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Recruitment Fair at NUI Galway

Tuesday, 20 October 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) Major organisations from business, industry, the public and voluntary sectors will feature at the NUI Galway Graduate Recruitment Fair in Áras na Mac Léinn on Wednesday, 28 October, from 12.30-4.30pm. The popular annual event will showcase employment opportunities for graduates from all disciplines, with a diverse number of fields such as finance, law, retail, teaching, defence forces, consultancy and many other sectors represented. Graduates and students can attend employer presentations and gain advice and information from career and HR professionals. Seminars will run to help those attending to plan a more creative job search and a CV clinic will also be available. Major local employers such as Boston Scientific, Creganna, Medtronic and SAP will attend, in addition to international companies such as Accenture, Abbott, Intel, KPMG and Lidl. According to John Hannon, Head of NUI Galway's Career Development Centre: "Demand for NUI Galway graduates remains extremely high, reflecting on their excellent employability status. The current economic climate does of course present challenges; to be employed is to be at risk but to be employable is to be secure. Therefore this year we have also invited some organisations who provide volunteering opportunities which help develop key transferable skills and enhance employability. There will also be an opportunity to get information on postgraduate programmes available in NUI Galway". The event organiser, Louise McDermott, has some advice for those attending the Fair: "Make sure that you check out the list of attending companies and the opportunities on offer in advance so that you can plan your visit. It is a good idea to take an up-to-date CV with you so that you can have it reviewed at our CV clinic. Whatever degree you have, whether you have lots of relevant work experience or not, you need to sell yourself. First impressions are lasting ones, so come dressed for success and with a 'can do' attitude". Details on exhibitors is available from www.nuigalway.ie/careers Aonach Earcaíochta Céimithe OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh eagraíochtaí móra gnó, tionscail, ón earnáil phoiblí agus ón earnáil dheonach i láthair ag Aonach Earcaíochta Céimithe OÉ Gaillimh in Áras na Mac Léinn Dé Céadaoin, an 28 Deireadh Fómhair idir 12.30pm agus 4.30pm. Tabharfar léiriú ar na deiseanna fostaíochta atá ar fáil do chéimithe i ngach disciplín ag an imeacht bliantúil seo a mbíonn an-tóir air, agus beidh ionadaithe i láthair ó réimsí éagsúla amhail lucht airgeadais, dlí, miondíola, teagaisc, na fórsaí cosanta, lucht comhairleoireachta agus go leor earnálacha eile. Is féidir le céimithe agus le mic léinn freastal ar an gcur i láthair a dhéanfaidh fostóirí agus comhairle agus eolas a fháil ó lucht gairmiúil gairmthreorach agus AD. Beidh seimineáir ann le cuidiú leo sin a bheidh ag freastal ar an ócáid post a chuardach ar bhealach níos cruthaithí agus beidh clinic CVanna ann chomh maith. Beidh fostóirí móra áitiúla amhail Boston Scientific, Creganna, Medtronic agus SAP ag freastal ar an ócáid, mar aon le comhlachtaí idirnáisiúnta amhail Accenture, Abbott, Intel, KPMG agus Lidl. Dúirt John Hannon, Ceann Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh: "Tá an-éileamh ar chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh go fóill, rud a léiríonn go bhfuil siad breá ábalta dul i mbun fostaíochta. Tá dúshláin ag baint le cúrsaí an gheilleagair mar atá faoi láthair; tá baol ar an bhfostaíocht ach tá cinnteacht ag baint lena bheith infhostaithe. Dá bhrí sin, i mbliana, tá cuireadh tugtha againn d'eagraíochtaí a chuireann deiseanna ar fáil le hobair dheonach a dhéanamh, rud a chuidíonn le daoine scileanna tábhachtacha inaistrithe a fhoghlaim agus cur lena mealltacht ó thaobh fostaíochta de. Beidh deis ann chomh maith eolas a fháil faoi chláir iarchéime atá ar fáil in OÉ Gaillimh." Tá Louise McDermott, eagraí an imeachta, ag cur comhairle orthu siúd a bheidh ag freastal ar an Aonach: "Bígí cinnte go mbreathnóidh sibh ar liosta na gcomhlachtaí a bheidh ag freastal ar an ócáid agus na deiseanna atá ar fáil roimh ré sa chaoi go mbeidh tú ábalta an chuairt a phleanáil. Smaoineamh maith a bheadh ann CV atá cothrom le dáta a thabhairt libh sa chaoi gur féidir é a leasú sa chlinic CVanna. Cuma cén chéim atá agaibh, agus bíodh neart taithí ábhartha oibre agaibh nó ná bíodh, beidh oraibh dul i bhfeidhm ar dhaoine. Cuimhníonn daoine ar feadh i bhfad ar an gcaoi a dtéann sibh i bhfeidhm orthu nuair a bhuaileann sibh leo den chéad uair, mar sin bígí dea-ghléasta agus bíodh dearcadh dearfach agaibh." Tá sonraí an lucht taispeántais le fáil ó www.nuigalway.ie/careers -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Recruitment Fair at NUI Galway
