Monday, 16 March 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) The recipients of the annual NUI Galway Sports Awards were presented by NUI Galway President, Dr James J. Browne and guest of honour, Irish Gold Medal Olympian, Dr Ronnie Delaney, at a special ceremony recently in the Ardilaun House Hotel, Galway. This year s Sports Awards recipients are: Athletics: Aileen Ruane, Knocknahur, Co. Sligo. Basketball: Cian Nihill, Moycullen, Co. Galway. Boxing: Stephen Bailey, Tír an Fhia, Co. na Gaillimhe. Camogie: Lorraine Ryan, Athenry, Co. Galway. Handball: Caitriona Casey, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Hurling: Stephen Molumphy, Ballyduff Upper, Co. Waterford. Ladies Gaelic Football: Una Carroll, Tuam, Co. Galway. Ladies Soccer: Michelle Glynn, Ballybane, Galway. Ladies Rugby: Carol Staunton, Westport, Co. Mayo. Men s Gaelic Football: Gareth Bradshaw, Moycullen, Co. Galway. Men s Soccer: Michael Creane, Sligo Town. Mountaineering: Joan Mulloy, Westport, Co. Mayo. Rowing: James Wall, Limerick. Surfing: Elisha Hickey, Breeogue, Co. Sligo. Swimming: Dairne Ryan, Castlegar, Co. Galway. Tae Kwon Do: Oliver McCarthy, Kilrush, Co. Clare. Team Award: Surfing Club. Team Award: Archery. Announcing the awardees, Tony Regan, Head of Sports, NUI Galway, said: "These awards are in recognition of the outstanding performance of our NUI Galway athletes in a variety of sports at both national and international level. They have really excelled in their chosen sport and the university is extremely proud of their achievements". "Here tonight we are extremely proud and privileged to have in our midst a true icon of Irish sport as our guest of honour. In the history of Irish sport, the single stand out achievement remains the triumph of Ronnie Delaney in the 1500m in Melbourne in 1956. His name will be forever etched into the lore of Irish sport", added Regan. Dr Ronnie Delaney is a graduate of Villanova University and established a marketing consultancy in 1988 following a successful executive career in the transport/tourism sector in Ireland. The NUI Galway Sports Awards are given out each year in recognition of the NUI Galway students who excelled in the world of sport. Duaiseanna Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh bronnta ag Ronnie Delaney (View in English) Bhronn Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne agus an t-aoi speisialta, an Dr Ronnie Delaney, Buaiteoir Bonn Óir d'Éirinn sna Cluichí Oilimpeacha, Duaiseanna Bliantúla Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh ar na buaiteoirí ag searmanas speisialta in Óstán an Ard Oileáin, Gaillimh aréir. I measc bhuaiteoirí na bliana seo tá: Lúthchleasaíocht: Aileen Ruane, Cnoc na hIora, Co. Shligigh. Cispheil: Cian Nihill, Maigh Cuilinn, Co. na Gaillimhe. Dornálaíocht: Stephen Bailey, Tír an Fhia, Co. na Gaillimhe. Camógaíocht: Lorraine Ryan, Baile Átha an Rí, Co. na Gaillimhe. Liathróid Láimhe: Caitriona Casey, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí. Iománaíocht: Stephen Molumphy, An Baile Dubh Uachtarach, Co. Phort Láirge. Peil na mBan: Una Carroll, Tuaim, Co. na Gaillimhe. Sacar na mBan: Michelle Glynn, An Baile Bán, Gaillimh. Rugbaí na mBan: Carol Staunton, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo. Peil na bhFear: Gareth Bradshaw, Maigh Cuilinn, Co. na Gaillimhe. Sacar na bhFear: Michael Creane, Baile Shligigh. Sléibhteoireacht: Joan Mulloy, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo. Rámhaíocht: James Wall, Luimneach. Tonnmharcaíocht: Elisha Hickey, Breeogue, Co. Shligigh. Snámh agus Póló Uisce: Dairne Ryan, An Caisleán Gearr, Co. na Gaillimhe. Tae Cuan Dó: Oliver McCarthy, Cill Rois, Co. an Chláir. Duais Foirne: An Club Tonnmharcaíochta Duais Foirne: Boghdóireacht. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Tony Regan, Ceann an Spóirt, OÉ Gaillimh ag an ócáid: "Is ann do na duaiseanna seo le haitheantas a thabhairt d'éachtaí lúthchleasaithe OÉ Gaillimh a dhéanann an-dul chun cinn i gcineálacha éagsúla spóirt ar leibhéal náisiúnta agus ar leibhéal idirnáisiúnta. Tá fíoréacht déanta acu sna spóirt éagsúla agus tá an ollscoil fíorbhródúil as a bhfuil bainte amach acu". "Cúis áthais agus bróid dúinn go bhfuil réalta mhór spóirt inár measc mar aoi speisialta. Tá éacht suntasach amháin i stair spóirt na hÉireann nach ndéanfar dearmad air choíche – an lá ar bhuaigh Ronnie Delaney bonn óir i Melbourne sa rás 1500 méadar sa bhliain 1956. Fear a bhfuil a rian fágtha aige ar chúrsaí spóirt in Éirinn". Céimí de chuid Ollscoil Villanova é an Dr Ronnie Delaney agus bhunaigh sé cuideachta margaíochta sa bhliain 1988 i ndiaidh dó a shaol oibre go dtí sin a chaitheamh ag obair san earnáil iompair/turasóireachta in Éirinn. Bronntar Duaiseanna Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh gach bliain chun aitheantas a thabhairt do mhic léinn OÉ Gaillimh a bhfuil dul chun cinn déanta acu ina rogha spóirt. -Críoch-

Monday, 16 March 2009

Former chief executive officer of the Equality Authority Niall Crowley delivered a public talk to a full lecture theatre at NUI Galway on 12 March. Speaking about 'a deepening equality crisis' in Ireland, Mr Crowley described how the statutory infrastructure developed over 20 years to promote equality has been dismantled in a matter of months. Mr Crowley was joined by Michael D. Higgins T.D., Donncha O' Connell of NUI Galway's School of Law, Dr Vinodh Jaichand from the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway, and a panel of civil society groups, including shOUT!, the Galway Traveller Movement, the Galway Refugee Support Group, the Community Platform, and Action for Equality. The event, which was attended by a cross-section of the public, brought attention to the assertion that the Government is sidelining equality issues and the protection of human rights. For Galway based group shOUT!, this has serious implications as they see the cuts adding to young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people's experience of discrimination. Hannagh McGinley from the Galway Traveller Movement said that Travellers still continue to face high levels of discrimination and that such marginalised groups very much need independent agencies such as the Equality Authority. Mr Crowley cited the experience of the Combat Poverty Agency which was 'subsumed' into the Department of Social and Family Affairs; the Equality Authority and the Irish Human Rights Commission both left unviable by drastic budget cuts; and the recently abolished National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism. Calling for a 'strategic response to the economic crisis that is founded on the values of equality, diversity and non-discrimination', Mr Crowley said Ireland needed to defend marginalised groups, monitor the watchdogs and hold bodies like the Equality Authority to account. The event was organised by NUI Galway's Development Education and Research Network (DERN). Development education promotes an international development and human rights perspective, with an emphasis on equality and non-discrimination. The event linked local and national issues and debates on inequality with the broad challenges of development and inclusion in a time of global economic crisis. -ends-

Friday, 13 March 2009

The prestigious psychology society, Psi Chi, has established its first chapter outside of the US at NUI Galway. Since 1929, the society has encouraged excellence in academic psychology and in furthering psychology as a science. Famous members include TV's Dr Phil and publishing's Hugh Hefner. Members must have excelled academically before being eligible for acceptance and once inducted hold a lifetime membership of the Society. The mission of Psi Chi is to produce well-educated, ethical, and socially responsible members committed to contributing to the science and profession of psychology and to society in general. Dr Ian Stewart, School of Psychology, NUI Galway, said: "The recent inauguration and addition of the NUI Galway Psi Chi Chapter is a great achievement for both the students and staff. I have no doubt, given our enthusiastic membership, that the NUI Galway chapter will make a significant contribution both to the society and to the cause of scientific psychology in the years ahead". At NUI Galway, the B.A. Psychology is one of the most sought after undergraduate courses, with the subject of psychology also popular among Bachelor of Arts students. Dr Stewart added: "Most people find psychology intrinsically interesting. Even a little knowledge of psychology is useful in most career paths, whether in applied areas such as clinical psychology and the health services, or more general areas such as the media, IT or management". It is hoped that the NUI Galway chapter of Psi Chi will forge the way for many new international chapters that we can share the aims and success of our North American colleagues. -Ends-

Friday, 13 March 2009

A special interactive exhibition is being organised by NUI Galway scientists from 19-20 March as part of Brain Awareness Week. The exhibition, which will be situated on the ground floor of the Eyre Square Shopping Centre, aims to raise public awareness of the importance of brain health, and neuroscience research in Ireland. The exhibition will feature a 3D brain model, and visitors will be able to use a computer based test to determine which side of their brain is dominant – the left or right hemisphere. Informative drawings for children to colour will be provided, along with puzzles to test visitors of all ages. Also available will be literature on various brain illnesses, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, and video footage of a neuroscience researcher talking about stroke research. An art exhibition will showcase colourful and dramatic neuroscience research images, giving close-up pictures of some of the brain's billions of nerves cells and trillions of synaptic connections. The event is being organised by NUI Galway's Neuroscience Research Cluster, led by Dr Karen Doyle: "We hope this exhibition will be fun and interesting for all who attend, young and old. We'll have tips and advice on simple things that everyone can do to look after their brain, from eating right and exercising to wearing a helmet when cycling. Awareness of our brains' needs can help us live long and healthy lives, free from brain injuries and disorders". In Ireland, disorders of the brain affect some one million people and Health Service Executive data shows that it spends some €216 million annually on drugs, medicines and appliances. Disorders that are traditionally regarded as psychiatric account for approximately two thirds of the total costs, while neurological and neurosurgical disorders account for the final third. The expansion of the aged population and the inevitable rise in numbers of those suffering from age-related brain disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease has placed increased pressure on researchers to identify new therapies. Dr Doyle adds: "Science is making huge progress in understanding how the amazing human brain works. It is sobering to think that there are around 6,000 people suffering from Parkinson's disease in Ireland and as many as 35,000 who have been diagnosed with senile dementia. Disorders such as anxiety and migraine, due to their high prevalence, are also very costly to society. The need for further research and development in disorders of the brain is obvious and in the long-run it might well pay for itself by easing the burden on healthcare systems". The exhibition is funded by the Dana Foundation, through the Federation of Neuroscience Societies in Europe. -Ends-

