Prof John Morrissey

BA (Dubl.), MA (NUI), PhD (Exon.)

Contact Details

Professor of Human Geography
Room 111 Geography
University of Galway
University Road
Galway H91 TK33
T: +353 (0)91 492267



Professor Morrissey's main research interests are in geopolitics, security and international development. He is a former Government of Ireland Research Fellow, which he spent at CUNY Graduate Center in New York, and is a past Quatercentenary Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge and Fellow of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. He has held additional research fellowships at Virginia Tech, the University of Oxford and Australian National University. Over the last ten years, Professor Morrissey's research has been centred on the geopolitical dimensions of contemporary US national security interests in the Middle East, with a particular focus on United States Central Command (CENTCOM). The Long War, a critical history of CENTCOM, documenting the ongoing military interventions of the command, was published by University of Georgia Press in 2017 and shortlisted for the Julian Minghi Prize. His current research is concerned with critically theorising human security in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and wider global human-environmental crises. In 2021, he was appointed International Consultant on Human Security in the United Nations Human Development Report Office. In 2023, he was appointed to the InterAcademy Partnership Panel on Human Security, which is working with the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) and the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) on the global campaign, Human Security For All (HS4A). In 2025, he was awarded a National Library of Australia Fellowship.


Professor Morrissey graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a first class degree in Natural Science, before beginning an ESRC-funded PhD in Geography at the University of Exeter. After completing his PhD, he taught at Exeter for a year before going to University of Galway, where he lectures on political and cultural geography, critical geopolitics, and international development. He previously served as Head of Geography at University of Galway, and in 2009 established the Masters in Environment, Society and Development, a leading MA programme in the university that attracts international students from all over the world and involves students working on the ground with the UNDP in Bosnia. In 2011, Professor Morrissey won University of Galway's President's Award for Teaching Excellence, and in 2012 he won the NAIRTL National Academy Award for Research and Teaching Excellence. In 2012, he also completed a Masters in Academic Practice at University of Galway's Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. In 2014, he was promoted to Senior Lecturer, and in 2015 he was appointed Associate Director of University of Galway's Moore Institute. He served as Head of the School of Geography and Archaeology for 2017/18, won the President's Award for Teaching Excellence for a second time in 2018, and was promoted to Personal Professor in 2020.

Research Interests

Professor Morrissey is a political and cultural geographer whose work draws upon the writings of Michel Foucault, Edward Said, Judith Butler and others in critiquing how dominant and violent forms of contemporary Western interventionism are underpinned by imperial and neoliberal discourses of security. His research over the last ten years has been concerned with the geopolitical scripting, political economy and biopolitics of US foreign policy in the Middle East and Central Asia, with a particular focus on United States Central Command (CENTCOM). More recently, he has begun work on the challenge of enacting more transformative and non-violent practices of 'human security' and of envisioning a 'more-than-human' sense of planetary precarity. His books include Haven (Edward Elgar Publishing), The Long War (University of Georgia Press), Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis (Royal Irish Academy), Key Concepts in Historical Geography (Sage) and Negotiating Colonialism (Royal Geographical Society). A full list of his publications can be found at ORCID.

Professor Morrissey's research has been supported by grants from the British Academy, the British International Studies Association, 
the Clinton Institute for American Studies, the Irish Research Council, National University of Ireland, NUI Galway Community Knowledge Initiative, NUI Galway Millennium Fund, and the University of Cambridge. He was a Government of Ireland Fellow in 2007/08 at the Center for Place, Culture and Politics at CUNY Graduate Center, where he worked closely with David Harvey and Neil Smith. This research culminated in a geopolitical history of CENTCOM for University of Georgia PressIn 2013/14 he was elected Quatercentenary Fellow at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and Visiting Fellow at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. Professor Morrissey's more recent work on an IRC project, Haven, critically examined the EU's security response to the Mediterranean humanitarian crisis. As part of the project, he held visiting scholarships at LUISS University in Rome, and St Antony's College, Oxford. In 2021 Professor Morrissey was appointed International Consultant on Human Security in the Human Development Report Office of the UN. In 2023 he was elected Visiting Fellow in International Relations at Australian National University, and in 2025 he was awarded a National Library of Australia Fellowship for a project exploring the political ecology writing of Judith Wright.

Sample of Research Funding

- National Library of Australia: The Battle for the Biosphere: The Political Ecology of Judith Wright

- British International Studies Association: Human Security and EU Securitization Discourse

- IRC New Foundations: Haven: Intervening for Human Security in the Mediterranean Humanitarian Crisis

- NAIRTL National Academy: The Practice of Critical Knowledge: Field-Based Learning in Development Studies

- NUI Galway Community Knowledge Initiative: Participatory Development: Bridging Academic Critique and Civic Engagement in Sarajevo, Bosnia

- Irish Research Council: CENTCOM and US Geopolitical Grand Strategy in the Middle East, 1983-2003

- Clinton Institute for American Studies: War and American National Identity

Publications Funding

- NUI Publications Prize: Haven: Intervening for Human Security (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020)

- NUI Publications Prize: The Long War (University of Georgia Press, 2017)

- NUI Galway Grant-in-Aid of Publications: Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis (Royal Irish Academy, 2014)

- NUI Galway Grant-in-Aid of Publications: Negotiating Colonialism (Royal Geographical Society, 2003)

Graduate Research Funding

Prof. Morrissey has had funded graduate students working on a range of projects, spanning issues from colonial mapping and representation to contemporary questions of geopolitics and international development. Current students include:

- Maeve McGandy (PhD Candidate - NUI Galway Geography Doctoral Scholarship) Climate Change Adaptation and the Role of Knowledge Co-Production in Fiji and the Solomon Islands

- Thomas Hughes (PhD Candidate - NUI Galway Geography Doctoral Scholarship) Responding to the Mediterranean Refugee Crisis: Towards a Transformative Envisioning of Human Security

