Entry Points (2024)

Course Overview

History is first and foremost about people, the forces that shaped their lives and the ways in which they changed their societies. Studying history makes us aware that our world today took on its current appearance less by chance than as a result of specific developments and decisions taken in the past. 

Are you curious about how the modern world came to be? Would you like to find out how past events have shaped our contemporary global world?  If so, the BA History is the programme for you. It is an innovative degree that gives coherence and depth to your learning and opportunities to develop key skills for employment.


The BA History is a four-year degree that offers you choice and flexibility in what and how you study:

  • Students have a choice of three Learning Pathways to follow for their degree.
  • They can study History with a second Arts subject for their degree (joint honours) OR combine their study of History with two other subjects (‘minors’) that complement History.
  • Subjects available as minors include Journalism and Global Media, Sociological and Political Studies, Economics, Philosophy, French, German and Italian.
  • In year three, students will have the opportunity to complete work placements, study abroad programmes and/or a major History research project, before returning to their final year of study.
  • These pathways will prepare students for careers in the public and private sectors, including international development, the diplomatic and civil service, NGOs, journalism, publishing, marketing and media, the heritage industry, and education.

  BA History Outline

Applications and Selections

Who Teaches this Course

This programme is taught by academic staff from Dept. of History (School of History and Philosophy), and by staff from other subjects, depending on the pathway you follow for your degree. History staff are internationally recognised experts in their fields, and offer a range of modules in Irish, European, American and world history from the medieval to the modern periods. To learn more about History staff and their teaching and research interests, click here.

Requirements and Assessment

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate, including Irish, English, another language and three other subjects recognised for entry purposes.

Additional Requirements


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


4 years (BA Degree), 4 years (BA International)

Next start date

September 2025

A Level Grades (2024)


Average intake


QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

1 (More Info)

Closing Date
NFQ level


Mode of study

ECTS weighting




Course code

Course Outline

First Year

On arrival in first year, BA History students select History as their core subject (major) and choose two other subjects (minors) to start on a learning pathway for their degree.



Pathway 1

Historical Studies

Pathway 2

History, Politics and Philosophy

Pathway 3

History (joint honours)

Year 1


20 ECTS x 2


+ Two of the following from the Arts subject groupings:

Journalism and Global Media, Sociological and Political Studies, Philosophy, Economics, French, German, Italian


+ Political Science, Sociology and Policy +



+ Two other subjects from the Arts subject groupings

Year 2


15 ECTS x 2


+ Two other subjects taken in first year


+ Political Science, Sociology and Policy AND


History (30ECTS)

+ One of the other subjects taken in first year (30ECTS)

Year 3


Work placement, Study Abroad and/or History Research Project

Work placement, Study Abroad and/or History Research Project

Work placement, Study Abroad and/or History Research Project

Year 4



15 ECTS x 2

Students continue with History and their other subjects

Students continue with History and their other subjects

Students continue with History and their other subject


Curriculum Information

Curriculum information relates to the current academic year (in most cases).
Course and module offerings and details may be subject to change.

Glossary of Terms

You must earn a defined number of credits (aka ECTS) to complete each year of your course. You do this by taking all of its required modules as well as the correct number of optional modules to obtain that year's total number of credits.
An examinable portion of a subject or course, for which you attend lectures and/or tutorials and carry out assignments. E.g. Algebra and Calculus could be modules within the subject Mathematics. Each module has a unique module code eg. MA140.
Some courses allow you to choose subjects, where related modules are grouped together. Subjects have their own required number of credits, so you must take all that subject's required modules and may also need to obtain the remainder of the subject's total credits by choosing from its available optional modules.
A module you may choose to study.
A module that you must study if you choose this course (or subject).
Required Core Subject
A subject you must study because it's integral to that course.
Most courses have 2 semesters (aka terms) per year, so a three-year course will have six semesters in total. For clarity, this page will refer to the first semester of year 2 as 'Semester 3'.

