World Health Organization Collaborative Cross-National Study

The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey is a WHO collaborative cross-national study that monitors the health behaviours, health outcomes and social environments of school-aged children every four years. HBSC Ireland surveys school-going children aged 9-18 years. The study is conducted by the HBSC Ireland team, based at the Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway.

National Reports containing HBSC Ireland data are listed alphabetically by author within year of publication: 


Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2025). Statistical Spotlight #15: The State of the Nation’s Women and Girls. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download Data sheet: download


Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2024). State of the Nation's Children (SONC) 2023. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download

Gavin, A., Költő, A., Lunney, L., Maloney, R., Walker, L., Nic Gabhainn, S., & Kelly, C. (2024). The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study 2022. Dublin: Department of Health & Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway. download

Research and Evaluation Unit, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2024). Report on the Research Needs for Growing Up in Ireland Cohort ’08 at age 17. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download


Aiséirí. (2023). One Step at a Time. Strategic Plan 2024-2028. Cahir: Aiséirí. download

Care Alliance Ireland. (2023). Supporting Ukrainian Family Carers in Ireland: A guide for volunteers and staff. Dublin: Care Alliance Ireland, October 2023. download

Children's Rights Alliance. (2023). Report Card 2023. Is Government keeping its promises to children? Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2023). Children and Young People's Indicator Set 2023. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2023). National Action Plan Against Racism. Dublin. Government of Ireland. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2023). Statistical Spotlight #11: Children and Young People's Indicator Set. Outcome "Active and Healthy". An international comparison. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download Data sheet: Stastical Spotlight #11 download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2023). Young Ireland. National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2023-2028. Dublin. Government of Ireland. download

Department of the Taoiseach. (2023). Understanding Life in Ireland: The Well-being Framework 2023. Dublin. Government of Ireland. download

Health Service Executive. (2023). HSE joint response to concerns of children and young people using e-cigarettes. Ireland: HSE. May 2023. download

Joint Committee on Justice. (2023). Report on Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the General Scheme of the Sale of Alcohol Bill 2022. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. March 2023. download

Kildare Children and Young People’s Services Committee. (2023). Children and Young People’s Plan 2023-2025: Summary. Naas: Kildare Children and Young People’s Services Committee. March 2023. download 

Lyons, S., Duffy, K., & Nolan, A. (2023). Regulatory impact of possible radon prevention measures in new build homes in Ireland. Research series number 162, July 2023. Dublin: ESRI. download

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. (2023). Written Submissions. Consultation on draft specification for Junior Cycle SPHE. Dublin: NCCA. download

Ryan, A., Goggin, D., Conway, R., Dowling-Cullen, C., Watters, A.M., Sheehy, T., & Donaghey, K. (2023). Population Health Profile. HSE West and North West. Public Health Area F. June 2023. Galway: Public Health Area F. HSE West and North West. download 

Timoney, A. (2023). Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023. Bill No. 48 of 2023. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. June 2023. download 

Villani, J., Kuosmanen, T., McDonagh, M, Barry, M.M. (2023). Traveller Mental Wellness Continuum: A qualitative peer research study of Travellers’ views. Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway. download

Woods, C.B., Ng, K.W., Britton, U., McClelland, J., O’Keeffe, B., Sheikhi, A., McFlynn, P., Murphy, M.H., Goss, H., Behan, S., Philpott, C., Lester, D., Adamakis, M., Costa, J., Coppinger, T., Connolly, S., Belton, S.. & O’Brien, W., (2023). Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study 2022 (CSPPA 2022). Limerick: Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Limerick. download 

YOUNGCARERS Research Project Team. (2023). Sharing the caring: Young Carer’s experiences and access to supports in Ireland. Cork & Limerick: Family Carers. March 2023. download 


Carlin, A., Murphy, M., McAvoy, H., Belton, S., Coppinger, T., Cunningham, C., Donnelly, A., Dowd, K., Harrington, D., Murtagh, E., Ng, K., O’Brien, W., Redpath, T., Woods, C., Connolly, S., & Rodriguez, L. (2022). 2022 Active Healthy Kids Ireland. The 2022 Ireland North and South Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents. Long and Short Form. download Summary download

Children's Rights Alliance. (2022). Report Card 2022. Is Government keeping its promises to children? Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. download

