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New Medical Training Programme Twins Ireland and Malaysia

Thursday, 22 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) A new medical twinning programme has been agreed between NUI Galway, UCC and the Allianze College of Medical Sciences, Kapala Batas, in northern Malaysia. Some 120 Malaysian and other south-east Asian students will study medicine in Galway and Cork for the first two and a half years, before completing their five-year degree in Malaysia. On successful completion, students will be awarded the NUI degree of MB, BAO, BCh. The agreement will initially run for 15 consecutive years of student intake but with the potential to be extended beyond that. During the period of the agreement, other health profession programmes may be developed by mutual agreement. Up to now, NUI Galway and UCC have only accepted Malaysian students into the Irish five-year medical programme. This initiative shifts the clinical training of the students to their home country. However they will still obtain an Irish medical qualification that will be approved and accredited by the professional accrediting authorities of Ireland and Malaysia. Commenting on the agreement, Professor B.G. Loftus, Dean of NUI Galway's College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, said: "Hospital based clinical education will take place in Malaysia, which will be of huge benefit to the graduates. The students will develop their clinical skills and knowledge in the context of their own culture, traditions and health needs. We believe the new twining project has real advantages for the Irish and Malaysian parties, the students themselves, and the people of Malaysia". The twinning programme is being developed within the context of ongoing bilateral links between Ireland and Malaysia, particularly the 2001 Memorandum of Understanding between the Irish and Malaysian Ministries of Education, and the Malaysian Government s invitation in 2004 to the Irish universities with renowned medical schools to develop a campus in Malaysia. According to Dr James J. Browne, President of NUI Galway, "In NUI Galway and UCC, we welcome this opportunity to work together as a single team to deliver a programme of which both universities can be proud. In recent years, Irish universities have developed strategic partnerships in many areas of graduate education and research. We realise the importance to both governments and to the students and people of both countries that Irish education in Malaysia is seen as operating consistently and to the highest international standards and that any elements of competition are managed within the overall national interest". There are documented records of Malaysian students studying in Ireland in such subjects as Medicine, Commerce and Engineering since just after the Second World War, and increasing rapidly since Malaysian independence in 1958. In 1988, Trinity College Dublin, UCD, UCC and NUI Galway established the Irish Universities Medical Consortium with the purpose of developing Irish medical education links with Malaysia and placing them on a firmer footing. Ten years later the Penang Medical College was established by UCD and RCSI. These Irish Malaysia links in the field of medical education have to date led to somewhere in the region of 3,000 to 4,000 Malaysian doctors with Irish medical qualifications. Michael Hanna, Manager of the College of Medicine and Health at UCC, said: "There is also a global dimension to this partnership. As our countries develop in the most challenging of times, and seek to provide for the heath needs of our peoples, we can learn from each other better ways of doing things and better ways of understanding and respecting the differences between us". The aspiration is that the relationship being established with ACMS will in time come to include other health programmes and research dimensions. In this context, NUI Galway and UCC are hopeful of developing strategic links with Universiti Sans Malaysia (USM), one of the five institutions selected by the Malaysian government as the country's lead universities in teaching and research. Clár Nua Oiliúna sa Leigheas ina Chleamhnas idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia (View in English) Táthar tar éis clár nua cleamhnaithe leighis a aontú idir OÉ Gaillimh, Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh agus Coláiste Eolaíochtaí Leighis Allianze, Kapala Batas, i dtuaisceart