Operational Contacts for School of Engineering

Information on general operational contacts \ information can be found on this page. 

Audio Visual / ISS Related Faults

Buildings and Estates Helpdesk

Report a Building Fault / Service Request

Open Research Areas (ENG-2053 and ENG-3053)

Lab Access Requests

Event Management

Safety Coordinator


Audio Visual / ISS Related Faults

Audio Visual and Computer / Network related faults should be logged through the ISS Service Desk: https://servicedesk.nuigalway.ie/.

For Audio Visual helpdesk queries, contact: audiovisual@nuigalway.ie or telephone extension: 2173.


Buildings and Estates Helpdesk

To request office cleaning, attendant services or transportation requests (e.g. furniture moving, poster boards requests) please send an email with details of your request to buildingsandestates@universityofgalway.ie.


Report a Building Fault / Service Request

To report a fault, request building maintenance or to request any of the following services, please contact the Buildings & Estates Liaison person related to your area as listed below.


Lift repairs



Fire Prevention

Pest Control

Fit-out services


 HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning)

Security (keys and access)

Landscape and Grounds Maintenance



The current Buildings & Estates Liaisons are:

Biomedical Engineering

Juan Alberto Panadero Pérez juanalberto.panaderoperez@universityofgalway.ie

Civil Engineering

Colm Walsh walshc@universityofgalway.ie

Civil / Environmental Engineering Related

James Feighan james.feighan@universityofgalway.ie

Electronic & Electrical Engineering Related

Myles Meehan myles.meehan@universityofgalway.ie


Arline Broder arline.broder@universityofgalway.ie

Mechanical Engineering Related

Pat Kelly Patrick.kelly@universityofgalway.ie



Open Research Areas (ENG-2053 and ENG-3053)

For requests relating to the open research rooms (e.g. request a desk for new researcher, access issues, etc), please contact Dave Finn (dave.finn@universityofgalway.ie). Please note any researcher wishing to use this area MUST request a desk through their PI by filling out this form.

Building and open research area access times are as follows:


Mon - Fri: 7am to 10pm

Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays: 9am to 6pm


Researchers cannot work in the open research area outside of these times. PIs should ensure that none of your researchers are accessing the building / research area outside of these times. Out-of-hours access is not provided for desk work.


Researchers / PIs must ensure that vacated desks are left free of all belongings / equipment so that the desk can be used by incoming researchers. Researchers must manage locker keys themselves. If a key is missing they must organise one themselves through a locksmith.


Lab Access Requests

For requests relating to lab access, PIs should contact the relevant Lab Manager(s) and request access. Once agreed, access will be provided by the Security Liaison person in the related area (listed below).


Biomedical Engineering

Juan Alberto Panadero Pérez (juanalberto.panaderoperez@universityofgalway.ie)

Civil Engineering

Peter Fahy

Civil / Environmental Engineering

James Feighan

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Darragh Mullins (darragh.mullins@universityofgalway.ie)

Mechanical Engineering

Sean Donoghue (sean.donoghue@universityofgalway.ie)

Engineering (Open Research Areas)

Dave Finn


Event Management

All events held on University of Galway campus (including the Alice Perry Engineering Building) must be planned, managed, and delivered in accordance with the University's Event Management and Event Safety Policy (QA123). Please visit https://www.universityofgalway.ie/buildings/service-helpdesk/room-events/event-management/ for information.


Safety Coordinator

James Feighan (james.feighan@universityofgalway.ie) is the School of Engineering Safety Coordinator. Please ensure that all your relevant safety information is up to date and available on the School of Engineering SharePoint Site to support James in this important role.