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Staff Profiles
Dr Justin Tonra
Contact Details
University of Galway
E: justin.tonra@universityofgalway.ie

Research Interests
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | 'Social Media Poetics: The Technological Forms of Alt Lit Poetry'
Tonra, Justin (2022) 'Social Media Poetics: The Technological Forms of Alt Lit Poetry'. ASAP/Journal, 7 (3):597-623 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Book History and Digital Humanities in the Long Eighteenth Century'
Tonra, Justin (2021) 'Book History and Digital Humanities in the Long Eighteenth Century'. Eighteenth-Century Studies, 54 (4):765-784 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Biometric Poetics: The Case of Eververse'
Tonra, Justin; Kelly, David (2021) 'Biometric Poetics: The Case of Eververse'. Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 24 [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Digital Bibliography and the Irish Book Trades'
Tonra, Justin (2020) 'Digital Bibliography and the Irish Book Trades'. Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 49 :337-341 [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | 'Pagan Angels and a Moral Law: Byron and Moore's Blasphemous Publications'
Tonra, Justin (2017) 'Pagan Angels and a Moral Law: Byron and Moore's Blasphemous Publications'. European Romantic Review, 28 (6):789-811 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2016) | 'A Networks-Science Investigation Into the Epic Poems of Ossian'
Yose, Joseph; Kenna, Ralph; MacCarron, Pádraig; Platini, Thierry; Tonra, Justin (2016) 'A Networks-Science Investigation Into the Epic Poems of Ossian'. Advances In Complex Systems, 19 (04n05):1650008-1-1650008-24 [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | 'English Bards and Unknown Reviewers: a Stylometric Analysis of Thomas Moore and the Christabel Review'
Benatti, Francesca; Tonra, Justin (2015) 'English Bards and Unknown Reviewers: a Stylometric Analysis of Thomas Moore and the Christabel Review'. Breac: A Digital Journal of Irish Studies, (3) [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Masks of Refinement: Pseudonym, Paratext, and Authorship in the Early Poetry of Thomas Moore'
Tonra, Justin (2014) 'Masks of Refinement: Pseudonym, Paratext, and Authorship in the Early Poetry of Thomas Moore'. European Romantic Review, 25 (5):551-573 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Transcription Maximized; Expense Minimized? Crowdsourcing and Editing The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham'
Causer, Tim; Tonra, Justin; Wallace, Valerie (2012) 'Transcription Maximized; Expense Minimized? Crowdsourcing and Editing The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham'. Literary And Linguistic Computing, 27 (2):119-137 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Manuscript Transcription by Crowdsourcing: Transcribe Bentham'
Moyle, Martin; Tonra, Justin; Wallace, Valerie (2011) 'Manuscript Transcription by Crowdsourcing: Transcribe Bentham'. LIBER Quarterly, 20 (3/4):347-356 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'Textual Studies and the TEI: Encoding Thomas Moore’s Lalla Rookh'
Tonra, Justin (2009) 'Textual Studies and the TEI: Encoding Thomas Moore’s Lalla Rookh'. Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie, 8 :25-36 [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Write My Name: Authorship in the Poetry of Thomas Moore.
Tonra, Justin (2020) Write My Name: Authorship in the Poetry of Thomas Moore. New York; Abingdon: Routledge. [DOI] [Details] |
Edited Books
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | Thomas Moore: Text, Contexts, Hypertext.
Benatti, Francesca; Ryder, Sean; Tonra, Justin (Ed.). (2013) Thomas Moore: Text, Contexts, Hypertext Thomas Moore: Text, Contexts, Hypertext. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | 'Digital Scholarly Editing in the Early Modern Curriculum [forthcoming]'
Reid, Lindsay Ann; Tonra, Justin (2024) 'Digital Scholarly Editing in the Early Modern Curriculum [forthcoming]' In: Twenty-First Century Digital Editing & Publishing. Glasgow: Scottish Universities Press. [Details] |
(2022) | ''The greatest Poet that has [n]ever existed': A Narrative Networks Analysis of the Poems of Ossian'
Yose, Joseph; Kenna, Ralph; MacCarron, Pádraig; Platini, Thierry; Tonra, Justin (2022) ''The greatest Poet that has [n]ever existed': A Narrative Networks Analysis of the Poems of Ossian' In: Thomas Jefferson on Gardens, Poetry, and Music. :1-23 Lewiston: Mellen Press. [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | 'Annotation and the Social Edition'
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Tonra, Justin (2017) 'Annotation and the Social Edition' In: A Handbook of Editing Early Modern Texts. :199-206 Basingstoke: Routledge. [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Googling Thomas Moore'
Tonra, Justin (2013) 'Googling Thomas Moore' In: Thomas Moore: Texts, Contexts, Hypertext. :187-203 Bern: Peter Lang. [Details] |
(2013) | 'Introduction'
Benatti, Francesca; Tonra, Justin (2013) 'Introduction' In: Thomas Moore: Texts, Contexts, Hypertext. :1-8 Bern: Peter Lang. [Details] |