Friday, 13 March 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) Following a substantial increase of 8.5% in first preference CAO applications, NUI Galway has announced details of a second Open Day on Saturday, 25 April. With almost double the national average for first preferences, the University is responding to continuing interest in new and existing courses. Professor Jim Ward, Deputy-President and Registrar at NUI Galway, commented on the increase in CAO applications: "We are delighted that NUI Galway is once again featuring strongly with CAO first preferences. Programmes on offer at NUI Galway are designed to develop students academically and personally, and our partnerships with industry and community play a huge part in the overall design of these courses". Almost all subject areas experienced increases in CAO applications, with large increases in Science, Arts and Commerce applications, and and a major rise in Engineering (including IT) and Medicine. NUI Galway s continuing popularity across a broad range of subject areas include new programmes in Sport and Exercise Engineering and a Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Innovation – Electronic). At the Open Day in April, a variety of interactive taster sessions will be available on new and existing courses. Parents are also welcome to attend and Student Ambassadors will be on hand to answer questions about life at NUI Galway. The upcoming Open Day has been organised for second-level students who are interested in studying at NUI Galway. The event is an excellent opportunity to speak to lecturers and current students, and to find out more about the courses and campus. Visitors can book a place at the Open Day and receive a programme in advance by logging on to For further information contact the Schools Liaison Office on 091 492814, email or visit Beagnach dúbailt na nIarratas CAO ar OÉ Gaillimh ná an Meán Náisiúnta (View in English) Tá ardú 8.5% tagtha ar líon na ndaoine a roghnaigh OÉ Gaillimh mar chéad rogha ina n-iarratais CAO. Mar thoradh air sin, beidh an dara Lá Oscailte ar siúl san Ollscoil Dé Sathairn, an 25 Aibreán. Roghnaigh beagnach a dhá oiread daoine an Ollscoil seo mar chéad rogha seachas aon áit eile agus tá suim léirithe ag daoine i gcúrsaí nua agus i gcúrsaí atá seanbhunaithe. Labhair an tOllamh Jim Ward, Meabhránaí agus Uachtarán Ionaid OÉ Gaillimh, ar an méadú atá tagtha ar iarratais CAO: "Tá an-áthas orainn go bhfuil OÉ Gaillimh chun cinn in athuair i gcéadroghanna an CAO. Is ann do na cláir in OÉ Gaillimh chun mic léinn a fhorbairt go hacadúil agus go pearsanta agus tá ról lárnach ag an gcomhoibriú a bhíonn idir an Ollscoil, an tionscal agus an pobal i leagan amach na gcúrsaí sin". Tháinig méadú ar líon na n-iarratas CAO i bhformhór na n-ábhar. Tháinig méadú mór ar líon na n-iarratas san Eolaíocht, sna Dána agus sa Tráchtáil, agus méadú an-mhór sna hiarratais Innealtóireachta (IT san áireamh) agus Leighis. Bhí tóir ar leith ar ábhair éagsúla in OÉ Gaillimh ó chláir nua in Innealtóireacht Spóirt agus Aclaíochta go Baitsiléir Innealtóireachta (Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta – Leictreonach). Beidh blaiseadh le fáil de chúrsaí nua agus seanbhunaithe ag Lá Oscailte an Aibreáin. Tá fáilte roimh thuismitheoirí agus beidh mic léinn ar fáil le ceisteanna a fhreagairt faoi shaol na hOllscoile anseo i nGaillimh. Tá an Lá Oscailte eagraithe do dhaltaí dara leibhéal a bhfuil suim acu staidéar in OÉ Gaillimh. Is iontach an deis í seo le labhairt le léachtóirí agus le mic léinn agus níos mó eolais a fháil faoi chúrsaí agus faoin gcampas. Is féidir áit a chur in áirithe ag an Lá Oscailte agus clár a fháil roimh ré ach dul chuig Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ón Oifig um Idirchaidreamh le Scoileanna ag 091 492814, nó trí ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig nó trí chuairt a thabhairt ar CRÍOCH

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Breast cancer research in Ireland has received a major boost with the announcement of more over half a million euro of funding by leading British research charity Breast Cancer Campaign. In a first for the charity, the funding of three projects in Ireland, including one at NUI Galway, forms part of €3 million awarded to 29 research projects throughout the UK and Ireland and represents a fantastic opportunity to tap into a talented group of researchers who can make a real difference to the lives of people with breast cancer. Dr Adrienne Gorman, NUI Galway, has received more than €100,000 for a three year study into why a particular molecule, nerve growth factor (NGF), which is produced in 80 per cent of breast cancers, may prevent some people from responding well to chemotherapy. NGF kick-starts a chain of events that enable cancer cells to avoid destruction by chemotherapy and Dr Gorman aims to fully understand this process in order to develop ways to prevent it from happening. Dr Gorman said, "I am grateful to Breast Cancer Campaign for funding my research and to be the one of the first scientists in Ireland to receive a grant from the charity is very exciting. I hope my project will provide vital information on how breast cancer evades chemotherapy so that we are able to overcome this resistance, giving patients the best chance of survival." Frank Fahey TD said: "The National Breast Cancer Institute in Galway under the directorship of Dr Michael Kerrins has been doing wonderful work in breast cancer research. The fact that such a prestigious group such as Breast Cancer Campaign has awarded a research grant to Dr Adrienne Gorman at NUI Galway is a significant recognition of the wonderful work being done at University College Hospital and NUI Galway." Arlene Wilkie, Director of Research and Policy, Breast Cancer Campaign said, "We are delighted to fund our first three projects in Ireland and we hope they are the first of many. "Each year in Ireland more than 2,300 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed and around 700 women will die from the disease. We hope that people in Ireland will raise funds to support even more of these talented scientists with innovative research ideas to ensure progress is made in finding a cure for breast cancer. "Research is already making a huge difference to the lives of those with breast cancer and we hope that by funding high quality, innovative projects, such as Dr Gorman's, it will bring us ever closer to beating this disease." -Ends-

Monday, 9 March 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway's 2009 Alumni Awards were presented at the tenth annual Gala Banquet and Alumni Awards ceremony on Saturday, 7 March, 2009 in the Radisson SAS Hotel, Galway. The Alumni Awards recognise individual excellence and achievements among the University s more than 65,000 graduates worldwide. At the Gala Banquet, eight alumni awards were presented to: Aer Arann Alumni Award for Sports Achievement and Leadership Ciaran FitzGerald BComm 1973 International Rugby Captain and Triple Crown Winner AIB Alumni Award for Literature, Communication and the Arts Dr Brendan O Connor BSc 1982, PhD 1985 Founder, Cois Cladaigh Choir Bank of Ireland Alumni Award for Business and Commerce Mike Higgins BComm 1982 Managing Director, CIBC Real Estate Finance Group Duais Hewlett-Packard don Ghaeilge Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh HDip in Education 1976 Leas-Ardstiúthóir Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge Medtronic Alumni Award for Healthcare and Medical Science Professor Michael O Brien MB, BCh, BAO 1971, BSc 1973 Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine; Chief, Department of Anatomic Pathology, Boston Medical Center NUI Galway Alumni Award for Law, Public Service and Government John Hegarty BSc 1969, PhD 1976 Provost, Trinity College Dublin Alumni Award for Engineering, IT and Mathematics Finian O Sullivan BSc 1976 Founder and Former CEO, Burren Energy Seavite Alumni Award for Natural Science Dr Catherine Caulfield BSc 1976, HDip in Ed 1977, PhD 2008 Chief Executive - Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services Irl. The awards programme boasts an impressive roll call of 57 outstanding graduates who have gone on to honour their alma mater, including, for example, Michael D. Higgins, the late Seamus Brennan, Sean O Rourke, Professor Frank Gannon and Dr Luke Clancy. Special guest and NUI Galway graduate Siún Nic Gearailt was compère for the evening. (View in English) Bronnadh deichiú Duaiseanna Alumni 2009 OÉ Gaillimh ag Mórfhéasta agus Searmanas na nDuaiseanna Alumni, Dé Sathairn, an 7 Márta 2009 in Óstán an Radisson SAS, Gaillimh. Tugann na Duaiseanna Alumni aitheantas do chéimithe a bhfuil éachtaí suntasacha déanta acu as breis is 65,000 céimí de chuid na hOllscoile atá lonnaithe ar fud na cruinne. Ag Mórfhéasta na bliana seo, bronnadh Duais Alumni ar na daoine seo a leanas: Duais Alumni Aer Arann d'Éachtaí agus do Cheannaireacht Spóirt Ciaran Fitzgerald BComm 1973 Captaen Fhoireann Rugbaí Idirnáisiúnta na hÉireann agus Buaiteoir Chorn na dTrí Náisiún Duais Alumni AIB don Litríocht, an Chumarsáid agus na hEalaíona An Dr Brendan O'Connor BSc 1982, PhD 1985 Bunaitheoir, Cór Chois Cladaigh Duais Alumni Bhanc na hÉireann don Ghnó agus an Tráchtáil Mike Higgins BComm 1982 Stiúrthóir Bainistíochta, CIBC Real Estate Finance Group Duais Hewlett-Packard don Ghaeilge Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh Ard-Dioplóma san Oideachas 1976 Leas-Stiúrthóir Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge Duais Alumni Medtronic don Chúram Sláinte agus an Eolaíocht Mhíochaine An tOllamh Michael O'Brien MB, BCh, BAO 1971, BSc 1973 Ollamh le Paiteolaíocht agus Leigheas Saotharlainne, Scoil an Leighis, Ollscoil Bhostúin; Príomhoifigeach, Roinn na Paiteolaíochta Anatamaíche, Ionad Leighis Bhostúin Duais Alumni OÉ Gaillimh don Dlí, an tSeirbhís Phoiblí agus an Rialtas John Hegarty BSc 1969, PhD 1976 Propast, Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath Duais Alumni don Innealtóireacht, an Teicneolaíocht Faisnéise agus an Mhatamaitic Finian O'Sullivan BSc 1976 Bunaitheoir agus iar-Phríomhoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin, Burren Energy Duais Alumni Seavite don Eolaíocht Dúlra An Dr Catherine Caulfield BSc 1976, HDip in Ed 1977, PhD 2008 Príomhoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin – Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services Irl. Go dtí seo tá duais alumni bronnta ar 57 céimí den scoth – céimithe a bhfuil a n-alma mater fíorbhródúil astu – Michael D. Higgins, Seamus Brennan nach maireann, Sean O'Rourke, an tOllamh Frank Gannon agus an Dr Luke Clancy ina measc. Ba í céimí OÉ Gaillimh, Siún Nic Gearailt, a bhí ina hóstach don oíche. -Críoch-

Monday, 9 March 2009

'Integrated Approaches to Offshore Renewables' is the subject of an upcoming lecture at NUI Galway by Seamus Garvey, Professor of Dynamics at the University of Nottingham. During his talk, Professor Garvey will propose that a collaborative approach should be adopted in relation to the research and development efforts of Ireland and the UK in the area of offshore renewables. The lecture takes place at 1pm, on 13 March, in Room AC204, Arts and Science Building, NUI Galway. Professor Garvey argues that not only do Ireland and the UK have abundant marine renewable resources, they have much more in common besides. While neither country has sufficient fossil-fuel resources to make them energy-secure even if climate change were not an issue, both have impressive engineering capabilities that are not fully exploited at present. In addition, Ireland and the UK have high aspirations for the proportion of energy to be sourced from renewables by 2020, yet neither has any substantial indigenous renewable-energy industry - compared with countries such as Denmark, Germany and the USA. Professor Garvey also proposes that wind, wave and tidal resources not be used to directly generate electricity, but to collect available power in the form of compressed air. That compressed air can be stored and later expanded to develop electrical power in large-scale, cost-effective, and efficient generators. According to Professor Garvey: "The deep Atlantic waters accessible from the west coast make this particular energy-storage scheme especially attractive to Ireland. Far from Ireland potentially using the UK as a major component in resolving its future energy-intermittency issues (as has been suggested), it is entirely likely that Ireland can provide precisely this service to the UK". The event will be attended by several engineering experts and representatives from Irish industry. Sean Leen, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at NUI Galway says: "Galway's Atlantic coast location provides an excellent opportunity to act as a hub for ocean and renewable energy technology development. The University plans to work closely with local industry and research institutes to facilitate this. One example of this is the collaboration with successful global subsea engineering consultancy, MCS, which is a spin-out company from NUI Galway". With headquarters in Galway, MCS offers advanced engineering and software solutions to the subsea industry. NUI Galway is already active in developing a number of sustainable energy technologies. For example, researchers at the Power Electronics Research Centre have developed novel battery charging and monitoring principles with engineers from Convertec Limited in Wexford, funded by Enterprise Ireland. This new technology plays a key role in improving safe and reliable operation of wind turbines in the North Sea. The recently established Energy Research Centre at NUI Galway, which operates within the University's Environmental Change Institute, provides an ideal framework for energy research at the University. For further information, contact Professor Sean Leen, -ends-

