QA254 Occasional Students

Study As An Occasional Student

University of Galway welcomes applications from Occasional Students who wish to study specific module(s) for a semester or for one or more academic years at this University.

As an Occasional Student you are not on a programme leading to a Degree, Diploma or any other award of this University.

If you are interested in studying as an Occasional Student, it is important you contact the relevant discipline(s) to ascertain which module(s) you are interested in registering for, please see below for contact details.  You should also contact the Fees Office to ascertain what Fees are applicable to you before applying.

Given the visa implications related to part time study, we would advise non-EU applicants to liaise with the International Admissions Office in the first instance (see here for further information on the non-EU application route). The International Admissions Office can be contacted via email or via phone on +353 91 495 277.

Current registered non-EU students and or non-EU citizens working in Ireland who may wish to avail of the Occasional study pathway can do so via the EU application route.

Application for admission as an EU Occasional Student can be made in soft copy. Please read the information for Admission as an Occasional Student below carefully before completing the Application, and submit with supporting documentation to the appropriate College Office, as requested.

The following supporting documents are required to support your application and should be posted to the relevant College Office:

 Application form available here: Occasional Application Form.

  1. Up-to-date original transcript (if you have been a student of a University other than University of Galway)
  2. Certified copy of Birth Certificate (if you have been a student of a University other than University of Galway)
  3. The names of two academic referees to whom enquiries as to your academic standing may be addressed, if necessary.
  4. A statement as to how you see your proposed courses of study in this University tying in with previous studies and with your future academic/vocational objectives.

A delay in sending in these documents means your application cannot be processed.

Please be advised that College Offices may have to consult with the relevant Academic Discipline(s) before they can advise as to whether or not your application has been successful. This may take a reasonable amount of time. 

If you are interested in applying as an Occasional student to University of Galway your initial point of contact should be the relevant College Office and the relevant Discipline.  Please find email details for College Offices below:

School of Health Sciences:

School of Medicine:

School of Nursing & Midwifery:

College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies:

The J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics:

School of Law:

College of Science & Engineering: