Dr Magdalena Hajdukiewicz

MEng, PhD Eng

Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Building
College of Eng & Informatics
University of Galway
E: magdalena.hajdukiewicz@universityofgalway.ie


Magdalena is a chartered engineer, lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (Energy Systems), programme director of Energy System Engineering, director of Research and Innovation in the School of Engineering and director of Construct Innovate, Ireland's national Research Centre for Construction Technology and Innovation. 

Magdalena's key research and educational interests lie in the areas of sustainability of the built environment, building performance modelling and monitoring, computational fluid dynamics simulation, smart and sustainable construction. She has worked on a number of national and international research projects including Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme with Oran Pre-Cast; Science Foundation Ireland nZEB-RETROFIT project; 'Aerodynamic optimisation of cycling in para-sports PhD project (in collaboration with TU/e);  Science Foundation Ireland Industry Fellowship with Tobin Consulting Engineers; and  a number of EU Horizon 2020 projects such as Built2SpecHit2GapGeofitMETABUILDING Labs and MSCA FaceINQ

Magdalena has taught in undergraduate/postgraduate modules in Engineering, and co-supervised/mentored students. She is very active in outreach activities, including promotion of engineering through workshops, seminars, open days, school visits, media articles and Engineers Week activities. Magdalena is also actively involved in Engineers Ireland West Region Committee (former chairperson and a representative on the Council of Engineers Ireland).

Research Interests

Sustainable built environment
Nearly zero-energy buildings
Indoor environmental quality
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of indoor environments
Structural and environmental building performance monitoring and modelling
Control optimisation of energy efficient buildings
Quality inspections during construction processes

Cycling aerodynamics (CFD and wind tunnel testing)

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Developing an environmental, social and governance (ESG) methodology for construction industry¿ 01-SEP-24 31-AUG-25
RETRO-BET: Testing of RETROfit solutions in a Building Envelope Testbench 01-MAR-24 28-FEB-26
Impact of energy retrofits on indoor environmental quality and hygrothermal performance of the buildings in different climate scenarios 02-FEB-23 30-NOV-23
FaceINQ: Innovative dynamic Façade systems for INdoor environmental Quality 01-JAN-23 31-MAR-24
Construct Innovate, Ireland's national Research Centre for Construction Technology and Innovation 22-JUN-22 21-JUN-27
METABUILDING LABS: METAclustered, SME oriented European Open Innovation Test Bed for the BUILDING envelope materialsindustrial sector using a harmonised and upgraded technical framework and living LABS 01-JAN-21 01-JAN-25
Geofit: Deployment of novel GEOthermal systems, technologies and tools for energy efficient building retroFITting. 01-MAY-18 30-APR-22
The influence of structural design on the environmental and energy performance of non-residential buildings 01-JAN-19 31-DEC-19
Hit2Gap: Highly innovative building control tools tackling the energy performance gap 01-SEP-15 31-AUG-19
Aerodynamic optimisation racing bicycles for Elite Cycling and Para-cycling 01-SEP-15 31-AUG-18
Built to Specifications: Self-Inspection, 3D Modelling, Management and Quality-Check Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite 01-JAN-15 31-DEC-18
Achieving nearly zero-energy buildings – A lifecycle assessment approach to retrofitting existing buildings 01-SEP-14 31-AUG-18
Structural and environmental monitoring and performance appraisal of the Life Course Studies Building at NUI Galway 01-JAN-14 30-DEC-16
The influence of advanced structural building component properties on indoor environments 22-APR-13 21-APR-15
CFD modelling of a drag reduction system installed on a truck 01-JAN-13 30-JUN-13
Formal calibration methodology relating to CFD models of naturally ventilated internal environments 01-JUL-09 30-SEP-12

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'A narrative review to credible computational fluid dynamics models of naturally ventilated built environments'
Hajdukiewicz, M, González Gallero, FJ, Mannion, P, Loomans, MGLC, Keane, MM (2024) 'A narrative review to credible computational fluid dynamics models of naturally ventilated built environments'. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 198 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'A review on building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal systems for green buildings'
Sirin, C., Goggins, J., Hajdukiewicz, M. (2023) 'A review on building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal systems for green buildings'. Applied Thermal Engineering, 229 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2023) 'A new practical approach to design a Phase Change Material-Water longitudinally finned tube heat exchanger'
Foncubierta Blázquez, J.L., Rodríguez Maestre, I., Iglesias Bahía, Ó., González Gallero, F.J., Hajdukiewicz, M. (2023) 'A new practical approach to design a Phase Change Material-Water longitudinally finned tube heat exchanger'. Applied Thermal Engineering, 221 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'The Role of Community-Engaged Learning in Engineering Education for Sustainable Development'
Goggins, J., Hajdukiewicz, M. (2022) 'The Role of Community-Engaged Learning in Engineering Education for Sustainable Development'. Sustainability, 14 (13) [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) 'A novel BIM-based process workflow for building retrofit'
D'Angelo, L., Hajdukiewicz M., Seri, F. & Keane M. (2022) 'A novel BIM-based process workflow for building retrofit'. Journal of Building Engineering, 50 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'A novel Reduced Order Model technology framework to support the estimation of the energy savings in building retrofits'
Piccinini, A., Hajdukiewicz, M., & Keane, M (2021) 'A novel Reduced Order Model technology framework to support the estimation of the energy savings in building retrofits'. Energy And Buildings, 244 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'Application of a staged automated calibration methodology to a partially-retrofitted university building energy model'
Zuhaib S., Hajdukiewicz M., & Goggins J. (2019) 'Application of a staged automated calibration methodology to a partially-retrofitted university building energy model'. Journal of Building Engineering, 26 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'Computational fluid dynamics analysis of hand-cycle aerodynamics with static wheels: Sensitivity analyses and impact of wheel selection'
Mannion, P., Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Hajdukiewicz, M., Andrianne, T., Clifford, E. (2019) 'Computational fluid dynamics analysis of hand-cycle aerodynamics with static wheels: Sensitivity analyses and impact of wheel selection'. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal Of Sports Engineering And Technology, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'An automated standard-based life cycle quality inspection methodology for precast concrete solutions in buildings'
Hajdukiewicz, M., Goggins, J., de la Torre, O., Holleran, D., Keane, M. (2019) 'An automated standard-based life cycle quality inspection methodology for precast concrete solutions in buildings'. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 4 (3):123-134 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'Impact of pilot and stoker torso angles in tandem para-cycling aerodynamics'
Mannion, P., Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Hajdukiewicz, M., Andrianne, T., Clifford, E. (2019) 'Impact of pilot and stoker torso angles in tandem para-cycling aerodynamics'. Sports Engineering, 22 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'On the effects of crosswinds in tandem aerodynamics: An experimental and computational study'
Mannion, P., Toparlar, Y., Clifford, E., Hajdukiewicz, M., Andrianne, T., Blocken, B. (2019) 'On the effects of crosswinds in tandem aerodynamics: An experimental and computational study'. European Journal Of Mechanics B-Fluids, 74 :68-80 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'The impact of arm-crank position on the drag of a Paralympic hand-cyclist'