Monday, 9 March 2009

A technology to enable integration between hospital IT systems has been developed by researchers at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), NUI Galway. The breakthrough technology has now been licensed to Irish company Slidepath, which specialises in software solutions for capturing clinical research data. The integration of electronic patient records in a healthcare setting has so far proved problematic. Healthcare professionals have long been concerned that electronic patient record systems have become islands of information, with little or no interoperability. DERI's solution is called Plug and Play Electronic Patient Records (PPEPR) and uses the latest application of semantics, in which over 100 researchers at DERI specialise. It is planned to utilise PPEPR to optimally interface between Slidepath's Distiller solution and other Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems in the live clinical setting. Slidepath's Distiller is a web-enabled clinical research solution which is ideal for the requirements of clinical research data management and hospital led clinical trials. "Slidepath is very excited by this technical collaboration", says Donal O Shea, CEO of Slidepath. "As a rapidly developing technology company in the clinical research support domain, this development will enable Slidepath to optimally capture clinical data from existing laboratory information management system and electronic patient record environments. It is a great development to collaborate with DERI, one of Ireland s leading research institutes, to help commercialise part of the innovative technologies under development at NUI Galway". Ronan Fox, leader of the Health Care and Life Sciences research group in DERI, NUI Galway, said: "Solutions to date have been shown to be technological dead-ends, limiting the reuse of the business knowledge inherent in integration projects. With PPEPR, not alone is codeless integration possible, knowledge is encapsulated through the use of semantics, enabling its reuse in other applications. Funding by Enterprise Ireland has brought PPEPR to this stage of maturity and through our association with Slidepath we will continue to advance the use of semantics as a valuable tool in the provision of healthcare". -ends-

Thursday, 5 March 2009

NUI Galway will host the Irish University Sailing Association intervarsity competition in Oranmore's Galway Bay Sailing Club this weekend. The four-day event, starting on Thursday, 5 March, will bring together over 200 students, from 13 third-level institutions, to compete in the team racing event. The weekend will provide NUI Galway's Sailing Club with a chance to take to the water ahead of May's Volvo Ocean Race in which the Club will be playing a supporting role. The round the world yacht race stops off in Galway toward the end of May, and NUI Galway's Sailing Club has volunteered to help in ensuring a safe and enjoyable racing fortnight. According to Kathy Hynes, Development Officer for Clubs and Participation at NUI Galway: "The intervarsity is a great event for NUI Galway. It gives our Sailing Club a chance to illustrate their skills in what will be a hotly contested event. The growth and success of Irish sailing is assured if the tenacity and dedication of the Galway students involved in this club is as prevalent in all the other university clubs. We are also really looking forward to the arrival of the Volvo Ocean Race, which is such a prestigious round-the-world competition". NUI Galway's Sailing Club has around 30 active members and takes advantage of the many local sailing facilities, including those on Lough Corrib. Student Charlie Carlisle is a member of NUI Galway's Sailing Club: "Anybody with an interest in sailing, whether as a beginner or regular ocean-goer, is advised to pay a trip to Galway Bay Sailing Club this weekend. We are inviting people to meet the teams and find out about the best ways to get involved in this summer's highlight sport in Galway". The intervarsity will feature fancy dress nights out and a black tie dinner reception. For more information email -ends-

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) President of Ireland, Mary McAleese will today (Wednesday, 4 March) visit NUI Galway to officially launch the UNESCO Chair for Children, Youth and Civic Engagement. The UNESCO Chair is the first awarded in the Republic of Ireland, and President McAleese described it as a 'fitting endorsement by peers worldwide of the important work that is being done at NUI Galway to help solve the real problems experienced by young people and families in our communities'. The Chair is hosted at the Child and Family Research Centre (CFRC) in the University's School of Political Science and Sociology. Professor Pat Dolan, Director of the CFRC, with over 20 years experience in family support, policy and research, is the Chairholder. Referencing writer John McGahern at the launch, Professor Dolan told an audience of over 200 guests: "While many young people thrive during childhood, others sadly do not experience life as good or safe and some more tragically can say they rarely have a 'calm journey through the day'". Professor Dolan said that supporting children who experience adversity and disadvantage through encouraging civic participation had crucial benefits in terms of improved self-esteem, self-efficacy and wellbeing. He said: "I have come to the conclusion, that civically engaging children and youth produces benefits for all children. Particularly in the case of children who are experiencing severe difficulties, their civic engagement can lead to significant improvement and help rebuild key relationships in their lives". Koïchiro Matsuura, Director–General of UNESCO has said: "NUI Galway has a longstanding commitment to civic engagement. The creation of this Chair is an opportunity to expand and share this expertise for the benefit of children and young people everywhere, in particular the most vulnerable and marginalised. Funded under the UNESCO University Education Twinning and Networking Scheme, the programme of work associated with the Chair, will focus on an exchange of learning among international University partners and affiliated centres for children, which work on civic engagement programmes in countries including Bulgaria, Lithuania and Zambia. NUI Galway's President, Dr James J. Browne, speaking at the launch, said: NUI Galway is particularly honoured to be awarded the first UNESCO Chair in the Republic of Ireland. The establishment of a formal mechanism for knowledge creation and exchange in the area of Children, Youth and Civic Engagement across, and between, institutions of higher education and non-governmental organisations particularly with developing countries and countries in transition will bring a new dimension to the work of the University. We look forward to fruitful cooperation with UNESCO and are delighted to have this opportunity to enhance the role of the University in building civil society partnerships". Professor Dolan's team will work with two key partners in Ireland: the Community Knowledge Initiative at NUI Galway, a forum through which the University plays a leading role in the development of civic leadership skills in students. The second partner is Foróige, Ireland's leading voluntary youth organisation, whose CEO Seán Campbell said: "This is indeed a proud day for Ireland". He added "I am certain that the meeting of theory, practice and policy that will result from this partnership will transform the lives of young people the world over". Seolann an tUachtarán Máire Mhic Ghiolla Íosa Cathaoir UNESCO go hoifigiúil in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh an tUachtarán Máire Mhic Ghiolla Íosa in OÉ Gaillimh inniu (Dé Céadaoin, 4 Márta) chun Cathaoir UNESCO le Leanaí, Óige agus Comhpháirteachas Poiblí a sheoladh go hoifigiúil. Is é seo an chéad Chathaoir UNESCO a bronnadh i bPoblacht na hÉireann, agus dúirt an tUachtarán Mhic Ghiolla Íosa gur "dearbhú tráthúil é Cathaoir UNESCO ó phiaraí ar fud na cruinne ar an obair thábhachtach atá ar bun ag OÉ Gaillimh leis na fadhbanna atá ag daoine óga agus a dteaghlaigh a réiteach". Is san Ionad Taighde um Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh, cuid de Scoil na hEolaíochta Polaitiúla agus Socheolaíochta san Ollscoil, atá Cathaoir UNESCO bunaithe. Is ar an Ollamh Pat Dolan, Stiúrthóir an Ionaid Taighde um Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh, fear ag a bhfuil breis is 20 bliain caite aige i mbun tacaíochta, beartais agus taighde teaghlaigh, a bronnadh Cathaoir UNESCO in OÉ Gaillimh. Thug an tOllamh Dolan focail an scríbhneora John McGahern chun cuimhne ag an seoladh agus é ag caint leis an 200 aoi a bhí i láthair: "While many young people thrive during childhood, others sadly do not experience life as good or safe and some more tragically can say they rarely have a 'calm journey through the day'". Deir an tOllamh Dolan go mbaineann buntáistí iontach tábhachtach le tacú le leanaí atá ag déileáil le cruatan agus le míbhuntáiste trí chomhpháirteachas poiblí a spreagadh ar mhaithe le féinmheas, le féin-éifeachtúlacht agus le folláine a fheabhsú. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá aige: "Táim féin den bharúil anois go dtéann comhpháirteachas poiblí chun tairbhe gach uile linbh. Go háirithe i gcás leanaí atá ag déileáil le deacrachtaí dáiríre, is minic a bhíonn comhpháirteachas poiblí mar bhonn le feabhas suntasach agus mar bhonn le gaolmhaireachtaí lárnacha a chruthú i saol na leanaí seo". Dúirt Koïchiro Matsuura, Stiúrthóir Ginearálta UNESCO: "Tá OÉ Gaillimh tiomanta don chomhpháirteachas poiblí le blianta fada anuas. Deis í Cathaoir UNESCO an saineolas seo a fhorbairt agus a roinnt ar mhaithe le leanaí agus daoine óga i ngach áit, go háirithe na leanaí is éislinní agus is imeallaithe". Mar chuid de Scéim Nasctha agus Líonraithe Oideachais Ollscoile UNESCO, beidh gníomhaíochtaí Chathaoir UNESCO dírithe ar mhalartú foghlama i measc comhpháirtithe idirnáisiúnta Ollscoile agus ionaid chleamhnaithe do leanaí atá i mbun oibre ar chláir comhpháirteachais phoiblí i dtíortha cosúil leis an mBulgáir, an Liotuáin agus an tSaimbia. Ag an seoladh dúirt an Dr James Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: "Is mór an chúis onóra do OÉ Gaillimh go bhfuiltear ag bronnadh na chéad Chathaoireach UNESCO i bPoblacht na hÉireann uirthi. Bunófar meicníocht fhoirmiúil le heolas a chruthú agus a mhalartú i réimse na Leanaí, na hÓige agus an Chomhpháirteachais Phoiblí i measc institiúidí ardoideachais agus eagraíochtaí neamhrialtasacha, go háirithe le tíortha atá i mbéal forbartha agus le tíortha atá ag dul trí thréimhse athraithe agus idir na hinstitiúidí agus na heagraíochtaí sin, rud a chuirfidh gné nua le hobair na hOllscoile. Táimid ag súil le comhoibriú go rathúil le UNESCO agus tá ríméad orainn an deis seo a bheith againn cur le ról na hOllscoile i mbunú comhpháirtíochtaí sochaí sibhialta". Oibreoidh an tOllamh Dolan agus a fhoireann le beirt chomhpháirtithe in Éirinn: an Tionscnamh Eolais Phobail in OÉ Gaillimh – fóram na hOllscoile le ról lárnach a ghlacadh i bhforbairt scileanna ceannaireachta i measc na mac léinn. Is é Foróige an dara comhpháirtí, príomheagraíocht dheonach an aosa óig in Éirinn. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Seán Campbell, Príomhoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin Fhoróige: "Lá iontach bródúil é seo d'Éirinn. Táim cinnte go n-athróidh an nasc a chruthóidh Cathaoir UNESCO idir teoiric, cleachtas agus beartas saol an aosa óig ar fud na cruinne". -críoch-

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

The development of a central online health information resource for third-level students is recommended by a report from the Health Promotion Research Centre at NUI Galway. According to the report, there appears to be a gap in information provision specifically targeting young adults facing health issues. A range of health issues affect third-level students, with alcohol misuse, mental health and sexual health foremost. The feasibility study, entitled 'Exploring the Feasibility of Developing Internet Based Health Promotion Materials for Third-Level Students' was developed in conjunction with medical, research and health promotion professionals at UCC, Trinity and the Health Service Executive. The report found that the provision of easily accessible, up-to-date, accurate and relevant information about key health issues, as well as information on available local services, is crucial to better support students' health. The report concluded that third-level institutions offer a key setting to promote better health, as places where students develop personally and socially. Cindy Dring, Health Promotion Officer at NUI Galway, said: 'We need to go some way to tackling health issues among young adults, and providing information is a fundamental step. Third-level education is the perfect setting for online health communication. Students have the communication network and infrastructure. They are also constantly online, whether for their studies or for social networking". While there is an immense variety of health websites available, there are credibility issues with many of them, according to the report. Results indicate that students use the internet, specifically the Google search engine, to find health information. However they also expressed a sense of mistrust with this. The report's proposed desktop resource would be ideally placed to address these concerns, and the involvement of the HSE and third-level institutions would confer credibility upon the project. "We already know that similar resources have worked in other countries, like in Scotland, for example", said Dr David McGrath, Director of the Trinity Health Service. "What we didn't know, was what Irish students would want from such a service, or what was possible from a technical point of view, since each university has its own systems in place. This project has answered some of these questions for us". The project explored the appropriateness of existing online health resources for this cohort, assesses the views of students, includes input from IT staff from each college on technical issues and gives recommendations to move the project to from planning to execution stage. Dr Michael Byrne, Head of the Student Health Service at UCC commented: "It is the first step towards developing one central online health resource that could be localised by each University and that would be potentially available to all Irish students. The next step is to develop a prototype and to try to gain further support and funding for this important project". "We want to provide Irish students with an accessible way to engage with their health and to be able to assess their own risky behaviours. We feel that a shared resource for universities would provide a 'value for money' way of addressing student health and we welcome this partnership with the University Health Services", said Brian Neeson from Population Health, Health Promotion in the HSE. -ends-