NUI Galway Recognises Leaving Certificate Excellence

Monday, 19 October 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway recently celebrated the success of a select group of first-year students who received a total €107,100 in recognition of the high points they achieved in the recent Leaving Certificate Examination. As part of the University's annual Entrance Scholarships, 63 students received €1,700 each, along with a NUI Galway scroll, at a special ceremony which included teachers and parents on Thursday, 15 October, 2009. Entrance Scholarships are given annually to new entrants at NUI Galway who reached a minimum of 560 points in their Leaving Certificate examination, except in Medicine. In Medicine 10 Scholarships were awarded, based on the combined results in the Leaving Certificate and the new Admissions Test (H-PAT Ireland). Designed to attract the best students to NUI Galway and reward their academic excellence, the awards may be held with any other scholarships or grants, including the University's extensive Sports Scholarship Scheme. NUI Galway also awards 25 Bursaries annually, each worth €1,600, to support students who take a significant proportion of their course through Irish. Speaking at the award ceremony, NUI Galway President Dr James J. Browne, who presented the cheques to each individual winner, said: "We are delighted to recognise the academic talent of these 63 outstanding individuals from all over Ireland. NUI Galway strives constantly to support and promote academic excellence across all disciplines. The Entrance Scholarships ceremony is an opportunity to give special recognition to our first year students who have already shown academic prowess through their Leaving Certificate results. It is also a chance to give due credit to their parents and teachers for their contribution to such success. We welcome them to NUI Galway and look forward to nurturing their academic talent and supporting them throughout their years of study". This year Entrance Scholarships were awarded to students from 47 individual schools throughout Ireland. The winners represented 13 counties including Carlow, Clare, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Laois, Limerick, Kerry, Kilkenny, Mayo, Monaghan, Sligo, and Westmeath. Tugann OÉ Gaillimh Aitheantas d'Éachtaí a cuid Mac Léinn (View in English) Rinne OÉ Gaillimh ceiliúradh le gairid ar a fheabhas a d'éirigh le grúpa ar leith de mhic léinn chéad bhliana ar bronnadh €107,100 san iomlán orthu mar aitheantas as na pointí arda a bhain siad amach i Scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta le gairid. Mar chuid de Sparánachtaí Iontrála bliantúla na hOllscoile, fuair 63 mac léinn €1,700 an duine, mar aon le scrolla OÉ Gaillimh, ag searmanas speisialta ar fhreastail múinteoirí agus tuismitheoirí air Déardaoin, an 15 Deireadh Fómhair 2009. Bronntar Scoláireachtaí Iontrála gach bliain ar mhic léinn, seachas mic léinn Leighis, atá díreach tosaithe ag freastal ar OÉ Gaillimh agus a fuair 560 pointe, ar a laghad, i Scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta. Sa Leigheas, bronnadh 10 Scoláireacht, bunaithe ar thorthaí na hArdteistiméireachta agus na Tástála Iontrála nua (H-PAT Ireland) araon. Is féidir na gradaim seo, a bhfuil sé de chuspóir leo na mic léinn is fearr a mhealladh chuig OÉ Gaillimh agus a bhfeabhas acadúil a chúiteamh leo, a choinneáil i gcuideachta aon scoláireachtaí nó aon deontas eile, Scéim leathan Scoláireachtaí Spóirt na hOllscoile san áireamh. Chomh maith leis sin, bronnann OÉ Gaillimh 25 Sparánacht gach bliain ar fiú €1,600 an ceann iad agus a bhfuil sé mar aidhm leo tacú le mic léinn a thugann faoi sciar suntasach dá gcúrsa staidéir trí mheán na Gaeilge. Ag labhairt dó ag an searmanas bronnta, bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne, a bhronn na seiceanna ar na buaiteoirí ar fad: "Cúis áthais dúinn a bheith in ann aitheantas a thabhairt d'éachtaí acadúla an 63 mac léinn seo as gach cearn den tír. Déanann OÉ Gaillimh iarracht i gcónaí tacú le feabhas acadúil i ngach