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Staff Profiles
Dr John Walsh
Contact Details
Roinn na Gaeilge | Department of Irish
Scoil na dTeangacha, na Litríochtaí agus na gCultúr | School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Ollscoil na Gaillimhe | University of Galway
T: + 353 91 492563
E: john.walsh@nuigalway.ie

Research Interests
Year | Publication | |
(2025) | Queering Language Revitalisation: Navigating Identity and Inclusion among Queer Speakers of Minority Languages.
Walsh, J., Hornsby, M., Daussà, E.J., Pera-Ros, R., Parker, S., Morris, J. & Cashman, H. (2025) Queering Language Revitalisation: Navigating Identity and Inclusion among Queer Speakers of Minority Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [DOI] [Details] |
(2022) | One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922-2022.
Walsh, J. (2022) One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922-2022. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details] |
(2020) | New Speakers of Irish in the Global Context: New Revival?.
O'Rourke, B. & Walsh, J. (2020) New Speakers of Irish in the Global Context: New Revival?. London: Routledge. [Details] |
(2012) | Contests and Contexts: The Irish Language and Ireland's Socio-Economic Development: Contests and Contexts. Bern: Peter Lang. 2nd ed. 2012.
Walsh, J. (2012) Contests and Contexts: The Irish Language and Ireland's Socio-Economic Development: Contests and Contexts. Bern: Peter Lang. 2nd ed. 2012. Zurich: Peter Lang. [Details] |
(2002) | Díchoimisiúnú Teanga: Coimisiún na Gaeltachta 1926.
Walsh, J. (2002) Díchoimisiúnú Teanga: Coimisiún na Gaeltachta 1926. Dublin: Cois Life. [Details] |
Edited Books
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin Williams.
McLeod, W., Dunbar, R., Jones, K & Walsh, J (Ed.). (2022) Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin Williams Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin Williams. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details] |
(2018) | An Meon Folaithe: Idé-eolaíochtaí agus iompar lucht labhartha na Gaeilge.
Ó hIfearnáin, T. & Walsh, J (Ed.). (2018) An Meon Folaithe: Idé-eolaíochtaí agus iompar lucht labhartha na Gaeilge An Meon Folaithe: Idé-eolaíochtaí agus iompar lucht labhartha na Gaeilge. Baile Átha Cliath: Cois Life. [Details] |
(2016) | Ag Siúl an Bhealaigh Mhóir: Aistí in Ómós don Ollamh Nollaig Mac Congáil.
Walsh, J. & Ó Muircheartaigh, P (Ed.). (2016) Ag Siúl an Bhealaigh Mhóir: Aistí in Ómós don Ollamh Nollaig Mac Congáil Ag Siúl an Bhealaigh Mhóir: Aistí in Ómós don Ollamh Nollaig Mac Congáil. Baile Átha Cliath: Leabhair COMHAR. [Details] |
(2008) | TG4@10: Deich mBliana de TG4/Ten Years of TG4.
O'Connell, E., Walsh, J. & Denvir, G (Ed.). (2008) TG4@10: Deich mBliana de TG4/Ten Years of TG4 TG4@10: Deich mBliana de TG4/Ten Years of TG4. Indreabhán, Galway: Cló Iar-Chonnacht. [Details] |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | ''New speakers' on Irish language community radio: new understandings of linguistic variation on Raidió na Life'
Walsh, J. & Day, R. (2021) ''New speakers' on Irish language community radio: new understandings of linguistic variation on Raidió na Life'. Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Irish pirate radio 1978-1988: how political stasis allowed unlicensed radio to flourish and innovate'
Walsh, J. & Greene, B. (2020) 'Irish pirate radio 1978-1988: how political stasis allowed unlicensed radio to flourish and innovate'. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 27 (2):274-297 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Building a language community through radio in the age of social media: the case of Raidió na Life'
Day, R. & Walsh, J. (2020) 'Building a language community through radio in the age of social media: the case of Raidió na Life'. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 18 (1):79-94 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2019) | 'The role of emotions and positionality in the trajectories of 'new speakers' of Irish'
Walsh, J. (2019) 'The role of emotions and positionality in the trajectories of 'new speakers' of Irish'. International Journal of Bilingualism, 23 (1):221-235 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2019) | 'National identity and belonging among gay 'new speakers' of Irish'
Walsh, J. (2019) 'National identity and belonging among gay 'new speakers' of Irish'. Journal of Language and Sexuality, 8 (1):53-81 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2018) | ''Introduction''
O'Rourke, B. & Walsh, J. (2018) ''Introduction''. Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development, 39 (5):377-381 [Details] |
(2018) | 'Comparing 'new speakers' across language contexts: mobility and motivations'
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2018) 'Comparing 'new speakers' across language contexts: mobility and motivations'. Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development, 39 (5) [Details] |
(2018) | 'I'll be one of them: Linguistic mudes and new speakers in three minority language contexts'
Puigdevall, M., Walsh, J., Ortega, A. & Amorrortu, E. (2018) 'I'll be one of them: Linguistic mudes and new speakers in three minority language contexts'. Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development, 39 (5):445-457 [Details] |
(2017) | 'Irlanderadun berriak: jatorria, motibazioa, erabilera eta ideologia’'
Walsh, J. (2017) 'Irlanderadun berriak: jatorria, motibazioa, erabilera eta ideologia’'. BAT Soziolinguistika Aldizkaria, 104 (3):71-94 [Details] |
(2017) | 'Enactments concerning the Irish language, 1922–2016'
John Walsh (2017) 'Enactments concerning the Irish language, 1922–2016'. Dublin University Law Journal, 39 (2):449-466 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2015) | ''New speakers' of Irish in the United States: practices and motivations'
Walsh, J & Ní Dhúda, L. (2015) ''New speakers' of Irish in the United States: practices and motivations'. Applied Linguistics Review, 6 :173-193 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2015) | 'New Speakers of Irish: shifting boundaries across time and space'
O’Rourke, B.M.A. & Walsh, J. (2015) 'New Speakers of Irish: shifting boundaries across time and space'. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2015 (231):63-83 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2015) | 'Mudes teangeolaíocha agus nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge'
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2015) 'Mudes teangeolaíocha agus nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge'. Comhar Taighde, [Details] |
(2014) | 'Becoming a new speaker of Irish: linguistic mudes throughout the life cycle'
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2014) 'Becoming a new speaker of Irish: linguistic mudes throughout the life cycle'. Digithum, 16 :67-74 [Details] |
(2012) | 'Athchuairt ar an mBreac-Ghaeltacht: fianaise stairiúil den athrú teanga i gCúige Mumhan’. Béascna 7, 115-156 [article on historical language change in Gaeltacht]'
Walsh, John (2012) 'Athchuairt ar an mBreac-Ghaeltacht: fianaise stairiúil den athrú teanga i gCúige Mumhan’. Béascna 7, 115-156 [article on historical language change in Gaeltacht]'. Béascna, 7 (1):115-156 [Details] |
(2012) | '‘Language policy and language governance: a case-study of Irish language legislation’'
Walsh, J. (2012) '‘Language policy and language governance: a case-study of Irish language legislation’'. Language Policy, 11 :323-341 [Details] |
(2012) | '‘An Chanóin, an Caighdeán agus an Curaclam: léargas ó Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh’'
Walsh, J. (2012) '‘An Chanóin, an Caighdeán agus an Curaclam: léargas ó Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh’'. Léachtaí Cholm Cille, 42 :74-98 [Details] |
(2008) | 'Translation and Language Planning in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities'
O'Connell, E., Walsh, J. (2008) 'Translation and Language Planning in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities'. Mercator Media Forum, 10 :32-56 [Details] |
(2008) | 'An overcoat wrapped around an invisible man? Language legislation and language revitalisation in Ireland and Scotland'
Walsh, J., McLeod, W. (2008) 'An overcoat wrapped around an invisible man? Language legislation and language revitalisation in Ireland and Scotland'. Language Policy, 7 (1):21-46 [Details] |
(2007) | 'Using GIS to map the Gaeltacht'
Ní Bhrádaigh, E., McCarron, S.G., Walsh, J., Duffy, P. (2007) 'Using GIS to map the Gaeltacht'. Irish Geography, 40 (1):98-108 [Details] |
(2006) | '‘Translation and Language Planning in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities’'
O’Connell, E. & Walsh, J. (2006) '‘Translation and Language Planning in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities’'. Administration, 54 (3):22-43 [Details] |
(2006) | 'Language and Socio-Economic Development: Towards a Theoretical Framework'
Walsh, J. (2006) 'Language and Socio-Economic Development: Towards a Theoretical Framework'. Language Problems and Language Planning, 30 (2):127-148 [Details] |
(2005) | 'Mapping the Gaeltacht: towards a geographical definition of the Irish speaking districts'
Walsh, J., McCarron, S.G., Ní Bhrádaigh, E. (2005) 'Mapping the Gaeltacht: towards a geographical definition of the Irish speaking districts'. Administration, 53 (1):16-37 [Details] |
Editorship of Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2018) | Special issue: Comparing 'new speakers across language contexts: mobility and motivations.