Monday, 2 March 2009

NUI Galway's School of Health Sciences is to host Ireland's largest ever conference focussed on Podiatry, the healthcare profession specialising in diseases and disorders of the lower limb and foot. From 7-8 March the University will host a Podiatry Symposium in association with the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists of Ireland. Podiatry is a popular new degree at NUI Galway, where the country's first cohort of undergraduate podiatry students is currently being trained. The four-year Bachelor of Science honours degree fills a gap where previously those wishing to become a podiatrist had to enrol in a UK-based course. The conference will highlight the skills and scope of practice for podiatrists, and discuss the latest developments in areas including diabetes, wound management, surgery and arthritis. The two-day podiatry conference reflects the profession's commitment to providing a high standard of continual professional development. Renowned national and international speakers will deliver up to date information on a wide range of core subjects. The event will also feature an extensive trade exhibition, poster presentations, workshops and awards ceremony. According to Dr Caroline McIntosh, Head of Podiatry, NUI Galway: "The escalating prevalence of diabetes and obesity, in conjunction with an ageing population, means Ireland needs more podiatrists. Podiatry is currently a very small profession within Ireland which is highlighted by the fact that there is currently only the equivalent for one full-time professional for every 35,000 people. The recommended ratio, for the over 65 population for example, is one podiatrist for every 2,000 people. This imbalance is set to change with the establishment of the Podiatry Course at NUI Galway and with more practitioners graduating within Ireland in the future". Dr McIntosh added: "The conference will provide an excellent forum to network with national and international colleagues and celebrate the coming on-stream of the first degree in Podiatry here at NUI Galway, which is an exciting development for the profession". Up to 150 healthcare professionals are expected to attend the event. For further information and a full programme visit -ends-

Monday, 2 March 2009

Dr James J. Browne, President of NUI Galway, and Mr Mike McDonnell, Director of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Ireland, have officially launched the editorial office of the Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ) at the Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC), NUI Galway. This follows the appointment of Dr David Collings and Dr Tony Dundon (both at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, NUI Galway) as Editors of the HRMJ. Drs Collings and Dundon join Professor Mick Marchington of Manchester University at the helm of the Journal. The editorial office manages the day to day operation of the Journal and manages the review process for papers submitted. The HRMJ is a leading international outlet in the field of human resource management. Published by Wiley-Blackwell, it is in its 19th year of publication and publishes four times annually. The Human Resource Management Journal publishes well-written, well-researched and well-informed articles on any aspect of employment studies but especially those focused on issues related to the management of people at work. Published articles appeal both to practitioners and academics by virtue of the Journal's focus on contemporary issues, the sound use of theory and research and well-founded conclusions and practical implications. HRMJ is accessible through some 5,000 libraries and institutions worldwide, with 110,000 individual papers downloaded in 2008. The HRMJ is the only journal officially endorsed by the CIPD and CIPD members can avail of a 50 per cent discount on the standard subscription rate. The Journal has a strong international profile with almost half of the papers published in 2008 authored by academics outside of Ireland and the UK. The Editorial Board consists of representatives from 19 countries internationally representing the top scholars in the field. Professor Paddy Gunnigle at the University of Limerick and Professor Bill Roche at University College Dublin represent the Irish academic community of the Board. Attracting this high profile international journal to the NUI Galway is recognition of the high quality research being undertaken at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics. Their appointment as Editors is also reflective of Drs Collings and Dundon's individual contribution to research in the field of human resource management and their standing as scholars in the international community. NUI Galway President Dr James J. Browne, said: "This is a most significant development for our University, reflecting as it does the emphasis on the output of high quality, international research, which is a key institutional priority. In this context I am particularly pleased to celebrate the significance which this development has for the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics in further advancing the strategic vision of the School, the College and the University". Mike McDonnell, Director, CIPD, said: "Now more than ever it is essential for HR practitioners to develop effective manpower strategies as the recession deepens. On the one hand managers must establish recession proof industrial relations while at the same time maintaining a sense of positive employee engagement amongst those remaining at work. This challenge of leading organisations through crisis and ambiguity requires real intellectual support from HR thought-leaders. Here is where the Human Resource Management Journal really comes into its own by providing a route-map for people managers and their line colleagues through this difficult economic landscape". ENDS

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Over 150 delegates from Ireland, Europe and the US today attended the 2nd annual GlycoScience Ireland Conference held in NUI Galway. The aim of the event is to bring Irish researchers together to provide visibility and collaborative opportunities for Irish glycoscientists with international academic and industrial communities that will be responsible for the translation of glycoscience discoveries into commercial and clinical realities. The conference involved a number of presentations from distinguished speakers from industries, regulatory agencies and academia from the US and Europe and highlighted that Ireland is rapidly becoming a centre of excellence in glycosciences with a wealth of expertise that is directly relevant to the Biopharmaceutical and Food Industries in Ireland and abroad. Commenting on the conference, Lokesh Joshi, SFI Stokes Professor of Glycosciences, at NUI Galway said "Building on the success of last year's event, this conference continues to look at trends in Glycosciences taking a broader international view that highlights Irish science internationally and facilitates Irish based scientists in networking with many global leaders in this field". "Glycoscience is a rapidly emerging science that studies complex sugars in the body and is fundamental to clinical research and biopharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. However, with the global competition in biotechnology and biopharmaceutical research continually shifting, Ireland needs to harness the synergy of existing skills and strengthen it with talent in order to gain a competitive edge to remain in the leadership position in this field ," he concluded. Dr Ruth Freeman, Head of Industry-Research Development at SFI, added: "GlycoScience Ireland continues to play a significant role in furthering Ireland's international reputation as a centre of excellence in glycosciences. In a very short space of time it has attracted significant attention from the industrial sector and has received support and research funding from biopharmaceutical, biotechnology and high-end instrument developer companies that will be responsible for the translation of glycoscience discoveries into commercial realities. GlycoScience Ireland was established in 2007 with the aim to provide a forum for communication and interaction between Irish glycoscientists and industry representatives in Ireland and further abroad that will be responsible for the translation of glycoscience discoveries into commercial and clinical realities. -Ends-

Monday, 27 April 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) When performing the official opening of this year's Féile Joe Éinniú (Joe Heaney Festival) on Friday, 1 May 2009, Máire Nic Fhinn will donate material relating to famous singer, Joe Éinniú, to the archive at NUI Galway's Gaeltacht centre Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim in Carna, Co. Galway. Born in Áird Thoir, Carna, Connemara in 1919, Joe Éinniú is considered the finest exponent of sean-nós singing of his generation. Máire Nic Fhinn knew Joe well from the time she worked for Gael Linn, who published many of his recordings, and through organising cultural events in which Joe participated. As a result Máire has compiled a valuable collection comprising of audio-visual material, sound recordings, images, and documents that give important and interesting insights into the work and life of Joe Éinniú. "I am delighted that the material will be available in the Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim Archive in Carna, Joe's home place, for access by the local community," says Máire Nic Fhinn. This new material will augment the extensive Joe Éinniú collection already in the possession of the Áras in Carna. This includes a music and song archive that was compiled in University of Washington, USA, where Joe spent his later years lecturing in Irish culture and traditional music. Joe died in Seattle in 1984. The Joe Heaney Festival Organising Committee, headed by Mícheál Ó Cuaig, bestowed this particular archive on Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, NUI Galway, so that the local community and Irish scholars could have access to it. "We are delighted to accept this valuable material and we are very grateful to Máire for this act of the utmost generosity," said Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim Administrator, Séamas Ó Concheanainn. "The whole Joe Éinniú collection at Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim will be digitised and made available in accessible formats to the local community and to those pursuing studies at Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge and NUI Galway". Ábhar Luachmhar ar an Bhfonnadóir Clúiteach Joe Éinniú le Bronnadh ar Champas OÉ Gaillimh i gCarna (View in English) Bronnfaidh Máire Nic Fhinn ábhar a bhaineann leis an bhfonnadóir clúiteach Joe Éinniú ar chartlann OÉ Gaillimh i gCarna; Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, tráth a mbeidh Féile Joe Éinniú na bliana seo á hoscailt go hoifigiúil aici ar an Aoine, an 1 Bealtaine 2009. Meastar gurbh é Joe Éinniú, a rugadh san Aird Thoir i gCarna i 1919, sár-fhonnadóir sean-nóis a linne féin. Bhí aithne mhaith ag Máire Nic Fhinn ar Joe le linn di a bheith ag obair le Gael Linn, a d'fhoilsigh amhráin dá chuid, agus trí bheith ag eagrú imeachtaí cultúrtha a mbíodh Joe páirteach iontu. Dá bharr sin tá cnuasach luachmhar, á áiríonn ábhar fuaime agus físe, taifeadtaí fuaime, pictiúir agus doiciméid, bailithe ag Máire a thugann léargas tábhachtach agus spéisiúil ar shaothar agus ar shaol Joe Éinniú. "Is cúis mhór áthais domsa go mbeidh an t-ábhar seo lonnaithe i gCartlann Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim i gCarna, baile dúchais Joe féin, agus go mbeidh sé ar fáil do phobal na dúiche gar go bhaile," a deir Máire. Cuirfear an t-ábhar úr seo i dtaisce le cnuasach cuimsitheach ábhair ar Joe Éinniú atá i seilbh an Árais i gCarna cheana. Áirítear ar an ábhar atá sa chartlann i gCarna cheana féin cartlann cheoil agus amhrán a cuireadh i dtoll a chéile in Ollscoil Washington i Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, áit ar chaith Joe tréimhse mar léachtóir ar chultúr agus ar cheol dúchais na hÉireann. Bhásaigh Joe i Seattle i 1984. Bhronn Coiste Reáchtála Fhéile Joe Éinniú, faoi stiúir Mhíchíl Uí Chuaig, an chartlann seo ar Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, OÉ Gaillimh ar mhaithe leis an ábhar a bheith ar fáil do phobal na háite agus do scoláirí Éireannacha. "Is cúis mhór áthais dúinn an t-ábhar luachmhar seo a bheith á bhronnadh orainn agus tá muid go mór faoi chomaoin ag Máire as an mbeart fíorfhlaithiúil seo," a deir Riarthóir an Árais Séamas Ó Concheanainn. "Beidh an bailiúchán uile a bheas idir lámha ag an Áras ar Joe Éinniú á dhigitiú agus á chur ar fáil i mbealaí a bheas áisiúil do phobal na háite agus do spriocphobail Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge agus Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh". -Críoch-

