Dr Liam Carr


Contact Details

Head of Geography
MSc in Coastal & Marine Environments
University of Galway
T: (091) 49-2314
E: liam.m.carr@universityofgalway.ie
Lecturer Above The Bar
School of Geography
University of Galway
E: liam.m.carr@universityofgalway.ie


A critical environmental geographer examining marine spatial planning and management, with a focus on how policy decisions impact communities and economies dependent upon the sustainable delivery of ecosystem services.

He earned his PhD in Geography from Texas A&M University in 2012, where he incorporated local knowledge of Virgin Islands fishing communities to evaluate the effectiveness of fishery regulations.

Experienced in: Marine Spatial Planning; European policy and legislation; social-ecological systems; qualitative methods; Q-methodology; behavioural and economic modelling; tourism; aquaculture and fisheries; public policy review; stakeholder-led research; marine system characterisation; public outreach and media communications.

Research interests: spatial techniques for visualising policy; community engagement and consensus-building; marine ecosystem goods and services valuation.

Research Interests

Marine Spatial Planning
Ecosystem Services & Ecosystem Service Valuation
Policy & Governance
Stakeholder Engagement & Stakeholder Behaviour
Sustainable Development

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Ensuring networks can meet societal needs: policy, research and co-production [NARI] 01-JUL-24 30-JUN-26
Powering Artistic and Cultural Entrepreneurship to Drive the Climate Transition [PACESETTERS] 01-MAR-24 28-FEB-27
Marine Institute National Research Vessels Ship-Time Programme 12-OCT-21 15-OCT-21
Marine Institute National Research Vessels Ship-Time Programme 21-OCT-20 24-OCT-20
General Research Account Liam Carr 01-JUN-20 31-MAY-30
Sea-ing through the weeds: improving marine spatial planning through local knowledge 09-JAN-20 31-DEC-20
Marine Institute National Research Vessels Ship-Time Programme 10-OCT-19 13-OCT-19
Marine Institute National Research Vessels Ship-Time Programme 04-OCT-18 07-OCT-18
Maritime, Ocean Sector and Ecosystem Sustainability: Fostering Blue Growth in Atlantic Industries [MOSES] 15-MAR-17 13-MAR-20

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Conor Maloney PACESETTERS Researcher General Research
Michaela Louise Coote NARI Post-Doc Researcher Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
John Conneely PACESETTERS Researcher General Research