Mannion, P.F., Toparlar, Y., Clifford, E., Hajdukiewicz, M., Andrianne, T., Blocken, B. (2019) 'The impact of arm-crank position on the drag of a Paralympic hand-cyclist'. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering, [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Aerodynamics analysis of wheel configurations in Paralympic hand-cycling: a computational study'
Mannion, P., Toparlar, Y., Clifford, E., Hajdukiewicz, M., Andrianne, T., & Blocken, B. (2019) 'Aerodynamics analysis of wheel configurations in Paralympic hand-cycling: a computational study'. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Analysis of crosswind aerodynamics for competitive hand-cycling'
Mannion, P., Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Clifford, E., Andrianne, T., & Hajdukiewicz, M. (2018) 'Analysis of crosswind aerodynamics for competitive hand-cycling'. Journal Of Wind Engineering And Industrial Aerodynamics, 180 :182-190 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Aerodynamic drag in competitive tandem para-cycling: road race versus time-trial positions'
Mannion, P.F., Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Clifford, E., Andrianne, T., & Hajdukiewicz, M. (2018) 'Aerodynamic drag in competitive tandem para-cycling: road race versus time-trial positions'. Journal Of Wind Engineering And Industrial Aerodynamics, 179 :92-101 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'An Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) assessment of a partially-retrofitted university building'
Zuhaib S., Manton R., Griffin, C., Hajdukiewicz M., Keane M., & Goggins J. (2018) 'An Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) assessment of a partially-retrofitted university building'. Building And Environment, 139 :69-85 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Improving CFD prediction of drag on Paralympic tandem athletes: Influence of grid resolution and turbulence model'
Mannion, P.F., Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Hajdukiewicz, M., Andrianne, T., Clifford, E. (2018) 'Improving CFD prediction of drag on Paralympic tandem athletes: Influence of grid resolution and turbulence model'. Sports Engineering, 21 (2):1-13 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Attitudes and approaches of Irish retrofit industry professionals towards achieving nearly zero-energy buildings'
Zuhaib S., Manton R., Hajdukiewicz M., Keane M., Goggins J. (2017) 'Attitudes and approaches of Irish retrofit industry professionals towards achieving nearly zero-energy buildings'. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35 (1):16-40 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Super-Insulate or use Renewable Technology? Life Cycle Cost and Environmental Analysis of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) in a Temperate Oceanic Climate'
Moran, P., Goggins, J., Hajdukiewicz, M (2017) 'Super-Insulate or use Renewable Technology? Life Cycle Cost and Environmental Analysis of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) in a Temperate Oceanic Climate'. Energy And Buildings, 139 :590-607 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Real-time monitoring to investigate structural performance of hybrid precast concrete educational buildings'
Newell, S; Goggins, J; Hajdukiewicz, M (2016) 'Real-time monitoring to investigate structural performance of hybrid precast concrete educational buildings'. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 1 (4):147-155 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Lifecycle environmental and economic performance of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) in Ireland'
Goggins, J; Moran, P; Armstrong, A; Hajdukiewicz, M (2016) 'Lifecycle environmental and economic performance of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) in Ireland'. Energy And Buildings, 116 :622-637 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) 'Real-time monitoring framework to investigate the environmental and structural performance of buildings'
Hajdukiewicz, M, Byrne, D, Keane, MM, Goggins, J (2015) 'Real-time monitoring framework to investigate the environmental and structural performance of buildings'. Building And Environment, 86 :1-16 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) 'Calibrated CFD simulation to evaluate thermal comfort in a highly-glazed naturally ventilated room'
Hajdukiewicz, M, Geron, M, Keane, MM (2013) 'Calibrated CFD simulation to evaluate thermal comfort in a highly-glazed naturally ventilated room'. Building And Environment, 70 :73-89 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) 'Formal calibration methodology for CFD models of naturally ventilated indoor environments'