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2018) Special issue: Comparing 'new speakers across language contexts: mobility and motivations. Routledge Editorship of Journals [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2025) | 'Introduction: Queering Minority Language Revitalisation'
Hornsby, M. & Walsh, J. (2025) 'Introduction: Queering Minority Language Revitalisation' In: Queering Language Revitalisation: Navigating Identity and Inclusion among Queer Speakers of Minority Languages. :1-5 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details] |
(2023) | 'Ón bhforbairt thionsclaíoch go dtí an phleanáil teanga: ról na Gaeilge in obair Údarás na Gaeltachta''
Walsh, J. (2023) 'Ón bhforbairt thionsclaíoch go dtí an phleanáil teanga: ról na Gaeilge in obair Údarás na Gaeltachta'' In: Forbairt eacnamaíochta agus pobail sa Ghaeltacht: léargais ar Údarás na Gaeltachta, 1980-2020. :355-378 An Spidéal: Cló Iar-Chonnacht. [Details] |
(2022) | 'Changing spaces: the new geographies of the Gaeltacht and Irish language networks'
Walsh, J. (2022) 'Changing spaces: the new geographies of the Gaeltacht and Irish language networks' In: Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin Williams. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details] |
(2021) | 'The governance of Irish in the neoliberal age: The retreat of the state under the guise of empowerment'
Walsh, J. (2021) 'The governance of Irish in the neoliberal age: The retreat of the state under the guise of empowerment' In: Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | ''Real' language policy in a time of crisis: Covid-19, the state and the Irish language'
Walsh, J. (2021) ''Real' language policy in a time of crisis: Covid-19, the state and the Irish language' In: Reimagining Irish Studies for the Twenty-First Century. :229-246 Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details] |
(2020) | 'Irish language and contemporary Irish identity'
Walsh, J. (2020) 'Irish language and contemporary Irish identity' In: Irish Identities: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. :35-66 Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. [Details] |
(2020) | ''New speakers of Irish and identities''
Walsh, J. (2020) ''New speakers of Irish and identities'' In: New Speakers of Irish in the Global Context: New Revival?. :118-148 London: Routledge. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Sainiú na Gaeltachta: Pobail, ceantair agus líonraí'
Walsh, J. (2019) 'Sainiú na Gaeltachta: Pobail, ceantair agus líonraí' In: An tSochtheangeolaíocht: Taighde agus Gníomh. :185-210 Dublin: Cois Life. [Details] |
(2019) | 'Minority language governance and regulation’'
Williams, C.H. & Walsh, J. (2019) 'Minority language governance and regulation’' In: The Handbook on Minority Languages and Communities. :101-129 Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details] |
(2018) | '‘New speakers and language in the media: audience design in Breton and Irish broadcast media’'
Moal, S., Ó Murchadha, N. & Walsh, J. (2018) '‘New speakers and language in the media: audience design in Breton and Irish broadcast media’' In: New Speakers of Minority Languages: Linguistic ideologies and practices. :189-212 London: Palgrave. [Details] |
(2017) | ''Language education and new speakers of minority languages''
O'Rourke, B., Pujolar, J., Walsh, J. (2017) ''Language education and new speakers of minority languages'' In: Encyclopedia of Language and Education (3rd edition). New York: Springer. [Details] |
(2016) | '‘“Chuireag na smóilíní a’ sclimpireacht istig in mo chroí”: athrú teanga agus idé-eolaíocht teanga i mBreac-Ghaeltacht na nDéise’'
Walsh, J. (2016) '‘“Chuireag na smóilíní a’ sclimpireacht istig in mo chroí”: athrú teanga agus idé-eolaíocht teanga i mBreac-Ghaeltacht na nDéise’' In: Ag Siúl an Bhealaigh Mhóir: Aistí in ómós don Ollamh Nollaig Mac Congáil. :414-449 Dublin: Leabhair COMHAR. [Details] |
(2015) | '‘The Irish Language Regime and Language Ideology in Ireland’'
Walsh, J. (2015) '‘The Irish Language Regime and Language Ideology in Ireland’' In: State Traditions and Language Regimes: Conceptualizing Language Policy Choices. :62-78 Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. [Details] |
(2014) | '‘Pushing an open door? Aspects of language policy at an Irish university’'
Walsh. J. (2014) '‘Pushing an open door? Aspects of language policy at an Irish university’' In: Negotiating Linguistic Identity: Language and belonging in Europe (Nationalisms across the Globe 13). :301-325 Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details] |
(2012) | '‘Sainiú na Gaeltachta agus an Rialachas Teanga’'
Walsh, J. (2012) '‘Sainiú na Gaeltachta agus an Rialachas Teanga’' In: Ó hIfearnáin, T. & Ní Neachtain, M. (eds.) An tSochtheangeolaíocht: Feidhm agus Tuairisc. :175-91 Dublin: Cois Life. [Details] |
(2011) | '‘Bilingualism, Ideology and the 20-Year Strategy for Irish’'
Walsh, J. (2011) '‘Bilingualism, Ideology and the 20-Year Strategy for Irish’' In: Kirk, J.M. & Ó Baoill, D.P. (eds.), Strategies for Minority Languages: Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland. :57-70 Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona. [Details] |
(2011) | '‘Dátheangachas, idé-eolaíocht agus an Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge’'
Walsh, J. (2011) '‘Dátheangachas, idé-eolaíocht agus an Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge’' In: Kirk, J.M. & Ó Baoill, D.P. (eds.), Strategies for Minority Languages: Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland. :43-56 Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona. [Details] |
(2011) | '‘The implementation of language legislation in Dublin and Glasgow’'
Walsh, J., & McLeod, W. (2011) '‘The implementation of language legislation in Dublin and Glasgow’' In: Kirk, J.M. & Ó Baoill, D.P. (eds.), Sustaining Minority Language Development: Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland. :156-75 Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona. [Details] |
(2010) | ''From Industrial Development to Language Planning: the Evolution of Údarás na Gaeltachta''
Walsh, J. (2010) ''From Industrial Development to Language Planning: the Evolution of Údarás na Gaeltachta'' In: Language and the Market. :123-134 Houndsmills: Palgrave-Macmillan. [Details] |
(2009) | ''Ireland's socio-economic development and the Irish language: theoretical and empirical perspectives''
Walsh, J. (2009) ''Ireland's socio-economic development and the Irish language: theoretical and empirical perspectives'' In: Language and Economic Development: Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland. :70-81 Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona. [Details] |
(2009) | ''The Irish Language and Ireland's Socio-Economic Development''
Walsh, J. (2009) ''The Irish Language and Ireland's Socio-Economic Development'' In: Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Critiques and Resources. :21-37 Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details] |
(2009) | 'Teagasc na Gaeilge i Scoil na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh'
Walsh, J. (2009) 'Teagasc na Gaeilge i Scoil na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh' In: Ó Theagasc Teanga go Sealbhú Teanga: Múineadh agus Foghlaim na Gaeilge ar an Tríú Leibhéal. :14-19 Dublin: Cois Life. [Details] |
(2008) | 'Fotheidealú agus Dubáil: Aistriúchán agus Teilifis Ghaeilge'
O'Connell, E., Walsh, J. (2008) 'Fotheidealú agus Dubáil: Aistriúchán agus Teilifis Ghaeilge' In: Aistriú Éireann: Gnéithe de Chultúr an Aistriúcháin Liteartha in Éirinn. :97-107 Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona. [Details] |
(2006) | 'Ón bhForbairt Thionsclaíoch go dtí an Phleanáil Teanga: Éabhlóidiú Údarás na Gaeltachta'
Walsh, J. (2006) 'Ón bhForbairt Thionsclaíoch go dtí an Phleanáil Teanga: Éabhlóidiú Údarás na Gaeltachta' In: Aistí ar an Nua-Ghaeilge - in ómós do Bhreandán Ó Buachalla. :117-144 Dublin: Cois Life. [Details] |
(2006) | ''Language and development: perspectives from the Scottish Gàidhealtachd and the Irish Gaeltacht''
Walsh, J. (2006) ''Language and development: perspectives from the Scottish Gàidhealtachd and the Irish Gaeltacht'' In: Revitalising Gaelic in Scotland. :257-278 Edinburgh: Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press. [Details] |
(2005) | 'An Ghaeilge agus an fhorbairt shoch-eacnamaíoch i nGaeltacht na nDéise'
Walsh, J. (2005) 'An Ghaeilge agus an fhorbairt shoch-eacnamaíoch i nGaeltacht na nDéise' In: An Linn Bhuí: Iris Ghaeltacht na nDéise. :138-156 [Details] |
(2003) | 'Teanga, Cultúr agus Forbairt i gcás na hÉireann: i dtreo cur chuige nua'
Walsh, J. (2003) 'Teanga, Cultúr agus Forbairt i gcás na hÉireann: i dtreo cur chuige nua' In: Towards our Goals in Broadcasting, the Press, the Performing Arts and the Economy: Minority Languages in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland. :229-234 [DOI] [Details] |
(2003) | 'The Gaeltacht'
Walsh, J. (2003) 'The Gaeltacht' In: The Encyclopaedia of Ireland, Dublin, 2003. Gill & Macmillan. [Details] |
(2003) | 'The Irish Language'
Walsh, J. (2003) 'The Irish Language' In: The Encyclopaedia of Ireland, Dublin, 2003. Gill & Macmillan. [Details] |
Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Taighde ar Úsáid na Gaeilge ar an Raidió – Céim a 3.
Walsh, J. (2021) Taighde ar Úsáid na Gaeilge ar an Raidió – Céim a 3. OÉ Gaillimh & Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann, Gaillimh & Baile Átha Cliath. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | Research on Use of the Irish Language on Radio – Phase 3.
Walsh, J. (2021) Research on Use of the Irish Language on Radio – Phase 3. NUI Galway & Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Galway & Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2021) | Plean Teanga do Chathair na Gaillimhe/Irish Language Plan for Galway City.
Walsh, J., Ní Uigín, D., Callinan, L., Fogarty, P. & Rowland, H. (2021) Plean Teanga do Chathair na Gaillimhe/Irish Language Plan for Galway City. Gaillimh le Gaeilge/Galway City Council, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2019) | Research on Use of the Irish Language on Radio (Phase 2).
Walsh, J., Day, R. & Fogarty, P. (2019) Research on Use of the Irish Language on Radio (Phase 2). NUI Galway, Galway. [Details] |
(2018) | Discussion paper on Irish language radio broadcasting.
Walsh, J. & Day, R. (2018) Discussion paper on Irish language radio broadcasting. NUI Galway & Mary Immaculate College, UL, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2016) | WG 8 Report (Period of Phase 2: April 2015 to September 2016) Speakerness: Subjectivities, Trajectories, Spaces.
Puigdevall, M. & Walsh, J. (2016) WG 8 Report (Period of Phase 2: April 2015 to September 2016) Speakerness: Subjectivities, Trajectories, Spaces. COST, Brussels. [Details] |
(2015) | Tuarascáil Taighde ar Nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge arna hullmhú d'Fhoras na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J., O'Rourke, B. & Rowland, H. (2015) Tuarascáil Taighde ar Nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge arna hullmhú d'Fhoras na Gaeilge. Foras na Gaeilge, Baile Átha Cliath. [Details] |
(2015) | Position paper on research themes and profiles related to new speakers of indigenous minority languages: Output of Working Group 1.
Walsh, J. & Ó Murchadha, N. (2015) Position paper on research themes and profiles related to new speakers of indigenous minority languages: Output of Working Group 1. COST, Brussels. [Details] |
(2015) | Research Report on New Speakers of Irish prepared for Foras na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J., O'Rourke, B. & Rowland, H. (2015) Research Report on New Speakers of Irish prepared for Foras na Gaeilge. Foras na Gaeilge, Dublin. [Details] |
(2010) | Moltaí maidir le Plean Teanga do Mhaigh Cuilinn.