na Malaeisia. Déanfaidh thart ar 120 mac léinn de bhunadh na Malaeisia agus oirdheisceart na hÁise staidéar ar an leigheas i nGaillimh agus i gCorcaigh ar feadh na chéad dhá bhliain go leith, agus críochnóidh siad a gcéim, a mhairfidh ar feadh cúig bliana ar fad, sa Mhalaeisia. Bronnfar céim MB, BAO, BCh de chuid Ollscoil na hÉireann ar na mic léinn a n-éireoidh leo. Mairfidh an comhaontú faoina nglacfar le mic léinn gach bliain ar feadh 15 bliana as a chéile ar dtús ach féadfar cur leis ina dhiaidh sin. I rith thréimhse an chomhaontaithe, féadfar cláir ghairmiúla leighis eile a fhorbairt ach gach páirtí a bheith aontaithe faoi. Go dtí seo ní raibh OÉ Gaillimh agus Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh ach ag glacadh le mic léinn Mhalaeiseacha ar an gcúrsa leighis cúig bliana Éireannach. Faoin tionscnamh seo is ina dtír dhúchais a chuirtear an oiliúint chliniciúil ar na mic léinn. Beidh siad i dteideal cáilíocht leighis Éireannach a bhaint amach, áfach, a bheidh faofa agus creidiúnaithe ag údaráis chreidiúnaithe ghairmiúil na hÉireann agus na Malaeisia. Ag labhairt dó faoin gcomhaontú dúirt an tOllamh B.G. Loftus, Déan Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte in OÉ Gaillimh: "Is sa Mhalaeisia a chuirfear oideachas cliniciúil otharlainne orthu, rud a bheidh ina shárbhuntáiste ag na céimithe. Déanfaidh na mic léinn a gcuid scileanna cliniciúla agus a gcuid eolais chliniciúil a fhorbairt i gcomhthéacs a gcultúir, a dtraidisiún agus a riachtanas sláinte féin. Creidimid go mbainfidh comhpháirtithe na hÉireann agus na Malaeisia, na mic léinn féin agus pobal na Malaeisia fíorthairbhe as an tionscadal nua cleamhnaithe." Tá an clár cleamhnaithe á fhorbairt i gcomhthéacs na nasc déthaobhach leanúnach idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia, Meamram Comhthuisceana idir Aireachtaí Oideachais na hÉireann agus na Malaeisia, go háirithe, agus i bhfianaise an chuiridh a thug Rialtas na Malaeisia in 2004 d'ollscoileanna Éireannacha a bhfuil scoileanna cáiliúla leighis acu campas a fhorbairt sa Mhalaeisia. Dúirt an Dr James J. Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, "Fáiltímidne in OÉ Gaillimh agus i gColáiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh roimh an deis seo oibriú le chéile mar aon fhoireann amháin chun clár ar díol mórtais é don dá ollscoil a chur ar fáil. Le blianta beaga anuas, tá ollscoileanna Éireannacha tar éis go leor comhpháirtíochtaí straitéiseacha a fhorbairt in go leor réimsí oideachais agus taighde. Aithnímid a thábhachtaí atá sé don dá rialtas agus do mhic léinn agus do phobal an dá thír go bhfeicfí sa Mhalaeisia go bhfuil an t-oideachas Éireannach ag feidhmiú go comhsheasmhach, go bhfuiltear ag cloí leis na caighdeáin idirnáisiúnta is airde agus go ndéantar bainistiú ar aon eilimintí iomaíochta chun leasa an dá náisiún." Tá taifid dhoiciméadaithe ann de mhic léinn Mhalaeiseacha a bhí mbun staidéir in Éirinn ar ábhair amhail an Leigheas, an Tráchtáil agus an Innealtóireacht ó dheireadh an Dara Cogadh Domhanda i leith, agus mhéadaigh a líon go mór ó bhain an Mhalaeisia neamhspleáchas amach i 1958. I 1988 bhunaigh Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, An Coláiste Ollscoile Baile Átha Cliath, Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh agus OÉ Gaillimh Comheagras Leighis Ollscoileanna na hÉireann a raibh sé de chuspóir aige naisc oideachas leighis a fhorbairt idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia agus bonn níos daingne a chur faoi na naisc sin. Deich mbliana ina dhiaidh sin bhunaigh an Coláiste Ollscoile Baile Átha Cliath agus Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn Coláiste Leighis Penang. Is é an toradh atá ar na naisc seo idir Éirinn agus an Mhalaeisia i réimse an oideachais leighis go dtí seo go bhfuil idir 3,000 agus 4,000 dochtúir Malaeiseach ann a bhfuil cáilíochtaí Éireannacha acu sa leigheas. Dúirt Michael Hanna, Bainisteoir Choláiste Leighis agus Sláinte Choláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh: "Tá gné dhomhanda ag baint leis an gcomhpháirtíocht seo. De réir mar atá ár dtíortha ag forbairt sa tréimhse an-dúshlánach seo, agus iad ag iarraidh freastal ar riachtanais sláinte an phobail sa dá thír, is féidir linn bealaí níos fearr a fhoghlaim óna chéile le rudaí a dhéanamh agus le tuiscint agus meas a bheith againn ar na difríochtaí atá eadrainn." Táthar ag súil go gcuimseoidh an caidreamh atáthar a bhunú leis an ACMS cláir agus gnéithe sláinte eile de réir a chéile. Sa chomhthéacs seo, tá dóchas ag OÉ Gaillimh agus ag Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh go ndéanfar naisc straitéiseacha a fhorbairt le Universiti Sans Malaysia (USM), ceann de chúig institiúid arb iad rogha rialtas na Malaeisia iad mar scoth-ollscoileanna na tíre sin sa teagasc agus sa taighde. -críoch-
