Dr Carleton Jones


Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
University of Galway
T: Ext. 2303
E: carleton.jones@universityofgalway.ie


Carleton Jones is a lecturer-above-the-bar in Archaeology at the University of Galway. Dr. Jones's research is concerned with investigating the organization and dynamics of prehistoric European societies with a particular focus on Ireland. He is primarily focused on the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. His research takes an anthropological approach to the data and is particularly concerned with the inter-relatedness of aspects such as the scale of residential groups and patterns of settlement, the economic activities of communities, contact and exchange networks and mechanisms, the scale and focus of ritual activities, the nature of status distinctions, and the linking of landscapes and identities. Human - environment/climate interactions as well as the movement of individuals and populations are also topics of interest. In the past, he directed a long-term field project surveying and excavating on the Burren in western Ireland which was supported in part by the Heritage Council and the Royal Irish Academy. His current research continues to focus on prehistoric societies (primarily in Ireland but also throughout Europe) and has also branched into new trajectories through collaborations with palaeoenvironmental, isotope, and ancient DNA specialists.

Dr. Jones received his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 1997, and his MA (1992) and BA (1986) from California State University Long Beach. 

Prior to joining the staff at the University of Galway, Dr. Jones founded and ran Burren Archaeology Research (1997-2000), served as consultant archaeologist for the set-up of the County Clare Museum (1999-2000), and was Field Director (1989-93) and originally a crew member (1986-89) at Archaeology Resource Management Corporation (California).

Research Interests

My research is concerned with investigating the organization and dynamics of prehistoric European societies with a particular focus on Ireland. I am primarily focused on the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. My research takes an anthropological approach to the data and I am particularly concerned with the inter-relatedness of aspects such as the scale of residential groups and patterns of settlement, the economic activities of communities, contact and exchange networks and mechanisms, the scale and focus of ritual activities, the nature of status distinctions, and the linking of landscapes and identities. Human - environment/climate interactions as well as the movement of individuals and populations are also topics of interest. My research has also branched into new trajectories with collaborations with palaeoenvironmental, isotope, and ancient DNA specialists.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Bronze Age Roots of European Civilzation 01-JAN-24
Identity in Early Bronze Age Ireland 01-JAN-23 21-FEB-25
Ancient DNA investigations in north Munster, western Ireland 01-JAN-16
Roughan Hill - Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age social organization, human-environment interactions, and climate in western Ireland 01-JAN-15
The Parknabinnia court tomb – Neolithic people, social organization, and ritual practices in western Ireland 25-AUG-00
The Parknabinnia People Project: strontium isotope evidence of mobility in the Burren region, western Ireland. 01-JAN-15 31-DEC-20
Structured deposition of Neolithic hare bones in the Parknabinnia court tomb. 01-JAN-15 31-DEC-21
Excavations at Horse Island promontory fort 01-JUN-06

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Prehistoric Farming Impacts and Erosion Revealed Through a Palaeolimnological Investigation of Lough Inchiquin, Co. Clare, Western Ireland'
Spencer, D; Potito, A; Molloy, K; Martini, A; Frentzel, H; Jones, C (2023) 'Prehistoric Farming Impacts and Erosion Revealed Through a Palaeolimnological Investigation of Lough Inchiquin, Co. Clare, Western Ireland'. Environmental Archaeology, 28 (3):150-165 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Climate change and farming response in a temperate oceanic zone – the exploitation of a karstic region in western Ireland in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC'
Jones, C. (2021) 'Climate change and farming response in a temperate oceanic zone – the exploitation of a karstic region in western Ireland in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC'. Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, 16 :392-413 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Hares, juvenile domesticates, structured deposition, and ritual in the Neolithic court tomb at Parknabinnia, Ireland'
Beglane,F.; Jones,C. (2021) 'Hares, juvenile domesticates, structured deposition, and ritual in the Neolithic court tomb at Parknabinnia, Ireland'. Journal Of Archaeological Science-Reports, 35 :1-8 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal'
Feuerborn, T; Carmagnini, A; Losey, R; Nomokonova, T; Askeyev, A; Askeyev, I; Askeyev, O; Antipina, E; Appelt, M; Bachura, O; Beglane, F; Bradley, D; Daly, K; Gopalakrishnan, S; Gregersen, K; Guo, C; Gusev, A; Jones, C; Kosintsev, P; Kuzmin, Y; Mattiangeli, V; Perri, A; Plekhanov, A; Ramos-Madrigal, J; Schmidt, A; Shaymuratova, D; Smith, O; Yavorskaya, L; Zhang, G; Willerslev, E; Meldgaard, M; Gilbert, M; Larson, G; Dalén, L; Hansen, A; Sinding, M; Frantz, L (2021) 'Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal'. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 118 (39):1-5 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'A dynastic elite in monumental Neolithic society'
Cassidy LM;Maoldúin RÓ;Kador T;Lynch A;Jones C;Woodman PC;Murphy E;Ramsey G;Dowd M;Noonan A;Campbell C;Jones ER;Mattiangeli V;Bradley DG; (2020) 'A dynastic elite in monumental Neolithic society'. Nature, 582 (7812):384-388 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'New insights into Late Bronze Age settlement and farming activity in the southern Burren, western Ireland'
Spencer, DE,Molloy, K,Potito, A,Jones, C (2020) 'New insights into Late Bronze Age settlement and farming activity in the southern Burren, western Ireland'. Vegetation History And Archaeobotany, 29 :339-356 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Isotopic evidence for a change in mobility and landscape use patterns between the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in western Ireland'
Snoeck, C., C. Jones, J. Pouncett, S. Goderis, P. Claeys, N. Mattielli, A. Zazzo, P. Reimer, J. Lee-Thorp, R. Schulting (2020) 'Isotopic evidence for a change in mobility and landscape use patterns between the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in western Ireland'. Journal Of Archaeological Science, :1-11 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Dating Ancient Field Walls in Karst Landscapes Using Differential Bedrock Lowering'
Jones, C (2016) 'Dating Ancient Field Walls in Karst Landscapes Using Differential Bedrock Lowering'. Geoarchaeology-An International Journal, 31 :77-100 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'New dates from the north and a proposed chronology for Irish court tombs'
Schulting, RJ;Murphy, E;Jones, C;Warren, G (2012) 'New dates from the north and a proposed chronology for Irish court tombs'. Proceedings Of The Royal Irish Academy Section C-Archaeology Celtic Studies History Linguistics Literature, 112 :1-60 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Domestic production and the political economy in prehistory: evidence from the Burren, Co. Clare'
Jones, C;Carey, O;Hennigar, C (2011) 'Domestic production and the political economy in prehistory: evidence from the Burren, Co. Clare'. Proceedings Of The Royal Irish Academy Section C-Archaeology Celtic Studies History Linguistics Literature, 111 :33-58 [DOI] [Details]
(1998) 'The Discovery and Dating of the Prehistoric Landscape of Roughan Hill'
Jones, C. (1998) 'The Discovery and Dating of the Prehistoric Landscape of Roughan Hill'. The Journal Of Irish Archaeology, 9 :27-44 [Details]
(1998) 'Interpreting the Perceptions of Past People'
Jones,C. (1998) 'Interpreting the Perceptions of Past People'. Archaeological Review From Cambridge, 15 (1):7-22 [Details]
(1996) 'Recent Discoveries on Roughan Hill'
Jones, C., Walsh, P. (1996) 'Recent Discoveries on Roughan Hill'. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Journal, 126 :86-107 [Details]
(1994) 'Features, stratigraphy, and dating in 'Excavations at the Laguna Springs Adobe Site''
Jones,C. (1994) 'Features, stratigraphy, and dating in 'Excavations at the Laguna Springs Adobe Site''. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, 30 [Details]