Walsh, J. & Rowland, H. (2010) Moltaí maidir le Plean Teanga do Mhaigh Cuilinn. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | 'Nuachainteoirí Gaeilge – in Éirinn agus thar lear'
Walsh, J. (2015) 'Nuachainteoirí Gaeilge – in Éirinn agus thar lear' Ceiliúradh an Bhlascaoid 18: Saibhreas agus Dán na Teanga, 18 :49-63. [Details] |
(2011) | 'Fál ar an nGort tar éis na Foghla? Athneartú na Gaeilge agus Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003'
Walsh, J. (2011) 'Fál ar an nGort tar éis na Foghla? Athneartú na Gaeilge agus Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003' Bliainiris, 10 :88-130. [Details] |
(2010) | 'Siollabas nua don chéad bhliain ollscoile'
Walsh, J. (2010) 'Siollabas nua don chéad bhliain ollscoile' Teagasc na Gaeilge, 9 :13-24. [Details] |
(2005) | 'An Ghaeilge agus an fhorbairt shocheacnamaíoch i nGaeltacht na nDéise'
Walsh, J. (2005) 'An Ghaeilge agus an fhorbairt shocheacnamaíoch i nGaeltacht na nDéise' An Linn Bhuí: Iris Ghaeltacht na nDéise, 9 :138-156. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Lavender Languages and Linguistics 23
Walsh, J. (2022) Gay, queer and Irish-speaking: how a queer arts collective navigates identity, migration and language Lavender Languages and Linguistics 23 Catania, , 24-MAY-22 - 24-MAY-22 [Details] |
(2019) | Towards Resilient Community Media
Walsh, J. & Greene, B. (2019) ‘Pirate.ie: lessons in media resilience from an audio archive of Irish pirate radio’ Towards Resilient Community Media Moore Institute, NUI Galway, , 14-JUN-19 - 15-JUN-19 [Details] |
(2019) | Crowded out or limitless horizons? Minority language media in the digital age
Walsh, J. & Day, R. (2019) ‘25 years of Raidió na Life: The complex development of an Irish language community through radio broadcasting’ Crowded out or limitless horizons? Minority language media in the digital age Edinburgh University, , 16-OCT-19 - 18-OCT-19 [Details] |
(2019) | 6th ECREA Radio Research Conference
Walsh, J. & Greene, B. (2019) ‘Pirate.ie: developing an audio archive of Irish pirate radio’ 6th ECREA Radio Research Conference University of Siena, Italy, , 19-SEP-19 - 21-SEP-19 [Details] |
(2019) | 6th ECREA Radio Research Conference
Day, R. & Walsh, J. (2019) ‘Developing a minority language community through radio in the digital age’ 6th ECREA Radio Research Conference University of Siena, Italy, , 19-SEP-19 - 21-SEP-19 [Details] |
(2019) | Towards Resilient Community Media
Walsh, J. & Day, R. (2019) ‘Minority language community media: a case of accidental resilience?’ Towards Resilient Community Media Moore Institute, NUI Galway, , 14-JUN-19 - 15-JUN-19 [Details] |
(2019) | Lavender Languages and Linguistics 26
Walsh, J. (2019) ‘Queer and linguistic identities among multilingual speakers of Irish’ Lavender Languages and Linguistics 26 University of Gothenburg, Sweden, , 02-MAY-19 - 04-MAY-19 [Details] |
(2018) | 125 Bliain ag Fás? An Athbheochan agus Conradh na Gaeilge
Walsh, J. (2018) An Gael agus an Raidió’: Craoltóireacht na Gaeilge tar éis Bhunú an Stáit 125 Bliain ag Fás? An Athbheochan agus Conradh na Gaeilge NUI Galway | OÉ Gaillimh, , 15-JUN-18 - 15-JUN-18 [Details] |
(2017) | Lavender Languages and Linguistics 24
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘National identity and belonging among gay “new speakers” of Irish’ Lavender Languages and Linguistics 24 Unversity of Nottingham, , 28-APR-17 - 30-APR-17 [Details] |
(2017) | International Symposium on Bilingualism 11
Walsh, J. & Puigdevall, M. (2017) 'The role of emotions in the trajectories of “new speakers” of Irish and Catalan' International Symposium on Bilingualism 11 Limerick, Ireland, , 11-JUN-17 - 15-JUN-17 [Details] |
(2017) | International Symposium on Bilingualism 11
Walsh, J. & Day, R. (2017) 'Irish language community radio as an alternative public space for new speakers' International Symposium on Bilingualism 11 Limerick, Ireland, , 11-JUN-17 - 15-JUN-17 [Details] |
(2016) | 2nd Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium
McLeod, W. & Walsh, J. (2016) ‘Pan-Gaelic connections: a preliminary study of student perceptions’ 2nd Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium Trinity College Dublin, , 13-OCT-16 - 14-OCT-16 [Details] |
(2016) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 21
Walsh, J, Puigdevall, M, Amorrortu, E. & Goirigolzarri, J. (2016) ‘Emotions and new speakers of Irish, Basque and Catalan: Suffering, Frustration and Happiness’ Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 University of Murcia, Spain, , 15-JUN-16 - 18-JUN-16 [Details] |
(2016) | Comhdháil Chumann Idirnáisiúnta na gCoimisinéirí Teanga, 2016 | International Association of Language Commissioners’ Conference 2016
Walsh, J. (2016) Ról na reachtaíochta i gcosaint cearta teanga | The role of legislation in protecting language rights Comhdháil Chumann Idirnáisiúnta na gCoimisinéirí Teanga, 2016 | International Association of Language Commissioners’ Conference 2016 NUI Galway | OÉ Gaillimh, , 07-MAR-16 - 09-MAR-16 [Details] |
(2016) | 2nd COST Whole Action Conference
Puigdevall, M., Walsh, J., Amorrortu, E. & Goirigolzarri, J. (2016) ‘Emotions and new speakers of Irish, Basque and Catalan’ 2nd COST Whole Action Conference Universität Hamburg, , 12-MAY-16 - 14-MAY-16 [Details] |
(2015) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘Mudes teangeolaíocha agus nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge’ Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge NUI Galway, , 09-OCT-15 - 10-OCT-15 [Details] |
(2014) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 20
Walsh, J., Puigdevall, M., Ortega, A & Amorrortu, E. (2014) ‘New speakers and linguistic mudes: becoming, passing and belonging’ Sociolinguistics Symposium 20 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, , 17-JUN-14 - 20-JUN-14 [Details] |
(2014) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge
Walsh, J. (2014) ‘Nuachainteoirí aeracha na Gaeilge: idé-eolaíocht & dlisteanacht’ Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge National University of Ireland, Galway, , 11-OCT-14 - 12-OCT-14 [Details] |
(2014) | 2nd International Symposium on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges
Walsh, J. & Ó Murchadha, N. (2014) ‘New Speakers and Language in the Media’ 2nd International Symposium on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, , 21-NOV-14 - 22-NOV-14 [Details] |
(2013) | Opening New Lines of Communication in Applied Linguistics: annual conference of British Association for Applied Linguistics
Walsh, J. (2013) ‘New speakers of Irish: proficiency, ideology and authenticity’ Opening New Lines of Communication in Applied Linguistics: annual conference of British Association for Applied Linguistics Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, , 06-SEP-13 - 08-SEP-13 [Details] |
(2012) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 19
Walsh, J. (2012) ‘Language Legislation and Language Ideology in Ireland’ Sociolinguistics Symposium 19 Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, , 21-AUG-12 - 24-AUG-12 [Details] |
(2012) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 19
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2012) ‘New speakers of Irish: Shifting Identities and New Allegiances’. Lecture as part of panel “New Speakers in the City Sociolinguistics Symposium 19 Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, , 21-AUG-12 - 24-AUG-12 [Details] |
(2012) | New Speakers of Minority Languages: A Dialogue
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2012) ‘New Speakers of Irish: Shifting Identities and New Allegiances’ New Speakers of Minority Languages: A Dialogue Edinburgh University, Scotland, , 30-MAR-12 - 31-MAR-12 [Details] |
(2010) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 18, University of Southampton
Walsh, J. (2010) ‘The implementation of language legislation and the 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language’. Lecture as part of panel “Legislation, rights and ideology: language policy in Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Canada” Sociolinguistics Symposium 18, University of Southampton Southampton, , 01-NOV-10 - 04-NOV-10 [Details] |
(2009) | Language Policy and Language Learning: New Paradigms and New Challenges
Walsh, J. (2009) 'Language legislation, policy and governance: Ireland’s Official Languages Act 2003’, lecture in panel 'Language Planning and Legislation: Insights from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Canada' Language Policy and Language Learning: New Paradigms and New Challenges University of Limerick, , 18-JUN-09 - 19-JUN-09 [Details] |
(2009) | 'Language Planning and Legislation: Insights from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Canada' at conference Language Policy and Language Learning: New Paradigms and New Challenges
Walsh, J. (2009) Language legislation, policy and governance: Ireland's Official Languages Act 2003 'Language Planning and Legislation: Insights from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Canada' at conference Language Policy and Language Learning: New Paradigms and New Challenges University of Limerick, , 18-JUN-09 [Details] |
(2009) | Official Language Regulation and Promotion in the UK and Ireland
Walsh, J. (2009) Language legislation in Ireland: a language policy perspective Official Language Regulation and Promotion in the UK and Ireland Cardiff University, , 27-MAY-09 [Details] |
(2008) | Governance and Democratic Participation within Linguistic and National Minorities
Walsh, J., Dunbar, R.. (2008) La participation démocratique et la politique linguistique minoritaire au niveau local : les cas étranges de l'Irlande et de l'Écosse Governance and Democratic Participation within Linguistic and National Minorities University of Ottawa, Canada, , 01-MAY-08 - 03-MAY-08 [Details] |
(2008) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 17
Walsh, J., McLeod, W. (2008) Language legislation and bilingual service provision in Ireland and Scotland Sociolinguistics Symposium 17 Amsterdam, , 04-APR-08 - 06-APR-08 [Details] |
(2007) | 7th Language and Politics Symposium
Walsh, J., McLeod, W. (2007) Official language legislation and language revitalisation in Ireland and Scotland 7th Language and Politics Symposium Queen's University, Belfast, , 07-NOV-07 - 09-NOV-07 [Details] |
(2006) | Language Law and Language Rights Conference
Walsh, J., McLeod, W. (2006) An overcoat wrapped around an invisible man? Language legislation and community language revitalisation in Ireland and Scotland Language Law and Language Rights Conference NUI Galway, , 14-JUN-06 - 17-JUN-06 [Details] |
(2006) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 16
Walsh, J., Ó Laoire, M. (2006) The current state of Irish: proposals for a sociolinguistic survey leading to an integrated language planning model Sociolinguistics Symposium 16 University of Limerick, , 06-JUL-06 - 08-JUL-06 [Details] |
(2006) | Comhdháil Litríocht agus Chultúr na Gaeilge
Walsh, J. (2006) Mapáil na Gaeltachta: ó Choimisiún na Gaeltachta go dtí an teicneolaíocht dhigiteach Comhdháil Litríocht agus Chultúr na Gaeilge NUI Galway, , 13-OCT-06 - 14-OCT-06 [Details] |
(2006) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 16
Walsh, J., Ó Laoire, M. (2006) Language Planning in Ireland: towards an integrated model. Sociolinguistics Symposium 16 University of Limerick Sociolinguistics Symposium 16 University of Limerick, , 22-JUN-06 - 23-JUN-06 [Details] |
(2006) | Conference of Irish Geographers
Walsh, J., McCarron, S. (2006) Spatial Evolution of the Gaeltacht Conference of Irish Geographers University College, Dublin, , 05-MAY-06 - 07-MAY-06 [Details] |
(2005) | 4th Mercator International Symposium - Translation of Culture, Culture of Translation: Languages in Film, Television and Literature
Walsh, J., O'Connell, E. (2005) Translation and Language Planning in Ireland: Opportunities and Challenges 4th Mercator International Symposium - Translation of Culture, Culture of Translation: Languages in Film, Television and Literature Dublin City University, , 26-OCT-05 - 28-OCT-05 [Details] |
(2004) | Contested Terrains: the Local and the Global
Walsh, J. (2004) Language and socio-economic development: experiences from the Scottish Gàidhealtachd and the Irish Gaeltacht Contested Terrains: the Local and the Global Dublin City University, , 24-SEP-04 [Details] |
(2004) | Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 2
Walsh, J. (2004) Language planning and socio-economic development: a view from Ireland Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 2 Edinburgh, , 24-JUL-04 [Details] |
(2004) | Contested Terrains: the Local and the Global, Dublin City University
Ní Bhrádaigh, E., Walsh, J. (2004) Foras Feasa na Fiontraíochta: the role of entrepreneurship in the Irish language sector Contested Terrains: the Local and the Global, Dublin City University Dublin City University, , 24-SEP-04 - 25-SEP-04 [Details] |
(2002) | An 6ú Comhdháil ar Theangeolaíocht na Gaeilge
