students on the ethical and societal implications of advances in biomedical research. The aim is to generate interest in science among second-level students and encourage more to go on to study science at third-level. REMEDI is an SFI-funded research institute at the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science located at NUI Galway. Professor Frank Barry, Scientific Director of REMEDI and Director of the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, said: "This competition is a worthwhile outreach initiative which exemplifies the successful promotion of science by NUI Galway. It also fits with the Irish government's 'Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation' approach to developing an economy fuelled by research and development. Effective science communication, as demonstrated in this essay competition, has a vital role in building relationships between young people, schools and the scientific community". Last year's competition generated a great deal of interest in science and bioethical issues among students with over 120 entries from 16 counties. The winner was Daniel O'Reilly from Castleblayney College, Co. Monaghan, with Bobby Tang of The Royal Belfast Academical Institution taking the runner-up prize. -ends-
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NUI Galway is University of the Year for a Second Time

Friday, 18 September 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway has been named 'University of the Year 2009' in the Sunday Times University Guide, securing the prestigious accolade for a second time. Outperforming 21 other third-level institutions, NUI Galway's strong record in graduate employability, research commercialisation, and this year's 11% increase in CAO applications were among the reasons for the Award. NUI Galway won the inaugural University of the Year in 2002, and this year was noted as the number one university mover in The Sunday Times annual league table to 4th position. The award is not only based on league table position but on an assessment under 22 criteria on the university's role on a local, national and international level. NUI Galway has produced six spin-out companies in the first half of 2009 and 27 patents, while research income increased by a third last year, despite the economic downturn. The University was lauded for its industry collaboration, specifically in the area of medical device technologies for which the Galway region has an international reputation. The University's research in biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine is an integral support to the local medical device industry cluster. Many of the newer courses at NUI Galway, which added to the rise in first-choice applications, have been designed to be responsive to the changing needs of the employment market and meet the needs of Ireland's Smart Economy. New courses in Energy Systems Engineering will support the renewable energy market; Electronic Engineering Innovation will deliver business-savvy entrepreneurial graduates; while the range of new BA Connect degrees reflect areas of research growth in the Humanities. Alastair McCall, Editor of The Sunday Times University Guide 2010, said: "NUI Galway is the epitome of what third level education should be about. It provides a first-rate student experience with modern cutting-edge facilities. Its graduates are sought after throughout Ireland and beyond, and the NUI Galway name is synonymous with high quality. "The university is a key driver of the local economy in the west of Ireland and its commercial exports and spin-offs span the globe. It has forged a reputation in digital enterprise and the medical device industry that allows NUI Galway to punch way beyond its weight. Even the president of the United States is benefitting from innovations made in Galway. Making NUI Galway our Irish University of the Year was one of the easier decisions to make". Speaking about the announcement, President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, said: "It is very gratifying to be recognised as University of the Year. NUI Galway has been rapidly developing world-class facilities on our 250-acre riverside campus, through a €320 million building programme. Our new Sports Centre and swimming pool opened last year; a state-of-the-art concert hall and conference facility opened this month, and construction has just begun on a new €40 million Engineering Building". Dr Browne continued: "The University offers our students world-class teaching and encourages active engagement with the learning experience through opportunities such as volunteering, work placement, international exchange programmes, sports clubs and vibrant student societies. Our focus on student engagement contributes to our leading retention rate among universities and strong employment figures for our graduates". He added: "On a national level, our institutional agenda engages with the needs of the economy and the government's strategy for the Smart Economy. Our strong record of industry collaboration and world-class research in fields such as biomedicine, renewable energy, and internet technologies feed into and support the national agenda and economy". In terms of research, The Sunday Times also noted the internet technology deployed by the Obama Administration's Recovery.gov website to bring an unprecedented level of transparency to the US Government, which was developed at NUI Galway's Digital Enterprise Research Institute. With over 16,000 currently registered at the University, NUI Galway will welcome prospective undergraduate students and their families to the campus from 2-3 October, during its Autumn Open Days. To view The Sunday Times article please click here. Gradam