When Ideology Trumps Science

Jul 03 2018 Posted: 10:17 IST
Congrats to Prof Erika Wolters (NUIG Moore Visiting Researcher) on the recent publication of When Ideology Trumps Science: Why We Question the Experts on Everything from Climate Change to Vaccinations. The book examines how proponents of scientific findings and the scientists responsible for conducting and communicating the applicable research to decision makers are encountering direct challenges to scientific consensus. Using examples from high-stakes policy debates centered on hot-button controversies such as climate change, GMO foods, immunization, stem cell research, abstinence-only education, and birth control, authors Wolters and Steel document how the contested nature of contemporary perspectives on science leads to the possibility that policymakers will not take science into account when making decisions that affect the general population. In addition, the book identifies ways in which liberals and conservatives have both contested issues of science when consensus diverges from their ideological positions and values. It is a compelling must-read for public policy students and practitioners.

Dr Frances Fahy, Discipline of Geography

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