Dr Helen Casey


Contact Details

Lecturer Above the Bar
E: helen.casey@universityofgalway.ie
Lecturer Above The Bar
UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre (CFRC)
Lifecourse and Society Building (ILAS)
North Campus, University of Galway
Dangan, Galway City
E: helen.casey@universityofgalway.ie


Dr Helen Casey is an academic with twenty seven years experience in promoting participation in higher education among under represented community members. She is a lecturer in the School of Political Science and Sociology and joint academic director of an array of accredited level 7 and level 8 programmes in community development, youth studies and family support. Dr Casey has extensive experience of collaboration and engagement with education providers, policy makers and community partners having steered a series of EU and National Funded programmes to extend and promote entry and retention routes into formal education.
Helens PhD research focused on mapping the Transformative Learning Experiences of part time learner graduates. Dr Casey has worked on developing and leading outreach models of community education with colleagues in University of Missouri, USA, Pristhina, Kosovo and across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. In 2020, she was appointed to the University Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Structure to review and consider its development strategy in the university in response to the National Recognition of Prior Learning Developments. Helen was an academic leader of the community partnership team awarded the National Aontas Star Award for Third Level Access and Engagement project 'Power in Participation' in February 2021. Dr Casey has played an active role on the University of Sanctuary Committee since its inception and was an academic leader on the University of Sanctuary summer programme `Sanctuary in Politics' for Travellers, International applicants and Refugees in 2018. In 2022, Helen was a co-recipient of the University of Galway inaugural Michael McDonagh Award for Irish Traveller Ally Excellence and Leadership. Dr Casey was invited in 2023 to be a member of the newly formed College of Arts and Social Science Undergraduate Student Retention and Engagement Committee based on her experience developing models of engagement and learner-centred practice in the University. She is also an active member of diverse national and regional committees promoting and advocating for underrepresented communities and vulnerable adults which aligns to her community development ethos and approach. 

Research Interests

Models of Best Practice in Community Development; Andragogy and Impact; Reflective Practice in Community, Youth and Family Studies; Research Methodologies; Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Education; Effects of Social Stratification in Higher Education; Higher Education  Participation and Retention Interventions; Higher Education Engagement Policies and Practices

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Community Education Outreach 01-JAN-22
Community Education Outreach NI 01-SEP-20
Irish Aid Project in Kosovo 01-SEP-06 01-SEP-08
Developing Digital Democracy 01-SEP-02 01-JUL-03

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2022 Michael McDonagh Traveller Ally and Excellence University of Galway
2021 Aurora Higher Education Women in Leadership HE ADVANCE
2021 National Aontas Star Societal Impact Award AONTAS
2019 PhD in Political Science and Sociology NUIGalway
1997 MA in Community Development NUI

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Advance HE support, training and network 01-SEP-20 /


  Committee Function From / To
Advisory Group- Brothers of Charity Member /
Dept of DRCD- Cross Sectoral Group joint national academic representative /
RPL University Committee College of Arts Rep /
University of Galway Scholarship Panel Assessor of Applications /
College of Arts Student Engagement and Retention Committee Member /
University of Sanctuary Steering Committee Member /


  Employer Position From / To
University of Galway Community Education Officer 01-SEP-97 /
University of Galway Lecturer 01-FEB-18 /


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1994 University of Galway BA Degree Politics/ Sociology and French
2001 University of Galway Diploma in Irish( Dioploma sa Gaeilge) Irish language
1997 University of Galway MA in Community Development Sociology/ Politics/ Community Work
1995 GMIT GALWAY Certificate in Personnel Management HR and Management Skills
2019 University of Galway PhD Sociology and Politics/ Community and Higher Education



Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Outreach Community Development Programme Design and Delivery 01-SEP-97 /
Advocacy Learner Engagement and Participation Activism 01-SEP-07 /
Teaching (e.g. Service learning / comunity based learning) Kosovo Irish Aid Project 01-SEP-06 /
Board Membership DCRD Cross Sectoral Group 01-SEP-20 /

Teaching Interests

Models of Best Practice in Community Development; Andragogy and Impact; Reflective Practice in Community, Youth and Family Studies; Research Methodologies; Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Education; Effects of Social Stratification in Higher Education; Higher Education  Participation and Retention Interventions; Higher Education Engagement Policies and Practices

Academic Director of the following School of Political Science and Sociology programmes:
   BCYF:   Community, Youth & Family Studies (Part-time Degree)

Certificate/ Diploma:    Community Development Practice (Cert./Diploma)

Diploma:  Diploma in Youth and Community Development Practice

Certificate:  Youth Work Practice (Certificate)

BYF:   Child, Youth and Family (Full-time Degree)

Current Postgraduate Students (Taught)

  Name Degree Primary Supervisor
Ogunbayo, Gbemisola MA in Social Work Y
Aileen O Flaherty MA in Family Support Studies Y
Siobhan Breslin MA in Social Work Y

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2007 Helena Browne MASTERS DEGREE (LEVEL 9) Y
2019 Rachael McGovern MA in Family Support Studies Y

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2024-2025 Research Methodologies in the Social Sciences SP191
2024-2025 Community Development SP1122
2024-2025 Critical Thinking in the Modern State SP2121
2024-2025 Independent Research Project 3 SP192
2024-2025 Social Research Skills SP125
2024-2025 Understanding Communities SP127
2020-2021 Politics and Policy Making SP136
2024-2025 Social Research Skills SP1113
2024-2025 Research Proposal SP2102 5 ects
2020-2021 Communities in Focus SP242
2020-2021 Introduction to Learning SP1105
2024-2025 Independent Research Project SP162 15 ects module
2020-2021 Literature Review SP1109

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Community Education Initiative Galway Traveller Movement and Community Action Network IRELAND
Community Development Outreach Project Rural Community Network Northern Ireland IRELAND