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Staff Profiles
Dr Muireann O'Cinneide

Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2017) | 'Wheels Coming Off the Empire: Transport, Flight and Gender in Victorian Accounts of the 1857-58 Indian Uprising'
O'Cinneide, M (2017) 'Wheels Coming Off the Empire: Transport, Flight and Gender in Victorian Accounts of the 1857-58 Indian Uprising'. Etudes Anglaises, 70 :238-248 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Conflict and Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War'
O'Cinneide, M,Birch, D,Llewellyn, M (2010) 'Conflict and Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War'. Conflict And Difference In Nineteenth-Century Literature, :52-65 [Details] |
(2003) | 'The Victorian Suburb as Imperial Stage'
O Cinneide, M. (2003) 'The Victorian Suburb as Imperial Stage'. Journeys, 7.1 [Details] |
(2007) | 'The Silver-Fork Novel Across Romantic & Victorian Views: Class, Gender and Commodity Culture, 1820-1841'
O Cinneide, M. (2007) 'The Silver-Fork Novel Across Romantic & Victorian Views: Class, Gender and Commodity Culture, 1820-1841'. Literature Compass, 4.4 [Details] |
(2009) | '“Oriental Interests, Interesting Orients: Class, Authority and the Reception of Knowledge'
M.O'Cinneide (2009) '“Oriental Interests, Interesting Orients: Class, Authority and the Reception of Knowledge'. Critical Survey, 21 (1) [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | Monograph: Aristocratic Women and the Literary Nation, 1832-1867. Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century.
O Cinneide, M. (2008) Monograph: Aristocratic Women and the Literary Nation, 1832-1867. Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | 'Imperialism and Literature in the Age of Colonialism'
Muireann O'Cinneide (2015) 'Imperialism and Literature in the Age of Colonialism' In: Victorian Literature: Criticism and Debates. London: Routledge. [Details] |
(2012) | '“Burney’s Wanderers and Brontë’s Silent Revolts: Revolution, Vagrancy and Gender.”'
Muireann O'Cinneide (2012) '“Burney’s Wanderers and Brontë’s Silent Revolts: Revolution, Vagrancy and Gender.”' In: The Legacies of Romanticism: Literature, Aesthetics, Landscape. London: Routledge. [Details] |
(2010) | '“Conflict and Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War”'
O Cinneide, M. (2010) '“Conflict and Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War”' In: Conflict and Difference in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Basingstoke & NY: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details] |
Edited Books
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | Women Writing War: Ireland, 1880-1922.
Tina O'Toole; Gillian McIntosh; Muireann O'Cinneide (Ed.). (2016) Women Writing War: Ireland, 1880-1922. Dublin: UCD Press. [Details] |
(2014) | The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Volume 15 - Chronicles of Carlingford: Preliminary Tales.
Muireann O'Cinneide (Ed.). (2014) The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Volume 15 - Chronicles of Carlingford: Preliminary Tales The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Volume 15 - Chronicles of Carlingford: Preliminary Tales. London: Pickering & Chatto. [Details] |
(2013) | Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant Volume 11 - Short (Domestic) Fiction.
Muireann O'Cinneide (Ed.). (2013) Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant Volume 11 - Short (Domestic) Fiction Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant Volume 11 - Short (Domestic) Fiction. London: Pickering and Chatto. [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2012) | Behind the Lines: Women, War & Letters, 1880-1922,
Muireann O'Cinneide, Tina O'Toole (UL) & Margaret Harper (UL) (2012) International two-day conference on conceptions of political, national, literary and/or gendered conflict in women’s writing of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Behind the Lines: Women, War & Letters, 1880-1922, University of Limerick , 09-JUN-12 - 10-JUN-12. [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | Victorian Satire - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
Muireann O'Cinneide (2013) Victorian Satire - Oxford Bibliographies Online. Oxford: Bibliography [Details] |
Conference Paper
Year | Publication | |
(2006) | Conflict & Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War: Victorian Conflicts . BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies).
O Cinneide, M. (2006) Conflict & Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War: Victorian Conflicts . BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies). Liverpool: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2007) | Kipling & Surtees: Exotic Englands, Familiar Indias. Kipling Conference.
O Cinneide, M. (2007) Kipling & Surtees: Exotic Englands, Familiar Indias. Kipling Conference. Kent: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2007) | Packaging Disaster: Empire & the Cultural Industry of War: Victorian Cultural Industries . BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies).
O Cinneide, M. (2007) Packaging Disaster: Empire & the Cultural Industry of War: Victorian Cultural Industries . BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies). Salford: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2007) | Keynote Address: Confrontation & Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War. Confrontation BCLA (British Comparative Lit Association).
