World Health Organization Collaborative Cross-National Study

The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey is a WHO collaborative cross-national study that monitors the health behaviours, health outcomes and social environments of school-aged children every four years. HBSC Ireland surveys school-going children aged 9-18 years. The study is conducted by the HBSC Ireland team, based at the Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway.

Other Reports containing HBSC Ireland data are listed alphabetically by author within year of publication: 


O’Conor, L. (2024). Blog: How Ireland can further regulate tobacco and nicotine inhaling products and progress tobacco endgame targets. Dublin: Institute of Public Health. download


Dáil Éireann Parliamentary Debate Vol 1035 No. 5. Wednesday 22 March 2023. download 

Dáil Éireann Parliamentary Debate Vol 1039 No. 6. Wednesday 13 June 2023. download

Haggren, I. & Henriksson, L. (2023). European Tobacco Taxation and Youth Smoking. Findings from two decades of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children surveys. Lund: Lund University. download

Morris, K.A. (2023). Written evidence (PHS0084) submitted to the Prevention in health and social care: healthy places enquiry. download

Ng, K., Healy, S., O’Brien, W., Rodriguez, L., Murphy, M., & Carlin, A. (2023). Irish Para Report Card on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 40, 504–512. download

Wallace, M. (2023). Trends in Adolescent Disadvantage. Policy and outcomes for young people under Labour, the Coalition, and the Conservatives. Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes research paper 15. August 2023. download


Alcohol education in our schools cannot be out-sourced to an alcohol industry funded organisation. (2021, March). Joint Statement from Alcohol Action Ireland / Alcohol Forum. download

Doyle, A. (2021). Alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm, and alcohol policy in Ireland. Drugnet Ireland, 78(Summer), 3-8. download

Doyle, A. (2021). Decline in alcohol use among young people. Drugnet Ireland, 82 Summer, 10-13. download

Findings of health behavious in school-aged children shows fewerchildren using substances. (2021). Irish Pharmacist. Vol 22(4), 10. April 2021. download

HRB National Drugs Library. (2021, April). Trends in health behaviours, health outcomes and contextual factors between 1998-2018: findings from the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study. HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter 17(3). download

Institute of Public Health. (2021). Easy Read. Children’s sun safety – and their risk of future skin cancers. Dublin & Belfast: Institute of Public Health. download

Irwin, J. & Duignan, J. (2021). Briefing document/opening statement to the Joint Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science on the topic of school bullying and the impact on mental health. Dublin: Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools. download

Long, J. (2021, June 3). E-cigarettes and smoking among teenagers. BMC Series blog. download

Mckenna, L. (2021, March). Why we shouldn’t share ‘Before and After’s this Eating Disorder Awareness Week. download

Millar, S. (2021). Cannabis use among Irish Children: results from the 2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey. Drugnet Ireland, 77(Spring), 47-48. download

Millar, S. (2021). Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study, 2019. Drugnet Ireland, 79(Autumn), 32-33. download

Rooney, R., Healy, D., & McNicholas, F. (2021). The Garda Síochána and Child Mental Health: An investigation of pathways to crisis mental health care.  Dublin: University College Dublin. download

Scott, C. (2021). Submission in response to the invitation for feedback on Draft Global Strategy on Oral Health (WHO discussion paper version dated 9 August 2021). Dublin: Orthodontic Society of Ireland. September 2021. download


Director of Parliamentary Services. (2020). Proposal for an Assembly Commission–supported Youth Assembly. Paper submitted to the Assembly Commission Meeting on 11 May 2020. download

Finnegan, K., Kavanagh, A., Gavin, A., Költo, A., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Should the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children data collection move online? National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 8(3), 29. download 

HRB National Drugs Library. (2020, February). Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Study 2018 highlights that appalling reach of alcohol in our children’s lives. HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter 16(1). download 

HRB National Drugs Library. (2020, February). Most children who drink alcohol source it from their parents or home. HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter 16(1). download 

HRB National Drugs Library. (2020, February). The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study 2018. HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter 16(1). download 

Letter to Magnus Heunicke, Minister for Health and the Elderly Denmark from Kim Dabelstein Petersen & Peter Stigaard of Dansk e-Damper Forening (Danish Vapers Association) on behalf of European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA). 21 August 2020. download

Watters, C., Gavin, A., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Mental health among Traveller school children in Ireland: a comparative analysis. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 8(3), 30.  download 


Evans, D.S., O'Farrell, A., Sheridan, A., & Kavanagh, P. (2019). Factors associated with youth smoking in Ireland - a special analysis of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study on behalf of the Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 8(2), 59. download