>> Read full story about New Medical Training Programme Twins Ireland and Malaysia
CANCELLED - Leading US Expert on Disability Law and Policy to Talk at NUI Galway

Wednesday, 21 January 2009
CANCELLED - One of the world's leading experts on disability law and policy, Professor Michael Stein, is to deliver a public lecture at NUI Galway. A former classmate of US President Barack Obama's at Harvard, Professor Stein is now the Executive Director of the Harvard Project on Disability, which is a flagship project at Harvard Law School. The free public lecture will be held on Monday, 26 January at 6.30pm, in Room MY129, Áras Moyola, NUI Galway. Professor Stein's lecture will address the past and the future of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and discuss changes to the act by Congress following some negative US Supreme Court decisions. Professor Stein will also talk about further changes that might be needed to enable the US to eventually ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a treaty which President Obama has already promised to sign. The visit to NUI Galway is being hosted by the Centre for Disability Law & Policy, School of Law, NUI Galway. Its Director, Professor Gerard Quinn, comments: "Michael Stein is known the world over for his scholarship and depth of insight in the broad field of disability law. He himself has a disability, which always adds a sharp edge to his analysis. The Harvard Project on Disability is known for its work in Asia, and especially in China". Professor Quinn adds: "Michael has visited our Centre in the past, and has taught at our Summer Schools on disability law so we know him as an engaging speaker who is always eager to reach out to his audience and their own experiences. We feel privileged to host his visit and warmly anticipate his talk". Professor Stein has written extensively on American disability law. His interests include cost/benefit analysis of disability law, genetic discrimination and the law, and the concept of 'reasonable accommodation'. He was also an active delegate at the drafting of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Professor Stein recently co-authored a major report for the US National Council on Disability comparing and contrasting US law with the requirements of the convention. If you would like to attend or have any special requirements, please contact mobile +353 (0)87 6660634 or email disability@nuigalway.ie. For further details please visit the Centre for Disability Law & Policy's website at www.nuigalway.ie/cdlp/ -ends-
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NUI Galway Medical Students Extend Teddy Bear Hospital

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Due to popular demand, a second day has been added to the annual Teddy Bear Hospital at NUI Galway, which will be visited by a record 950 children this year. The children, from 24 primary schools in the Galway region, will bring their Teddy Bears to the hospital at NUI Galway on Thursday 29, and Friday 30, January. Organised by the University's medical and health sciences students, the event is for children aged 3-7, and aims to dispel fears associated with hospitals. Over 150 students will volunteer their time to explain (with Teddy's help) how treatments, such as x-rays, work. The Sláinte Society, NUI Galway's branch of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, first started the event four years ago. The event organiser, fifth year medical student Donna Cummins, has been involved since its inception: "People are usually scared of the unknown, and hospitals are places that children in particular don't know a lot about. By bandaging Teddy's arm, x-raying his leg or taking a Teddy MRI, we can illustrate to children what doctors and nurses in hospitals do". Donna added: "Feedback over the years, from parents and teachers, has been overwhelmingly positive so we know the Teddy Bear Hospital really benefits the children. For us medical students, this has to be one of the highlights of the year. We get to volunteer, help out the kids, and diagnose Teddy Bear maladies. We have had so much support from students across