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2016-2021 News
Monday, 14 March 2022
A series of events were held across campus from 7-12th March to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022 #BreakTheBias. Among the many events, the University Women’s Network hosted Dr. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn as keynote speaker as they celebrated their 10th anniversary.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
VP for Equality & Diversity, Prof Anne Scott, is delighted to announce the awarding of up to 10 Athena SWAN Research Capacity Building Grants to academics from across all four colleges who have had an extended period of leave connected with caring in their career history. The Athena SWAN Mid-Career Lecturer Research Capacity Building Grants were established to support women and men in building their independent research careers by providing support to help mitigate the impact of an extended leave period on research activities. Last year was the final year of the initial three-year pilot programme of the grant, rolled out as a part of the Athena SWAN Action Plan. A report on awardee feedback has been undertaken and a review of the grant terms & conditions has taken place prior to the 2020 call for applications. The Research Capacity Building grant is operated in collaboration with the College Offices and is managed through the Vice-Deans for Research and College Research Committees. To find out more information on the grant please review the policy, or contact your Vice-Dean for Research.
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
EDI Project Fund 2020/21 CALL NOW OPEN The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity has established an annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Project Fund (€10,000) to be awarded as several small grants normally ranging from €300 - €1000. The fund is available to staff and students on a competitive basis for a variety of equality projects within the University. The EDI Project Fund aims to facilitate equality / inclusion initiatives and to promote and celebrate diversity in all areas of life in NUI Galway. Initiatives will be considered in relation to the nine grounds protected in equality legislation (gender, age, civil status, family status, race / ethnicity, membership of the traveller community, disability, sexual orientation and religion / belief). However, other diversity and inclusion groups may also be considered. Further information on the fund is available here The closing date for receipt of applications for the 2020/21 round is Monday 23rd November at 5pm.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
The Office of the VP for Equality & Diversity is seeking applications for the 2018/19 Aurora women-only leadership development programme. Applications must be completed and submitted to VPEqualityandDiversity@nuigalway.ie by 5pm on Monday, 1 October 2018. Please note there will be an information session on the Aurora Programme on Monday, 17 September 2018 at 12 noon in THB-G011 Seminar Room, Hardiman Building. If you have further questions or need an application form please contact VPEqualityandDiversity@nuigalway.ie
Thursday, 1 August 2019
The VP for Equality & Diversity, Prof Anne Scott, is delighted to announce the awarding of 10 Athena SWAN Research Capacity Building Grants to academics from across all five colleges who have had an extended period of leave connected with caring in their career history. The Athena SWAN Mid-Career Lecturer Research Capacity Building Grants were established to support women and men in building their independent research careers by providing support to help mitigate the impact of an extended leave period on research activities. This will be the final year in the three-year pilot programme of the grant, rolled out as a part of the Athena SWAN Action Plan. A report on awardee feedback has been undertaken and a review of the grant terms & conditions will then take place for 2020. The Research Capacity Building grant is operated in collaboration with the College Offices and is managed through the Vice-Deans for Research and College Research Committees. To find out more information on the grant please review the policy, or contact your Vice-Dean for Research.
Friday, 5 April 2019
Research Capacity Building Grants 2019 The VP for Equality & Diversity, Prof Anne Scott, is delighted to announce the third year of funding for the Research Capacity Building Grants will roll out across all Colleges from next week (8 April 2019). The Athena SWAN Mid-Career Lecturer Research Capacity Building Grants were established to support people who have had an extended period of leave connected with caring to build their independent research careers and provide support to help mitigate the impact of extended leave on research activities. This will be the final year in the three-year pilot programme of the grant, rolled out as a part of the Athena SWAN Action Plan. A report on awardee feedback has been undertaken and a review of the grant terms & conditions will then take place. The Research Capacity Building grant is operated in collaboration with the College Offices and is managed through the Vice-Deans for Research and College Research Committees. The call for applications to the grant will be operated through their offices. To find out more information on the grant please review the policy, or contact your Vice-Dean for Research. Networking Information Session & Lunch The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity invite all those interested in applying for the 2019 round of Athena SWAN Mid-Career Lecturer Research Capacity Building Grants to join us for lunch on May 13th from 12:00 to 13:30 in the Lower Aula Maxima to hear from past recipients and learn more. If you are interested in attending please RSVP here.