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2022) 'Study of changes in mangrove forest cover in three areas located on the east coast of North Sumatra Province between 1990 and 2020'
Ginting, YSR, G Komarudin & LM Carr (2022) 'Study of changes in mangrove forest cover in three areas located on the east coast of North Sumatra Province between 1990 and 2020'. Journal Of Tropical Ecology, 34 (4):467-479 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Conceptualising marine biodiversity mainstreaming as an enabler of regional sustainable blue growth: the case of the European Atlantic Area'
Kyriazi, Z, LR de Almeida, A Marhadour, C Kelly, W Flannery, A Murillas, R Kalaydjian, D Farrell, L Carr, D Norton & S Hynes (2023) 'Conceptualising marine biodiversity mainstreaming as an enabler of regional sustainable blue growth: the case of the European Atlantic Area'. Sustainability, 15 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Community management on Ireland's rural coast: can collective action address gaps in Irish seaweed governance?'
Pendleton, A; Carr, LM (2023) 'Community management on Ireland's rural coast: can collective action address gaps in Irish seaweed governance?'. Local Environment, 28 :47-64 [Details]
(2021) 'Blue Growth: a transitions approach to developing sustainable pathways'
Kelly, C; McAteer, B; Fahy, F; Carr, LM; Norton, D; Farrell, D; Corless, R; Hynes, S; Kyriazi, Z; Marhadour, A; Kalaydjian, R; Flannery, W (2021) 'Blue Growth: a transitions approach to developing sustainable pathways'. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 8 [Details]
(2021) 'Bright spots as climate-smart marine spatial planning tools for conservation and blue growth'
Queirós, AM; Talbot, E; Beaumont, NJ; Somerfield, PJ; Kay, S; Pascoe, C; Dedman, S; Fernandes, JA; Jeueterbock, A; Miller, PI; Sailley, SF; Sará, G; Carr, LM; Austen, MC; Widdicombe, S; Rilov, G; Levin, LA; Hull, SC; Walmsley, SF;Nic Aonghusa, C (2021) 'Bright spots as climate-smart marine spatial planning tools for conservation and blue growth'. Global Change Biology, 27 :5514-5513 [Details]
(2020) 'A geography of marine litter'
Black, J.E., Holmes, D., and Carr, L.M. (2020) 'A geography of marine litter'. Irish Geography, [Details]
(2019) 'Marine spatial planning in a climate of uncertainty'
Carr, L.M. (2019) 'Marine spatial planning in a climate of uncertainty'. Irish Geography, 52 :1-20 [Details]
(2019) 'Seeking stakeholder consensus within Ireland's conflicted salmon aquaculture space'
Carr, L.M. (2019) 'Seeking stakeholder consensus within Ireland's conflicted salmon aquaculture space'. Marine Policy, 99 :201-212 [Details]
(2017) 'On the subject of typology: how Irish coastal communities' subjectivities reveal intrinsic values towards coastal environments'
Farrell, D.; Carr, L.; Fahy, F. (2017) 'On the subject of typology: how Irish coastal communities' subjectivities reveal intrinsic values towards coastal environments'. Ocean & Coastal Management, 146 :135-145 [Details]
(2016) 'Measuring stakeholder perspectives on environmental and economic stability for a tourism-dependent community'
Carr, L.M.; Liu, D.Y. (2016) 'Measuring stakeholder perspectives on environmental and economic stability for a tourism-dependent community'. International Journal Of Tourism Research, 18 :620-632 [Details]
(2016) 'Testing fisher-developed alternatives to fishery management tools for community support and regulatory effectiveness'
Carr, L.M.; Heyman, W.D. (2016) 'Testing fisher-developed alternatives to fishery management tools for community support and regulatory effectiveness'. Marine Policy, 67 :40-53 [Details]
(2014) 'Using a coupled behavior-economic model to reduce uncertainty and assess fisheries management in a data-limited, small-scale fishery'
Carr, L.M.; Heyman, W.D. (2014) 'Using a coupled behavior-economic model to reduce uncertainty and assess fisheries management in a data-limited, small-scale fishery'. Ecological Economics, 102 :94-104 [Details]
(2012) ''It's about seeing what's actually out there': quantifying fishers' ecological knowledge and biases in a small-scale commercial fishery'
Carr, L.M.; Heyman, W.D. (2012) ''It's about seeing what's actually out there': quantifying fishers' ecological knowledge and biases in a small-scale commercial fishery'. Ocean & Coastal Management, 69 :118-132 [Details]
(2010) 'Diver ecotourism and disturbance to reef fish spawning aggregations: it is better to be disturbed than to be dead'
Heyman, W.D.; Carr, L.M.; Lobel, P. (2010) 'Diver ecotourism and disturbance to reef fish spawning aggregations: it is better to be disturbed than to be dead'. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 419 :201-210 [Details]
(2009) 'Jamaica bound? Marine resources and management at a crossroads in Antigua and Barbuda'
Carr, L.M.; Heyman, W.D. (2009) 'Jamaica bound? Marine resources and management at a crossroads in Antigua and Barbuda'. Geographical Journal, 175 :17-38 [Details]
(2003) 'Valuing coral reefs: a travel cost analysis of the Great Barrier Reef'
Carr, L.M.; Mendelsoh, R. (2003) 'Valuing coral reefs: a travel cost analysis of the Great Barrier Reef'. Ambio, 32 :353-357 [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Can knowledge save salmon? A question of consensus ethics'
Carr, LM (2023) 'Can knowledge save salmon? A question of consensus ethics' In: Coastal Environments in the West of Ireland. :45-82 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Details]
(2022) 'Places of wander: the value of community attachment for coastal tourism'
Farrell, D; Carr, LM (2022) 'Places of wander: the value of community attachment for coastal tourism' In: Preserving and Constructing Place Attachment in Europe. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [Details]
(2021) 'Iron men on wooden boats: connection and isolation between local culture and the sea in coastal Donegal'
Peritz, A; Carr, LM (2021) 'Iron men on wooden boats: connection and isolation between local culture and the sea in coastal Donegal' In: Representing Place and Territorial Identities in Europe: Discourses, Images, and Practices. :235-249 Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(1999) American Society for Limnology & Oceanography
