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News Archive
Friday, 18 September 2015
Four outstanding researchers at NUI Galway have been ranked among the ‘World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds: 2015’ Four outstanding researchers at NUI Galway have been ranked among the ‘World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds: 2015'. Professor Colin O’Dowd, Professor Donal O’Regan, Professor Henry Curran and Emeritus Professor John Simmie have been ranked among the world’s top 3,000 scientific minds by the multinational media body Thomson Reuters. Those named on the list have earned their distinction by publishing the highest number of articles that rank among those most frequently cited by fellow researchers. More individuals were listed from NUI Galway than from any other Irish university. Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers list was launched last year and also ranked three NUI Galway researchers among the ‘World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds: 2014’. According to NUI Galway’s President, Dr Jim Browne: “The report describes those listed as being ‘on the cutting edge of their fields’ and ‘among the most influential scientific minds of our time’. This is certainly true of the NUI Galway individuals who excel and out-perform in their fields of chemistry, climate change and mathematics”. • Professor Colin O’Dowd is Director of the Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies, at the Ryan Institute, NUI Galway and a Professor in the School of Physics, NUI Galway. Through his pioneering work in the field of atmospheric physics, Colin has become internationally renowned as one of the leading scientists in the field of climate change. • Professor Donal O’Regan is a Personal Professor of Mathematics at NUI Galway’s School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics and an internationally recognised expert in the field of Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations, and Fixed Point Theory. He has written over 1,000 peer-reviewed mathematical articles, making him one of the most prolific authors in the history of mathematics in the world. • Professor Henry Curran is Director of the Combustion Chemistry Centre at NUI Galway’s School of Chemistry and of the Energy Research Centre in the Ryan Institute. His research interest lies in the study of the chemistry of how fuels burn in combustors in order to increase efficiency and reduce emissions for a cleaner world. • Emeritus Professor John Simmie established the Combustion Chemistry Centre in the School of Chemistry at NUI Galway in the 1970’s and was instrumental in setting up the Environment and Energy research activity in the Ryan Institute at NUI Galway. John and his former student, Professor Henry Curran, collaborate on Combustion Chemistry research. Thomson Reuters analysts assessed papers indexed between 2003 and 2013 in 22 broad fields of study. They tracked authors who published numerous articles that ranked among the top one percent of the most cited in their respective fields in the given year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact. These documents represent research that the scientific community has judged to be the most significant and useful. Visit the Highly Cited Researchers list here http://highlycited.com/ For further information contact Gwen O’Sullivan, Press & Information Executive, NUI Galway on 091 495695 or gwen.osullivan@nuigalway.ie -Ends-
Monday, 21 September 2015
Led by NUI Galway, Symposium will bring together some of the world’s leading academics in clinical trial methodology The HRB-Trials Methodology Research Network (HRB-TMRN) will host its inaugural ‘Clinical Trial Methodology Symposium’ on the 24 and 25 of September in the Gibson Hotel, Dublin. The Symposium will be officially launched by Dr Graham Love, CEO of the Health Research Board (HRB), Professor Mike Clarke, Queen’s University Belfast and Professor Declan Devane, NUI Galway. Led by NUI Galway the HRB-Trials Methodology Research Network (HRB-TMRN) is a new collaborative initiative between a number of Irish and international higher education institutes and methodology centres. Its objective is to strengthen the methodology and reporting of clinical trials in health and social care in Ireland so that they become more relevant, accessible and influential for patients and other support users, practitioners, policy makers and the public. Speaking in advance of the Symposium, Professor Declan Devane, Director of HRB-TMRN at NUI Galway commented: “It is recognised that trials need to become more efficient and effective if they are to lead to efficient and effective care. The right trials need to be chosen, implemented and reported in the right ways. I hope this symposium gives the opportunity to think more about how this might be possible by bringing together some of the world’s leading minds in trial methodology and those keen to learn more about trials.” On Thursday, 24 September, the Symposium will feature an opening address from Dr Teresa Maguire, Head of the Population Health and Health Services Research Unit at the HRB and a keynote address from Sir Iain Chalmers of The James Lind Initiative who is described by The Lancet as the “maverick master of medical evidence”. In his talk, Sir Chalmers will illustrate the evolution of fair tests of treatments. Invited speakers include; Professor Mike Clarke, Queen’s University Belfast; Dr John Newell, NUI Galway; Professor Paula Williamson, University of Liverpool; Professor Peter Sandercock, The University of Edinburgh; and Professor Craig Ramsay the University of Aberdeen. Chairpersons include Professor Joe Eustace (UCC), Professor Martin O’ Donnell (NUI Galway), Professor Peter Doran (UCD), Professor Richard Costello (RCSI) and Professor Michael Gill (TCD). PhD students Aislinn Conway (NUI Galway), Caroline Hurley (UCC), Jessica O’Dowd (TCD) and Lydia Emerson (QUB) will present using the Pecha Kucha format of 20 slides with 20 seconds per slide addressing Methods of Disseminating Evidence to Health Care Staff; Risk Assessment Tools for Risk-based Monitoring in Clinical Trials: A Systematic Review; The Role of Context in Delivering Complex Interventions: Taking a Realist Approach; and Process Evaluation of Trials Investigating Complex Critical Care Interventions. Workshops will take place on Friday, the 25 September with Dr Valerie Smith, NUI Galway and TCD who will discuss Studies Within a Clinical Trial and Review; Dr Elisa Heron, TCD will discuss Sample Size Calculations; Dr Christine Domegan, NUI Galway will discuss Design and Delivery of Clinical Trials; Professor Leslie Daly, UCD will discuss Multiplicity in End Points; Dr Molly Byrne, NUI Galway will discuss Behaviour Change Strategies for Clinical Trials; Professor Andrew Murphy, NUI Galway will discuss A New Approach to Accessing Patients in Irish Primary Care; Professor Alan Montgomery, The University of Nottingham will discuss Randomisation in Clinical Trials; and Dr Paddy Gillespie, NUI Galway will discuss Health Economic Evaluations in Trials. For more information contact Dr Sandra Galvin, HRB-TMRN, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, NUI Galway on 091 494493 or sandra.galvin@nuigalway.ie To register visit www.hrb-tmrn@nuigalway.ie Or visit http://blogs.biomedcentral.com/bmcblog/2015/09/18/changing-face-clinical-trials-ireland/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdmv8OVC3as -Ends-
Monday, 21 September 2015
NUI Galway’s Rover Society recently collected 1,100 sleeping bags at Electric Picnic to donate to Cope Galway in Galway. The society had previously received a donation of over 50 sleeping bags at Sea Sessions music festival earlier this summer. Donna O'Neill, Manager of the Cope Hostel for Homeless Men in Galway, said: “It couldn’t have come at a better time as our supplies are running low. We’ve had to make an emergency call out for help and this has really made all the difference. It’s shocking to see there is such a demand for sleeping bags on the streets of Galway and this supply will last six months at most. We really need a constant supply of practical items, so all donations are always welcome.” Cathal Breathnach, Auditor of the Rover Society at NUI Galway, said: “Homelessness is a much bigger issue in Galway than most imagine, it’s practically hidden. We were so glad we were able to help the situation and we are hoping to develop our relationship with Cope to provide more assistance in the future.” The NUI Galway Rover Society is the Scout society in NUI Galway who aims to promote the outdoors in the University but is also working towards a better community outreach. -Ends-
Monday, 21 September 2015
This year’s Intervarsity BioBlitz will take place from 24-25 September and the public are invited to take part in events taking place on NUI Galway’s campus. The BioBlitz brings together scientists and the public in a race against time to see how many species can be recorded in a 24-hour biological survey. From 5pm on Thursday, 24 September to 5pm on Friday, 25 September teams will race against other third-level institutions to record as many species as possible over the 24-hour period. The team that records the most species wins. Experts from the University’s School of Natural Sciences will be on hand to help identify and create an inventory the plants and animals found on campus. Last year NUI Galway won the nationwide Intervarsity BioBlitz by recording a total of 581 species. Aidan O'Hanlon of NUI Galway’s School of Natural Sciences, said: “Biodiversity means the variety of all living things, so we need people to survey and identify birds, mammals, amphibians, fish, invertebrates, higher plants, bryophytes, lichens, fungi and diatoms. This event is a really unique opportunity to to find and learn about your plant and animal neighbours, and to help out in a nationally important scientific survey of urban biodiversity.” Ireland’s BioBlitz is designed to increase public awareness of the variety of life in Ireland and to highlight some of the ecological services that biodiversity provides to enhance our quality of life at the global and the local level. The Bioblitz also demonstrates the high level of skill and expertise necessary to study many aspects of Ireland’s biological diversity. There are a number of public events running throughout the Bioblitz and everyone is welcome to attend. Events on Thursday include a birdwalk at 6pm and a bat walk at 7.45pm with both walks starting in the NUI Galway Park and Ride Carpark in Dangan. For a full list of events taking place on campus visit http://www.nuigalway.ie/environment/. This initiative is supported by NUI Galway’s School of Natural Sciences, the Buildings Office and the Green Campus team. -Ends-
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
The Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM), based at NUI Galway, will host a seminar promoting entrepreneurship as a career option for researchers at different stages of their career. The “Design Your Future, From a Young Researcher to a Medical Device Entrepreneur” seminar will take place in the Biosciences Building at NUI Galway from 1.00pm to 3.15pm on Friday, 9 October. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this free event, which is being organised as part of the Startup Gathering 2015 Initiative. The seminar aims to assist young researchers with their career development by providing an interdisciplinary discussion forum with speakers to include John Power, Chief Executive and Managing Director of Aerogen Ltd and Evelyn O'Toole, Chief Executive Officer of Complete Laboratory Solutions. The presenters will be speaking about their own individual career paths to provide inspiration for future entrepreneurs. A ‘brown bag’ lunch will be provided to all attendees. Supported by Bank of Ireland and the Action Plan for Jobs 2015 under the theme “Start, Scale and Succeed from Ireland”, the Startup Gathering 2015 aims to promote entrepreneurship and help identify entrepreneurial talent at an early stage across Ireland. The goal of the initiative is also to help raise the international profile of the startup sector to investors and Research and Development teams. There will be a strong emphasis on developing startup hubs in the Medical Technology (MedTech) and Information Communications Technology (ICT) sectors. Professor Abhay Pandit, Director of CÚRAM at NUI Galway said: “We are delighted to have such experienced, independent entrepreneurs, such as Mr Power and Ms O’Toole, speaking at our event. It is a great opportunity for any researcher to hear about these experiences and the presentations will be both informative and motivational for researchers thinking of starting a company as part of their career.” Backed by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Industry funding, CÚRAM works with industry and clinical partners to radically improve health outcomes for chronically ill patients through the development of the next generation of ‘smart’ implantable medical devices. Tickets to the event can be obtained at www.eventbrite.ie or http://bit.ly/medtechentrepreneur For further details contact carmel.mcgroarty-mitchell@nuigalway.ie or 091 494146. -Ends-
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Former Director General of RTÉ and founding Director of TG4, Cathal Goan has launched NUI Galway’s 2015/2016 Arts in Action Programme. The programme is a collaboration between the University’s Arts in Action Office and the James Hardiman Library, and invites students to engage with the creative arts, offering free access to a variety of professional performances of an international-standard throughout the academic year and a range of rare archival material housed at the Library. The Arts in Action programme is packed with rich and diverse performances focusing on emerging and established artists from Northern Ireland in the first semester. For the second semester the focus will be on a range of bespoke events, including performances that have been put in place as part of the 1916/2016 commemorative programme for NUI Galway. Embracing the Arts from Northern Ireland is significant and offers the students and staff at NUI Galway a rare opportunity to celebrate the rich content that prevails, literature, theatre and the traditional arts. Arts in Action also offers and promotes arts events that are directly linked to the period 1900 to 1920 incorporating specific elements that commemorate and celebrate the writers that were also leaders of the 1916 Uprising, through music, song and the spoken word. Launching the new programme, Cathal Goan said: “This is an initiative of which NUI Galway can be truly proud. Through it, the community that is NUI Galway gets the opportunity to experience a range artistic endeavour that is rich in its diversity and deep in its wealth of talent. Any Arts Festival would be happy to announce a programme of activities such as those on offer to the University’s community free of charge. This is an enlightened blessing for all involved.” Arts in Action is in continuous development for over five years to support specific undergraduate and postgraduate modules, as well as having a significant input into programmes for international students. Mary Mc Partlan, Traditional Artist-in-Residence at the Centre for Theatre and Performance and Artistic Director of Arts in Action at NUI Galway, said: “This year’s programme marks the ultimate goal and objective of embedding the creative arts into academic modules, creating a full programme in such a sustained and significant way that fulfils all the aims and outcomes for credit bearing modules, available to all students across the campus, with structured, bespoke space opportunities for visiting students to immerse in Irish Traditional Culture.” All events are free to attend and will take place mostly at The Cube and Bailey Allen Hall in Áras Na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway. The programme will commence on Thursday, 1 October and run until the end of March 2016. For programme details please see http://www.nuigalway.ie/arts/artsinaction.html, or visit the Arts in Action Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ArtsinActionNUIGalway. -Ends-
