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December 2015 Register and Attend NUI Galway first Mini Med School!
Register and Attend NUI Galway first Mini Med School!
The first ‘NUI Galway Mini Med School’ is taking place next January and February 2016 to encourage and inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals. The programme is aimed at Transition, 5th and 6th year students and will be run on campus on the 27 January and the 3, 10 and 17 of February 2016.
NUI Galway Mini Med School is designed to give students a taste of what it would be like to study a healthcare-related degree at the University, while encouraging them to pursue their interests. It is the second initiative of its kind in Ireland along with the College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).
The Mini Med School is a four-week interactive course and in its first year the theme will focus on Cancer and Oncology. The course will cover Clinical Medicine, Nursing, Research and The Future of Oncology. Each session will take place from 7pm to 9.30pm at NUI Galway and will include two speakers, a question and answers session with nursing and medical students, and an interactive medical activity.
Students who attend can familiarise themselves with activities that NUI Galway students are involved in as part of their health care degree, engage and learn conceptual and practical aspects of oncology and its health care implications, and have the opportunity to meet and discuss healthcare studies with current NUI Galway medical and nursing students.
Mini Med School is designed for any Transition, 5th and 6th year secondary school students from the Republic of Ireland. Registration will open on 16 December and will close once the 150 places available have been attributed. Note that registration is a first-come, first-serve basis and that participants must attend the four sessions of the event.
NUI Galway Mini Med School is a voluntary initiative created, planned and organised by students from the NUI Galway Cancer Society with the support of the College of Science and the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. It is supported by the Emergency Medicine Society (EMSSI), the Irish Coast Guard, the University’s Cell EXPLORERS programme, the Irish Cancer Society and by an NUI Galway Students’ Union EXPLORE Innovation Initiative project led by first year Medical Student Rosemary James and Dr Muriel Grenon from the School of Natural Sciences.
If you have any questions please contact minimednuig@gmail.com. For the latest information on program developments, follow MiniMed on Twitter @NUIGminimed #NUIGminimed16 or Facebook www.facebook.com/nuigminimedschool/ or visit our EXPLORE website www.su.nuigalway.ie/explore-projects/2015-2016-projects.
Those interested in attending must register online, at the Mini Med School Eventbrite website: http://NUIGalwayminimed16.eventbrite.ie
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