Monday, 7 May 2018
AdvanceHE has announced today (Monday, 7 May) that NUI Galway has achieved an Athena SWAN award. Additionally, the School of Medicine has been conferred with a departmental level award. The awards at Bronze level recognise that the University and the School of Medicine have demonstrated a solid foundation for eliminating gender bias and developing an inclusive culture that values all staff. Through the implementation of an action plan containing a range of specific, measurable activities, NUI Galway has introduced a range of initiatives focused on gender equality in recent years. Work on implementing these actions and other gender equality initiatives is already underway, and will continue to be fully supported by the University’s senior management team. These initiatives include: The introduction of gender quotas for University promotion schemes where applicable Inclusivity and unconscious bias training programmes and workshops for managers and staff Specific leadership development programmes for female University staff Targeted supports for parents returning from leave, including research grants to help mitigate the impact of an extended leave period on research activities, return to work programmes and breastfeeding support workshops Professor Anne Scott, Vice President for Equality and Diversity at NUI Galway, said: “We are delighted to receive an Athena SWAN Bronze award for our institution. It recognises the energetic and sustained work in recent years to address equality challenges in the University. However we recognise that we are still at an early stage in this important journey.” NUI Galway President, Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh welcomed the result and paid tribute to the work of the Athena SWAN self-assessment team and in particular the Chair, Professor Anne Scott, Vice President for Equality and Diversity and her team in supporting this important initiative. President Ó hÓgartaigh also commented that due recognition should be given to the role played by his predecessor, Dr Jim Browne and the NUI Galway management team. Re-affirming his support for the implementation of the Athena SWAN three-year action plan, he stated that: “NUI Galway embraces diversity and diverse voices as a hallmark of the University and we look forward to reflecting this as a strength of the University, and its hinterland, in NUI Galway’s strategic development.” Athena SWAN is an internationally recognised Charter which supports the development of a better working environment for all staff and students, and helps institutions meet the requirements and expectations of research funders, align with policy priorities, and meet legislative requirements. The attainment of the Athena SWAN Bronze award has been identified as a key priority in the University’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020, and several funding agencies will make gender equality accreditation in higher education institutions a condition of funding by the end of 2019. For further information on AdvanceHE's equality charters visit: https://www.ecu.ac.uk/equality-charters/
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity was contacted in early 2019 by staff members eager to build the networking and voice of international staff at NUI Galway. Over the summer of 2019 the Office supported two events that brought together international staff and friends to engage and discuss the possibilities and opportunities. On July 2nd, 2019, 22 members of staff who had expressed an interest in leading the development of an International Staff Network met to begin the process of establishing what would be NUI Galway's third staff network. Staff members in attendance agreed to survey staff who had expressed an interest in joining this network to determine what the overall goals or aims of this network would be. Development is now underway with the Development Steering Group planning to meet again in Sept 2019 to finalize plans in relation to structure and governance. It is hoped that an international staff network will be launched in the first semester of academic year 2019/20. Staff are encouraged to follow this development through upcoming event notices and calls for expressions of interest. If you are interested in getting involved or learning more please contact VPequalityanddiversity@nuigalway.ie
Monday, 15 October 2018
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Project Fund 2018/19 CALL NOW OPEN The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity has established an annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Project Fund (€10,000) to be awarded as several small grants normally ranging from €300 - €1000. The fund is available to staff and students on a competitive basis for a variety of equality projects within the University. The EDI Project Fund aims to facilitate equality / inclusion initiatives and to promote and celebrate diversity in all areas of life in NUI Galway. Initiatives will be considered in relation to the nine grounds protected in equality legislation (gender, age, civil status, family status, race / ethnicity, membership of the traveller community, disability, sexual orientation and religion / belief). However, other diversity and inclusion groups may also be considered. Further information on the fund is available here The closing date for receipt of applications for the 2018/19 round is Monday, 22nd October 2018 at 5pm.