uile dhisciplín agus é a spreagadh. Deis é Searmanas Bronnta na Scoláireachtaí Iontrála le haitheantas a thabhairt dár mic léinn chéad bhliana a bhfuil a gcumas acadúil léirithe acu cheana féin bunaithe ar na torthaí a fuair siad i Scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta. Deis atá ann freisin le haitheantas a thabhairt don obair atá déanta ag a dtuismitheoirí agus ag a múinteoirí. Cuirimid fáilte chroíúil rompu chuig OÉ Gaillimh agus táimid ag tnúth lena gcumas acadúil a fhorbairt agus le tacú leo sna blianta amach romhainn". Bronnadh Scoláireachtaí Iontrála na bliana seo ar dhaltaí as 47 scoil éagsúil ar fud na tíre. Ba as 13 chontae na mic léinn bhuacacha – Ceatharlach, An Clár, Corcaigh, Dún na nGall, Gaillimh, Laois, Luimneach, Ciarraí, Cill Chainnigh, Maigh Eo, Muineachán, Sligeach agus an Iarmhí. -Críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Recognises Leaving Certificate Excellence
Week of Autumn Conferrings Begin at NUI Galway

Friday, 16 October 2009
See report on RTÉ Six One News: http://www.rte.ie/news/2009/1019/6news.html (Leagan Gaeilge) Over 4,000 students will graduate from NUI Galway during the Autumn Conferring Ceremonies which take place from 16-23 October. NUI Galway will also confer five Honorary Masters Degrees during the ceremonies on: Galway-born and internationally acclaimed traditional musician, Frankie Gavin; RTÉ's Northern Editor, Tommie Gorman; local soccer legend, Eamonn 'Chick' Deacy; Fr Raymond Browne for his contribution to community life; and Christian Brother, voluntary worker and author, Br Seán MacConmara. Frankie Gavin will be recognised for his lifetime contribution to Irish traditional music at home and abroad. Tommie Gorman will be honoured for his continued excellence in journalism and broadcasting. Eamonn 'Chick' Deacy will be honoured for his achievements in soccer as a former player with Aston Villa and Galway United in the 1980s. Fr Raymond Browne will be honoured for his tireless contribution to community life since his ordination in 1954, in Roscommon and through his ministry in Nigeria. Br Seán Mac Conmara will be honoured for his dedication to teaching, for his many publications and for his active engagement in voluntary organisations. Commenting on the conferring of this year s graduands, Dr James J. Browne, President of NUI Galway, said, "NUI Galway is fortunate to be associated with many outstanding honorary graduates throughout its history. This group of graduands is a very diverse and particularly worthy group. Their contributions in many spheres –music, journalism, sport, public service and education – have been outstanding, and NUI Galway is very pleased to be in a position to recognise these exceptional individuals". The annual Autumn Conferring Ceremonies will begin with the Adult and Continuing Education ceremonies, where awards will be conferred on almost 750 students who completed their certificate, diploma and degree courses at many locations across the country. Seachtain Bhronnadh Céimeanna an Fhómhair in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Bainfidh os cionn 4,000 mac léinn céim amach in OÉ Gaillimh sna Searmanais Bronnta Céimeanna a bheidh ar bun idir 16-23 Deireadh Fómhair. Bronnfaidh OÉ Gaillimh Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh ar na daoine seo a leanas le linn na searmanas chomh maith: An ceoltóir Gaillimheach a bhfuil clú agus cáil go hidirnáisiúnta air, Frankie Gavin; Eagarthóir Thuaisceart Éireann RTÉ, Tommie Gorman; an laoch áitiúil sacair, Eamonn 'Chick' Deacy; An tAthair Raymond Browne as a bhfuil déanta aige ar son an phobail; agus an Bráthair Críostaí agus an t-údar, Seán MacConmara. Frankie Gavin – tabharfar aitheantas dó as a bhfuil déanta aige ar son an cheoil Ghaelaigh sa bhaile agus i gcéin. Tommie Gorman – tabharfar onóir dó as an ardchaighdeán a gcloíonn sé leis i gcónaí i gcúrsaí iriseoireachta agus craolacháin. Eamonn 'Chick' Deacy – tabharfar onóir dó as na héachtaí a rinne sé mar imreoir sacair le Aston Villa agus le Gaillimh Aontaithe sna hochtóidí. An tAthair Raymond Browne – tabharfar onóir dó as an obair gan staonadh atá déanta aige don phobal ó oirníodh é i 1954, i Ros Comáin agus ar na misin sa Nigéir. An Bráthair Seán Mac Conmara – tabharfar aitheantas dó chomh maith as a dhúthracht i leith an teagaisc, as an iliomad foilseachán atá curtha amach aige agus as a ghníomhaí a bhíonn sé in eagraíochtaí deonacha. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne fúthu: "Tá an t-ádh ar OÉ Gaillimh ceangal a bheith aici leis an oiread sin céimithe oinigh den scoth ó bunaíodh í. Is grúpa an-éagsúil an grúpa céimithe seo agus is grúpa iad a bhfuil an t-aitheantas seo tuillte go maith acu. Tá an t-uafás oibre déanta acu san iliomad réimsí – ceol, iriseoireacht, seirbhís don phobal agus oideachas – agus is cúis áthais dúinn anseo in OÉ Gaillimh aitheantas a thabhairt don tsárobair atá déanta ag na daoine eisceachtúla seo". Cuirfear tús le Searmanais bhliantúla Bhronnadh Céimeanna an Fhómhair leis na searmanais Oideachais Aosaigh agus Leanúnaigh, áit a mbronnfar dámhachtainí ar bheagnach 750 mac léinn a chríochnaigh a gcúrsaí céime, dioplóma agus teastais in ionaid éagsúla ar fud na tíre. -Críoch-
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New PhD Programme in Child & Youth Research Launched

Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Trinity College Dublin and NUI Galway launched an innovative structured PhD programme in Child and Youth Research on October 12th last. The programme responds directly to society's need to better understand the lives of children and young people, including those facing significant adversity, and the widely recognised need for evidence-informed policies and practices. As well as developing a whole new cohort of researchers with strong expertise in a wide range of research methods, the programme will produce cutting-edge research tailored to the needs of policy makers and service providers. Seventeen graduate students have registered for the four-year programme which will increase research and understanding of the lives of children and young people in Ireland. According to Professor Sheila Greene of the Children's Research Centre in TCD, the programme will greatly enhance existing capacity for child and youth research in Ireland, while for Professor Pat Dolan of NUI Galway's Child and Family Research Centre, a major outcome will be a research community highly responsive to the needs of those working with children and young people and the needs of children and young people themselves. This programme is the first of its kind in these islands and as well as bringing together the resources of the two research centres in TCD and NUI Galway it involves four Schools: the School of Psychology and the School of Social Work and Social Policy at TCD and the School of Psychology and the School of Political Science and Sociology in NUI Galway. The programme will include lectures from experts in other third level institutions, both national and international. The Programme Directors welcomed the support received from the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and during the launch Emily Logan, Ombudsman for Children, announced a studentship for this course has been awarded. -ends-
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NUI Galway to Support Entrepreneurs

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
NUI Galway is calling on all potential entrepreneurs to join its Start Up Solution (SUS) programme. SUS is designed to rapidly establish the commercial potential of technology ideas. During the course of three months, professionals from the University's Technology Transfer Office will work closely with individuals to foster the skill set, knowledge and tools required to complete first phase market research. The programme is targeted at owner/managers from companies who have a new product under development, researchers who plan to commercialise a technology concept, and management in industry who are considering spinning out their own enterprise. The SUS programme consists of interactive workshops, case studies, one-to-one mentoring, individual and group exercises, and presentations. In this highly confidential setting, entrepreneurs will be able to establish whether to take their idea to the next level. According to Clodagh Barry, SUS Manager at NUI Galway: "Our programme has proven to be a critical success tool in adding value and commercial reality to the participant's invention". An example of a local start-up company that has previously benefited from the SUS programme is Hyperassure, a specialist in governance, risk and compliance solutions. Software development company, Roxo Technology which specialises in eLearning products, also took part in the SUS programme. For further information contact Clodagh Barry on 091 495382 or clodagh.barry@nuigalway.ie -ends-
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