  Year Publication
(2007) Temples of Stone - Exploring the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland.
Jones, C. (2007) Temples of Stone - Exploring the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland. Cork: The Collins Press. [Details]
(2004) The Burren and the Aran Islands - Exploring the Archaeology.
Jones, C. (2004) The Burren and the Aran Islands - Exploring the Archaeology. Cork: The Collins Press. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2025) 'Identity in Early Bronze Age western Ireland - a study of pottery and landscape'
Jones, C. (2025) 'Identity in Early Bronze Age western Ireland - a study of pottery and landscape' In: People, Prehistory and the Past: Essays in Honour of John Waddell. :149-176 Dublin: Four Courts. [Details]
(2024) 'People and Power in Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age County Sligo, c. 2500 -1500BC'
Jones, C. (2024) 'People and Power in Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age County Sligo, c. 2500 -1500BC' In: Sligo History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County. :67-86 Dublin: Geography Publications. [Details]
(2019) 'The north Munster atypical court tombs of western Ireland – social dynamics, regional trajectories and responses to distant events over the course of the Neolithic'
Jones, C. (2019) 'The north Munster atypical court tombs of western Ireland – social dynamics, regional trajectories and responses to distant events over the course of the Neolithic' In: Megaliths - Societies - Landscapes. Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe. :983-1004 Bonn: Habelt Verlag. [Details]
(2018) 'Between north and south, east and west. Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age connections and transitions in County Roscommon'
Jones, C. (2018) 'Between north and south, east and west. Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age connections and transitions in County Roscommon' In: Roscommon - history and society. Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish county. :19-34 Dublin: Geography Publications. [Details]
(2018) 'Landscape, Time and Folklore'
Jones, C. (2018) 'Landscape, Time and Folklore' In: Lost and Found III. Rediscovering more of Ireland's past. :233-244 Dublin: Wordwell. [Details]
(2015) 'Monuments, Landscape and Identity in Chalcolithic Ireland'
Jones, C., T. McVeigh, R. O’Maolduin (2015) 'Monuments, Landscape and Identity in Chalcolithic Ireland' In: Landscape and Identity – Archaeology and Human Geography. :3-25 Oxford: British Archaeology Reports. Oxford: Archaeopress. [Details]
(2012) 'Prehistory in the Fergus Valley'
Jones, C. (2012) 'Prehistory in the Fergus Valley' In: Beneath the Banner - Archaeology of the M18 Ennis Bypass and N85 Western Relief Road, Co. Clare. NRA Scheme Monograph 10. :55-58 Dublin: National Roads Authority. [Details]
(2012) 'Occupation in Prehistory'
Jones, C. (2012) 'Occupation in Prehistory' In: Beneath the Banner - Archaeology of the M18 Ennis Bypass and N85 Western Relief Road, Co Clare. NRA Scheme Monograph 10. :12-15 Dublin: National Roads Authority. [Details]
(2009) 'Coasts, mountains, rivers and bogs. Using the landscape to explore regionality in Ireland'
Jones, C. (2009) 'Coasts, mountains, rivers and bogs. Using the landscape to explore regionality in Ireland' In: Defining a Regional Neolithic: Evidence from Britain and Ireland. :119-128 Oxford: Oxbow. [Details]
(2003) 'Neolithic beginnings on Roughan Hill and the Burren'
Jones, C. (2003) 'Neolithic beginnings on Roughan Hill and the Burren' In: Neolithic Settlement in Ireland and Western Britain. :188-194 Oxford: Oxbow. [Details]
(2002) 'Excavation on Roughan Hill'
Jones, C. (2002) 'Excavation on Roughan Hill' In: The Book of the Burren. :248-249 Kinvarra: Tír Eolas. [Details]
(2002) 'Selection of Axeheads, A Selection of Spearheads, A Selection of Arrowheads, Axe Mould, Two Daggers'
Jones, C. (2002) 'Selection of Axeheads, A Selection of Spearheads, A Selection of Arrowheads, Axe Mould, Two Daggers' In: The Hunt Museum Essential Guide. London: Scala Publishers Ltd. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2008) Burren Landscape and Settlement - An INSTAR Project.
Comber, M. and C. Jones (eds.) (2008) Burren Landscape and Settlement - An INSTAR Project. The Heritage Council, Kilkenny. [Details]
(2001) Interim Report on the fourth season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare.
Jones, C. (2001) Interim Report on the fourth season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare. National Monuments Service, Dublin. [Details]
(2000) Archaeological Investigations, Site M33, N18/N19 Road Improvement Scheme, Ballycasey to Dromoland Co. Clare, 99E0617.
Jones, C. (2000) Archaeological Investigations, Site M33, N18/N19 Road Improvement Scheme, Ballycasey to Dromoland Co. Clare, 99E0617. V J Keeley Ltd, Dublin. [Details]
(2000) Interim Report on the third season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare.
Jones, C. (2000) Interim Report on the third season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare. National Monuments Service, Dublin. [Details]
(2000) Roughan Hill Prehistoric Landscape Survey 2000.
Jones, C. (2000) Roughan Hill Prehistoric Landscape Survey 2000. The Heritage Council, Kilkenny. [Details]
(2000) Archaeological Investigations, Site 42, N18/N19 Road Improvement Scheme, Ballycasey to Dromoland, Co. Clare, 99E0640.
Jones, C. (2000) Archaeological Investigations, Site 42, N18/N19 Road Improvement Scheme, Ballycasey to Dromoland, Co. Clare, 99E0640. V J Keeley Ltd, Dublin. [Details]
(2000) Archaeological Investigations, Site 43A, N18/N19 Road Improvement Scheme, Ballycasey to Dromoland Co. Clare, 99E0639.
Jones, C. (2000) Archaeological Investigations, Site 43A, N18/N19 Road Improvement Scheme, Ballycasey to Dromoland Co. Clare, 99E0639. V J Keeley Ltd, Dublin. [Details]
