OPEN CALL EDI Project Fund

Nov 06 2017 Posted: 12:00 GMT

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Project Fund 2017/18 Call NOW OPEN

The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity has established an annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Project Fund (€10,000) to be awarded as several small grants normally ranging from €300 - €1000

The fund is available to staff and students on a competitive basis for a variety of equality projects within the University. The EDI Project Fund aims to facilitate equality / inclusion initiatives and to promote and celebrate diversity in all areas of life in NUI Galway. 

Initiatives will be considered in relation to the nine grounds protected in equality legislation (gender, age, civil status, family status, race / ethnicity, membership of the traveller community, disability, sexual orientation and religion / belief). However, other diversity and inclusion groups may also be considered.

 Further information on the fund is available here

 The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, 24th November at 5pm



EDI News