Carr, L, C Ouverney & J Fuhrman (1999) Comparison of bacterial and archaeal family concentrations between near-shore and open-ocean depth profiles off southern California American Society for Limnology & Oceanography [Details]
(2007) Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute
Carr, L & W Heyman (2007) Using acoustic tags to track fish movements at spawning aggregations in Belize Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute [Details]
(2010) Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute
Carr, L & L Massey (2010) Age-frequency distributions of protected mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) aggregation following seventeen years of protection Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2008) State of coral reef ecosystems of the USVI.
NOAA Center for Coastal Monitoring (2008) State of coral reef ecosystems of the USVI. NOAA, Charleston, SC. [Details]
(2010) Spatial stock assessment and fishing effort analysis for St. Croix, USVI.
NOAA Fisheries Service (2010) Spatial stock assessment and fishing effort analysis for St. Croix, USVI. NOAA, Silver Spring, MD. [Details]
(2012) Ecosystem-based fisheries management of commercially important species: designing a network of refugíos in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
rnott, R, L Carr, M Mohon, A Santos, F Toledo, S Trimble & J Ziegler (2012) Ecosystem-based fisheries management of commercially important species: designing a network of refugíos in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Niparajá Sociedad de Historia Natural, La Paz, Mexico. [Details]
(2013) NOAA Fleet Composition Report: 2012-2027.
NOAA Fleet Advisory Committee (2013) NOAA Fleet Composition Report: 2012-2027. NOAA, Washington, DC. [Details]
(2016) Preserving identity along the Wild Atlantic Way.
Carr, L (2016) Preserving identity along the Wild Atlantic Way. Whitaker Policy Institute, Galway. [Details]
(2017) Fishing for salmon farming consensus in Ireland.
Carr, L (2017) Fishing for salmon farming consensus in Ireland. Whitaker Policy Institute, Galway. [Details]
(2018) The challenges of protecting rural coastal communities from climate change impacts.
Carr, L, G Castro Camba, SW Orozco, K Lynch, M Finn & E Farrell (2018) The challenges of protecting rural coastal communities from climate change impacts. Maharees Conservation Association, Castlegregory. [Details]
(2019) Innovative methods of community engagement, towards a low-carbon climate resilient future.
Revez, A, G Mullaly, H Emerson, N Dunphy, C Watson, B Lennon, J Glynn, F Rogan, E Byrne, E Boyle, C McGookin, S Smith, F Fahy, B O'Dwyer, D Torney, P Brereton, J Morrissey, M Greene, S Hugel, J Carroll, R Doyle, E Farrell, L Carr & G Schuitema (2019) Innovative methods of community engagement, towards a low-carbon climate resilient future. Environmental Research Institute, Cork. [Details]
(2019) Nitrate loading in Galway canals: challenges in meeting Water Framework Directive standards.
Carr, L & M Donnelly (2019) Nitrate loading in Galway canals: challenges in meeting Water Framework Directive standards. Whitaker Policy Institute, Galway. [Details]
(2020) The economic value of outdoor recreation on a coastal beach and dune system in Ireland's Southwest.
Carr, L & E ÓFatharta (2020) The economic value of outdoor recreation on a coastal beach and dune system in Ireland's Southwest. Whitaker Policy Institute, Galway. [Details]
(2021) Blue growth pathway for marine and coastal tourism trail development.
Fahy, F, L Carr, D Norton, D Farrell, R Corless & S Hynes (2021) Blue growth pathway for marine and coastal tourism trail development. Interreg Atlantic Area European Regioonal Development Fund, Lille, France. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
2018 IIFET Conference,
Carr, L Value hierarchies, conflict and consensus in Ireland's salmon aquaculture space. [Oral Presentation], 2018 IIFET Conference, Seattle, WA . [Details]
2018 Conference of Irish Geographers,
Carr, L Defining MSP for Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 2018 Conference of Irish Geographers, Maynooth, Ireland . [Details]
2019 Association of Geographical Societies in Europe,
Farrell, D, L Carr & E Farrell On the need for community voices. [Oral Presentation], 2019 Association of Geographical Societies in Europe, Galway . [Details]
2019 Association of Geographical Societies in Europe,
Carr, L Marine spatial planning in a climate of uncertainty. [Oral Presentation], 2019 Association of Geographical Societies in Europe, Galway . [Details]
2019 Association of Geographical Societies in Europe,
Carr, L Marine Spatial Planning. [Chaired Session], 2019 Association of Geographical Societies in Europe, Galway . [Details]
35th International Geographical Congress,
Carr, L Research Methods: Opportunities for, and challenges to, stakeholder and community engagement: current understanding and future research trajectories 2. [Chaired Session], 35th International Geographical Congress, Dublin . [Details]
35th International Geographical Congress,
Carr, L Research Methods: Opportunities for, and challenges to, stakeholder and community engagement: current understanding and future research trajectories 1. [Chaired Session], 35th International Geographical Congress, Dublin . [Details]
Conference of Irish Geographers,
Carr, L New geographies of responsibility? Critical perspectives on coastal and marine governance. [Chaired Session], Conference of Irish Geographers, Online . [Details]
35th International Geographical Congress,
Carr, L Marxan is a breeze: using conservation planning software to assess suitability of offshore wind development in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 35th International Geographical Congress, Dublin . [Details]
35th International Geographical Congress,
Carr, L Marxan is a breeze: using conservation planning software to assess suitability of offshore wind development in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 35th International Geographical Congress, Dublin . [Details]