Crowe. (2022). Final report to Department of Health: Implementation Review of the National Physical Activity Plan. May 2022. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2022). An Indicator Set for Better Outcomes Brighter Futures: The national policy framework for children and young people 2014-2020. 2021 Update. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2022). State of the Nation's Children (SONC) 2022. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2022). Statistical Spotlight #7: Experiences and Perceptions off Discrimination in Ireland. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download Data sheet: Stastical Spotlight #7 download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2022). Supporting Parents: A national model of parenting support services. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download

Department of Education. (2022). Report on Public Consultation Written Submissions. Review of the Action Plan on Bullying and of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (2013). Dublin: Department of Education. download

Department of Health. (2022). Tobacco Free Ireland, Annual Report 2022. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Department of Social Protection (2022). Evaluation of the School Meals Programme. December 2022. Dublin: Department of Social Protection. download

Doyle, A., Sunday, S., Galvin, B., & Mongan, D. (2022). HRB Overview Series 12: Alcohol and other drug use among children and young people in Ireland: prevalence, risk and protective factors, consequences, responses, and policies. Dublin: Health Research Board. download

Evans, D. & Hickey, P. (2022). E-cigarette and smoking use among adolescents in Ireland: A focus group study. Report prepared on behalf of the Tobacco Control Operational Unit, Health Service Executive. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Government of Ireland. (2022). Healthy Ireland Outcomes Framework. First Report: September 2022. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download

Hartigan, I., Donegan, O., Dunne, N., Cornally, N., FitzGerald, S., Dalton O’Connor, C, Hally, R., & Cowan, K. (2022). Caring During COVID-19: Identifying Research Priorities for Family Carers. Dublin: Family Carers Ireland. download

Health Service Executive. (2022). HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. Implementation Plan 2022-2025. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Health Service Executive. (2022). The State of Tobacco Control in Ireland. HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme 2022. Second Report. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Howlett, E. (2022). Library & Research Service Note. Insights into the OSMR Bill. Part 2: Societal context resource guide – empirical data on online usage. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. download

HSE Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme (SHCPP), HSE Health and Wellbeing. (2022). Information Summary about Teenage Pregnancy in Ireland 2000-2020. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Institute of Public Health. (2022). Review of Alcohol Licensing. Dublin & Belfast. Institute of Public Health. download

Joint Committee on Health. (2022). Report on Pre-Legislative Scrutiny on the Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill. July 2022. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. download

Machowska-Kosiack, M & Barry, M. (2022). Experiences of second-generation ethnic minority young people in Ireland. Dublin: Centre for Human Rights & Citizenship Education, Dublin City University. December 2022. download

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Policy Group on Tobacco. (2022). Tobacco free Ireland: time for tobacco 21. It’s time to raise the legal age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21 years to achieve a Tobacco Free Ireland. Position paper from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) Policy Group on Tobacco. Dublin: Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. download

Safefood. (2022). Exploring the world of food: The perspective of families with children. Dublin: Safefood. download

Smyth, E. (2022). The changing social worlds of 9-year-olds, ESRI Research Series 151. Dublin: ESRI.


Bruton, l., Gibney, S., Hynes, T., Collins, D., & Moran, P. (2021). Spending Review 2021. Focused Policy Assessment of Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery: An analysis of expenditure and performance in the area of drug and alcohol misuse. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download

Children's Rights Alliance. (2021). Report Card 2021. Is Government keeping its promises to children? Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2021). State of the Nation's Children (SONC) 2021. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download

Department of Health. (2021). Tobacco Free Ireland, Annual Report 2021. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Department of the Taoiseach. (2021). First Report on a Well-being Framework for Ireland. Dublin: Government of Ireland. ‌

Gavin, A., Költő, A., Kelly, C., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2021). Trends in Health Behaviours, Health Outcomes and Contextual Factors between 1998-2018: findings from the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Költő, A., Vaughan, E., O’Sullivan, L., Kelly, C., Saewyc, E. M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2021). LGBTI+ Youth in Ireland and across Europe: A two-phased landscape and research gap analysis. Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. download

McNamara, E., Murray, A., O'Mahony, D., O'Reillly, C., Smyth, E., & Watson, D. (2021). Growing Up In Ireland. The Lives of 9-Year-Olds of Cohort ’08 (Infant Cohort). Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Intergration and Youth. download

