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All 2009
Galway Mayor to Open Eighth Annual NUI Galway Volunteering Fair

Wednesday, 9 September 2009
The eighth annual NUI Galway Volunteering Fair will take place on Thursday, 24 September in Áras na Mac Léinn, from 1-5pm. With over 2,000 students, staff and members of the general public expected to attend, the Fair will be officially opened by Galway City Mayor Declan McDonnell. Over 60 charities and community organisations will showcase the wide range of volunteer opportunities available for students. This year NUI Galway's volunteer programme ALIVE is delighted to collaborate with the Galway Volunteer Centre in hosting the event. The Fair is part of a week-long celebration of volunteering at NUI Galway, the culmination of which will coincide with the national volunteering Give it a Swirl day on Friday, 25 September. Lorraine Tansey is Volunteer Coordinator of the ALIVE Programme at NUI Galway: "Students benefit enormously from getting involved with Galway city and county organisations. Whether it is working with youth, disability or social justice organisations, our students gain skills and experience while lending a hand. NUI Galway really values our community partners as they host and support our student volunteers. The Fair is great opportunity for students to see the range of activities within the Galway community they can avail of, while also providing a space for organisations to recruit much needed volunteers". Exhibitors at the Volunteer Fair will include: Rehab Care, Habitat for Humanity, Down Syndrome Ireland; Childline, Galway Refugee Support Group, Simon Community, Enable Ireland and Positive Mental Health. Lorraine Tansey added: "We are delighted to not only welcome community organisations to showcase their opportunities for volunteers but also to welcome members of the public onto campus". Established in 2003, the ALIVE programme at NUI Galway, was the first ever student volunteer programme to be embedded within an institution of higher education in Ireland. Through the ALIVE Programme, students can access an online database of volunteer opportunities. The programme also includes a series of workshops to help students make the most of their volunteering experience. At the end of the academic year students can apply for an ALIVE Certificate which is awarded by NUI Galway President, Dr James J. Browne, in recognition of their commitment to volunteering. To book a stand or for further information, please contact the ALIVE office on 091 493823 or email alive@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
>> Read full story about Galway Mayor to Open Eighth Annual NUI Galway Volunteering Fair
Siollabas Nua Gaeilge don Chéad Bhliain Ollscoile

Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Tá Siollabas Nua Gaeilge don Chéad Bhliain Ollscoile seolta ag Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh agus Coláiste Phádraig Droim Conrach. Is toradh é an Siollabas seo ar Thionscadal de chuid na Meithle um Theagasc na Gaeilge ar an Tríú Leibhéal, Meitheal idir-institiúideach a d'eascair as an gcomhdháil 'Teagasc na Gaeilge ar an Tríú Leibhéal' a eagraíodh i gColáiste Phádraig, Droim Conrach i mí Feabhra 2008. Ba iad an Dr John Walsh, Scoil na Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh agus Dr Máirín Nic Eoin, Coláiste Phádraig a d'fheidhmigh mar chomhstiúrthóirí ar an Tionscadal. Tá sé mar chuspóir ag an Meitheal um Theagasc na Gaeilge ar an Tríú Leibhéal siollabas teanga agus áiseanna teagaisc agus foghlama a dhearadh agus a fhorbairt do mhic léinn na Gaeilge ar an tríú leibhéal, siollabas a bheadh bunaithe ar Fhráma Tagartha Chomhairle na hEorpa d'Fhoghlaim Teangacha. Le cabhair cómhaoinithe ó Fhoras na Gaeilge agus le tacaíocht ó ocht gcinn déag d'institiúidí tríú leibhéal ina bhfuil an Ghaeilge á teagasc, tá Céim 1 den Tionscadal – siollabas agus áiseanna teagaisc agus foghlama don Chéad Bhliain Ollscoile – réidh le seoladh anois. 'Tá an Siollabas nua bunaithe ar leibhéal B2 den Fhráma Tagartha Eorpach d'Fhoghlaim Teangacha. Tá sé dírithe ar fhorbairt scileanna an fhoghlaimeora, idir scileanna ginearálta foghlama agus scileanna cumarsáideacha a bhaineann go dílis le foghlaim teangacha' dar leis an Dr John Walsh comhstiúrthóir an Tionscadail. Tá ábhar an tSiollabais leagtha amach i bhfoirm topaicí a spreagfaidh féinfheasacht, feasacht teanga agus feasacht chultúrtha. Cur chuige tascbhunaithe atá i gceist agus déantar scileanna foghlama agus scileanna teanga na mac léinn a fhorbairt trí thascanna a bhunú ar théacsanna dílse Gaeilge. Is go leictreonach atá an Siollabas foilsithe, agus tá sé ar fáil ar shuíomh gréasáin an Tionscadail, www.teagascnagaeilge.ie, suíomh atá á riaradh ag an Dr Caoimhín Ó Dónaill in Ollscoil Uladh. Tá teacht ar an suíomh ar an Siollabas féin; ar ábhar samplach a léiríonn prionsabail an tSiollabais agus conas na prionsabail sin a chur i bhfeidhm sa seomra ranga; ar an bhfillteán foghlama do mhic léinn atá mar chuid lárnach den Siollabas; ar liosta acmhainní tacaíochta don mhac léinn; ar chuntas ar chúlra agus ar stair an Tionscadail a bhfuil an Siollabas mar thoradh air. -Críoch-
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Major Figure in Disability Law to Speak at NUI Galway

