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NUI Galway Awards 29 New Sports Scholarships

Tuesday, 3 November 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) At a special ceremony in the University on Monday, 2 November, 29 new recipients of NUI Galway student Sports Scholarships were presented by President, Dr James J. Browne. The recipients joined the existing 19 scholarship holders where NUI Galway supports high performing athletes in a wide range of sports through its Sports Scholarship programme. The Scholarship programme has been developed by the University to reward the students' ability and previous performances, and also to assist young athletes develop their sporting prowess hand-in-hand with their academic progress by putting in place the necessary supports. Recipients this year include six of the Clare U-21 hurling panel who won the County's first ever All-Ireland title this summer: Domhnall and Cormac O' Donovan (twins), Patrick Kelly, Caimin Morey, Donal Touhy and John Conlon (existing scholarship holder). Niall Burke and Joseph Cooney, members of the Galway All-Ireland Minor Hurling winning team, were presented with the hurling Scholarships and a further All-Ireland winner in Offaly's Michela Morkan received the Camogie Scholarship. Martin Conneely of Mervue United and NUI Galway Soccer clubs follows sibling and Irish U-21 International Seamus Conneely as a Sports Scholar. Also receiving a Soccer Scholarship was Donegal native Liam Grant, who was nominated for the 2008 FAI Intermediate player of the year. European Junior Athletics Finalist in 2009, Eilish Fitzpatrick of Cork and Gneveeguilla Club was the awarded the Athletics Scholarship while Galway's Aisling Harris and Cliona Hurst were the Rowing Scholarship recipients. Men's and Women's Gaelic Football scholarships were presented to Elanna Hackett (Monaghan ), Niamh Hegarty (Donegal), Sean Armstrong (Galway), John Connellan, David Duffy (Westmeath) and Shane Nally (Mayo). Moycullen's Dylan Cunningham and Oranmore Maree's Captain Darren Callanan were recipients of the new Basketball scholarships while Shane Casey and Conor Murphy took the Rugby honours. The Cycling Scholarship was presented to Charles Prendergast from Mayo. Irish Internationals, Katie Gallagher (Golf) and Carol Staunton (Rugby) from Mayo, Galway's Jessica Burke (Show Jumping) and Katie McAvena (Windsurfing) as well as promising Westmeath Boxer Daniel Foster will all receive support from the scheme in the coming year. Scholarship benefits include a subsistence grant, coaching, medical and physiotherapy support, performance nutrition and performance psychology, strength and conditioning as well as performance planning and mentoring. Each Scholarship is built around the individual's needs and their chosen sport. To assist these sportspeople in the pursuit of their twin sporting and academic goals, NUI Galway has recently appointed an Elite Sports development officer, former Olympic Sprinter Gary Ryan. Gary highlighted the plans for the Scholarship programme: "We are developing our scholarship scheme to the highest international standards to give outstanding talent the opportunity to develop. The Scholarship and high performance sports programme will create a performance environment for sport and study that encourages, challenges and supports each individual to reach their maximum potential". Also presented at the ceremony were two Gaelic Football Scholarships sponsored by Cadbury's for outstanding U-21 Footballers as part of their sponsorship of the U-21 Football Championship. This year's recipients are Mayo's Jason Doherty and Conor Doherty of Tuam, Co Galway. Tony Regan, Head of Sport, NUI Galway, said: "I wish to congratulate all of those that will receive Sports Scholarships and hope that they can make a significant contribution to the NUI Galway community over the coming years in the same way that many of our current and former students already have by their success in the sporting arena and how they have positively represented the University". 29 Scoláireacht nua Spóirt á mbronnadh ag OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Ag searmanas speisialta san Ollscoil Dé Luain, an 2 Samhain, bhronn an tUachtarán, an Dr James J. Browne Scoláireachtaí Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh ar bhuaiteoirí nua na bliana seo. Cuirfear na buaiteoirí seo leis na 19 mac léinn eile a bhfuil scoláireacht spóirt ina seilbh acu trí chlár Scoláireachtaí Spóirt ina dtacaíonn OÉ Gaillimh le lúthchleasaithe den scoth i réimse leathan spórt. D'fhorbair an Ollscoil an clár Scoláireachtaí chun aitheantas a thabhairt do chumas na mac léinn agus dá fheabhas a bhí éirithe leo i mbun spóirt, agus le cuidiú le lúthchleasaithe óga a gcumas spóirt agus a gcumas léinn a fhorbairt in éineacht tríd an tacaíocht chuí a chur ar fáil. I measc bhuaiteoirí na bliana seo tá seisear de phainéal iomána faoi 21 an Chláir a bhuaigh a gcéad chraobh Uile-Éireann riamh an samhradh seo: Domhnall agus Cormac O' Donovan (cúpla), Patrick Kelly, Caimin Morey, Donal Touhy agus John Conlon (mac léinn a bhfuil scoláireacht aige cheana féin). Bronnadh Scoláireachtaí iomána ar Niall Burke agus Joseph Cooney, atá ar fhoireann bhuacach Mhionúr Iomána na Gaillimhe a bhain craobh na hÉireann, agus fuair curadh uile-Éireann eile, Michaela Morkan as Uíbh Fhailí, an Scoláireacht Chamógaíochta. Tá Martin Conneely atá ar fhoireann Mervue United agus ar fhoireann sacair OÉ Gaillimh ag fáil Scoláireachta Spóirt díreach mar a rinne a dheartháir Seamus, atá ar fhoireann idirnáisiúnta faoi 21 na hÉireann, roimhe. Fuair Liam Grant ó Thír Chonaill ó dhúchas, Imreoir Idirmheánach na bliana an FAI 2008, Scoláireacht Spóirt chomh maith. Bronnadh an Scoláireacht Lúthchleasaíochta ar Eilish Fitzpatrick ó Chumann Chorcaí agus Ghníomh go Leith agus is iad Aisling Harris agus Cliona Hurst a bhain na Scoláireachtaí Rámhaíochta. Bronnadh scoláireachtaí Pheil Ghaelach na mBan agus na bhFear ar Elanna Hackett (Muineachán), Niamh Hegarty (Dún na nGall), Sean Armstrong (Gaillimh), John Connellan, David Duffy (An Iarmhí) agus Shane Nally (Maigh Eo). Is iad Dylan Cunningham as Maigh Cuilinn agus Captaen fhoireann Órán Mór — Meáraí Darren Callanan a bhuaigh na scoláireachtaí nua Cispheile agus fuair Shane Casey agus Conor Murphy na gradaim Rugair. Bronnadh an Scoláireacht Rothaíochta ar Charles Prendergast as Maigh Eo. Gheobhaidh na lúthchleasaithe idirnáisiúnta as Éirinn Katie Gallagher (Galf) agus Carol Staunton (Rugar) as Maigh Eo, Jessica Burke as Gaillimh (Seómharcaíocht) agus Katie McAvena (Clársheoltóireacht) agus an Dornálaí bisiúil Daniel Foster as an Iarmhí tacaíocht ón scéim i mbliana. I measc na nithe a mbainfidh na buaiteoirí tairbhe astu leis na scoláireachtaí tá deontas cothabhála, oiliúnú, tacaíocht leighis agus fisiteiripe, comhairle faoin mbia agus faoin meon a chuirfidh lena gcumas spóirt, agus le neart agus le riocht a gcoirp i mbun a spóirt dóibh, agus comhairle ó thaobh pleanála agus meantóireachta a chuirfidh lena gcumas spóirt. Bíonn gach Scoláireacht bunaithe ar riachtanais an duine aonair agus ar riachtanais a rogha spóirt. Le cuidiú leis na lúthchleasaithe seo a gcuspóirí spóirt agus léinn a bhaint amach, d'fhostaigh OÉ Gaillimh an t-iar-reathaí ráibe Éireannach, Gary Ryan, mar oifigeach forbartha Spórt Éilíte. Labhair Gary faoi na pleananna atá ann don chlár Scoláireachtaí: "Táimid ag forbairt ár scéime scoláireachtaí chun go mbeidh sí ar an gcaighdeán is airde go hidirnáisiúnta le deis a thabhairt do dhaoine a bhfuil talann thar na bearta acu dul chun cinn a dhéanamh. Cruthóidh an clár Scoláireachtaí agus an clár spóirt ardchumais timpeallacht ardchumais don spórt agus don staidéar a spreagfaidh gach lúthchleasaí, a thabharfaidh a ndúshlán agus a chuideoidh leo barr feabhais a bhaint amach." Chomh maith leis sin bronnadh dhá Scoláireacht Peile Gaelaí a ndearna Cadbury's urraíocht orthu ar scothpheileadóirí faoi 21, mar chuid den urraíocht a rinne Cadbury's ar an gCraobhchomórtas Peile faoi 21. Ba iad Jason Doherty as Maigh Eo agus Conor Doherty as Tuaim, Co na Gaillimhe buaiteoirí na bliana seo. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Tony Regan, Ceann an Spóirt, OÉ Gaillimh: "Ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a dhéanamh leo sin ar fad a bhfuil Scoláireachtaí Spóirt faighte acu agus tá súil agam go gcuirfidh siad go fiúntach le pobal OÉ Gaillimh as seo go ceann cúpla bliain, díreach mar a rinne go leor dár mic léinn reatha agus dár n-iar-mhic léinn trína fheabhas a d'éirigh leo sa spórt agus ar an mbealach a ndearna siad ionadaíocht den scoth ar an Ollscoil". -Críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Awards 29 New Sports Scholarships
Cross-Border Research Alliance to Tackle Diabetes

Tuesday, 3 November 2009
NUI Galway and the University of Ulster have joined forces with HSE West and the Western Health and Social Care Trust to create a collaborative cross-border partnership on diabetes-related research. The "Atlantic - Alliance for Cooperation on Research into Diabetes" (Atlantic - ACORD) initiative brings together clinicians and researchers from the health service, academia and industry, and patients to develop innovative solutions to problems related to the growing problem of diabetes. Diabetes has been targeted because of its increasing prevalence and the associated health care costs. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is 4-5%, and 1 in 10 pregnancies develop gestational diabetes. Participants will also include allied health professionals, including dieticians, podiatrists, diabetes specialist nurses, IT specialists and psychologists. Priority research areas for the partnership are health technologies, the use of geographical information systems in database analysis, diabetes in pregnancy, and beta cell engineering. These research themes represent some of the key needs for patients in the region and will form the initial focus of further collaborative research proposals. Professor Fidelma Dunne, Head of the School of Medicine at NUI Galway, said: "Tackling diabetes has become an international healthcare priority in the western world. This new