Hajdukiewicz, M, Geron, M, Keane, MM (2013) 'Formal calibration methodology for CFD models of naturally ventilated indoor environments'. Building And Environment, 59 :290-302 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2016) 'Facade Modernisation for Retrofitting Existing Buildings to Achieve Near Zero Energy Buildings'
Zuhaib, S; Hajdukiewicz, M.; Keane, M; Goggins, J; (2016) 'Facade Modernisation for Retrofitting Existing Buildings to Achieve Near Zero Energy Buildings' In: Structures and Architecture. :1-458 London: CRC Press. Taylor and Francis. [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Systematic case study on energy efficiency of existing Irish buildings using BIM in order to achieve nearly zero energy standards'
Ganguly, T; Hajdukiewicz, M; Keane, M; Goggins J; (2016) 'Systematic case study on energy efficiency of existing Irish buildings using BIM in order to achieve nearly zero energy standards' In: Structures and Architecture. London: CRC Press. Taylor and Francis. [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Calibration Methodology for CFD Models of Rooms and Buildings with Mechanical Ventilation from Experimental Results'
Rincón Casado, A., Hajdukiewicz, M., Sánchez de la Flor, F., & E Rodríguez Jara E. (2020) 'Calibration Methodology for CFD Models of Rooms and Buildings with Mechanical Ventilation from Experimental Results' In: Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations. :1-22 London, UK: IntechOpen. [DOI] [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2024) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI2024)
Reis, DVA; Loomans, MGLC; Hajdukiewicz, M (2024) The impact of climate change on the performance of residential buildings from an occupant-centric perspective - A systematic review . In: Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI2024) Galway, , 29-AUG-24 - 30-AUG-24 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2023) 43rd AIVC Conference: Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings
Hajdukiewicz, M. & Loomans, M. G. L. C. (2023) A detailed investigation of the impact of an innovative dynamic façade system on indoor environmental quality in offices 43rd AIVC Conference: Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark, , 04-OCT-23 - 05-OCT-23 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) Building Simulation Conference (BS 2021)
D’Angelo, L., Hajdukiewicz, M., Seri, F., & Keane, M. (2021) A BIM-based Business Process Model to support LEED® certification in retrofit projects Building Simulation Conference (BS 2021) Bruges, Belgium, , 01-SEP-21 - 03-SEP-21 [Details]
(2021) World Sustainable Energy Days Conference (WSED 2021)
D'Angelo, L., Piccinini, A., Hajdukiewicz, M., Messervey, T., & Keane, M. (2021) A Business Process Model to produce standard based as-built BIM using different data acquisition techniques World Sustainable Energy Days Conference (WSED 2021) Wels, Austria, , 21-JUN-21 - 25-JUN-21 [Details]
(2020) Building Simulation and Optimization Conference (BSO-V 2020)
Piccinini, A., Hajdukiewicz, M., D’Angelo, L., Blanes, L.M., & Keane, M (2020) A novel ROM methodology to support the estimation of the energy savings under the Measurement and Verification protocol Building Simulation and Optimization Conference (BSO-V 2020) Loughborough, UK (online), , 21-SEP-20 - 22-SEP-20 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2020)
Goggins, J., & Hajdukiewicz, M. (2020) Community Engaged Learning: A Building Engineering Case Study Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2020) Cork, Ireland, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2018)
Killeen, C., Goggins, J., Hajdukiewicz, M. (2018) Investigation into the correlation between curing temperature and compressive strength gain of concrete Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2018) Dublin, Ireland, , 29-AUG-18 - 30-AUG-18 [Details]
(2017) Proceedings of the 7th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE 2017)
Mannion, P., Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Hajdukiewicz, M., Andrianne, T., Clifford, E. (2017) An investigation of tandem cycling aerodynamics Proceedings of the 7th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE 2017) Liege, Belgium, , pp.1-10 [Details]
(2017) World Sustainable Energy Days - Young Researchers Conference