Year 1 (60 Credits)

Optional Subject: Ancient Classics (20 Credits):
OptionalCCS315: Intermediate Latin 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCCS205: Ancient Greek for Beginners (Part One) - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCC230: Beginning Latin Part 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCC1101: Mythology and the City in Ancient Greece - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCC1100: Classics in 20 Objects - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCC114: Written Words & Spoken Languages in the Ancient World - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCC321: Latin Texts from Medieval Ireland and Britain - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCCS316: Intermediate Latin 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCCS312: Advanced Classical and Medieval Latin 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCCS206: Ancient Greek for Beginners (Part Two) - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCC232: Beginning Latin Part 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCC1102: Empire and Literature in Ancient Rome - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Archaeology (20 Credits):
RequiredAR113: Prehistoric Ireland & Europe - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredAR1104: Material Culture and Museums - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredAR1106: Sites and Monuments in the Landscape - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredAR1105: Medieval Ireland and Europe - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Celtic Civilisation (20 Credits):
RequiredSG1101: Medieval Celtic Literature B - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSG1100: Medieval Celtic Literature A - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSG111: Early & Medieval History of the Celts - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSG116: Celtic Mythology, Religion & Folklore - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Economics (20 Credits):
RequiredEC1108: Skills for Economics I - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEC135: Principles of Microeconomics - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEC136: Principles of Macroeconomics - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredEC1109: Skills for Economics II - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: English (20 Credits):
RequiredEN124: Introduction to English 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEN1101: Literature and the Social World - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEN1106: Exploring English - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredEN125: Introduction to English 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: French (20 Credits):
RequiredFR1100: Introduction to French Language and Culture - 15 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredFR1101: Introduction to French Literature in Context - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Gaeilge (20 Credits):
RequiredNG1105: An Teanga Bheo - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredNG1106: Litríocht agus Cultúr na Linne - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredNG1107: Scéal agus Pobal na Gaeilge - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Geography/Tíreolaíocht (20 Credits):
RequiredTI150: Principles of Human Geography - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredTI1100: Geography in Practice - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredTI151: Principles of Physical Geography - 5 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: German (Advanced) (20 Credits):
RequiredGR1102: Skills for studying German (Advanced) - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredGR1100: German Language and Culture (Advanced) - 15 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: German (Beginners) (20 Credits):
RequiredGR1103: Skills for studying German (Beginners) - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredGR1101: German Language and Culture (Beginners) - 15 Credits - Semester 1

Required Core Subject: History (20 Credits):
RequiredHISK1101: Skills for Historians (1) - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredHI1103: Europe and Ireland 1789 - 1918 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredHI1106: Early Cultural Encounters in Ireland and the Americas - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredHISK1102: Skills for Historians (2) - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Information Technology (20 Credits):
RequiredCT1120: Algorithms - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCT1101: Programming I - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCT1100: Computer Systems - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCT1102: Programming II - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Italian (20 Credits):
RequiredIT1101: Italy at the movies - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIT1100: Italian Language and Culture - 15 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: Law (20 Credits):
RequiredLW3109: Tort Law - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredLW3160: Introduction to Law - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredLW126: Legal Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Léann an Aistriúcháin (20 Credits):
RequiredLN103: Gnéithe den Aistriúchán - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredLN105: Bunscileanna Aistriúcháin - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredLN1103: Bunscileanna Gramadaí - 10 Credits - Semester 1

Optional Subject: Léann na Cumarsáide (20 Credits):
RequiredCG1100: Scéalaíocht Dhigiteach - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCG1105: Bunús na hIriseoireachta - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCG1107: Cleachtas Léirithe na Meán 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredCG1104: Na Meáin agus an tSochaí - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Legal Studies Exemption (20 Credits):