Gov. Report or Document

  Year Publication
(2012) NOAA Scientific Integrity Policy.
NOAA Research Council (2012) NOAA Scientific Integrity Policy. Washington, DC: NOAA Gov. Report or Document [Details]

Invited Lectures

  Year Publication
(2019) Stakeholder perspectives on aquaculture administrative oversight and support.
Carr, L (2019) Stakeholder perspectives on aquaculture administrative oversight and support. Sligo, Ireland: Interreg Europe Invited Lectures [Details]
(2019) Role of science and stakeholders in community development.
Carr, L (2019) Role of science and stakeholders in community development. Kaifeng, China: Henan University Invited Lectures [Details]
(2021) European and Irish policies on biodegradable plastics.
Carr, L (2021) European and Irish policies on biodegradable plastics. Online: Royal Irish Academy Invited Lectures [Details]
(2021) Valuing local knowledge as Ireland plans Blue Growth: the future of our seaweeds.
Carr, L (2021) Valuing local knowledge as Ireland plans Blue Growth: the future of our seaweeds. Ardara, Ireland: TASC Invited Lectures [Details]

Invited Seminars

  Year Publication
(2019) MOSES Round Table.
Carr, L & D Farrell (2019) MOSES Round Table. Rathmullan, Ireland: Rathmullan the Way Forward Invited Seminars [Details]
(2019) Seeing through the weeds of Ireland's kelp harvesting: how practices and politics threaten a traditional tenure system.
Carr, L (2019) Seeing through the weeds of Ireland's kelp harvesting: how practices and politics threaten a traditional tenure system. Aberdeen, UK: Political Ecology of Coastal Societies Invited Seminars [Details]
(2020) Putting Rathmullan on the map.
Carr, L (2020) Putting Rathmullan on the map. Rathmullan, Ireland: Rathmullan the Way Forward Invited Seminars [Details]


  Year Publication
(2011) Planet Earth Laboratory Manual.
Carr, L, E Farrell & S Quiring (2011) Planet Earth Laboratory Manual. Manual [Details]


  Year Publication
(2006) Frederiksted Pier dredging project: environmental impacts report.
USVI Port Authority (2006) Frederiksted Pier dredging project: environmental impacts report. Report [Details]
(2011) St. Croix mutton snapper spawning aggregation assessment and age validation.
Caribbean Fishery Management Council (2011) St. Croix mutton snapper spawning aggregation assessment and age validation. Report [Details]

Technical Publication

  Year Publication
(2006) Bioassessment tools for stony corals: field-testing of monitoring protocols in the USVI.
US EPA (2006) Bioassessment tools for stony corals: field-testing of monitoring protocols in the USVI. Technical Publication [Details]
(2008) Identifying and characterizing fish spawning aggregations at Buck Island Reef National Monument.
The National Park Service (2008) Identifying and characterizing fish spawning aggregations at Buck Island Reef National Monument. Technical Publication [Details]