Monday, 7 September 2009
Professor Oddny Arnardottir of Reykjavik University in Iceland is to deliver a public lecture on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at NUI Galway. The lecture, which is being hosted by the Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway, will take at 7pm on Friday, 11 September, 2009. Professor Arnardottir is one the world's leading thinkers on equality and non-discrimination law and sees the UN disability convention as advancing a fresh perspective on securing equal justice for persons with disabilities. She is co-author of the first book on the new UN Convention entitled The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – European and Scandinavian, which she wrote with the Director of the NUI Galway Centre for Disability Law and Policy, Professor Gerard Quinn. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the first human rights treaty adopted by the United Nations in the 21st century. It seeks to secure the equal and effective enjoyment of human rights for the estimated 650 million persons with disabilities in the world. It does so by tailoring general human rights norms to their circumstances. It reflects and advances the shift away from welfare to rights in the context of disability. The Convention itself represents a mix between non-discrimination and other substantive human rights and gives practical effect to the idea that all human rights are indivisible and interdependent. The Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway was established in 2008 and is one of the first of its type in Europe. The primary purpose of the Centre is to conduct research on best international practice to assist in the ongoing process of reform taking place here in Ireland and throughout the world. Professor Gerard Quinn said: "We are excited to host such a prominent thinker and activist on equality law and policy. Anybody interested in disability – either here in Ireland or throughout the world would benefit from her presentation". The lecture will take place in Room MY129, Áras Moyola on campus and is open to all members of the public. For further information on the lecture please contact Karen Walsh on 091 494020 or email karen.walsh@nuigalway.ie. -ends-
>> Read full story about Major Figure in Disability Law to Speak at NUI Galway
Director General for Research at the European Commission Begins Tour of Irish Un

Monday, 7 September 2009
José Manuel Silva Rodríguez, Director General for Research at the European Commission, begins a tour of Irish universities at NUI Galway today (Monday, 7 September). The Director General develops EU policy in the field of research and technological development, helps coordinate research activities and promotes understanding of the role of the sciences. Speaking at a welcome reception in Galway last night, NUI Galway President, Dr James J. Browne, said: "As the Lisbon referendum debate gathers momentum in Ireland, it is important to recognise the significant contribution which EU programmes have made to Irish universities. EU support has enabled universities such as NUI Galway to develop and to achieve world-class research standards. This investment has transformed the Irish research landscape, and has enabled Ireland to play a key role in developing Europe's research-intensive smart economy". This represents another strong reason for a Yes Vote in the forthcoming Lisbon Referendum. Director General Rodríguez was confident of the future relationship between his office and Ireland's education institutions, explaining the purpose of his visit: "Over the last five years, European research and technology policy has come of age. By bringing together the research community, industry and policy-makers, it promotes scientific excellence and addresses the fragmentation and duplication in European research that leads to wasted resources, ground lost to our global competitors and a sub-optimal impact on economic growth and job creation. Making a genuine European research area come true is now a unanimously agreed objective that features high on the political agenda". He continued: "European citizens believe in science as a tool of progress, and support a more cooperative European approach to science and technology policy. Pooling brains and resources is key to make the EU competitive globally: we are more intelligent together than on our own. Ireland has a strong scientific expertise in many areas on which your country is building and developing its research capacity. Irish research centres and enterprises already benefit from EU funding. They have joined or established research partnerships and submitted ambitious research projects. Participating in an EU-funded project opens doors and brings you knowledge, training, partners etc. This is key for your research and your development". Dr Browne added: "Much of our current research strength can be attributed to the major investment over many decades of EU research funding. Over the lifetime of Framework Programmes 5, 6 and to date in Framework 7, NUI Galway has received almost €55 million of research funding – the vast majority through the Directorate General for Research. We hope to build on this success through our Strategy for Research, which focuses on clearly identified themes based on national and regional needs, as well as institutional knowledge strengths". Director General Rodríguez will travel onto Dublin on Tuesday. -ends-
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NUI Galway Launches its Arts in Action Programme

Thursday, 3 September 2009
NUI Galway today (3 September 2009) launched its new and extended Arts in Action Programme, which invites students to engage with the creative arts during their studies. Aimed at all students across the campus, Arts in Action offers access to a variety of international-standard arts events throughout the academic year. Among the highlights this year will be a workshop performance by the highly respected, Irish singer-songwriter, David Kitt. The programme also includes the multi-award winning theatre production, Stones in his Pocket by Marie Jones and a screening of the silent movie The Goldrush by Charlie Chaplin with live accompaniment from the Italian quartet Gatto Marte. In 2010, Arts in Action will feature a Traditional Arts concert with Máirtín O'Connor and Frankie Gavin, an illustrated lecture on Music Therapy, and an international Jazz concert featuring the UK's Portico. Mary McPartlan, Director of the Arts in Action Programme at NUI Galway, explains: "Established in 2006, Arts in Action is an original and unique programme which has become part of the University's extra curricular activities. The programme provides the best possible opportunity for students to experience the creative arts in an academic setting. This initiative is extremely important at a time when many efforts are being made to develop new audiences for the creative arts". The programme is part of NUI Galway's commitment to provide its students with access to new opportunities and positive life-enhancing experiences beyond the classroom. The Dean of the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies, Dr Edward Herring, explains: "NUI Galway offers a unique student experience, and we are keen to ensure that our students receive a holistic education. The Arts in Action Programme gives students across the University the opportunity to experience drama, film, music and the visual arts. This artistic endeavour complements all that we offer students through our extensive sports facilities, vibrant societies and ALIVE volunteering programme". -ends-
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