Hajdukiewicz, M; Goggins, J; Keane, M (2017) Methodology for quality checks for energy efficient buildings World Sustainable Energy Days - Young Researchers Conference Wels, Austria, , 01-MAR-17 - 02-MAR-17 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016)
Mannion, P., Clifford, E., Blocken, B., Hajdukiewicz, M. (2016) Assessing aerodynamic performance in cycling using computational fluid dynamics Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016) Galway, Ireland, , 29-AUG-16 - 30-AUG-16 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016)
Newell, S, Goggins, J, Hajdukiewicz, M, Holleran, D (2016) Behaviour of hybrid concrete lattice girder flat slab system using insitu structural health monitoring Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016) Galway, Ireland, , 29-AUG-16 - 30-AUG-16 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016)
Ganguly, T, Hajdukiewicz, M, Keane, M, Goggins, J (2016) Generating robust algorithms for energy efficient lighting as a performance aspect of the building operational energy optimisation framework Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016) Galway, Ireland, , 29-AUG-16 - 30-AUG-16 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016)
Zuhaib, S, Hajdukiewicz, M, Keane, M, Goggins, J (2016) Diagnostics and intervention methods for façade retrofit of post-WWII non-domestic buildings in Europe for energy efficiency Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016) Galway, Ireland, , 29-AUG-16 - 30-AUG-16 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016)
Moran, P, Hajdukiewicz, M, Goggins, J (2016) How accurate are Energy Performance Certificates indicated energy savings of building retrofits? Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016) Galway, Ireland, , 29-AUG-16 - 30-AUG-16 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) The International Conference on Structures and Architects (ICSA 2016)
Moran, P, Hajdukiewicz, M, Goggins, J (2016) Understanding the complexities of building physics and human behaviour in achieving a nearly zero energy building The International Conference on Structures and Architects (ICSA 2016) Guimarães, Portugal, , 27-JUL-16 - 29-JUL-16 [Details]
(2016) The International Conference on Structures and Architecture (ICSA 2016)
Zuhaib, S, Hajdukiewicz, M, Keane, M, Goggins, J (2016) Façade modernisation for retrofitting existing buildings to achieve nearly-zero energy building The International Conference on Structures and Architecture (ICSA 2016) Guimarães, Portugal, , 27-JUL-16 - 29-JUL-16 [Details]
(2016) The International Conference on Structures and Architecture (ICSA 2016)
Ganguly, T, Hajdukiewicz, M, Keane, M, Goggins, J (2016) Systematic case study on energy efficiency of existing Irish buildings using BIM in order to achieve nearly zero energy standards The International Conference on Structures and Architecture (ICSA 2016) Guimarães, Portugal, , 27-JUL-16 - 29-JUL-16 [Details]
(2016) World Sustainable Energy Days
Moran, P, Goggins, J, Hajdukiewicz, M, Rau, H (2016) Retrofit solutions for Irish building stock: The impact of human behaviour’ World Sustainable Energy Days Wels, Austria, , 24-FEB-16 - 26-FEB-16 [Details]
(2015) 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. BS2015
Hajdukiewicz, M.; O’Connor, P.; O’Neill, C.; Coakley, D.; Keane, M.M.; Clifford, E. (2015) Real-time control of occupants thermal comfort in buildings 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. BS2015 Hyderabad, India, , 07-DEC-15 - 09-DEC-15 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) The 10th Conference on Advanced Building Skins
Zuhaib, S, Hajdukiewicz, M, Keane, M, Goggins, J (2015) Generic assessment of optimisation methods for performance based design of retrofitted building façades for nearly zero-energy buildings The 10th Conference on Advanced Building Skins Bern, Switzerland, , 03-NOV-15 - 04-NOV-15 [Details]
(2015) The Advanced Building Skins Conference
Moran, P., Goggins, J., & Hajdukiewicz, M (2015) Achieving nearly zero-energy buildings – A lifecycle assessment approach to retrofitting buildings The Advanced Building Skins Conference Graz, Austria, [Details]
(2014) International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMATS 2014)
Hajdukiewicz, M; Lebrene, J; Goggins, J (2014) The environmental performance of a reinforced precast concrete slab with void forming system International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMATS 2014) Johannesburg, South Africa, , 24-NOV-14 - 26-NOV-14 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI 2014)