(1999) Archaeological Excavations of Souterrains (SMR ref. MH 025:049) and Associated Features at the IDA Business Park, Athlumney, Navan Licence 98E0596.
Jones, C. (1999) Archaeological Excavations of Souterrains (SMR ref. MH 025:049) and Associated Features at the IDA Business Park, Athlumney, Navan Licence 98E0596. M. Gowen Ltd, Dublin. [Details]
(1999) Interim Report on the second season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare.
Jones, C. (1999) Interim Report on the second season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare. National Monuments Service, Dublin. [Details]
(1998) Excavations of Mound Walls and an Associated Final Neolithic / Early Bronze Age Settlement on Roughan Hill, Co. Clare.
Jones, C. (1998) Excavations of Mound Walls and an Associated Final Neolithic / Early Bronze Age Settlement on Roughan Hill, Co. Clare. National Monuments Service, Dublin. [Details]
(1998) Interim Report on the first season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare License Number 98E0230.
Jones, C. (1998) Interim Report on the first season of excavation at Clare 153, a court tomb in Parknabinnia, Kilnaboy, Co. Clare License Number 98E0230. National Monuments Service, Dublin. [Details]
(1993) Cultural Resources Assessment Of The 65.2 Acre Naval Hospital Site And Approximately 40 Acres Of Adjacent City-Owned Land (105.2 Total Acres), City Of Long Beach, California.
Allen, Kathleen C. and Carleton S. Jones (1993) Cultural Resources Assessment Of The 65.2 Acre Naval Hospital Site And Approximately 40 Acres Of Adjacent City-Owned Land (105.2 Total Acres), City Of Long Beach, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1993) Report Of Archaeological Investigations At CA-Ora-1301H, Mission Viejo, South Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. and Carol R. Demcak (1993) Report Of Archaeological Investigations At CA-Ora-1301H, Mission Viejo, South Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1993) 1993 Archaeological Investigations On The Golf Course Village Sites: CA-Ora-871, CA-Ora-872, CA-Ora-876A, CA-Ora-876B, CA-Ora-876B1, CA-Ora-900, CA-Ora-900B, CA-Ora-901, and CA-Ora-1044, Plano Trabuco, Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. and Carol R. Demcak (1993) 1993 Archaeological Investigations On The Golf Course Village Sites: CA-Ora-871, CA-Ora-872, CA-Ora-876A, CA-Ora-876B, CA-Ora-876B1, CA-Ora-900, CA-Ora-900B, CA-Ora-901, and CA-Ora-1044, Plano Trabuco, Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1993) Mitigation Level Archaeological Investigations Within The South County Pipeline Easement On CA-Ora-1043, CA-Ora-1048, And CA-Ora-1121, San Juan Creek, Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S., Susan Hogan-Conrad, William Hayden, and Carol R. Demcak (1993) Mitigation Level Archaeological Investigations Within The South County Pipeline Easement On CA-Ora-1043, CA-Ora-1048, And CA-Ora-1121, San Juan Creek, Orange County, California. ARMC, Anahiem. [Details]
(1992) Archaeological Assessment Of The Greenwaste Site, South Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. (1992) Archaeological Assessment Of The Greenwaste Site, South Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1992) A Cultural Resource Assessment Conducted For A 186-Acre Parcel Near Lucerne Valley, San Bernardino County, California.
Archaeological Assessment Of The Greenwaste Site, South Orange County, California. (1992) A Cultural Resource Assessment Conducted For A 186-Acre Parcel Near Lucerne Valley, San Bernardino County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1992) Final Report Of Test, Salvage, And Monitoring Phases At CA-RIV-102, Tract 24714, City Of Hemet, Riverside County, California.
Demcak, C., K. Holanda, C. Jones, L. Christenson, S. Van Wormer, K. Allen, L. Scott-Cummings, M. Pritchard-Parker, M. Julien, S. Conrad (1992) Final Report Of Test, Salvage, And Monitoring Phases At CA-RIV-102, Tract 24714, City Of Hemet, Riverside County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1992) Archaeological Investigations at CA-Ora-1194, A Plant-Processing Site Near Upper Newport Bay.
Jones, Carleton S. and Kathleen C. Allen (1992) Archaeological Investigations at CA-Ora-1194, A Plant-Processing Site Near Upper Newport Bay. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1992) Archaeological Investigations At CA-Ora-388, Aliso Creek, Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. (1992) Archaeological Investigations At CA-Ora-388, Aliso Creek, Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1992) Archaeological Investigations At CA-Ora-396 And CA-Ora-397, Lower Aliso Creek, Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. (1992) Archaeological Investigations At CA-Ora-396 And CA-Ora-397, Lower Aliso Creek, Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1991) Archaeological Monitoring, Recovery, And Analysis of Buried Deposits Encountered On Contract 1486A, South County Pipeline Project, South Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. (1991) Archaeological Monitoring, Recovery, And Analysis of Buried Deposits Encountered On Contract 1486A, South County Pipeline Project, South Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1991) Archaeological Investigations at CA-ORA-464 and CA-ORA-465, Mission Viejo, South Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S., Kathleen M. Ward, and Carol R. Demcak (1991) Archaeological Investigations at CA-ORA-464 and CA-ORA-465, Mission Viejo, South Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1991) Archaeological Monitoring of Contract 1486, South County Pipeline Project, South Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. (1991) Archaeological Monitoring of Contract 1486, South County Pipeline Project, South Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1990) Preliminary Test-Level Investigations at ARMC #1, Tract 13,403, Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County.
