RURALIZATION project kick-off meeting held in Barcelona

May 27 2019 Posted: 14:45 IST
The Rural Research Cluster at the Discipline of Geography are delighted to be part the new 4 year RURALIZATION project. The research team are Dr. Maura Farrell (Principal Investigator), Dr. Aisling Murtagh (Post-Doctoral Researcher), Dr. Marie Mahon, Dr. Therese Conway, Dr. John McDonagh and Dr. Shane Conway.   The project started on May 1st and the kick-off meeting was held on May 15th and 16th in Barcelona. The project develops knowledge and supports policy making focused on access to land, youth visions for rural futures, newcomers to rural areas and new entrants to farming.   Follow RURALIZATION on Twitter @Ruralization_EU and more information is available via the CORDIS Fact Sheet

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