Ollscoil na Bliana ag OÉ Gaillimh den Dara hUair (View in English) Ainmníodh OÉ Gaillimh mar 'Ollscoil na Bliana 2009' in The Sunday Times University Guide, an dara huair di an gradam measúil seo a thuilleadh. D éirigh le OÉ Gaillimh, thar 21 institiúid tríú leibhéal eile, an gradam seo a bhaint amach agus ar na cúiseanna ar éirigh léi an Gradam a bhaint bhí tóir a bhíonn ag fostóirí ar chéimithe ó OÉ Gaillimh, tráchtálú taighde, agus an méadú 11% ar líon na n-iarratas CAO i mbliana. Bhuaigh OÉ Gaillimh an chéad ghradam Ollscoil na Bliana in 2002, agus i mbliana d éirigh léi a bheith ar an ollscoil is airde a léim ar thábla sraithe bliantúil The Sunday Times nuair a bhain sí an ceathrú háit amach. Ní amháin go bhfuil an gradam bunaithe ar an áit a fhaigheann an ollscoil ar an tábla sraithe ach bíonn sé bunaithe chomh maith ar mheasúnú de réir 22 critéar ar ról na hollscoile ar leibhéal áitiúil, náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta. Tá sé fhochomhlacht bunaithe ag OÉ Gaillimh agus tá 27 paitinn cláraithe aici sa chéad leath de 2009, agus mhéadaigh an t-ioncam taighde inti d'aon trian anuraidh, ainneoin lag trá an gheilleagair. Moladh an Ollscoil as a comhpháirtíochtaí tionscail, i réimse na dteicneolaíochtaí feistí leighis go háirithe, réimse a bhfuil cáil idirnáisiúnta ar Ghaillimh as. Is taca lárnach do ghrúpa tionscail áitiúil na bhfeistí leighis an taighde atá ar bun ag an Ollscoil in innealtóireacht bhithleighis agus sa leigheas athghiniúnach. Go leor de na cúrsaí nua in OÉ Gaillimh a chuir leis an méadú ar iarratais chéadrogha, leagadh amach iad ag freagairt do riachtanais mhargadh na fostaíochta atá ag athrú agus tá siad ag teacht le riachtanais Gheilleagar Glic na hÉireann. Tacóidh cúrsaí nua in Innealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh le margadh an fhuinnimh in-athnuaite; cuirfidh an cúrsa nua i Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta – Leictreonach céimithe fiontraíochta a bheidh ina saineolaithe gnó ar fáil; agus léiríonn an rogha nua céimeanna BA Connect an fás atá ar réimsí taighde sna Daonnachtaí. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Alastair McCall, eagarthóir The Sunday Times University Guide 2010: "Is sampla den scoth OÉ Gaillimh ar an rud is oideachas tríú leibhéal ann. Cuireann sí taithí den scoth ar fáil don mhac léinn mar aon le háiseanna ceannródaíocha nua-aimseartha. Tá tóir ar a cuid céimithe ar fud na hÉireann agus thar lear, agus samhlaítear ardchaighdeán leis an ainm OÉ Gaillimh. "Tá an-tionchar ag an ollscoil ar an ngeilleagar in iarthar na hÉireann agus tá a cuid onnmhairí tráchtála agus a fochomhlachtaí le fáil ar fud na cruinne. Tá cáil bainte amach aici di féin san fhiontraíocht dhigiteach agus sa tionscal feistí leighis, réimse a bhfuil OÉ Gaillimh ar thús cadhnaíochta ann. Tá uachtarán Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, fiú, ag baint tairbhe as earraí nuálaíocha a dhéantar i nGaillimh. Bhí sé ar cheann de na cinntí ab éasca againn OÉ Gaillimh a ainmniú mar Ollscoil Éireannach na Bliana." Ag labhairt dó faoin ainmniúchán, dúirt Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne: "Is cúis mhór áthais dúinn gur tugadh aitheantas dúinn mar Ollscoil na Bliana. Tá OÉ Gaillimh ag forbairt áiseanna den chéad scoth go tapa ar ár gcampas 250 acra ar bhruach na habhann, trí chlár tógála €320 milliún. D'oscail an tIonad Spóirt agus an linn snámha nua anuraidh; d'oscail halla ceolchoirme agus áis comhdhála den chéad scoth an mhí seo, agus táthar díreach tar éis tosú ar Fhoirgneamh Innealtóireachta €40 milliún." Lean an Dr Browne air: "Cuireann an Ollscoil teagasc den scoth ar fáil dár mic léinn agus spreagann sí iad le bheith rannpháirteach go gníomhach sa taithí foghlama trí dheiseanna amhail obair dheonach, socrúchán oibre, cláir mhalartaithe idirnáisiúnta, clubanna spóirt agus cumainn bhríomhara mac léinn. Cuidíonn an bhéim a leagaimid ar rannpháirtíocht na mac léinn linn líon ard mac léinn a choinneáil thar ollscoileanna eile agus cuireann sin leis na figiúirí arda fostaíochta i measc ár gcéimithe." Chomh maith leis sin, dúirt sé: "Ar leibhéal náisiúnta, téann ár gclár oibre institiúideach i ngleic le riachtanais an gheilleagair agus le straitéis an rialtais maidir leis an nGeilleagar Glic. Cuireann an obair atá curtha i gcrích againn maidir le comhoibriú tionscail agus taighde den scoth i réimsí amhail bithleigheas, fuinneamh in-athnuaite, agus teicneolaíochtaí gréasáin leis an gclár oibre náisiúnta agus le geilleagar na tíre." Ó thaobh taighde de, luaigh The Sunday Times chomh maith an teicneolaíocht idirlín a forbraíodh in Institiúid Taighde na Fiontraíochta Digití in OÉ Gaillimh agus atá á húsáid ag láithreán gréasáin Lucht Riaracháin Obama, recovery.gov, chun go mbeadh Rialtas SAM níos trédhearcaí ná mar a bhí riamh. Tá breis agus 16,000 mac léinn cláraithe in OÉ Gaillimh, agus fáilteoidh an Ollscoil roimh dhaltaí ar spéis leo céim a dhéanamh san ollscoil agus roimh a dteaghlaigh chuig an gcampas, ar na Laethanta Oscailte, an 2 agus an 3 Deireadh Fómhair. -Críoch-
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NUI Galway Host Western Launch for New Online Tool for Schools

Friday, 18 September 2009
