Energy Demand Challenges in Europe: Implication for policy, planning & practice

Jun 11 2019 Posted: 09:54 IST
A new book 'Energy Demand Challenges in Europe: Implication for policy, planning and practice', co-edited by Dr Frances Fahy and Dr Gary Goggins, has just been published by Palgrave MacMillan as part of the Palgrave Pivot series. This open access book examines the role of citizens in sustainable energy transitions across Europe. It explores energy problem framing, policy approaches and practical responses to the challenge of securing clean, affordable and sustainable energy for all citizens, focusing on households as the main unit of analysis. The book revolves around ten contributions that each summarise national trends, socio-material characteristics, and policy responses to contemporary energy issues affecting householders in different countries, and provides good practice examples for designing and implementing sustainable energy initiatives. Overall, the book is a valuable resource for researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and others interested in sustainable energy perspectives. The book is a key output from the H2020 ENERGISE project (GA number 727642) and is free to download.

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