Költo, A. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2019). Patterns of attraction and love in Irish schoolchildren. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 8(2), 69. download

Költo, A. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2019). Spiritual health among schoolchildren in Ireland. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 8(2), 68. download


Nolan, A. (2018). Spotlight. School-based relationships and sexuality education (RSE): lessons for policy and practice. Dublin: Oireachtas Library and Research Service. download


Bates, G. (2017). The Drugs Situation in Ireland: An overview of trends from 2005 to 2015. Liverpool: Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University. download

Fewer young people smoking across the island of Ireland. (2017). Institute of Public Health in Ireland Newsletter, 11(2)

Keane, E. (2017, January 18). Lifestyle behaviours for health and wellbeing. download

Kelly, C. (2017, July 19). Adolescent health: behaviours, outcomes and social context. download

Millar, S. (2017). Trends in alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use among school-aged children in Ireland, 1998-2014. Drugnet Ireland, 63(Autumn), 26-27. download 

Perry, C.P., Keane, E., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2017). Mapping the characteristics of children who report that they 'don't know' the potential consequences of smoking. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 7(4), 52. download 

Seanad Éireann Parliamentary Debate Vol 253 No. 8. Wednesday 4 October 2017. download

Seanad Éireann Parliamentary Debate Vol 254 No. 1. Wednesday 8 November 2017. download


Black, L.A. (2016). Smoking in private vehicles carrying children. Belfast: Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service. download

Callaghan, M., Kelly, C., Nic Gabhainn, S., & Molcho, M. (2016). Bullying among post-primary school children by ethnic status in Ireland. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin, 7(3), 79. download 

Mongan, D. (2016). Health behaviour in school-aged children, 2014. Drugnet Ireland, 56(Winter), 14-16. download

Perry, C.P., Keane, E., Molcho, M., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2016). The association between markers of diet quality and wellbeing in adolescents aged 12-18: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 10(1), A76. download


Burke, L., D’Eath, M., Young, H., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2015). Consulting stakeholders about dissemination. National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) Research Bulletin, 7(2), 62. download

Callaghan, M., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2015). What children do when they witness bullying. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 7(2), 63. download

Daniels, N., Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2015). Piloting questions developed by primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 7(2), 58. download

Daniels, N., Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O., Molloy, A., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2015). Piloting questions developed by post-primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 7(2), 59. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2014) Smoking in Cars: Frequently Asked Questions. Dublin: Government Publications.  


Barnekow, V. (2014). The health and well-being of children and adolescents is key for every society. Entre Nous: the European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 80, 4. download  

Burke, L., D’Eath, M., Young, H., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014). An exploration of dissemination tools and mechanisms among young people. Children’s Research Digest, 1(1), 44-45. download  

Keane, M. (2014). National policy framework for children and young people. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 51(Autumn), 5. download

Kelly, C. (2014). The Health Behaviour of School-aged Children (HBSC); from childhood to adolescence, exploring the social determinants of health. In NUI Galway Research Matters 08(Summer), 15. download 

Kenny, U., Burke, L., Fox, K.A., & Kelly, C. (2014). Their voice: Involving adolescents in developing questions to capture factors influencing body image perceptions in Ireland. Children’s Research Digest, 1(1), 38-40. download 

Young, H., Burke, L., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014). Contraceptive methods used by sexually active Irish adolescents. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 7(1), 42. download  


Clarke, N., Kelly, C., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013). Young peoples’ perspectives on the findings of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey 2010. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 6(4), 45. download

Irish Medical Organisation. (2013). Alcohol and young people. IMO Position Paper. Dublin: Irish Medical Organisation. 

McDonnell, D. (2013). Action plan on bullying: a brief overview. Barnados Childlinks, 1, 7-11. download 

Pike, B. (2013). How are the children? Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 46(Summer), 8-14. download


Clarke, N., Doyle, P., Kelly, C., Cummins, G., Sixsmith, J., O'Higgins, S., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2012). Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study - What do children want to know? National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 6(3), 39. download 

Crisis Pregnancy Programme. (2012). Research on teenage sexuality: for parents and people working with young people, such as youth workers and teachers. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Gavin, A., Kelly, C., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2012). Exploring the lives of children in care in Ireland. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 6(3), 38. download  

Long, J. (2012). Alcohol and cannabis use among school-aged children in Ireland. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 42(Summer), 1. download

Safefood. (2012). Examining Nutrition Surveillance on the Island of Ireland. Cork: Safefood. download


Galvin, B. (2011). 2011 report on the drugs situation in Europe. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 40(Winter), 5-6. download

Health Service Executive (2011). Puberty a Key Issue in New HBSC Report. Sexual Health News, 2(Spring/Summer), 3. download


Clarke, N., Sixsmith, J., Byrne, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2010). Investigating promoters and barriers to active travel for primary school children - a mixed methodological approach. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 5(4), 108-109. download

Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). (2010). Catalogue of National Health Information Sources in Ireland. Dublin: HIQA. download

Long, J. & Mongan, D. (2010). Alcohol and drug use among young people in Ireland. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 33(Spring), 3-7. download  

Mongan, D. (2010). Combating underage alcohol abuse through sport. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 36(Winter), 13-14. download


Keane, M. (2009). Kerry Life Education evaluation report. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 29(Spring), 21. download

Kelly, C., Molcho, M., Gavin, A., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2009). Inequalities in health among school-aged children in Ireland. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, 5(1), 67. download 

Kelly, C., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2009). Health and related behaviour of children in DEIS schools. School Completion Programme Newsletter, Spring, 3. 

Long, J. & Mongan, D. (2009). Fourth ESPAD survey on substance use among young people. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 30(Summer), 13-16. download


De Roiste, A., Gavin, A., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2008). Urban and rural patterns in adolescent alcohol consumption in Ireland. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin4(4), s7-s8. download  

Gavin, A., Molcho, M., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2008). Family, peer and school relationships as predictors of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use in Irish adolescents: differences between sustained and experimental substance use behaviour. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin4(4), s50-s51. download  

HRB (2008). A Picture of Health 2008: A Selection of Outcomes from HRB funded research. Dublin: Health Research Board. download  

Harvey, B. (2008). Tomorrow's Child. Dublin: Barnardos.   

Kelly, C., Davin, V., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2008). Family structure and children's eating patterns: Secondary analysis of the health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) study 2002. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin4(4), s48-s49. download  

Molcho, M., Kelly, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2008). Towards understanding food poverty in adolescence. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin4(4), s42-s43. download  

Walsh, K., Molcho, M., Dineen, B., Kelleher, C., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2008) Cluster randomisation and design effects in school surveys: An exploration of the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. National Institute of Health Sciences Research Bulletin4(4), s37-s39. download  


Galvin, B. (2007). 2007 report on the drugs problem in Europe. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 24(Winter), 18-19. download

Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2007). Marketing of Foodstuffs in Post-Primary Schools in Ireland. Dublin: Irish Heart Foundation. download

Mongan, D. (2007). Third HBSC study report findings. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 24(Winter), 14-15. download


Dental Health Foundation. (2006). Mighty Mouth: Infant Curriculum. Dublin: Dental Health Foundation. download

Kelly, C., Nic Gabhainn, S., Molcho, M., & Walsh, K. (2006). Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC): A World Health Organisation collaborative cross-national study. National Institutes for Health Sciences Research Bulletin3(3), 75-76. download

McKeown, K. & Fitzgerald, G. (2006). Promoting Mental Health in Primary School: Evaluation of a Mental Health Intervention in a Disadvantaged Primary School in Dublin. Dublin: Kieran McKeown Ltd. download

Walsh, K. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2006). Absence of seasonal effects in HBSC data. National Institutes for Health Sciences Research Bulletin3(3), 77-79. download 


Burke, E. (2004). Physical Activity Participation Levels and Dietary Habits of Post-Primary School Students. Galway: Department of Public Health, Western Health Board. download

East Coast Area Health Board (ECAHB). (2004). East Coast Area Health Board Provider Plan 2004. Bray: ECAHB). download

Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA). (2004). A Health Impact Assessment of Traffic and Transport in Ballyfermot. Dublin: ERHA. download

Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA). (2004). Eastern Regional Health Authority annual report 2003. Dublin: ERHA. download

Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA). (2004). Protecting our Health. Report of the Director of Public Health of the Eastern Regional Health Authority 2004. Dublin:ERHA. download

Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA). (2004). Service Plan 2004. Dublin: ERHAdownload

Farrington, F. (2004). A Prevalence study of Drug Use by Young People in a Mixed Suburban Area. Dublin: Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme & National Advisory Committee on Drugs. download

Guiden, H. (2004). An Evaluation of food and nutrition training received by pre-school providers and determination of a “Healthy Food Award” scheme in the pre-school setting of the Midland Health Board. Tullamore: Midland Health Board. download

Long, J. (2004). Tackling alcohol-related harm in Ireland. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 12(November), 6-7. download

Midland Health Board (MHB). (2004). Public Health Report. Midland Health Board Annual Report 2004. Tullamore: MHB. download

Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore. (2004). Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore: Annual Report 2003. Tullamore: Midland Regional Hospital. download