National Economic and Social Council. (2021). Ireland's Well-being Framework: Consultation report. Council Report. No.155 July 2021. Dublin: National Economic and Social Council download

Nolan, A. & Smyth, E. (2021). Risk and protective factors for mental health and wellbeing in childhood and adolescence. Research series number 120. December 2021. Dublin: ESRI. download

Nixon, E. (2021). Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children. Social-emotional and behavioural outcomes in early adolescence. Cohort '98. Report 8. Dublin: the Stationery Office. ISBN 9781446880555. download

O’Dwyer, C., Mongan, D., Doyle, A., & Galvin, B. (2021). Health Research Board Overview Series 11: Alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm and alcohol policy in IrelandDublin: Health Research Board. download

‌Shumba, J., Quinn, M., Nic Carthaigh, C., & Leitao, C., (2021). Over the Fence: Perspectives on and experiences of child poverty in Tallaght, 2021. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative. download


Darmody, M., Smyth, E., & Russell, H. (2020). Implications of the covid-19 pandemic for policy in relation to children and young people: a research review. ESRI survey and statistical report series number 94. Dublin: ESRI. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2020). Better Outcomes Brighter Futures. The national policy framework for children and young people 2014-2020. Annual report for the final year of implementation. January - December 2020. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. (2020). State of the Nation's Children: Ireland Report (SONC) 2020. Dublin: Research and Evaluation Unit, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Intergration and Youth. download  

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2020). Statistical Spotlight #4: Young Travellers in Ireland. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs.  download  Data Sheet: Young Travellers in Ireland download

Department of Health. (2020). Tobacco Free Ireland, Annual Report 2020. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Family Carers Ireland. (2020). Young Carers in Ireland: Insight into the prevalence and experiences of young carers in Ireland using data from the HBSC 2018 study. Dublin: Family Carers Ireland. download

Government of Ireland. (2022). National Physical Activity Plan. Implementation summary 2020. Dublin: Department of Health and Department of Transport. download

Health Service Executive. (2020). HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. End of year report 2020. Ireland: Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, Health Service Executive. download 

Költő, A., Gavin, A., Molcho, M., Kelly, C., Walker, L., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study 2018. Dublin: Department of Health. download  

McAvoy, H., Rodriguez, L., Költő, A., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2020). Children’s exposures to ultraviolet radiation - a risk profile for future skin cancers in Ireland.  Dublin and Belfast: Institute of Public Health in Ireland. download

McNamara, E., Murphy, D., Murray, A., Smyth, E., & Watson, D. (2020). Growing Up in Ireland. The lives of 17/18-year-olds. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download

McNamara, E., O’Reilly, C., Murray, A., O’Mahony, D., Williams, J., Murphy, D., McClintock, R., & Watson, D. (2020). Growing Up in Ireland. Design, instrumentation and procedures for Cohort ’98 (Child Cohort) at Wave 4 (20 years of age). Dublin: Department of Health. download

Murray, A., McNamara, E., Murphy, D., O’Reilly, C., Neary, M., & James, O. (2020). Growing Up in Ireland. The child cohort come of age: review of the literature pertaining to the 17/18 year wave. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download

Murray, A, O’Mahony, D., & McNamara, E. (2020). Growing Up in Ireland. Design, instrumentation and procedures for cohort ’08 of Growing up in Ireland at 9 years old (wave 5). Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs.  download

Nolan, A. & Smith, E. (2020). Clusters of health behaviours among young adults in Ireland. Research series number 101. Dublin: ESRI. download 

Nolan, A & Smith, E. (2020). Risk and protective factors for mental health and wellbeing in childhood and adolescence. Research series number 120. Dublin: ESRI. download 

Nolan, A & Smith, E. (2020). Talking about sex and sexual behaviour of young people in Ireland. Dublin: The Economic and Social Research Institute. download

O'Brien, D., Long, J., Lee, C., McCarthy, A., & Quigley, J. (2020). Electronic cigarette use and tobacco cigarette smoking initiation in adolescents: an evidence review. Dublin: Health Research Board. download