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Promote Wellbeing Improve Performance Transform Culture NUI Galway will host a conference on 9-10 October bringing together mindfulness visionaries, higher education leaders and University staff and students to share the evidence-based impact of mindfulness on performance, well-being, entrepreneurship and society. The NUI Galway Mindful Way conference will seek to explore current challenges within society and organisations. It will focus on the benefits of integrating mindfulness with the University setting to continue to serve the 21st century needs in delivering its core principles: teaching, research and contribution to society through innovation and entrepreneurship. NUI Galway intends to become a mindful university, one that is aware of the challenges faced by its student and staff, and is preparing itself to lead the higher education sector by setting a new model on how to build a sustainable and successful institution of education, research, life-long learning and sharing. The conference is one of the first steps towards integrating mindfulness into the University culture. The first day of the conference will focus on ‘Mindful Society’ and ‘Mindful Enterprises’. The second day will focus on ‘Mindfulness in Action’ and ‘Mindfulness in Education’. Speaking in advance of the conference, Professor Lokesh Joshi, NUI Galway Vice-President for Research, said: “We in NUI Galway are keen to connect the well-being our university community with mindfulness, to enhance the performance of individuals, their various units and ultimately the University. We want to ensure that mindfulness is brought into the University with the solid backing of scientific evidence. NUI Galway is also committed to promoting entrepreneurship within the University, and in addition to a very successful ecosystem for entrepreneurship for researchers, we are now investing in undergraduate entrepreneurship, one of the elements of which will be mindful entrepreneurship. The speakers at this conference have committed to help us build a mindful University and a mindful entrepreneurial ecosystem and we are very pleased to be taking this first step towards becoming a Mindful University.” Alfred Tolle, Google ‘Compassion Guy’ and founder of Wisdom Stockholm is among the speakers at the conference. Head of Google’s Nordics LCS Dublin, Tolle is responsible for bringing Wisdom 2.0 to Europe and, in his own words, is committed to: “leadership development for a better world.” Tolle commented: “NUI Galway has a great opportunity to take the lead among European universities by promoting a mindful culture. The Mindful Way conference is an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and students to come together to understand how mindfulness has impacted other areas of society and to explore how evidence-based mindfulness can enhance people’s experience of education.” Tibetan Buddhist Monk, Gelong Thubten of Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland will also speak at the conference on the topic of bringing mindfulness to life. Thubten was an undergraduate at Oxford, and has been a monk for the past 23 years, during which time he has developed mindfulness programmes in companies such as Google and several major law firms, as well as lecturing at a number of universities. He points out that: “Mindfulness is a science-based way of training the mind which can be used in a non-religious manner in many different settings including schools and universities, hospitals, businesses and prisons. It has several major benefits which include reducing stress, improving mental clarity and cognitive function. Mindfulness practice helps us to develop a sense of inner freedom, which enables us to be more effective in the world. Medical research proves that brain activity is much healthier among mindfulness practitioners. Everyone can benefit from this practice and it’s most encouraging that NUI Galway is planning to focus on bringing evidence-based mindfulness into the university for the benefit of students and staff.” The conference will host an array of other international speakers including: Col. Ray Lane, Commanding Officer, Irish Defence Force Ordnance School Peter Read, Angel Investor and Business Advisor Chris Ruane, Former Labour MP for Vale of Clwyd Nipun Mehta, Founder of ServiceSpace.org Sister Stanislaus Kennedy, Congregation of Religious Sisters of Charity and Founder of The Sanctuary Dr Jutta Tobias, Cranfield University School of Management Joining the speakers at a panelist round-table discussion will be: Seán O’Driscoll, Managing Partner, Athrú Consulting (Chair) Dr Jim Browne, President, NUI Galway, and Mary Hawkes Greene, President and Founder, Burren College of Art (BCA) The conference will be facilitated by: Professor Lokesh Joshi, Vice President for Research, NUI Galway Professor Chris Curtin, Vice President for Innovation, NUI Galway Sean O’Driscoll, Managing Partner, Athrú Consulting, and Emily Lane, Founder, Corporate Wellbeing Institute Registration for the NUI Galway Mindful Way conference is now open and will cost €75. Further information is available at www.conference.ie -Ends-
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Participants sought for national survey on the economic costs for families raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder A PhD scholar from NUI Galway, in association with Irish Autism Action is leading a research study and seeking participants as part of a national survey calculating the economic costs to families raising a child or children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Ireland. The national survey, which is strictly confidential, is being conducted by Áine Roddy, an Irish Research Council and Hardiman PhD Scholar in Health Economics under the supervision of Professor Ciaran O’Neill at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway. The study aims to establish what the economic costs of autism spectrum disorders are in Ireland for children aged between 2 to 18 years. This is the first international study that will provide an in-depth analysis and evidence-based research on issues that affect families such as the financial costs, level of debt as a result of the condition, health services accessed, educational supports in place, impact on employment and household income. In addition to the time involved in caring for their child’s special needs and safety. This research will be used to inform public policy about the economic burden on families raising a child or children with an autism spectrum disorder in Ireland. Limited research has been carried out on this issue in Ireland, which makes this survey and the involvement of parents particularly important. It is hoped the findings will help inform the development of evidence-based policies to meet the needs of those whose lives are impacted by autism. The research has been supported and advanced by Kevin Whelan, CEO of Irish Autism Action, and everyone who returns a completed survey has a chance to win 1 of 5 iPads kindly donated by Irish Autism Action. To date, the survey has been distributed in the post by Irish Autism Action, Shine Ireland and Dóchas autism organisations. Áine Roddy says: “We are very grateful to all the parents who have completed and returned a survey so far. However, more participants are still welcomed. 1 in 100 people in Ireland are affected by an autism spectrum disorder, yet there is no register or data available on the numbers who access services or require them. The information gathered from this survey is vital to establish what services are accessed by children aged between 2 to 18 years and calculate the economic impact of autism spectrum disorders on families and society. A recent study conducted in the United Kingdom by Beuscher et al. 2014 showed that autism costs the United Kingdoms’ economy £32 billion per year. The cost of autism to the UK’s economy is more than its combined cost of cancer, heart disease and strokes, yet targeted investment in autism spectrum disorder services and supports remains an underfunded area.” Ms Roddy added, “Behind these figures lies the reality that many families are under a huge financial strain trying to pay for private services and interventions due to a lack of services and long waiting lists. There are also several children with unmet service needs, and parents having to give up paid employment to become full-time carers, not to mention the costs associated with long-term care. The survey gives parents a voice to let policymakers know the extent to which their lives are affected by autism spectrum disorders, whilst providing them with an opportunity to explain what better services means to them. I will write an evidence-based report on the findings which will be available to the public next year through autism organisations social media. I would like to reassure all parents that the information they provide is strictly confidential and will not be passed on to any third parties.” Parents and families from every county in Ireland have the opportunity to contribute to the survey so that their voice can be heard. The closing date to complete and return the survey form is Friday, 23 October 2015. The survey can be downloaded as a pdf file from the Irish Autism Action website http://www.autismireland.ie/news-events/news/1445/ and returned by email or freepost to Áine Roddy. Alternatively, participants can request that the survey is posted to them. -Ends-
Friday, 25 September 2015
IPRN will facilitate closer dialogue and collaboration between all active pain researchers in Ireland based in academic institutions, hospitals, other healthcare practices, or industry The Irish Pain Research Network (IPRN) is a new national initiative that aims to bring together all active pain researchers on the island of Ireland (North and South) for the purposes of sharing research results and ideas and facilitating cross-institutional collaboration in the area of pain research. The IPRN will be launched by Professor Rolf-Detlef Treede, President of the International Association of Pain, at the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Pain Society at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 2 on Saturday, 26 September. The idea to establish the IPRN arose from discussions last year between NUI Galway pain researchers, Professor David Finn and Dr Brian McGuire from the School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and UCD researchers, Dr Brona Fullen, Dr Catherine Doody and Dr Catherine Blake. It was recognised that while a number of academic institutions and hospitals in Ireland currently have a cluster or centre of pain researchers, there is currently no forum that brings all of these groupings together specifically for the purpose of discussing pain research and advancing collaborative pain research within Ireland. The launch will take the form of an inaugural research symposium where researchers from the various pain research groups across the country will give short presentations, followed by a round table discussion of collaborative opportunities and potential joint grant applications. The IPRN will be run as a special interest group of the Irish Pain Society. Incoming President of the Irish Pain Society and founding member of IPRN, Professor David Finn from the Centre for Pain Research at NUI Galway, said: “Given the increasing requirement for institutions to work together and to share resources to do the best possible research, the establishment of IPRN will facilitate closer dialogue and collaboration between all active pain researchers based in academic institutions, hospitals, other healthcare practices, or industry.” The aim is to have strong representation from every major pain research grouping across Ireland. Those active in pain research within Ireland are invited to join IPRN and attend the inaugural launch. Pain researchers at any level of seniority are welcome to join, and students and early-career researchers are particularly welcome. There is no fee to join IPRN but you must be a member of the Irish Pain Society to join. All registered delegates at the Annual Scientific Meeting on Saturday will automatically become members of the Irish Pain Society and are therefore eligible to join IPRN if they wish. Chronic pain (pain which has lasted for three months or more) affects up to 35% of the Irish population and is increasingly recognised as a disease in its own right. Chronic pain is sometimes associated with psychological effects, which may include anxiety and changes in mood, as well as forgetfulness, and difficulties in focusing attention, planning tasks and making decisions. To join IPRN contact Orla Doran on ODoran@coa.ie and put ‘IPRN’ in the email subject field. For further information visit http://www.irishpainsociety.com/ -Ends-
Friday, 25 September 2015
Michael O’Flaherty, Professor of Human Rights Law and Director of the Irish Centre of Human Rights at NUI Galway, has been chosen as the new Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Commenting on the appointment, Professor O’Flaherty said: “It is a great honour for me to take up this important position. I very much look forward to working together with the staff and the Management Board of the FRA to advance the protection and promotion of fundamental rights throughout the EU, particularly in these critical times. Professor O’Flaherty added, “It has been an enormous pleasure and privilege to direct the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway over the past three years. As I prepare to depart I wish to express appreciation for my wonderful colleagues who have done so much to maintain the centre as a world leader in Human Rights research, teaching and advocacy.” President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne congratulating Professor O’Flaherty on his new appointment said: “Michael has been a great leader at the Irish Centre for Human Rights in Galway and we very much appreciate the significant work he has done for NUI Galway and internationally. He leaves an important legacy at the University and we wish him the very best in his new role as Director of FRA.” Michael O'Flaherty has been Established Professor of Human Rights Law and Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway since February 2013. He was Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission until November 2013. He has also been a member of the United Nations’ Human Rights Committee and has been active in the field of human rights for over 20 years, nationally and internationally. He has been a senior expert for Ireland as part of FRA’s multidisciplinary research network, FRANET, since 2014. For further information on the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights contact media@fra.europa.eu -Ends-