Monday, 12 November 2018
Mary Mitchell O’Connor, Minister of State with special responsibility for Higher Education today (12th Nov 2018) launched the Action Plan for Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions 2018 – 2020. This follows from the establishment of a Gender Equality Taskforce, by Minister Mitchell O'Connor on 6th Nov 2017, to oversee a national systems review of the recruitment and promotions policies and practices currently in place in higher education institutions. The Task Force built on the work done for the HEA National Review on Gender Equality in Irish Higher Education Institutions, published in 2016. At the launch this morning Minister Mitchell O’Connor added: “In addition, to supporting the acceleration of the achievement of gender equality objectives under the Action Plan, this initiative will bring female excellence to the fore. I know it will underpin the transformation and cultural change essential in ensuring that Ireland’s higher education sector fully realises the benefits of gender diversity." You can find the full Department of Education and Skills Gender Action Plan 2018-2020 here: https://www.education.ie/en/Publications/Policy-Reports/gender-action-plan-2018-2020.pdf
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
The Athena SWAN Ireland Awards Ceremony was held on 14 Nov 2018 in the Davenport in Dublin. NUI Galway were formally conferred with their Athena SWAN Bronze award by Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O'Connor TD.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Project Fund 2017/18 Call NOW OPEN The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity has established an annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Project Fund (€10,000) to be awarded as several small grants normally ranging from €300 - €1000. The fund is available to staff and students on a competitive basis for a variety of equality projects within the University. The EDI Project Fund aims to facilitate equality / inclusion initiatives and to promote and celebrate diversity in all areas of life in NUI Galway. Initiatives will be considered in relation to the nine grounds protected in equality legislation (gender, age, civil status, family status, race / ethnicity, membership of the traveller community, disability, sexual orientation and religion / belief). However, other diversity and inclusion groups may also be considered. Further information on the fund is available here The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, 24th November at 5pm
Friday, 26 October 2018
Minister for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD, has launched NUI Galway’s annual report on equality, diversity and inclusion for the academic year 2017/2018, highlighting the new Gender Identity Policy and a new LGBT+ Ally Programme at a campus event on 26 Oct 2018. The annual report outlines key achievements during the year, including: The achievement of Athena Swan Bronze in May 2018 by both the University and its School of Medicine. The establishment and launch of the NUI Galway LGBT+ staff network. The launch of a University of Sanctuary campaign, with a view to being recognised among international universities for making education more accessible and welcoming to asylum seekers and refugees. Reform of University governance structures, with the reconstitution of Academic Council, which plays a critical role in setting the academic direction of the University and now has a minimum requirement of 40% male and 40% female membership. Speaking at the launch, Minister O’Connor said: “I’m delighted to launch this report which pulls together many strands of work to highlight that NUI Galway is embracing difference and has a solid foundation in place as it strives to be a bastion of equality and diversity. NUI Galway has broken new ground in areas such as consent education and the work of its LGBT+ network, and it’s important that the education sector learns from such developments as we collectively work towards greater inclusivity.” NUI Galway’s Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, Professor Anne Scott added: “I am delighted to see this report of our programme of equality, diversity and inclusivity initiatives launched today by Minister Mitchel O’Connor. This annual report provides clear evidence that we in NUI Galway have made significant progress in building a sustainable equality, diversity and inclusivity culture in our university. We all appreciate that we are on a stimulating journey with significant challenges ahead. However our commitment to this broad-based agenda is clear and the publication of our Gender Identity and Gender Expression Policy and the launch of our new LGBT+ Ally programme is testament to that. We look forward with confidence to building on these achievements and continuing this important work in Academic Year 2018 - 2019.” To access the annual report, gender identity and expression policy, and information on the LGBT+ ally programme, visit: http://www.nuigalway.ie/equalityanddiversity/
Friday, 3 November 2017
The VP for Equality & Diversity, Prof Anne Scott is delighted to announce the awarding of 13 Research Capacity Building Grants to academic women from across all five colleges who have had an extended period of leave connected with caring. The Mid-Career Lecturer Research Capacity Building Grants were established to support women and men in building their independent research careers and provide support to help mitigate the impact of an extended leave period on research activities. This was the first year in a three-year pilot programme of the grant, rolled out as a part of the Athena SWAN Action Plan. This grant is operated in collaboration with the College Offices and managed through the College Research Committees. To find out more information on the grant please review the policy, or contact the OVPED.