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Envisioning Security for a More-Than-Human World'
Morrissey, J. (2024) 'Envisioning Security for a More-Than-Human World'. UNDP Human Development Reports, Background Paper No. 5-2022 :1-27 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2023) 'The Task of Envisioning Security for the Anthropocene'
Morrissey, J. (2023) 'The Task of Envisioning Security for the Anthropocene'. Irish Studies In International Affairs, 34 (1):17-26 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2023) 'Subaltern Learnings: Climate Resilience and Human Security in the Caribbean'
Jerez Columbie, Y. and Morrissey, J. (2023) 'Subaltern Learnings: Climate Resilience and Human Security in the Caribbean'. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11 (1):19-38 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Planetary Precarity and 'More-Than-Human Security': The Securitization Challenge in the Aftermath of COVID-19'
Morrissey, J. (2021) 'Planetary Precarity and 'More-Than-Human Security': The Securitization Challenge in the Aftermath of COVID-19'. Journal of Human Security, 17 (1):15-22 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) 'Mobilising the Language of Emergency: Human Security and Climate Action Discourse'
Morrissey, J. (2020) 'Mobilising the Language of Emergency: Human Security and Climate Action Discourse'. Irish Studies In International Affairs, 31 :59-70 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'Towards a Human Security Vision of Global Climate Action'
Morrissey, J. (2019) 'Towards a Human Security Vision of Global Climate Action'. Geoforum, 107 :220-222 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Envisioning Human Security'
Morrissey, J. (2018) 'Envisioning Human Security'. Fennia: International Journal of Geography, 196 (2):225-229 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Geoeconomics in the Long War'
Morrissey, J. (2017) 'Geoeconomics in the Long War'. Antipode, 49 (s1):94-113 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'US Central Command and Liberal Imperial Reach: 'Shaping the Central Region for the 21st Century''
Morrissey, J. (2016) 'US Central Command and Liberal Imperial Reach: 'Shaping the Central Region for the 21st Century''. Geographical Journal, 182 (1):15-26 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Participative Critical Enquiry in Graduate Field-Based Learning'
Reilly, K., Clavin, A. and Morrissey. J. (2016) 'Participative Critical Enquiry in Graduate Field-Based Learning'. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 40 (1):104-116 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) 'Securitizing Instability: The US Military and Full Spectrum Operations'
Morrissey, J. (2015) 'Securitizing Instability: The US Military and Full Spectrum Operations'. Environment And Planning D: Society And Space, 33 (4):609-625 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) 'Regimes of Performance: Practices of the Normalised Self in the Neoliberal University'
Morrissey, J. (2015) 'Regimes of Performance: Practices of the Normalised Self in the Neoliberal University'. British Journal Of Sociology Of Education, 36 (4):614-634 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) 'Field-Based Learning: The Challenge of Practising Participatory Knowledge'
Morrissey, J., Clavin, A. and Reilly, K. (2013) 'Field-Based Learning: The Challenge of Practising Participatory Knowledge'. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37 (4):619-627 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) 'Governing the Academic Subject: Foucault, Governmentality and the Performing University'
Morrissey, J. (2013) 'Governing the Academic Subject: Foucault, Governmentality and the Performing University'. Oxford Review Of Education, 39 (6):797-810 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) 'Podcast Steering of Independent Learning in Higher Education'
Morrissey, J. (2012) 'Podcast Steering of Independent Learning in Higher Education'. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 4 (1):1-9 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) 'Colonial Biopolitics: 'Human Incumbrances: Political Violence and the Great Irish Famine' (Review Essay)'
Morrissey, J. (2012) 'Colonial Biopolitics: 'Human Incumbrances: Political Violence and the Great Irish Famine' (Review Essay)'. Progress In Human Geography, 36 (6):831-833 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Closing the Neoliberal Gap: Risk and Regulation in the Long War of Securitization'
Morrissey, J. (2011) 'Closing the Neoliberal Gap: Risk and Regulation in the Long War of Securitization'. Antipode, 43 (3):874-900 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Liberal Lawfare and Biopolitics: US Juridical Warfare in the War on Terror'
Morrissey, J. (2011) 'Liberal Lawfare and Biopolitics: US Juridical Warfare in the War on Terror'. Geopolitics, 16 (2):280-305 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Architects of Empire: The Military-Strategic Studies Complex and the Scripting of US National Security'
Morrissey, J. (2011) 'Architects of Empire: The Military-Strategic Studies Complex and the Scripting of US National Security'. Antipode, 43 (2):435-470 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 'Lessons in American Geopolitik: Kaplan and the Return of Spatial Absolutism'
Morrissey, J. (2009) 'Lessons in American Geopolitik: Kaplan and the Return of Spatial Absolutism'. Human Geography, 2 (2):36-39 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 'Cultural Geography: A Critical Dictionary of Key Concepts (Review Essay)'
Morrissey, J. (2007) 'Cultural Geography: A Critical Dictionary of Key Concepts (Review Essay)'. Area, 38 (4):476-478 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2006) 'Ireland's Great War: Representation, Public Space and the Place of Dissonant Heritages'
Morrissey, J. (2006) 'Ireland's Great War: Representation, Public Space and the Place of Dissonant Heritages'. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, 58 :98-113 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2005) 'Cultural Geographies of the Contact Zone: Gaels, Galls and Overlapping Territories in Late Medieval Ireland'
Morrissey, J. (2005) 'Cultural Geographies of the Contact Zone: Gaels, Galls and Overlapping Territories in Late Medieval Ireland'. Social And Cultural Geography, 6 (4):551-566 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2005) 'Searching for Common Ground: Colonialism and Collaboration in Early Modern Tipperary'
Morrissey, J. (2005) 'Searching for Common Ground: Colonialism and Collaboration in Early Modern Tipperary'. Tipperary Historical Journal, 18 :25-30 [Details]
(2004) 'Geography Militant: Resistance and the Essentialisation of Identity in Colonial Ireland'
Morrissey, J. (2004) 'Geography Militant: Resistance and the Essentialisation of Identity in Colonial Ireland'. Irish Geography, 37 (2):166-176 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2004) 'Kilnamanagh and the Frontier: Surviving the New English of the Early Seventeenth Century'
Morrissey, J. (2004) 'Kilnamanagh and the Frontier: Surviving the New English of the Early Seventeenth Century'. Tipperary Historical Journal, 17 :101-113 [Details]
(2004) 'Contours of Colonialism: Gaelic Ireland and the Early Colonial Subject'
Morrissey, J. (2004) 'Contours of Colonialism: Gaelic Ireland and the Early Colonial Subject'. Irish Geography, 37 (1):88-102 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(1999) 'Theoretical Currents in Contemporary Historical Geography'
Morrissey, J. and Merriman, P. (1999) 'Theoretical Currents in Contemporary Historical Geography'. Journal Of Historical Geography, 25 (3):379-392 [DOI] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2017) The Long War: CENTCOM, Grand Strategy, and Global Security.
Morrissey, J. (2017) The Long War: CENTCOM, Grand Strategy, and Global Security. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) Key Concepts in Historical Geography (Japanese edition).
Morrissey, J., Nally, D., Strohmayer, U. and Whelan, Y. (2017) Key Concepts in Historical Geography (Japanese edition). Tokyo: Koton. [Details]
(2014) Key Concepts in Historical Geography.
Morrissey, J., Nally, D., Strohmayer, U. and Whelan, Y. (2014) Key Concepts in Historical Geography. London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2003) Negotiating Colonialism.
Morrissey, J. (2003) Negotiating Colonialism. London: HGRG, Royal Geographical Society. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2020) Haven: The Mediterranean Crisis and Human Security.
Morrissey, J (Ed.). (2020) Haven: The Mediterranean Crisis and Human Security Haven: The Mediterranean Crisis and Human Security. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis.
Kearns, G., Meredith, D. and Morrissey, J (Ed.). (2014) Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2020) 'Intervening for Human Security'
Morrissey, J. (2020) 'Intervening for Human Security' In: Haven: The Mediterranean Crisis and Human Security. :1-20 Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Regimes of Performance'
Morrissey, J. (2018) 'Regimes of Performance' In: Foucault and Education. :82-102 New York: Routledge. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Challenging the Political Economies of Injustice: An Interview with David Harvey'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Challenging the Political Economies of Injustice: An Interview with David Harvey' In: Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis. :209-223 Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Historical Geographies in the Present'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Historical Geographies in the Present' In: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. :1-13 London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Imperialism and Empire'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Imperialism and Empire' In: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. :17-25 London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism' In: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. :26-35 London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Identity and the Nation'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Identity and the Nation' In: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. :64-80 London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Imaginative Geographies and Geopolitics'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Imaginative Geographies and Geopolitics' In: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. :81-93 London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Illustrative Geographies'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Illustrative Geographies' In: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. :280-290 London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Evidence and Representation'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'Evidence and Representation' In: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. :291-300 London: Sage. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) 'The Imperial Present: Geography, Imperialism and its Continued Effects'
Morrissey, J. (2013) 'The Imperial Present: Geography, Imperialism and its Continued Effects' In: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography. :494-507 Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) 'Foucault and the Colonial Subject: Emergent Forms of Colonial Governmentality in Early Modern Ireland'
Morrissey, J. (2012) 'Foucault and the Colonial Subject: Emergent Forms of Colonial Governmentality in Early Modern Ireland' In: At the Anvil: Essays in Honour of William J. Smyth. :135-150 Geography Publications: Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) 'Liberal Lawfare and Biopolitics'
Morrissey, J. (2012) 'Liberal Lawfare and Biopolitics' In: War Beyond the Battlefield. :28-53 New York: Routledge. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) 'The Geoeconomic Pivot of the Global War on Terror: US Central Command and the War in Iraq'
Morrissey, J. (2008) 'The Geoeconomic Pivot of the Global War on Terror: US Central Command and the War in Iraq' In: America and Iraq: Policy-Making, Intervention and Regional Politics. :103-122 New York: Routledge. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2005) 'A Lost Heritage: The Connaught Rangers and Multivocal Irishness'
Morrissey, J. (2005) 'A Lost Heritage: The Connaught Rangers and Multivocal Irishness' In: Ireland's Heritages: Critical Perspectives on Memory and Identity. :71-87 Aldershot: Ashgate. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2024) UNDP Human Development Report Background Paper No. 5-2022.
Morrissey, J. (2024) UNDP Human Development Report Background Paper No. 5-2022. United Nations, New York. [Details]
(2022) New Threats to Human Security in the Anthropocene: Demanding Greater Solidarity.
UNDP (Contributing Author) (2022) New Threats to Human Security in the Anthropocene: Demanding Greater Solidarity. United Nations, New York. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2014) 'CENTCOM and the Long War in the Middle East'
Morrissey, J. (2014) 'CENTCOM and the Long War in the Middle East' Emmanuel College Magazine, 96 :83-93. [Details]
(2007) 'Ireland's Great War'
Morrissey, J. (2007) 'Ireland's Great War' Journal of the Medal Society of Ireland, 76 :8-18. [Details]
(2002) 'Encountering Colonialism'
Morrissey, J. (2002) 'Encountering Colonialism' Social And Cultural Geography, 2 (3) :207-218. [DOI] [Details]
(2001) 'Encountering Colonialism: Gaelic-Irish Responses to New English Expansion in Early Modern West Tipperary, c.1541-1641'
Morrissey, J. (2001) 'Encountering Colonialism: Gaelic-Irish Responses to New English Expansion in Early Modern West Tipperary, c.1541-1641' Irish Economic And Social History, 28 :66-77. [DOI] [Details]