Walsh, J. (2002) Teanga, cultúr agus forbairt: Coimisiún agus Coimisiún eile An 6ú Comhdháil ar Theangeolaíocht na Gaeilge An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath, , 26-APR-02 - 26-APR-02 [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Lavender Languages and Linguistics 23,
Walsh, J. (2022) Convenor of panel 'Queering language revitalisation: navigating identity and inclusion among queer speakers of minority languages'. [Workshop chair], Lavender Languages and Linguistics 23, Catania, Italy , 23-MAY-22 - 25-MAY-22. [Details] |
(2022) | European Night of Ideas: Regional, National and European Identity Today,
Walsh, J. (2022) European Night of Ideas event between Irish and French universities. [Chaired Session], European Night of Ideas: Regional, National and European Identity Today, Online , 26-JAN-22 - 26-JAN-22. [Details] |
(2021) | DÁNA: Sraith seimineár ar Léann na Collaíochta & na Gnéasúlachta sa Ghaeilge,
Walsh, J., Mac Risteárd, S., Mitchell, A. (2021) Duine den bheirt a d'eagraigh dhá ócáid faoi théamaí na haiteachta, na gnéasúlachta agus na collaíochta sa Ghaeilge. [Conference Organising Committee Member], DÁNA: Sraith seimineár ar Léann na Collaíochta & na Gnéasúlachta sa Ghaeilge, Dublin City University , 18-JUN-21 - 25-JUN-21. [Details] |
(2021) | International Association for Minority Language Media Research (IAMLMR) Workshop,
Walsh, J. (2021) Invited participant in roundtable discussion about minority language media and Covid-19 organised by European Centre for Minority Issues. [Invited Oral Presentation], International Association for Minority Language Media Research (IAMLMR) Workshop, Flensburg, Germany , 28-JAN-21 - 28-JAN-21. [Details] |
(2020) | 2020 IASA - FIAT/IFTA Conference,
Walsh, J. & Greene, B. (2020) Contributor to panel discussion 'Crystals in the transmitter: pirate radio archives in Ireland' at joint conference of International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) and International Federation of Television Archives (IFTA). [Invited Oral Presentation], 2020 IASA - FIAT/IFTA Conference, Dublin , 28-OCT-20 - 28-OCT-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 23,
Walsh, J. (2020) Member of scientific committee. [Program Committee], Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, University of Hong Kong , 16-JUN-20 - 19-JUN-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Georgetown University Round Table,
Walsh, J. (2020) Member of scientific committee. [Program Committee], Georgetown University Round Table, Georgetown University, Washington DC , 13-MAR-20 - 15-MAR-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Georgetown University Round Table 2020,
Walsh, J. (2020) Presentation ‘Queering language revitalisation in a multilingual context: language and subjectivity among queer speakers of Irish’ Speaker in invited colloquium Queering Multilingualism. [Invited Paper], Georgetown University Round Table 2020, Georgetown University, Washington DC , 13-MAR-20 - 15-MAR-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge 2020,
Walsh, J. (2020) Annual departmental conference on Irish language culture and literature. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge 2020, NUI Galway , 09-OCT-20 - 10-OCT-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Language and Gaeltacht,
Walsh, J. (2020) Presentation of proposals for strengthening the Official Languages (Amendment) Bill 2019. [Invited Oral Presentation], Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Language and Gaeltacht, Dublin , 09-DEC-20 - 09-DEC-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Revitalising Minority Languages and Prior Ideological Clarification: the Case of Irish,
Walsh, J. (2020) Invited presentation ‘Navigating language revitalisation and community development: the case of community radio in Irish’ in seminar marking Seachtain na Gaeilge. [Invited Paper], Revitalising Minority Languages and Prior Ideological Clarification: the Case of Irish, Adam Michiewicz University, Poznan, Poland , 06-MAR-20 - 06-MAR-20. [Details] |
(2019) | Our Voice in the World Festival,
Walsh, J. (2019) Invited participant in panel discussion Minority languages, governments and legislation: Welsh and European perspectives. [Invited Paper], Our Voice in the World Festival, Aberystwyth University, Wales , 28-NOV-19 - 29-NOV-19. [Details] |
(2019) | The Maamtrasna Murder Case: Politics, Language, Identity,
Walsh, J. (2019) Invited presentation ‘Maamtrasna: Language and Politics in Ireland, 1882–2019’. The Maamtrasna Murder Case: Politics, Language, Identity. Panel discussion and response by Prof. Margaret Kelleher, UCD. [Invited Paper], The Maamtrasna Murder Case: Politics, Language, Identity, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 22-MAY-19 - 22-MAY-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Language revitalisation, the state and the transformation of governance,
Walsh, J. (2019) Invited presentation • ‘The governance of Irish in the neoliberal age: the retreat of the state under the guise of empowerment’. [Invited Paper], Language revitalisation, the state and the transformation of governance, National Assembly of Wales, Cardiff , 14-FEB-19 - 14-FEB-19. [Details] |
(2018) | Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Language and Gaeltacht,
Day, R. & Walsh, J. (2018) Presentation of research on use of Irish language on radio. [Invited Oral Presentation], Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Language and Gaeltacht, Dublin , 29-MAY-18 - 29-MAY-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 22,
Walsh, J. (2018) Member of scientific committee. [Program Committee], Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, University of Auckland, New Zealand , 27-JUN-18 - 30-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Understandings of Language and Community,
Walsh, J. (2018) Invited presentation ‘An spás gaoil/relational space: issues of spatiality and sociolinguistics in minority language contexts’. [Invited Paper], Understandings of Language and Community, NUI Galway , 26-AUG-18 - 26-AUG-18. [Details] |
(2018) | 125 Bliain ag Fás? An Athbheochan agus Conradh na Gaeilge,
Walsh, J. (2018) Siompóisiam chun Bliain na Gaeilge a cheiliúradh | Symposium to mark Bliain na Gaeilge (Irish Language Year). [Organising Chair], 125 Bliain ag Fás? An Athbheochan agus Conradh na Gaeilge, NUI Galway | OÉ Gaillimh , 15-JUN-18 - 15-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Thomas McDonagh Weekend 2019,
Walsh, J. (2018) Invited presentation ‘National language or minority concern? The Irish language and contemporary Irish identity in Bliain na Gaeilge’. [Invited Paper], Thomas McDonagh Weekend 2019, Cloughjordan Heritage Centre, Co. Tipperary , 06-MAY-18 - 06-MAY-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Language and Gaeltacht,
Day, R. & Walsh, J. (2018) Presentation of research on use of Irish language on radio. [Invited Oral Presentation], Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Language and Gaeltacht, Dublin , 05-DEC-18 - 05-DEC-18. [Details] |
(2017) | CRAOL Féile (Community media festival),
Day, R. & Walsh, J. (2017) Workshop about research on use of Irish language on community radio. [Invited Oral Presentation], CRAOL Féile (Community media festival), Ennistymon, Co. Clare , 26-MAY-17 - 27-MAY-17. [Details] |
(2017) | International Symposium on Bilingualism 11,
Walsh, J. (2017) Member of scientific committee. [Program Committee], International Symposium on Bilingualism 11, University of Limerick , 11-JUN-17 - 15-JUN-17. [Details] |
(2017) | International Symposium on Bilingualism 11,
Walsh, J. (2017) Organiser of panel 'New Speakers of Minority Languages: Negotiating Access and Legitimacy'. [Organising Chair], International Symposium on Bilingualism 11, Limerick, Ireland , 11-JUN-17 - 15-JUN-17. [Details] |
(2016) | Negotiating the Language Barrier,
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2016) Invited presentation ‘New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe’. [Invited Paper], Negotiating the Language Barrier, Queen's University, Belfast , 12-SEP-16 - 12-SEP-16. [Details] |
(2016) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge 2016,
Walsh, J. (2016) Annual departmental conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge 2016, NUI Galway , 07-OCT-16 - 08-OCT-16. [Details] |
(2016) | Comhdháil Chumann Idirnáisiúnta na gCoimisinéirí Teanga, 2016 | International Association of Language Commissioners’ Conference 2016,
Walsh, J. (2016) Member of organising committee. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Comhdháil Chumann Idirnáisiúnta na gCoimisinéirí Teanga, 2016 | International Association of Language Commissioners’ Conference 2016, NUI Galway | OÉ Gaillimh , 07-MAR-16 - 09-MAR-16. [Details] |
(2016) | 2nd Poznan Conference of Celtic Studies,
Walsh, J. (2016) Keynote address: ‘From shame to pride: the emotional trajectories of “new speakers” of minoritised languages’. [Keynote Address], 2nd Poznan Conference of Celtic Studies, Adam Michiewicz University, Poznan, Poland , 05-JUL-16 - 06-JUL-16. [Details] |
(2015) | Galway meeting of COST Action IS1306 ‘New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges’,
Walsh, J. (2015) Meeting of all Working Groups of COST Action. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Galway meeting of COST Action IS1306 ‘New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges’, NUI Galway , 24-SEP-15 - 25-SEP-15. [Details] |
(2014) | 2nd International Symposium on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges,
Walsh, J. (2014) Member of scientific committee. [Program Committee], 2nd International Symposium on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges, Barcelona , 20-NOV-14 - 22-NOV-14. [Details] |
(2013) | Comhdháil na nDéise,
Walsh, J. (2013) Keynote address: ‘Athchuairt ar Bhreac-Ghaeltacht na nDéise: fianaise stairiúil ar athrú teanga agus ar idé-eolaíocht teanga’. [Keynote Address], Comhdháil na nDéise, Waterford Institute of Technology , 26-APR-13 - 27-APR-13. [Details] |
(2012) | Sociolinguistics Symposium 19,
Walsh, J. (2012) Organiser of panel “In the Shadow of Empire: Language Legislation and Language Policy in Canada, Scotland, Wales and Ireland”. [Organising Chair], Sociolinguistics Symposium 19, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany , 21-AUG-12 - 24-AUG-12. [Details] |
(2012) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge,
Walsh, J. (2012) Annual departmental conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge, NUI Galway , 12-OCT-12 - 13-OCT-12. [Details] |
(2011) | Language and Identity Symposium,
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘Pushing an open door? Language policy at an Irish university’. [Invited Lecture], Language and Identity Symposium, Tartu, Estonia , 20-OCT-11 - 21-OCT-11. [Details] |
(2011) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge,
Walsh, J. (2011) Annual departmental conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge, NUI Galway , 07-OCT-11 - 08-OCT-11. [Details] |
(2010) | Engagement, gouvernance et économie (Engagement, governance and economy),
Walsh, J. (2010) Invited presentation ‘L’irlandais et le développement économique en Irlande’ (Irish and economic development in Ireland). [Invited Lecture], Engagement, gouvernance et économie (Engagement, governance and economy), Ottawa, Canada , 24-AUG-10 - 25-AUG-10. [Details] |
(2009) | Presentation at meeting of Support Network, Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga,
Walsh, J. (2009) Presentation entitled 'Cumas Teanga, Úsáid Teanga agus an Tairiscint Ghníomhach'. [Invited Oral Presentation], Presentation at meeting of Support Network, Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga, Dublin , 17-JUN-09 - 24-JUN-09. [Details] |
(2009) | International Perspectives on Community Governance and Linguistic Minorities,
Walsh, J. (2009) ‘Les savoirs de la gouvernance communautaire en Irlande : le cas de l’irlandais’ [‘Knowledge of community governance in Ireland: the case of the Irish language’. [Invited Lecture], International Perspectives on Community Governance and Linguistic Minorities, University of Ottawa, Canada , 13-NOV-09 - 14-NOV-09. [Details] |
(2009) | Meeting of university network on teaching of Irish,
Walsh, J., Nic Eoin, M. (2009) Presentation entitled 'Léargas ar an Meitheal um Theagasc na Gaeilge ar an Tríú Leibhéal'. [Invited Oral Presentation], Meeting of university network on teaching of Irish, National University of Ireland, Maynooth , 13-MAR-09 - 13-MAR-09. [Details] |
(2006) | Súil Siar agus Súil ar Aghaidh/Looking Back and Looking Forward: 10 Years of TG4 – Celebration and Analysis/10 mBliana de TG4 - Ceiliúradh agus Anailís,
Walsh, J. (2006) Seminar to mark 10th anniversary of TG4. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Súil Siar agus Súil ar Aghaidh/Looking Back and Looking Forward: 10 Years of TG4 – Celebration and Analysis/10 mBliana de TG4 - Ceiliúradh agus Anailís, NUI Galway , 25-NOV-06 - 25-NOV-06. [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Tá tú in Éirinn, sa bhaile!.