Jones, Carleton and Carol Demcak (1990) Preliminary Test-Level Investigations at ARMC #1, Tract 13,403, Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1990) Archaeological Investigations at CA-RIV-1560, CA-RIV-1561, CA-RIV-1562, and CA-RIV-1563, Tract 13403, Lots 1-14, 17-53 of Meadow Oaks Development, County of Riverside, California.
Jones, Carleton S., Kathleen C. Del Chario, Carol R. Demcak (1990) Archaeological Investigations at CA-RIV-1560, CA-RIV-1561, CA-RIV-1562, and CA-RIV-1563, Tract 13403, Lots 1-14, 17-53 of Meadow Oaks Development, County of Riverside, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1990) Features, Stratigraphy, and Dating. IN Archaeological Test Investigations at CA-ORA-13B, Aliso Viejo, South Orange County, California, Carol Demcak, ed.
Jones, Carleton S. (1990) Features, Stratigraphy, and Dating. IN Archaeological Test Investigations at CA-ORA-13B, Aliso Viejo, South Orange County, California, Carol Demcak, ed. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1990) Archaeological Investigations at CA-ORA-1006, Locus C, Laguna Hills, South Orange County, California.
Jones, Carleton S. (1990) Archaeological Investigations at CA-ORA-1006, Locus C, Laguna Hills, South Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1990) Archaeological Investigations at CA-ORA-861, Plano Trabuco, South Orange County, California.
Demcak, Carol R., Carleton S. Jones, Kathleen C. Del Chario, and Kathleen M. Ward (1990) Archaeological Investigations at CA-ORA-861, Plano Trabuco, South Orange County, California. ARMC, Anaheim. [Details]
(1989) Cultural Resource Survey. Evaluation of Cabin Bar Ranch, A 400 Acre Property at Cartago, Inyo County, California.
Dillon, Brian D., Carleton Jones, Nobukatsu Hasebe (1989) Cultural Resource Survey. Evaluation of Cabin Bar Ranch, A 400 Acre Property at Cartago, Inyo County, California. Dillon Consulting, Los Angeles. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2002) 'Preliminary assessment of the bone remains at the Parknabinnia chambered tomb (Cl 153) on Roughan Hill'
Beckett, J., Jones, C. (2002) 'Preliminary assessment of the bone remains at the Parknabinnia chambered tomb (Cl 153) on Roughan Hill' The Other Clare, 26 :5-7. [Details]
(1999) 'Roughan Hill, a Final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age landscape revealed'
Jones, C., Gilmer, A. (1999) 'Roughan Hill, a Final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age landscape revealed' Archaeology Ireland, 13 (1) :30-32. [Details]
(1999) 'First Seasons Excavation at Cl 153 a Court Tomb on Roughan Hill, and the Expansion of the Settlement and Field Wall Survey'
Jones, C., Gilmer, A. (1999) 'First Seasons Excavation at Cl 153 a Court Tomb on Roughan Hill, and the Expansion of the Settlement and Field Wall Survey' The Other Clare, 23 :24-26. [Details]
(1997) 'The Final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age on the Burren, A Brief Review of the Evidence'
Jones, C. (1997) 'The Final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age on the Burren, A Brief Review of the Evidence' The Other Clare, 21 :36-39. [Details]
(1996) 'A Prehistoric Farmstead in Kilnaboy'
Jones,C. (1996) 'A Prehistoric Farmstead in Kilnaboy' The Other Clare, 20 :17-19. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2020) Meeting of the Irish Isotopes Research Group,
Christophe Snoeck, John Pouncett, Carleton Jones, Saskia Ryan, & Rick J. Schulting (2020) Using the strontium Isoscape of Ireland for mobility and landscape use studies ¿ The case of Parknabinnia. [Conference Paper], Meeting of the Irish Isotopes Research Group, University College Dublin , 15-FEB-20 - 15-FEB-20. [Details]
(2018) International Council for Archaeozoology Conference,
Beglane, F. & C. Jones (2018) Hare bones, structured deposition, and ritual in a Neolithic court tomb at Parknabinnia, Ireland. [Conference Paper], International Council for Archaeozoology Conference, Ankara, Turkey , 07-SEP-18 - 07-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) European Association of Archaeologists 2018 Conference,
Cassidy, L., R. O’Maoldúin, C. Jones, A. Lynch, J. Eogan & D. Bradley (2018) Keeping it Local: A case study in regionalised approaches to palaeogenomics using Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Burren, Co. Clare. [Conference Paper], European Association of Archaeologists 2018 Conference, Barcelona, Spain , 08-SEP-18 - 08-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) European Association of Archaeologists 2018 conference, Barcelona,
McVeigh, T; Jones, C; O Maolduin, R; Scholma-Mason, O. (2018) Session Organizer: Beyond the Stereotype - the Diversity of Beaker Burials. [Co-chaired Session], European Association of Archaeologists 2018 conference, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain , 08-SEP-18 - 08-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018) European Association of Archaeologists 2018 Conference, Barcelona,
O'Maolduin, R; Jones, C (2018) Beakerless Beaker burials and other regional burial practices in mid-third millennium Ireland. [Conference Paper], European Association of Archaeologists 2018 Conference, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain , 08-SEP-18 - 08-SEP-18. [Details]
(2016) European Association of Archaeologists, 2016 conference, Vilnius,
Jones, C. (2016) Chalcolithic-Early Bronze Age farming, soil loss, and the development of a karst landscape in western Ireland. [Conference Paper], European Association of Archaeologists, 2016 conference, Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania , 01-SEP-16. [Details]
(2015) Megaliths, Societies, Landscapes, Conference of the DFG Priority Programme 1400, Kiel,