Electronic Article

  Year Publication
(2025) 'The Paralysis of the Present' (ZNet).
Morrissey, J. (2025) 'The Paralysis of the Present' (ZNet). ZNet Electronic Article [Details]
(2023) 'Davos: Three Ways Leaders Can Create a More Sustainable World' (The Conversation).
Morrissey, J. (2023) 'Davos: Three Ways Leaders Can Create a More Sustainable World' (The Conversation). The Conversation Electronic Article [Details]
(2021) 'The Empathy and Hope of Higher Education' (RTÉ Brainstorm).
Morrissey, J. (2021) 'The Empathy and Hope of Higher Education' (RTÉ Brainstorm). RTÉ Brainstorm Electronic Article [Details]
(2020) 'The Global Governance Challenge of Human Security' (Development Studies Association).
Morrissey, J. (2020) 'The Global Governance Challenge of Human Security' (Development Studies Association). DSA Ireland Electronic Article [Details]
(2020) 'COVID-19 and the Neoliberal House of Cards' (Transforming Society).
Morrissey, J. (2020) 'COVID-19 and the Neoliberal House of Cards' (Transforming Society). Transforming Society Electronic Article [Details]
(2020) 'The COVID-19 Exposure' (ZNet).
Morrissey, J. (2020) 'The COVID-19 Exposure' (ZNet). ZNet Electronic Article [Details]
(2020) 'We Are All Waiting Now: The New Global Sense of Precarity' (Moore Institute Research Blog).
Morrissey, J. (2020) 'We Are All Waiting Now: The New Global Sense of Precarity' (Moore Institute Research Blog). Moore Institute Electronic Article [Details]
(2020) 'The New Global Sense of Precarity' (Haven Project Blog).
Morrissey, J. (2020) 'The New Global Sense of Precarity' (Haven Project Blog). Haven Project Electronic Article [Details]
(2018) 'Why We Need to Examine the Geopolitics of Displacement' (RTÉ Brainstorm).
Morrissey, J. (2018) 'Why We Need to Examine the Geopolitics of Displacement' (RTÉ Brainstorm). RTÉ Brainstorm Electronic Article [Details]
(2018) 'No Endgame: Towards a Critical Recent History of the US in the Middle East' (ZNet).
Morrissey, J. (2018) 'No Endgame: Towards a Critical Recent History of the US in the Middle East' (ZNet). ZNet Electronic Article [Details]
(2017) 'The Long War: The United States Military and the Middle East' (RTÉ Brainstorm Long Read).
Morrissey, J. (2017) 'The Long War: The United States Military and the Middle East' (RTÉ Brainstorm Long Read). RTÉ Brainstorm Electronic Article [Details]
(2012) 'Subaltern Narratives, Biopolitical Violence, Strategic Studies' (Exploring Geopolitics).
Morrissey, J. (2012) 'Subaltern Narratives, Biopolitical Violence, Strategic Studies' (Exploring Geopolitics). Exploring Geopolitics Electronic Article [Details]
(2009) 'Imperial Geopolitics' (Foreign Policy).
Morrissey, J. (2009) 'Imperial Geopolitics' (Foreign Policy). Foreign Policy Electronic Article [ARAN Link] [Details]

Magazine Article

  Year Publication
(2020) 'Foundations for the Future: Towards a More Sustainable World' (Cois Coiribe).
Cronin, N. and Morrissey, J. (2020) 'Foundations for the Future: Towards a More Sustainable World' (Cois Coiribe). Cois Coiribe Magazine Article [Details]
(2016) 'Environment, Society and Development' (The Public Sector Magazine).
Morrissey, J. (2016) 'Environment, Society and Development' (The Public Sector Magazine). The Public Sector Magazine Magazine Article [Details]

Newspaper Articles

  Year Publication
(2006) 'Release of Geographer Detained in Israel' (The Irish Times).
Morrissey, J. (2006) 'Release of Geographer Detained in Israel' (The Irish Times). The Irish Times Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2006) 'Israeli Detention of Geographer' (The Irish Times).
Morrissey, J. (2006) 'Israeli Detention of Geographer' (The Irish Times). The Irish Times Newspaper Articles [Details]