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Following a meeting of Údarás na hOllscoile/the Governing Authority on Friday (February 26th), the University announced that Professor Anne Scott has been appointed as Vice-President for Equality and Diversity. This is the first appointment of its kind in an Irish University. Professor Scott is currently Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education, Health and Community in Liverpool John Moores University. She has worked as an academic and academic leader in the Scottish, Irish and currently the English Higher Education Systems. She held the post of Head of the School of Nursing and Human Sciences, Dublin City University (2000-2006) where she led the development of BSc, MSc and PhD programmes in the school, in addition to founding and developing a vibrant culture of research and scholarship. In February 2006 Professor Scott was appointed Deputy President and Registrar of DCU, a post which she held until late 2012. During this time she led many initiatives across DCU including a review of the academic promotions process; the development of the e-learning roadmap; and the graduate attributes project for the university. She has a proven track record of transformational leadership in academic environments in both Ireland and the UK, working at senior levels, to bring balance to strategic decision making and insight into the organisational culture and concerns of colleagues. Professor Scott is an active mentor for the Aurora women only leadership development programme in the UK; she was recognised by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN) through the Ireland’s Most Powerful Women: Top 25 Awards for her leadership in public service; she has also mentored emerging women leaders and high potentials via the WXN. In welcoming the appointment, Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway, said: “I am delighted to announce this appointment today at NUI Galway and I very much look forward to welcoming Professor Scott to this new role which will lead on addressing issues of equality and diversity across the University.” The position of VP for Equality & Diversity has been established by the University following the establishment of a Task Force on Gender Equality by the University’s Governing Body in February 2015 with the remit ‘To consider the University’s present gender mix among staff, including academic and support staff, and advise the University what measures it should take and over what timescale to develop effective gender equality’. This new post reflects the University’s commitment to transformational change. The Vice President will lead this change to ensure that equality of opportunity is provided to every member of staff as well as developing and implementing a strategy that establishes the University as an exemplar of best practice in the area. In its first report of June 2015 the Task Force, led by Trinity College Dublin’s former Vice Provost, Professor Jane Grimson, submitted four major recommendations to the University’s Governing Authority. With the appointment of Professor Anne Scott all of the four recommendations made in June 2015 have now been implemented: The establishment of a new position of Vice President of Equality and Diversity. Professor Anne Scott has been appointed to this role. All major influential committees should be comprised of a minimum of 40% women and 40% men by the end of 2016, including the University Management Team (UMT), Academic Management Team (AMT) and all promotions committees and interview boards. Gender quotas were applied to recent elections to the Governing Authority, and the new Governing Authority will re-constitute its committees to see this cascade to all committees. Ensure mandatory unconscious bias training for all senior staff. Since September over 160 members of the university leadership have completed this training, including President, Registrar and Deputy President, Vice-Presidents, Deans, Heads of School, Chairs of Committees and interview boards and all other senior decision-makers. External review of all promotion and progression policies and procedures within the University for all grades of staff by external expert in respect of gender equality. This review is now complete and its findings will be published shortly.
Monday, 11 September 2017
The Office of the VP for Equality & Diversity is seeking applications for the 2017/18 Aurora women-only leadership development programme. Applications must be completed and submitted to VPEqualityandDiversity@nuigalway.ie by 5pm on Monday, 02 October 2017. The outcome will be communicated to all applicants by Thursday, 12 October 2017. If you have further questions or need an application form please contact VPEqualityandDiversity@nuigalway.ie
Friday, 20 October 2017
The Open Call for funding to attend the 2017/18 Aurora Leadership Development Programme closed at the beginning of October 2017. The OVPED received in total 57 applications. The applications were reviewed by a small committee, and it was noted that the panel were very impressed by the overall standard of applications and the interest in the programme. The fund available was meant to cover 15 applicants, but due to the high level of interest and standard 17 applicants were awarded funding. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's funding. The OVPED would like to remind everyone that the call will open again in September of 2018. If you have previously applied for Aurora Programme funding, please feel free to contact us to request feedback on your application. Aurora is a women-only leadership development programme provided by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education in the UK for women up to senior lecturer level or professional services equivalent in a university, who would like explore the avenues to leadership and develop their career. The programme is delivered by the Leadership Foundation and it provides, in a social learning environment, core and adaptive leadership skills and knowledge over five single non-residential days. NUI Galway’s Aurora programme is targeted at women in academic, support and research roles in the University – from postdoctoral up to and including AO administrative roles, Senior Lecturer, and equivalent Technical grades.
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
NUI Galway ‘s Governing Authority, Údarás na hOllscoile, today welcomed the publication of the Final Report issued by the Task Force on Gender Equality chaired by Professor Jane Grimson. The Final Report contains 24 evidence-based recommendations which are aimed at promoting gender equality at NUI Galway. Údaras na hOllscoile unanimously adopted the Final Report at the meeting and mandated the newly appointed Vice-President for Equality & Diversity to develop an Implementation Plan to be brought to Údaras in Autumn of this year. The Final Report will be published in the next week.
Friday, 4 November 2016
The Vice President for Equality & Diversity has now finalised the Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) to ensure implementation of the Task Force recommendations as outlined in the Final Report. The plan was approved by UMT at its meeting on 20 September 2016 and subsequently by Údarás na hOllscoile on 1 November 2016. You can read details of the Gender Equality Action Plan, and see progress made on each of the actions on the OVPED website.