Jones, C. (2015) Regional traditions and distant events - Parknabinnia and other atypical court tombs in North Munster, western Ireland. [Invited Paper], Megaliths, Societies, Landscapes, Conference of the DFG Priority Programme 1400, Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany , 16-JUN-15 - 20-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015) European Association of Archaeologists 2015 conference, Glasgow,
Jones, C. (2015) Dating ancient field walls in karst landscapes using differential bedrock lowering. [Conference Paper], European Association of Archaeologists 2015 conference, Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Scotland , 02-SEP-15 - 05-SEP-15. [Details]
(2013) Society for American Archaeology - Symposium: The Burren of County Clare, Ireland: A Laboratory for Social Archaeology,
Carleton Jones (2013) Roughan Hill: A Study of Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Society in Western Ireland. [Invited Paper], Society for American Archaeology - Symposium: The Burren of County Clare, Ireland: A Laboratory for Social Archaeology, Honolulu, Hawaii , 03-APR-13 - 07-APR-13. [Details]
(2012) Tullahedy - Neolithic Settlement in North Munster,
Jones, C. (2012) Parknabinnia - an atypical court tomb. [Invited Lecture], Tullahedy - Neolithic Settlement in North Munster, Cork , 24-FEB-12 - 25-FEB-12. [Details]
(2011) Annual Burren Conference,
Jones, C. (2011) The synergy of research, place and communities on the Burren: past, present, and future. [Invited Lecture], Annual Burren Conference, Ballyvaughan , 01-JAN-11 - 01-JAN-11. [Details]
(2005) Annual Burren Conference,
Jones, C. (2005) Social Organisation on the Burren in Prehistory. [Invited Lecture], Annual Burren Conference, Ballyvaughan , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2005) International Conference on Arts & Humanities,
Jones, C. (2005) Exploring Ritual Behaviour in the Irish Neolithic: a Dialogue Between Archaeology and Theatre. [Conference Paper], International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Hawaii , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2001) Neolithic Studies Group Annual Meeting,
Jones, C. (2001) Coasts, mountains, rivers and bogs. Using the landscape to explore regionality in Ireland. [Invited Lecture], Neolithic Studies Group Annual Meeting, London , 01-JAN-01 - 01-JAN-01. [Details]
(2001) 1st Annual Sara Champion Memorial lecture, Prehistoric Society,
Jones, C. (2001) The development of Bronze Age society in North Munster. [Invited Oral Presentation], 1st Annual Sara Champion Memorial lecture, Prehistoric Society, London , 01-JAN-01 - 01-JAN-01. [Details]
(2001) Neolithic Settlement in Ireland and western Britain - Prehistoric Society Conference,
Jones, C. (2001) Roughan Hill, Co. Clare. [Poster Presentation], Neolithic Settlement in Ireland and western Britain - Prehistoric Society Conference, Belfast , 01-JAN-01 - 01-JAN-01. [Details]
(2000) Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement,
Jones, C. (2000) Settlement patterns and route-ways in prehistoric Clare and South Galway. [Invited Lecture], Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement, Gort , 01-JAN-00 - 01-JAN-00. [Details]
(1999) Annual Burren Conference,
Jones, C. (1999) The prehistoric landscape of Roughan Hill. [Invited Lecture], Annual Burren Conference, Ballyvaughan , 01-JAN-99 - 01-JAN-99. [Details]
(1997) Landscape Research Day - Prehistoric Society,
Jones, C. (1997) Landscape and the Perceptual Framework. [Oral Presentation], Landscape Research Day - Prehistoric Society, London , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1997) European Association of Archaeologists annual meeting,
Jones, C. (1997) The impact of the Mesolithic on the devlopment of the Neolithic ritual: the case from Ireland. [Conference Paper], European Association of Archaeologists annual meeting, Ravenna , 01-JAN-97 - 01-JAN-97. [Details]
(1996) Society for American Archaeology,
Jones, C. (1996) Marking the Land. [Conference Paper], Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans , 01-JAN-96 - 01-JAN-96. [Details]
(1994) Theoretical Archaeology Group annual conference,
Jones, C. (1994) Perceiving the Landscape. [Conference Paper], Theoretical Archaeology Group annual conference, Bradford , 01-JAN-94 - 01-JAN-94. [Details]
(1993) Society for California Archaeology annual conference,
Jones, C. (1993) The Development of Cultural Complexity Among the Luiseno. [Conference Paper], Society for California Archaeology annual conference, Monterrey , 01-JAN-93 - 01-JAN-93. [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2022) Review of V. Cummings and C. Richards 'Monuments in the Making'. In Journal of Irish Archaeology vol. 31.
Carleton Jones (2022) Review of V. Cummings and C. Richards 'Monuments in the Making'. In Journal of Irish Archaeology vol. 31. Book Review [Details]
(2012) Review of 'The Making of Ireland's Landscape Since the Ice Age' by V. Hall. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 64.
Jones, C. (2012) Review of 'The Making of Ireland's Landscape Since the Ice Age' by V. Hall. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 64. Book Review [Details]
(2011) Review of 'Of troughs and tuyeres - The archaeology of the N5 Charlestown Bypass' by Gillespie, R. and Kerrigan, A. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 63.
Jones, C. (2011) Review of 'Of troughs and tuyeres - The archaeology of the N5 Charlestown Bypass' by Gillespie, R. and Kerrigan, A. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 63. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society Book Review [Details]
(1994) Review of 'Irish Prehistory: a Social Perspective' by Cooney, G. and E. Grogan. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 12(2).
Jones, C. (1994) Review of 'Irish Prehistory: a Social Perspective' by Cooney, G. and E. Grogan. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 12(2). Archaeological Review from Cambridge Book Review [Details]