Monday, 27 April 2009

Almost 3,000 prospective students and their parents visited NUI Galway's campus for the Spring Open Day on Saturday, 25 April. A massive Open Day marquee housed a full range of subject-specific exhibition stands where information was provided by lecturers and students on programmes and subjects. There was also information on practical issues such as university accommodation, scholarships, and general support services available to students. Student ambassadors were on hand to assist with all queries about student life at NUI Galway. A programme of taster sessions ran throughout the day, designed to give a real insight in to university life, including Student Life and the Focus on your Career talks. Current NUI Galway students were also available to discuss the vibrant societies and sports clubs on campus, and the University's unique volunteering programme ALIVE. Caroline Loughnane, organiser of NUI Galway s Spring Open Day, said: "With an increase of almost double the national average for first preferences in CAO applications, we have continuous requests for information from prospective students. The University's first Spring Open Day provided all information first hand, from our lecturers and current students, and was a huge success". The range of courses available at NUI Galway is vast and varied and many are unique to the University. A new B.E. in Energy Systems Engineering is now on offer in response to the identification of Ireland s future energy needs as a national priority. The four-year honours degree will have its first intake in September and will produce professional accredited engineers, qualified to drive the emerging energy related industries. Engineering Innovation - Electronic is also in its first year and will provide graduates with specialised multi-disciplinary skills to start their own business, centered on the development of innovative, niche, market-led, electronic products. The Sports and Exercise Engineering degree is in its second year of accepting applicants and is the first of its kind available in Ireland. With a radical departure from traditional Arts degrees, BA CONNECT offers seven four-year degrees designed to increase the employability of graduates by developing distinctive skills and creating connections with life beyond the campus. At present, NUI Galway is the only Irish university offering a denominated degree in marine science and it now has the highest concentration of marine scientists of any institution in Ireland. This degree also offers training on board national training vessels in the third year of study. NUI Galway offers the only Podiatry degree in the Republic of Ireland. Podiatry is a healthcare profession that specialises in the management of disease and disorder of the foot, angle, knee, leg and hip. Throughout the Open Day, tours of the campus gave an insight into university life and the top class facilities offered at NUI Galway, including the brand new €22 million Sports Complex. The Centre s facilities include an international standard swimming pool, a national league basketball arena, 100 piece cardiovascular gym, an elite training gym for professional athletes and a climbing wall. -Ends-

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The role played by NUI Galway in training a new generation of ocean leaders, diplomats and lawyers was highlighted at an international meeting of Law of the Sea Alumni in Tokyo. This training is carried out under the auspices of the United Nations Nippon Foundation Fellowship Programme which aims to promote capacity building in law of the sea and ocean affairs for mid-career professionals from developing countries. Since 2004 the programme has trained 50 government officials from 41 countries by collaborating with 38 prestigious universities worldwide with expertise in the field of oceans law. NUI Galway has participated in the programme since its inauguration and has hosted career diplomats from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh, Mozambique and Myanmar over a three year period. On completion of their training in NUI Galway under the supervision of Dr Ronán Long at the University's School of Law, the research fellows undertake advanced training at the United Nations Legal Division in New York prior to returning to their government posts. The primary purpose of the Tokyo meeting was to share experience regarding the training programme as well as to review international best practice on the implementation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The meeting was hosted by the Nippon Foundation of Japan and co-organised by the Ocean Policy and Research Foundation with briefings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and at Tokyo University. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Nippon Foundation, Mr Yohei Sasakawa, who shared his vision for greater international collaboration to ensure the peaceful and sustainable use of the oceans. In his address the Chairman underlined the importance his foundation placed on the training and education of a future generation of ocean leaders capable of addressing the pressing challenges faced in the ocean environment. This was followed by detailed briefings on the current law and policy challenges faced in the region including piracy, continental shelf delimitation, fisheries and coastal zone management. The new Director of the Ocean Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Koichi Ai, addressed the group on Japanese foreign policy concerning the oceans and placed special emphasis on the key role played by the participating educational institutes in the fellowship programme. The group received an in-depth briefing from the Executive Director of the Ocean Policy and Research Foundation, Mr Hiroshi Terashima, on the innovative and pragmatic approach taken by Japan in formulating the recently enacted Basic Act on Ocean Policy. Former Assistant Director-General of the FAO and eminent scholar Professor Emeritus Moritaka Hayashi provided an overview of the progress made by Japan in implementing the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Dr Ronán Long from the School of Law at NUI Galway briefed the group on recent developments in European law and policy and reaffirmed Ireland's commitment to the next phase of professional development of the young diplomats through the establishment of a network of legal experts for the Asia Pacific region. The four days of meetings concluded with the participants from 15 countries agreeing a plan of action aimed at enhancing international cooperation on critical ocean law issues in the Asia Pacific Ocean region. -ends-

Monday, 20 April 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway will hold an Open Day for students considering applying or those who have already applied to NUI Galway, and for their parents or guardians. The event will be held on Saturday, 25 April, from 10am to 3pm at the NUI Galway Campus. A unique Open Day marquee will house a full range of subject-specific exhibition stands where information will be provided by lecturers and students on programmes and subjects, as well as practical issues such as university accommodation, scholarships, and general support services available to students. Student ambassadors will also be on hand to assist all queries about student life at NUI Galway. A programme of taster sessions will also run throughout the day, designed to give a real insight in to university life, including interactive demos with the latest gadgets including X-boxes and Lego Mindstorm kits to becoming a stock market trader on NUI Galway's virtual stock market. Also highly recommended is the 'Student Life Talk' and the 'Focus on your Career Talk'. Caroline Loughnane, organiser of NUI Galway's Spring Open Day, emphasised the crucial role played by parents in helping students choose what to study at third-level: "Choosing a university is one of the most important decisions a student will ever make. We recognise the key role that parents play in supporting students as they take this important next step, and are keen to ensure that access is available to all of the information needed to support sons and daughters through their university career. This event is an excellent opportunity to speak to lecturers and current students and to find out more about the courses and campus". The range of courses available at NUI Galway is vast and varied and many are unique to the University. A new B.E. in Energy Systems Engineering is now on offer in response to the identification of Ireland s future energy needs as a national priority. The four-year honours degree will have its first intake in September and will produce professional accredited engineers, qualified to drive the emerging energy related industries. Engineering Innovation – Electronic is also in its first year and will provide graduates with specialised multi-disciplinary skills to start their own business, centered on the development of innovative, niche, market-led, electronic products. The Sports and Exercise Engineering degree is in its second year of accepting applicants and is the first of its kind available in Ireland. With a radical departure from traditional Arts degrees, BA CONNECT offers seven four-year degrees designed to increase the employability of graduates by developing distinctive skills and creating connections with life beyond the campus. At present, NUI Galway is the only Irish university offering a denominated degree in marine science and it now has the highest concentration of marine scientists of any institution in Ireland. This degree also offers training on board national training vessels in the third year of study. Podiatry is a healthcare profession that specialises in the management of disease and disorder of the foot, angle, knee, leg and hip. The only such course available in the Republic of Ireland, Podiatry as a career can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling and can give immense job satisfaction. Tours of the campus on the day will give an insight in to university life, and the top class facilities offered at NUI Galway, including the brand new € 22 million Sports Complex. The Centre's facilities include an international standard swimming pool, a national league basketball arena, 100 piece cardiovascular gym, an elite training gym for professional athletes and a climbing wall. If you would like to learn more, visitors can book a place at the Open Day and receive a programme in advance by logging on to For further information contact 091 493664 or email Fáilte roimh thuismitheoirí ag Lá Oscailte OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh Lá Oscailte ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh do dhaltaí a rinne iarratas nó ar mian leo iarratas a dhéanamh ar áit in OÉ Gaillimh agus beidh fáilte roimh a dtuismitheoirí nó a gcaomhnóirí. Beidh sé ar siúl Dé Sathairn, an 25 Aibreán, idir 10am agus 3pm ar champas na hOllscoile. Beidh ollphuball ann don lá agus seastáin do gach ábhar. Tabharfaidh léachtóirí agus mic léinn eolas ar na cláir agus ábhair éagsúla chomh maith le heolas eile cosúil le lóistín, scoláireachtaí agus seirbhísí ginearálta tacaíochta atá ar fáil do mhic léinn. Beidh mic léinn ar fáil chomh maith chun ceisteanna a fhreagairt faoi shaol an mhic léinn in OÉ Gaillimh. Ar feadh an lae, beidh blaiseadh le fáil de chláir éagsúla, agus léargas le fáil ar shaol na hollscoile trí thaispeántais idirghníomhacha de na giúirléidí is nuaí ar nós X-box agus Lego Mindstorm agus eolas maidir le bheith i do thrádálaí ar stocmhargadh fíorúil OÉ Gaillimh. Moltar freastal ar na cainteanna faoi shaol an mhic léinn agus faoi ghairmeacha beatha. Chuir Caroline Loughnane, an té a d'eagraigh Lá Oscailte an Earraigh, béim ar an ról lárnach atá ag tuismitheoirí cuidiú le daltaí ábhar a roghnú sa tríú leibhéal: "Ceann de na roghanna is tábhachtaí a dhéanfaidh dalta ar bith ná ollscoil a roghnú. Tuigimid an ról atá ag tuismitheoirí cuidiú le daltaí agus iad ag tógáil na céime seo, agus táimid ag iarraidh a chinntiú go bhfuil fáil ar an eolas ar fad a theastaíonn chun tacú le do mhac nó d'iníon agus é/í ar an ollscoil. Is iontach an deis í seo le labhairt le léachtóirí agus le mic léinn agus níos mó eolais a fháil faoi chúrsaí agus faoin gcampas". Is iomaí cúrsa éagsúil atá ar fáil in OÉ Gaillimh, go deimhin níl cuid de na cúrsaí ar fáil in aon Ollscoil eile. Tá B.E. nua in Innealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh á chur ar fáil ag OÉ Gaillimh de thairbhe go n-aithnítear gur tosaíocht náisiúnta riachtanais fuinnimh na hÉireann san am atá le teacht. Glacfar leis na chéad mhic léinn ar an gcéim onóracha ceithre bliana i mí Mheán Fómhair agus cuirfidh an cúrsa innealtóirí creidiúnaithe gairmiúla ar fáil a bheidh cáilithe le tionscail fuinnimh atá ag teacht chun cinn a dhreasú. Tá Nuálaíocht Innealtóireachta – Leictreonach ar fáil den chéad uair agus é mar aidhm leis sainscileanna ildisciplíneacha a thabhairt do chéimithe le cur ar a gcumas tús a chur lena ngnó féin; gnóthaí a bheidh dírithe ar tháirgí nuálaíochta, nideoige, táirgí faoi chinnireacht an mhargaidh, agus táirgí leictreonacha a fhorbairt. Is í seo an dara bliain a bhfuiltear ag glacadh le hiarratasóirí ar an gcéim cheannródaíoch Spóirt agus Innealtóireachta Aclaíochta. Fearacht gnáthchéimeanna sna Dána, tá seacht gcéim cheithre bliana in BA CONNECT a fheabhsóidh infhostaitheacht na gcéimithe trí scileanna a fhorbairt agus naisc a chruthú taobh amuigh den champas. Faoi láthair, is í OÉ Gaillimh an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a bhfuil céim ainmnithe aici sa mhuireolaíocht agus is san institiúid seo is mó atá eolaithe mara le fáil. Sa tríú bliain den chúrsa tugtar deis do na mic léinn oiliúint a fháil ar bord bhád náisiúnta oiliúna. Gairm í an chosliacht a dhíríonn ar ghalair agus ar neamhoird sa chos, rúitín, glúin agus corróg. Níl an cúrsa seo le fáil in aon áit eile sa Phoblacht agus bíonn an-sásamh le fáil as post mar choslia. Gheobhaidh daltaí léargas ar shaol na hollscoile trí dhul ar thuras mórthimpeall an champais ar an lá, mar aon le léargas ar na háiseanna atá ar fáil in OÉ Gaillimh lena n-áirítear an tIonad Spóirt a chosain €22 milliún. Tá linn snámha ar chaighdeán idirnáisiúnta, cúirt cispheile sraith náisiúnta, giomnáisiam cardashoithíoch le 100 píosa trealamh, giomnáisiam traenála den scoth do lúthchleasaithe gairmiúla agus balla dreapadóireachta le fáil san Ionad. Má tá tuilleadh eolais uait, is féidir áit a chur in áirithe ag an Lá Oscailte agus clár a fháil roimh ré ach dul chuig Glaoigh ar 091 493664 nó seol ríomhphost chuig chun eolas breise a fháil. -Críoch-

