Public Advisory Panel

PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway aims to bring about a culture change in health and social care research so that those that are most likely to be impacted by the results of research will be involved in, and shape, all stages of that research.  We set up a Public Advisory Panel (PAP) to be involved in, and shape the work of,  the PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway programme.  

PPI Objectives

That the members of the PAP will:

  • Learn about PPI and gain some practical experience of PPI activities
  • Bring a public perspective to the PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway programme, advising the programme team on the programme of work
  • Decide how best the PAP will contribute to the programme steering committee 
  • Contribute to development and delivery of PPI training to researchers and members of the public and to other PPI activities (on an optional basis)

Who Is Involved?

Group Photo

The photo says it all! We looked for a mixture of gender, age, ethnicity and living in both urban and rural areas. We looked for some specific experience, for example, experience of being a participant in a clinical trial, senior management and/or board room experience in business, experience of living with a chronic condition, etc. We drew on existing community contacts, referrals from colleagues and from other PPI contributors in University of Galway,  and referrals from people in the personal networks of the programme team. We had 100% uptake from our referrals - nobody said no! 

Progress to Date 

The PAP is a most eclectic, dynamic group of people, who are making a strong contribution to the PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway programme. Meeting approximately every two months in Croi House, our meetings typically cover a question of relevance to the PPI Ignite programme and a research study that requires public input. Some examples of the contribution and impact of the PAP to date include: 

On an ongoing basis, group members:

  • Bring a public perspective to the steering committee meetings of the PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway programme 
  • Act as PPI ambassadors in their own professional and personal circles 
  • Co-facilitate PPI education and training events for researchers 

More Information

Contact Martha Killilea at