Community Engagement Publications

  Year Publication
(2009) Burren Archaeology. In The Burren Passport.
Jones, C. (2009) Burren Archaeology. In The Burren Passport. Burren Passport Group and Burren Connect Project Community Engagement Publications [Details]

Editorship of Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) Book Review Editor, Journal of Irish Archaeology.
Carleton Jones (2024) Book Review Editor, Journal of Irish Archaeology. Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2017) Journal of Irish Archaeology, Volume 24.
Carleton Jones (2017) Journal of Irish Archaeology, Volume 24. Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2016) Journal of Irish Archaeology, Volume 23.
Jones, C (2016) Journal of Irish Archaeology, Volume 23. Editorship of Journals [Details]
(1998) The Archaeology of Perception and the Senses. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 15:1.
Jones, C. and Hayden, C. (eds.) (1998) The Archaeology of Perception and the Senses. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 15:1. Editorship of Journals [Details]

Review Articles

  Year Publication
(2017) Climate Change and its Consequences in the Past. Journal of Irish Archaeology 24.
Carleton Jones (2017) Climate Change and its Consequences in the Past. Journal of Irish Archaeology 24. Review Articles [Details]
(2016) Bronze Age studies in Europe today. Journal of Irish Archaeology 23.
Jones, C (2016) Bronze Age studies in Europe today. Journal of Irish Archaeology 23. Journal of Irish Archaeology Review Articles [Details]

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Irish Isotope Research Group member /
Geoarchaeology Interest Group (SAA) member /
Island and Coastal Archaeology Group (SAA) member /
Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland member /
PAGES Past Global Changes research network member /
European Association of Archaeologists member /
Society for American Archaeology member /
National Monuments excavation licences qualified to hold excavation licences 01-JAN-95 /
Society of Professional Archaeologists (USA) certified to direct excavations 01-JAN-93 /