campus, our sponsors and from the University. With the extra day this year, it will simply be double the fun". The Teddy Bear Hospital will also feature a Teddy Pharmacy, stocked with nourishing vitamin juices and other healthy treats, from sponsors Total Produce. Smyths Toys will provide lots of toys for the 'Waiting Room', which will be donated to Cope after the event. Outside the Teddy Bear Hospital, an Order of Malta Ambulance will be on show for the children. Students from various NUI Galway societies will volunteer their time for face-painting, juggling and bouncy castle activities. According to Ríona Hughes, NUI Galway Societies Officer: "The Teddy Bear Hospital is an excellent example of how student societies at NUI Galway engage with the community in exciting and creative ways. This event has gone from strength to strength each year. It is of huge benefit to our medical students and to the local schools and children who participate in this fun event". NUI Galway has 89 active societies through which students make friends, pursue their interests, learn new skills and organise events such as the Teddy Bear Hospital. NUI Galway also runs the ALIVE Programme to assist students find further volunteering opportunities with community organisations. Lá Breise á chur le hOtharlann na mBéiríní ag Mic Léinn Leighis OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) De bharr an éilimh atá uirthi, beidh Otharlann na mBéiríní in OÉ Gaillimh ar oscailt ar feadh dhá lá i mbliana. Tabharfaidh 950 páiste cuairt ar an Otharlann i mbliana, an líon is mó cuairteoirí go dtí seo. Tabharfaidh na páistí ó 24 bunscoil i gceantar na Gaillimhe a gcuid Béiríní chuig an otharlann in OÉ Gaillimh Déardaoin agus Dé hAoine, 29 agus 30 Eanáir. Is iad mic léinn leighis agus eolaíochtaí sláinte na hOllscoile a eagraíonn an ócáid do pháistí idir 3 bliana agus 7 mbliana d'aois, agus is é an aidhm atá léi an eagla a bhíonn ar pháistí dul chun na hotharlainne a ruaigeadh. Caithfidh os cionn 150 mac léinn an dá lá ag obair go deonach agus ag míniú do na páistí (le cabhair an Bhéirín) an chaoi a n-oibríonn cóir leighis, amhail x-ghathanna. D'eagraigh an Cumann Sláinte, craobh OÉ Gaillimh de Chónaidhm Idirnáisiúnta Chumainn na Mac Léinn Leighis, an t-imeacht den chéad uair ceithre bliana ó shin. Tá baint ag eagraí na hócáide, an mac léinn leighis Donna Cummins atá sa chúigiú bliain, leis an otharlann ó thús: "Bíonn eagla ar dhaoine roimh rudaí nach bhfuil taithí acu orthu, agus ní bhíonn mórán ar eolas ag páistí, go háirithe, faoi otharlanna. Cuirimidne bindealán ar sciathán an Bhéirín, tógaimid x-gha de chois an Bhéirín nó déanaimid MRI ar an mBéirín, agus ar an gcaoi sin tugaimid léiriú do na páistí ar an obair a bhíonn ar bun ag dochtúirí agus ag banaltraí sna hotharlanna". Mar aguisín leis sin, dúirt Donna: "Bhí an t-aiseolas a fuaireamar le cúpla bliain anuas ó thuismitheoirí agus ó mhúinteoirí thar a bheith dearfach, mar sin tá a fhios againn go mbaineann na páistí an-tairbhe as Otharlann na mBéiríní. Seo ceann de bhuaicphointí na bliana againne, na mic léinn leighis. Faighimid deis oibriú go deonach, cuidiú leis na páistí agus diagnóisiú a dhéanamh ar an tinneas atá ar an mBéirín. Tá an-tacaíocht faighte againn ó mhic léinn ar fud an champais, ónár n-urraitheoirí agus ón Ollscoil. Beidh lá breise ann i mbliana agus beidh a dhá oiread spraoi againn". Beidh Poitigéir Béiríní in Otharlann na mBéiríní chomh maith ina mbeidh deochanna scamhardacha vitimíní agus rudaí deasa sláintiúla eile ar fáil, ónár n-urraitheoirí Total Produce. Cuirfidh Smyths Toys go leor bréagán ar fáil don 'Seomra Feithimh', agus tabharfar do Cope iad i ndiaidh na hócáide. Beidh Otharcharr de chuid Ord Mhálta taobh amuigh d'Otharlann na mBéiríní, agus beidh cead ag na páistí cuairt a thabhairt air. Beidh péintéireacht aghaidhe agus lámhchleasaíocht ar bun go deonach ag mic léinn ó chumainn éagsúla OÉ Gaillimh, agus beidh caisleán spraoi ann chomh maith. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Ríona Hughes, Oifigeach na gCumann in OÉ Gaillimh: "Is sárshampla Otharlann na mBéiríní den bhealach ar féidir le cumainn mac léinn in OÉ Gaillimh oibriú leis an bpobal ar bhealach atá spraíúil agus cruthaitheach. Ag feabhsú atá an t-imeacht gach bliain. Baineann ár gcuid mac léinn leighis, na scoileanna agus na páistí áitiúla a bhíonn rannpháirteach san ócáid spraoi seo an-tairbhe aisti". Tá 89 cumann gníomhach ag OÉ Gaillimh ina dtugtar deis do mhic léinn aithne a chur ar chairde nua, ábhair ar spéis leo iad a shaothrú, scileanna nua a fhoghlaim agus imeachtaí ar nós Otharlann na mBéiríní a eagrú. Tá Clár ALIVE á reáchtáil ag OÉ Gaillimh chomh maith ina gcuidítear le mic léinn tuilleadh deiseanna a aimsiú chun oibriú go deonach le heagraíochtaí pobail. -críoch-