  Year Publication
(2018) Welcome from Head of SoGA.
Morrissey, J. (2018) Welcome from Head of SoGA. Gortscéala: The Newsletter of the School of Geography and Archaeology, NUI Galway, Issue 1: Report [Details]
(2015) Showcasing Scholarship: Towards a Community of Public Intellectualism.
Morrissey, J. (2015) Showcasing Scholarship: Towards a Community of Public Intellectualism. NUI Galway Hardiman Research Building Exhibitions Group Annual Report: Report [Details]
(2011) Geography at NUI Galway, 2010/2011.
Morrissey, J. (2011) Geography at NUI Galway, 2010/2011. GeoNews, Issue 53: Report [Details]
(2007) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2007.
Morrissey, J. (2007) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2007. Geography Department, NUI Galway: Report [Details]
(2005) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2005.
Morrissey, J. (2005) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2005. Geography Department, NUI Galway: Report [Details]
(2004) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2004.
Morrissey, J. (2004) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2004. Geography Department, NUI Galway: Report [Details]
(2003) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2003.
Morrissey, J. (2003) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2003. Geography Department, NUI Galway: Report [Details]
(2002) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2002.
Morrissey, J. (2002) Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Meeting 2002. Geography Department, NUI Galway: Report [Details]


  Year Publication
(2012) The New Academic Subjectivity: Enabling Performance and Engagement in the Contemporary University. MA Thesis, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2012) The New Academic Subjectivity: Enabling Performance and Engagement in the Contemporary University. MA Thesis, National University of Ireland, Galway. Thesis [Details]
(2000) Encountering Colonialism: Gaelic-Irish Responses to New English Expansion in Early Modern West Tipperary, c.1541-1641. PhD Thesis, University of Exeter.
Morrissey, J. (2000) Encountering Colonialism: Gaelic-Irish Responses to New English Expansion in Early Modern West Tipperary, c.1541-1641. PhD Thesis, University of Exeter. Thesis [Details]
(1996) Landscape and Society in Seventeenth-Century West Tipperary. BA Thesis, Trinity College, University of Dublin.
Morrissey, J. (1996) Landscape and Society in Seventeenth-Century West Tipperary. BA Thesis, Trinity College, University of Dublin. Thesis [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2018) Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting
Morrissey, J. (2018) Intervening for Human Security (Proceedings of the Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting) Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting [Details]
(2007) 12th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Geographical Society
Morrissey, J. (2007) Report of the Proceedings of the 12th Annual Practising Historical Geography Conference (HGRG Newsletter, Spring) 12th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Geographical Society [Details]
(2003) 8th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Geographical Society
Morrissey, J. (2003) Report of the Proceedings of the 8th Annual Practising Historical Geography Conference (HGRG Newsletter, Spring) 8th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Geographical Society [Details]
(2001) 6th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Geographical Society
Morrissey, J. (2001) Report of the Proceedings of the 6th Annual Practising Historical Geography Conference (HGRG Newsletter, Spring) 6th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Geographical Society [Details]
(1999) 10th International Conference in Historical Geography
Morrissey, J. (1999) Report of the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference in Historical Geography (HGRG Newsletter, Spring) 10th International Conference in Historical Geography [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2023) The Task of Envisioning Security for the Anthropocene. RIA Standing Committee for International Affairs Annual Conference, Royal Irish Academy.
Morrissey, J. (2023) The Task of Envisioning Security for the Anthropocene. RIA Standing Committee for International Affairs Annual Conference, Royal Irish Academy. Conference Paper [Details]
(2022) In the Ruins: Human-Environmental Security in the Anthropocene. Securitized Borders Symposium, University College Cork.
Morrissey, J. (2022) In the Ruins: Human-Environmental Security in the Anthropocene. Securitized Borders Symposium, University College Cork. Conference Paper [Details]
(2022) Envisioning 'More-than-Human' Security for the Anthropocene. 53rd Conference of Irish Geographers, University of Limerick.
Morrissey, J. (2022) Envisioning 'More-than-Human' Security for the Anthropocene. 53rd Conference of Irish Geographers, University of Limerick. Conference Paper [Details]
(2022) Knowledge and Inclusivity: The Challenge of Decolonising the Academy. ENLIGHT Webinar Series: University of Sanctuary Movement, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2022) Knowledge and Inclusivity: The Challenge of Decolonising the Academy. ENLIGHT Webinar Series: University of Sanctuary Movement, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2022) Planetary Precarity: Security for a More-Than-Human World. HDCA Webinar on the 2022 UNDP Special Report on Human Security, Human Development and Capability Association.
Morrissey, J. (2022) Planetary Precarity: Security for a More-Than-Human World. HDCA Webinar on the 2022 UNDP Special Report on Human Security, Human Development and Capability Association. Conference Paper [Details]
(2021) The Anthropocene - Emerging Threats. United Nations Development Programme Symposium: A New Generation of Human Security, UNDP, New York.
Morrissey, J. (2021) The Anthropocene - Emerging Threats. United Nations Development Programme Symposium: A New Generation of Human Security, UNDP, New York. Conference Paper [Details]
(2019) Towards a Transformative Vision of Human Security: Challenging EU Securitization Discourse. British International Studies Association Conference, St Antony's College, University of Oxford.
Morrissey, J. (2019) Towards a Transformative Vision of Human Security: Challenging EU Securitization Discourse. British International Studies Association Conference, St Antony's College, University of Oxford. Conference Paper [Details]
(2018) Precarity, Solidarity and Interventionism. Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting, LUISS University, Rome.
Morrissey, J. (2018) Precarity, Solidarity and Interventionism. Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting, LUISS University, Rome. Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) Migration and Security in the Mediterranean Refugee Crisis. Migration and the Humanities Conference, Moore Institute, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2017) Migration and Security in the Mediterranean Refugee Crisis. Migration and the Humanities Conference, Moore Institute, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) The Narration of History: Remembering the Great War in Ireland in 2016. Ardcarne Remembers 1913-1923, Knockvicar, Co. Roscommon.
Morrissey, J. (2016) The Narration of History: Remembering the Great War in Ireland in 2016. Ardcarne Remembers 1913-1923, Knockvicar, Co. Roscommon. Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) Capitalist Subjection and Subjectivity. 48th Conference of Irish Geographers, St Patrick's College, Dublin City University.
Morrissey, J. (2016) Capitalist Subjection and Subjectivity. 48th Conference of Irish Geographers, St Patrick's College, Dublin City University. Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) Intervening for Human Security. Haven Project Symposium, Moore Institute, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2016) Intervening for Human Security. Haven Project Symposium, Moore Institute, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2015) Waging Liberal Intervention: Full Spectrum Operations in Late Modern War. 47th Conference of Irish Geographers, Queen's University Belfast.
Morrissey, J. (2015) Waging Liberal Intervention: Full Spectrum Operations in Late Modern War. 47th Conference of Irish Geographers, Queen's University Belfast. Conference Paper [Details]
(2014) Securitizing Instability: The Notional Legal Spectrum. 110th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Tampa.
Morrissey, J. (2014) Securitizing Instability: The Notional Legal Spectrum. 110th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Tampa. Conference Paper [Details]
(2013) The Lifework of Neil Smith. 45th Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2013) The Lifework of Neil Smith. 45th Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Enabling Rapid Military-Economic Securitization. 108th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York.
Morrissey, J. (2012) Enabling Rapid Military-Economic Securitization. 108th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Foucault and the Colonial Subject. People, Past, and Place: Studies in Irish Historical Geography Conference, NUI Maynooth.
Morrissey, J. (2012) Foucault and the Colonial Subject. People, Past, and Place: Studies in Irish Historical Geography Conference, NUI Maynooth. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Field-Based Learning: Enhancing Student Learning through Community Engagement in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Edinburgh.
Reilly, K., Clavin, A. and Morrissey, J. (2012) Field-Based Learning: Enhancing Student Learning through Community Engagement in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Edinburgh. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) The Revival of Classical Geopolitics in the Age of Securitization. Conflict, Humanitarianism and Security Cluster Symposium, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2012) The Revival of Classical Geopolitics in the Age of Securitization. Conflict, Humanitarianism and Security Cluster Symposium, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Deconstructing the Political and Cultural Ascriptions of Irishness. Space, Identity and the Authentic Symposium, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick.
Morrissey, J. (2011) Deconstructing the Political and Cultural Ascriptions of Irishness. Space, Identity and the Authentic Symposium, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Field-Based Learning: Participatory Development Theory Beyond the Laptop. Civic Engagement Symposium, Community Knowledge Initiative, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2010) Field-Based Learning: Participatory Development Theory Beyond the Laptop. Civic Engagement Symposium, Community Knowledge Initiative, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Podcasting for Undergraduate Students. 8th Annual Galway Symposium, Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2010) Podcasting for Undergraduate Students. 8th Annual Galway Symposium, Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Critical Knowledge and the Academy. 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Center for Place, Culture and Politics, CUNY Graduate Center, New York.
