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Léinn do Chéimithe in OÉ Gaillimh

Tuesday, 16 January 2007
16 Eanáir 2007: Díreofar aird ar raon cúrsaí iarchéime agus iardhochtúireachta OÉ Gaillimh ag Aonach Bliantúil Léinn do Chéimithe, aonach a reáchtálfar ar an gcampas in Áras na Mac Léinn ó 1.30i.n. go dtí 5.00i.n., Dé Luain, an 5 Feabhra. Deis iontach a bheidh san Aonach seo do mhic léinn a bhfuil bunchéimeanna bainte amach acu níos mó eolais a fháil ar chúrsaí iarchéime. Tá 400 clár á thairiscint ag an Ollscoil, mar aon le roghanna taighde lánaimseartha agus páirtaimseartha, do bhreis agus 3,000 mac léinn iarchéime. Táthar ag súil go bhfreastalóidh 2,500 duine ar an Aonach atá ag fáil tacaíochta ó Bhanc na hÉireann. Beidh os cionn 70 seastáin ó OÉ Gaillimh agus institiúidí eile ó thimpeall na tíre ag an Aonach le heolas a thabhairt agus comhairle a chur ar mhic léinn. Beidh cur i láthair agus seimineáir faoi roghanna taighde, maoiniú agus deiseanna gairme ar fáil freisin. Le blianta beaga anuas, tá tús áite tugtha ag an Rialtas d'oideachas iarchéime atá tiomanta don taighde, nó oideachas 'ceathrú leibhéal', ar mhaithe le freastal ar an éileamh atá ann d'fhostaithe ardoilte le tacú le fás geilleagrach. I bhfad ó shin, ghlac OÉ Gaillimh leis an dúshlán oideachas ceathrú leibhéal den scoth a chur ar fáil, agus tá na seanréimsí acadúla feabhsaithe againn chun Ionaid Taighde nuálaíocha agus cheannródaíocha a chruthú i réimsí éagsúla cosúil le hEolaíocht Innealtóireachta Bithmhíochaine, Cearta Daonna, Athrú Comhshaoil agus Léann na hÉireann. Seo a leanas a bhí le rá ag John Hannon, Comhairleoir Sinsearach Gairme, Seirbhís Gairme OÉ Gaillimh, "Cuireann staidéar iarchéime go mór le hionchais ghairme na mac léinn. In OÉ Gaillimh tá réimse leathan iarchéimeanna forbartha againn, lena n-áirítear cúrsaí Máistreachta múinte agus taighde agus cláir thaighde Dochtúireachta den scoth. Tagann mic léinn as gach cearn den domhan chuig OÉ Gaillimh gach aon bhliain chun iarchéim a dhéanamh, agus ag an am gcéanna tá an dea-cháil atá orainn ag dul ó neart go neart." I measc na gcúrsaí múinte iarchéime a cuireadh ar fáil as an nua tá: MeconSc agus MA i Múnlú Eacnamaíoch & Comhshaoil MEconSc in Airgeadas Idirnáisiúnta Máistreacht sa Mhargaíocht MA in Ardscileanna Teanga Anailís Fheidhmeach Iompraíochta Na Meáin Dhigiteacha Stair na Meánaoise Léirú agus Stiúradh Abhcóideacht agus Gníomhaíochas Pobail Drámaíocht Scileanna Raidió Léann an Aistriúcháin Modheolaíochtaí do Theagasc Teangacha Riachtanais Speisialta Oideachais Céim Mháistir Dlí (Dlí Poiblí) Altranas – lena n-áirítear Dioplómaí Iarchéime sa tSeaneolaíocht, Cúram Maolaitheach, Meabhairshláinte, Ortaipéidic, Sláinte Phoiblí, Oinceolaíocht Eolaíocht Bhithleighis Biteicneolaíocht Fisic Mhatamaiticiúil Bunaithe ar théama an 'cheathrú leibhéal', tá branda nua roghnaithe ag OÉ Gaillimh le déanaí dá deiseanna oideachais iarchéime, branda ar a dtugtar go4th™. Ar an láithreán gréasáin nua, www.go4th.ie tá léargas le fáil ar na deiseanna iarchéime atá san Ollscoil mar aon le réamheolaire ar líne. Chomh maith leis sin is féidir iarratais ar líne a dhéanamh tríd an láithreán gréasáin www.go4th.ie. Is féidir dul i dteagmháil leis an tSeirbhís Gairme ag (091) 493589 chun sonraí a fháil faoin Aonach Léinn. - críoch –
>> Read full story about Léinn do Chéimithe in OÉ Gaillimh
NUI Galway Goes Fourth with Graduate Studies Fair