Northern Area Health Board (NAHB). (2004). Annual Report 2003 Part 1. Dublin: NAHB. download

Public Health Alliance Ireland (PHAI). (2004). Health in Ireland – An Unequal State. Dublin: PHAI. download

Sinclair, H. (2004). Cannabis use by young people in Ireland. Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 12(November), 6. download

South Eastern Health Board (SEHB). (2004). South Eastern Health Board Service Plan 2004. Key Objectives. Kilkenny: SEHB. download

Southern Health Board (SHB). (2004). Health Status Report. 2004. Cork: Department of Public Health, SHB. download

Southern Health Board (SHB). (2004). Report of the Director of Public Health. Cork: Department of Public Health, SHB. download


Clancy, M. & Johnson, C. (2003). Pack a Punch, Eat a Healthy Lunch. Tullamore: Department of Public Health & Planning, Cardiovascular Health Strategy, Midland Health Board. download

Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA). (2003). Alcohol Services – Agenda for Action: Developing an integrated and Enhanced Response. Dublin: ERHA. download

Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA). (2003). Service Plan 2003. Dublin: ERHA. download

Flanagan, E., Bedford, D., O’Farrell, A., & Howell, F. (2003). Smoking, Alcohol & Drug Use among Young People. Navan: Department of Public Health, North-Eastern Health Board. download

Kelleher, K., Cowley, H., & Houghton, F. (2003). Teenage Smoking Alcohol and Drug Use in the Mid-Western Health Board Region 2002. Limerick: Mid-Western Health Board. download

New health surveys provide updated drug use figures. (2003). Drugnet: Alcohol and Drugs Research Newsletter, 8, 5-6. download

Nic Gabhainn, S. & Corrigan, H. (2003). Best Practice in Youth Health Promotion in Ireland. Country Report to the German Youth Institute, Munich.   

Southern Health Board (SHB). (2003). Report of the Director of Public Health. Cork: Department of Public Health, SHB. download

South Western Area Health Board (SWAHB). (2003). Community Alcohol Awareness Project. Dublin: SWAHB. download


Cox, G. (2002). Young People and Drugs: A Review Document. Treatment of under 18 year olds for serious substance misuse. Dublin: Addiction Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin. download

Midland Health Board (MHB). (2002). School Nutrition and Action Survey (SNACKS). Tullamore: MHB. download

Mid-Western Health Board (MWHB). (2002). Research questions: What is the prevalence of smoking, alcohol and other drug use among post-primary students in counties Clare, Limerick and Tipperary NR? What if any are the significant changes in smoking, alcohol and other drug use among these students since the previous survey in 1998? Limerick: MWHB. download

Nic Gabhainn, S., Dring, C., Walsh, O. & Kelleher, C. (2002). Stimulant Drink Consumption across the Island of Ireland: Context and Risk Factors. Report to the Food Safety Promotion Board, Ireland. download 


Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA). (2001). Towards moderation: use of alcohol among people in the Eastern Region. Dublin: ERHA. download

National Heart Alliance. (2001). Position Paper on Physical Activity for Children and Young People. Dublin: Irish Heart Foundation. download

Nic Gabhainn, S., Ni Riain, A. & Barry Murphy, B. (2001). Health Behaviours: Reports from the working groups. Developing an adolescent friendly Health Service. Dublin: Best Health for Children. download 

O’Rourke, N. (2001). Regional Tobacco Control Strategy: Action Plan for Dublin, Wicklow and Kildare 2001-2005. East Coast Area Health Board. download

Western Health Board (WHB). (2001). Report of the Director of Public Health 2000-2001. Galway: WHB. download


Nic Gabhainn, S. (2000). Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: Results from the Irish HBSC survey. Journal of Health Gain4, 20-21. download  

Nic Gabhainn, S. & François, Y. (2000). Health and health behaviour among young people: reported smoking among school children in Europe and North America. Interaction: the European Network on Young People and Tobacco, 13, 11. download  

Nic Gabhainn, S., McCarthy, E. & Kelleher, C. (2000). Bí Follain: Review and Evaluation. Mid-Western Health Board: Limerick.  

Nic Gabhainn, S., McCarthy, E. & Kelleher, C. (2000). Bí Follain: Review and Evaluation. Report to the Midland Health Board. 

Thornton, L., Barry, J., & Kelly, A. (2000). A Policy Paper on Public Health Care Issues for Low Income Families with Children. Report to the Combat Poverty Agency and the Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed. download


Nic Gabhainn, S. (1999). Schoolchildren and lifestyle: a survey. In Learnings from the Irish Network of Health Promoting Schools Conference Report. Dublin: Departments of Health and Children, and Education and Science with the Marino Institute of Education. download