Rawdon, C., Sampson, K., Gilleece, L., & Cosgrove, J. (2020). Developing an evaluation framework for teachers’ professional learning in Ireland: Phase 1 Desk-based research. Dublin: Educational Research Centre. download

Sunday, S., Keoghan, S., Hanafin, J., & Clancy, L. (2020). ESPAD 2019 Ireland: results from the European Schools Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs in Ireland. Dublin: Tobacco Free Research Institute. download  

Tax Division, Department of Finance, (2020). General Excise Paper. Tax Strategy Group – TSG 20/08. Dublin: Department of Finance. download 

Timoney, A. (2020). Library & Research Service Note. E-Cigarettes – Health issues and regulatory options. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. download 

Tusla. (2020). Tulsa data management strategy 2019-2022. Dublin: Tusla. download


Care Alliance Ireland. (2019). Estimates for numbers of family carers in Ireland. Dublin: Care Alliance Ireland. download

Department of Health. (2019). Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2019. Dublin: Government Publications. download

Department of Health. (2019). Tobacco Free Ireland, Annual Report 2019. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Department of Health. (2019). Smile Agus Sláinte national oral health policy. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Health Service Executive South. (2019). A Focus on Alcohol & Health in Cork and Kerry. Cork & Dublin: Department of Public Health, Health Service Executive South. download

Health Service Executive. (2019). HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. End of year report 2019. Ireland: Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, Health Service Executive.  download

Houses of the Oireachtas. (2019). Joint Committee on Education and Skills Report on Relationships and Sexuality Education. January 2019. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. download

Irish Heart Foundation. (2019). A Childhood Obesity Manifesto: For the future of our children's health. Dublin: Irish Heart Foundation. download

Murphy, D., Williams, J., Murray, A., & Smyth, E. (2019). Growing Up in Ireland. Design, Instrumentation and Procedures for Cohort ’98 at 17/18 years of age. Technical Series Number 2019-5. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download 

Murray, A. & Morgan, M. (2019). Growing Up in Ireland: To School and Beyond — Review of the Literature on Selected Issues Pertaining to the Infant Cohort at 5 Years. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. (2019). Written Submissions. Consultation on the Review of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in primary and post-primary school. Dublin: NCCA. download 

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. (2019). Written Submissions. Phase two of the Review of relationships and Sexuality Education. Dublin: NCCA. download


Community Healthcare Organisation Area 1 (2018). Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2018-2023. Sligo: Health Service Executive, 2018. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2018). Environmental Analysis: A review of relevant literature and data to inform the development of the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018-2020. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download

Department of Health. (2018). Tobacco Free Ireland Annual Report 2018. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Evans, D.S., O'Farrell, A., Sheridan, A. & Kavanagh, P. (2018). Youth smoking in Ireland: a special analysis of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study. Ireland: Health Service Executive. download

Government of Ireland. (2018). Healthy Ireland Outcomes Framework. The national framework for action to improve the health and wellbeing of the people in Ireland. Dublin: Government of Ireland. download

Health Service Executive. (2018). Annual Report and Financial Statements 2018: Improving People’s Health and Wellbeing. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Health Service Executive. (2018). Children’s Hospital Group Operational Plan: Healthier children and young people throughout Ireland 2018. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Health Service Executive. (2018). Implementation Plan 2018-2021. Ireland: Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, Health Service Executive. download

Health Service Executive. (2018). The State of Tobacco Control in Ireland. Ireland: Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, Health Service Executive. download

Health Service Executive. (2018). HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. End of year report 2018. Ireland: Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, Health Service Executive. download

Jennings, P., Cooney, F., Hegarty, M., Smith, L., HSE National Healthy Childhood Programme and HSE Healthy Eating Active Living Programme. (2018). Healthy Weight for Children (0-6 years) Framework November 2018. Ireland: Health Service Executive. download

Joint Committee on Children and Youth Affairs. (2018). Report on tackling childhood obesity. November 2018. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. download 

Joint Committee of Education and Skills. (2018). Report on tackling of obesity and the promotion of health eating in schools. July 2018. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas. download

Sexual Health & Crisis Pregnancy Programme. (2018). Sexual Health in Ireland: What do we know?. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Tusla. (2018). Child Protection and Welfare Practice Handbook 2. Dublin: Tusla. download