Optional Subject: Mathematics (20 Credits):
OptionalMA133: Analysis and Algebra 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA131: Mathematical Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA185: Analysis and Algebra 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA135: Analysis and Algebra 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMA186: Analysis and Algebra 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMA187: Mathematical Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredMA208: Quantitative Techniques for Business - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Modern Irish Culture Studies: Literature & Music (20 Credits):
RequiredISSK1100: Introducing Modern and Contemporary Irish Literature - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIS1100: Irish Music and Emigration - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIS1103: Introducing Irish Traditional Music & Dance since 1893 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredIS1104: The Migrant Experience in Modern Irish Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Philosophy (20 Credits):
RequiredPISK1102: Critical Thinking and Logic - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPI120: Philosophical Questions & Issues - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPI107: Introduction To The History Of Philosophy - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPI108: Introduction To Practical Ethics - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Psychology (20 Credits):
RequiredPS1103: Introduction to Research Methods and Practical Skills in Psychology - 10 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPS122: Introductory Psychology 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredPS124: Introductory Psychology 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Optional Subject: Sociological & Political Studies (20 Credits):
RequiredSP1120: Practicing Politics - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSP1125: Introduction to Politics - 5 Credits - Semester 1
RequiredSP1121: Practicing Sociology - 5 Credits - Semester 2
RequiredSP1126: Introduction to Sociology - 5 Credits - Semester 2

Year 2 (60 Credits)

Required Core Subject: History (60 Credits):
OptionalHI166: Ireland in the 1950s - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI295: The American Civil War: Its Causes and Developments - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI465: European Encounters with the Mongols - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2103: Monarchy & Society in Early 17th Century France - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCC2103: Mediterranean Origins - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2130: Medieval Europe C1050-1250 (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2110: Making Ireland English: 1580-1665 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI208: The Two Irelands in the 20th Century - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2141: Tudor Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMG3113: Megatrends - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalLIB2102: History and the Archive: Understanding Research, Management and Preservation - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalBSS1100: Digital Citizenship - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI170: Europe, 1918-1989 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHI2123: Life and Death in Victorian Britain - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI262: Medieval Europe C1050-1250 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI2125: Global History, 1780-1945 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI2113: The Making & Breaking of Britain in the 20th C - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI249: Ireland:Economy And Society,1700-1850 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI431: French Mobilisation and the Great War, 1914-24 - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI2135: Fluxes, Fevers and Fighting Men: Disease and Armies (1489-1856) - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCC2104: The City-State - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI284.II: Themes in Early Modern History 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalHI2128: Production, consumption, and the changing shape of the European home 1780-1914 - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalAJ2114: Communicating Through Storytelling - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMG3115: Megatrends - 5 Credits - Semester 4

Year 3 (60 Credits)

Required Core Subject: History (60 Credits):
OptionalHI167: Power and Conflict in Northern Ireland, 1963-1972 - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3100: Brave New World: Globalisation since 1945 - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3194: The Environment Since 1945 - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3102: The Irish and Colonial Australasia 1788-1901 - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3112: The First World War: Transnational perspectives - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3123: Power and Pleasure at Versailles: The Reign of Louis XIV of France, 1661-1715 - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI168: Coming to Terms with the Nazi Past - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3196: The Great Irish Famine - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalENL2100: ENLIGHT University Alliance UG (S1) - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3200: Topics in the History of Race and Ethnicity - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI3197: Topics in Modern Irish History - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHI362: Party & Power In 19th & 20th Century British History. - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalHI2156: Revolutionary Technologies, from Steam to Green - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalBSS2104: Introduction to Sustainability 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalENL2101: ENLIGHT University Alliance UG (S2) - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalHI3201: Themes in the History of Race and Ethnicity - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalHI3198: Themes in Modern Irish History - 5 Credits - Semester 6
RequiredHI457: Dissertation - 20 Credits - Semester 6

Further Education

Completing this programme will enable you to progress to a variety of postgraduate education options, depending on the degree pathway that you choose. Popular choices among our graduates include:


The programme also prepares students to proceed to MLitt and PhD study by research in History.

Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

Tailored Pathways for Study and Career

The BA History is a unique programme taught by leading experts in History and offers students choice and flexibility in what and how they study.

The pathways enable students to combine their study of History with complementary subjects, so that they will gain a range of knowledge as well as valuable skills for careers in international development, the diplomatic and civil service, NGOs, journalism, publishing, marketing and media, the heritage industry, and education.

The Third Year: Study Abroad, Placements and Special Studies

In the third year of the programme, students may apply to study abroad for an academic year or semester in a partner university or undertake a single-semester work placement relevant to their pathway.  They may, for example, gain work experience in an archive (such as at the Galway County Council Library and Archives service), a heritage centre, an NGO or media company.

Alternatively, they may complete one or more major Independent History Research Projects drawing directly, and in original ways, on historical evidence and skills honed in Years 1-2.

For study abroad, the university has international links with European universities where students can study History and their other subject(s). In 2023/24, for instance, students attended the University of Ghent (Belgium). Adjusting to life in another country and its university system is a formative experience and students will gain skills that are desirable for many employment areas. They will be able to show independence and maturity, and to provide evidence of commitment and adaptability to future employers.

Such opportunities are much prized and, accordingly, study abroad places and work placements are competitive and subject to availability.

Who’s Suited to This Course

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€5,598 p.a. (€5,738 p.a. including levy) 2025/26

Fees: Tuition

€2,598 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student Contribution

€3,000 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student levy

€140 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Non EU

€19,000 p.a. (€19,140 including levy). 2025/26

EU Fees are comprised of Tuition + Student Contribution Charge + Student Levy* €140. *Payable by all students and is not covered by SUSI.  Further detail here.

For 25/26 entrants, where the course duration is greater than 1 year, there is an inflationary increase approved of 3.4% per annum for continuing years fees**.
**Excludes Full-Time EU Undergraduate fees.  These are fixed and do not change.

Find out More

Dr. Gearóid Barry
School of History and Philosophy
T 091-493342
E gearoid.barry@universityofgalway.ie

Other Useful Links

What Our Students Say


Noah Carberry |   BA (History)

Third year was by far the best year of my course here, it was optional and though I considered skipping it, I am very glad I did it. In the first semester, I wrote a Historical Research Project. I had complete freedom to write about any topic I wanted. It was a great learning experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed the freedom to write something original. The following semester, I went on Erasmus in Ghent, Belgium. For me, this was an amazing experience and has been my favourite part of the history program. I got to make new friends from all over Europe (and further) some of whom I am still in contact with, and it provided a unique opportunity to experience university life in another country. After university I hope to work either in Foreign Affairs, or as a Historian. The opportunity to study both Political Studies and History has opened the possibility for me to go into either field. As I go into final year, I am happy to still have both pathways open to me. Both in Galway and while on Erasmus in Ghent I took a variety of classes on Globalization and International politics which I feel have prepared me well to go into the field of Foreign Affairs in the future.

Shauna Mulligan |   BA (History)

My BA (History) was the most rewarding experience for me. If I am truly honest, I did not know what I wanted to do after my Leaving Cert and chose history because it was my favourite subject in school. The structure of the programme was great because it allowed me to choose from a wide variety of modules. This gave me a firm foundation for understanding the development and continued relevance of different historical periods and issues. I found that the most beneficial aspect of the programme was the small seminar classes, which created an environment of collaborative discussion for developing independent thought and critical analytical skills. This helped me realise that the area I am most fascinated by is the history of civil and political rights. I am now going to do an MA in History, specialising in civil and political rights, with the aim of pursuing a career in academia. But I think the programme can provide a route for many careers, in areas like international relations, publishing and education. Achieving my BA (History) was really worth-while and has definitely provided a pathway for my future – I highly recommend it.