Morrissey, J. (2010) Critical Knowledge and the Academy. 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Center for Place, Culture and Politics, CUNY Graduate Center, New York. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Biopolitics on the New Frontier: US Juridical Warfare in the War on Terror. Ordnance: War, Architecture and Space, University College Cork.
Morrissey, J. (2010) Biopolitics on the New Frontier: US Juridical Warfare in the War on Terror. Ordnance: War, Architecture and Space, University College Cork. Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Rhetorics of Risk and Reconstruction: US Geoeconomic Calculation in the Persian Gulf. 105th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.
Morrissey, J. (2009) Rhetorics of Risk and Reconstruction: US Geoeconomic Calculation in the Persian Gulf. 105th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas. Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) US Juridical Warfare: Strategies of Military Biopower. 105th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.
Morrissey, J. (2009) US Juridical Warfare: Strategies of Military Biopower. 105th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas. Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) The Derivative War in the Middle East: Risk, Preemption and the Political Economy of Securitization. 104th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston.
Morrissey, J. (2008) The Derivative War in the Middle East: Risk, Preemption and the Political Economy of Securitization. 104th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston. Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Visual Sources in Geographical Research. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Glencree Centre, Co. Wicklow.
Morrissey, J. (2007) Visual Sources in Geographical Research. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Glencree Centre, Co. Wicklow. Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) US Grand Strategy and the Exceptional Spaces of the Global War on Terror. 103rd Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Morrissey, J. (2007) US Grand Strategy and the Exceptional Spaces of the Global War on Terror. 103rd Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco. Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Shannon and Ireland's Geopolitical Positioning in the Global War on Terror. 103rd Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Morrissey, J. (2007) Shannon and Ireland's Geopolitical Positioning in the Global War on Terror. 103rd Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) An Empire of Disorder: English Hegemony and the Projection of Power in Colonial Ireland. 102nd Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago.
Morrissey, J. (2006) An Empire of Disorder: English Hegemony and the Projection of Power in Colonial Ireland. 102nd Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) CENTCOM and the Exceptional Spaces of US Interventionism. 6th European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam.
Morrissey, J. (2006) CENTCOM and the Exceptional Spaces of US Interventionism. 6th European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Strategies of Resistance in Early Colonial Tipperary. 35th Annual Conference of the Group for the Study of Irish Historical Settlement, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Morrissey, J. (2006) Strategies of Resistance in Early Colonial Tipperary. 35th Annual Conference of the Group for the Study of Irish Historical Settlement, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Visual Archives in Historical Research. 12th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Queen's University Belfast.
Morrissey, J. (2006) Visual Archives in Historical Research. 12th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Queen's University Belfast. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) The Iraqi Mission Civilisatrice: Grand Strategy and the Exceptional Spaces of the Global War on Terror. The United States and Iraq Conference, Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin.
Morrissey, J. (2006) The Iraqi Mission Civilisatrice: Grand Strategy and the Exceptional Spaces of the Global War on Terror. The United States and Iraq Conference, Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Postgraduate Transferable Skills in Geography. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Glencree Centre, Co. Wicklow.
Morrissey, J. (2005) Postgraduate Transferable Skills in Geography. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Glencree Centre, Co. Wicklow. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Narrating Ireland's Heritages: The Possibility of Memory. Galway International Genealogical Conference, Oranmore, Co. Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2005) Narrating Ireland's Heritages: The Possibility of Memory. Galway International Genealogical Conference, Oranmore, Co. Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) World War I and the Place of Ireland's Dissonant Heritages. 101st Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver.
Morrissey, J. (2005) World War I and the Place of Ireland's Dissonant Heritages. 101st Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) The Iraq War: Imaginative Geographies and the Circulation of Non-Knowledge. 37th Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2005) The Iraq War: Imaginative Geographies and the Circulation of Non-Knowledge. 37th Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) (Re)membering the Connaught Rangers: Voices from the Margins. Remembering the Connaught Rangers Symposium, Renmore, Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2005) (Re)membering the Connaught Rangers: Voices from the Margins. Remembering the Connaught Rangers Symposium, Renmore, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) Deconstructing Images. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Glencree Centre, Co. Wicklow.
Morrissey, J. (2004) Deconstructing Images. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Glencree Centre, Co. Wicklow. Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) Inactive Geographies of Memory: Forgetting Ireland's Involvement in the British Army. 5th European Social Science History Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Morrissey, J. (2004) Inactive Geographies of Memory: Forgetting Ireland's Involvement in the British Army. 5th European Social Science History Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin. Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Theory and Representation. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Bellinter House, Co. Meath.
Morrissey, J. (2003) Theory and Representation. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Bellinter House, Co. Meath. Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) (Re)presenting the Connaught Rangers. 99th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Morrissey, J. (2003) (Re)presenting the Connaught Rangers. 99th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) New English Exclusivism and the 1641 Irish Rebellion. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Queen's University Belfast.
Morrissey, J. (2002) New English Exclusivism and the 1641 Irish Rebellion. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Queen's University Belfast. Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Using Theory in Geography. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Bellinter House, Co. Meath.
Morrissey, J. (2002) Using Theory in Geography. Irish Postgraduate Training Consortium Annual Conference, Bellinter House, Co. Meath. Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Remembering the Connaught Rangers. Connaught Rangers 80th Anniversary Weekend, King House, Boyle, Co. Roscommon.
Morrissey, J. (2002) Remembering the Connaught Rangers. Connaught Rangers 80th Anniversary Weekend, King House, Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) The Connaught Rangers: A Lost Heritage. Ireland's Heritages Conference, GMIT Castlebar, Co. Mayo.
Morrissey, J. (2002) The Connaught Rangers: A Lost Heritage. Ireland's Heritages Conference, GMIT Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Using Archives in Geography. 8th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, University of Durham.
Morrissey, J. (2002) Using Archives in Geography. 8th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, University of Durham. Conference Paper [Details]
(2001) Recovering the Voices of Resistance: The Contact Zone in the Archives. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, University of Plymouth.
Morrissey, J. (2001) Recovering the Voices of Resistance: The Contact Zone in the Archives. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, University of Plymouth. Conference Paper [Details]
(2001) Negotiating Difference: Geographies of Self and Other in Early Modern Ireland. Conference of Irish Geographers, University College Cork.
Morrissey, J. (2001) Negotiating Difference: Geographies of Self and Other in Early Modern Ireland. Conference of Irish Geographers, University College Cork. Conference Paper [Details]
(2001) Ethnicity and Resistance in Early Modern Ireland. 11th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Université Laval, Quebec.
Morrissey, J. (2001) Ethnicity and Resistance in Early Modern Ireland. 11th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Université Laval, Quebec. Conference Paper [Details]
(2000) The Postgraduate Experience. 6th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London.
Morrissey, J. (2000) The Postgraduate Experience. 6th Annual HGRG Practising Historical Geography Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London. Conference Paper [Details]
(1999) Fields of Conflict and Transformation: The Changing Cultural Context of Early Seventeenth-Century West Tipperary. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, University of Leicester.
Morrissey, J. (1999) Fields of Conflict and Transformation: The Changing Cultural Context of Early Seventeenth-Century West Tipperary. RGS-IBG Annual Conference, University of Leicester. Conference Paper [Details]
(1998) Cultural Change in Seventeenth-Century West Tipperary, Ireland. Wessex Consortium Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, London.
Morrissey, J. (1998) Cultural Change in Seventeenth-Century West Tipperary, Ireland. Wessex Consortium Conference, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, London. Conference Paper [Details]
(1998) Geographies of Accommodation and Resistance in Early Colonial West Tipperary. 10th International Conference of Historical Geographers, University of Ulster.
Morrissey, J. (1998) Geographies of Accommodation and Resistance in Early Colonial West Tipperary. 10th International Conference of Historical Geographers, University of Ulster. Conference Paper [Details]

