We will promote both ‘engaged research’ and ‘blue skies’ thinking throughout the College and ensure opportunities to partake in research and to benefit from its findings are fully open to all.

  • We will support all Schools in developing staffing plans that ensure there is sufficient capacity to carry out and promote discipline-level research in each School.

  • We will develop our College-level signature research areas that foreground inter/multi-disciplinary strengths and are supported by relevant research institutes and the new College Graduate School. 

  • We will invest College Office resources in better promoting our research achievements and identity, both to improve external communications and to secure new partners and stakeholders in our work.

  • We will work with Schools, the Institute for Creativity, and ILAS to establish research mentorship structures to ensure all research staff are regularly engaged in supportive research conversations both within and beyond their discipline.


Our Signature Research Areas

Our Signature Research Areas