  Year Publication
(2019) eer-Review Workshop on the Economic Impact of Maritime Spatial Planning.
Carr, L (2019) eer-Review Workshop on the Economic Impact of Maritime Spatial Planning. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Workshops [Details]
(2019) MSP Challenge Workshop.
Carr, L (2019) MSP Challenge Workshop. ICES Marine Spatial Planning Working Group Workshops [Details]
(2020) Clean Coasts roadshow.
Carr, L & E Farrell (2020) Clean Coasts roadshow. Milltown Malbay: Clean Coasts Ireland Workshops [Details]
(2021) MSP Challenge Workshop.
Carr, L (2021) MSP Challenge Workshop. Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions Workshops [Details]
(2022) MSP Challenge Workshop.
Carr, L (2022) MSP Challenge Workshop. Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions: Workshops [Details]
(2022) Coastal resilience community workshop.
Carr, L & E Farrell (2022) Coastal resilience community workshop. Workshops [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2020 President's Award for Teaching Excellence (Finalist) NUI Galway
2015 US Fulbright Scholar US Fulbright Program
2013 Service Award NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations
2013 Virgin Islands EPSCoR Grantee University of the Virgin Islands
2012 Bronze Medal for Outstanding Service US Department of Commerce
2007 Excellence in Teaching Texas A&M University

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
American Association of Geographers Member 01-SEP-08 /
Geographical Society of Ireland Member 01-SEP-16 /
Marine Social Sciences Network Ireland Co-Founder 01-SEP-18 /
Regional Science Association International Member 08-JAN-17 /


  Committee Function From / To
Programme Review Committee Member 15-NOV-24 / 20-DEC-24
University Exam Appeals Board Member 01-SEP-24 /
Postgraduate Review Committee Member 01-NOV-21 /
Ryan Institute Executive Board Board Member 01-SEP-19 / 31-AUG-20
Irish Fulbright Alumni Association Vice-President, Treasurer, Honorary Secretary 01-OCT-18 / 30-MAY-23
Fulbright US Scholar Review Panel Review Panelist 01-NOV-17 / 30-DEC-19
Fulbright Ireland Student Review Panel Review Panelist 01-DEC-16 / 30-DEC-20
Fulbright Social Sciences Review Panel Review Panelist 01-DEC-16 /
Community Engagement Committee Member 01-SEP-16 /
Virginia Sea Grant Review Panel Review Panelist 01-OCT-14 / 15-DEC-14
Sea Grant Fellowship Panel Review Panelist 01-SEP-14 /


  Employer Position From / To
University of Galway Lecturer Above the Bar 27-DEC-21 /
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Senior Advisor to the Director 01-FEB-12 / 31-DEC-12
The Pew Charitable Trusts Senior Policy Associate 05-JAN-13 / 31-JAN-14
US Fulbright Commission Visiting Lecturer 01-SEP-15 / 15-JUL-16
University of Galway Lecturer Below the Bar 01-OCT-19 / 26-DEC-21
University of Galway Lecturer Fixed Term 01-JAN-17 / 30-SEP-19
School for Field Studies Resident Lecturer in Environmental Policy and Socioeconomic Values 06-JAN-15 / 01-JUL-15


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2012 Texas A&M University PhD Geography
2002 Yale University Master of Forest Science School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
1999 University of Southern California BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Biological Sciences - Marine Biology
1999 University of Southern California Bachelor of Arts Environmental Studies - Social Sciences



Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Research (e.g. Community based research) Valuing local knowledge as Ireland plans Blue Growth: the future of our seaweeds 04-OCT-21 /
Policy Development MSP Challenge Workshop 07-SEP-22 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Fishing for consensus on Ireland's salmon farms 06-FEB-17 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Recent rates of terrigenous sedimentation on US Virgin Islands reefs 07-JUL-05 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Valuing coral reefs: a travel cost analysis of the Great Barrier Reef 10-FEB-02 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Marine tourism may boost west coast off-season 21-OCT-21 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Marine tourism may boost west coast off-seasons 19-OCT-21 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) How optimistic and pessimistic are Wild Atlantic Way businesses? 27-JUL-21 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Jonathan Bird's Blue World 24-JUN-15 /
Outreach South Caicos: birds in paradise 28-APR-15 /
Advocacy St Croix deserves facts, not fear, about proposed Salt River Marine Research and Education Centrer 08-AUG-14 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) How healthy Kerry sand dunes are worth 9-million Euro a year 23-APR-20 /
Policy Development MSP Challenge Workshop 10-APR-19 /
Policy Development MSP Challenge Workshop 21-APR-22 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Coastal risk and climate change workshop 07-MAR-16 /
Outreach Clean Coasts Road Show 26-FEB-20 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Putting Rathmullan on the map 18-JAN-20 /
Outreach Participatory Planning and Community Mapping 26-JAN-19 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Coastal resilience community workshop 08-APR-22 /
Policy Development MSP Challenge Workshop 03-DEC-21 /
Outreach Driftnet ban fails to save Atlantic wild salmon 19-FEB-17 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Ireland's farmed salmon output could grown 78% by 2020 01-FEB-17 /
Advocacy Major growth potential for Irish farmed salmon 31-JAN-17 /
Research (e.g. Community based research) Fishing for consensus on the future of salmon in western Ireland 05-MAY-17 /


  Journal Role
Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Reviewer
Ecological Economics Reviewer
Ices Journal Of Marine Science Reviewer
Tourism Management Reviewer
Marine Policy Reviewer
Ocean And Coastal Management Reviewer
Planning Practice and Research Reviewer
Local Environment Reviewer

Other Activities


Founder and President, St Croix Science & Conservation (2014-2021)

Teaching Interests

Marine Spatial Planning; Sustainable Development; European Environmental Policy and Legislation; Cooperative Learning Techniques and Methodologies; Research Design.

Current Postgraduate Students (Taught)

  Name Degree Primary Supervisor
Taryn Kohl MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
Molly Lowney MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
Laura Walls MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
Liam Mays Master of Arts Y

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2018 Jeffrey E. Black MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2024 Maylis Sontot-Marjary MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2018 Mia Donnelly MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2018 Eilis McManamon MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2018 Atalya Peritz MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2017 Natalie OConnor MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2017 Chelsie Shaff MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2019 Lauren McIntosh MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2019 L. Manon Defis Msc Y
2019 Eoin O Fatharta MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2020 Augustus Pendleton MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2020 Molly Penzes MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2021 Saoirse Fitzsimons MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2021 Victor Inokon MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2019 Lorna Britton MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2021 Jack Smith Msc Y
2019 Dearbhla Jordan MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2021 Aaron Killilea MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2022 Lydia Johnson MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2022 Katharine McGovern MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2022 Julia Maine MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2023 Barbara Segato Monteiro MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2023 Carlotta Schwoerbel MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2022 Desiree Farrell PhD Y
2018 Yasmine Daouk MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
Spring 2018 Research Seminar in Geography TI-359 Geography
Spring 2016 - Current Graduate Dissertation TI-6109 Geography
Spring 2016 - 2024 Marine Spatial Planning and Policy TI-6102 Geography
Spring 2016 - 2018 Research Seminar in Sustainable Development TI-350 Geography
Autumn 2016 - Current Research Project Design and Development TI-335 Geography
Spring 2016 - 2017 Spatial Planning of the Marine Environment TI-253 Geography
Spring 2018 - 2024 Marine Spatial Planning TI-2104 Geography
Spring 2025 - Current Sustainable Development in Marine Environments TI-2109 Geography
Spring 2024 - Current Cooperative Learning and Group Research Methods BSS-2101 Geography
Autumn 2022 - Current Research Methods and Mapping TI-6125 Geography
Spring 2025 - Current Sustainability Planning and Policy for Marine Environments TI-6147 Geography
Spring 2018 - Current Seminar in Human-Environment Interactions TI-3120 Geography
Spring 2019 - Current Seminar in Marine Spatial Planning TI-3121 Geography

Internal Collaborators

  Name Description of Collaboration
Eugene Farrell
Maharees Research
Audrey Morley
Stephen Hynes
Frances Fahy

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Wes Flannery Queens University Belfast UNITED KINGDOM