Friday, 17 April 2009

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Mr Eamon Ryan, T.D., made his first visit to NUI Galway yesterday, where he was welcomed to the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) by its Director, Professor Gerard Jennings. Researchers from the ECI's Energy, Environmental Technology and Environmental Informatics areas provided an overview to the Minister of active and ongoing research projects which are funding the next generation of 4th level environmental graduates. According to Professor Jennings, "Galway and the Western Region is an ideal location to conduct research on environmental and climate change to allow base-line studies to be performed on major global issues such as transboundary air pollution". Minister Ryan emphasised to environmental researchers the importance of making their research relevant by "taking it out into the real world through enterprise-led opportunities and patents but not just for the sake of strengthening the economy but for valid and sound environmental reasons". The 40 minute session with academic researchers was followed by a one-hour Question and Answer Session with the Minister chaired by the ECI's Development Manager, Dr Martina Prendergast. The session attracted over 80 key partners from local industry, business, local authorities, city council officials and representatives from national agencies such as Teagasc. Dr Martina Prendergast also welcomed the announcement by ESB of a series of initiatives to create and sustain up to 3,700 jobs in the new green economy. She stated that: "The majority of the jobs will be created in the areas of Smart Networks, Smart Metering, Electric Vehicles, Wind Energy and new Environmental Technologies. Such initiatives will require skilled graduates in areas such as Environmental Engineering. "According to an announcement by Minister Ryan at this session, "Ireland is in the top 3 or 4 countries in the world that can deliver initiatives such as Smart Grid Technologies, Cleaner Greener Energy, and Energy Efficiency". -Ends-

Thursday, 16 April 2009

SPIE, the international optics and photonics society, is to honour Thomas Glynn of the School of Physics, NUI Galway as Fellow of the Society for his achievements in laser materials processing and optics education. SPIE will honour 59 new Fellows of the Society this year. Fellows are members of distinction who have made significant scientific and technical contributions in the multidisciplinary fields of optics, photonics, and imaging. They are honoured for their technical achievement, for their service to the general optics community, and to SPIE in particular. More than 600 SPIE members have become Fellows since the Society's inception in 1955. "The annual recognition of Fellows provides an opportunity for us to acknowledge outstanding members for their service to the general optics community," says María Yzuel, SPIE President. Professor Glynn's research centres on the optical properties of materials, and throughout his career, he has made numerous contributions to studies of the optical properties of a wide range of materials, to the applications of laser systems in materials processing, and to optics education. Just as important is his work in optics education and its broader dissemination of the principles and applications of photonics. Glynn is an active member of SPIE. He was elected to the SPIE Board of Directors for the term 2005-2007. He also was an organizer and chair of the Lasers & Optical Engineering conference (1997), and of the SPIE OPTO-Ireland regional conference (2002), both held in Galway. President of NUI Galway, Dr James J Browne, said: "It is a well deserved honour which reflects on the work of Professor Glynn, on the success of the National Centre for Laser Application (NCLA), the School of Physics and indeed on NUI Galway". -ends-

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) RTÉ's television programme Nationwide, presented by Mary Kennedy, is to feature a special on NUI Galway. The show will broadcast on Monday, 20 April at 7.00pm. To view the Nationwide programme please visit NUI Galway graduates have played a pivotal role historically in all areas of the development of Galway, including the arts, industry and commerce. Established in 1845 as Queen s College Galway, NUI Galway is one of Ireland s foremost centres of academic excellence. With over 16,000 students, it has a long established reputation of teaching and research excellence in each of its colleges. Nationwide speaks to the current President, Dr James J. Browne, about the significance of the economic impact NUI Galway has both in the west of Ireland and nationally. Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, Professor of History at NUI Galway also speaks about the foundation of the University in Galway and how it has changed over the years. Professor Pat Dolan of the Child and Family Research Centre in the University's School of Political Science and Sociology talks about his recent appointment as the UNESCO Chair for Children, Youth and Civic Engagement, the first of its kind in Ireland. One of the areas which is already enhancing students and communities lives is NUI Galway's Community Knowledge Initiative (CKI) and second year Irish and Philosophy student Orla Murphy from County Clare speaks about her experiences of being involved in the popular student volunteer programme ALIVE. RTÉ's Marine correspondent Tom McSweeney visits the Martin Ryan Institute and discovers what we can learn from deep-sea species, while Mary Kennedy is joined by Professor Vincent O'Flaherty, Director of the newly established Energy Research Centre. Clár Speisialta Nationwide ar RTÉ le díriú ar OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Beidh deis ag pobal na tíre léargas a fháil ar chuid den obair iontach atá ar bun in OÉ Gaillimh ar chlár speisialta Nationwide a chuirfidh Mary Kennedy i láthair ar RTÉ. Craolfar an clár speisialta seo Dé Luain, an 20 Aibreán ag 7.00pm. Is léir go bhfuil an-bhaint ag céimithe OÉ Gaillimh le forbairt na Gaillimhe le blianta fada anuas, forbairt i réimsí éagsúla cosúil leis na healaíona, tionscal agus tráchtáil. Tá OÉ Gaillimh, a bunaíodh mar Choláiste na Banríona Gaillimh in 1845, ar cheann de phríomhionaid feabhais acadúil na hÉireann. Tá os cionn 16,000 mac léinn ag freastal ar an ollscoil agus cáil uirthi le fada an lá mar gheall ar a feabhas teagaisc agus taighde i ngach coláiste laistigh den ollscoil. Beidh Uachtarán na hOllscoile, an Dr James J. Browne, le feiceáil ar an gclár agus é ag trácht ar an tionchar eacnamaíoch atá ag OÉ Gaillimh ar iarthar na hÉireann agus ar an tír trí chéile ar an gclár speisialta seo de Nationwide. Labhróidh Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, Ollamh le Stair in OÉ Gaillimh faoi bhunú na hOllscoile i nGaillimh agus an t-athrú atá tagtha ar an ollscoil in imeacht na mblianta. Labhróidh an tOllamh Pat Dolan ón Ionad Taighde um Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh, a bunaíodh mar chuid de Scoil na hEolaíochta Polaitiúla agus Socheolaíochta san Ollscoil, faoina cheapachán nua mar Chathaoir UNESCO le Leanaí, Óige agus Comhpháirteachas Poiblí, an chéad cheapachán dá leithéid in Éirinn. Tionscnamh amháin atá ag cur go mór le saol na mac léinn agus le saol an phobail é Tionscnamh Eolais Phobail (CKI) OÉ Gaillimh agus labhróidh Orla Murphy, mac léinn Gaeilge agus Fealsúnachta dara bliana ó Chontae an Chláir faoina taithí féin ar ALIVE – clár obair dheonach na mac léinn. Tabharfaidh comhfhreagraí mara RTÉ, Tom McSweeney, cuairt ar Institiúid Mháirtín Uí Riain chun léargas a fháil ar an méid atá le foghlaim againn ó speicis domhainfharraige. Déanfaidh Mary Kennedy dreas cainte leis an Ollamh Vincent O'Flaherty, Stiúrthóir an Ionaid Taighde um Fhuinneamh a bunaíodh le déanaí. Críoch

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

NUI Galway lecturer, Dr Patrick Lonergan has won the STR Theatre Book Prize for Theatre and Globalisation – Irish Drama in the Celtic Tiger Era published by Palgrave Macmillan. The winner was announced yesterday by the actor, dramatist and director Steven Berkoff in Drury Lane Theatre, London. Speaking at the announcement, Kate Newey, a member of the judging panel, said: "We were all quite surprised at our nomination of Patrick Lonergan s Theatre and Globalisation for the short list. Each of us recounted how we picked it up, expecting difficult concepts, expressed in the highly technical language of economics and political theory, and with not much to speak to us as working theatre practitioners or scholars, only to find that each of us was gripped by the book. For me, it spoke to so much of what is current in theatre as an industry; and indeed, reinforces what I say as a theatre historian - that the theatre always has been a globalised international industry. Lonergan discusses the ways in which Irish theatre is a text-book example of an apparently unique national culture, marketed internationally. He introduces sophisticated ideas, with clarity and humour, and identifies the ways in which all of us think about the global and the local at the same time". Dr Lonergan's book will be launched formally on Friday, 17 April when NUI Galway will host the sixth annual conference of the Irish Theatrical Diaspora Project. Entitled 'Irish Drama: Local and Global Contexts', the conference will consider many important questions, from how Irish writers have responded to the challenges of globalisation, to what kinds of images of Ireland are being promoted abroad by our theatre companies - and how those images shape international attitudes to real Irish people. Speakers from Ireland, the UK, the US, France, and Austria will present papers on Irish theatre companies such as Druid, Charabanc, and Blue Raincoat – and on writers like Brian Friel and Samuel Beckett. Speakers will also explore Irish theatre in Britain, the status of theatre from Northern Ireland internationally, the production of plays by Martin McDonagh in Germany, community theatre in Belfast, the recent Roddy Doyle/Bisi Adigun adaptation of The Playboy of the Western World, and many other topics. Playwrights Ursula Rani Sarma and Elizabeth Kuti will also be present, to discuss their experiences of producing work in Ireland and abroad. Organiser and author of the winning STR Theatre Book Prize, Dr Patrick Lonergan, said: "I am truly honoured to be named the STR Theatre Book Prize winner and I look forward to its launch at the Irish Theatre conference in NUI Galway next week. I hope that this conference will be wide-ranging, provocative, and stimulating - and that it will help us to shed new light on the relationship of Irish theatre to the world stage". The conference is being held as part of a joint Trinity College Dublin/NUI Galway research project on Irish Theatre since 1975. The project is funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS), and runs until 2010. It is operated under the joint direction of Professor Nicholas Grene of TCD and Dr Patrick Lonergan NUI Galway. The event is free and open to the public; however, registration is required online at For further information, please contact Patrick Lonergan, 091 495609 -ends-