(2012) | ''CASE STUDY Transcribe Bentham: Crowdsourcing in Practice' in Claire Ross, 'Social Media for Digital Humanities and Community Engagement''
Causer, Tim; Tonra, Justin; Wallace, Valerie (2012) ''CASE STUDY Transcribe Bentham: Crowdsourcing in Practice' in Claire Ross, 'Social Media for Digital Humanities and Community Engagement'' In: Digital Humanities in Practice. :29-32 London: Facet Publishing. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023
Tonra, Justin (2023) ÚRSCÉAL: Building and Analysing a Corpus of the Early Irish-language Novel . In: Baillot, Anne; Tasovac, Toma; Scholger, Walter; Vogeler, Georg eds. DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023 Graz, Austria, , 12-JUL-23 - 12-JUL-23 , pp.188-189 [DOI] [Details] |
(2023) | DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023
Winters, Jane; Donnay, Michael; Edmond, Jennifer; Murphy, Órla; Tupman, Charlotte, Gooding, Paul; Schuster, Kristen; Ciula, Arianna; Tonra, Justin (2023) Enhancing Research and Teaching Capacity Through Collaboration: Building a UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association . In: Baillot, Anne; Tasovac, Toma; Scholger, Walter; Vogeler, Georg eds. DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023 Graz, Austria, , 13-JUL-23 - 13-JUL-23 , pp.440-442 [DOI] [Details] |
(2023) | DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023
Birkholz, Julie M.; Börner, Ingo; Byszuk, Joanna; Chambers, Sally; Charvat, Vera Maria; Cinková, Silvie; Dejaeghere, Tess; Dudar, Julia; ¿ur¿o, Matej; Eder, Maciej; Edmond, Jennifer; Fileva, Evgeniia; Fischer, Frank; Garnett, Vicky; Heiden, Serge; K¿en, Michal; Kunda, Bart¿omiej; Laszakovits, Sabine; Mruglaski, Micha¿; Papaki, Eliza; Raciti, Marco; Resch, Stefan; Ros, Salvador; Schöch, Christof; ¿e¿a, Artjoms; Tasovac, Toma; Tonra, Justin; Tóth-Czifra, Erzsébet; Trilcke, Peer; van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; van Rossum, Lisanne (2023) Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure (CLS INFRA): Initial Findings and Conclusions for the Field . In: Baillot, Anne; Tasovac, Toma; Scholger, Walter; Vogeler, Georg eds. DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023 Graz, Austria, , 12-JUL-23 - 12-JUL-23 , pp.496-498 [DOI] [Details] |
(2022) | DH2022: Digital Humanities 2022
Birkholz, Julie; Börner, Ingo; Chambers, Sally; Charvat, Vera; Cinková, Silvie; Dejaeghere, Tess; Dudar, Julia; ¿ur¿o, Matej; Eder, Maciej; Edmond, Jennifer; Fileva, Evgeniia; Fischer, Frank; Heiden, Serge; K¿en, Michal; Kunda, Bart¿omiej; Mrugalski, Micha¿; Murphy, Ciara; Odebrecht, Carolin; Raciti, Marco; Ros, Salvador; Schöch, Christof; ¿e¿a, Artjoms; Tasovac, Toma; Tonra, Justin; Tóth-Czifra, Erzsébet; Trilcke, Peer; van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; van Rossum, Lisanne (2022) Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure (CLS INFRA): a project to connect people, data, tools, and methods . In: Ikki Ohmukai, Taizo Yamada eds. DH2022: Digital Humanities 2022 Tokyo, , 25-JUL-22 - 29-JUL-22 , pp.624-627 [Details] |
(2019) | Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Arts Festival
Tonra, J., Davis, B., Kelly, D., Khawaja, W. (2019) Poetry in Motion: Quantified Self Data and Automated Poetry Generation Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Arts Festival [Details] |
(2019) | DH2019: Digital Humanities 2019
Tonra, Justin; David, Brian; Kelly, David; Khawaja, Waqas (2019) Poetry In Motion: Quantified Self Data And Automated Poetry Generation . In: Elena Pierazzo, Fabio Ciotti eds. DH2019: Digital Humanities 2019 Utrecht, , 09-JUL-19 - 12-JUL-19 [Details] |
(2019) | DH2019: Digital Humanities 2019
Wissik, Tanja; McCrae, John P.; Buitelaar, Paul; Tasovac, Toma; Tonra, Justin; Zaytseva, Ksenia (2019) E-Lexicography Between Digital Humanities And Artificial Intelligence: Complexities In Data, Technologies, Communities . In: Elena Pierazzo, Fabio Ciotti eds. DH2019: Digital Humanities 2019 Utrecht, , 09-JUL-19 - 12-JUL-19 [Details] |
(2017) | DH2017: Digital Humanities 2017
Tonra, Justin; Kelly, David; Reid, Lindsay (2017) Personæ: A Character Visualisation Tool for Dramatic Texts . In: Cecily Raynor, Dominic Forest, Michael Sinatra and Stéfan Sinclair eds. DH2017: Digital Humanities 2017 Montreal, , 08-AUG-17 - 11-AUG-17 , pp.627-630 [Details] |
(2014) | DH2014: Digital Humanities 2014
Tonra, Justin; Barr, Rebecca (2014) Crowdsourcing Annotation and the `Social Edition¿: Ossian Online . In: Frédéric Kaplan, Claire Clivaz eds. DH2014: Digital Humanities 2014 Lausanne, , 07-JUL-14 - 12-JUL-14 , pp.546-547 [Details] |
(2014) | AHA!-Workshop 2014 on Information Discovery in Text
Aggarwal, Nitish; Tonra, Justin; Buitelaar, Paul (2014) Using Distributional Semantics to Trace Influence and Imitation in Romantic Orientalist Poetry . In: Akbik, Alan; Visengeriyeva, Larysa eds. AHA!-Workshop 2014 on Information Discovery in Text Dublin, Ireland, , 23-AUG-14 , pp.43-47 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Promoting diversity and inclusivity in Digital Humanities in Ireland and the UK.