NUI Galway is to host the western launch of the new online education tool, EuroCreator. The EU project will be launched with a Roadshow at the School of Education Building on campus on Thursday, 24 September, at 7.30pm. EuroCreator is a new website and online repository that enables students and teachers from 27 European countries to share and download educational media and digital learning resources. This innovative new initiative is being supported by the European Commission as part of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009. Speaking about the project, Dr Tony Hall, Lecturer and Vice-Dean for Learning and Assessment, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, NUI Galway, said: "EuroCreator is an innovative new development in educational technology that will enable educators and learners from across the EU to share their educational media and digital resources safely in a moderated environment. The project will help to promote collaboration and creativity in Irish and European education; and recognition by the European Commissioner for Education is an added incentive to educators and learners to utilise this new educational resource". The projects that students and teachers upload to EuroCreator will be assessed by educational experts, such as Brendan Smith from the Digital Enterprise Research Institute at NUI Galway. When the students and teachers upload media they will receive a certificate from Ján Figel', the EU Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism. According to Jim Lenaghan, Chief Technology Officer, School of Education at NUI Galway: "EuroCreator is further testament to how NUI Galway is using innovative Information Communications Technology (ICT) to enhance the educational experience of learners across sectors: primary, secondary and third-level. The EuroCreator launch and Roadshow promises to be an exciting showcase of how ICT can be used innovatively and creatively in education". Educators, students and teachers interested to attend the EuroCreator Launch and Roadshow at the School of Education, NUI Galway, please contact NUIGalway@eurocreator.com -Ends-
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NUI Galway Issues Reunion Invitation to Class of 1969

Thursday, 17 September 2009
NUI Galway graduates from the class of 1969 are invited to attend a Reunion on Saturday, 3 October. The Reunion celebrations will begin with a reception at 3pm in the Aula Maxima, at the University, followed by a bus tour of the campus. The celebrations will continue with a drinks reception in the Galway Bay Hotel, followed by a Reunion Dinner with entertainment provided by Marc Roberts. JB Terrins, Director of Alumni Relations at NUI Galway, encourages alumni to come along: "Reunion is a wonderful opportunity for graduates to revisit NUI Galway and renew old acquaintances. Many alumni from the class of 1969 have already booked their places with many more graduates returning to Galway for this event. Our reunion attendees never regret making the effort and are always delighted to see old friends". The NUI Galway Alumni Association serves 70,000 graduates worldwide with an extensive range of programmes administered by the Alumni Office. These include national and international alumni groups, publications, reunions and alumni awards. For further details on any of these programmes please visit www.nuigalway.ie/alumni. For further information or to book a place at the reunion please contact Colm O'Dwyer in the Alumni Office on 091 493750 or email alumni@nuigalway.ie. -ends-
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NUI Galway Professor Presents Copy of New Book to President McAleese

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
President McAleese was recently presented with a copy of the first academic book on the new UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The book was co-edited by Professor Oddny Arnardottir of Reykjavik University in Iceland and Professor Gerard Quinn of the Centre for Disability Law & Policy at NUI Galway. NUI Galway President Dr James J. Browne and the Chancellor of the National University of Ireland and President of the Human Rights Commission, Dr Maurice Manning, were also present at the event. Professor Quinn said he was most grateful to President McAleese who has shown so much interest in the lives of persons with disabilities here in Ireland and around the world. He commented: "The new book should provide guidance to persons with disabilities as well as to Governments about the rights and obligations contained in the new treaty. It contains many exceptional contributions from academics in Harvard Law School as well as from judges sitting on the European Court of Human Rights and the Danish High Court". Professor Arnardottir said she looked forward to future collaboration on international disability law projects with NUI Galway. She recently delivered a public lecture, hosted by the Centre for Disability Law & Policy at NUI Galway, on the concept of equality in the new convention. President Browne commented that the book was an example of the kind of work on lifecycle policy challenges in areas such as disability, ageing and children that NUI Galway will produce in the coming years. The new Convention is the first human rights treaty adopted by the United Nations in the 21st century. It seeks to secure the equal and effective enjoyment of human rights for the estimated 650 million persons with disabilities in the world. It does so by tailoring general human rights norms to their circumstances. It reflects and advances the shift away from welfare to rights in the context of disability. The Convention itself represents a mix between non-discrimination and other substantive human rights and gives practical effect to the idea that all human rights are indivisible and interdependent. The Centre for Disability Law & Policy was established at the NUI Galway School of Law in 2008. Its research agenda includes the modernisation of services for persons with disabilities in Ireland. It is networked internationally and produces a European Yearbook on Disability Law & Policy with Maastricht University (Netherlands). It is part of a Lifecycle Research Allaiance on campus. -ends-
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