research alliance, Atlantic -ACORD, is all about joined-up thinking and pooling resources and expertise north and south of the border". The ultimate aim of the initiative is to enhance the quality of life for patients with diabetes mellitus, and to focus on prevention, treatment and management of the disease. The participant organisations are enthusiastic about the prospect of a formal cross-border initiative in diabetes research, helping tackle this disease, which is a both a growing problem in society and major healthcare service challenge. Professor Finbarr O'Harte of the University of Ulster, said: "The Atlantic - ACORD initiative is an exciting opportunity for us all to pool our expertise in the field of diabetes research for the benefit of diabetes sufferers. This cross-border cooperation should help bring real improvements in prevention, treatment and management of diabetes in this catchment area". Welcoming the initiative, Dr Maurice O'Kane, Head of Research and Development, Western Trust, and C-TRIC, said: "The establishment of Atlantic-ACORD is another significant step forward in putting in place strong systems for research into prevention and treatment of diabetes. This will help us engage even more widely with experts both in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, which will lead to real benefits in how we understand and treat diabetes". It is planned to collaborate with other diabetes centres and work towards an all-island diabetes research network. -ends-
>> Read full story about Cross-Border Research Alliance to Tackle Diabetes
Success at Undergraduate Awards of Ireland for NUI Galway Students

Monday, 2 November 2009
President Mary McAleese presented six inaugural Undergraduate Awards of Ireland to NUI Galway students on 20 October in the Royal Irish Academy where 41 of Ireland's most outstanding undergraduates received awards. Over 1,600 submissions were received and the winners were selected through an academic review process by 33 separate panels. The Undergraduate Awards of Ireland were established to recognise and reward Ireland's most innovative young knowledge creators, to catalyse the development of the brightest undergraduates, and to inspire all undergraduates to achieve. In congratulating these students on their success in the Undergraduate Awards of Ireland programme, NUI Galway President Dr James J. Browne commended them on receiving this distinction by a body which recognizes Ireland's brightest undergraduates. "Their success will undoubtedly add lustre to the students' academic development, as well as underscore NUI Galway s increasing profile as a centre of world-class research and teaching". He continued by wishing them continued success in their academic endeavours. NUI Galway winners and essay titles: Philomena Ní Fhlatharta - Irish "Cillíní Páistí: briseadh croí faoi rún" Russell Ó Ríagáin - Archaeology "The rectilinear houses of the Irish early neolithic: the introduction of new identities, ideologies and economies" Kayla Reed - Irish "Innéacs de bhailiúchán amhrán a rinne Cosslett Ó Cuinn i nGabhla, i dToraigh agus in Árainn Mhór" Geraldine Galand - Nursing and Midwifery "Define nursing and discuss what you consider to be the key components of nursing care" Caroline Maritin - Earth & Ocean Sciences "Early human settlement in the British Isles as a function of retreat and advance of Northern Hemisphere glaciations: Comparisons with other mammal fauns" Linda O'Connor - Chemistry "Catalytic Methods for the Destruction of Chemical Warfare Agents under Ambient Conditions" The awards are open to undergraduates across the island of Ireland's nine Universities. Submissions are drawn from the outstanding papers, essays and dissertations produced as a normal part of course work during each academic year. In addition to receiving a gold medal for their submissions each students winning essay will be published in an annual journal. -ends-
>> Read full story about Success at Undergraduate Awards of Ireland for NUI Galway Students
NUI Galway Engineering Students Volunteer in Africa

Monday, 2 November 2009
The College of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway has initiated a programme that gives students the opportunity to work in developing countries. Through the Service Learning programme, undergraduate civil engineering students can undertake community-based learning as part of their academic courses. Students will work on projects such as house building, research activities, engineering and science workshops, and literacy programmes. As part of the programme NUI Galway is investigating innovative sustainable construction technology in Zambia, through collaboration with University of Zambia, Good Earth Trust, and the Alan Kerins African Projects. The initial phase of this project entitled 'Cost-effective Sustainable Construction Technology for Zambia' was completed in June by four third-year civil engineering students. With the assistance of the University of Zambia, an extensive literature review and laboratory tests were carried out using interlocking compressed