Edmond, Jennifer; Callaghan, Samantha; Ciula, Arianna; Doran, Michelle; Gooding, Paul; Hughes, Lorna; Murphy, Órla; Roy, Samya Brata; Smithies, James; Tonra, Justin; Tupman, Charlotte; Winters, Jane (2022) Promoting diversity and inclusivity in Digital Humanities in Ireland and the UK. UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network, UK-Ireland. [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | Communicating the Value and Impact of Digital Humanities in Teaching, Research, and Infrastructure Development.
Gambell, Sarah; Gooding, Paul; Hughes, Lorna; Doran, Michelle; Murphy, Órla; Tupman, Charlotte; Winters, Jane; Edmond, Jennifer; Ciula, Arianna; Tonra, Justin; Jakeman, Neil; Murietta-Flores, Patricia; Romanova, Natasha; Smithies, James (2021) Communicating the Value and Impact of Digital Humanities in Teaching, Research, and Infrastructure Development. UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network, UK-Ireland. [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | Next Generation Careers in and from Digital Humanities.
Cannelli, Beatrice; Winters, Jane; Ciula, Arianna; Gooding, Paul; Tonra, Justin; Tupman, Charlotte; Doran, Michelle; Edmond, Jennifer; Hughes, Lorna; Murphy, Orla; Smithies, James (2021) Next Generation Careers in and from Digital Humanities. UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network, UK-Ireland. [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | Capacity Enhancement in Digital Humanities in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Training and Beyond.
Romanova, Natasha; Ciula, Arianna; Smithies, James; Jakeman, Neil; Murphy, Órla; Tupman, Charlotte; Winters, Jane; Edmond, Jennifer; Michelle Doran; Gooding, Paul; Hughes, Lorna; Murrieta-Flores, Patricia; Tonra, Justin (2021) Capacity Enhancement in Digital Humanities in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Training and Beyond. UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network, Ireland; United Kingdom. [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | Digital Humanities - Ireland's Opportunity.
Smeaton, Alan; Collins, Sandra; Harrower, Natalie; Murphy, Orla; Greene, Derek; Keane, Mark; Brennan, Rob; Feeney, Kevin; Tonra, Justin; Wade, Karen; Kelleher, Margaret; Bordea, Georgeta; Webb, Sharon; Wade, Vincent; Breathnach, Ciara; Oberlander, Jon; Byrne, Tara; O'Connor, Noel, Schreibman, Susan; Fitzpatrick, Siobhan; O'Connell, Claire (2015) Digital Humanities - Ireland's Opportunity. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. [DOI] [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | Navigating the New Frontier: Generative AI and Academic Integrity Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2024) Crafting and Deploying GenAI-Responsive Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures. [Conference Paper], Navigating the New Frontier: Generative AI and Academic Integrity Conference, Limerick , 14-OCT-24 - 15-OCT-24. [Details] |
(2024) | Enhancing Academic Integrity: From Ideas to Action 2024 Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2024) From Policy to Practice: Implementing University of Galway¿s Academic Integrity Framework. [Conference Paper], Enhancing Academic Integrity: From Ideas to Action 2024 Conference, CCT College, Dublin , 04-SEP-24 - 04-SEP-24. [Details] |
(2024) | Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences in the Era of Generative AI,
Tonra, Justin (2024) (Accidental) AI Resilience. [Conference Paper], Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences in the Era of Generative AI, University College Dublin , 17-MAY-24 - 17-MAY-24. [Details] |
(2024) | Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting,
Lindsay Ann Reid and Justin Tonra (2024) Seventeenth-Century Drama and Digital Scholarly Editing. [Conference Paper], Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago , 21-MAR-24 - 23-MAR-24. [Details] |
(2023) | Tudor and Stuart Ireland Conference,
Lindsay Ann Reid and Justin Tonra (2023) The Werburgh Street Theatre and Digital Scholarly Editing in the Contemporary Classroom. [Conference Paper], Tudor and Stuart Ireland Conference, Maynooth University , 19-AUG-23 - 19-AUG-23. [Details] |
(2023) | Academic and Research Integrity Conference Ireland 2023,
Tonra, Justin (2023) Hosted in Galway City by University of Galway, Ireland, in partnership with National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Academic and Research Integrity Conference Ireland 2023, Galway , 04-OCT-23 - 06-OCT-23. [Details] |
(2023) | UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association Annual Event,
Tonra, Justin (2023) Launch and first Annual event of the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association. [Conference Organising Committee Member], UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association Annual Event, University of London , 29-JUN-23 - 30-JUN-23. [Details] |
(2023) | DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023,
Tonra, Justin (2023) ÚRSCÉAL: Building and Analysing a Corpus of the Early Irish-language Novel. [Conference Paper], DH2023: Digital Humanities 2023, Graz, Austria , 12-JUL-23 - 12-JUL-23. [Details] |
(2020) | Reading #Instapoetry Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2020) Social Media Poetics: Traces of Twitter in Alt Lit. [Conference Paper], Reading #Instapoetry Conference, University of Glasgow [online] , 14-JUL-20 - 16-JUL-20. [Details] |
(2019) | ELO2019: Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Arts Festival,
Tonra, Justin (2019) Poetry in Motion: Quantified Self Data and Automated Poetry Generation. [Conference Paper], ELO2019: Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Arts Festival, University College Cork , 15-JUL-19 - 17-JUL-19. [Details] |