O Cinneide, M. (2007) Keynote Address: Confrontation & Imperial Communication: Narrating the First Afghan War. Confrontation BCLA (British Comparative Lit Association). Graduate Conference - Goldsmith's: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2008) | Travellers' Bodies & Material Texts: Victorian Women's Narratives of Imperial Suffering Bodies and Things. Victorian Literature and the Matter of Culture.
O Cinneide, M. (2008) Travellers' Bodies & Material Texts: Victorian Women's Narratives of Imperial Suffering Bodies and Things. Victorian Literature and the Matter of Culture. Oxford: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2008) | Elite Lives: Aristocratic Women & the Domestic Memoir: Life and Works: The Contexts and Practices of Victorian Life-Writing.
O Cinneide, M. (2008) Elite Lives: Aristocratic Women & the Domestic Memoir: Life and Works: The Contexts and Practices of Victorian Life-Writing. Keele: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2008) | Travellers' Minds & Soldiers' Bodies: Inscribing Feeling in the Work of Alexander Kinglake . BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies).
O Cinneide, M. (2008) Travellers' Minds & Soldiers' Bodies: Inscribing Feeling in the Work of Alexander Kinglake . BAVS (British Association of Victorian Studies). Leicester: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | “Votes, Bonnets & Beer: Electoral Marketplaces in the Mid-Victorian Novel”: Victorian Markets & Marketing – VSAWC (Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada) & VISAWUS (Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States) – Vancouver – Oct 2009.
O'Cinneide, M. (2009) “Votes, Bonnets & Beer: Electoral Marketplaces in the Mid-Victorian Novel”: Victorian Markets & Marketing – VSAWC (Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada) & VISAWUS (Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States) – Vancouver – Oct 2009. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2010) | “Fighting, Feelings and Genres in Alexander Kinglake’s Eothen and The Invasion of the Crimea - Fighting Victorians – NVSA (Northeast Victorian Studies Assoc.).
M.O'Cinneide (2010) “Fighting, Feelings and Genres in Alexander Kinglake’s Eothen and The Invasion of the Crimea - Fighting Victorians – NVSA (Northeast Victorian Studies Assoc.). Conference Paper [Details] |
(2010) | “Mutinous Flight or Mutinous Fight? – Women’s Journeys in Accounts of the 1857-8 Indian Uprising.”- Women’s Journeys – BWWC (British Women Writers Conference) – Texas A&M – April 2010.
O'Cinneide, M. (2010) “Mutinous Flight or Mutinous Fight? – Women’s Journeys in Accounts of the 1857-8 Indian Uprising.”- Women’s Journeys – BWWC (British Women Writers Conference) – Texas A&M – April 2010. Conference Paper [Details] |
(2011) | “Camels, Elephants & Motley Processions: The Hidden Costs of Imperial Transport”: Modes of Transport: Travel Writing and Form, 1780-1914.
M.O'Cinneide (2011) “Camels, Elephants & Motley Processions: The Hidden Costs of Imperial Transport”: Modes of Transport: Travel Writing and Form, 1780-1914. Conference Paper [Details] |
Other Item
Year | Publication | |
(2007) | Entries on Frank O’Connor & Kate Atkinson. In A Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction. Ed. Andrew Maunder. Facts on File: New York; 2007.
O'Cinneide, M. (2007) Entries on Frank O’Connor & Kate Atkinson. In A Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction. Ed. Andrew Maunder. Facts on File: New York; 2007. Other Item [Details] |
(2007) | Entries on Frank O'Connor & Kate Atkinson. In A Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction. Facts on File.
O Cinneide, M. (2007) Entries on Frank O'Connor & Kate Atkinson. In A Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction. Facts on File. New York: Other Item [Details] |
(2009) | Guest Editor, “The British Empire and Victorian Literature & Culture”, Victorian Network I (August 2009).
O'Cinneide, M. (2009) Guest Editor, “The British Empire and Victorian Literature & Culture”, Victorian Network I (August 2009). Other Item [Details] |
(2011) | “Influence, Ideology and the Political Hostess in Mary Ward’s Marcella and Sir George Tressady”. In Mary Augusta Ward: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. John Ballam. Amsterdam: Rodolphi.(Forthcoming) .
O'Cinneide, M. (2011) “Influence, Ideology and the Political Hostess in Mary Ward’s Marcella and Sir George Tressady”. In Mary Augusta Ward: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. John Ballam. Amsterdam: Rodolphi.(Forthcoming) . Other Item [Details] |