earth blocks, also known as stabilised soil blocks, that replicated those currently used in Western Zambia. If adopted, these blocks can make a significant contribution to poverty reduction, improving the local environment and reducing carbon emissions. The project also saw NUI Galway students, together with two qualified engineers, travel to Western Zambia in August on a 'fact-finding mission'. This visit was used to gather further information on materials available locally that could be used in the manufacture of cost-effective sustainable construction techniques. Further tests to develop innovative composite materials will involve two research projects at NUI Galway which will run in parallel until April 2010. NUI Galway engineering students also ran workshops for orphan children in the remote village of Kaoma. The workshops were developed in collaboration with the Irish engineering professional body, Engineers Ireland, and were designed to encourage the children to explore the world of science and engineering. Speaking on the new initiative Dr Jamie Goggins, Lecturer in the College of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway said: "Working in developing countries is a great way to improve your technical skills, broaden your horizons and gain invaluable working experience. Getting a job in communities less fortunate than your own can be a very fulfilling experience. It is extremely rewarding to know that your efforts are helping others to help themselves and working towards alleviating inequality and poverty". NUI Galway Engineering students have also taken part in other volunteering projects in Africa. Over the summer, nine final-year engineering students volunteered for two months in Bahir Dar, in the north of Ethiopia, working on a house building project and helping with a literacy programme. -ends-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Engineering Students Volunteer in Africa
Major Study Highlights Community Needs in East Galway City Areas

Monday, 2 November 2009
- Doughiska, Roscam and Ardaun - A new report to be launched today (Monday, 2 November) looks at the future of a part of Galway City which, in recent years, has seen the highest population growth of any district outside of Dublin. The study was commissioned by a local community group, the Doughiska, Roscam and Ardaun Planning and Strategy Committee. This major report into the communities of Doughiska, Roscam and Ardaun was undertaken by NUI Galway's Adult and Continuing Education Office. The 'Profile, Needs Analysis and Action Plan' study highlights a number of very distinct traits of the area and points to developments which are urgently required to pave the way for the future. According to the report, a combination of facilities and development supports is crucial, given the area's youth, its multi-cultural mix, its high degree of transience and a perceptible rise in unemployment. In the past decade, the Doughiska, Roscam and Ardaun (DRA) area in the East of Galway City has witnessed phenomenal population growth. The population has grown from around 200 people in the year 2000, to its present day figure of 7,280. The area is also notable for the exceptional youth of its population, more than a quarter of the area's population (26.6%) are children aged 15 or younger. In total, there are almost 2000 children living in the DRA area who are obliged to travel outside of the area in order to attend school, until new schools approved for the area open in 2012. Among much needed developments identified in the study, the most important are considered to be: the opening of the two approved schools; the development of a multi-purpose Neighbourhood Centre; an expansion of youth services; and the delivery of community development supports. More than two in five households (41.5%) are living in private rented accommodation in the DRA area, which is four times higher than the national average. The area is also markedly multi-cultural, with at least 33 different nationalities living in the area, with one in three (33.4%) of all residents being non-Irish nationals. Commenting about the Report, Seamus O'Grady, Director of Adult and Continuing Education, NUI Galway, said: "The report highlights the importance of local community action and collaboration with development agencies. It documents significant priority developments that need to be addressed in the Doughiska, Roscam and Ardaun areas. As a city, Galway has seen massive change over the last decade and elements of society need to come together to shape a successful future for our young people. The University is delighted to have played a role in progressing local needs through this research report. NUI Galway will continue to work in cooperation with DRA, Galway City Council and other local development interests in furthering the development capacity of the East side of Galway City". The report was funded by NUI Galway, Galway City Council, the Galway Diocese and McInerney's Properties. -ends-
>> Read full story about Major Study Highlights Community Needs in East Galway City Areas