Walsh, J. (2023) Tá tú in Éirinn, sa bhaile!. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2022) | Tá go leor údar ceiliúrtha ann.
Walsh, J. (2022) Tá go leor údar ceiliúrtha ann. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2021) | Todhchaí na Meán Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. (2021) Todhchaí na Meán Gaeilge. Article [Details] |
(2020) | ‘What’s the real with with Stormont’s Irish language proposals?’.
Walsh, J. (2020) ‘What’s the real with with Stormont’s Irish language proposals?’. Dublin: RTÉ Brainstorm Article [Details] |
(2020) | 'An phaindéim agus an stát aonteangach'.
Walsh, J. (2020) 'An phaindéim agus an stát aonteangach'. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2020) | 'Stát aonteangach go smior atá againn agus an common sense i réim'.
Walsh, J. (2020) 'Stát aonteangach go smior atá againn agus an common sense i réim'. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2019) | ‘Litir ón gCatalóin: teanga agus féiniúlacht i gcroílár an toghcháin’.
Walsh, J. (2019) ‘Litir ón gCatalóin: teanga agus féiniúlacht i gcroílár an toghcháin’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2019) | ‘Anailís: an tábhacht a bhaineann le himscrúdú an Choimisinéara Teanga faoi RTÉ’.
Walsh, J. (2019) ‘Anailís: an tábhacht a bhaineann le himscrúdú an Choimisinéara Teanga faoi RTÉ’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2019) | ‘Caomhnú na gcrann agus scrios na hAmasóine’.
Walsh, J. (2019) ‘Caomhnú na gcrann agus scrios na hAmasóine’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2019) | Lack of money no excuse for RTÉ’s paltry Irish programming.
Walsh, J. (2019) Lack of money no excuse for RTÉ’s paltry Irish programming. Dublin: The Irish Times Article [Details] |
(2019) | Brexit is a chance for Ireland to end its reliance on English.
Walsh, J. (2019) Brexit is a chance for Ireland to end its reliance on English. Dublin: The Irish Times Article [Details] |
(2019) | ‘Is baolach nach bhfuil aon údar buartha ag Ivan Yates faoin mbille teanga nua’.
Walsh, J. (2019) ‘Is baolach nach bhfuil aon údar buartha ag Ivan Yates faoin mbille teanga nua’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2019) | ‘Litir ó Dhún Éideann: ceachtanna ón gCatalóin agus neamhspleáchas na hAlban’.
Walsh, J. (2019) ‘Litir ó Dhún Éideann: ceachtanna ón gCatalóin agus neamhspleáchas na hAlban’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2018) | An raidió bradach: cartlann á forbairt 30 bliain tar éis do na stáisiúin gan cheadúnas imeacht den aer.
Walsh, J. (2018) An raidió bradach: cartlann á forbairt 30 bliain tar éis do na stáisiúin gan cheadúnas imeacht den aer. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2018) | 'An Gael agus an Raidió: Craoltóireacht na Gaeilge tar éis Bhunú an Stáit'.
John Walsh (2018) 'An Gael agus an Raidió: Craoltóireacht na Gaeilge tar éis Bhunú an Stáit'. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar Article [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2017) | ‘No going back: Catalonia and Spain’s relationship is broken’.
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘No going back: Catalonia and Spain’s relationship is broken’. Dublin: RTÉ Brainstorm Article [Details] |
(2017) | Census shows we must rethink our approach to Irish and the Gaeltacht.
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2017) Census shows we must rethink our approach to Irish and the Gaeltacht. Dublin: The Irish Times Article [Details] |
(2017) | Peadar Ó Flatharta: ceannaire stuama.
Walsh, J. (2017) Peadar Ó Flatharta: ceannaire stuama. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2017) | ‘The Catalan language is key to Catalonia’s political crisis’.
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘The Catalan language is key to Catalonia’s political crisis’. Dublin: RTÉ Brainstorm Article [Details] |
(2017) | ‘Mind your language: talking loud at Oireachtas na Gaeilge’.
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘Mind your language: talking loud at Oireachtas na Gaeilge’. Dublin: RTÉ Brainstorm Article [Details] |
(2017) | ‘Tuairisc ón gCatalóin: níl aon dul siar ann, tá teipthe glan ar an gcaidreamh leis an Spáinn’.
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘Tuairisc ón gCatalóin: níl aon dul siar ann, tá teipthe glan ar an gcaidreamh leis an Spáinn’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2017) | ‘An lasair sa bharrach sa Chatalóin agus an ghéarchéim pholaitiúil imithe chun an diabhail le fána’.
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘An lasair sa bharrach sa Chatalóin agus an ghéarchéim pholaitiúil imithe chun an diabhail le fána’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2017) | ‘Is é inniu La Diada, Lá Náisiúnta na Catalóine, agus tá ag géarú ar an aighneas faoi neamhspleáchas’.
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘Is é inniu La Diada, Lá Náisiúnta na Catalóine, agus tá ag géarú ar an aighneas faoi neamhspleáchas’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2017) | ‘An Taoiseach agus an Ghaeilge – ní leor meon an chúpla focal’.
Walsh, J. (2017) ‘An Taoiseach agus an Ghaeilge – ní leor meon an chúpla focal’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2016) | ‘An lasair sa bharrach: géarchéim pholaitiúil na Catalóine agus na Spáinne imithe in olcas’.
Walsh, J. (2016) ‘An lasair sa bharrach: géarchéim pholaitiúil na Catalóine agus na Spáinne imithe in olcas’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2016) | ‘Tuairisc ó Barcelona: an Chatalóinis faoi bhrú agus í thíos le naimhdeas na Spáinne’.
Walsh, J. (2016) ‘Tuairisc ó Barcelona: an Chatalóinis faoi bhrú agus í thíos le naimhdeas na Spáinne’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2015) | 'Nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge: deiseanna agus dúshláin'.
Walsh, J. (2015) 'Nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge: deiseanna agus dúshláin'. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2015) | ‘An féidir leo? Podemos agus dráma polaitiúil na Spáinne’.
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘An féidir leo? Podemos agus dráma polaitiúil na Spáinne’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2015) | ‘Is ar mhaithe le déagóirí aeracha imníocha a scríobhaim an t-alt seo’.
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘Is ar mhaithe le déagóirí aeracha imníocha a scríobhaim an t-alt seo’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2015) | ‘Junts Pel Sí (Le Chéile ar son Tá) – suas le 1.4 milliún ar son neamhspleáchas na Catalóine’.
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘Junts Pel Sí (Le Chéile ar son Tá) – suas le 1.4 milliún ar son neamhspleáchas na Catalóine’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2015) | ‘“Poblacht na Catalóine” níos giorra tar éis do pháirtithe ar son an neamhspleáchais móramh a bhaint amach’.
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘“Poblacht na Catalóine” níos giorra tar éis do pháirtithe ar son an neamhspleáchais móramh a bhaint amach’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2015) | ‘Nimh sa bhfeoil i dtír an tangó: géarchéim pholaitiúil san Airgintín’.
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘Nimh sa bhfeoil i dtír an tangó: géarchéim pholaitiúil san Airgintín’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2015) | Idir dhá theanga: fánaíocht theangeolaíoch i Meiriceá Theas.
Walsh, J. (2015) Idir dhá theanga: fánaíocht theangeolaíoch i Meiriceá Theas. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2015) | ‘José Mujica: fear umhal a dhéanadh beart de réir a bhriathair i gcónaí’.
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘José Mujica: fear umhal a dhéanadh beart de réir a bhriathair i gcónaí’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2014) | ‘Cad a bheadh i ndán don Chatalóinis dá mbainfí neamhspleáchas amach?’.
Walsh, J. (2014) ‘Cad a bheadh i ndán don Chatalóinis dá mbainfí neamhspleáchas amach?’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2014) | Feiniméan nua cainte.
Walsh, J. (2014) Feiniméan nua cainte. Baile Átha Cliath: The Irish Times Article [Details] |
(2014) | 'Aire an chúpla foclachais'.
Walsh, J. (2014) 'Aire an chúpla foclachais'. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2014) | Dúshláin Uí Dhomhnaill.
Walsh, J. (2014) Dúshláin Uí Dhomhnaill. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2014) | An ceart ag an gCoimisinéir.
Walsh, J. (2014) An ceart ag an gCoimisinéir. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2014) | ‘Reifreann na Catalóine: mothúcháin agus meáin chumarsáide’.
Walsh, J. (2014) ‘Reifreann na Catalóine: mothúcháin agus meáin chumarsáide’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2014) | ‘Tionól na “nuachainteoirí” i mBarcelona’.
Walsh, J. (2014) ‘Tionól na “nuachainteoirí” i mBarcelona’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2014) | ‘Fós ag feitheamh ar mhíorúilt theangeolaíoch’.