(2019) | DH2019: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations,
Tonra, Justin (2019) Poetry in Motion: Quantified Self Data and Automated Poetry Generation. [Conference Paper], DH2019: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations, Utrecht, Netherlands , 09-JUL-19 - 12-JUL-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Cúirt International Festival of Literature,
Tonra, Justin (2019) Transhumanism: Extending Mortality? (Interview with Mark O'Connell). [Chaired Session], Cúirt International Festival of Literature, Galway , 10-APR-19 - 10-APR-19. [Details] |
(2018) | European Association for Digital Humanities Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2018) Poetry in Motion: Quantified Self Data and Automated Poetry Generation. [Conference Paper], European Association for Digital Humanities Conference, NUI Galway , 07-DEC-18 - 09-DEC-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Bodies of Data: Intersecting Medical and Digital Humanities Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2018) Poetry in Motion: Quantified Self Data and Automated Poetry Generation. [Conference Paper], Bodies of Data: Intersecting Medical and Digital Humanities Conference, Royal Irish Academy & University College Dublin , 22-NOV-18 - 23-NOV-18. [Details] |
(2018) | English Research Day,
Tonra, Justin (2018) “Mr Bellew’s extensive and choice library.”. [Conference Paper], English Research Day, NUI Galway , 23-APR-18 - 23-APR-18. [Details] |
(2018) | DH Benelux 2018,
Schöch, Christof; Eder, Maciej; Odebrecht, Carolin; Kestemont, Mike; Primorac, Antonija; Tonra, Justin; Mihurko Poni, Katja; Kanellopoulou, Catherine (2018) Distant Reading for European Literary History. [Poster Presentation], DH Benelux 2018, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands , 07-JUN-18 - 08-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Language Technologies and Digital Humanities 2018,
Schöch, Christof; Eder, Maciej; Odebrecht, Carolin; Kestemont, Mike; Primorac, Antonija; Tonra, Justin; Mihurko Poni, Katja; Kanellopoulou, Catherine (2018) Distant Reading for European Literary History. [Poster Presentation], Language Technologies and Digital Humanities 2018, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia , 20-SEP-18 - 21-SEP-18. [Details] |
(2018) | DH_BUDAPEST_2018,
Schöch, Christof; Eder, Maciej; Odebrecht, Carolin; Kestemont, Mike; Primorac, Antonija; Tonra, Justin; Mihurko Poni, Katja; Kanellopoulou, Catherine (2018) Distant Reading for European Literary History. [Poster Presentation], DH_BUDAPEST_2018, Budapest, Hungary , 28-MAY-18 - 31-MAY-18. [Details] |
(2018) | DH2018: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations,
Schöch, Christof; Eder, Maciej; Odebrecht, Carolin; Kestemont, Mike; Primorac, Antonija; Tonra, Justin; Mihurko Poni, Katja; Kanellopoulou, Catherine (2018) Distant Reading for European Literary History. [Poster Presentation], DH2018: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations, Mexico City, Mexico , 26-JUN-18 - 29-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | ASECS: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
Tonra, Justin (2018) Digital Data and the Irish Book Trades. [Conference Paper], ASECS: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Orlando, United States , 22-MAR-18 - 25-MAR-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Digital Cultures, Big Data & Society Symposium,
Tonra, Justin (2018) Quantitative Bibliography and the Digital Book Trades. [Conference Paper], Digital Cultures, Big Data & Society Symposium, Royal Irish Academy , 15-FEB-18 - 16-FEB-18. [Details] |
(2017) | DH2017: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations,
Kelly, David; Reid, Lindsay Ann; Tonra, Justin (2017) Personæ: A Character-Visualisation Tool for Dramatic Texts. [Conference Paper], DH2017: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations, Montreal, Canada , 08-AUG-17 - 11-AUG-17. [Details] |
(2017) | British Association for Romantic Studies International Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2017) Room for Improvement: the Romantic Digital Scholarly Edition. [Conference Paper], British Association for Romantic Studies International Conference, York, UK , 27-JUL-17 - 30-JUL-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Discovery Across Boundaries: New Approaches to Tomorrow's Challenges,
Tonra, Justin (2017) Digital Humanities and Literature. [Invited Oral Presentation], Discovery Across Boundaries: New Approaches to Tomorrow's Challenges, Atlantec '17 Festival, National University of Ireland Galway , 06-JUN-17 - 06-JUN-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Lalla Rookh Bicentenary Symposium,
Tonra, Justin (2017) The Bibliographic Problem of Lalla Rookh. [Conference Paper], Lalla Rookh Bicentenary Symposium, National University of Ireland Galway , 27-MAY-17 - 27-MAY-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Lalla Rookh Bicentenary Symposium,
Tonra, Justin (2017) Symposium Commemorating 200th anniversary of Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh. [Organising Chair], Lalla Rookh Bicentenary Symposium, Marsh's Library, Dublin , 27-MAY-17 - 27-MAY-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Translation Meets Book History: Intersections 1700-1900,
Tonra, Justin (2017) Conference held at Moore Institute. [Chaired Session], Translation Meets Book History: Intersections 1700-1900, National University of Ireland Galway , 25-MAY-17 - 26-MAY-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Other Codes / Cóid Eile: Digital Literature in Context,
Tonra, Justin (2017) Social Media Poetics. [Conference Paper], Other Codes / Cóid Eile: Digital Literature in Context, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 11-MAY-17 - 12-MAY-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Other Codes / Cóid Eile: Digital Literature in Context,