Monday, 15 January 2007
15 January 2007: NUI Galway's array of postgraduate and postdoctoral courses will be under the spotlight at the annual Graduate Studies Fair, which takes place on campus in Áras na Mac Léinn from 1.30pm to 5.00pm, on Monday, 5 February. It is the perfect opportunity for those with a primary degree to find out more about taking the next step in their education. The University offers 400 programmes, as well as full-time and part-time research options, to over 3,000 postgraduate students. Some 2,500 people are expected to attend the fair which is supported by Bank of Ireland. Over 70 stands from NUI Galway and other institutions throughout Ireland will provide attendees with information and advice. Presentations and seminars on research options, funding and career opportunities will also be offered. In recent years the government has prioritised postgraduate research-driven education, or 'fourth level' education, to meet the demand for highly skilled employees to support economic growth. NUI Galway has long-embraced the challenge to deliver world-class fourth level education and has built on traditional areas of academic strength to create innovative and cutting-edge Research Centres in areas as diverse as Biomedical Engineering Science, Human Rights, Environmental Change and Irish Studies. According to John Hannon, Senior Careers Adviser, NUI Galway Careers Service, "Studying at post-graduate level is of huge benefit to career prospects. At NUI Galway we have developed an extensive range of postgraduate degrees, including taught and research Master degree courses and excellent Doctoral research programmes. Students from all over the world travel to NUI Galway every year for their postgraduate studies as our reputation goes from strength to strength." Taught postgraduate programmes that have recently become available include: MEconSc and MA in Economic & Environmental Modelling MEconSc in International Finance Master of Marketing MA Advanced Language Skills Applied Behaviour Analysis Digital Media Medieval Studies Production and Direction Public Advocacy and Activism Drámaíocht Scileanna Raidió Léann and Aistriúcháin Modheolaíochta do Theagasc Teangacha Special Educational Needs Master of Laws (Public Law) Nursing – including Postgraduate Diplomas in Gerontology, Palliative Care, Mental Health, Orthopedics, Public Health, Oncology Biomedical Science Biotechnology Mathematical Physics Working with the 'fourth-level' theme, NUI Galway has recently re-branded its graduate education opportunities under the banner go4th™. The new website, www.go4th.ie showcases postgraduate opportunities at the University and provides an online prospectus as well as facilitating online applications. Contact the Careers Service at (091) 493589 for details of the Graduate Studies Fair. -ends-
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Integrated Approach to Air Quality and Climate Change Needed

Monday, 15 January 2007
15 January 2007: A new report published by the Environmental Change Institute at NUI Galway calls on European environmental researchers and policy makers to agree an integrated approach to tackling both air quality and climate change. Traditionally, air quality and climate change have been addressed separately. However, solutions to one problem - if carefully devised - can also be an efficient solution to the other, according to the authors of the report. Dr. Colin O'Dowd, Department of Experimental Physics and Environmental Change Institute at NUI Galway, who is editor of the report, says: "A critical motivation to have an integrated scientific and technical analysis of key air quality and climate change issues is to better support policy development. The aim is to optimise cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit of abatement and mitigation strategies, which have win-win scenarios for air quality and climate change. "Not all areas of air quality and climate change are closely linked, partly due to their different impacts over different time scales. However, there is significant opportunity to develop synergistic research work in key common areas. "With increasing economic activity, pollutant emissions impact more and more on air quality and climate change. For example, methane - a global greenhouse gas, is also a source of ozone which is a local pollutant. Therefore, reductions in methane emissions can lead to a reduction in ozone levels. Similar common issues exist with the impact of atmospheric aerosols (or Particulate Matter) on air quality and climate." The report is a strategic output document from the European (FP6) funded ACCENT (Atmospheric Composition Change – A European Network) Network of Excellence. It brings together the views of leading researchers and policy contributors in Europe and the US, and highlights the common research and policy issues relating to air quality and climate change for the future. In addition, the position statement and recommendations report outlines strategies for harmonising research in support of policy development for the future in terms of common issues between air quality and climate change. The target audience is national and European Policy makers such as the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and Environment and departments in other EU member states, DG Environment and the European Environmental Agency as well as research funding bodies. The report is expected to have an important impact on and contribute to improved understanding of important environmental issues and support the development of solutions to such human induced environmental change. More information can be found on http://www.accent-network.org. -ends-
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Student Enterprise Awards presented at NUI Galway