Williams, J., Thornton, M., Morgan, M., Quail, A., Smyth, E., Murphy, D. & Mahony, D. (2018). Growing up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children: The Lives of 13-Year-Olds. Dublin: Government Publications. download


Care Alliance Ireland. (2017). Overview Report: Trends in family caring in Ireland in 2017: Review of awareness, self-identification, official surveys and income supports. Dublin: Care Alliance Ireland. download

Department of Health. (2017). Department of Health, Annual Report 2017. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Department of Health. (2017). Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2017. Dublin: Government Publications. download

Department of Health. (2017). Tobacco Free Ireland, Annual Report 2017. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Keane, E., Gavin, A., Perry, C., Molcho, M., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2017). Trends in Health Behaviours, Health Outcomes and Contextual Factors between 1998-2014: findings from the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study. Dublin: Department of Health. download  

National Clinical Programme for Paediatrics and Neonatology. (2017). A National Model of Care for Paediatric Healthcare Services in Ireland. Dublin: Health Service Executive and Royall College of Physicians of Ireland. download

Purdy, J., McAvoy, H., Cotter, N., & Mitchell, E. (2017). Smoke-free spaces on the Island of Ireland. Snapshot report. Dublin: Institute of Public Health. download  

Smith, B., Marsden, P., Donohue, F., Kavanagh, P., Kitching, A., Feely, E., Collins, L., Sheridan, A., Evans, D., Wright, P., O’Brien, S., & Migone, C. (2017). Planning for Health: Trends and priorities to inform health service planning 2017. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download 

Watson, D., Kenny, O., & McGinnity, F. (2017). A social portrait of Travellers in Ireland. Research series number 56, January 2017. Dublin: ESRI. download


Children's Rights Alliance. (2016). Report Card 2016. Is Government keeping its promises to children? Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. download

Clancy, L., Taylor, K., Babubeau, K., Keogan, S., & Whelan, E. (2016). ESPAD 2015: European School Survey Project on Alcohol & Other Drugs in Ireland. Dublin: Tobacco Free Research Institute Ireland, for the Department of Health. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2016). State of the Nation’s Children: Ireland 2016. Dublin: Government Publications. download  

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2016). State of the Nation’s Children: Key Findings: Ireland 2016. Dublin: Government Publications. download  

Department of Health. (2016). A healthy weight for Ireland: obesity policy and action plan 2016-2025. Dublin: The Stationery Office. download

Department of Health. (2016). Introducing a tax on sugar sweetened drinks: health rationale, options and recommendations. A Department of Health working paper October 2016. Dublin: Department of Health. download

Health Service Executive. (2016). National Men’s Health Action Plan Healthy Ireland – Men HI-M 2017-2021: working with men in Ireland to achieve optimum health and wellbeing. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

Hyde, A., Fullerton, D., Dunne, L., Lohan, M., & Macdonald, G. (2016). Sexual Health and Sexuality Education Needs Assessment of Young People in Care in Ireland (SENYPIC): The perspectives of care leavers: a qualitative analysis. Dublin: HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme and the Child & Family Agency. download

Martin, S., Horgan, D., & Scanlon, M. (2016). Healthy Lifestyles – Have Your Say: a consultation with children and young people. Dublin: Government Publications. download

Purdy, J., McAvoy, H., Cotter, N., & Mitchell, E.  (2016). Smoke-free spaces on the island of Ireland. Snapshot report 2016. Dublin: Institute of Public Health in Ireland. download

Research Work Group for Ireland's Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth. (2016). Are Our Kids Moving with the Times: The 2016 Ireland North and South Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth (online). download (long form) download (short form)


Children's Rights Alliance (2015). Are we there yet? Parallel report to Ireland's third and fourth combined report under the UN Conventiononthe Rights of the Child. Dublin: Children's Rights Allaince download

Children's Rights Alliance. (2015). Report Card 2015. Is Government keeping its promises to children? Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. download

Dental Health Foundation Ireland. (2015). Statement of Strategy 2015-2017. Dublin: Dental Health Foundation. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2015). Informing the development of the National Youth Strategy, 2015–2020. Dublin: Government Publications. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2015). National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making, 2015 – 2020. Dublin: Government Publications. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2015). National Youth Strategy 2015–2020. Dublin: Government Publications. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2015). State of the Nation’s Children: Ireland 2014. Dublin: Government Publications. download  