David Kelly, Lindsay Ann Reid, and Justin Tonra (2017) 'Patterns of Character and Structure in Shakespeare: Exploring Approaches to Data Visualisation'. [Conference Paper], Other Codes / Cóid Eile: Digital Literature in Context, Galway , 11-MAY-17 - 12-MAY-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Cúirt International Festival of Literature,
Tonra, Justin (2017) Panel participant for Digital Literature & Art: Interface as Creative Device. [Invited Oral Presentation], Cúirt International Festival of Literature, Galway Arts Centre , 28-APR-17 - 28-APR-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Reception, Reputation and Circulation in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800,
Tonra, Justin (2017) RECIRC Conference. [Chaired Session], Reception, Reputation and Circulation in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800, National University of ireland Galway , 22-MAR-17 - 25-MAR-17. [Details] |
(2017) | Nineteenth Century Trade Periodicals: Transnational Perspectives,
Tonra, Justin (2017) Symposium featuring IRC research partners. [Chaired Session], Nineteenth Century Trade Periodicals: Transnational Perspectives, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 09-MAR-17 - 09-MAR-17. [Details] |
(2017) | DPASSH 2017: Digital Preservation for Social Sciences and Humanities,
Tonra, Justin (2017) DPASSH is a response to the problem of digital preservation within the arts and social sciences domains. [Refereed Abstracts], DPASSH 2017: Digital Preservation for Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK , 14-JUN-17 - 15-JUN-17. [Details] |
(2016) | Digital Entanglements: the Post-digital Present,
Tonra, Justin (2016) Conference organised by the DAH PhD Programme. [Chaired Session], Digital Entanglements: the Post-digital Present, Trinity College Dublin , 17-NOV-16 - 18-NOV-16. [Details] |
(2016) | Digital Entanglements: the Post-digital Present,
Tonra, Justin (2016) Conference organised by the DAH PhD Programme. [Invited Oral Presentation], Digital Entanglements: the Post-digital Present, Trinity College Dublin , 17-NOV-16 - 18-NOV-16. [Details] |
(2016) | Digital Entanglements: the Post-digital Present,
Tonra, Justin (2016) Conference organised by the DAH PhD Programme. [Program Committee], Digital Entanglements: the Post-digital Present, Trinity College Dublin , 17-NOV-16 - 18-NOV-16. [Details] |
(2016) | 2nd International Workshop on Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities,
Tonra, Justin (2016) 2nd International Workshop on Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities. [Program Committee], 2nd International Workshop on Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities, Trinity College Dublin , 25-MAY-16 - 25-MAY-16. [Details] |
(2016) | British and Irish Print Networks: Print Networks Annual Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2016) Print Networks Annual Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], British and Irish Print Networks: Print Networks Annual Conference, NUI Galway , 11-JUL-16 - 12-JUL-16. [Details] |
(2015) | IASIL2015: International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures Annual Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2015) Truckle to Tithe-mongers: Thomas Moore’s Textual Reconciliations. [Conference Paper], IASIL2015: International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures Annual Conference, University of York, UK , 20-JUL-15 - 24-JUL-15. [Details] |
(2015) | New Approaches to Ossian Symposium,
Tonra, Justin (2015) Ossian Online: 'Many more remains of ancient genius'. [Oral Presentation], New Approaches to Ossian Symposium, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 04-SEP-15 - 04-SEP-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Digital Material Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2015) Digital Material. [Organising Chair], Digital Material Conference, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 21-MAY-15 - 22-MAY-15. [Details] |
(2015) | DARIAH Ireland Launch,
Tonra, Justin (2015) “Social Editing and the Crowd”. [Oral Presentation], DARIAH Ireland Launch, Maynooth University, Ireland , 18-MAY-15 - 18-MAY-15. [Details] |
(2015) | IASIL2015: International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures Annual Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2015) Roundtable Discussion on Digital Humanities and Irish Studies. [Oral Presentation], IASIL2015: International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures Annual Conference, University of York, UK , 20-JUL-15 - 24-JUL-15. [Details] |
(2015) | New Approaches to Ossian Symposium,
Tonra, Justin (2015) New Approaches to Ossian Symposium. [Conference Organising Committee Member], New Approaches to Ossian Symposium, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 04-SEP-15 - 04-SEP-15. [Details] |
(2015) | BARS2015: International Conference of the British Association for Romantic Studies,
Tonra, Justin (2015) Orientalising the Angels: Thomas Moore's Reactionary Muse. [Conference Paper], BARS2015: International Conference of the British Association for Romantic Studies, Cardiff University, UK , 16-JUL-15 - 19-JUL-15. [Details] |
(2015) | DH2015: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations,
Tonra, Justin (2015) Crowdsourcing Texts of Many Dimensions. [International Refereed Conference], DH2015: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations, University of Western Sydney, Australia , 29-JUN-15 - 03-JUL-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Macpherson's Ossian Legacy Conference,
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Tonra, Justin (2015) Ossian Online: A Digital Resource for Macpherson’s Ossian. [Conference Paper], Macpherson's Ossian Legacy Conference, Kingussie, Scotland , 18-APR-15 - 19-APR-15. [Details] |