Walsh, J. (2014) ‘Fós ag feitheamh ar mhíorúilt theangeolaíoch’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2014) | ‘Lagchosaint an Taoisigh pollta ag pobalbhreith’.
Walsh, J. (2014) ‘Lagchosaint an Taoisigh pollta ag pobalbhreith’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Article [Details] |
(2013) | Bóthar casta an Choimisinéara nua.
Walsh, J. (2013) Bóthar casta an Choimisinéara nua. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2012) | Breac-Ghaeltacht na nDéise: spléachadh ar an bhfianaise stairiúil.
Walsh, J. (2012) Breac-Ghaeltacht na nDéise: spléachadh ar an bhfianaise stairiúil. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2011) | An Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge: ní bheidh deis níos fearr ar fáil.
Walsh, J. (2011) An Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge: ní bheidh deis níos fearr ar fáil. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2010) | Agallamh Beo: An tOllamh Leanne Hinton, UC Berkeley.
Walsh, J. (2010) Agallamh Beo: An tOllamh Leanne Hinton, UC Berkeley. Baile Átha Cliath: Beo.ie Article [Details] |
(2010) | Straitéis 20 Bliain.
Walsh, J. (2010) Straitéis 20 Bliain. Baile Átha Cliath: Beo.ie Article [Details] |
(2010) | 'Impleachtaí tromchúiseacha ag Clár Caipitil an Rialtais do pholasaí Gaeilge agus Gaeltachta'.
Walsh, J. (2010) 'Impleachtaí tromchúiseacha ag Clár Caipitil an Rialtais do pholasaí Gaeilge agus Gaeltachta'. An Spidéal: Gaelscéal Article [Details] |
(2008) | Lá Nua: margadh, láidreachtaí agus laigí.
Walsh, J. (2008) Lá Nua: margadh, láidreachtaí agus laigí. Baile Átha Cliath: Beo.ie Article [Details] |
(2006) | Tuairim faoi Ráiteas an Rialtais i leith na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. (2006) Tuairim faoi Ráiteas an Rialtais i leith na Gaeilge. An Spidéal: Foinse Article [Details] |
(2006) | Ensuring the Irish language has its place.
Walsh, J. (2006) Ensuring the Irish language has its place. Dublin: The Irish Times Article [Details] |
(2004) | Aiste Taighde - Gàidhealtachd na hAlban: ceachtanna le foghlaim?.
Walsh, J. (2004) Aiste Taighde - Gàidhealtachd na hAlban: ceachtanna le foghlaim?. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2004) | Cúrsaí Teanga - Gàidhealtachd na hAlban: ceachtanna le foghlaim?.
Walsh, J. (2004) Cúrsaí Teanga - Gàidhealtachd na hAlban: ceachtanna le foghlaim?. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2004) | Aiste Taighde - Gàidhealtachd na hAlban: ceachtanna le foghlaim?.
Walsh, J. (2004) Aiste Taighde - Gàidhealtachd na hAlban: ceachtanna le foghlaim?. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2003) | Tabhair rogha fhíreannach don Ghaeltacht - údar.
Walsh, J. (2003) Tabhair rogha fhíreannach don Ghaeltacht - údar. Béal Feirste: Lá Article [Details] |
(2001) | Coimisiún agus Coimisiún eile.
Walsh, J. (2001) Coimisiún agus Coimisiún eile. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2001) | Minority voices show strong instincts for survival.
Walsh, J. (2001) Minority voices show strong instincts for survival. Manchester: The Guardian Article [Details] |
(2001) | Minority voices show strong instincts for survival.
Walsh, J. (2001) Minority voices show strong instincts for survival. London: The Guardian Article [Details] |
(2001) | Éiginnteacht Eorpach.
Walsh, J. (2001) Éiginnteacht Eorpach. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2000) | Cearta Eorpacha do mhionlaigh teanga.
Walsh, J. (2000) Cearta Eorpacha do mhionlaigh teanga. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2000) | Bunchearta do Bhaibealóin na hEorpa.
Walsh, J. (2000) Bunchearta do Bhaibealóin na hEorpa. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(2000) | Cearta mionlaigh sa ré dhigiteach.
Walsh, J. (2000) Cearta mionlaigh sa ré dhigiteach. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(1999) | Cé méad (sic) a chosnóidh síocháin i gCosobhó anois?.
Walsh, J. (1999) Cé méad (sic) a chosnóidh síocháin i gCosobhó anois?. An Spidéal: Foinse Article [Details] |
(1999) | 'Mean-minded law does nothing for human rights protection'.
Walsh, J. (1999) 'Mean-minded law does nothing for human rights protection'. Dublin: Times Change: Quarterly Political and Cultural Review Article [Details] |
(1999) | Ar thairseach na mílaoise: Saol mór a d'éirigh cúng.
Walsh, J. (1999) Ar thairseach na mílaoise: Saol mór a d'éirigh cúng. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(1999) | An ndéanfar idirghabháil i dTimor Thoir?.
Walsh, J. (1999) An ndéanfar idirghabháil i dTimor Thoir?. An Spidéal: Foinse Article [Details] |
(1998) | 'Pinochet - Bua Cinniúnach do chearta daonna 50 bliain ar aghaidh'.
Walsh, J. (1998) 'Pinochet - Bua Cinniúnach do chearta daonna 50 bliain ar aghaidh'. An Spidéal: Foinse Article [Details] |
(1998) | 'Tacaíocht naisiúnaithe na hAlban ag méadú'.
Walsh, J. (1998) 'Tacaíocht naisiúnaithe na hAlban ag méadú'. An Spidéal: Foinse Article [Details] |
(1998) | Augusto Pinochet - ní breithlá shona (sic) dó.
Walsh, J. (1998) Augusto Pinochet - ní breithlá shona (sic) dó. An Spidéal: Foinse Article [Details] |
(1994) | Cymru: Polasaí pragmatach á fhógairt ag Plaid Cymru.
Walsh, J. (1994) Cymru: Polasaí pragmatach á fhógairt ag Plaid Cymru. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
(1993) | Taighde: An Chaointeoireacht agus an Chríostaíocht: Smacht na mBan caointe ar dheasghnátha an bháis.
Walsh, J. (1993) Taighde: An Chaointeoireacht agus an Chríostaíocht: Smacht na mBan caointe ar dheasghnátha an bháis. Dublin: Comhar Article [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922¿2022.
Walsh, J. (2022) One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922¿2022. Galway: Moore Institute, NUI Galway Blog [Details] |
(2022) | Cent anys de política lingüística irlandesa, 1922-2022.
Walsh, J. (2022) Cent anys de política lingüística irlandesa, 1922-2022. Barcelona: UNESCO Chair in Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Blog [Details] |
(2022) | One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922-2022.
Walsh, J. (2022) One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922-2022. Barcelona: UNESCO Chair in Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Blog [Details] |
(2020) | 'Covid-19, the pandemic and the monolingual state'.
Walsh, J. (2020) 'Covid-19, the pandemic and the monolingual state'. Galway: Moore Institute, NUI Galway Blog [Details] |
(2020) | 'Minority language media and the COVID-19 pandemic – the case of Irish. An interview with Dr. John Walsh'.
Walsh, J. (2020) 'Minority language media and the COVID-19 pandemic – the case of Irish. An interview with Dr. John Walsh'. Flensburg, Germany: European Centre for Minority Issues Blog [Details] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Review of LGBTQ Visibility, Media and Sexuality in Ireland.
Walsh, J. (2023) Review of LGBTQ Visibility, Media and Sexuality in Ireland. Critical Studies in Media Communication Book Review [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | Review of Kathryn A. Woolard: Singular and Plural: Ideologies of Linguistic Authority in 21st Century Catalonia.
Walsh, John (2018) Review of Kathryn A. Woolard: Singular and Plural: Ideologies of Linguistic Authority in 21st Century Catalonia. London: Language Policy Book Review [Details] |
(2016) | ‘Sárleabhar a thugann ómós cuí d’fhir bhochta ar chiontaigh an Choróin go héagórach iad’.
Walsh, J. (2016) ‘Sárleabhar a thugann ómós cuí d’fhir bhochta ar chiontaigh an Choróin go héagórach iad’. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Book Review [Details] |
(2016) | 'Sárleabhar a thugann ómós cuí d’fhir bhochta ar chiontaigh an Choróin go héagórach iad'.
Walsh, J. (2016) 'Sárleabhar a thugann ómós cuí d’fhir bhochta ar chiontaigh an Choróin go héagórach iad'. Bearna: Tuairisc.ie Book Review [Details] |
(2014) | Léirmheas ar Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge le Brian Ó Raghallaigh.
Walsh, J. (2014) Léirmheas ar Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge le Brian Ó Raghallaigh. Dublin: Comhar Book Review [Details] |
(2013) | Review of Irish and English: Essays on the Irish Linguistic and Cultural Frontier, 1600-1900 edited by James Kelly & Ciarán Mac Murchaidh.
Walsh, John (2013) Review of Irish and English: Essays on the Irish Linguistic and Cultural Frontier, 1600-1900 edited by James Kelly & Ciarán Mac Murchaidh. Cork: Béascna Book Review [Details] |
(2012) | Review of Féiniúlacht, Cultúr agus Teanga i Ré an Domhandaithe, edited by Breandán Mac Cormaic.
Walsh, John (2012) Review of Féiniúlacht, Cultúr agus Teanga i Ré an Domhandaithe, edited by Breandán Mac Cormaic. Dublin: Irish Journal of Sociology Book Review [Details] |
(2011) | Review of Úna Ní Fhaircheallaigh agus an Fhís Útóipeach Ghaelach by Ríona Nic Congáil. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Volume 63.
Walsh, J. (2011) Review of Úna Ní Fhaircheallaigh agus an Fhís Útóipeach Ghaelach by Ríona Nic Congáil. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Volume 63. Book Review [Details] |
(2000) | Léirmheas ar 'Nod don Eolach' le Matt Hussey in Teagasc na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. (2000) Léirmheas ar 'Nod don Eolach' le Matt Hussey in Teagasc na Gaeilge. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar na Múinteoirí Gaeilge Book Review [Details] |
Guest Lectures
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Irish language policy, 1922-2022: the role of broadcasting in language revitalisation.
Walsh, J. (2023) Irish language policy, 1922-2022: the role of broadcasting in language revitalisation. Galway: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2021) | Cur i láthair d'oifigigh pleanála teanga sa Ghaeltacht faoi úsáid na meán sa phróiseas pleanála teanga.
Walsh, J. (2021) Cur i láthair d'oifigigh pleanála teanga sa Ghaeltacht faoi úsáid na meán sa phróiseas pleanála teanga. Na Forbacha, Gaillimh: Údarás na Gaeltachta Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2020) | ‘Queering the revitalisation of a minority language: queer speakers of Irish as multilingual subjects’.
Walsh, J. (2020) ‘Queering the revitalisation of a minority language: queer speakers of Irish as multilingual subjects’. Georgetown University, Washington DC: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2019) | ‘Multilingualism in Galway: challenges and opportunities’.
