New Green Deal for Europe H2020 project Awarded to Geography

Jun 01 2021 Posted: 12:40 IST
Prof Frances Fahy has just been awarded a 5-year H2020 project under the New Green Deal for Europe Call. The Social sciences & Humanities for Achieving a Responsible, Equitable and Desirable GREEN DEAL (SHARED GREEN DEAL) project brings together 22 leading organisations from across the EU including 9 universities, 2 research institutions, 8 network organisations and 2 SMEs. The network partners cover core elements on the European Green Deal cross cutting priorities such as civil society, democracy, gender, energy, environment, circular economy and innovation. NUIG is leading the work programme on 'clean energy' specifically, working with local authorities across Europe to explore and develop community visions of successful and just energy transitions. The project aims to share actions, understandings, evidence, insights, responsibilities and benefits across stakeholders including policymakers and civil society. Issues of inclusivity and diversity are at the heart of the project to particularly account for disadvantaged and vulnerable social groups. This 5 million Euro project is the 4th European project that Frances has been awarded this academic year. 

Discipline of Geography