(2015) | ASECS: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Tonra, Justin (2015) Carefully Corrected / Mutilated Mess: Ossian's Textual Legacies. [International Refereed Conference], ASECS: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Los Angeles, United States , 19-MAR-15 - 22-MAR-15. [Details] |
(2014) | Reading and Identity Conference,
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Tonra, Justin (2014) Reading Nations, Debating Identities: New Approaches to Macpherson’s Ossian. [Conference Paper], Reading and Identity Conference, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland , 26-AUG-14 - 26-AUG-14. [Details] |
(2014) | Experimental Interfaces for Reading 2.0 Conference,
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Kelly, David; Tonra, Justin (2014) Ossian Online: Crowdsourcing Annotation and the Social Edition. [Poster Presentation (Refereed)], Experimental Interfaces for Reading 2.0 Conference, Chicago, USA , 18-SEP-14 - 18-SEP-14. [Details] |
(2014) | School of Humanities Research Day,
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Tonra, Justin (2014) Ossian Online: Building a Collaborative Research Environment. [Conference Paper], School of Humanities Research Day, NUI Galway , 30-APR-14 - 30-APR-14. [Details] |
(2014) | DH2014: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations,
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Tonra, Justin (2014) Crowdsourcing Annotation and the ‘Social Edition’: Ossian Online. [Poster Presentation (Refereed)], DH2014: Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations, Lausanne, Switzerland , 09-JUL-14 - 12-JUL-14. [Details] |
(2014) | The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 Conference,,
Barr, Rebecca Anne; Tonra, Justin (2014) For the Sake of Argument: Crowdsourcing Annotation of Macpherson’s Ossian. [Conference Paper], The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750 Conference,, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK , 17-JUL-14 - 17-JUL-14. [Details] |
(2013) | New Voices Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2013) The Contraband of Hibernia. [Conference Paper], New Voices Conference, NUI Maynooth , 15-JUN-13 - 15-JUN-13. [Details] |
(2013) | The Limits of the Archive: Classification, Management, Digitization symposium,
Tonra, Justin (2013) Manuscript Transcription: the Habits of Crowds. [Conference Paper], The Limits of the Archive: Classification, Management, Digitization symposium, University College Cork , 16-MAY-13 - 16-MAY-13. [Details] |
(2013) | New DIrections in Thomas Moore Research conference,
Tonra, Justin (2013) Of Little Consequence: the Early Career of Thomas Moore. [Conference Paper], New DIrections in Thomas Moore Research conference, Queen's University Belfast , 03-MAY-13 - 03-MAY-13. [Details] |
(2013) | School of Humanities Research Day,
Tonra, Justin (2013) Poetry by the Book, Poetry by Numbers. [Conference Paper], School of Humanities Research Day, NUI Galway , 20-MAY-13 - 20-MAY-13. [Details] |
(2012) | Digital Humanities Congress,
Benatti, Francesca; Tonra, Justin (2012) “Who Killed Christabel? Can Authorship Attribution Solve the Case?”. [Conference Paper], Digital Humanities Congress, University of Sheffield , 09-SEP-12 - 09-SEP-12. [Details] |
(2012) | ASECS: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
Tonra, Justin (2012) “The Common Property of All Mankind: The Politics of Reprinting In Ireland and America.”. [Conference Paper], ASECS: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, San Antonio, USA , 21-MAR-12 - 24-MAR-12. [Details] |
(2012) | Reconfiguring Authorship Conference,
Benatti, Francesca; Tonra, Justin (2012) “English Bards and Unknown Reviewers: In Search of the Author of the Christabel Review.”. [Conference Paper], Reconfiguring Authorship Conference, Ghent University, Belgium , 18-NOV-12 - 18-NOV-12. [Details] |
(2011) | BARS Romantic Identities Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2011) “‘Masks of Refinement’: Pseudonymous and Public Personae in the Early Poetry of Thomas Moore”. [Conference Paper], BARS Romantic Identities Conference, School of Advanced Study, University of London, UK , 13-MAY-11 - 13-MAY-11. [Details] |
(2010) | Textual Scholarship Seminar,
Schofield, Philip; Tonra, Justin (2010) “Transcription Maximized; Expense Minimized: Crowdsourcing and Editing The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham”. [Invited Paper], Textual Scholarship Seminar, School of Advanced Study, University of London , 12-OCT-10 - 12-OCT-10. [Details] |
(2009) | Society for Textual Scholarship International Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2009) “A Digital Edition of Thomas Moore’s Lalla Rookh (1817)”. [Conference Paper], Society for Textual Scholarship International Conference, New York University, USA , 19-MAR-09 - 20-MAR-09. [Details] |
(2008) | Society for Textual Scholarship International Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2008) “A Text Without a Country, or, What are the Boundaries of an Electronic Edition?”. [Conference Paper], Society for Textual Scholarship International Conference, Boston University, USA , 13-MAR-08 - 14-MAR-08. [Details] |
(2008) | TEI Members Meeting,
Rehbein, Malte; Tonra, Justin (2008) “Encoding Genetic Editions: Two Case Studies”. [Conference Paper], TEI Members Meeting, King’s College London, UK , 06-NOV-08 - 06-NOV-08. [Details] |
(2007) | Making Books, Shaping Readers Conference,
Tonra, Justin (2007) “Reading Electronic Texts”. [Conference Paper], Making Books, Shaping Readers Conference, University College Cork , 18-APR-07 - 18-APR-07. [Details] |
Electronic Publication
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | ÚRSCÉAL.