Invited Seminars

  Year Publication
(2025) Judith Wright as Environmental Visionary: The Unseen Writings of Australia's Most Beloved Poet. Galway City Museum.
Morrissey, J. (2025) Judith Wright as Environmental Visionary: The Unseen Writings of Australia's Most Beloved Poet. Galway City Museum. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2023) A Critical Security Perspective on the Anthropocene. Department of International Relations, Australian National University.
Morrissey, J. (2023) A Critical Security Perspective on the Anthropocene. Department of International Relations, Australian National University. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2022) Virtual Learning Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2022) Virtual Learning Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2022) Engaging Large Classes Through VLE. School of History and Geography, Dublin City University.
Morrissey, J. (2022) Engaging Large Classes Through VLE. School of History and Geography, Dublin City University. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2021) Podcasting VLE Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2021) Podcasting VLE Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2021) 9/11: Twenty Years On. Moore Institute, NUI Galway.
Morrissey (2021) 9/11: Twenty Years On. Moore Institute, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2019) Podcasting Support for Independent Learning. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2019) Podcasting Support for Independent Learning. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2017) The Long War: CENTCOM and US Global Ambition. School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University Belfast.
Morrissey, J. (2017) The Long War: CENTCOM and US Global Ambition. School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University Belfast. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2017) Podcasting Support for Student Learning. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2017) Podcasting Support for Student Learning. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2016) Imperial Blowback: A Critical History of Recent US Interventionism in the Middle East. Westport Civic Trust, Westport, Co. Mayo.
Morrissey, J. (2016) Imperial Blowback: A Critical History of Recent US Interventionism in the Middle East. Westport Civic Trust, Westport, Co. Mayo. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2016) Podcasting in Higher Education. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2016) Podcasting in Higher Education. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2015) Podcasts as Virtual Learning Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2015) Podcasts as Virtual Learning Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2014) Stability Operations in 'An Era of Persistent Conflict'. Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London.
Morrissey, J. (2014) Stability Operations in 'An Era of Persistent Conflict'. Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2014) Colonial Subjection: Emergent Forms of Governmentality in Early Modern Ireland. Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.
Morrissey, J. (2014) Colonial Subjection: Emergent Forms of Governmentality in Early Modern Ireland. Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2014) Key Concepts in Historical Geography. Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge.
Morrissey, J. (2014) Key Concepts in Historical Geography. Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2014) The Long War: CENTCOM, Grand Strategy and Global Security. Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
Morrissey, J. (2014) The Long War: CENTCOM, Grand Strategy and Global Security. Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2014) Podcasted Virtual Learning Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2014) Podcasted Virtual Learning Support. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2013) Knowledge Portals for the Contemporary Student. Hardiman Library, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2013) Knowledge Portals for the Contemporary Student. Hardiman Library, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2013) Ireland and the Use of History: Envisioning the Great War. Connaught Rangers Gathering, Markree Castle, Co. Sligo.
Morrissey, J. (2013) Ireland and the Use of History: Envisioning the Great War. Connaught Rangers Gathering, Markree Castle, Co. Sligo. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2013) Historical Geographies in the Present: Historicizing Western Interventionism. Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge.
Morrissey, J. (2013) Historical Geographies in the Present: Historicizing Western Interventionism. Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2012) Enabling Performance and Engagement in the Contemporary University. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2012) Enabling Performance and Engagement in the Contemporary University. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2012) Large Group Teaching. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2012) Large Group Teaching. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2012) Podcasting in Higher Education. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2012) Podcasting in Higher Education. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2011) Podcast Steering of Independent Learning. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2011) Podcast Steering of Independent Learning. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2010) That This House Believes Barack Obama Will Continue to Disappoint. Literary and Debating Society, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2010) That This House Believes Barack Obama Will Continue to Disappoint. Literary and Debating Society, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2010) The Imperial Present: Scripting US National Security Concerns in the Long War. Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.
Morrissey, J. (2010) The Imperial Present: Scripting US National Security Concerns in the Long War. Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2008) The Political Economy of US CENTCOM. Center for Place, Culture and Politics, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Morrissey, J. (2008) The Political Economy of US CENTCOM. Center for Place, Culture and Politics, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2008) CENTCOM's Middle East: Geopolitical Imaginings and Interventionary Practices. School of Public and International Affairs and the Institute for Society, Culture and Environment, Virginia Tech.
Morrissey, J. (2008) CENTCOM's Middle East: Geopolitical Imaginings and Interventionary Practices. School of Public and International Affairs and the Institute for Society, Culture and Environment, Virginia Tech. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2008) From 'Arc of Crisis' to 'Axis of Evil': CENTCOM, Securitization and the Long War in the Middle East. Department of Geography, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2008) From 'Arc of Crisis' to 'Axis of Evil': CENTCOM, Securitization and the Long War in the Middle East. Department of Geography, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2007) The Political Geography of the War on Terror. Geographical Society, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2007) The Political Geography of the War on Terror. Geographical Society, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2007) The Force of Law Without Law: Exception, Exemption and the Global War on Terror. Department of Geography, University of Exeter.
Morrissey, J. (2007) The Force of Law Without Law: Exception, Exemption and the Global War on Terror. Department of Geography, University of Exeter. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2007) Agamben, Bare Life and the Biopolitical Geography of the War on Terror. Department of Philosophy, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2007) Agamben, Bare Life and the Biopolitical Geography of the War on Terror. Department of Philosophy, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2007) Representation, Public Space and the Place of Dissonant Heritages. Humanities Institute of Ireland, University College Dublin.
Morrissey, J. (2007) Representation, Public Space and the Place of Dissonant Heritages. Humanities Institute of Ireland, University College Dublin. Invited Seminars [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2006) Mapping the Global War on Terror: The New Imperial Geopolitics. Department of Geography, University College Cork.
Morrissey, J. (2006) Mapping the Global War on Terror: The New Imperial Geopolitics. Department of Geography, University College Cork. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2006) Ireland and the First World War: The Politics and Selectivity of Remembrance. United States Military Academy, West Point (NY).
Morrissey, J. (2006) Ireland and the First World War: The Politics and Selectivity of Remembrance. United States Military Academy, West Point (NY). Invited Seminars [Details]
(2006) The Last Days of Gaelic Kilnamanagh: Resistance and the Endgame of 1641. O'Dwyer Clan Rally 2006, Ballykisteen, Co. Tipperary.
Morrissey, J. (2006) The Last Days of Gaelic Kilnamanagh: Resistance and the Endgame of 1641. O'Dwyer Clan Rally 2006, Ballykisteen, Co. Tipperary. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2006) Reading the Geopolitics of the New Imperialism. Department of Geography, NUI Maynooth.
Morrissey, J. (2006) Reading the Geopolitics of the New Imperialism. Department of Geography, NUI Maynooth. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2004) Incorporating Memory / Memories of Incorporation: The Connaught Rangers of the Great War. Department of Geography, University of Liverpool.
Morrissey, J. (2004) Incorporating Memory / Memories of Incorporation: The Connaught Rangers of the Great War. Department of Geography, University of Liverpool. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2004) The Connaught Rangers: Multivocal Irishness and the Place of Dissonant Heritages. Galway Archaeological and Historical Society.
Morrissey, J. (2004) The Connaught Rangers: Multivocal Irishness and the Place of Dissonant Heritages. Galway Archaeological and Historical Society. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2004) Ireland, the Great War and the Politics of Representation. Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.
Morrissey, J. (2004) Ireland, the Great War and the Politics of Representation. Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2003) Lost Voices / Hidden Memory: The Connaught Rangers and Multivocal Irishness. GMIT Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2003) Lost Voices / Hidden Memory: The Connaught Rangers and Multivocal Irishness. GMIT Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2002) The Heritage of the Connaught Rangers. Department of Geography, NUI Galway.