Walsh, J. & Antonijevic-Elliot, S. (2019) ‘Multilingualism in Galway: challenges and opportunities’. NUI Galway: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2018) | ‘Changing spaces: the new geographies of the Gaeltacht and Irish language networks’.
Walsh, J. (2018) ‘Changing spaces: the new geographies of the Gaeltacht and Irish language networks’. Derry: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2015) | ‘Los nuevos hablantes de lenguas minorizadas: el gallego y el irlandés’ (New speakers of minoritised languages: Galician and Irish).
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2015) ‘Los nuevos hablantes de lenguas minorizadas: el gallego y el irlandés’ (New speakers of minoritised languages: Galician and Irish). Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2015) | ‘Ní bás ach athfhás: Mudes teangeolaíocha agus nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. (2015) ‘Ní bás ach athfhás: Mudes teangeolaíocha agus nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2014) | ‘Nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge: cleachtas, féiniúlacht, idé-eolaíocht’.
Walsh, J. (2014) ‘Nuachainteoirí na Gaeilge: cleachtas, féiniúlacht, idé-eolaíocht’. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2013) | ‘New Speakers of Irish: Shifting Ideologies, Constructing Identities’.
Walsh, J. (2013) ‘New Speakers of Irish: Shifting Ideologies, Constructing Identities’. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Athchuairt ar an mBreac-Ghaeltacht: fianaise stairiúil den athrú teanga i gCúige Mumhan’. Seminar to postgraduate students and staff, School of Modern Irish, University College Cork.
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘Athchuairt ar an mBreac-Ghaeltacht: fianaise stairiúil den athrú teanga i gCúige Mumhan’. Seminar to postgraduate students and staff, School of Modern Irish, University College Cork. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | Cur chun cinn mionteanga agus forbairt shocheacnamaíoch: dhá aidhm chontrártha?’ Speech at seminar Regional Development in Minority Language Areas, Dingle.
Walsh, J. (2011) Cur chun cinn mionteanga agus forbairt shocheacnamaíoch: dhá aidhm chontrártha?’ Speech at seminar Regional Development in Minority Language Areas, Dingle. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Language ideologies, language policy and Ireland’s Official Languages Act 2003’. Seminar hosted by Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh.
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘Language ideologies, language policy and Ireland’s Official Languages Act 2003’. Seminar hosted by Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2010) | Language policy and language ideology: from the Official Languages Act to Ireland's twenty-year Strategy for the Irish Language'. Seminar hosted by the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana.
Walsh, J. (2010) Language policy and language ideology: from the Official Languages Act to Ireland's twenty-year Strategy for the Irish Language'. Seminar hosted by the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2010) | ‘Legislating for Irish: the strains between policy and ideology in a minoritised language’. Seminar hosted by Department of Applied Linguistics and Center for Indian Education, Arizona State University.
Walsh, J. (2010) ‘Legislating for Irish: the strains between policy and ideology in a minoritised language’. Seminar hosted by Department of Applied Linguistics and Center for Indian Education, Arizona State University. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2010) | ‘Language ideologies, language policy and Ireland’s Official Languages Act 2003’. Seminar hosted by Department of Celtic, University of Aberdeen.
Walsh, J. (2010) ‘Language ideologies, language policy and Ireland’s Official Languages Act 2003’. Seminar hosted by Department of Celtic, University of Aberdeen. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2009) | Overview of Irish language policy since 1922. Workshop with students of Irish History, University of California, Santa Cruz.
Walsh, J. (2009) Overview of Irish language policy since 1922. Workshop with students of Irish History, University of California, Santa Cruz. University of California, Santa Cruz: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2009) | ‘Governance, legislation, ideology: Irish language policy and the Official Languages Act 2003’. Symposium hosted by Departments of Linguistics and Celtic Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Walsh, J. (2009) ‘Governance, legislation, ideology: Irish language policy and the Official Languages Act 2003’. Symposium hosted by Departments of Linguistics and Celtic Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2008) | The Irish language: community and status. Lecture to students of Irish Studies, Charles University, Prague.
Walsh, J. (2008) The Irish language: community and status. Lecture to students of Irish Studies, Charles University, Prague. Charles University, Prague: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2008) | Forbairt theorainneacha na Gaeltachta ó bunaíodh an stát. Guest lecture on boundaries of Gaeltacht to School of Irish.
Walsh, J. (2008) Forbairt theorainneacha na Gaeltachta ó bunaíodh an stát. Guest lecture on boundaries of Gaeltacht to School of Irish. Department of Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Limerick: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2008) | ‘Na dúshláin a bhaineann le feidhmiú Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003’. Guest lecture on the MA sa Phleanáil Teanga (Language Planning), NUI Galway on the challenges of implementing the Official Languages Act.
Walsh, J. (2008) ‘Na dúshláin a bhaineann le feidhmiú Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla 2003’. Guest lecture on the MA sa Phleanáil Teanga (Language Planning), NUI Galway on the challenges of implementing the Official Languages Act. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2008) | Ireland and the Isle of Man: language planning and policy. Annual Ned Maddrell Lecture.
Walsh, J. (2008) Ireland and the Isle of Man: language planning and policy. Annual Ned Maddrell Lecture. Isle of Man: Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2007) | 'An overcoat wrapped around an invisible man? Language legislation and community language revitalisation in Ireland'.
Walsh, J. (2007) 'An overcoat wrapped around an invisible man? Language legislation and community language revitalisation in Ireland'. Guest Lectures [Details] |
(2005) | From industrial development to language planning? The evolution of Ireland's Gaeltacht development authority. Guest lecture at Department of Scottish and Celtic Studies, Edinburgh University.
Walsh, J. (2005) From industrial development to language planning? The evolution of Ireland's Gaeltacht development authority. Guest lecture at Department of Scottish and Celtic Studies, Edinburgh University. Department of Scottish and Celtic Studies, Edinburgh University: Guest Lectures [Details] |
Invited Lectures
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Language Policy and the New Speaker Challenge.
Walsh, J. (2023) Language Policy and the New Speaker Challenge. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2023) | Navigating identity, migration and language in an Irish language queer arts collective.
Walsh, J. (2023) Navigating identity, migration and language in an Irish language queer arts collective. Poznan, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2023) | Minority language media as a policy tool: community radio and the revitalisation of Irish.
Walsh, J. (2023) Minority language media as a policy tool: community radio and the revitalisation of Irish. Arizona: University of Arizona Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2023) | Media and language policy: community radio and the revitalisation of Irish.
Walsh, J. (2023) Media and language policy: community radio and the revitalisation of Irish. Lund, Sweden: University of Lund Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2023) | An beartas i leith na Gaeilge sa chóras oideachais ó 1965-1975: tionchar fadtéarmach Chomhairle na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. (2023) An beartas i leith na Gaeilge sa chóras oideachais ó 1965-1975: tionchar fadtéarmach Chomhairle na Gaeilge. Baile Átha Cliath: Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2022) | Invited speaker on community broadcasting and equality, diversity and inclusion.
Walsh, J. (2022) Invited speaker on community broadcasting and equality, diversity and inclusion. Galway: CRAOL Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2019) | Invited speaker at panel Grá & eagla: the love and fear of speaking a new language, Mother Tongues Festival, Galway, 22 February 2019.
Walsh, J. (2019) Invited speaker at panel Grá & eagla: the love and fear of speaking a new language, Mother Tongues Festival, Galway, 22 February 2019. Galway: Mother Tongues Festival Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2016) | New speakers in a multilingual Europe.
Walsh, J. & O'Rourke, B. (2016) New speakers in a multilingual Europe. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2016) | Position paper on 'new speakers' of Irish.
Walsh, J. (2016) Position paper on 'new speakers' of Irish. Galway: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2016) | ‘New speakers of minority languages: attitudes and motivations’.
Walsh, J. (2016) ‘New speakers of minority languages: attitudes and motivations’. University College Dublin: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2016) | ‘New Speakers of Irish: Linguistic Practices, Ideological Positioning and Emotional Investment’.
Walsh, J. (2016) ‘New Speakers of Irish: Linguistic Practices, Ideological Positioning and Emotional Investment’. Barcelona: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2014) | Irish language syllabus development at third-level: the work of An Mheitheal um Theagasc na Gaeilge ar an Tríú Leibhéal.
Nic Eoin, M. & Walsh, J. (2014) Irish language syllabus development at third-level: the work of An Mheitheal um Theagasc na Gaeilge ar an Tríú Leibhéal. Dublin: Irish Association for Applied Linguistics Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2012) | Feidhmiú an Achta Teanga: Reachtaíocht teanga agus an Ghaeilge.
Walsh, J. (2012) Feidhmiú an Achta Teanga: Reachtaíocht teanga agus an Ghaeilge. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2012) | Anailís ar fheidhmiú na reachtaíochta teanga.
Walsh, J. (2012) Anailís ar fheidhmiú na reachtaíochta teanga. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | ‘An Chanóin, an Caighdeán agus an Curaclam’. Presentation (with Prof. Máirín Nic Eoin) at annual symposium Léachtaí Cholm Cille, NUI Maynooth.
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘An Chanóin, an Caighdeán agus an Curaclam’. Presentation (with Prof. Máirín Nic Eoin) at annual symposium Léachtaí Cholm Cille, NUI Maynooth. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | ‘An fhorbairt shocheacnamaíoch agus pobal na mionteanga’. Speech at Symposium in Language Planning, NUI Galway.
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘An fhorbairt shocheacnamaíoch agus pobal na mionteanga’. Speech at Symposium in Language Planning, NUI Galway. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | ‘An Ghaeilge mar acmhainn forbartha in am na géarchéime’. Speech at symposium An Stát, an Ghaeilge agus Muintir na Gaeilge: leas an Stáit, leas na Gaeilge? Dublin.
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘An Ghaeilge mar acmhainn forbartha in am na géarchéime’. Speech at symposium An Stát, an Ghaeilge agus Muintir na Gaeilge: leas an Stáit, leas na Gaeilge? Dublin. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | ‘Pushing an open door? Language policy at an Irish university’. Speech at Language and Identity Symposium, University of Tartu, Estonia. Panellist at same event on language policy in European universities. Symposium held under the auspices of the Coimbra Group of European universities.
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘Pushing an open door? Language policy at an Irish university’. Speech at Language and Identity Symposium, University of Tartu, Estonia. Panellist at same event on language policy in European universities. Symposium held under the auspices of the Coimbra Group of European universities. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | ‘An Ghaeilge mar acmhainn forbartha in am na géarchéime’ [Proceedings of seminar on language and globalisation].
Walsh, J. (2011) ‘An Ghaeilge mar acmhainn forbartha in am na géarchéime’ [Proceedings of seminar on language and globalisation]. Dublin: Coiscéim Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2011) | Cur chun cinn mionteanga agus forbairt shocheacnamaíoch: dhá aidhm chontrártha? Speech at seminar Regional Development in Minority Language Areas, Dingle.
Walsh, J. (2011) Cur chun cinn mionteanga agus forbairt shocheacnamaíoch: dhá aidhm chontrártha? Speech at seminar Regional Development in Minority Language Areas, Dingle. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2010) | Cur i láthair don Chomhchoiste Oireachtais um Ghnóthaí Gaeltachta.