Monday, 28 September 2015
Over 70 actively recruiting companies across all industries will feature at the NUI Galway Graduate Jobs Fair on Tuesday, 6 October from 12.30-4pm in the Bailey Allen Hall. The Graduate Jobs Fair will showcase graduate employment opportunities for students and graduates from all disciplines, with a diverse number of fields such as accountancy, IT, law, science, retail, civil and public sectors, and consultancy. Major local employers such as Medtronic, SAP, Enterprise Ireland and Smyths will attend, in addition to international companies including Abbott, SITA Inc., Pepper Asset Servicing and Gerson Lehrman Group. Emma Goode, Employment Officer with NUI Galway’s Career Development Centre, said: “Demand for NUI Galway graduates across all academic disciplines remains high, reflecting on their excellent employability status. There will also be an opportunity to get information on postgraduate programmes available in NUI Galway.” Emma also has some advice for those attending the Fair: “Don’t forget your main objective on the day is to secure your first graduate job. Many graduate employers now recruit graduates from all academic disciplines so don’t be misled by an organisation’s name – they may have the perfect graduate opportunity for you! Prepare for the fair. Research the companies you are interested in and the type of opportunities they have available. Have something to say when you approach a stand and be confident, positive, enthusiastic and professional. Arrive with a ‘can do’ attitude and be prepared to network!” Details on participating exhibitors is available from www.nuigalway.ie/careers. -Ends-
Monday, 28 September 2015
The clinical translational research facility will be a significant development for health care and medical technology sector in Ireland Enable the best researchers and health professionals to carry out studies that will change people’s lives for the better Currently over 100 clinical trials underway involving people with cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, amongst others NUI Galway will open the Lambe Institute for Translational Research and HRB Clinical Research Facility at University Hospital Galway today. The co-location of these two facilities in one building on hospital grounds will mean basic laboratory research conducted in the translational research facility can be evaluated in clinical trials in the clinical research facility and ultimately benefit patients faster. Some examples of the types of studies undertaken in the two facilities will include: Predicting risk of breast cancer due to inherited characteristics Stem cell trials to help improve blood flow in legs of diabetic patients and prevent amputation Clinical trials in blood cancer patients to establish whether new treatments can be combined with existing treatment for better outcomes. How implantable medical devices can provide new solutions for patients Officially opening the building today, An Taoiseach said: “I am delighted to celebrate the opening of this new clinical and translational facility made up of the Lambe Institute for Translational Research and the Health Research Board Clinical Research Facility. This project represents a truly innovative partnership between NUI Galway, Health Research Board, Saolta University Health Care Group, and HSE supported by private philanthropy through Galway University Foundation. Ireland is recognised as an emerging global hub for the ‘medtech’ sector. Galway is at the very heart of this development and NUI Galway is the powerhouse for much of this progress. In July 2011, I officially opened a new Engineering building at NUI Galway. Last February I launched the Biomedical Sciences building. Today we open a unique clinical and translational research facility. Taken together these three facilities complete an ecosystem of education, research, innovation and healthcare in the West of Ireland. This latest facility represents the point where research and health care meet – where “bench” meets “bedside”. The advances made by researchers and clinicians in this facility will undoubtedly lead to better frontline health outcomes and will ultimately improve patients’ lives.” NUI Galway President, Dr Jim Browne, said, “Today is a milestone in the development of medicine at NUI Galway. NUI Galway has given strategic priority to the development of biomedical engineering science. Over the past two decades we have invested heavily in this area, with major new research facilities on our campus. Our researchers advance scientific knowledge to address health challenges. Here in this building that scientific knowledge is being developed into novel treatments, which are then carefully applied in the clinical setting and tested in clinical trials led by NUI Galway.” Dr Graham Love, Chief Executive of the Health Research Board highlights, “The HRB Clinical Research Facility is not just a building - it is a game changer. Turning health research discoveries into real benefits for people’s health and patient care doesn’t happen by itself. This HRB facility will enable the best researchers and health professionals to carry out studies that will change people’s lives for the better. The HRB CRF will provide a safe place for patients to take part in clinical trials and access the latest treatments. It will be a centre of learning for young researchers and health professionals– so we are investing in our future. And it will also create opportunities for partnership between the health system, academia and industry that we know will support health system innovation and economic development.” Commenting, Maurice Power, CEO, Saolta University Health Care Group said, “This exciting new facility brings together leading-edge medical research directly to the bedside of patients at University Hospital Galway and the wider Hospital Group. For our patients, the facility will provide inpatient and outpatient beds, a minor operations room, endoscopy, endocrine and cardiorespiratory suites, a phlebotomy room and a biometrics unit. As well as its primary function in benefiting our patients it will also allow our Hospital Group attract and retain the highest calibre of medical professionals." Philanthropy has played a central role in this development. Galway University Foundation acknowledged the support of philanthropic donors, in particular, Dr Ronan and Ann Lambe, the 50 plus member of the Corrib Medical Network, Bank of Ireland and the National Breast Cancer Research Institute. Speaking at the launch Dr Ronan Lambe, said: “It is a great privilege for my wife and I to be associated with such a state of the art facility which will enhance the reputation of NUI Galway as a centre of excellence for Bio Medical Research.” The proximity of the University to UHG will enable direct patient access and collaborative trial input from the hospital Oncology/Haematology Clinical Trials Unit. The CRF will ensure that patients in the West and North West of Ireland have access to a number of new cancer therapies that would otherwise not have been available to them. Clinical trials are active in the treatment of melanoma, multiple myeloma, mantel cell lymphoma, breast, prostate, lung, gastrointestinal and gynaecological cancers. Some Examples of trials that are underway at the two facilities Case Study 1 – Predicting risk of breast cancer due to inherited characteristics The incidence of breast cancer is increasing and the role genetics play is not yet fully understood for the majority of women. We calculate that less than 10% of women with a strong family history have an abnormality in the BRCA1 or BRCA 2 genes which are known to be associated with a risk of developing breast cancer. According to Professor Michael Kerin, Interim Director of the Lambe Institute for Translational Research, “In the West of Ireland we have a very high incidence of breast cancer and examining the genes that cause this cancer is a key research priority and has contributed to multiple international studies, including one which identified 74 new genetic changes associated with breast cancer. The HRB-Clinical Research Facility will allow new trials to be developed around these genetic targets.” Case study 2 Preventing amputation in patients with diabetes mellitus Patients with Diabetes Mellitus can often experience limited blood flow to the leg. Many patients present with gangrene, pain at rest or ulceration in the leg. While bypass of the obstruction is possible in some patients amputation may be required for one in every three patients with this complication. In fact an amputation occurs every 30 seconds somewhere in the world due to diabetes mellitus and thus new treatments are urgently required. A new study, which will take place across the HRB Clinical Research Facility, the Lambe Institute for Translational Research and University Hospital Galway will take stem cells isolated from patients’ bone marrow, grow them in a specially designed laboratory at NUI Galway and then inject them into the leg in the dedicated clinical research space. This research is a first-in-person study which aims to assess the safety and feasibility of this approach and is funded by the Health Research Board and Science Foundation Ireland. According to lead researcher, Professor Tim O Brien, Dean, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, NUI Galway and Consultant Endocrinologist at University Hospital Galway, “The aim is to see if injections of stem cells along the leg will improve blood flow and prevent the need for amputation in these patients. This first-in-person study is designed to assess the safety and feasibility of this approach and if this is demonstrated larger studies will be required to assess efficacy. Having a dedicated laboratory provided by the Lambe Institute in close proximity to the HRB Clinical Research Facility on hospital grounds transforms our ability to do this research and provide our patients with early access to trials in a safe environment. The provision of the new facility along with recent capital developments in Galway including the Biomedical Science Research Building, the Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland and the Galway Blood and Tissue Establishment provides the complete infrastructure to perform studies of stem cell therapy in Ireland.” Case study 3 Tackling blood cancer Multiple myeloma is the second most common blood cancer and it has a particularly high incidence in Ireland. It is important to look for new therapies to treat people who relapse or are unresponsive to existing treatment. Another clinical trial which will take place across these two new facilities will test the efficacy of a new drug in combination with existing treatments to see if it improves outcomes for these patients. Professor Michael O’Dwyer, HRB Clinician Scientist at NUI Galway says, “Based on promising results of an initial trial, we are now moving forward to test the impact of a stronger dose of the new drug in combination with existing treatments. If this is successful, the treatment should be available to Irish patients sometime later this year. The availability of labs and clinical facilities in one place is fantastic. It creates a situation where we have the optimum facilities, skills and patients which means we are very competitive in attracting international trials. This is important because it has been shown that regardless of the outcome of trials, patients who get to participate in trials do better than those who don’t.” Case Study 4 Prevention is better than cure – Diabetes in pregnancy Diabetes in pregnancy, known as Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) poses many risks to both mother and baby. The prevalence of GDM is 12% of all pregnancies in Ireland but varies considerably across Europe with prevalence of up to 20% reported for some populations. It is known that if women adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, they can help create optimal health outcomes for both mother and the baby they are carrying. However, there is currently little evidence that actually shows the benefits of preventing of diabetes in pregnancy. In order to build evidence in this area Professor Fidelma Dunne Consultant Endocrinologist, NUI Galway and Galway University Hospital is the Irish Principal Investigator on a new European randomised controlled trial called DALI. “This study is comparing the impact of diet, exercise, taking Vitamin D, and various combinations of these lifestyle changes, on reducing the risk of developing gestational diabetes in at-risk pregnant women. The HRB Clinical Research Facility is one of 11 centres around Europe where this EU FP7 funded study is taking place.” She continues, ‘It is essential that we increase the evidence base and highlight the importance of preventing and managing diabetes in pregnancy for mother and baby.’ According to Professor Martin O’Donnell, Director of the HRB Clinical Research Facility at NUI Galway, “In tandem with our focus on improving clinical care of patients, a clear priority for the HRB Clinical Research Facility is to improve health at a population level, through prevention of disease. At the HRB-CRFG we are conducting a range of studies that will inform optimal approaches to preventing stroke, heart attack and dementia in populations, with a focus on nutrition, blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and lifestyle behaviours.” Case Study 5 - Predicting responses to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients The era of personalised medicine means that chemotherapy is now more targeted towards specific cancer subtypes. However the prediction of response to common chemotherapeutic agents still poses a problem for clinicians. It would be beneficial to be able to predict treatment response by a simple blood test and save women, who are not getting the benefit from chemotherapy, the trauma of continued treatment and instead give them the option of an alternative and better regimen. According to Professor Michael Kerin, Interim Director of the Lambe Institute for Translational Research, "We have exciting data from trials which suggest that specific biomarkers (microRNAs) circulating in the bloodstream can predict response to treatment in breast cancer. As a result of this we may be able to select better therapies for patients. The research questions raised will be translated into new clinical trials in conjunction with the HRB-Clinical Research Facility.” If you would like more information on the work of the HRB Clinical Research Facility, please email crfg@nuigalway.ie -ENDS- Osclaíonn an Taoiseach Ionaid nua Taighde a rachaidh chun tairbhe Príomhchúram Othar Forbairt shuntasach do na hearnálacha cúraim sláinte agus teicneolaíochta leighis in Éirinn a bheidh sa tsaoráid taighde aistrithigh agus chliniciúil Cuirfear ar chumas na dtaighdeoirí agus an lucht gairme sláinte is fearr tabhairt faoi staidéir a chuirfidh feabhas ar shaol daoine Sa bhreis ar 100 triail chliniciúil ar siúl faoi láthair le daoine a bhfuil ailse, diaibéiteas, galar cardashoithíoch ag gabháil dóibh Inniu osclóidh OÉ Gaillimh Ionad Lambe don Taighde Aistritheach agus Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB in Ospidéal na hOllscoile, Gaillimh. De bhrí go mbeidh an dá shaoráid seo in aon fhoirgneamh amháin ar thailte an ospidéil beifear in ann an buntaighde saotharlainne a dhéanfar sa tsaoráid taighde aistrithigh a mheas sna trialacha cliniciúla sa tsaoráid taighde chliniciúil agus dá bhrí sin feicfidh othair an tairbhe i bhfad níos sciobtha. I measc na gcineálacha staidéar a dtabharfar fúthu sa dá shaoráid beidh: - An baol a bhaineann le hailse chíche a fhorbairt mar gheall ar thréithe dúchais a réamh-mheas - Trialacha gascheall chun sreabhadh fola i gcosa othar diaibéiteach a fheabhsú d'fhonn teascadh a sheachaint - Trialacha cliniciúla in othar a bhfuil ailse fola ag gabháil dóibh le déanamh amach an féidir cóireálacha nua a chur le seanchóireálacha chun torthaí níos fearr a fháil - Conas is féidir le feistí leighis ionchlannaithe réitigh nua a chur ar fáil d'othair Dúirt an Taoiseach inniu agus é ag oscailt an fhoirgnimh go hoifigiúil: “Tá an-áthas orm ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar oscailt na saoráide nua seo áit a bhfuil Institiúid Lambe don Taighde Aistritheach agus Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil an Bhoird Taighde Sláinte. Léiríonn an tionscadal seo comhpháirtíocht thar a bheith nuálach idir OÉ Gaillimh, an Bord Taighde Sláinte, Grúpa Cúraim Sláinte Ospidéil Saolta, agus Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte; comhpháirtíocht atá maoinithe ag daonchairdeas príobháideach trí Fhondúireacht Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Samhlaítear Éire mar mhol domhanda atá ag teacht chun cinn go láidir san earnáil leighis-teicneolaíochta. Tá Gaillimh i gcroílár na forbartha seo agus tá OÉ Gaillimh mar lárionad do chuid mhór den dul chun cinn seo. I mí Iúil 2011, d'oscail mé an foirgneamh nua Innealtóireachta go hoifigiúil in OÉ Gaillimh. I mí Feabhra seo caite d'oscail mé an foirgneamh Eolaíochta Bithleighis. Inniu osclaímid saoráid uathúil taighde chliniciúil agus aistrithigh. Nuair a chuirtear le chéile na trí shaoráid seo tá éiceachóras iomlán againn d'oideachas, taighde, nuálaíocht agus cúram sláinte in Iarthar na hÉireann. Seasann an tsaoráid is déanaí seo don phointe ina dtagann taighde agus cúram sláinte le chéile – an pointe ina dtagann an “teoiric” agus an “cleachtadh” le chéile. De bharr na hoibre a dhéanfaidh taighdeoirí agus cliniceoirí sa tsaoráid seo is cinnte go mbeidh torthaí sláinte príomha níos fearr ann agus ar deireadh cuirfear feabhas ar shaol na n-othar.” Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, “Is buaicphointe i bhforbairt an leighis in OÉ Gaillimh atá sa lá inniu. Tá tús áite straitéiseach tugtha ag OÉ Gaillimh d'fhorbairt na heolaíochta innealtóireachta bithleighis. Le scór bliain anuas tá infheistíocht láidir déanta againn sa réimse seo, agus saoráidí móra taighde ar an gcampas mar thoradh air seo. Cuireann ár dtaighdeoirí eolas eolaíoch chun cinn d'fhonn aghaidh a thabhairt ar dhúshláin sláinte. San fhoirgneamh seo táthar ag déanamh cóireálacha nua as an eolas eolaíoch seo, agus ansin tá siad sin á gcur i bhfeidhm sa suíomh cliniciúil agus á dtástáil i dtrialacha cliniciúla faoi stiúir OÉ Gaillimh.” Dúirt an Dr Graham Love, Príomhfheidhmeannach an Bhoird Taighde Sláinte, “Tá níos mó ná foirgneamh i gceist le Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB, is athrú iomlán ar chur chuige atá ann. Tá obair mhór i gceist le fionnachtana taighde sláinte a aistriú isteach i bhfíorbhuntáistí do shláinte daoine agus do chúram othar. Cuirfidh an tsaoráid HRB seo ar chumas na dtaighdeoirí agus na ngairmithe sláinte is fearr dá bhfuil ann staidéir a dhéanamh a athróidh saol daoine chun feabhais. Beidh áit shábháilte ag othair sa tsaoráid HRB chun páirt a ghlacadh i dtrialacha cliniciúla agus chun teacht ar na cóireálacha is nuaí. Lárionad foghlama do thaighdeoirí óga agus do ghairmithe sláinte a bheidh ann – táimid ag déanamh infheistíochta inár dtodhchaí. Chomh maith leis sin, cruthóidh sé deiseanna comhpháirtíochta idir an córas sláinte, an lucht acadúil agus an tionscal a thacóidh le nuálaíocht sa chóras sláinte agus le forbairt gheilleagrach. Dúirt Maurice Power, Príomhfheidhmeannach, Grúpa Cúraim Sláinte Ospidéil Saolta, “Tugann an tsaoráid nua seo taighde ceannródaíoch leighis chuig an othar sa leaba in Ospidéal na hOllscoile, Gaillimh agus sa Ghrúpa Ospidéil níos leithne. Cuirfidh an tsaoráid na nithe seo a leanas ar fáil dár n-othair: leapacha in-tí agus eisothair, seomra do mhionobráidí, seomraí ionscópachta, inchríneacha agus cardairiospráideacha, seomra fleibeatóime agus aonad bithmhéadrachta. Chomh maith le feidhmiú go príomha ag déanamh leasa dár n-othair cuirfidh sé ar chumas an Ghrúpa Ospidéil na gairmithe leighis is fearr a mhealladh agus a choinneáil.” Bhí ról lárnach ag an daonchairdeas san fhorbairt seo. Thug Fondúireacht Ollscoil na Gaillimhe aitheantas don tacaíocht a fuarthas ó dheontóirí daonchairdiúla, go háirithe an Dr Ronan agus Ann Lambe, breis is 50 ball de Líonra Leighis na Coiribe, Banc na hÉireann agus an Institiúid Náisiúnta don Taighde ar Ailse Chíche. Ag labhairt dó ag an seoladh dúirt an Dr Ronan Lambe: “Is iontach an phribhléid dom féin agus do mo bhean a bheith bainteach le saoráid den scoth a chuirfidh go mór le cáil OÉ Gaillimh mar ionad barr feabhais don Taighde Bithleighis.” Mar gheall go bhfuil an Ollscoil chomh gar don Ospidéal beidh teacht ag taighdeoirí go díreach ar othair agus beidh ionchur comhoibríoch trialach ag an Aonad Trialacha Cliniciúla Oinceolaíochta/Haemaiteolaíochta san ospidéal. Cinnteoidh an tSaoráid Taighde Chliniciúil go mbeidh teacht ag othair in Iarthar agus in Iarthuaisceart na hÉireann ar theiripí nua ailse nach mbeadh ar fáil dóibh murach an tsaoráid seo. Tá trialacha cliniciúla ar siúl faoi láthair chun cóir leighis a chur ar fáil in aghaidh: meileanóma, mialóma iolrach, liomfóma ceall maintlín, alise chíche, phróstataigh, scamhóige, ghastraistéigeach agus ghínéiceolaíoch. Roinnt samplaí de na trialacha atá ar bun sa dá shaoráid Cás-staidéar 1 – An baol a bhaineann le hailse chíche a fhorbairt mar gheall ar thréithe dúchais a réamh-mheas Tá níos mó cásanna den ailse chíche ag teacht chun cinn agus níltear cinnte fós faoin ról atá ag géinitic i bhformhór na mban. Áirímid go bhfuil níos lú ná 10% de mhná le stair láidir teaghlaigh a bhfuil mínormáltacht sna géinte BRCA1 nó BRCA 2, géinte atá bainteach leis an mbaol a bhaineann le hailse chíche a fhorbairt. Dar leis an Ollamh Michael Kerin, Stiúrthóir Gníomhach Institiúid Lambe don Taighde Aistritheach, “In Iarthar na hÉireann feictear líon an-ard d'ailse chíche agus is príomhthosaíocht taighde é na géinte is cúis leis an ailse seo a scrúdú agus tá go leor staidéir idirnáisiúnta déanta sa réimse seo, staidéar amháin a d'aithin 74 athrú nua géiniteach bainteach le hailse chíche. Tabharfaidh Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB deis dúinn trialacha nua a fhorbairt bunaithe ar na spriocanna géiniteacha seo.” Cás-staidéar 2 – Teascadh in othair le diaibéiteas mellitus a sheachaint Is minic go gcuireann sreabhadh teoranta fola sa chos as d'othair a bhfuil diaibéiteas mellitus ag gabháil dóibh. Go hiondúil bíonn morgadh, pian agus tú ar do shuaimhneas nó othrasú sa chos ag cur as d'othair. Cé gur féidir seach-chonair a dhéanamh ar an mbacainn i gcásanna áirithe, tá an baol ann go mbeidh teascadh i gceist d'othar amháin as triúr a mbaineann an aimhréidh seo dóibh. Go deimhin, tarlaíonn teascadh chuile 30 soicind in áit éigin ar domhan de bharr diaibéiteas mellitus, agus is ar an mbunús sin a theastaíonn cóireálacha nua go géar. Déanfaidh staidéar nua – a bheidh ar bun idir Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB, Institiúid Lambe don Taighde Aistritheach agus Ospidéal na hOllscoile, Gaillimh – a bhaineann le gaschealla a thógáil ó smior na n-othar, iad a fhás i saotharlann speisialta ar leith in OÉ Gaillimh agus iad a instealladh sa chos ar an láthair taighde chliniciúil faoi leith. Tá an taighde seo ar an gcéad staidéar a bhaineann leis an taighde daonna agus é mar aidhm aige an cur chuige ó thaobh sábháilteachta agus indéantachta a mheas; tá an taighde á mhaoiniú ag an mBord Taighde Sláinte agus ag Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann. Dar leis an bpríomhthaighdeoir, an tOllamh Tim O Brien, Déan, Coláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte, OÉ Gaillimh agus Comhairleoir le hInchríneolaíocht in Ospidéal na hOllscoile, Gaillimh, “Is é an aidhm atá leis an staidéar seo go bhfeicfí an gcuideoidh na hinstealltaí de ghaschealla sa chos leis an sreabhadh fola a fheabhsú agus teascadh a sheachaint sna hothair seo. Tá an chéad staidéar a bhaineann le taighde daonna curtha ar bun chun sábháilteacht agus indéantacht an chuir chuige a mheas agus má léirítear gur amhlaidh atá, beidh gá le taighde breise ar scála níos mó chun a éifeachtúlacht a mheas. Cuireann an tsaotharlann speisialta in Institiúid Lambe atá cóngarach do Shaoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB ar thailte an ospidéil go mór lenár gcumas an taighde seo a chur i gcrích agus luath-thrialacha i dtimpeallacht shábháilte a sholáthar dár n-othar. Soláthraíonn an tsaoráid nua, móide na forbairtí caipitil reatha i nGaillimh ar a n-áirítear foirgneamh Taighde Eolaíochta Bithleighis, an tIonad don Chillmhonarú in Éirinn agus Bunaíocht Fola agus Fíocháin na Gaillimhe, an t-infreastruchtúr iomlán d'fhonn staidéar ar theiripe gascheall a bhaint amach in Éirinn.” Cás-staidéar 3 – Dul i ngleic le hailse fola Tá mialóma iolrach ar an dara hailse fola is coitianta le líon an-ard cásanna den chineál ailse seo in Éirinn. Is den tábhacht go lorgófaí teiripí nua chun cóireáil a chur ar dhaoine a dtagann athiompú orthu nó iad siúd nach n-oibríonn an chóir leighis atá ar fáil faoi láthair dóibh. Déanfaidh triail chliniciúil eile, a bheidh ar bun sa dá shaoráid nua seo, dianscrúdú ar a éifeachtúla is atá an chóir leighis nua le feiceáil an mbíonn torthaí níos fearr le fáil nuair a dhéantar cóireálacha nua a chur le seanchóireálacha. Thug an tOllamh Michael O’Dwyer, Eolaí Cliniceora HRB in OÉ Gaillimh le fios: “Bunaithe ar dhea-thorthaí trialach tosaigh, táimid anois ag déanamh tástáil ar an tionchar atá ag dáileog níos láidre den druga nua in éineacht le seanchóireálacha. Má éiríonn leis seo, ba chóir go mbeadh an chóir leighis ar fáil do mhuintir na hÉireann níos deireanaí sa bhliain. Tá sé thar cionn go bhfuil na saotharlanna agus na saoráidí cliniciúla seo ar fáil faoi aon díon amháin. Buntáiste mór é na hothair, na saoráidí agus na scileanna ardchaighdeáin seo a bheith ar fáil ar an láthair chéanna agus léiríonn sé go bhfuilimid thar a bheith iomaíoch ó thaobh trialacha idirnáisiúnta a mhealladh. Tá tábhacht ar leith leis seo mar go léirítear, beag beann ar thorthaí na dtrialacha, go n-éiríonn níos fearr le hothair a bhíonn rannpháirteach sna trialacha i gcomparáid leo siúd nach mbíonn.” Cás-staidéar 4 – Is fearr cosc ná leigheas – Diaibéiteas le linn toirchis D'fhéadfadh go leor rioscaí a bheith i ndán do mháthair agus leanbh mar gheall ar dhiaibéiteas le linn toirchis, nó Diaibéiteas Mellitus le linn Toirchis (GDM). Bíonn GDM i gceist in 12% de gach toircheas in Éirinn, le rátaí éagsúla ar fud na hEorpa agus tuairiscítear go bhféadfadh GDM a bheith i gceist i suas le 20% de thoirchis i bpobail ar leith. Tuigtear má chloíonn mná le stíl shláintiúil mhaireachtála an fhad is atá siad ag iompar, gur féidir leo dea-thorthaí sláintiúla a bhaint amach dóibh féin agus don leanbh atá á iompar acu. Mar sin féin, is beag fianaise atá ar fáil i láthair na huaire a léiríonn na buntáistí a bhaineann le diaibéiteas le linn toirchis a sheachaint. Chun críche fianaise a bhailiú sa réimse seo tá an tOllamh Fidelma Dunne, Comhairleoir le hInchríneolaíocht in OÉ Gaillimh agus Ospidéal na hOllscoile, Gaillimh ag feidhmiú mar Phríomhthaighdeoir na hÉireann ar thriail nua Eorpach atá randamaithe agus rialaithe dar teideal DALI. “Díríonn an staidéar seo ar an laghdú is féidir le haiste bia, aclaíocht, Vitimín D a ghlacadh, agus meascáin éagsúla de na hathruithe saoil seo a dhéanamh ar an mbaol do mhná sa chatagóir ardriosca diaibéiteas le linn toirchis a fhorbairt. Tá Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB ar cheann d'aon ionad déag ar fud na hEorpa ina bhfuil an staidéar maoinithe FP7 AE ar siúl.” Mhínigh sí “go bhfuil sé riachtanach go gcuirfimis leis an mbonn fianaise agus go dtairngneoimis aird ar an tábhacht a bhaineann le diaibéiteas le linn toirchis a chosc agus a bhainistiú don mháthair agus don leanbh.” Dar leis an Ollamh Martin O’Donnell, Stiúrthóir Shaoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB in OÉ Gaillimh, “I gcomhar lenár bhfócas ar chúram cliniciúil othar a fheabhsú, tá sé mar phríomhthosaíocht ag Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB cúram sláinte ag leibhéal pobail a fheabhsú, trí chosc a chur ar ghalair. Tá foireann Shaoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB ag stiúradh réimse staidéar óna mbeidh eolas úsáideach ar fáil ó thaobh na gcur chuige is fearr i dtaca le stróc, taom croí agus néaltrú a chosc i measc an phobail, trí dhíriú ar iompraíochtaí cothaithe, brú fola, diaibéiteas agus stíl mhaireachtála.” Cás-staidéar 5 – An tionchar a bhíonn ag ceimiteiripe ar othair a bhfuil ailse chíche ag gabháil dóibh a réamh-mheas Le ré an leighis shainiúil glactar leis go bhfuil ceimiteiripe ar fáil a dhíríonn ar fhochineálacha ailse ar leith. É sin ráite cruthaíonn an tionchar a bhaineann le gníomhaithe ceimiteiripeacha a réamh-mheas fadhb do na cliniceoirí. Bheadh sé ina bhuntáiste dá bhféadfaí an tionchar a bhíonn ag cóireálacha a réamh-mheas trí thástáil fola simplí a dhéanamh agus mná, nach ndéanann an cheimiteiripe aon mhaitheas dóibh, a chosaint ó chóireáil leanúnach a fháil, agus rogha eile de réim mhalartach níos fearr a chur ar fáil dóibh. Dar leis an Ollamh Michael Kerin, Stiúrthóir Gníomhach Institiúid Lambe don Taighde Aistritheach, “Tá eolas spéisiúil bailithe againn ó thrialacha a léiríonn gur féidir le bithchomharthaí sóirt ar leith (miocrRNAs) atá sa chóras fola an fhreagairt chóireála i gcásanna ailse chíche a réamh-mheas. Mar thoradh air seo, beimid ábalta teiripí níos fearr a roghnú dár n-othair. Déanfar na ceisteanna taighde a thagann chun cinn a aistriú isteach ina dtrialacha taighde nua i gcomhar le Saoráid Taighde Chliniciúil HRB.” -CRÍOCH-
Monday, 28 September 2015