Monday, 8 January 2007
08 January 2007: A number of innovative awards designed to encourage entrepreneurial awareness among students have been presented in NUI Galway. The annual awards are presented to students who participate in the Introduction to Business Module that has been running at NUI Galway for the past 17 years. The module is designed to foster an awareness of businesses and how they operate. The overall objective is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of Marketing, Management and Accountancy and to examine their application in Irish and international business situations. Students who participated in the module were required to develop a business plan for a start-up enterprise related to their primary area of study, which includes community development, biotechnology, microbiology, biomedical science, biochemistry and chemistry. The prizes are sponsored by Bank of Ireland, and are awarded to the best overall business plan for a start-up enterprise, 2nd and 3rd runner up, and "the most bankable business plan" as chosen by Bank or Ireland. Bank of Ireland, Most Bankable Business Plan – Advanced Ocular Clinic MSc. in Biomedical Science students Evan Brick, Martin Canavan, Aisling Donoghue and Norah O'Brien planned to establish a clinic specialising in corrective eye surgery. The Advanced Ocular Clinic (AOC) would use the innovative technology of intra-ocular lenses (IOLs) to restore good vision acuity to its prospective patients with a minimally invasive procedure carried out on an out-patient basis. 1st Place DOGene Laboratories Ltd. MSc. in Biotechnology students Sinead Darcy, Andrew Douglas, and Ann Smyth aimed to provide a DNA profiling service to the canine industry. Their company intended to initially target the pedigree dog market and the greyhound industry for DNA profiling and in the long term conduct genetic testing for hereditary diseases in dogs. 2nd Place SOUPlus+ SOUPlus+, backed by MSc. in Biomedical Science students Karly Burke, Joan Fitzgibbon, Elaine Gleeson and Louise Lilly identified a gap in the market for a fresh ready-to-serve soup that contained an added bonus of vitamins and dietary supplements to boost the immune system. They planned to base their business in Galway, source the vegetables for their product locally, and sell in farmers markets and independent grocery stores. 3rd Place Biogum Ltd. BSc. in Biotechnology students Julie Collins, Rebecca Finn, Hannah O'Keefe and James O'Malley planned to launch a symbiotic chewing gum. The sugar-free gum which would be fortified with vitamin C and calcium would be available in a range of flavours and combines the features of a regular chewing gum with added nutritional benefits. The Introduction to Business Module was developed to respond to an increasing demand for entrepreneurial awareness among students in various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Currently, the module facilitates over seventy students, in seven academic programmes. -ends-
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NUI Galway Awarded €2 Million for Bio-fuel Research

Monday, 8 January 2007
08 January 2007: NUI Galway has been awarded over €2 million for bio-fuel research under a seven year programme from the prestigious Charles Parsons Research Funding Awards scheme, announced by the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Mr Noel Dempsey, T.D.. This injection of funding will enable the University to put highly skilled fourth level graduates to work at addressing some of the most pressing energy issues facing Ireland today. Following the award, the Microbial Bioenergy Group at the NUI Galway's Environmental Change Institute will recruit twenty new researchers at postgraduate and postdoctoral level. The team will aim to produce improved bio-fuels from organic wastes such as domestic sewage. It will also research highly novel microbial and bio-fuel cells, which produce electricity through the action of naturally occurring bacteria. These new technologies have the potential to accomplish both large-scale wastewater treatment and electricity generation, with sanitation and energy benefits for both developed and developing countries. The Microbial Bioenergy research group is jointly led by Dr. Vincent O'Flaherty and Dr. Dónal Leech, from the Departments of Microbiology and Chemistry, respectively. The project coordinator, Dr. O'Flaherty said, "The Charles Parsons Award will help NUI Galway to develop and deploy new energy technologies which are essential to deliver security of supply, sustainability and competitiveness to Ireland. There is a particular and urgent need for research into producing viable alternative energy sources to tackle Ireland's reliance on fossil fuels". The Charles Parsons Research Funding Awards scheme was named after Irishman Charles Parsons (1854-1931) who, in 1884, invented the steam turbine, which made affordable electricity readily available for the first time. The competition was open to institutes and groups from all thirty-two counties and applicants were evaluated by an international panel of experts, as part of the highly competitive process in which only seven awards were made nationally to cutting-edge research groups. -ends- Notes to editors: About Microbial Fuel Cells Microbial fuel cells (MFC) produce electricity through the action of naturally occurring bacteria that drive power production by breaking down organic substrates in, for example, wastewater and then transporting electrons from their cell surface to the anode, the negative electrode of a fuel cell. The electrons flow from the anode through a wire to a cathode, the positive electrode of a fuel cell, where they generate electrical potential and combine with oxygen to form water. An added benefit of the approach is that as the bacteria generate electricity, pollutants are also removed, cleaning the wastewater. The power outputs reported thus far from MFC are usually small, but this is expected to change in the coming years as research continues. In addition, MFCs can be used to produce hydrogen directly from organic wastes for use as an alternative vehicle fuel. The project team leader, Dr. Vincent O'Flaherty, noted that "there is real potential for MFCs to accomplish both wastewater treatment and electricity generation at large-scale in the future, with sanitation and energy benefits for both developed and developing countries".
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