Walsh, J. (2010) Cur i láthair don Chomhchoiste Oireachtais um Ghnóthaí Gaeltachta. Indreabhán: Tithe an Oireachtais Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2010) | L’irlandais et le développement économique en Irlande’. Participant in workshop Engagement, gouvernance et économie, University of Ottawa.
Walsh, J. (2010) L’irlandais et le développement économique en Irlande’. Participant in workshop Engagement, gouvernance et économie, University of Ottawa. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2009) | Les savoirs de la gouvernance communautaire en Irlande : le cas de l'irlandais. Participant in round table on International Perspectives on Community Governance and Linguistic Minorities.
Walsh, J. (2009) Les savoirs de la gouvernance communautaire en Irlande : le cas de l'irlandais. Participant in round table on International Perspectives on Community Governance and Linguistic Minorities. University of Ottawa, Canada: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2007) | Chaired panel ‘Reachtaíocht teanga: gnó do lucht léann na Gaeilge?’ and gave speech on same topic [language legislation]. Conference organised by Irish Language Committee, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.
Walsh, J. (2007) Chaired panel ‘Reachtaíocht teanga: gnó do lucht léann na Gaeilge?’ and gave speech on same topic [language legislation]. Conference organised by Irish Language Committee, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2007) | Pleanáil Teanga: Ráiteas an Rialtais agus an Plean Forbartha Náisiúnta. An Ghaeilge agus Do Vóta.
Walsh, J. (2007) Pleanáil Teanga: Ráiteas an Rialtais agus an Plean Forbartha Náisiúnta. An Ghaeilge agus Do Vóta. Dublin: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2006) | The influence of the Irish language on Ireland's socio-economic development. Speaker at conference Economic Development through Language: The Role of Communities, the State and Enterprise Initiatives.
Walsh, J. (2006) The influence of the Irish language on Ireland's socio-economic development. Speaker at conference Economic Development through Language: The Role of Communities, the State and Enterprise Initiatives. Queen's University, Belfast: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2005) | Language planning and socio-economic development in Ireland: towards an integrated framework?. Presentation at conference Language policies in Canada and Europe, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Walsh, J. (2005) Language planning and socio-economic development in Ireland: towards an integrated framework?. Presentation at conference Language policies in Canada and Europe, University of Ottawa, Canada. University of Ottawa, Canada: Invited Lectures [Details] |
(2005) | Ó Heilbhic go Heilsincí: Gaeltacht na nDéise i gcomhthéacs idirnáisiúnta teanga. Speech on language diversity and the Gaeltacht to summer school Tionól an tSamhraidh, organised by Waterford County Council and Waterford Institute of Technology.
Walsh, J. (2005) Ó Heilbhic go Heilsincí: Gaeltacht na nDéise i gcomhthéacs idirnáisiúnta teanga. Speech on language diversity and the Gaeltacht to summer school Tionól an tSamhraidh, organised by Waterford County Council and Waterford Institute of Technology. Invited Lectures [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | Ó Ishi go Hopi Boy: an troid in aghaidh dhíchuimhne na dteangacha dúchais in iardheisceart na Stát Aontaithe. Dublin: Coiscéim [pamphlet on the links between support for Irish and support for indigenous languages in the US].
Walsh, J. & Ó Laoire, L. (2010) Ó Ishi go Hopi Boy: an troid in aghaidh dhíchuimhne na dteangacha dúchais in iardheisceart na Stát Aontaithe. Dublin: Coiscéim [pamphlet on the links between support for Irish and support for indigenous languages in the US]. Pamphlet [Details] |
(2004) | An Teanga, an Cultúr agus an Fhorbairt: Cás na hÉireann agus Cás na Gaeilge. Dublin: Coiscéim (series editor: Prof. Máirtín Ó Murchú) [occasional paper on theoretical framework linking language and socio-economic development].
Walsh, J. (2004) An Teanga, an Cultúr agus an Fhorbairt: Cás na hÉireann agus Cás na Gaeilge. Dublin: Coiscéim (series editor: Prof. Máirtín Ó Murchú) [occasional paper on theoretical framework linking language and socio-economic development]. Pamphlet [Details] |
Non Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | Athbhreithniú ar an Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge: Tuarascáil Taighde do Chonradh na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. & Seoighe, S. (2016) Athbhreithniú ar an Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge: Tuarascáil Taighde do Chonradh na Gaeilge. Non Published Reports [Details] |
(2015) | Athbhreithniú ar Fheidhmiú na Straitéise 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge: Tuarascáil arna hullmhú do Chonradh na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. (2015) Athbhreithniú ar Fheidhmiú na Straitéise 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge: Tuarascáil arna hullmhú do Chonradh na Gaeilge. Non Published Reports [Details] |
(2010) | Moltaí maidir le Plean Teanga do Mhaigh Cuilinn. Tuarascáil taighde do Chonradh na Gaeilge.
Walsh, J. & Rowland, H. (2010) Moltaí maidir le Plean Teanga do Mhaigh Cuilinn. Tuarascáil taighde do Chonradh na Gaeilge. Non Published Reports [Details] |
(2002) | Digital technologies and the Catalan language: report of study visit programme to Barcelona, 27-29 May 2002.
Walsh, J. (2002) Digital technologies and the Catalan language: report of study visit programme to Barcelona, 27-29 May 2002. Brussels: European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages Non Published Reports [Details] |
(2002) | Measúnacht ar Beo.ie á réiteach ag FIONTAR, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath.
Nic Pháidín, C., Walsh, J., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. & Ní Choisdealbha, L. (2002) Measúnacht ar Beo.ie á réiteach ag FIONTAR, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath. Non Published Reports [Details] |
(2001) | Tuarascáil ar Mhuintearas na nOileán - Togra Oideachais Gaeltachta d'Údarás na Gaeltachta á ullmhú ag FIONTAR, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath.
Nic Pháidín, C., Ní Bhrádaigh, E., Walsh, J., Mac an Bhaird, C. (2001) Tuarascáil ar Mhuintearas na nOileán - Togra Oideachais Gaeltachta d'Údarás na Gaeltachta á ullmhú ag FIONTAR, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath. Baile Átha Cliath: FIONTAR, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath Non Published Reports [Details] |
Professional Associations
Association | Function | From / To | |
Irish Association of Applied Linguistics | Standard member | 01-JAN-07 / | |
Sociological Association of Ireland | Standard member | 07-JAN-08 / | |
Media Literacy Ireland | Member | 06-JAN-20 / | |
Entangled Media Histories (Lund University) | Member | 04-JAN-21 / |
Honours and Awards
Year | Title | Awarding Body | |
2009 | Fulbright Irish Language Scholar | Fulbright Commission Ireland | |
2008 | Duaiseanna Liteartha an Oireachtais | Oireachtas na Gaeilge | |
2008 | Duaiseanna Liteartha an Oireachtais | Oireachtas na Gaeilge | |
2002 | Duaiseanna Liteartha an Oireachtais | Oireachtas na Gaeilge |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
Teaching and Learning Committee, School of Languages | Representative of discipline | 07-SEP-20 / | |
Moore Institute COVID Response Group | Member | 01-APR-20 / | |
Moore Institute Executive Management Team | Member | 03-FEB-20 / | |
Archives Strategy Committee, NUI Galway | Representative of discipline | 08-JAN-18 / 30-JUN-22 | |
Grúpa Sainleasa Chartlann Chonradh na Gaeilge | Cathaoirleach / Chair | 03-JUL-17 / | |
Coiste Stiúrtha Tionscadail, Cartlann Chonradh na Gaeilge | Ball / member | 08-JAN-18 / 28-FEB-02 | |
Task Force on Humanities, College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies | Representative of Department of Irish | 09-JAN-12 / 20-DEC-12 | |
Research Committee, School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures | Representative of Department of Irish | 06-SEP-10 / 20-DEC-13 | |
An Coiste Seasta um Cháilíocht na Gaeilge | Representative of Department of Irish | 04-SEP-06 / 03-SEP-07 |
Employer | Position | From / To | |
National University of Ireland, Galway | Lecturer/Senior Lecturer | 20-AUG-06 / | |
Dublin City University | Lecturer | 20-AUG-01 / 19-AUG-05 | |
European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages | Journalist | 01-JAN-00 / 01-JUL-01 | |
Raidió Teilifís Éireann | Journalist | 01-JUL-92 / 01-JUL-98 | |
Century Radio | Journalist | 01-JAN-90 / 19-NOV-91 |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject | |
1992 | University College Dublin | BA | Irish & Welsh | |
2008 | National University of Ireland, Galway | Diploma | French (Advanced) | |
1999 | Dublin City University | MA | International Relations | |
2012 | NUI Galway | Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education | Teaching and learning in higher education | |
2006 | Dublin City University | PhD | The influence of the promotion of Irish on Ireland's socioeconomic development |
Language | |
Spanish | |
English | |
French | |
Gaeilge | |
Welsh | |
Dutch | |
German |
Client | Description | |
Conradh na Gaeilge | ||
Broadcasting Authority of Ireland | ||
Gaillimh le Gaeilge/Galway City Council | ||
Foras na Gaeilge |
Community Engagement
Title | Type | From / To | |
Consultancy (Pro-bono) | Comhluadar (assocation of parents raising children with Irish) | 09-JAN-06 / 08-JAN-07 | |
Consultancy (Pro-bono) | Comhlacht Forbartha na nDéise | 09-JAN-06 / 03-SEP-07 | |
Board Membership | Tuairisc.ie | 09-OCT-15 / | |
Consultancy (Pro-bono) | NUI Galway Students' Union | 12-JAN-09 / 09-MAR-09 | |
Consultancy (Pro-bono) | Raidió na Life | 01-SEP-16 / 03-OCT-16 | |
Consultancy (Pro-bono) | Conradh na Gaeilge | 01-SEP-17 / 02-OCT-17 |
Journal | Role | |
Language Policy | Reviewer | |
Studia Celtica Posnaniensia | Editoral Board | |
Léann Teanga: An Reiviú | Reviewer | |
Teanga | Reviewer | |
Irish Journal Of Sociology | Reviewer | |
Comhar Taighde | Editoral Board | |
International Journal of Bilingualism | Reviewer | |
British Journal Of Sociology | Reviewer | |
Journal Of Celtic Linguistics | Reviewer | |
Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development | Reviewer | |
Telecommunications Policy | Reviewer | |
Language And Intercultural Communication | Reviewer | |
Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development | Editor |
External Collaborators
Name | Organisation / Institute | Country | Description of Collaboration | |
Bernadette O'Rourke | Glasgow University | UNITED KINGDOM | ||
Rosemary Day | Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick | IRELAND | ||
Colin H. Williams | Cardiff University & University of Cambridge | UNITED KINGDOM | ||
Michael Hornsby | Adam Michiewicz University, Poznan | POLAND | ||
Maite Puigdevall | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | SPAIN | ||
Estibaliz Amorrortu | Universidad de Deusto | SPAIN | ||
Wilson McLeod | Edinburgh University | UNITED KINGDOM |