Morrissey, J. (2002) The Heritage of the Connaught Rangers. Department of Geography, NUI Galway. Invited Seminars [Details]
(2000) Encountering Colonialism. Department of Geography, University of Exeter.
Morrissey, J. (2000) Encountering Colonialism. Department of Geography, University of Exeter. Invited Seminars [Details]
(1998) The Cultural Landscape of 17th-Century County Tipperary. Department of Geography, University of Exeter.
Morrissey, J. (1998) The Cultural Landscape of 17th-Century County Tipperary. Department of Geography, University of Exeter. Invited Seminars [Details]
(1996) Landscape and Society in 17th-Century West Tipperary. Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin.
Morrissey, J. (1996) Landscape and Society in 17th-Century West Tipperary. Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin. Invited Seminars [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2024) Ireland's Foreign Policy in a Rapidly Changing World,
Morrissey, J. (2024) Visit of the DFA Secretary General. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Ireland's Foreign Policy in a Rapidly Changing World, O'Donoghue Centre, University of Galway , 22-MAR-24. [Details]
(2023) RIA Standing Committee for International Affairs Annual Conference,
Morrissey, J. (2023) Plenary Introduction. [Conference Organising Committee Member], RIA Standing Committee for International Affairs Annual Conference, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 02-MAY-23. [Details]
(2022) Galway International Arts Festival,
Morrissey, J. (2022) First Thought Talks: 'Drowning'. [Invited Oral Presentation], Galway International Arts Festival, O'Donoghue Centre, University of Galway , 16-JUL-22. [Details]
(2018) Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2018) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting, LUISS University, Rome , 12-JUL-18 - 14-JUL-18. [Details]
(2017) Migration and the Humanities Conference,
Morrissey, J. (2017) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], Migration and the Humanities Conference, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 16-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) Humanitarian History: Reflections on Somalia Workshop,
Morrissey, J. (2017) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], Humanitarian History: Reflections on Somalia Workshop, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 22-JUN-17. [Details]
(2016) 7th Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development,
Morrissey, J. (2016) Opening Address. [Conference Organising Committee Member], 7th Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development, Geography, NUI Galway , 12-APR-16. [Details]
(2016) Haven Project Symposium,
Morrissey, J. (2016) Opening Address. [Organising Chair], Haven Project Symposium, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 29-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016) Haven Project Symposium,
Morrissey, J. (2016) Plenary Introduction. [Organising Chair], Haven Project Symposium, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 29-OCT-16. [Details]
(2015) 6th Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development,
Morrissey, J. (2015) Opening Address. [Organising Chair], 6th Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development, NUI Galway , 30-MAR-15 - 31-MAR-15. [Details]
(2015) 47th Conference of Irish Geography,
Morrissey, J. (2015) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 47th Conference of Irish Geography, Queen's University Belfast , 21-MAY-15 - 24-MAY-15. [Details]
(2014) 110th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2014) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 110th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA , 08-APR-14 - 12-APR-14. [Details]
(2013) International Symposium on Geopolitics and Justice,
Morrissey, J. (2013) Opening Address. [Organising Chair], International Symposium on Geopolitics and Justice, NUI Galway , 22-MAR-13. [Details]
(2013) International Symposium on Geopolitics and Justice,
Morrissey, J. (2013) Plenary Introduction. [Organising Chair], International Symposium on Geopolitics and Justice, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 22-MAR-13. [Details]
(2013) 45th Conference of Irish Geographers,
Morrissey, J. (2013) Plenary Introduction. [Conference Organising Committee Member], 45th Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Galway , 16-MAY-13 - 18-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) 4th Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development,
Morrissey, J. (2013) Opening Address. [Organising Chair], 4th Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development, NUI Galway , 27-AUG-13 - 27-AUG-13. [Details]
(2012) 108th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2012) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 108th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, NY, USA , 24-FEB-12 - 28-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012) 3rd Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development,
Morrissey, J. (2012) Opening Address. [Organising Chair], 3rd Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development, NUI Galway , 28-AUG-12 - 28-AUG-12. [Details]
(2011) 2nd Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development,
Morrissey, J. (2011) Opening Address. [Organising Chair], 2nd Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development, NUI Galway , 23-AUG-11 - 23-AUG-11. [Details]
(2010) 1st Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development,
Morrissey, J. (2010) Opening Address. [Organising Chair], 1st Annual Symposium on Environment, Society and Development, NUI Galway , 24-AUG-10 - 24-AUG-10. [Details]
(2009) 105th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2009) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 105th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA , 22-MAR-09 - 27-MAR-09. [Details]
(2008) 104th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2008) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 104th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA , 15-APR-08 - 19-APR-08. [Details]
(2007) 103rd American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2007) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 103rd American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA , 17-APR-07 - 21-APR-07. [Details]
(2006) 102nd American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2006) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 102nd American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA , 07-MAR-06 - 11-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006) 6th European Social Science History Conference,
Morrissey, J. (2006) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 6th European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands , 22-MAR-06 - 25-MAR-06. [Details]
(2005) 101st American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2005) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 101st American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA , 05-APR-05 - 09-APR-05. [Details]
(2005) 37th Conference of Irish Geographers,
Morrissey, J. (2005) Plenary Introduction. [Conference Organising Committee Member], 37th Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Galway , 06-MAY-05 - 08-MAY-05. [Details]
(2004) 5th European Social Science History Conference,
Morrissey, J. (2004) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 5th European Social Science History Conference, Berlin, Germany , 24-MAR-04 - 27-MAR-04. [Details]
(2003) 99th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting,
Morrissey, J. (2003) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 99th American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA , 05-MAR-03 - 08-MAR-03. [Details]
(2002) RGS-IBG Annual Conference,
Morrissey, J. (2002) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Queen's University Belfast , 02-JAN-02 - 06-JAN-02. [Details]
(2001) RGS-IBG Annual Conference,
Morrissey, J. (2001) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], RGS-IBG Annual Conference, University of Plymouth , 02-JAN-01 - 05-JAN-01. [Details]
(2001) 11th International Conference of Historical Geographers,
Morrissey, J. (2001) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 11th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Quebec, Canada , 12-AUG-01 - 18-AUG-01. [Details]
(1999) RGS-IBG Annual Conference,
Morrissey, J. (1999) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], RGS-IBG Annual Conference, University of Leicester , 04-JAN-99 - 07-JAN-99. [Details]
(1998) 10th International Conference of Historical Geographers,
Morrissey, J. (1998) Chaired Session. [Chaired Session], 10th International Conference of Historical Geographers, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland , 19-JUL-98 - 28-JUL-98. [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2023 Member, InterAcademy Partnership Panel on Human Security InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)
2023 Coral Bell Fellow, Australian National University Australian National University
2021 UN International Consultant on Human Security United Nations Development Programme
2019 Visiting Scholar, St Antony's College, University of Oxford British International Studies Association
2018 President's Award for Teaching Excellence Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, University of Galway
2018 Visiting Scholar, LUISS University, Rome College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, University of Galway
2014 Quatercentenary Fellow, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge University of Cambridge
2013 Visiting Fellow, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge University of Cambridge
2012 NAIRTL National Academy Award for Research and Teaching Excellence National Academy for Integration in Research, Teaching and Learning
2011 President's Award for Teaching Excellence Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, University of Galway
2011 CKI Learning and Teaching Innovation Award Community Knowledge Initiative, University of Galway
2010 Fulbright US Institute Scholar Nomination Irish Fulbright Commission
2008 Visiting Scholar, Virginia Tech Virginia Tech
2007 Senior Research Scholar, City University of New York CUNY
2007 Government of Ireland Research Fellow Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2006 Visiting Scholar, University College Cork UCC
2002 Royal Geographical Society Young Researcher Award RGS
2001 British Academy Research Award British Academy
1997 UK Economic and Social Research Council PhD Scholarship ESRC
1997 University of Exeter PhD Studentship University of Exeter
1996 Dissertation Distinction, Trinity College Dublin TCD
1992 All-Ireland Short Story Writing Champion Slógadh Náisiúnta


