Petronel Bigioi

Chief Technology Officer, Xperi

EAB - PBPetronel is Xperi’s chief technology officer. Based in Ireland, he is responsible for leading the engineering teams focused on developing image processing and audio solutions for the home, automotive and mobile markets.

Petronel has more than 250 granted and published patents to date. He is an IEEE fellow with more than 25 years of experience in DSC and mobile phone industries, working in both signal processing and connectivity. His work has been recognized by the Romanian Academy of Science’s Gheorghe Cartianu Award.

A co-founder of several successful companies including FotoNation, acquired in 2008 by Xperi, he is a pioneer of digital camera connectivity and a co-author of PTP and PTP-over-IP communication standards.

Petronel obtained his Ph.D. in electronics, master’s degree in ASIC design and bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from Transilvania University in Brasov. Petronel also holds a master’s degree in networks and communications from University of Galway.