Tonra, Justin (2023) ÚRSCÉAL. Electronic Publication [Details] |
(2018) | Frances Burney Twitterbot.
Tonra, Justin (2018) Frances Burney Twitterbot. Electronic Publication [Details] |
(2016) | Personae.
David Kelly, Lindsay Ann Reid, and Justin Tonra (2016) Personae. Electronic Publication [Details] |
(2015) | Ossian Online.
Tonra, Justin; Barr, Rebecca (2015) Ossian Online. Electronic Publication [Details] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | New Life for The Dead. Rev. of James Joyce – The Dead, ed. Gerardine Meaney.
Tonra, Justin (2014) New Life for The Dead. Rev. of James Joyce – The Dead, ed. Gerardine Meaney. Book Review [Details] |
(2014) | Rev. of The Shadow-Line: A Confession, ed. J. H. Stape and Allan H. Simmons, intro. Owen Knowles.
Tonra, Justin (2014) Rev. of The Shadow-Line: A Confession, ed. J. H. Stape and Allan H. Simmons, intro. Owen Knowles. The Conradian 39.2 (2014) Book Review [Details] |
(2013) | Rev. of Ireland and Romanticism: Publics, Nations and Scenes of Cultural Production, ed. Jim Kelly.
Tonra, Justin (2013) Rev. of Ireland and Romanticism: Publics, Nations and Scenes of Cultural Production, ed. Jim Kelly. Romantic Textualities 21 (Winter 2013) Book Review [Details] |
(2013) | Rev. of How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain, by Leah Price.
Tonra, Justin (2013) Rev. of How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain, by Leah Price. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 35.2 Book Review [Details] |
(2013) | How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain.
Tonra, J (2013) How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain. Book Review [DOI] [Details] |
(2013) | Rev. of British Periodicals and Romantic Identity: The Literary Lower Empire, by Mark Schoenfield.
Tonra, Justin (2013) Rev. of British Periodicals and Romantic Identity: The Literary Lower Empire, by Mark Schoenfield. Studies in Romanticism 52.2 (2013) Book Review [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | Rev. of Vincent Van Gogh: The Letters, ed. Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten, and Nienke Bakker.
Tonra, Justin (2011) Rev. of Vincent Van Gogh: The Letters, ed. Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten, and Nienke Bakker. Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 9 Book Review [Details] |
(2011) | Rev. of The Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online, ed. John van Wyhe.
Tonra, Justin (2011) Rev. of The Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online, ed. John van Wyhe. Variants 8 Book Review [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Five Questions: Justin Tonra on Thomas Moore.
Tonra, Justin (2020) Five Questions: Justin Tonra on Thomas Moore. British Association of Romantic Studies Blog [Details] |
(2019) | What is Distant Reading?.
Tonra, Justin (2019) What is Distant Reading?. Dublin: RTÉ Brainstorm Blog [Details] |
(2018) | A Short Story About Bookshelves.
Tonra, Justin (2018) A Short Story About Bookshelves. Dublin: RTÉ Brainstorm Blog [Details] |
(2015) | Teaching Romanticism XIII: James Macpherson’s Ossian.
Lindfield-Ott, Kristin; Mulholland, James; Tonra, Justin (2015) Teaching Romanticism XIII: James Macpherson’s Ossian. Cardiff University: Romantic Textualities Blog [Details] |
(2015) | Social Media and Contemporary Authorship.
Tonra, Justin (2015) Social Media and Contemporary Authorship. University College Dublin: Contemporary Irish Writing Blog [Details] |
Conference Poster
Year | Publication | |
(2018) | Distant Reading for European Literary History, a COST Action.
Schöch, Christof; Eder, Maciej; Odebrecht, Carolin; Kestemont, Mike; Primorac, Antonija; Tonra, Justin; Mihurko Poni, Katja; Kanellopoulou, Catherine (2018) Distant Reading for European Literary History, a COST Action. Conference Poster [DOI] [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Irish novels for the European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC).
Tonra, Justin; Ó Mathúna, Pádraig Fhia (2023) Irish novels for the European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC). ELTeC Dataset [Details] |
(2020) | Eververse data.