Seolfaidh OÉ Gaillimh Suirbhé Teangeolaíochta ar Oileáin Árann ‘An staidéar is cuimsithí ar aon chanúint Ghaeilge go dtí seo’ Seolfaidh Iar-Chláraitheoir agus Iar-Leas-Uachatarán na hOllscoile, an tOllamh Nollaig Mac Congáil, saothar an Dr Séamas Ó Direáin, Suirbhé ar an nGaeilge Labhartha in Oileáin Árann, Co. na Gaillimhe, ar Aoine 9 Deireadh Fómhair ag 1.30in in Téatar Uí Chearbhalláin, Áras na Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh. Saothar saoil de chuid theangeolaí de shliocht Árann, an Dr Séamas Ó Direáin as California, is ea Suirbhé ar an nGaeilge Labhartha in Oileáin Árann, Co. na Gaillimhe, saothar a cruthaíodh thar tréimhse 25 bliain. Tráth dá raibh sé i mbun taighde ar theangacha na hAfraice sa Chéinia sna 1970í, thosnaigh an Dr Ó Direáin – a mbeidh 77 bliain slánaithe aige an mhí seo chugainn – ar an nGaeilge a fhoghlaim ó dheoraithe as Éirinn. Agus os cionn 40 bliain caite ó shin, tá ríméad ar an Dr Ó Direáin go mbeidh a Shuirbhé ar theanga dhúchais a mhuintire ar fáil anois ar líne agus saor in aisce ón 9 Deireadh Fómhair 2015 ar aghaidh. Staidéar mionchruinn canúineolaíochta ar an nGaeilge labhartha in Oileáin Árann atá sa Suirbhé seo. Díríonn sé go speisialta ar na difríochtaí tíreolaíocha agus sóisialta a bhaineann leis na glúnta, idir shean agus óg, leis na hinscní (fir/buachaillí agus mná/cailíní), agus le leibhéil oideachais. Den chéad uair riamh i gcás aon teanga in aon áit ar domhan, déantar anailís chuimsitheach shochtheangeolaíochta agus canúineolaíochta ar raon leathan éagsúlachtaí a mhaireann san fhoghraíocht agus sa ghramadach. I gcás an oileáin is mó, Árainn (nó Inis Mór, mar a thugtar air amanta), tá mioneolas sa Suirbhé i dtaobh éagsúlachtaí foghraíochta, gramadaí agus an stóir focal go fiú ar leibhéal na mbailte fearainn. Adeir an tOllamh Kevin Scannell, Ollamh le Matamaitic agus Ríomheolaíocht, Ollscoil St Louis: “Is léir go bhfuil éacht déanta ag Séamas Ó Direáin lena chuid taighde teangeolaíochta ar na canúintí Gaeilge in Oileáin Árann. Is dócha gurb é seo an staidéar is cuimsithí ar aon chanúint Ghaeilge go dtí seo, agus tá sé go hiontach go mbeidh scoláirí agus taighdeoirí in ann teacht ar an anailís agus ar na bunsonraí go léir ar líne i bhfoirm inchuardaithe leictreonach." Adeir an Dr John Walsh, Léachtóir Sinsearach le Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh: “Baineann tábhacht náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta leis an saothar canúineolaíochta seo le Séamas Ó Direáin. Cuireann sé go mór lenár n-eolas ar chanúineolaíocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge trí chéile agus sáraíonn sé aon staidéar eile a deineadh ar chanúintí Árann roimhe seo. Is mór iad na deiseanna eile taighde a eascraíonn as agus tá áthas orm gur in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh a bheidh sé lonnaithe feasta.” Féach an Suirbhé www.aranirish.nuigalway.ie -Críoch- NUI Galway to Launch Linguistic Survey of the Aran Islands ‘Most comprehensive study of any dialect of Irish completed to date’ Former NUI Galway Registrar and Deputy President, Professor Nollaig Mac Congáil will launch Dr Séamas Ó Direáin’s A Survey of Spoken Irish in the Aran Islands, Co. Galway on Friday, 9 October at 1.30pm in Áras na Gaeilge, NUI Galway. Created over a period of 25 years, A Survey of Spoken Irish in the Aran Islands, Co. Galway represents the life’s work of Californian linguist Dr Séamas Ó Direáin, whose grandparents emigrated from Inis Mór to Boston over 100 years ago. Dr Ó Direáin, who turns 77 this October, first started learning Irish from expats in Kenya in the 1970s where he was researching African languages. Over 40 years later, he is delighted to make his Survey available for free and online from 9 October. The Survey constitutes a highly detailed, almost microscopic, micro-dialectological study of spoken Irish in the Aran Islands, focusing on geographical and social variation linked to generations (older and younger age-groups), genders (male and female), and level of education. It provides for the first time ever, for any language anywhere in the world, an extensive analysis linguistic variations of the islands. In the case of the largest of the three islands, Inis Mór, the Survey includes detailed information on phonological, grammatical and lexical variation at the level of individual townlands. Professor Kevin Scannell, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, St Louis University, said: “Séamas Ó Direáin’s linguistic research on the dialects of Irish spoken in the Aran Islands is clearly a major achievement. This is probably the most comprehensive study of any dialect of Irish completed to date, and it is wonderful that scholars and researchers will now have searchable online access to all of the data and analysis.” Dr John Walsh, Senior Lecturer in Irish at NUI Galway, said: “This dialectological work by Séamas Ó Direáin is of national and international importance. It adds greatly to our knowledge of the dialectology of Irish in general and surpasses all over previous studies of the dialects of Aran. Many other research possibilities can emerge from it and I am delighted that it will be housed at the NUI Galway from now on.” For further information or to view the Survey visit aranirish.nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
Monday, 28 September 2015
Places still available for fitness programme Monday, 28 September, 2015: Places are still available for a new community exercise programme, Exercise4Healthdesigned for those who due to health issues are reluctant to engage in exercise. The programme is a collaboration between NUI Galway, Croí and the Kingfisher Fitness Club. Croí’s Specialist Physiotherapist, Denise Dunne said: “This new initiative is proving very popular and we have capacity to cater for many more people who are interested in joining us.” Being physically active prevents and helps control a multitude of health problems, especially, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Exercise4Health provides a locally accessible opportunity for anyone looking to commence a safe and beneficial exercise programme supervised by professional trainers and exercise specialists. The programme is ideally suited to anyone trying to reduce weight or improve their overall health and wellbeing. The six-week rolling exercise programme is specially designed to suit all levels of current fitness and prior to enrolling for the classes, participants will be provided with a medical assessment to ascertain their fitness level. This new programme, led by expert cardiac physiotherapists/exercise specialists from Croí and delivered in conjunction with the fitness team at Kingfisher Club, will provide participants with: An assessment of their existing fitness level and a personalised plan for improvement Fitness classes delivered at a level to suit everyone Weekly heart-rate monitoring and personal progress tracking A motivating and enjoyable fitness programme which can be continued at home and which if followed will provide a measurable improvement in fitness levels Professor Terry Smith, Professor of Biomedical Engineering Science at NUI Galway said, “This exciting new partnership between NUI Galway, Croí and the Kingfisher Fitness Club aims to provide a community based exercise initiative which will significantly help to improve the health and wellbeing of people suffering from a range of chronic illnesses. Participants will only undertake exercise activities that suit their individual abilities and needs. Thebenefits are not just improved physical health, but meeting other participants and the fitness team at the Kingfisher Club also provides a great social outlet.” The Exercise4Health programme will take place in the Kingfisher Fitness Club at NUI Galway from 12pm-1pm every Thursday. For further information or to book a place on this exciting new programme call Croí on 091 544310. -Ends-
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
NUI Galway researcher is author of paper contributing to the design of an innovative device to close heart defects without placing patients on bypass Researchers, including four Irish researchers, while based at the Wyss Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Boston Children’s Hospital have jointly designed a fundamentally different way to implant an innovative patch to close a heart tissue defect that eradicates the need to place a patient on bypass. Their work was published recently in Science Translational Medicine, and features as the cover article. Ellen Roche, PhD and a graduate from the Biomedical Engineering Program at NUI Galway was the first author of the paper. Roche completed the work published in Science Translational Medicine during her PhD at Harvard University and is a current research fellow at NUI Galway under Professor Peter McHugh, working on a project in Biomedical Engineering in the area of novel cardiac drug delivery device development. The PhD scholar is a future faculty member at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The researchers invented a flexible, UV light-containing catheter that can be inserted through a vessel, and directed to the defect within the heart. Two balloons, one on either side of the hole, are inflated when the catheter is in place. One of the balloon’s surfaces has a mirror-reflecting quality that reflects UV light from a small internal fibre optic to cure the adhesive. All components of the device are soft and can deflate for easy loading and removal through the outer catheter shaft. Dr Roche said: “This system has proven successful in closing tissue defects in a number of experiments described in the paper. As well as correcting heart defects, the patch and the catheter can be used in a variety of situations - for example, abdominal hernia repair or peptic ulcer closure.” The other Irish authors who contributed to the research with Dr Roche were Professor Conor Walsh, joint senior author and a Trinity College and Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate who runs the Harvard Biodesign Lab, Dr Eoin O’Cearbhaill, Lecturer at UCD and a Biomedical Engineering and PhD graduate from NUI Galway, and William Whyte, a current PhD student at Trinity College Dublin and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). View the paper on Science Translational Medicine website: http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/7/306/306ra149.abstract -Ends-
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Beidh an ceathrú comhdháil is fiche ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge á reáchtáil ag Roinn na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh, ar an Aoine agus ar an Satharn 9-10 Deireadh Fómhair. Is í an chomhdháil seo an t-aon chomhdháil bhliantúil ollscoile dá leithéid a reachtáiltear go hiomlán trí Ghaeilge. Is iad An tOllamh Barry McCrea, Ollscoil Notre Dame, An Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh, Coláiste na hOllscoile, Corcaigh, agus Darach Mac Con Iomaire, Stiúrthóir agus Scríbhneoir aoichainteoirí Chomhdháil 2015. Mar chuid den chomhdháil, seolfaidh an tOllamh Nollaig Mac Congáil an saothar teangeolaíochta Suirbhé ar Ghaeilge Labhartha Árann, Co. na Gaillimhe, leis an Dr Séamas Ó Direáin. Beidh an suirbhé cuimsitheach seo ar chanúintí Árann ar fáil saor in aisce ar líne ar aranirish.nuigalway.ie. Ina theannta sin, seolfar an leabhar Cruinneas le hAntain Mac Lochlainn agus Amhráin na Midhe: Athchóiriú agus Aistriúcháin le Lesa Ní Mhunghaile. Beidh na seoltaí ar siúl in Áras na Gaeilge, OÉ, Gaillimh. Deir an Dr Rióna Ní Fhrighil, Cathaoirleach an choiste eagraithe: “Comhdháil ar leith í seo a chothaíonn an scoláireacht agus an taighde trí mheán na Gaeilge. Cé go mbeidh go leor réimsí éagsúla taighde á bplé i rith na comhdhála, beidh béim ar leith ar an gceangal idir litríocht na Gaeilge agus an Eoraip i mbliana.” Tá clár iomlán na comhdhála ar fáil ar www.comhdhail.com. -Críoch-
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
NUI Galway will present a series of mathematics appreciation events for the upcoming Maths Week 2015, running from the 10-18 October. Lecturers from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway will provide interactive talks and workshops at local schools, launch the nationwide secondary schools competition PRISM (PRoblem Solving for Irish Second Level Mathematics), and organise a series of public talks on the University campus. Robin Wilson, Professor of Geometry at Gresham College, London, will deliver two talks on Friday, 16 October. The first talk, ‘Stamping through Mathematics’ is aimed at primary school students from 5th and 6th class. It will cover the whole history of mathematics in one hour, and is illustrated with 250 attractive (and sometimes bizarre!) postage stamps from around the world, featuring mathematics and mathematicians. The second talk, ‘Lewis Carroll in Numberland’ is aimed at secondary school students and will offer a look at the mathematical life of Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. Professor Graham Ellis from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway said: “Maths Week is the biggest festival of mathematics in the world, and we are always eager to participate. It provides a great opportunity to engage with pupils and show the beauty of mathematics and its importance in education and in the wider world.” On Thursday, 15 October, the School of Mathematics will launch and host the nationwide maths competition PRISM (PRoblem solving for Irish Second level Mathematics). PRISM can be run in each interested secondary school at junior and/or senior levels. Registered Maths teachers can download a full package (problem sheets, answer keys, and more) for their classes. The website generates numerical and graphical summary statistics of student performances in real time and identifies the top-performing schools and individuals. Talks with Professor Robin Wilson will take place on Friday, 16 October in the IT Building, Theatre IT250 at NUI Galway. ‘Stamping through Mathematics’ will take place at 11am and ‘Lewis Carroll in Numberland’ will take place at 1pm. To arrange school visits by lecturers contact michel.destrade@nuigalway.ie and to book seats for public lectures on campus email graham.ellis@nuigalway.ie To take part in PRISM visit http://poincare.nuigalway.ie/PRISM and for all other events taking place across the country during Maths Week visit www.mathsweek.ie -Ends-
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