  Committee Function From / To
Academic Council Standing Committee member 01-SEP-24 /
Academic Council member 01-SEP-24 /
School Research Committee member 01-SEP-22 /
School Research Committee Chair 01-SEP-19 / 01-SEP-22
School Research Committee member 01-SEP-18 / 01-SEP-19
School Academic Reputation Coordinator Coordinator 01-SEP-20 / 01-SEP-22
College Research Committee member 01-SEP-19 / 01-SEP-22
School Finance & Resources Committee member 01-SEP-16 / 01-SEP-17
Archaeology Graduate Research Committee member, sometimes Chair 01-SEP-16 /
School Research Committee Chair 01-SEP-16 / 01-SEP-17
School Teaching & Learning Committee member 01-SEP-12 / 01-SEP-14
Statutory Committee on Archaeology of the Heritage Council committee member 01-MAR-11 / 01-SEP-20
Committee for Archaeology of the Royal Irish Academy committee member 01-JAN-08 / 01-JAN-14


  Employer Position From / To
University of Galway Head of Archaeology 01-SEP-23 / 01-SEP-24
University of Galway Head of Archaeology 01-SEP-20 / 01-SEP-21
University of Galway Head of Archaeology 01-SEP-09 / 01-OCT-10
University of Galway Lecturer 01-SEP-00 /
County Clare Museum Archaeological consultant for museum set-up 01-MAR-99 / 01-MAY-00
Burren Archaeology Research Founder & Director 01-JAN-97 / 01-JAN-00
Archaeological Resource Managment Corp., California Field Director 01-JAN-89 / 01-JAN-93
Archaeological Resource Management Corp., California excavation crew emmber 01-JAN-86 / 01-JAN-89


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1997 University of Cambridge PhD Archaeology
1992 California State University Long Beach Masters Anthropology/Archaeology
1986 California State University Long Beach Bachelor of Arts Anthropology/Archaeology


  Client Description
Archaeological Management Solutions / Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Engaged by Archaeological Management Solutions to provide an academic review of forthcoming Transport Infrastructure Ireland book on recent archaeological discoveries along the route of the N5.
Shannon Aviation Museum
Member, Board of Directors
National Roads Authority
Wrote two chapters placing the archaeology of the M18 & N85 (Co. Clare) motorway in its wider context in the volume 'Beneath the Banner - Archaeology of the M18 Ennis Bypass and N85 Western Relief Road, Co. Clare'.
Discovery Programme
Edited the large, two-volume monograph on the Discovery Programme excavations at Dún Aonghasa and Dún Eoghanachta on the Aran Islands.
County Clare Museum
Consultant archaeologist for set-up of new museum.

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Policy Development Discovery Programme ¿ Workshop member. Development of a strategic archaeological research framework for Ireland (Feb 2024). 01-FEB-24 /
Outreach Burren Ecotourism Network (March 2023) - narrated a video on Poulnabrone dolmen. 01-MAR-23 /
Outreach Burren - Heart of Stone' RTE documentary (Aug 2022) - archaeological consultant and on-screen expert. Estimated 200 million viewers in USA. 01-AUG-22 /
Outreach Lecture to Sligo Field Club (May 2022) 01-MAY-22 /
Outreach Public lecture Feb 7, 2019. Part of the `Natural and Human Heritages Spring Lecture Series¿ put on by the School of Geography and Archaeology NUIG 07-FEB-19 /
Outreach Interviewed for `Analysis of DNA from human remains is beginning to unravel some of the mysteries of the past¿ Irish Times article, Sep 27, 2018. 27-SEP-18 /
Outreach Public lecture in Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare, July 2017. Part of the 2017 Summer Archaeology Lecture Series put on by the IFPA & NUIG 01-JUL-17 /
Outreach Jan 2017 - public talk - 'Climate change, prehistoric farming, soil loss and the development of a karst landscape in western Ireland' as part of the Natural & Human Heritages Lecture Series 01-JAN-17 /
Outreach May 2016 - Field tour for University of Illinois geology students 01-MAY-16 /
Outreach April 2016 Field Tour for visiting delegates of Conference of Italian Archaeology 01-APR-16 /
Outreach July 2015 public lecture - 'Regional Traditions and Distant Events in the 4th millennium BC – Parknabinnia (Kilinaboy) and other atypical court tombs in North Munster' 01-JUL-15 /
Outreach March 2014 talk - 'Why build a wedge tomb here?' Part of Natural and Human Heritages public lecture series 01-MAR-14 /
Outreach School talks 01-NOV-01 / 08-NOV-13
Outreach Local Society lectures 01-NOV-01 / 08-NOV-13
Board Membership Burrenbeo Trust 01-NOV-08 / 08-NOV-13
Consultancy (Pro-bono) Doolin Heritage Committee 01-JUN-12 / 30-JUN-12
Research (e.g. Community based research) Burren Passport 01-JAN-09 / 31-DEC-09
Outreach Burren Landscape and Settlement Conference 01-DEC-08 / 31-DEC-08
Outreach Burren Life Project 01-OCT-07 / 31-OCT-07
Research (e.g. Community based research) Community Excavation 01-JUL-06 / 31-JUL-06
Outreach ACCESS School Groups 01-JUN-04 / 01-SEP-04

Other Activities


Occasional anonymous referee for: Cambridge Univ Press, Proc of the Royal Irish Acad, Jrnl of Irish Arch, Jrnl of the Royal Soc of Antiquaries of Ireland, Archaeopress, Sidestone Press, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Prehistoires Mediterraneennes, Jrnl of the North Atlantic.

Archaeology 2025 – participated in round table discussions regarding this national-level strategy document in Galway in February 2016 and Dublin in April 2016. In Dublin, I represented the Irish Humanities Alliance as well as NUIG.