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New Book Looks to Changing how Ireland does Business

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Innovative management, personal creativity and a global mindset are key to Ireland's economic recovery, according to a new book launched at NUI Galway. Irish Management 2.0 combines articles, case studies and management reflections into a compelling commentary on the future of management practice and business education in Ireland. Speaking at the launch, Mr Pádraig Ó Céidigh, founder and chairman CEO of Aer Arann, and Executive in Residence for the Executive MBA programme at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business at NUI Galway, said: "The world is moving and here in Ireland we have to move faster to be competitive, in order to achieve this we need to continually re-invent ourselves like those highlighted in the case studies in this book, successful brands such as CRH plc., Bulmers, O2 and even U2. I have never read a book like this, and its timely publication makes it a must-read for the business sector including entrepreneurs, education institutions and their students, to face difficult challenges in the current economic climate". Dr James Cunningham, Director of the Centre of Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) at NUI Galway, and co-editor of the book with Dr Denis Harrington of Waterford Institute of Technology, comments: "The concept of the knowledge economy has changed the management paradigm for Irish managers. As our economy shifts from an over-reliance on construction over the coming years, the key challenge for all Irish businesses will lie in fundamentally changing the way Irish managers and business do business and through international competitiveness". How will Irish businesses compete on a global scale? The answer, according to Irish Management 2.0 is through: developing the breadth and depth of managerial excellence; increasing levels of organisational flexibility; unleashing the personal innovation capacity at a firm level; and building new collaborative organisational forms that span several industries. In order to hone managerial excellence in Ireland, Irish Management 2.0 argues that there must be greater investment in managerial development at firm level; an alignment of management styles and paradigms to the knowledge economy; changes in managerial mindset, conceptualisation of organisations and competitive contexts; and significant changes in collaborations between Irish managers and business school academics, both nationally and internationally. Cunningham and Harrington argue that Ireland is at the beginning of a new management revolution - Management 2.0 - that will impact Irish business and change the manner in which organisations are managed and run. They argue that Irish management and managers need to embrace new managerial practices and to develop a new management paradigm that is centred on unleashing the personal innovation capacity at a firm level and the enabling capabilities of managers. The role of manager extends beyond that of planning, leading, organising and controlling which are core to the management function, to becoming that of an enabler rather than a doer. Moving from doing to enabling requires Management 2.0 teams to build an organisational enabling platform on two capabilities - creativity and socialisation - designed to unleash the individual personal innovation capacity of all internal and external stakeholders of the firm. These are the central themes of Irish Management 2.0. A strong national pool of managerial talent is a key competitive requirement if Ireland is to become an exemplar knowledge based economy. With respect to future development of Irish managerial talent, Cunningham and Harrington argue we have still have a long way to go if we compete effectively in global markets. With an introduction by Harvard Business Review Editor Thomas A Stewart, Irish Management 2.0 is an essential resource for practitioners, students and for anyone interested in the future of Irish business and is available from Blackhall Publishers, Dublin www.blackhallpublishing.com. Irish Management 2.0 is supported by the MBA Association of Ireland and Enterprise Ireland. The Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) is an interdisciplinary research centre at NUI Galway. The key objective of CISC is to build an internationally recognised programme of research and research training on the innovation processes and policies that are fundamental to the development of a knowledge-based economy. -Ends-