Tonra, Justin; Kelly, David; Khawaja, Waqas; Davis, Brian (2020) Eververse data. Zenodo Dataset [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
Encyclopedia Entry
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | Lalla Rookh. The Literary Encyclopedia.
Tonra, Justin (2008) Lalla Rookh. The Literary Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Entry [Details] |
(2008) | Thomas Moore. The Literary Encyclopedia.
Tonra, Justin (2008) Thomas Moore. The Literary Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Entry [Details] |
Invited Lectures
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Poetry Machines: Technologies of Poetic Composition.
Tonra, Justin (2022) Poetry Machines: Technologies of Poetic Composition. University of Coimbra: MATLIT 2022: Materialities of Literature Symposium Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2019) | Publishing Your Research: TEI & Digital Editions.
Tonra, Justin (2019) Publishing Your Research: TEI & Digital Editions. Society for Neo-Latin Studies Conference Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2016) | 'Many more remains of ancient genius': Editing James Macpherson's Ossian.
Tonra, Justin (2016) 'Many more remains of ancient genius': Editing James Macpherson's Ossian. University College Dublin: .¿ School of English, Drama, and Film Faculty Research Seminar Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2016) | Twitter and Contemporary Literature.
Tonra, Justin (2016) Twitter and Contemporary Literature. University College Dublin: The Future of the Contemporary: An International Colloquium Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2015) | Collaboration and the Crowd in Digital Scholarly Editing.
Tonra, Justin (2015) Collaboration and the Crowd in Digital Scholarly Editing. Lehrstuhl für Digital Humanities, University of Passau: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2014) | Bad Books: On the Value of Error and Imperfection.
Tonra, Justin (2014) Bad Books: On the Value of Error and Imperfection. Special Collections Lunchtime Lectures, NUI Galway: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2014) | Ossian Online: Building an Interdisciplinary Research Environment.
Tonra, Justin (2014) Ossian Online: Building an Interdisciplinary Research Environment. Centre for Editorial and Intertextual Research, Cardiff University: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2012) | Forcing Serendipity: Computing and Literary Criticism.
Tonra, Justin (2012) Forcing Serendipity: Computing and Literary Criticism. An Foras Feasa Digital Humanities Research Seminar, NUI Maynooth: Invited Lectures [Details] |
Invited Seminars
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Normal People: A View from the West.
Tonra, Justin (2020) Normal People: A View from the West. Moore Institute Invited Seminars [Details] |
(2017) | Perspectives on Collaboration.
Tonra, Justin (2017) Perspectives on Collaboration. Moore Institute, NUI Galway: Collections as Data Hackathon Invited Seminars [Details] |
(2016) | Social Media and Academia.
Tonra, Justin (2016) Social Media and Academia. EDEN: English and Drama Exchange Network, NUI Galway: Invited Seminars [Details] |
Newspaper Articles
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Put down The Plague, a novel by De Maistre is more hopeful.
Tonra, Justin (2020) Put down The Plague, a novel by De Maistre is more hopeful. Dublin: Irish Times Newspaper Articles [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Eververse.
Tonra, Justin (2020) Eververse. Poetry [Details] |
Teaching Interests
Modules Taught
Term/Year | Module Title | Module Code | Subject / Desc | |
2022-23 | Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory and Practice | EN6138 | MA Seminar Module | |
2022-23 | Publishing History | EN6140 | MA Seminar Module | |
2017-2023 | Literature in the Digital Age | EN3138 | 3BA lecture course | |
2022-23 | Publishing: Perspectives & Professionalisation | EN6128 | MA Seminar Module | |
2005-10; 2012-17; 2019-20 | Textual Studies: Problems in the History and Materiality of Texts. | EN563 | MA / PhD seminar module | |
2012-14; 2017-20 | Textual Histories: Materiality and Meaning | ENG244 | BA seminar module (3rd year) | |
2015; 2017-19 | Introduction to Digital Humanities | EN6105 | MA / PhD seminar module | |
2015-16 | Text Technologies | EN6108 | MA / PhD seminar module | |
2015-16 | Literature of the Internet | EN3013/EN3104 | BA seminar module (3rd year) | |
2013-16 | Digital Humanities | ENG235 | BA seminar module (3rd year) | |
2013-16 | Modernism/Postmodernism | EN302 | BA lecture module (3rd year) | |
2013-15 | Irish Literature in English Before 1900 | ENG214 | BA lecture module (2nd year) | |
2013-14 | Book History | EN570 | MA / PhD seminar module | |
2013-14 | Humanities Tools and Methodologies | DA803 | Structured PhD seminar module | |
2013-14 | Conceptual Introduction to Digital Arts and Humanities | DA801 | Structured PhD seminar module | |
2008-09 | Contemporary Irish Poetry | EN404 | BA seminar module (3rd year) | |
2007-09 | Twentieth-Century American Short Stories | EN427 | BA seminar module (3rd year) | |
2007-09 | Young Ireland to the Free State: Writing in English, 1849-1922 | IS105 | MA seminar module | |
2007 | The Politics of Modernity: Writing in English, 1922 to the present | IS108 | MA seminar module |
Internal Collaborators
Name | Description of Collaboration | |
Internal Collaborators |
External Collaborators
Name | Organisation / Institute | Country | Description of Collaboration | |
External Collaborators |