Launch of Gender Action Plan 2018-20 for HEIs

Nov 12 2018 Posted: 00:00 GMT

Mary Mitchell O’Connor, Minister of State with special responsibility for Higher Education today (12th Nov 2018) launched the Action Plan for Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions 2018 – 2020. This follows from the establishment of a Gender Equality Taskforce, by Minister Mitchell O'Connor on 6th Nov 2017, to oversee a national systems review of the recruitment and promotions policies and practices currently in place in higher education institutions. The Task Force built on the work done for the HEA National Review on Gender Equality in Irish Higher Education Institutions, published in 2016.

At the launch this morning Minister Mitchell O’Connor added: “In addition, to supporting the acceleration of the achievement of gender equality objectives under the Action Plan, this initiative will bring female excellence to the fore. I know it will underpin the transformation and cultural change essential in ensuring that Ireland’s higher education sector fully realises the benefits of gender diversity."

You can find the full Department of Education and Skills Gender Action Plan 2018-2020 here: 




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