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway is to offer a new B.E. in Energy Systems Engineering in response to the identification of Ireland's future energy needs as a national priority. The new four-year honours degree will have its first intake in September and will produce professional accredited engineers, qualified to drive the emerging energy related industries. Graduates of the programme will be multidisciplinary engineers equipped to solve problems across the whole spectrum of energy systems. The new degree programme can be applied for in the coming months through the CAO as change of mind option. The current National Development Plan and Programme for Government have placed a strong focus addressing energy issues. Additionally, the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation listed energy as a research priority. Most recently, draft building regulations for new homes have been published, which include a mandatory minimum renewable energy requirement. Professor Padraic O Donoghue, Dean of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway, commented on the new course: "A major expansion of energy related industries is emerging in Ireland to meet market demand and respond to national agendas. If Ireland is really to progress on energy issues, it needs many more graduates than are currently being produced who are trained specifically in energy related disciplines. This is crucial so that renewable energy technologies and industries can be optimised for domestic and international markets". Dr James J. Browne, President of NUI Galway and President of Engineers Ireland, commented on the new course: "NUI Galway is well positioned to deliver such an engineering programme in energy, as it has a strong range of all relevant engineering disciplines within its College of Engineering and Informatics. The new Engineering Building on campus, due for completion in 2011, incorporates many sustainable energy and environmentally friendly features. In itself, the building will provide a real-life experimental environment for students of the new programme". The Energy Systems Engineering programme will incorporate aspects of traditional civil, electrical and mechanical engineering, with emphasis on energy policy, economics, environmental issues and a strong focus on informatics. The programme will include a range of additional optional modules which will provide students with maximum flexibility to choose from diverse career paths. The multidisciplinary programme will culminate in integrated design projects that address the sourcing, conversion and utilisation of energy. -ends- (View in English) Beidh B.E. nua in Innealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh á chur ar fáil ag OÉ Gaillimh de thairbhe go n-aithnítear gur tosaíocht náisiúnta riachtanais fuinnimh na hÉireann san am atá le teacht. Glacfar leis na chéad mhic léinn ar an gcéim onóracha ceithre bliana i mí Mheán Fómhair agus cuirfidh an cúrsa innealtóirí creidiúnaithe gairmiúla ar fáil a bheidh cáilithe le tionscail fuinnimh atá ag teacht chun cinn a dhreasú. Is innealtóirí ildisciplíneacha a bheidh i gcéimithe an chláir a mbeidh na scileanna cuí acu le fadhbanna a bhaineann leis na córais fuinnimh ar fad a réiteach. Is féidir iarratas a dhéanamh ar an gcéim nua as seo go ceann cúpla mí trí rogha an CAO do dhaltaí a athraíonn a n-intinn. Tá béim ar leith curtha sa Phlean Forbartha Náisiúnta agus sa Chlár Comhaontaithe don Rialtas ar aghaidh a thabhairt ar cheisteanna fuinnimh. Chomh maith leis sin tá fuinneamh ar cheann de na tosaíochtaí taighde atá luaite sa Straitéis Eolaíochta, Teicneolaíochta agus Nuálaíochta. Le fíordhéanaí chomh maith foilsíodh dréachtrialacháin foirgníochta do thithe nua ina bhfuil ceanglas éigeantach a bhaineann le híosmhéid fuinnimh in-athnuaite. Mheabhraigh an tOllamh Padraic O'Donoghue, Déan na hInnealtóireachta agus na Faisnéisíochta in OÉ Gaillimh an méid seo faoin gcúrsa nua: "Tá méadú mór ag teacht ar an líon tionscal fuinnimh atá ag teacht chun cinn in Éirinn le freastal ar an éileamh ón margadh agus mar fhreagra ar chláir náisiúnta oibre. Chun go n-éireoidh le hÉirinn fíordhul chun cinn a dhéanamh maidir le ceisteanna fuinnimh, tá i bhfad níos mó céimithe de dhíth a bhfuil sainoiliúint orthu i ndisciplíní fuinnimh ná mar atá á gcáiliú faoi láthair. Tá seo ríthábhachtach chun go bhféadfar an leas is fearr a bhaint as teicneolaíochtaí agus as tionscail fuinnimh in-athnuaite do mhargaí náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta." Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr James J. Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh agus Uachtarán Innealtóirí Éireann faoin gcúrsa nua: "Tá OÉ Gaillimh breá ábalta clár innealtóireachta fuinnimh den sórt seo a sholáthar, mar tá réimse leathan de na disciplíní ábhartha innealtóireachta le fáil laistigh den Choláiste Innealtóireachta agus Faisnéisíochta. Tá go leor gnéithe a bhaineann le fuinneamh inmharthana agus atá neamhdhíobhálach don timpeallacht ag baint leis an bhFoirgneamh Innealtóireachta nua ar an gcampas atá le críochnú in 2011. Cuirfidh an foirgneamh féin timpeallacht thurgnamhach fhíorúil ar fáil do mhic léinn an chláir nua." Beidh tréithe traidisiúnta de chuid na hinnealtóireachta sibhialta, leictrí agus meicniúla ina gcuid den chlár Innealtóireachta Córas Fuinnimh; cuirfear béim chomh maith ar bheartas fuinnimh, ar an eacnamaíocht agus ar cheisteanna comhshaoil agus díreofar go háirithe ar an bhfaisnéisíocht. Beidh modúil roghnacha bhreise le fáil ar an gclár a thabharfaidh deis do mhic léinn an tslí bheatha is mian leo a roghnú. Beidh tionscadail chomhtháite dearaidh a thabharfaidh faoi fhuinneamh a aimsiú, a aistriú agus a úsáid mar thoradh ar an gclár ildisciplíneach. -críoch-

Monday, 6 April 2009

Some 95 primary school children who received introductory Italian language classes taught by NUI Galway students were awarded certificates at a recent 'Italian Day' on campus. The six-week Italian course was delivered in schools in Galway city by a group final year Arts students as part of a 'service-learning' programme under the umbrella of the University's Community Knowledge Initiative (CKI). In excess of 25 degree programmers offer service-learning modules at the University and aim to enhance partnership with the wider community. Service-learning allows students practical learning opportunities which also benefit the community. The primary schools involved in the programme were: St Nicholas National School, Claddagh; Scoil an Linbh Íosa, St Francis Street; and Galway Educate Together National School, Newcastle. None of the children had any previous knowledge of Italian and for many it was their first experience learning a continental European language, so the aim was on language teaching through fun and games. Dr Anne O'Connor of the Italian Department at NUI Galway, who coordinated the project, commented on the success of the service-learning programme, "This is an innovative way of providing exposure to modern languages in primary schools at no extra cost to the school involved with benefits for all parties. The University students benefit by getting involved in community and gaining practical teaching experience. Primary school children benefit from increased exposure to modern languages so that when they progress to second level, they will not be daunted by the prospect of learning a new language". -ends-

Monday, 6 April 2009

Secondary school students representing all the Provinces of Ireland participated in the final of the Debating Science Issues (DSI) competition on Thursday, 2 April, at the Science Gallery in Trinity College Dublin. Students from St Mary's Secondary School in Macroom, Co. Cork emerged as the All-Ireland winners. Funded by the Wellcome Trust, the debating competition is coordinated by NUI Galway's Regenerative Medicine Institute REMEDI, a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET), in conjunction with science research and discovery centres throughout Ireland. The All-Ireland final involved students debating the motion that 'Opposing evidence-based theories such as evolution damages all science'. Other national finalists included St Dominic's High School, Santa Sabina, Sutton, Co. Dublin, Belfast High School, Belfast City, and St Attracta's Community School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo. DSI is a dynamic debating competition, which invites young people to engage in debate on the cultural, societal and ethical implications of advances in biomedical science. Open to students in the senior cycle of secondary school, the competition provides a great opportunity for students to expand their communication and scientific skills. Debates in the national finals involved students defending their arguments on the scientific and ethical implications of both embryonic stem cell research and evolution theory. This All-Ireland competition is unique in involving a number of research centres and secondary schools from both the Republic and Northern Ireland; REMEDI, NUI Galway; Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre and TYNDALL Institute, UCC; Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, DCU; Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin and W5 in Belfast. Judges on the day included Lorcan O'Raghallaigh of Discover Science and Engineering; Dr John Denari of IRCSET; Bridget Kelly of CLARITY, UCD; Tom Ziessen, Public Engagement advisor of the Wellcome Trust; Dr Annie Curtis of SFI; Greg Smith of NUI Maynooth; Emily de Grae of the Irish Council for Bioethics; Dr Jennifer Ralph from SFI and Dr Charlotte Holland of DCU. Dr Annie Curtis, Scientific Programme Manager, SFI, commented: "This debate competition is an excellent example of the education and outreach programmes being carried out by the SFI CSETs. This collaborative approach to education and outreach is key to encouraging young people to consider career opportunities in science and engineering. It is important that we attract young people into careers in science and engineering as Ireland's future economic success is dependent on having this highly skilled workforce". Professor Frank Barry, Scientific Director of REMEDI at NUI Galway: "We hope that this collaborative outreach competition will be a useful tool in facilitating increased awareness of the important research taking place in Ireland among young people and the Irish public in general. It is imperative, however, that this is not one-way traffic. While it is important for research centres to communicate to the public, it is equally important for us, as scientists, to listen to what the public, including young people, think of our work. At a time when scientific research itself is taking so many different directions, it is critical that we open the doors for discussion so that we can ensure that everyone has their say on the societal and ethical implications of biomedical research". -Ends-

Monday, 6 April 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway invites members of the public to a Science Research Day on campus on Monday, 20 April. Academics and researchers from the College of Science at NUI Galway will present their latest research in a series of short presentations throughout the day, from 9am to 5.30pm in room IT 125 of the IT Building. The event will showcase some of the cutting edge research being carried out by scientists across several diverse disciplines from chemical, mathematical and physical sciences to the biological sciences. Dr Fawaz Aldabbagh, Vice-Dean of Research, College of Science, NUI Galway, comments: "This is a special day in the University calendar, as scientists across all disciplines in our College will get together to present and debate their research in a forum that is open to the public. Talks will be topical and aimed at a lay-audience. The variety of topics to be discussed will include climate change, marine science, fighting cancer, evolution, genetics and stem cell research. Many of our scientists are leaders in their field and world-renowned. We welcome local industry and the general public to participate in this event". While presentations will take place in the IT Building, a simultaneous Postgraduate Poster Competition will be held in the foyer of the Orbsen Building. For further details and a running order of presentations, check the College of Science website or contact Claire Mitchell on 091 493700. Lá Taighde á reáchtáil ag Coláiste na hEolaíochta in OÉ Gaillimh don Phobal (View in English) Ba bhreá le OÉ Gaillimh dá mbeadh an pobal in ann freastal ar Lá Taighde Eolaíochta a bheidh ar siúl ar an gcampas Dé Luain, 20 Aibreán. Tabharfaidh idir lucht acadúil agus thaighdeoirí ó Choláiste na hEolaíochta in OÉ Gaillimh léargas ar an taighde is déanaí atá ar bun acu i bhfoirm láithreoireachtaí gairide a bheidh ar siúl idir 9am agus 5.30pm i seomra IT 125 san Fhoirgneamh IT. Tabharfar léargas don phobal ar an taighde ceannródaíoch atá ar bun ag eolaithe sna disciplíní éagsúla lena n-áirítear eolaíocht cheimiciúil, eolaíocht mhatamaiticiúil, eolaíocht fhisiceach agus eolaíocht bhitheolaíoch. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag an Dr Fawaz Aldabbagh, Leas-Uachtarán um Thaighde, Coláiste na hEolaíochta, OÉ Gaillimh: "Lá speisialta é seo i bhféilire na hOllscoile mar go dtugann sé deis d'eolaithe as na disciplíní ar fad sa Choláiste teacht le chéile chun an taighde atá ar bun acu a chur i láthair agus a phlé i bhfóram atá oscailte don phobal freisin. Ábhar iontach suimiúil a bheidh dírithe ar an bpobal a bheidh faoi chaibidil i gcaitheamh an lae. I measc na n-ábhar a bheidh faoi chaibidil beidh athrú aeráide, eolaíocht mhuirí, dul i ngleic le hailse, éabhlóid, géineolaíocht agus taighde gascheall. Is ceannródaithe ina réimse saineolais féin iad go leor dár n-eolaithe a bhfuil cáil dhomhanda bainte amach acu dóibh féin. Tá fáilte roimh lucht tionscail agus roimh an bpobal páirt a ghlacadh san imeacht seo". Cé go mbeidh na láithreoireachtaí ar siúl san Fhoirgneamh IT, beidh Comórtas Póstaer Iarchéime ar siúl san fhorhalla in Áras Oirbsean. Má theastaíonn tuilleadh eolais agus clár na n-imeachtaí uait, breathnaigh ar láithreán gréasáin Choláiste na hEolaíochta ag nó glaoigh ar Claire Mitchell ag 091 493700. -Críoch-

Monday, 6 April 2009

State Pathologist, Professor Marie Cassidy, will open Ireland's first conference to examine the link between forensic science and human rights on Friday, April 24 at NUI Galway. During the two-day conference, experts on war crimes, sexual violence, human identification and forensic investigations will draw on examples from countries including Northern Ireland, Bosnia, and Burma. Entitled 'Human Rights and Forensic Science', the conference aims to explore the current and future applications of various disciplines of forensic science to the field of human rights. Taking an interdisciplinary approach speakers come from a wide range of backgrounds including law, medicine, science and human rights. The event is being co-hosted by NUI Galway's Irish Centre for Human Rights and the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification at the University of Dundee. Delegates will be addressed by a range of notable speakers and scholars in addition to State Pathologist Professor Marie Cassidy. There will be presentations by forensic anthropologist Professor Sue Black, head of the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification at the University of Dundee, and Professor William Schabas, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway. Commenting on the upcoming event, Dr Ray Murphy, of the Irish Centre for Human Rights, said: "The investigation of war crimes and large scale violations of human rights poses significant challenges when compared to ordinary criminal investigations. Analysis of crime base evidence and human remains is a key component in such investigations. Linking remote perpetrators to specific crimes and crime scenes requires a multidisciplinary approach involving forensic science, anthropology, and law. International experts attending this conference will provide a unique insight into the role that each discipline plays in the investigation of atrocities". The Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway supports the study and promotion of human rights and humanitarian law at undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral level. Since its establishment in January 2000, the Centre has developed a global reputation for excellence in the field of human rights teaching, research and advocacy. The Centre of Anatomy and Human Identification is part of the internationally acclaimed School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee. The unit is the most experienced in the UK regarding human identification, forensic anthropology, facial identification and the study of the human body. 'Human Rights and Forensic Science' will be of interest to law enforcement, medical and legal professionals, as well as those with an interest in human rights. For further information or to book a place contact the organisers Ms Éadaoin O'Brien or Ms Niamh Hayes at the Irish Centre for Human Rights. Alternatively online registration is available at -ends-