National Geographic Society – Sept 2015 - grant application assessor.

Teaching Interests

1. Teaching Philosophy

Archaeology occupies a unique position, straddling the humanities and the sciences and allowing us to gaze back into the deep history of ourselves and our societies. These aspects, combined with a fascinatingly diverse and ever-expanding data set make archaeology an ideal vehicle to engage students in order to teach interpretive, analytical, and communication skills that will allow them to lead more thoughtful, and therefore more satisfying and useful, lives whatever path they choose. Currently, as there is a high demand in the heritage industry for archaeology graduates, I am also ensuring that Galway graduates are are well prepared to enter this field immediately after graduation. 

As a teacher my first and foremost goal has always been to provide students with the skills to think and reason for themselves. I am a firm believer in teaching archaeology at the undergraduate level as a Liberal Arts subject. Whether students pursue a career in archaeology or in another field, I want them to be able to analyze arguments, think critically, and express informed opinions clearly. I strive to make my students understand the differences between the data, the analytical methods, and the different theoretical frameworks that are used to interpret the data. My goal is to provide all my undergraduates with valuable and flexible intellectual skills that will enable them to lead fulfilling lives, become good citizens, and adapt to changing social and economic conditions.

With my post-graduate students, I continue to promote the honing of the skills first encountered as undergraduates but I add to that several new aspects:
  • An emphasis on mastering the particularities of the archaeological data.
  • A clear understanding of the structural components of an argument. ·       
  • A focus on writing clear and logical prose. ·       
  • Experience of giving and taking constructive criticism in a peer review setting. ·       
  • Experience of communicating orally in a variety of contexts including undergraduate teaching, department seminars, and international conferences. ·       
  • An emphasis on publication.

2. Summary of Teaching Experience and Responsibilities

I have taught 1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses, diplomas, summer school, and MAs. I have supervised MAs, MLitts, and PhDs. I have used lectures, small group discussion and workshop teaching, practical demonstrations in the field and in the classroom, directed research, and field classes tied to lecture/discussion topics.

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2025 Kathryn Lavender-Duncan Masters Degree (M.Litt.) Y
2024 Marcus Byrne Masters Degree (M.Litt.) Y
2022 Joseph Normandy Masters Y
2022 Cameron Feiler Masters Y
2021 Stephen Conneely Masters Y
2021 Emmanuel Hernandez Masters Y
2021 Logan O'Brien Masters Y
2019 Daisy Spencer PhD Y
2019 Tony Galvin Masters Y
2016 Kiaran Moylan Masters Y
2016 Thor McVeigh PhD Y
2016 Deanna Bailey Masters Y
2015 Kate Crossan Master of Arts Y
2014 Katherine Leonard PhD Y
2014 Ros Ó Maoldúin PhD Y
2014 Phyllis Mercer PhD Y
2014 Marcus Byrne Masters Y
2013 Oleg Kelly Masters Y
2012 Lindsay Hollingsworth Masters Y
2010 Lynda McCormack Masters Y
2010 Cian Scollard Masters Y
2009 Ciara Long Masters Y
2009 Amy McDonnell-Dowling Masters Y
2009 Olive Carey Masters Degree (M.Litt.) Y
2009 Clare Hennigar Masters Degree (M.Litt.) Y
2007 Patrick Walsh Masters Y
2007 Karen Kelly Masters Y
2005 Edel Greene Masters Y

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2BA Ancient Civilizations - The Rise of Complex Societies AR334 Introduces students to the practice of employing an interpretive framework to analyse a set of data.
1BA Sites & Monuments in the Landscape AR1106
2BA Archaeology in Practice AR245 This course incorporates a practical element.
3BA Metal, Warfare, & Chiefdoms - the Bronze Age Roots of European Civilization AR3100 In addition to the content, this course teaches critical analysis and model-testing skills.

Internal Collaborators

  Name Description of Collaboration
Dr. Karen Molloy
Dr. Aaron Potito
People, land-use, and time – Linking multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental evidence to the Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological record of the Burren and central Clare, western Ireland. This PhD research conducted by Daisy Spencer (IRC scholar) was co-supervised by myself (lead supervisor - archaeology) and Aaron Potito (Geography - chironomid analysis) and also involved Karen Molloy (Geography - pollen analysis). All researchers are collaborating within the structure of the Paleoenvironmental Research Unit, University of Galway.

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Dr. Rick Schulting University of Oxford ENGLAND
Isotope study of human bones from the Parknabinnia atypical court tomb.
Nadine Mattielli G-Time Laboratory, Université Libre de Bruxelles BELGIUM
isotope analysis
Steven Goderis Dept. of Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel BELGIUM
isotope analysis
Daniel Bradley Smurfit Institute of Genetics, Trinity College Dublin IRELAND
Ancient DNA analysis
Antoine Zazzo Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités FRANCE
isotope analysis
Philippe Claeys Dept. of Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel BELGIUM
isotope analysis
Julia Lee-Thorp Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford UNITED KINGDOM
isotope analysis
Lara Cassidy Smurfit Institute of Genetics, Trinity College Dublin IRELAND
Ancient DNA analysis
Matthieu Lebon Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités FRANCE
isotope analysis
Dr. Christophe Snoeck Vrije Universiteit Brussel BELGIUM
Isotope study of human remains from the Parknabinnia atypical court tomb.
Dr. Fiona Beglane Sligo IT IRELAND
Implications of Neolithic hare bone deposition in the Parknabinnia atypical court tomb.