  Employer Position From / To
Australian National University Visiting Fellow 01-MAY-23 / 01-SEP-23
University of Cambridge Visiting Fellow 02-SEP-13 / 08-SEP-14
City University of New York Visiting Scholar 17-SEP-07 / 15-SEP-08
University College Cork Visiting Scholar 01-JAN-06 / 31-DEC-06
University of Galway Professor 03-SEP-01 /
University of Exeter Lecturer 04-SEP-00 / 31-AUG-01


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1996 Trinity College Dublin Bachelor of Arts Geography
2000 University of Exeter PhD Geography
2012 NUI Master of Arts Education


  Committee Function From / To
ICHG International Advisory Board Member /
InterAcademy Partnership Member /
RIA Standing Committee for International Affairs Member /
RGS Historical Geography Research Group Member /
University of Galway Hardiman Exhibitions Committee Member /
University of Sanctuary Committee Member /

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
American Association of Geographers Member 01-OCT-97 /
Galway Archaeological and Historical Society Member 01-SEP-03 /
Geographical Society of Ireland Member 01-OCT-97 /
Irish Environmental History Network Member 01-JAN-11 /
Royal Geographical Society Member 01-OCT-97 /
UK Overseas Development Institute Humanitarian Practice Network Member 01-JAN-12 /


  Client Description
InterAcademy Partnership
In 2023, Professor Morrissey was appointed International Advisor on the InterAcademy Partnership Panel on Human Security.
United Nations
In 2021, Professor Morrissey was appointed International Consultant on Human Security in the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations.
Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs
Professor Morrissey has variously supported the work of Irish Aid, which has been reciprocated with Irish Aid colleagues coming to Galway to offer guest seminars on the MA in Environment, Society and Development.



Teaching Interests

Professor Morrissey holds the distinction of winning the President's Award for Teaching Excellence at University of Galway on two occasions. He has also won the the NAIRTL National Academy Award for Research and Teaching Excellence. Three key areas of teaching are:

Geopolitics and War
Professor Morrissey teaches a range of modules on geopolitics, imperialism and war, focusing in particular on three wars: the Great War, the Vietnam War and the Global War on Terror.

Securitization and Interventionism
In critiquing international relations, Professor Morrissey's teaching systematically deconstructs the powerful securitization discourses underpinning forms of interventionism.

International Development
Professor Morrissey is Programme Director of the MA in Environment, Society and Development, within which he teaches modules on international development theory and practice.

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2024 Claudia Burgazzi Masters Y
2024 Emma O'Leary Masters Y
2022 Alexander Blake Masters Y
2022 Thomas Hackett Masters Y
2022 Thomas Hughes PhD Y
2021 Seán Tiffin Masters Y
2021 Chengyue Xu Masters Y
2019 Matina Granieri Masters Y
2018 Deirdre Leonard Masters Y
2017 Maeve McGandy Masters Y
2017 Vittoria Semplici Masters Y
2016 Teo Bicchieri Masters Y
2015 Thomas Hughes Masters Y
2013 Paul Digan Masters Y
2012 Darren Keegan Masters Y
2012 Sarah O'Malley Masters Y
2011 Stephanie Egan Masters Y
2011 Killian McCormack Masters Y
2011 Thomas Rush Masters Y
2010 Aileen Bellew Masters Y
2010 Charles McLaughlin Masters Y
2009 Sharon Leahy PhD Y
2005 Jacinta Moloney Masters Y
2004 Annaleigh Margey PhD Y

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Maeve Mc Gandy Doctorate - Structured Ph.D. in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Supervisor

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
MA in Environment, Society and Development Critical Geopolitics and Security TI6126 Geography
MA in Environment, Society and Development Field-Based Learning TI6129 Geography
MA in Environment, Society and Development MA Research Project and Dissertation TI6130 Geography
3BA/4BA War and Representation TI326 Geography
3BA/4BA Research Seminar in Historical and Cultural Geography TI355 Geography
3BA/4BA Research Seminar in Critical Geopolitics TI3106 Geography
2BA Theory and Practice in Geography TI251 Geography