Theatrical Film

The theatrical film is an adaptation of the Active* Consent Programme’s acclaimed play for college audiences, The Kinds of Sex You Might Have in College which toured Irish colleges in 2019-2020It is available as a full-length cut for secondary school and third-level audiences or to be viewed as stand-alone scenes.    

The theatrical film introduces audiences to Active* Consent’s core messages through a range of sketches that dramatize what we think we know about consent, how we learn about consent, and what can change for ourselves and our partners when we consciously practice active, positive consent.   

Tackling experiences from across all genders, all relationships and all sexualities (or as many of them as we could fit into one hour), The theatrical film combines humour, satire and drama to share diverse experiences. This theatrical filmalso pushes audience members to take mutual responsibility for our shared culture around consent and sexuality- whether or not we are even sexually active ourselves.    

Tackling the light and the dark, this  is ultimately a play about what you want, how you want it, if you want it and what happens when you don’t.  

We recommend using this film as an educational resource in your class or student group/society followed by supported discussion and reflection. This can be facilitated by a member of our team or by yourself with the support of our study guide.  

We ideally recommend that you introduce this film as a follow-on to engaging with other Active* Consent resources (workshop, eLearning modules) or those of other colleagues in the sexual education and wellness field.  However, this theatrical film can also be introduced as a stand-alone resource.   
You can also engage with individual scenes as a prompt to further discussion or engagement in your group. 

To add your name or institution onto our mailing list for updates on the film, please contact us at 

The Kinds of Sex you Might have at College tour poster