Friday, 3 April 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) Former President of Ireland, Dr Mary Robinson will today (Friday, 3 April) launch a new Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway. The Centre is one of the first of its type in Europe and it is timely given the recent adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which Ireland has signed. The primary purpose of the new Centre is to conduct research on best international practice to assist in the ongoing process of reform taking place here in Ireland and throughout the world. The launch will be followed by a Round Table discussion composed of a panel of distinguished international experts from China, the USA, Hungary, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the European Commission. The experts will discuss the current global challenges in the field of disability followed by commentary from Irish specialists. The advancement of the rights of persons with disabilities was one of the hallmarks of Dr Robinson's presidency and she also played a major role, in her capacity as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in initiating the new UN Convention. According to Dr Robinson: "The Centre for Disability Law and Policy represents the best a university can offer in a democratic society by placing its research assets at the disposal of the process of change. This is nowhere more important than in the field of disability both here in Ireland and abroad". Dr Robinson praised the intention of the new Centre to benchmark Ireland against international best practice as well as for its wide international links, especially with the University of Syracuse and the Harvard Project on Disability. She also noted that the estimated 650 million persons with disabilities are now officially acknowledged as the world's largest minority and that the vast majority of them live in dire circumstances in developing countries. She commended the work done already by the Centre on development aid and disability and urged more efforts by Ireland and other countries in that regard. Dr Robinson gave specific mention to the role played by the Director of the Centre – Professor Gerard Quinn – in helping to negotiate the new Convention and for his longstanding work in this field. The President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, spoke of the broad commitment of the University to 'civic engagement' which includes ensuring that its research prowess assists in the process of change by identifying innovative solutions. He noted that the new Centre will form part of a multi-disciplinary 'lifecycle research alliance' in NUI Galway, dealing with ageing at the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology and with families at the Child and Family Research Centre. It is envisaged that the three Centres will work collaboratively to bring their combined strengths to bear on lifecycle policy issues. Dr Browne acknowledged with special thanks the support of Atlantic Philanthropies in establishing the new Centre and indeed the two other Centres involved in the emerging 'lifecycle research alliance'. The current research programme of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy focuses on the individualisation of services as well as the development of a Baseline Study on the state of Irish disability law and policy. It holds important research contracts with the European Commission on eAccessibility for blind people on the internet as well as the mapping of the UN disability Convention in EU law and policy. The Centre already has a vibrant PhD programme and plans a dedicated LLM programme in 2010 as well as an annual Summer School. With its special emphasis on public policy analysis and law, the new Centre will also complement the excellent work of the National Institute on Intellectual Disability at TCD and the UCD Disability Studies Centre. Professor Gerard Quinn, Director of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway, says: "This Centre joins a handful around the world. Our aim is to generate research that marks a constructive contribution to the process of change. Ireland was a pioneer in the field of disability discrimination law and its National Disability Strategy shows great promise. Our hope is to make a constructive contribution to the implementation of that strategy to identify policy solutions to current challenges by drawing on a rich vein of comparative experience throughout the world. In this way we hope to enrich policy debates at home and expand the repertoire of policy options available to Government. We will work collaboratively with a wide variety of stakeholders in Ireland and build our international links to ensure access to legislative and policy solutions that offer promise in Ireland". -ends- (View in English) Seolfaidh iar-Uachtarán na hÉireann, an Dr Mary Robinson, an tIonad Nua um Dhlí agus Beartas Míchumais in OÉ Gaillimh inniu (Dé hAoine, 3 Aibreán). Tá an tIonad seo ar an gcéad ionad dá leithéid san Eoraip agus tráthúil go leor tá an tIonad á sheoladh go gairid i ndiaidh d Éirinn Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chearta an Duine faoi Mhíchumas a shíniú. Is é príomhchuspóir an Ionaid nua taighde a dhéanamh ar an gcleachtas idirnáisiúnta is fearr d fhonn cur leis an bpróiseas athchóirithe atá ar siúl anseo in Éirinn agus ar fud na cruinne. Reáchtálfar plé Comhchomhairle le painéal saineolaithe aitheanta idirnáisiúnta ón tSín, ó SAM, ón Ungáir, ó Oifig Ard-Choimisinéir na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chearta an Duine agus ón gCoimisiún Eorpach i ndiaidh sheoladh an Ionaid. Pléifidh na saineolaithe na dúshláin dhomhanda atá ann i láthair na huaire sa réimse míchumais agus ansin labhróidh saineolaithe ón tír seo faoin gceist. Ceann de bhuaicphointí uachtaránacht an Dr Robinson ba ea cearta daoine faoi mhíchumas a chur chun cinn agus bhí ról lárnach aici freisin, mar Ard-Choimisinéir na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chearta an Duine, i gCoinbhinsiún nua de chuid na Náisiún Aontaithe a bhunú. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr Robinson: "Is ionann an tIonad um Dhlí agus Beartas Míchumais agus an iarracht is fearr is féidir le hollscoil ar bith a dhéanamh i sochaí dhaonlathach trí acmhainní taighde a dhíriú ar phróiseas seo an athraithe. Baineann an oiread tábhachta leis seo i réimse an mhíchumais anseo in Éirinn agus thar lear agus a bhaineann le réimse ar bith eile". Mhol an Dr Robinson an obair atá beartaithe ag an Ionad nua a dhéanamh, is é sin a chinntiú go bhfuil Éire ag cloí go docht le dea-chleachtas idirnáisiúnta mar aon le naisc idirnáisiúnta a chruthú, go háirithe le hOllscoil Syracuse agus Tionscadal Míchumais Harvard. Chomh maith leis sin, thagair an Dr Robinson don 650 milliún duine faoi mhíchumas ar fud na cruinne – an grúpa mionlaigh is mó ar domhan – agus don chúis náire go bhfuil formhór dóibh ag maireachtáil i gcúinsí mífheiliúnacha i dtíortha i mbéal forbartha. Mhol sí an obair atá déanta ag an Ionad go dtí seo ar chúnamh forbartha agus ar mhíchumas agus dúirt sí gur cheart d Éirinn agus do thíortha eile níos mó a dhéanamh sa réimse seo. Thagair an Dr Robinson don ról tábhachtach atá ag Stiúrthóir an Ionaid – an tOllamh Gerard Quinn – in idirbheartaíocht an Choinbhinsiúin nua agus don obair iontach atá déanta aige sa réimse seo. Labhair Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne, ar thiomantas na hOllscoile do 'chomhpháirteachas poiblí' a chinntíonn go gcabhraíonn taighde ceannródaíoch atá ar bun in OÉ Gaillimh leis an bpróiseas athraithe trí réitigh nuálacha a aithint. Dúirt sé go n-áireofar an tIonad nua mar chuid de 'chomhfhiontar taighde' a bheidh dírithe ar aosú atá ar bun in OÉ Gaillimh – taighde atá ar bun ag Ionad Sheaneolaíocht Shóisialta na hÉireann i gcomhar le teaghlaigh san Ionad Taighde um Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh. Meastar go n-oibreoidh na trí Ionad i dteannta a chéile chun úsáid éifeachtach a bhaint as an saineolas atá acu maidir le ceisteanna beartais. Ghlac an Dr Browne buíochas as tacaíocht The Atlantic Philanthropies an tIonad nua a bhunú, agus ghlac sé buíochas leis an dá Ionad eile a bhfuil baint acu leis an gcomhfhiontar taighde nua. Tá clár taighde reatha an Ionaid dírithe ar indibhidiúlú seirbhísí mar aon le Staidéar Bonnlíne ar staid dhlí agus bheartas míchumais na hÉireann a fhorbairt. Tá conarthaí tábhachtacha taighde eAccessibility bunaithe ag an Ionad leis an gCoimisiún Eorpach do dhaoine dalla agus tá iniúchadh déanta ar Choinbhinsiún Míchumais na Náisiún Aontaithe mar atá i ndlí agus i mbeartas an Aontais Eorpaigh. Tá clár PhD forbartha ag an Ionad cheana féin agus tá sé beartaithe tús a chur le clár ainmnithe LLM in 2010 mar aon le Scoil Samhraidh bhliantúil. Díreoidh an tIonad nua go speisialta ar anailís a dhéanamh agus ar an dlí a bhaineann le beartas poiblí, ach chomh maith leis sin cuirfidh an tIonad nua leis an obair iontach atá ar bun ag an National Institute on Intellectual Disability i gColáiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath agus ag Ionad an Staidéir ar Mhíchumais sa Choláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Ollamh Gerard Quinn, Stiúrthóir an Ionaid um Dhlí agus Beartas Míchumais: "Is beag Ionad den chineál seo atá bunaithe ar fud na cruinne go dtí seo. Is é atá mar aidhm againne taighde fiúntach a dhéanamh a chuirfidh le próiseas an athraithe. Ceannródaí ba ea Éire i réimse an dlí idirdhealaithe míchumais agus tuar dóchais a bhfuil scríofa sa Straitéis Náisiúnta Míchumais. Is é atá mar aidhm againn cur i bhfeidhm na straitéise sin a éascú agus réitigh bheartais a aithint le déileáil le dúshláin reatha trí leas a bhaint as taithí grúpaí eile ar fud an domhain. Ar an tslí seo, tá súil againn a bheith in ann cur le díospóireachtaí beartais in Éirinn agus na deiseanna beartais atá ar fáil don Rialtas a fhorbairt. Oibreoimid i gcomhar le páirtithe leasmhara in Éirinn agus cuirfimid lenár naisc idirnáisiúnta lena chinntiú gur féidir linn rochtain a fháil ar réitigh reachtacha agus bheartais a rachaidh chun tairbhe na hÉireann". -críoch-

Friday, 3 April 2009

Pictured (centre) is the Acting Ambassador of the United States of America, Chargé d'affairs Mr Robert Faucher on a visit to NUI Galway with (left) President of NUI Galway, Dr James J Browne and Ms Jacqueline Hynes. Originally from Drum, Athlone, Co. Roscommon, Ms Hynes is a recent Science graduate from NUI Galway, specialising in anatomy, and recipient of the 2009-10 Fulbright International Science and Technology Award. The Award is one of the most valuable and prestigious in the State Department's scholarship portfolio. Ms Hynes will be on a fully-funded PhD program in neuroscience at one of the top institutions in the US. Since graduating in 2007, Jacqueline has acted a research and teaching assistant in the Department of Anatomy at NUI Galway. Jacqueline carries out her research with Dr Siobhan McMahon in collaborative projects with NUI Galway's Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) and the Mayo Clinic of the US. She has presented her work in the area of spinal cord regeneration at a number of scientific meetings and has co-authored a number of recently submitted papers. Jacqueline also dedicates a large portion of her time to the teaching element of her job, where she assists in the education of medical and science students in a range of subjects, from cellular histology and neuroanatomy to microscopy techniques. She is also a registered learning disability worker for students of Anatomy at NUI Galway. The area of research that Jacqueline hopes to pursue for her doctoral studies is one that looks at the interface between the nature of the physical world and mind – human perception, awareness and attention. In the long-term, Jacqueline hopes that her work may also shed light on functional disorders such as Autism, ADD and Aspergers Syndrome. -Ends-