Hajdukiewicz, M; Goggins, J (2014) The influence of heat transfer and storage in structural precast building components on indoor environments . In: Nanukuttan, S; Goggins, J eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI 2014) Belfast, Northern Ireland, , 28-AUG-14 - 29-AUG-14 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI 2014)
Goggins, J; Newell, S; King, D; Hajdukiewicz, M (2014) Real-time monitoring of a hybrid precast and in situ concrete flat slab system . In: Nanukuttan, S; Goggins, J eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI 2014) Belfast, Northern Ireland, , 28-AUG-14 - 29-AUG-14 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) The 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC (CLIMA 2013)
Hajdukiewicz, M; Geron, M.; Keane, MM (2013) Evaluation of various turbulence models to predict indoor conditions in a naturally ventilated room The 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC (CLIMA 2013) Prague, Czech Republic, , 16-JUN-13 - 19-JUN-13 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) The 13th International IBPSA Conference (BS 2013)
Hajdukiewicz, M; Geron, M; Keane, MM (2013) Validated CFD study of indoor environmental conditions in a highly-glazed, cross-ventilated meeting room The 13th International IBPSA Conference (BS 2013) Chambéry, France, , 25-AUG-13 - 28-AUG-13 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) The 12th International IBPSA Conference (BS 2011)
Hajdukiewicz, M; Walsh, M; Keane, MM (2011) Formal Calibration methodology for a CFD model of a naturally ventilated room The 12th International IBPSA Conference (BS 2011) Sydney, Australia, , 14-NOV-11 - 16-NOV-11 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) The 10th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO 2010)
Hajdukiewicz, M; Keane, MM; O’Flynn, B; O’Grady, W (2010) Formal calibration methodology for CFD model development to support the operation of energy efficient buildings The 10th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO 2010) Kuwait City, Kuwait, , 26-OCT-10 - 28-OCT-10 [ARAN Link] [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2020) Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2020),
Ruane, K., Jaksic, V., Ghosh, B., Hajdukiewicz, M., Hanley, C., Holmes, N., Keenahan, J., Li, Z., McGetrick, P., McKenna, T., Moloney, M., Pakrashi, V., Power, N. (2020) CERI 2020. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2020), Cork, Ireland , 27-AUG-20 - 28-AUG-20. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2019) Towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings: The Interrelationships of Materials, People and Operational Performance of Residential Buildings in Ireland.
Moran, P. (2019) Towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings: The Interrelationships of Materials, People and Operational Performance of Residential Buildings in Ireland. Thesis [Details]
(2019) Deep-retrofit decision-making support for achieving nearly zero-energy buildings with enhanced comfort.
Zuhaib, S. (2019) Deep-retrofit decision-making support for achieving nearly zero-energy buildings with enhanced comfort. Thesis [Details]
(2019) Paralympic tandem cycling and hand-cycling: Computational and wind tunnel analysis of aerodynamic performance.
Mannion, P. (2019) Paralympic tandem cycling and hand-cycling: Computational and wind tunnel analysis of aerodynamic performance. NUI Galway, TU/e: NUI Galway, TU/e Thesis [Details]
(2013) Formal calibration methodology relating to CFD models of naturally ventilated internal environments.
Hajdukiewicz, M. (2013) Formal calibration methodology relating to CFD models of naturally ventilated internal environments. NUI Galway: NUI Galway Thesis [Details]

Teaching Interests

CT1110: Engineering Computing I (1st year)
CE226: Principles of buildings (2nd year)
CE2102: Community engaged building project (2nd year)
ME223: Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics (2nd year)
CE343: Sustainable Energy (3rd year)
EG401: Energy Systems Engineering Project (4th year)
CE466: Energy in Buildings (4th year)
CE475: Sustainable Energy and Energy in Buildings (4th year)
BME402: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis: CFD (4th year)

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2019 Paul Mannion PhD
2019 Paul Moran PhD
2019 Sheikh Zuhaib PhD

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Ceylin Sirin Doctorate - Structured Ph.D (Engineering) Supervisor