NUI Galway student wins award for research presentation on modifying brain dysfunctions in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease CÚRAM PhD student Juhi Samal has been awarded first prize out of 300 entries, for her presentation on ‘Delivery of Neurotrophic Factors to the Brain using Fibrin-based Hollow Microsphere Reservoirs'. The prize was awarded at the 27th European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) Conference held in Krackow, Poland this month. ESB conferences attract over 1,000 delegates every year. The annual conference allows scientists and engineers from different disciplines to discuss current issues concerning the latest research in the field of biomaterials. The conference sessions included topics ranging from biomaterials for regenerative medicine, nanotechnology to stem cells application and smart systems for various therapies. Juhi Samal was awarded the Hardiman Fellowship in 2013 and is undertaking her PhD at the Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM), based at NUI Galway under Professor Abhay Pandit and Dr Eilis O’Dowd. One of CÚRAM’s key research areas focuses on developing solutions for neurodegenerative disease. Juhi’s research is investigating delivery of neurotrophic factors to modify neuronal dysfunctions in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. “Neurotrophic factors are proteins that can promote the initial growth and development of neurons in the central and peripheral nervous systems and have also been shown to be capable of slowing, halting or reversing neuronal degeneration in laboratory and pre-clinical settings” explains Juhi Samal. “However their therapeutic potential is limited by their short half-life. My research has been investigating a biomaterials-based intervention, which protects these proteins, allowing them to survive for longer and be released where and when needed in a more controlled fashion.” Professor Abhay Pandit, Director of CÚRAM at NUI Galway, congratulated Juhi on her award and commented, “CÚRAM has attracted a wide pool of talented researchers. With the talent and technical tools we have at our disposal, our aim is to take the fruits of our research and develop it to the stage where these medical device products can be brought to clinical trial in Ireland. We want to see results, not only for healthcare, but also for job creation and the economy.” Supported by Science Foundation Ireland and industry funding, CÚRAM aims to radically improve health outcomes for patients by developing implantable ‘smart’ medical devices. It will develop these devices through strong clinical collaborations with industry partners and hospital groups to enable their rapid translation to clinics. -Ends-
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Continuous improvement for University in both THE and QS rankings NUI Galway has maintained its position in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2015-16, remaining within the 251-300 range and improving on previous scores across most categories. Once again NUI Galway performed strongly in the international outlook score and research citations score as well as improving scores across most other metrics. NUI Galway was the only Irish university to maintain or increase its position in the two main international rankings in 2014, having recently increased to 271st in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2015/2016, one of just two Irish universities to improve their standing in this year’s league table. Last month Thomson Reuters ranked four outstanding researchers from NUI Galway among the ‘World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds: 2015’ an increase on the three researchers cited last year. The 3000 international academics named on the list earned their distinction by publishing the highest number of articles that rank among those most frequently cited by fellow researchers. More individuals were listed from NUI Galway than from any other Irish university. The continuous improvement has been attributed to a concerted approach by the University in developing world-class research in specific fields, NUI Galway President Dr Jim Browne explained: “This is a major improvement for NUI Galway and reflects a sustained upward trend in these very competitive global rankings. This consistent improvement in NUI Galway’s THE World University Rankings this year is an affirmation of our very focused approach to developing our international reputation in a select set of research areas. These areas of activity underpin our growing international research reputation and continue to attract researchers, scholars and international partners. To maintain or increase our position in both the 2015 THE World University Rankings and the recently published QS World University Rankings, it is beyond doubt that our position globally is on the rise. Despite significant cuts in overall funding at third-level in Ireland and increased student numbers, our University has gone against the tide to secure a continued improvement in these very competitive rankings.” The Times Higher Education league table of the world’s top universities is based on 13 separate performance indicators covering all of the core missions of a world class university; teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The survey also includes one of the world’s largest academic reputation survey, with more than 10,000 academics asked to rate the world’s best universities for the 2015/16 ranking. Phil Baty, editor of the THE World University Rankings: “The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, now in their 12th year, apply rigorous standards, using tough global benchmarks across all of a global research university’s key missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The results are trusted by students and their families, academics, university leaders and governments. For NUI Galway to make 251-300 in the world is an outstanding achievement to be celebrated.” The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2015-16 is available to view online at: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/ -ends- OÉ Gaillimh san áit chéanna le scór níos airde i Ranguithe an Times Higher Feabhas leanúnach don Ollscoil sna ranguithe THE agus QS Tá a seasamh coinnithe ag OÉ Gaillimh i Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid Times Higher Education (THE) do 2015-16, í ag fanacht sa réimse 251-300 agus d'ardaigh sí a scóir i bhformhór na gcatagóirí. D'éirigh thar cionn arís le OÉ Gaillimh sa dearcadh idirnáisiúnta agus sna tagairtí taighde agus i bhformhór na méadrachtaí eile. Ba í OÉ Gaillimh an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a rinne dul chun cinn sa dá phríomhrangú idirnáisiúnta in 2014, bhain sí amach an 271ú háit i Ranguithe Ollscoile QS an Domhain 2015/2016 le gairid, agus gan ach ollscoil amháin eile in Éirinn ag ardú i dtábla sraithe na bliana seo. An mhí seo caite, d'fhógair Thomson Reuters ceathrar taighdeoirí den scoth as OÉ Gaillimh i measc ‘the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds: 2015’, ardú ar an triúr taighdeoirí a fógraíodh anuraidh. Ainmníodh 3,000 duine acadúil idirnáisiúnta ar an liosta as ucht an líon is mó alt a fhoilsiú a dtagraíonn taighdeoirí eile dóibh. Ainmníodh níos mó daoine as OÉ Gaillimh ná as aon ollscoil eile in Éirinn. Mhínigh Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Jim Browne, go ndearnadh an dul chun cinn seo mar gheall ar chur chuige comhaontaithe na hOllscoile taighde den scoth a fhorbairt i réimsí sonraithe: “Is dul chun cinn ollmhór é seo do OÉ Gaillimh agus léiríonn sé ardú leanúnach sna ranguithe domhanda seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch. Is dearbhú é an t-ardú leanúnach i mbliana ar sheasamh OÉ Gaillimh i Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid THE ar an gcur chuige thar a bheith dírithe atá againn i leith ár gcáil idirnáisiúnta a fhorbairt i réimsí áirithe taighde. Tacaíonn na réimsí gníomhaíochtaí seo lenár gcáil idirnáisiúnta taighde atá i mbun forbartha agus meallann siad taighdeoirí, scoláirí agus comhpháirtithe idirnáisiúnta. Ó tharla go ndearnamar dul chun cinn arís i Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid THE 2015 agus i Ranguithe Ollscoile QS an Domhain a foilsíodh le gairid, tá sé ríshoiléir go bhfuil ár stádas domhanda ag dul ó neart go neart. In ainneoin na gciorruithe suntasacha sa mhaoiniú trí chéile ag an tríú leibhéal in Éirinn agus méadú ar líon na mac léinn, tá an Ollscoil s’againne ar a mine géire le dul chun cinn leanúnach a dheimhniú sna ranguithe seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch.” Tá tábla sraithe an Times Higher Education de na hollscoileanna is fearr ar domhan bunaithe ar 13 tháscaire feidhmíochta ar leith a chlúdaíonn gach croímhisean a bheadh ag ollscoil den scoth; teagasc, taighde, aistriú eolais agus dearcadh idirnáisiúnta. Tá ceann de na suirbhéanna is mó ar domhan maidir le cáil acadúil áirithe sa suirbhé seo chomh maith. Fiafraíodh de bhreis is 10,000 duine acadúil na hollscoileanna is fearr a rátáil do rangú 2015/16. Dúirt Phil Baty, eagarthóir Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid Times Higher Education: “Cuireann Ranguithe Ollscoile an Domhain de chuid Times Higher Education, le 12 bhliain as a chéile, caighdeáin ghéara i bhfeidhm, ag úsáid tagarmharcanna dochta domhanda i leith na gcroímhisean a bhaineann le hollscoil taighde dhomhanda – teagasc, taighde, aistriú eolais agus dearcadh idirnáisiúnta. Tá muinín ag mic léinn, a dteaghlaigh, lucht acadúil, ceannairí ollscoile agus rialtais as na torthaí. Ó tharla go bhfuil OÉ Gaillimh sa chatagóir 251-300 ar domhan is mór an t-éacht é sin agus is fiú go mór é a cheiliúradh.” Tá Ranguithe Ollscoile Times Higher Education (THE) 2015-16 le feiceáil ar líne ag: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/ -críoch-
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Final year PhD student Dilip Thomas has been awarded a travel fellowship by the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), to advance his research in the area of vascular repair and regeneration. Dilip is carrying out his PhD at NUI Galway, supervised by Professor Abhay Pandit and Professor Timothy O’Brien of CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland funded Centre for Research in Medical Devices. Dilip’s project looks specifically at the development of a functionalised stem cell delivery platform for critical limb ischemia. Critical limb ischemia is a serious form of peripheral arterial disease and is caused by atherosclerosis, the hardening and narrowing of the arteries over time due to the build-up of fatty deposits called plaque and is a chronic condition that results in severe pain, even while resting. Complications of poor circulation can include sores and wounds that won't heal and complications of critical limb ischemia can result in amputation. The research goal at CÚRAM is to engineer a unique ‘finger-print’ microenvironment, also called ‘niche’, for the modulation of stem cell behaviour to promote new blood vessel formation. The long-term goal is to translate pre-clinical success to a viable therapeutic alternative for the treatment of ‘no option’ critical limb ischemia patients to allow amputation-free survival. The fellowship opportunity at Professor Marchetti-Deschmann’s analytical laboratory, Technical University of Vienna, Austria will help dissect the key molecular factors and events that drive tissue repair and regeneration with help of state-of-the-art tissue imaging mass-spectrometers. EMBO is an organisation of more than 1,700 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences. The major goals of the organisation are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a European research environment where scientists can achieve their best work. “The EMBO fellowship is a great step in Dilip’s career as a researcher and reflects the high standard of research being carried out at CÚRAM in ‘smart’ medical device development at all levels” said Professor Abhay Pandit, Director of CÚRAM. “The key aim of our work is to radically improve health outcomes for patients suffering from chronic illnesses, including CLI.” CÚRAM is a national research centre advancing R&D in the medical device sector. Supported by Science Foundation Ireland and industry partners, CÚRAM enhances Ireland's standing as a major hub for the global medical devices industry. ENDS
Thursday, 6 August 2015
The College of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway has announced details of a special entrance maths examination to give students a second chance to pursue a career in engineering. The exam, which takes place on Wednesday, 19 August, is for students who achieve the CAO points for an undergraduate engineering degree course at NUI Galway but who have not met the obligatory maths requirement. NUI Galway will also hold an intensive preparatory course for applicants intending to sit the exam. This free course will run from 13-18 August. For more than 20 years NUI Galway has provided this special entrance exam to help applicants who did not achieve the required grade C3 or better in higher level mathematics. Those who took lower level maths in the Leaving Cert may also apply for the exam. Students who pass this examination will be deemed to have satisfied the maths requirement and, providing they have the necessary points, will receive an additional CAO offer at Round Two. From 13-18 August, in addition to preparing students for the special entrance examination, lecturers will demonstrate the relevance and application of mathematics to engineering. The aim of the preparatory course is to bridge the gap between the Leaving Certificate lower level and that required to be successful in the entrance exam. This will be achieved by tackling a variety of problems of increasing difficulty. Learning how to approach a problem and apply the knowledge available will be emphasised. “The nature of engineering programmes is that they are focused on the development of analytical and problem solving skills, and thus require significant use of mathematics and applied mathematics,” said Professor Gerry Lyons, Dean of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway. “Every year we see a number of promising students who perform poorly on the day of the Leaving Cert exam. Our Special Entrance Maths Examination provides these students with a second opportunity to demonstrate that they have reached the necessary standard in maths. Over the years, we have had some exceptionally talented students graduate and pursue successful careers in engineering because they were given the second chance which this exam represents.” “Demand for engineering programmes at NUI Galway continues to rise year on year and the College of Engineering has expanded its degree programmes to meet requirements. NUI Galway realises its role in providing world-class graduates to meet the needs of industry and the economy”, continued Professor Lyons. NUI Galway offers students an undenominated entry to engineering. This course is specifically designed for students who are interested in becoming an engineer, but uncertain as to which field they want to specialise in. This course offers students the option of studying engineering in a general way for one year before going on to specialise in their chosen field in year two. To apply for the special maths exam please visit: http://www.nuigalway.ie/engineering-informatics/prospectivestudents/specialentrancemathsexamination/. Those interested in the revision maths course should visit http://www.nuigalway.ie/engineering-informatics/prospectivestudents/specialentrancemathspreparatorycourse/ for further details. -Ends- Seans Eile á thabhairt ag OÉ Gaillimh do Mhic Léinn na hArdteistiméireachta trí Scrúdú