Department of Health (2015). Health in Ireland, Key Trends 2015. Dublin: The Stationery Office. download  

Department of Health. (2015). Tobacco Free Ireland Annual Report 2015. Dublin: Tobacco and Alcohol Control Unit, Department of Health. download

Fox, K.A., Kelly, C. & Molcho, M. (2015). Alcohol marketing and young people's drinking behaviour in Ireland. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland. download

Gavin, A., Keane, E., Callaghan, M., Molcho, M., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2015). The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study 2014. Dublin: Department of Health. download‌  

Horgan, D., Forde, C., Parkes, A., Martin, S., Mages, L., & O’Connell, A. (2015). Children and young people’s experiences of participation in decision-making at home, in schools and in their communities. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download

Martin, S., Forde, C., Dunn-Galvin, A., & O’Connell, A. (2015). An examination of children and young people’s views on the impact of their participation in decision-making. Dublin: Government Publications. download

Nic Gabhainn, S., Molcho, M., Kelly, C., & Gavin, A. (2015). Research protocol for the 2014 HBSC Ireland study. Report to the Department of Health, Government of Ireland. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway.

UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC). (2015). Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 44 of the Convention, Combined third and fourth periodic reports of Ireland due in 2009 : Ireland. Dublin: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) download


Burke, L., D’Eath, M., Young, H., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014). Adolescent sexual health behaviour: An exploration of dissemination tools and mechanisms among stakeholder groups. Report to the Crisis Pregnancy Programme. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway. download

Children's Rights Alliance. (2014). Report Card 2014. Is Government keeping its promises to children? Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. download

Daughters of Charity Community Services. (2014). An area profile. Dublin: Daughters of Charity Community Services. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2014). Better Outcomes Brighter Futures: the national policy framework for children and young people 2014 -2020. Dublin: The Stationery Office. download

Fox, K.A., Kelly, C., Molcho, M., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014). Learning about Middle Childhood: Surveying health and well-being among nine year olds. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway. download 

Hope, A. (2014). Alcohol Literature Review. Briefing document prepared for the Department of Health by Target Health Ltd. download

Jennings, S. (2014). Preventing Chronic Disease: Defining the Problem. Report from the Prevention of Chronic Disease Programme. Dublin: Health Service Executive. download

McAvoy, H. & Purdy, J. (2014). Reducing alcohol-related harm by addressing availability - Maximising benefits from North South cooperation. Dublin & Belfast: Institute of Public Health in Ireland. download

Research Work Group for Ireland's Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth. (2014). Are our children up to the mark. Ireland's report card on physical activity and youth. (online) download (long form) download (short form)

Young, H., Burke, L., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014). An international comparison of sexual health behaviour among adolescents: Findings from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Report to the Crisis Pregnancy Programme. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway. download

Young, H., Burke, L., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014). Moving forward in the measurement of sexual health behaviour among post-primary school students in Ireland. Report to the Crisis Pregnancy Programme. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway. download


Burke, L., Young, H., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013). Sexual Behaviour and Contraceptive Use: Comparing adolescents and young adults in Ireland: Secondary analysis of the Irish Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy (ICCP) study, the Irish Study of Sexual Health and Relationships (ISSHR) and the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Report to the Crisis Pregnancy Programme. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway. download

Burke, L., Young, H., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013). Sexual Behaviour and Contraceptive Use: Comparing adolescents and young adults in Ireland: Secondary analysis of the Irish Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy (ICCP) study, the Irish Study of Sexual Health and Relationships (ISSHR) and the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Summary Report.  Report to the Crisis Pregnancy Programme. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway. download

Callaghan, M. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013). Appendix 1: Nutrition behaviours and outcomes: a special analysis of the HBSC survey as part of the implementation of the National Strategy for Research and Data on Children's Lives, 2011-2016. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download  

Children's Rights Alliance. (2013). Report Card 2013. Is Government keeping its promises to children? Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2013). National Strategy for Research and Data on Children's Lives 2011-2016. Implementation Report: Action plan update 2012. Dublin: Department of Chilldren and Youth Affairs. download

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2013). Statistical Annex to Ireland’s Consolidated Third and Fourth Reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 2006-2011. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. download

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