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Minister Praises NUI Galway Science Essay Competition

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
This year's BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition saw Leaving Cert student Daniel O'Reilly of Castleblayney College, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, receive top prize in the National Science Essay Competition organised by NUI Galway. Daniel, who won a laptop, trophy and a €500 science bursary for his school, received his prizes from the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe T.D., on the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) booth at the festival. The competition, co-ordinated by the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) at NUI Galway, was sponsored for the fourth consecutive year by medical device technology company Medtronic. The contest is open to all students in the senior cycle of secondary schools in the Republic of Ireland, and this year was also open to all schools in Northern Ireland. The theme for the essay competition was Boundaries of Science – is there anything we should not do? The runner-up prize of a video iPOD, trophy and €250 school science bursary went to A-level student Bobby Tang of The Royal Belfast Academical Institution Belfast. Three letters of honourable mention were also issued to: Natalie Duda of Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin; Amy Diviney of Colaiste Chraobh Abhann, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow; and Rebecca Anderson of Eureka Secondary School, Kells, Co. Meath. Presenting the prizes, Minister O'Keeffe acknowledged the enthusiasm for science shown by all the entrants, saying: "I hope we see the future generation of scientists before us today". Professor Matthew Griffin, from REMEDI, NUI Galway, thanked all the students who participated in the competition, as well as Medtronic and SFI for their work in supporting science education. Angela Duffy, Senior R&D Scientist with competition sponsor Medtronic, said: "I am delighted to see such interest in research among secondary level students. Daniel and Bobby were deserved winners". Professor Frank Gannon, Director General, SFI, said: "I congratulate the winner and runners up on their success in the REMEDI science essay competition. I hope that your success today will encourage you to consider and explore the opportunities offered by careers in science and engineering. Ireland's future economic success is dependent on attracting young people into careers in science and engineering". Professor Gannon acknowledged the Education and Outreach programmes which are ongoing at REMEDI and the other eight SFI Centres for Science Engineering and Technology (CSETs) located at universities throughout Ireland and thanked the CSETs for their continued efforts in this regard. Daniel O'Reilly's essay was selected from a top-ten shortlist by a high profile panel of judges who met at REMEDI in November 2008 to choose a winner. The judges included: Tom Kennedy, Editor of Science Spin magazine; Cormac Sheridan, freelance science journalist; Dr Dónal Ó Mathúna, Senior Lecturer in Ethics, Decision-Making and Evidence in the School of Nursing, DCU; Dr Richard Hull, Department of Philosophy, and Centre of Bioethical Research and Analysis (COBRA) at NUI Galway; and Danielle Nicholson, Outreach Officer at REMEDI, NUI Galway. The competition is organised as part of a joint REMEDI and National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) at NUI Galway secondary school outreach programme called Galway Regional Outreach (GRO). The aim of the competition is to hear young people's views on contemporary scientific questions and to encourage students to consider studying science in third level. REMEDI is a research institute funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the Centres for Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) Programme. The Institute is hosted by NUI Galway at the NCBES. -ends-
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