Small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise & organisations

A 50% or 80% Micro-credential Learner fee subsidy is available for most of our micro-credentials; find out more here.

Join us on Tuesday 12th November at 1:15pm for our Lunchtime Webinar, register here

Semester 2 micro-credential list below (Starting Jan 2025), please check back regularly for more offerings.

Micro-Credential Delivery Mode Duration
Blended Learning and Teaching
Incorporate digital learning practices, tools and strategies in your own professional contexts.
Online 12 weeks
Consent, Sexual Violence & Harassment
Further develop your approach to consent, sexual violence & harassment
Blended Learning 12 weeks
Automation 2
Obtain important insights into the application of automation in industry.
Online 12 weeks
Digital Construction Technologies
Covering building information modelling (BIM) technology, digital twinning & visualisation methods
Blended Learning 8 weeks
Environmental Impact Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Developments
This micro-credential will equip learners with the knowledge and tools to develop EIA Reports
Online 16 weeks
Environmental Management for Organisations
Explore the roots & principles of environmental planning and management in practice.
Online 12 weeks
Ethics and Law for Artificial Intelligence
Legal & ethical perspectives on pertinent AI-related issues for managers
Online 12 weeks
Gemstones and the Commercial World
Equip yourself with all the tools you will need to record the properties of numerous gem varieties.
Blended Learning 8 weeks
Green Hydrogen Technology, Design and Analysis
An introduction to the potential roles green hydrogen can play in decarbonisation.
Online 12 weeks
Innovation and Enterpreneurship
Equips students with skills to manage innovation projects & launch their own enterprises.
Blended Learning 8 weeks
Machine Design
This module introduces you to the theory behind simple and compound machines.
Online 12 weeks
Modern Methods of Construction
Covers key areas of standardisation & routes to certification & next-generation rapid build systems.
Blended Learning 8 weeks
Sustainability Measurement
An Introduction to Life Cycle Management & Assessment
Online 12 weeks
Future of Artificial Intelligence
Understanding the current trends in Artificial Intelligence & the future development of the field
Online 12 weeks
Societal Impact of Artificial Intelligence
Providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of the implications of advancements in AI
Online 12 weeks
An Anailís Sochtheangeolaíochta II
Déanfar plé & anailís ar phróiseas an aistrithe teanga agus ar na comharthaí sóirt a bhaineann leis.
Blended Learning 12 weeks
Cruinnscríobh & Comhréir na Gaeilge
Dhéileálann le den ghramadach nach bpléitear i leabhair ghramadaí de ghnáth.
Blended Learning 20 weeks
Cruinnscríobh na Gaeilge 2
Is é aidhm an mhodúil seo barr feabhais a bheith bainte amach ag na mic léinn i gcruinnscríobh na...
Blended Learning 10 weeks
German for Business
Develop the skills to communicate successfully in various German-speaking business contexts
Online 12 weeks
Irish for Beginners
An intensive course aimed at students with little or no previous knowledge of Irish
On Campus 10 weeks
Próiseas na Pleanála Teanga II
Sa mhodúl seo, déanfar plé agus anailís ar chúrsaí pleanála teanga in Éirinn le fiche bliain anuas
Blended Learning 12 weeks
Scríobh agus Léamh 1
D'fheilfeadh an modúl seo d'aon duine a bhfuil suim acu sa Ghaeilge agus i gcruinneas na teanga go..
Online 10 weeks
Clinical Governance: Supporting Safe Practice
Examine clinical governance and its role in supporting safe practice.
Blended Learning 12 weeks
Dementia Care: Transforming Practice
Provides nurses & allied healthcare professionals with an advanced understanding of dementia.
Blended Learning 12 weeks
High Dependency Maternity Care
Providing midwives with the specialised clinical knowledge to become effective practitioners
Blended Learning 12 weeks
Mental Health Promotion
Addressing the promotion of positive mental health, sexual health & prevention of substance misuse
Blended Learning 10 weeks
Promoting Health in the Workplace
Module based upon the World Health Organisation's Healthy Workplace Model.
Blended Learning 10 weeks
Promoting Healthy Behaviours
Focusses on the areas of nutrition, physical activity, smoking, sexual health & substance use
Blended Learning 10 weeks
Promoting Youth Health in Educational Settings
Application of the settings approach to health promotion for young people in educational settings
Blended Learning 10 weeks
Scientific Arts
Studying how the brain perceives the world through creative practice
Blended Learning 12 weeks
Teanga an Ghnó
Sa mhodúl seo cíorfar an gnó mar ghairm, ag díriú go sonrach ar théarmaíocht agus ar shainfhoclóir..
Online 12 weeks
Éisteacht & Labhairt 1
D'fheilfeadh an modúl seo d'aon duine a bhfuil suim acu sa Ghaeilge agus i labhairt na Gaeilge go...
Online 10 weeks
Enterprise Development
Enhance your critical thinking skills & think objectively about your business offering
Online 12 weeks
Inclusive Businesses
Co-created with and for people with communication difficulties.
Online 12 weeks
Lawyering Technology and Innovation
Understand the relationship between law & technology from both a theoretical & practical perspective
Online 12 weeks
Project Management
Develop necessary skills to apply project management principles, tools & techniques
Online 13 weeks
Honey Bee Health (Apiculture)
Learn the necessary skills & knowledge to raise healthy honeybees.
Blended Learning 12 weeks
Product Development, Validation and Authorisation
Improve your knowledge in the topics of product development, validation & authorisation.
Online 24 weeks

NB: courses will only run if enough places are filled. Learners will be notified as soon as possible of any cancellations.

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