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
The OVPED and partners produced an excellent programme of events for International Women’s Week March 6 – 10th 2017 with something on offer for all: March 6th "Full STEAM Ahead: Engineering for All" event to celebrate Women in STEMM and to mark the renaming of the Engineering Building the “Alice Perry Engineering Building”. This event was in collaboration with the CoEI and Ms Caroline Spillane, Director General, Engineers Ireland and included: an interactive exhibition aimed at second level students, organised by colleagues in CoEI; a roundtable discussion: Supporting engineering talent and diversity for a better society; and the formal renaming event. Venue: Ground floor, Alice Perry Engineering Building. March 7th “Making a Difference” TedEx Event sponsored by the University Women's Network. Venue: Siobhan McKenna Lecture Theatre March 8th INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY Keynote Lecture: “Inclusivity in the workplace: key to success” Ms Margot Slattery, Country Manager Sodexo, Ireland, and Ms Meg Horsburg, Head of D&I for Sodexo UK March 9th Wikipedia Editathon Event “Who are the missing Women on Wikipedia” organised by Dr Sharon Flynn, Assistant Director, CELT and Dr Rachel Hilliard, Chair of the UWN with support from Wikimedia Community Ireland. Venue: Engineering Lab - Ground Floor of Alice Perry Engineering building “Bring your Whole Self to Work” LGBT networking event in collaboration with TCD LGBT Staff Network and AMACH, Galway.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Please note that the Aurora women-only leadership development programme will be offered in Dublin in 2017/18 for a fourth year running commencing on Thursday 30 November 2017. Workshop Dates - Dublin Thursday 30 November 2017 Thursday 25 January 2018 Thursday 23 February 2018 Thursday 15 March 2018 Thursday 12 April 2018 The Office of the VP for Equality & Diversity will seek applications in early September. In the meantime, see our website for further details on the programme.
Monday, 16 September 2019
The Office of the VP for Equality & Diversity is now seeking applications for the 2019/20 Aurora women-only leadership development programme. Applications must be completed on the provided application form and submitted to VPEqualityandDiversity@nuigalway.ie by 5pm on Monday, 7 October 2019. Please note an information session on the Aurora programme will be held on Monday, 23rd September at 12.00 in THB-G011 Seminar Room, Hardiman Building. If you would like to find out more about the programme and selection process please come along. All staff members are welcome. Further information on the Aurora women-only Leadership Development Programme can be found on the OVPED training website here, including the application form.
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Helen Maher will take up the role of VP Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in January 2022. President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “Helen Maher comes to NUI Galway with a huge passion for equality, diversity and inclusion. Her career is testament to a life-long commitment to the public good, to partnership and to education as a critical catalyst for equality, diversity and inclusion." Helen has worked on equality and social justice issues in higher education, civil society organisations and consultancy including with An Cosán, Tallaght; Waterford Women’s Centre; the Inner City Organisations Network in Dublin. She was appointed Vice President at Carlow College, St Patrick’s in 2019, the first woman to hold the post. She has also served as an International Human Rights Observer in Mexico in the 1990s; is a founder member of Rohingya Action Ireland; and she was lead researcher for a project under the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation on good practice in community based approaches to peacebuilding in the border region of Ireland. As Vice President at Carlow College, Helen was responsible for developing and leading high level institutional change processes, strategy, collaborative partnerships, stakeholder engagement and EDI. She was the College’s representative on the HEA’s National Committee for Gender Equality, the Athena Swan National Committee. Helen holds a BA degree from UCD, an MA in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford and is completing her PhD thesis at the School of Law and Government, DCU. Her research to date has examined the tension between feminism and nationalism; gender, democratisation and post-conflict reconstruction; higher education, civic engagement and collaborative partnerships and community responses to peacebuilding. Her current research focuses on gender equality and the transition to democracy in South Africa.
Friday, 25 June 2021
The Call for Applications to the Gender Equality Enhancement Fund (GEEF) 2021 has recently been launched with a closing date of Friday 24th September 2021. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are invited to submit applications for funding in line with the requirements set out in the Call for Applications. This Call is managed by the Higher Education Authority (HEA). Following a competitive process based on this call for applications from HEIs, the HEA will approve funding to support gender equality initiatives to be implemented nationally. All information relating to the Call can be found here.
EDI News
Jan 28th 2025
Athena Swan Gold Seminar: Queens University Belfast
University of Galway prepares for an Athena Swan Silver Award
Read more
Dec 11th 2024
Launch of the Sexual Violence & Harassment Prevention & Response Policy, Dec 11th 2024