Speisialta Matamaitice a Reáchtáil Tá Coláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice in OÉ Gaillimh i ndiaidh sonraí a chur ar fáil faoi scrúdú speisialta iontrála matamaitice, scrúdú a thugann seans eile do mhic léinn tabhairt faoi ghairm na hinnealtóireachta. Beidh an scrúdú ar siúl Dé Céadaoin, an 19 Lúnasa, agus tá sé dírithe ar mhic léinn a bhaineann na pointí cuí don CAO amach chun cúrsa céime san innealtóireacht a dhéanamh in OÉ Gaillimh ach nach bhfuil an marc riachtanach acu sa mhatamaitic. Beidh dianchúrsa ullmhúcháin ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh roimh ré dóibh siúd ar mian leo an scrúdú a dhéanamh. Beidh an cúrsa saor in aisce seo ar siúl ón 13-18 Lúnasa. Le breis agus scór bliain anuas, tá an scrúdú speisialta iontrála seo á reáchtáil ag OÉ Gaillimh chun cabhrú le hiarratasóirí nár éirigh leo an grád riachtanach C3 nó os a chionn a bhaint amach sa pháipéar matamaitice ardleibhéil. Féadfaidh daoine nach ndearna ardleibhéal matamaitice san Ardteistiméireacht cur isteach ar an scrúdú chomh maith. Má fhaigheann mac léinn pas sa scrúdú seo beidh an riachtanas matamaitice sásaithe aige/aici agus gheobhaidh sé/sí tairiscint eile ón CAO i mBabhta 2, chomh fada is go bhfuil na pointí riachtanacha aige/aici. Ní hamháin go n-ullmhófar daltaí don scrúdú speisialta iontrála, ach léireoidh léachtóirí an tábhacht a bhaineann leis an matamaitic san innealtóireacht agus an úsáid is féidir a bhaint aisti. Is é an aidhm atá leis an gcúrsa ullmhúcháin seo cur lena mbíonn foghlamtha ag daltaí ag an ngnáthleibhéal san Ardteistiméireacht, le go n-éireoidh leo sa scrúdú iontrála matamaitice. Cuirfear é seo i gcrích trí dhul i ngleic le fadhbanna éagsúla ag leibhéil éagsúla deacrachta. Cuirfear béim ar conas tabhairt faoi fhadhb agus an t-eolas atá ar fáil a chur i bhfeidhm. “Is é mianach na gclár innealtóireachta go bhfuil siad dírithe ar fhorbairt a dhéanamh ar scileanna anailíseacha agus ar scileanna chun fadhbanna a réiteach, agus dá bhrí sin caithfear úsáid shuntasach a bhaint as matamaitic agus as matamaitic fheidhmeach,” a deir an tOllamh Gerry Lyons, Déan na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice in OÉ Gaillimh. “Gach bliain feicimid daltaí cumasacha nach ndéanann chomh maith agus a d’fhéadfaidís ar lá an scrúdaithe Ardteiste. Tugann an Scrúdú Speisialta Iontrála Matamaitice deis eile do na daltaí seo léiriú go bhfuil an caighdeán riachtanach sa mhatamaitic bainte amach acu. Thar na blianta, d’éirigh le roinnt mac léinn a raibh cumas eisceachtúil iontu, céim a bhaint amach agus dul sa tóir ar shlí bheatha dóibh féin san innealtóireacht mar go bhfuair siad an dara deis leis an scrúdú speisialta iontrála seo.” “Tá an t-éileamh ar chláir innealtóireachta in OÉ Gaillimh ag dul i méid ó bhliain go bliain agus tá Coláiste na hInnealtóireachta tar éis na cláir chéime a leathnú chun freastal ar na riachtanais seo. Tuigeann OÉ Gaillimh a ról maidir le céimithe den scoth a chur ar fáil chun freastal ar riachtanais an tionscail”, a dúirt an tOllamh Lyons. Tá cúrsa neamhainmnithe san innealtóireacht ar tairiscint do mhic léinn in OÉ Gaillimh. Tá an cúrsa seo dírithe go háirithe ar mhic léinn a bhfuil suim acu a bheith ina n-innealtóirí ach nach bhfuil cinnte cén réimse ar mhaith leo díriú air. Tugann an cúrsa seo deis do mhic léinn staidéar ginearálta a dhéanamh ar an innealtóireacht ar feadh bliana sula roghnaíonn siad a réimse speisialtóireachta i mbliain a dó. Chun iarratas a dhéanamh ar an scrúdú speisialta matamaitice téigh chuig: http://www.nuigalway.ie/engineering-informatics/prospectivestudents/specialentrancemathsexamination/. Ba chóir dóibh siúd ar spéis leo an cúrsa ullmhúcháin matamaitice agus an scrúdú féachaint ar http://www.nuigalway.ie/engineering-informatics/prospectivestudents/specialentrancemathspreparatorycourse/ chun eolas breise a fháil. -Críoch-
Monday, 10 August 2015
University Foundation provide unique opportunity for students to meet global business leaders Students from NUI Galway’s Executive MBA programme recently took part in a week-long Global Gateway Programme at the world renowned Fordham University in New York City as part of their international study experience. During the week, the students were exposed to world-leading academics at Fordham University where they attended seminars, workshops and lectures on a broad range of topics including global finance, leadership, change management, and participated in a ‘Teamwork through Jazz’ seminar hosted by musicians in the famous Jazz at the Lincoln Centre. The MBA class also visited Tiffany & Co. where they spoke to the Vice-President of Finance, Mark Aaron, about leading one of the most recognised global luxury brands. Other key speakers included Professor John Tognino, former Managing Director of Merrill Lynch and Professor Bill Catucci, former CEO AT&T Canada. One of the highlights of the international study visit was an interactive roundtable panel discussion organised and sponsored by the Galway University Foundation entitled ‘International Career Reflections: Looking Back, Looking Forward’ held at the private New York Athletic Club on Central Park South. The event provided students with insights from senior Irish ex-pat leaders across a range of sectors who have achieved significant international career success. The panellists, many of whom are NUI Galway graduates, advised on how to craft successful careers drawing from their own varied and diverse experiences. “Each and every one of the very influential ex-pats was highly impressive, very inspirational, academically enriching and ultimately captivating”, said Denis Duggan, Enterprise Ireland and NUI Galway Executive MBA Student, 2014-16. The panel reflected on the challenges ahead for executives and business leaders. Elisha Daniels, NUI Galway Executive MBA Student, 2014-16, said: “It was an immense privilege to be in the presence of such esteemed business leaders at this event, and to have them share their stories of leadership with us. Each speaker was of an extremely high calibre and brought their own vast wisdom and experience to the table. Overall it was an inspirational event and provided great insight as well as practical advice.” This year’s international study programme also included a breakfast event at the Irish Consulate in Ireland House on Park Avenue where the NUI Galway MBA group were hosted by the Deputy Counsel General, Anna McGillicuddy. Dr Alma McCarthy, Executive MBA Director at NUI Galway, said: “We established the international programme on the MBA programme in 2011 and since then it is considered by students to be one of the most distinctive and greatest learning experiences on the MBA. We are very pleased to be able to draw on the excellent network Galway University Foundation has built in New York City and to continue our partnership with Fordham University.” -Ends-
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
President James A. Michel of the Seychelles, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Constitutional Appointments Authority, has appointed NUI Galway Law graduate Justice Mathilda Twomey, née Butler Payette, as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Seychelles. Justice Twomey has had an illustrious career in the legal profession, serving as a barrister first in the Ocean Gate Law Centre as pupil to Justice Francis MacGregor, then in the Attorney General’s Chambers, subsequently as an attorney-at-law in private chambers and a member of the Constitutional Commission before moving to Ireland in 1995, where she presently resides with her family. Justice Twomey graduated with a BA in English and French Law from the University of Kent, Canterbury, holds a degree in French Law from the University of Paris-Sud and was admitted as a Member of the Bar at Middle Temple, London, and as an Attorney-at-Law in Seychelles. She holds an LLM in Public Law from the School of Law, NUI Galway where she also completed her PhD research under the joint supervision of Marie McGonagle, NUI Galway and Seán Donlan, UL, and will defend her doctoral thesis in early-September 2015. She has also lectured on a part-time basis at the University’s School of Law. Welcoming the announcement of her appointment as Chief Justice, Professor Donncha O’Connell, Head of the School of Law at NUI Galway, said: “Mathilda Twomey is a jurist of great renown and it is an honour for the School of Law at NUI Galway to be associated with her success. Her doctoral research is of foundational importance for its meticulous and ground-breaking study of the ‘mixed jurisdiction’ that exists in the Seychelles. I have no doubt that she will serve with great distinction and, on behalf of my colleagues, I wish her well in the professional and personal challenges that lie ahead.” Justice Twomey was appointed a non-resident judge of the Court of Appeal in March 2011. She will be sworn in as Chief Justice by President Michel on 18 August, 2015. Commenting on the appointment, President Michel noted that the empowerment of Seychellois, especially women, has always been and will continue to be at the core of his philosophy and policies for the advancement and progress of the country. “Justice Twomey is a highly-qualified legal practitioner, with a wealth of experience and knowledge, which, no doubt, will be of vast benefit to the legal and judicial system in our country and the reforms that are needed. She is the third Seychellois Chief Justice and I’m particularly proud of the fact that I have appointed a woman to the post, a first for Seychelles and a major achievement,” said President Michel. -Ends-
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
A new online treatment programme, set up by expert psychologists and physiotherapists, aims to help those who suffer from chronic pain. The Centre for Pain Research at NUI Galway, with the support of the Health Research Board, is currently recruiting people with chronic pain (pain which has lasted for three months or more). The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) trial will provide eight online sessions to people in the comfort of their own home. At the moment, such supports are mainly available through specialised hospital-based pain management teams. Chronic pain affects up to 35% of the Irish population and is increasingly recognised as a disease in its own right. Chronic pain is sometimes associated with psychological effects, which may include anxiety and changes in mood, as well as forgetfulness, and difficulties in focusing attention, planning tasks and making decisions. The ACT trial is based on emerging clinical science that demonstrates the usefulness of managing chronic pain through mindfulness and psychological wellbeing. The study is open to people all over Ireland and will take place over the coming months. GPs and physiotherapists around the country are being encouraged to refer suitable people with pain to the study. The free online sessions in the ACT programme will focus on values and goals that are individual to each person in the trial. Participants will be provided with instructions on a range of activity-pacing techniques to encourage more consistent levels of activity from day-to-day. In addition, mindfulness techniques and cognitive behavioural therapy will help identify both negative thinking patterns and the development of effective challenges. Dr Christopher Dwyer, coordinator of the study at the Centre for Pain Research, NUI Galway, says: “We know that psychological therapies provided to people with chronic pain are beneficial, particularly for people at risk of long term disability. However, this type of service is often only accessible via specialised hospital-based pain management teams. In this trial, we will offer this type of service to people all over the country and at any stage of injury.” People who take part in the ACT trial will not need to attend any clinic or the University at any stage. All materials are tailored for those wishing to learn effective ways of managing their chronic pain. Participants can access physiotherapy and all medical services as usual while involved in the trial. Study supervisor Dr Brian McGuire, NUI Galway, said: “This is a promising new online pain management programme and we are hopeful it will be of benefit to people with chronic pain.” For further information, please contact Dr Christopher Dwyer at the Centre for Pain Research, NUI Galway, email painresearch@nuigalway.ie, phone 091 495 391, or see the website http://www.nuigalway.ie/centre-for-pain-research/. GPs or physiotherapists who are interested in referring suitable patients to the trial can also use these contact details. ENDS
Monday, 17 August 2015
The continuing popularity of NUI Galway was reflected by CAO offers issued today, with the vast majority of courses maintaining or increasing points from 2014. Across all five colleges, points have risen. Arts (Psychology), Commerce (International) with French, Biomedical Science, Financial Mathematics and Economics, Biopharmaceutical Chemistry, Energy Systems Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Occupational Therapy all requiring greater than 500 points for entry with Commerce (International) with Spanish, Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering in the high 400s. Courses on the rise Prospective students have shown particular interest in Commerce programmes, especially those with an international language, reflecting awareness of the need for language mobility in a global jobs market. NUI Galway’s three International Commerce programmes (French German, and Spanish) all rose in points, with the French course reaching 500 points. Business Information Systems, Commerce with Irish and Commerce (Accounting) all rose by 10 points to 430, 430 and 460 respectively. The popularity of NUI Galway’s two Law programmes continues to rise with increases in points for the third consecutive year (20 points to 390 for Corporate Law and 15 points to 440 for Civil Law). Engineering programmes have shown a strong points performance across the board. The points for the undenominated programme increased by 50 to 450, showing a significant rise in interest in this subject area, reflecting the growing demand for employment in this arena. Civil, Mechanical, Electronic and Computer, and Biomedical Engineering have all risen by at least 35 points to over 450 points, with Energy Systems and Electrical Engineering reaching 500 points and above. Computer Science and IT also increased from 420 points to 440. Demand for Science courses is equally robust, with entry to General Science up 10 points to 410. Recognising NUI Galway’s national and international leadership in biomedical science programmes, Biomedical Science remained the course with the second highest points for the University, at 530. Biopharmaceutical Chemistry remains a 500 points plus programme while Biotechnology increased 10 points to 475. Interest in Financial Mathematics and Economics has grown significantly over the last year, with entry onto this programme now requiring 505 points. Entry onto the medical programme requires 723 points (including HPAT), an increase on the 2014 requirement, and Nursing is up 15 points to 460, while Psychiatric Nursing rose 35 points to 440. Both of NUI Galway’s Therapy programmes, Occupational and Speech and Language, are up 20 points each to 535 and 530 respectively. In Arts, NUI Galway’s popular Film Studies degree continues to attract a great deal of interest with the points increasing by 15 to 400 points this year. Journalism and Creative writing also continue to be popular at 420 and 425 points respectively. The BA with Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies has increased in demand with a 30 point rise to 435. NUI Galway’s Admission Officer, Stephen O’Dea, said: ‘For the third year running, NUI Galway’s courses in Commerce and Law have seen a steady increase in their points indicating a continued growth in interest in these areas. International Commerce programmes continue to be a popular choice for students with a global outlook. Engineering courses have performed especially well this year, with significant increases in the points requirement across all programmes, students recognising the value of an Engineering degree from NUI Galway in today’s increasingly competitive job market. NUI Galway’s strength and reputation in Biosciences is also reflected with Biomedical Science continuing to perform well (530 points) and Biopharmaceutical Chemistry at 500 points. There has been a notable increase in the points for the Financial Mathematics and Economics programme to above 500 points (505). This is reflective of a growing confidence in the national and international economies and financial markets, and growth in employment opportunities therein, both at home and abroad. The B.A. Connect suite of courses provides an attractive learning experience for students as recognised by an increase in the points for Film Studies and for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. Psychology also finished at a high 515 points. Occupational Therapy and Speech & Language Therapy maintain their popularity with students, both courses requiring more than 500 points.” He concluded, “Incoming students will be well placed to benefit from NUI Galway’s significant capital investment programme in embracing innovation, entrepreneurship and research.” With NUI Galway anticipating an intake of over 3,000 new students in September, a hotline is in place for students, parents and teachers. The First Year Student Hotline number is 091 493999 or visit http://www.nuigalway.ie/new-students/. A team of specially-trained students will service the hotline Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, and also on Saturday, 22 August, 9am to 1pm. -ENDS-
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Dr Gerard Wall, a Senior Lecturer in Microbiology at NUI Galway and investigator at the Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM), has received an SFI Industry Fellowship Award. The Fellowship will support the development of an innovative diagnostics platform for the detection of pathogens and other contaminants in biological samples, in collaboration with industry partner Snowy Range Instruments in Wyoming, USA. The research will follow on from Dr Wall’s current work to develop an immunotest to detect marine neurotoxins that accumulate in shellfish and cause diarrhetic poisioning when ingested. “Our work in Wyoming will focus on developing a user-friendly instrument to improve marine monitoring”, said Dr Wall, “but the technology will also be applicable to rapid, on-site diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in biological samples such as serum and saliva.” Professor Abhay Pandit, Director of CÚRAM, said: “The Fellowship allows the exchange of Dr Wall’s expertise in antibody engineering for the instrumentation and manufacturing know-how of a leading industry partner. The collaboration will also enable CÚRAM to access new technology pathways for commercialisation of our ongoing research.” This research will be carried out in collaboration with Snowy Range Instruments who are leaders in developing innovative Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) platforms for researchers. These hand held SERS platforms can be used for identification and analysis of a wide range of materials, and the goal of this research is to develop the capacity for their use in point-of-care (POC) clinical screening and diagnosis, such as primary care settings and in developing countries as well as in the potential identification of biothreat agents, monitoring of environmental pathogens and toxins and in sectors such as food safety monitoring. The SFI Award will also generate benefit to industry by developing new expertise, up-skilling of staff in biological techniques and enabling it to access a new technology pathway for commercialisation of an elaborate range of sensor devices as well as supporting innovation and collaboration between scientists and industry. -Ends-
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Leading transport researchers are expected to attend the Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN) annual conference at NUI Galway, which takes places from 27-28 August. As the N6 project, harbour extension and traffic layouts dominate local headlines, this conference aims to shed light on the major national and international transport challenges and the latest developments in transport technology and policy. The highlight of the conference will be a panel discussion on the conference theme ‘Green shoots v green transport: are economic growth and sustainable transport compatible?’. This talk is open to the public and will take place at 6pm on Thursday, 27 August, in the Engineering Building, NUI Galway. “The annual ITRN conference brings together academics, students and practitioners to discuss the latest developments in transport research. We are delighted to host the conference at NUI Galway this year and to be joined by two international experts, Dr Georgina Santos from Cardiff University and Dr Robin Hickman from University College London, for keynote speeches,” said NUI Galway’s Dr Amaya Vega who is co-organiser of this year’s conference. This year’s conference is co-organised by researchers from civil engineering, economics and sociology, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of transport. Galway City is a good example of an urban area trying to balance demands for economic activity and new infrastructure with needs for sustainability and a liveable community. The conference is sponsored by some of Ireland’s leading commercial, state and research organisations including ITS Ireland, IMDO Ireland, and NUI Galway’s Ryan Institute and the Whitaker Institute. The ITRN conference qualifies as an Engineers Ireland Career Professional Development (CPD) event. For further information visit www.itrn.ie or follow the conference on Twitter @itrn_conference (#itrnconference2015). -Ends-
Friday, 21 August 2015
Conference to take place at NUI Galway and Dublin City University Migration, exile and displacement are crucial international issues in our time. Topics of relevance to these issues, as well as wider questions of longing and belonging, will be addressed at a major conference taking place jointly in two venues, at NUI Galway and Dublin City University, on 24-28 August. This is the Biennial Congress of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies, which will attract some 250 delegates from over 40 countries, including countries in the Middle East. Presentations will include papers on how the themes of ‘longing and belonging’ are expressed in literature, film and a wide range of cultural and artistic forms. The material studied will range from Irish novels centred on emigration, to Colombian indigenous poetry, from French and German narratives of displacement, to Lithuanian, Scottish, Polish, Portuguese and American interpretations of exile and ‘otherness’. Issues of language, identity and nomadism will feature in several of the talks, in studies centred on literature and art from these and numerous other countries around the world. Besides the work of Irish writers such as John Banville, W.B. Yeats, Emma Donoghue and Hugo Hamilton, the conference will include discussions of many major and not so major writers, such as the German W.G. Sebald, the Spanish poet José Ángel Valente, Charles Dickens, Marcel Proust and George Sand. Keynote speakers at the conference will include: French expert on Geocriticism, Professor Bertrand Westphal of Limoges University, who examines the relationship between place and literature and an expert in Children’s Literature; and Irishwoman Emer O’Sullivan, Professor of English Literature at Leuphana University in Germany and author of eight bilingual children’s books. On the opening day of the conference, in DCU, a poetry reading will take place, sponsored by Poetry Ireland and the Spanish Embassy, at which the Irish poet, Ciaran Carson, and the Spanish poet, Beatriz Villacañas, will read from their work. The Congress is jointly organised by NUI Galway and DCU, under the auspices of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies and the Comparative Literature Association of Ireland. The event is organised by NUI Galway’s Professor Hans Walter Schmidt-Hannisa, Professor Paolo Bartoloni and Professor Bill Richardson, and DCU’s Dr Brigitte Lejuez, Dr Áine McGillicuddy and Dr Nina Shiel. For more information on the Congress visit https://encls2015.wordpress.com -Ends-
Monday, 24 August 2015
NUI Galway’s J.E Cairnes School of Business and Economics will host the 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference 2015 from 3-4 September. Formed in 1997, the Irish Academy of Management (IAM) is the leading professional association for management studies, research and education on the island of Ireland. The IAM conference has grown significantly in the past 18 years and now attracts leading academics in the business and management field in Ireland as well as academics from Universities across the globe. Over 240 delegates from 17 countries worldwide will come together at NUI Galway for this international event. During the course of the conference, over 140 research presentations will feature from a diverse range of speakers focusing on the conference theme which is ‘Towards Socially Responsible Management?’. Dr Alma McCarthy, IAM Conference Chair, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, NUI Galway, said: “We are honoured to host the 18th IAM conference in the Cairnes School of Business and Economics. The conference promises to provide lively debates and insights on a broad range of business and management issues across all disciplines. Galway is a great venue for international conferences and this year the IAM conference has attracted a particularly high number of international delegates from countries including Japan, Australia, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada and the US.” As well as research presentations, there are a number of keynotes and symposia taking place during the conference. A plenary roundtable discussion will examine the future of management education and research impact with panellists from Australia, the UK and Ireland. Three high-level thematic symposia will take place with panels of expert speakers. The conference keynote address will be delivered by Professor Andrew Pettigrew, Professor of Strategy and Organisation at Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford. Professor Pettigrew’s address will examine the impact leaders have on organisational performance. A Gala Dinner will be held for delegates in Hotel Meyrick on the evening of Thursday, 3 September. Conference sponsors include Fáilte Ireland, The Whitaker Institute, NUI Galway, the J.E Cairnes School of Business and Economics, NUI Galway and Morans the Weir. Further information on the Irish Academy of Management is available at http://www.iamireland.ie -Ends-
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
€4 million European research project secured through Horizon 2020 programme CÚRAM, the Centre for Research in Medical Devices at NUI Galway, has secured €4 million to lead a consortium of researchers on a new research project that will investigate novel treatments for Parkinson’s disease. The funding award has been made through the Horizon 2020 grant programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Networks Action. The official project title is ‘Development of Biomaterial-based Delivery Systems for Parkinson’s disease - an Integrated Pan-European Approach’ (BrainMatTrain). Currently, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are treated using drugs which do not address the underlying cause of the disease, or slow down progressive neuro-degeneration. The BrainMatTrain project will develop new technology to target both the inflammatory and neurodegenerative phases of the disease. This research hopes to develop the first disease-modifying therapy for Parkinson’s which could slow down the progression of the disease rather than offering mere symptomatic benefits. “The goal of the project is to engineer functionalised biomaterials that will induce neuroregeneration in the Parkinsonian brain” explains Dr Eilís Dowd, President of the Network for European CNS Transplantation & Restoration (NECTAR), and BrainMatTrain consortium co-lead. “These biomaterials will supply the local microenvironment around damaged tissue with appropriate therapeutic signalling factors.” The NUI Galway team of Professor Abhay Pandit, Dr Eílis Dowd and Dr Una Fitzgerald are leading the consortium that includes academic groups from the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique in France, Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, the Medical University of Innsbruck in Austria, Lund University in Sweden, and the Technical University of Denmark. Industry partners of the programme include Collagen Solutions Limited in the United Kingdom and Orbsen Therapeutics Limited in Ireland. The funding also provides for the recruitment of early stage and experienced researchers on the project, through a trans-national networking mechanism and provides a structure for high quality initial research training throughout European member states and associated countries. Speaking about the award, Professor Abhay Pandit, Director of CÚRAM said: “The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks award will fund the training and development of researchers in biomaterials and regenerative neuroscience research over a four-year period beginning in January 2016. The programme will foster increased scientific dialogue between lead academics, industry and clinicians; transfer key scientific and experimental knowledge between the institutions involved and encourage researchers from around the world to conduct research in the EU. We are extremely privileged to be considered for this highly competitive award.” CÚRAM is the National Centre for Research in Medical Devices and is funded by Science Foundation Ireland and Industry partners. Its goal is to radically improve health outcomes for patients with chronic and degenerative disease through the development of ‘smart’ implantable medical devices. -Ends-